#team axl
soft5ku11 · 3 months
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Decided to remaster the finale from my Guzma WG drive. Hoping this communicates a little better than the OG one...
The improvement from october to now is kinda insane. I had only just started on my journey to improve my shading when I posted the original, and now I'm not as scared of adding shadows as I used to be :) Note to artists: the shading assist in CSP is crap.
Alt with a slight 5 o'clock shadow on Guzma will be on my website along with this drawing cause its not really a big enough change to warrant posting it on here.
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 month
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What Slayer and Axl Low from Guilty Gear have in Common...
(not funny i know...)
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lesbiangiratina · 3 months
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Funny as hell. Yeah theyre doing great
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chickenburgergmod · 6 months
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he would never charge dust on round start
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joybeantown · 6 months
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Doodles lately and silly axls
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frailgun · 1 year
love how daisuke just assumed axl rose and guns and roses were british and didn't bother to check. like who cares lol. king
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valentinecult · 2 years
Axl Low: “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!”
I-No: “.......”
Asuka: “Ummm.”
Raven: “...hmmm.”
Nagoriyuki: *meditates*
Happy Chaos: *CLAP CLAP CLAP* :D
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shield-o-futuro · 11 months
SPOTTED: Fontes afirmam que o futuro rei de Asgard é um grande bebê chorão e nem é o primeiro digno ao trono, o que será que vem na próxima? Irá perder o trono ao primo? Thor finalmente será destronado? Fiquem ligados para mais, XOXO GG
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Jack: Fontes que você tirou da sua b....
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Mason: Calma, cara, deixa que a gente resolve. Colega, agora você passou do ponto, e passou muito. Tava tudo muito divertido até botarem o Luthor no meio.
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Megan: Tem noção do que você acabou de dizer?!
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Axl: Acho que você veio mexer com as pessoas erradas. Estou disposto a te dar o benéfico da duvida e dizer que você está se referindo ao Sloan e não ao Luthor. Mas até ai, o Sloan não tem direito algum ao trono e nem tem vontade de assumir ele. É bom eu não ouvir mais vocês falando mal do Connor, ou vão me deixar sinceramente irritado e vocês não querem me ver irritado.
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Logan: Mais um processo pra você. Você vai ouvir dos meus advogados em breve.
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talietikasero · 1 year
what i did at work today was
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blue-rphub · 1 year
Yo, what’s the Steel Ball Run AU like? I’m interested in learning about it, if ya don’t mind?
Also, hi! Hope you’re having a good day today! ^///^
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THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST!!! i hope ur having a good day too coin<3 ily mwah!
so most of the AU has been primarily set on twitter (my twt RP accounts are SCARY_MONSTERZ (diego & dio) / DlRTY_DEEDS (valentine) / TOTHESKIIES (shikari, they're an OC)!!), but their accounts have been recently transferred here to set up a sort of a parallel timeline of events!! but ALL information here rings true for BOTH timelines.
i'm writing from late-SBR into post-canon on tumblr, but obviously, if anyone wants to write pre-SBR / early/mid-SBR, i'm always down lol.
anyway actual au info (please note there will be some spoilers!!! also under readmore bcuz this is wordy. i'll be speaking exclusively for the main cast as well as the characters i personally write here.)
ITS SET (mostly) POST-CANON WHERE EVERYONE LIVES-- yes, EVERYONE. none of the main OR side cast have died, however some have retained injuries that still very much effect them in post-canon.
Diego Brando (the original) was the winner of the Steel Ball Run race, and has obtained Manhattan Island as its mayor. consider him the sort of 'main character', as i mostly wrote this AU based HEAVILY around Diego's antics-- he was my first SBR muse!
Valentine is still President, and his wife, Scarlet, has a Stand in this AU. Her Stand is known as Love At First Feel, named after an AC/DC song. her Stand ability allows her intangability, which essentially grants her invulnerability to many attacks (including D4C & The World to an extent! however, she's very unsure how to use it at the moment; its primarily used for its defensive capability).
Also... Lucy Steel has a Stand. the exact details are a little "???" to me atm, but another Lucy writer on Twitter had her Stand basically allow her to turn her own body fluids into objects (somewhat seen in canon iirc, also forgot the handle of said Lucy</3). but the Lucy Steel in this AU, can see and interact with Stands
Johnny, Gyro, H.P, & Diego are friends!!! they were initially forced to work together after the train almost killed Diego, & they worked as a team to attempt to kill Valentine. however, immediately after the race ended, Johnny, Gyro, and H.P returned to Italy. Diego chose not to join them due to his injuries, fearing he may not survive the journey bcuz of them.
Alternate world Diego (known exclusively as Dio in this AU) is also still here. He was tasked with securing the Holy Corpse, but got ahead of himself and chose to attack Johnny whilst they were nearing the end of the race. he ended up losing his leg during this battle (as seen in canon!), and technically didn't finish first as he never crossed the finish line, choosing to take a different route to ensure the Corpse was secured.
as for where Dio's story goes after that, he does continue to work with Valentine for a short while, before he gets written off when Diego is offered his placement as Mayor. said Mayorship is only offered bcuz Valentine very much wants Dio & Diego to try and kill eachother, so neither of them will get in his way again.
and of course, at first, Dio & Diego were very much enemies. but as written on twitter, Dio eventually becomes one of the guardsmen for Diego, & works as a sort of personal hitman. he also takes over as Mayor whenever Diego is unavailable, as most won't know their visual differences.
also my SBR OC does play a role within the early-story & post-canon; Shikari is Valentine's Head of Defense. they are beneath Blackmore- as Blackmore is Valentine's second in command- but they act as a sort of standby whenever Blackmore goes down.
whilst Shikari is indifferent to Diego, they do have a strange fondness for Dio. its thought they sympathise for him; after he recovered from his leg injury & did some work for Valentine before he was fired, they worked together extensively. he was mostly placed with them due to Shikari's very reserved nature & patience.
also Shikari is very aware that Valentine views them as disposable. but due to the nature of their Stand, Take To The Skies, which is an object based stand taking the form of a cape, it does allow D4C to quickly 'generate' another Valentine from them in emergencies.
Additionally, Valentine is EXTREMELY cunning and evil in this AU. moreso than canon. with the Holy Corpse secured, he very much views other human life as entirely disposable, even those who work closely to him. he is REAL fucked up.
thats the majority of it! but yeah idk how many SBR fans i got followin me but this AU is very open to more people joining LMAO rn its just me and @/civillwars (amlite<3) over here!!! more of my SBR AU stuff is on twitter but i havent written there for a while but i do plan on gettin back over there for some stuff.
BUT YEAH any lingering questions... abt any characters or events... i probably have considered it & written it down. most characters have gotten the "they were injured but not killed" treatment, which will effect them in this post-canon AU.
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axmag · 1 year
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At Your Service
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Summary: As a trainee mechanic, you apply for an apprenticeship at Stark Automotives on a whim. What you don't expect is for Tony Stark to reply personally with an offer to train you, and if that wasn't enough, a certain redhead also takes an interest in your sessions.
Word Count: 2303
Pairing: (Mentor/Mentee relationship for both) Natasha Romanoff & Reader; Tony Stark & Reader
Warning: None :)
A/N: Thanks for the response to my last fic, all the comments and reblogs kept me writing even with all my deadlines, and Mechanic!R was the clear winner of the last poll, so here you all go! Enjoy :)
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You rested centimetres from the cold floor with the sight of oil-covered gears, shafts, and pipes overtaking your vision as you rolled under the automotive.
"Does the axle cover come off?" you said after a short inspection.
"Yeah, those two hex screws, I'll get you the tool. You've worked out the issue?"
"It's meant to be 4-wheel drive and only the front wheels are moving; I'd guess a problem with the connector shaft meeting the rear axle."
"You'd guess or you'd know?"
"I can't know anything 'til the cover's off and I can see inside."
"Good answer," Tony replied. "Hand out."
As instructed, you stretched your arm until your fingers just about reached out from under the car chassis, where a tool handle was placed in your palm.
"One 5/8 hex screwdriver, that's the one you'll need."
"The screws are imperial?"
"'Course, kid, we're in America."
"Yeah, but you sell these cars globally; I just assumed-"
"Dear old dad set up factories all over the globe – allows for some regional differences in the schematics, then each production line just does its own thing. It's easiest for everyone."
You hummed your acceptance of his method, then started to undo the screws, until a light rock to the car paused you. The movement stopped, so you assumed it was just Tony leaning on the car and you moved to continue your work, until the hum of a motorbike -- the sound of which you'd previously ignored -- grew even louder. You jolted when the bike pulled into the garage, causing you to smack your head against the car's underbody and let out a low groan.
"Watch yourself, kid; are you alright under there?" Tony said from above. At your murmur that you were fine, he continued, "roll yourself out, there's someone for you to meet."
"Why's there someone under your car, Tony?" came a woman's voice -- the person to meet, you assumed -- "can't get under the car like the old days, hm?"
When you emerged, the bright light of the outside world temporarily blinded you; you could make out Tony's figure, and as your vision returned, you saw the newcomer's back was turned to you, so only an orange plait could be seen from under her bike helmet.
"Very funny," Tony scoffed, continuing the conversation before he pointed at you. The woman turned and you only just managed to stifle a gasp when you recognised her face. "This is an apprentice, wrote to me a couple months back asking to learn about Stark Automotives, so I've been training them since. Y/N, this is Nat. Nat, Y/N."
From the moment Tony suggested training you here, in the garage of the Avengers Compound, you knew there would be a chance of running into the rest of the team you'd spent your childhood idolising. But truthfully, you were too starstruck that Tony Stark himself had offered to train you to truly believe that moment of meeting the other Avengers would ever come.
Now here you were, facing the Natasha Romanoff, looking effortlessly cool with her white vest, jeans, and leather biker jacket...while you laid on the floor in a Stark branded boiler suit and a definite grease mark where you’d hit your head. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment when you realised that the Black Widow's first perception of you was seeing you smack into an object directly in front of your face. You only hoped the blush didn't show when you finally met her eyes.
"Good to meet you," she said cooly, holding her hand out, but her eyes tracked up and down as if sizing you up.
You took her hand instantly, about to ramble through an introduction before a slight gasp from her shook you back to attention. Your eyes snapped down to where your hands met, and you realised then that you still wore your gloves, coated with oil from working on the vehicle, and now you've smeared it all over her uncovered hand. You instantly broke away -- apologising profusely -- and grabbed sheet after sheet of blue paper roll, offering it to her to help clean her hand.
"I'm so sorry," you repeated again, but she shook her head and smiled at you.
"I've had much worse meetings. I'll happily take a little bit of grease over being shot at."
"Hey, kid," Tony began. Both your head and Natasha's snap in his direction; you'd honestly forgotten he was still there. "Not to interrupt, but have you ever worked on a motorbike? I made a few modifications to Nat's, and now that she's so kindly brought it to us I can show you how they work."
"Do not lay a finger on my bike, Stark," Natasha growled in a tone that reassured you that if she had actually been angry at the grease before, you would have known.
"I won't," Tony scoffed with a roll of his eyes, "...Y/N will."
You gulped, eyes darting between the two Avengers as you were drawn into the fold. "Me? Tony I'm not sure that's-"
"It's essential learning. We don't just make fancy cars so you have to learn it all. Nat, you wouldn't deprive Y/N of this learning, would you?"
Natasha groaned, but eventually relented, crossing her arms and perching on the counter by the wall. "Okay, but I'm not leaving you alone with it. And Y/N?"
You looked up, fear probably showing on your face. Natasha smiled in return, and allowed you to see a glint of mischief in her eye, "give me a running commentary of what you do. I trust your honesty more than Stark's." She smirked at the last part, rolling her eyes as she pointed to Tony behind his back, an action for you and you alone to see. Something about it put you at ease, so you nodded, smiled back, then got to work, spending the rest of the session under the assassin's watchful eye.
»»————- ★ ————-««
You watched the phone in your hand, hoping and waiting for those three little dots. Tony Stark was not a man famously known for his punctuality, but he’d been early to every lesson so far and now, ten minutes after you were due to meet, you’re starting to worry.
The worry wasn’t the lesson being cancelled so much as the worry that one of the other Avengers would walk in and accuse you of trespassing – there were still so many residents you hadn’t met, and without Tony present, you were just a stranger loitering unaccompanied in the Avengers’ garage, surely that looked suspicious. No matter the fact that you were supposed to be there and had gained authorised access with your security card, your anxieties continued to grow and grow.
Your heart rate sped up proportionately to the increasing rumble of an approaching bike. The seconds seemed to elongate when you knew there was no escape to being caught there alone. In the remaining time you had, you pulled your phone back out and, with shaking fingers, messaged Tony one more time – at least then you had proof, you kept your eyes on the device even as you felt the newcomer pull in and dismount from their motorbike.
“Let me guess, Tony didn’t tell you he’s away?” Your head snapped up at the familiar voice, face breaking into a grin as red hair broke free from under the helmet. Natasha had been showing up more and more frequently to your sessions, so her arrival was no surprise, but you were glad to have a friendly figure to justify your presence, lest anyone else appear. Natasha set her headgear to the side and hopped up onto the counter, following her usual routine; you watched her intently until you realised she was watching you too, still waiting for an answer.
"Oh, uh, yeah, no, he didn't- he didn't tell me. He's not coming?"
“He got called on a mission last night. Should be back in a few days, if all goes to plan, but I’ll have a word with him about keeping you informed.”
Her undivided attention unnerved you – Tony had always acted as a buffer before – so you fidgeted, avoided eye contact, and wondered what your next move should be. Thankfully, Natasha answered that last question for you: “It wouldn’t be right to send you home so soon,” she said, “And I am officially a Stark Industries employee still, you know, if you wanted…”
“Yes!” you exclaimed instantly, speaking before you thought. “I mean, yeah, if it’s no trouble. That would be awesome.”
“We both know I’d sit here and watch anyway.” She spoke softly and with a smile that you found yourself drawn to replicate, feeling more at ease in the spy’s presence. “Now then, I know about a lot of things but mechanics is an area where you might already have me beat, so how about something else?”
“Like what?”
“What do you want to know?” she shrugged, “Russian? Latin? Artillery? Archery? Wrestling? Weightlifting?” At your dumbstruck expression, Natasha smiled and realised she would have to make the choice for you, “how about the gym? You can impress Tony with your strength next time he makes you use that scissor jack.”
Your cheeks burn at the memory – neither Natasha nor Tony had said anything at the time, but both of them had needed to jump in and assist when you’d been unable to turn the jack enough for it to actually lift the car and fulfil its purpose. From Natasha’s warm smile, you could tell she still wasn’t mocking you for the incident, but you still nodded quickly and murmured agreement with her plan, before following her through the Compound towards the gym.
“Can I ask why you’re a Stark Industries employee?” you asked on the elevator, as a way to fill the silence and out of curiosity from her earlier words.
She laughed, “It was back in ‘09, we had to get intel on the newly revealed Iron Man, and the man behind the suit-”
“Exactly. So, S.H.I.E.L.D. made some edits to the employee list, added my cover there, and I successfully infiltrated the company for as long as I needed. I only officially revealed myself at the 2010 Stark Expo – do you remember that? – and in all the chaos afterwards, they never officially took me off it.”
“I think I remember seeing it on TV – you were there?”
“I left before the explosions started, but I was around, trying to make sure as few people were in harm’s way as possible-” Natasha cut herself off as the two of you entered a space larger than any lecture hall, fitted with all sorts of workout machines – the majority of which you’d never seen in your life. “Here we are.”
“You use…all of this?”
She nodded, then paused, before pointing to a section in the corner where the machine structures and weights seem almost treble that of the current area. “That section’s for Steve, or Thor if he ever bothered to train. Us regular humans wouldn't move it an inch if we tried to use those machines.”
Natasha smirked and shook her head again, guiding you towards one of the regular machines: a chest pad adjusted to press against your front as you sat on the stool, while Natasha adjusted the weight and pulled the two handles back for you to grab them. With the position set, you looked up to her for advice,
“Pull the handles towards your chest and push them back to neutral, it'll work out your upper arms. That's where a mechanic will need strength the most, so aim for 10 repeats.”
Natasha watched carefully, adjusting your posture where needed, until you completed the set. You broke into a grin at the realisation that you'd managed it, one which Natasha happily replicated as she held her hands up for a high fives. “You'll be a pro in no time,” she promised, “ready to increase the load?”
The rest of the session continued in much the same manner – Natasha introduced you to different bits of equipment and perfected your form until your phone buzzed with a routine alert to mark the end of a session. 
Natasha accompanied you to the door, smiling, receiving, and occasionally rebuking the many thanks you bombarded her with for stepping up. “It was truly my pleasure,” she said at last, “I'll make sure Tony is back next week, but if you want to do this again, you have my number.”
She squeezed your shoulder, turned, and began to walk back inside – all before you came to the realisation: “I don't actually have your number!” you shouted after her. Natasha didn't respond, but when you checked your phone only seconds later, a message had appeared in your notifications.
‘Yes you do :) 
She really was some spy.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Everything changed from then on: you walked in to Tony and Natasha arguing a week later, their sudden pause at your presence a very good indicator that they were discussing you, something they confirmed only moments later.
Next thing you knew, both Tony and Natasha had taken you on as their mentee, a session with each of them once a week, and neither of them wanted you to leave. Your apprenticeship was extended into the next academic year, where you moved even closer to the Avengers Compound to visit them more often, the two Avengers – not to mention the others they'd introduced you to – always making sure you were well cared for whenever you visited. Eventually, Tony even offered you a full-time job post-graduation as the Avengers' official mechanic, and who were you to refuse? You loved the work just as you loved spending time with your mentors, so you could think of no better job in the world.
»»————- ★ ————-««
taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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he-goes-down · 5 months
Hiiiiii!! I was wondering if you’d do a Axl x Reader fic we’re Axl is feeling down so he steals one of the readers plushies and cuddles with it until the reader finds him like that and then makes him feel better somehow then they like have happy, silly sex? Btw love your works sweetheart…💗💗💗
If you cringe from the silly things you have permission to slap me
Pairing: Axl Rose x reader
Human Nature
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Warnings: fluff and smut, unprotected p in v, silly sex
Second person POV:
It had been a few weeks of you working busily, this meant you were in your little study at home 24/7, only coming out to eat and go to the bathroom, occasionally Axl would come in and bring you food and peck on the cheek. You would be so tired after work you’d sleep on the little couch in the room. Which Axl would also walk in and put a blanket over you, kissing your forehead. But then again some days you had interaction with him at all, like from you working as he was out of the house and sleeping when he got home, ect.
Though you hadn’t realised how hard not seeing you was affecting Axl.
He’d walk sometimes throughout the day, when you were on a call with your boss, into the lounge put on your favourite show, hoping you would show up and watch with him, although he did watch the full show anyway and record it for yo. He also walk into the bedroom and lie on your side of the bed, head on your pillow and smelling your scent that meant so much to him and made his heartbeat fast. Sometimes as-well as scrounging through your perfumes, dresses and makeup. Trying to relieve experiences of him watching you as you got dressed for something fancy, but always falling with the makeup and the dresses being a bit too small. Although you and him did have a few times where you put him inna dress and did his makeup. He wanted those times back.
You were finally done with half of your big project and your manager called to say that the rest if the team will do the next bit, meaning you could finally relax. Stretching as you got up from your chair with a big sigh, you head to the door of the study and opened it. Right now you needed a hug and some love. Searching for your boyfriend in the living room, not there, in the kitchen, not there. Heading to your guys bedroom, that you haven’t stepped into in ages. You saw your boyfriend laying on your side of the bed, cuddling one of your favourite stuffed toys. His eyes closed, his face implanted into the back of the plushie. Holding it like how he’d hold you when you slept and cuddled at night. Your heart sank seeing him miss you like this. You went over to the bed side and sat next to him, lightly snoring as you gripped the plushie tighter unconsciously. You began to softly rub his back and call for him. “Axl honey…” you said softly. Squeezing the plushie again as his brows knit, thinking that you were calling him in his dream. “Baby…” he whispered to himself in his sleep. “Ax.” You said shaking him lightly and kissing his cheek. “Hm?” He groaned as his eyes fluttered open. His heart nearly jumping out of his chest when he saw you. Throwing the plushie to god know where. You giggled at his embarrassed state. God you missed this man. He didn’t know what to say for a second but you just kissed him. He kissed back with desperation, taking you by the waist and pulling you to lie next to him. He broke the kiss and just held you close and tight to his chest. His chin placed on the top of your head. Squeezing his eyes shut, as he squeezed you. “I missed you so much.” He spoke and adding a joke saying “ I can’t believe you left me for 3 years to go fight off in the war.” You giggled at his response, he always did that even if you were gone grocery shopping for an hour. “ I missed you too.” You said softly. Both of you missed each others bodies, romantically. Missed cuddling, missed staring into each others eyes, kissing, holding hands. He began to leave pepper kisses all over your face. Making your giggle at the ticklish feeling, you felt his smile against your face as you laughed at his actions. “I missed this pretty face.” He said kissing your forehead. He took your leg making it hook around his waist and bringing you closer to him. If he could he would crawl under your skin and live there forever. He need to be in you.
You felt him becoming hard under you as he thought of another kind of being inside of you. You breathed in as you felt yourself blush and wetness beging to pool down there. He kissed you and then kissed your neck, nibbling on the skin. You laughed again at the ticklish feeling, this time it sending shocks through your body and you began to grind on Axl’s tent. He gasped at the action. Now his hand going to your hip, giving it a squeeze. “What’ you think you doing huh?” He smirked as he gave light chuckle. “Nothing…” you gave an innocent smile, “Mhm.” He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you. Both of you closing your eyes as you faded into the now lustful kiss. Soon you were both undressing each-other. It’s the Axl Rose effect. You in only your under wear and him as-well. He unclasped your bra, breaking off from your kiss and putting your bra on his bare chest. “I think I need a bigger size. Don’t you?” He looked up at you after inspecting your bra. You chuckled, taking the bra from him and throwing it somewhere. He laughed as well and began to kiss you again. Axl’s hand moved from your back where your bra was to your hips and peeling off your panties off your legs. His fingers going back up your legs, his index and middle doing a walking man movement on your skin before he gripped your hips, and his thumb rubbed circles on your clit whilst he grinded his clothed hard dick on your pussy. Your wetness spilling over onto the fabric of his underwear. “Your boxers have a bit of a stain on it, I think you have to take them off.” You said smiling as you kissed each other. “I think so.” He responded and took of his now lightly soak underwear. His dick lightly slapping your wet cunt as it got off it’s restraints. You sighed at it and Axl took the queue to tease his tip on your folds. Purposely missing your soaking cunt as his tip moved up and down your pussy. You whined, wanting him in you already. “Ax, please.” You groaned, your back arching as your body ached for his dick. “Is this what you want?” He queried as his cock slowly entered your tight pussy. Your hands sprung to his back, clawing and scratching as he thrusted into you unprompted. He groaned, his hips bucking into you, “Fuck” his low curse rang through your ear as he thrusted into you more harshly. Making you moan his name, and with that praise he fucked you even harder.
“Axl- fuck-… cum- I’m gonna-“ you moaned loudly, sounding like a broken record as you came over his dick. Mumbling and sighing as he was still driving his dick in and out of you. His thrusts getting more uneven, as your orgasm made your pussy even tighter which made his dick begin to squeeze out an orgasm. “God baby- I’m gonna cum in you.” He groaned and panted lowly before he shot cum into your aching pussy. Sighing as he came down from his high. Pulling out and letting his cum spill out of you and onto the sheets. “Shit. How do we explain that to the dry cleaners.” He joked. Kissing you, always smiling against your lips, just happy to be next to again and joking around.
“Hey we should do this again sometime, give me your number.”
“Sorry, I got a boyfriend, his name is Axl Rose.” You stuck your tongue out at his remark.
Always time for jokes.
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eirianerisdar · 3 months
VCARB reliability and strategy:
Mess up Daniel's front axle so he couldn't brake with pressure in his first stint without the front running away
Let multiple cars undercut both Daniel and Yuki; "Let's try to survive," they say
Put Daniel on an aggressive soft tyre 20+ lap final stint but not swap him fast enough for it to mean anything
Force Yuki to switch with Daniel in the last few laps when Daniel's tyres were finally already going
Bungle the timing of said switch even more so both cars go into dirty track and lose time to Kmag, then promptly lose MORE time to blue flags for Max
Fail to switch back in last two corners when it was plain nothing was going to happen
VCARB do you WANT people to be divided over your team and your drivers to be unhappy with you and each other
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
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Queen of hearts series part 3.1
Tagged- @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @alwayzbeenale @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @clowngirlsstuff @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @formulas-bitch @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
Toto sighed as he unlocked the front door, he wanted to climb into bed with you and stay there until he had to get up. Closing the door Toto walked through the foyer into the living room stopping in his tracks. In Toto’s living room was a sea of F1 drivers.
“What the fuck” Toto says under his breath.
Walking further into the living he sees both of the Ferrari boys who called dibs on the couches. Fernando was sleeping in his recliner. Oscar was sleeping in your comfortable reading chair with his feet propped up on the coffee table. Toto saw Lando in the corner of the living curled up in a ball sleeping on the dog that you bought for Axle that he never used. Pierre and Yuki were sharing an air mattress, Lance had his own sleeping bag. Max and Daniel were both passed out one on the landing of the stairs and the other was sprawled out in the kitchen counter. Toto assumed that Lewis,and George were in the spare guest rooms.
Alex and Logan were sitting up sleeping against the couches that occupied the Ferrari drivers.And in the corner of the room under a pile of blankets was Mick
This is the last time he lets Ruby be in the house on her own. Sitting on a bar stool “How did she lure them all here? I swear they don’t all even like each other but they’re all crammed in here like they can stand being in the same room as each other” Toto says under his breath, leaning forward on his elbows and closing his eyes.
48 hours earlier
“Ruby, are you sure that you would be fine here on your own?” Toto asked as he finished packing his stuff.
“Toto I’ll be fine it’s only a few hours and besides I have Axle and if I get lonely I’ll call Mick and have him keep me company he doesn’t live far away,” you told him smiling.
“You're up to something,” Toto said skeptically, crossing his arms.
“I have no idea what you're on about,” you said, raising your hands in defense.
“Uh hmmm,” Toto said
“I solemnly swear that I’m up to something,” you say. “Scouts honor” you add.
“Ok Ruby,” Toto said, walking over to you.
Toto puts his hands on your hips pulling you into him. “I don’t know what you're planning but be careful,” he said softly.
“I promised” you said sweetly
“You called them didn’t you?” Toto says
“Yeah I did” you admitted
Toto hung his head low, shaking it “just keep the kids out of my closet. Last time they were here lando Mick Logan Liam Oscar and Arthur all decided to dress as me for Halloween”
“I make no promises and if it makes you feel any better Oscar didn’t want to do it”
“Fine I’ll keep the kids out of the bedroom”
“Good,” Toto says, giving you a kiss.
“I’ll see you when you get back?”
“Of course Schatz,” Toto says, grabbing his things and leaving.
30 minutes later
With Toto gone Ruby smiles to herself, she could never be mad at his caring side, and he loved those boys all like they were family.
Her smile turned into an even bigger grin when she remembered how much fun she was about to have with them and how much she missed her boys.
Ruby goes into her home office and types up a quick group chat message
“The Wolff has left the den”
Within a few more minutes, all the drivers are in the house and are all gathered around their beloved team principal.
As Ruby wraps her arms around each driver and gives them a hug, she sees that they all have the same mischievous grin on their faces.
“Who’s ready to party?” You said with a smile.
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mensfactory · 8 months
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Bugatti 'Aerolithe'
Only four Type 57 Atlantic Coupes were ever produced by Bugatti. One of them went to Parisian entrepreneur Jacques Holzshuh, before meeting its end on a railway crossing. Another was delivered new to Baron Victor Rothschild and is owned today by American collector Peter Mullin. A third is currently in the hands of Ralph Lauren, while the fourth? Nobody knows. One of the great mysteries of the car world is the whereabouts of ‘La Voiture Noire’: Jean Bugatti’s very own Type 57 Atlantic.
But the car that previewed the lot of them is the one above. Sort of. It’s a rebodied, restored Bugatti ‘Aerolithe’; a prototype first shown off at the 1935 Paris Motor Show.
A man named David Grainger from The Guild of Automotive Restoration was commissioned to recreate the car that paved the way for the most famous pre-war car ever built. He had the original chassis of the Aerolithe – number 57104 – as well as its original 3.3-litre eight-cylinder engine, and rear axle. But no body.
Indeed, David’s team at The Guild had but 11 photos to work from… and had to adhere to coachbuilding standards of the day. Which means they had to fashion the body from magnesium, which is – by all accounts – incredibly difficult to work with. They spent years riveting and shaping the panels into that simply gorgeous Aerolithe form.
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