#team free will you idjits 67
This Crazy Life - Part 16
DISCLAIMER: This is FICTION, I do not want events from this to happen in Jared and Gen’s lives.
DESCRIPTION: Your life changed the moment Jared Padalecki walked through the doors of your shit job, in your shit town. You helped him as much as you could, becoming extremely close. (Characters, Warnings, etc. will change per part.)
CHARACTERS: Jared Padalecki, Reader
RELATIONSHIP:Jared Padalecki x Reader
Jared Padalecki Masterlist
You ran a hand through your barely damp hair, the other picking at the now cold room service meal you ordered after your shower as NCIS played on your phone. You heard the click of your room door but laid unmoving as Jared walked into your room.
“Y/N?” Concern dripped from his voice as he laid onto the bed next to you, “What’s wrong?”
You pushed your meal away and moved to snuggle into his side. Sighing, you mulled over what to say briefly. “I ran into a fan while trying to get lunch today.”
He rubbed your back and pulled you closer into his side, “And what happened?”
You focused on his hip bone that was peaking between his raised shirt and top of his jeans, not wanting to make any sort of eye contact with him when you told him what had happened today. “Well. She definitely wasn’t happy.” You played with the hem of his shirt as you continued, “She threw my drink on me. Told me I was a whore and the reason you and Gen broke up.”
Jared was silent but tense. You looked up at him, his face stoic and eyes towards the ceiling. You were about to ask if he was okay when he spoke, his expression never wavering, “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you,” you whispered out.
He finally looked towards you, worry in his eyes, “I would have canceled the rest of my day and spent it with you to make sure you were okay rather than have you sit up here by yourself.”
You shook your head, “I was fine Jare. Ju-just shaken up mostly. I knew Jensen would be able to help me but also keep everything under wraps so you both could finish out today. Your fans obviously already hate me enough, that would have pissed them off even more.”
He sat up quickly, the heat of anger pouring off of him. “No, Y/N.” He took a deep breath, visibly trying not to take his frustration out on you, “You are more important to me than any of those fans. I don’t care if they’re pissed off. Who I'm with is none of their business and they shouldn’t take anything out on you.” He shoved his hand into his jeans and fished through his pocket, “Not to mention we aren’t even out publicly considering we just figured this out ourselves last night.” He swiped at his phone once it was free from the denim confines of his jeans.
You stared at him as he typed furiously, “What are you doing?”
“Sending out a tweet.”
You chuckled, “A tweet?”
He looked towards you, “Yes.”
“What is a tweet going to do?”
He set his phone down beside him on the disheveled white comforter, “It will let them know I know what happened.” He sat forward and pulled at your left hand, cupping it between both of his, “They need to know there will be consequences for their actions. You are a part of my life, which makes you a part of the Supernatural family.”
“But a tweet isn’t going to do anything, Jare,” you scoffed out.
“Maybe, maybe not. But I can express my disappointment and threaten to pull away from future conventions if your safety can’t be guaranteed. I would say we’re going to press charges but Jensen already told me you don’t want to do that.” You grumbled, causing Jared to snicker, “He was just concerned. He cares about you just as much as I do.” He ran a hand through his hair, “Either way Y/N,” his hand now cupped your face, “you mean more to me than anything with this show. I need to be able to know you’ll be okay if we’re not together.”
Tears started to prick your eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time for the day, “Jare.”
He shushed you softly and pulled you into his chest. “I-I,” he paused as he rubbed your back, “I love you, Y/N. I can’t lose you.”
You snaked your arms around his toned torso and squeezed before looking into his eyes, currently golden with flecks of green throughout the iris, “I love you too.”
He smiled and then leaned forward, leaving mere millimeters between your lips, giving you the option to turn away once again. You closed the minuscule distance between you. Your lips moved in tandem with each other, soft and slow as yet another new level of your relationship within the last 24 hours washed over you both.
Jared broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours with closed eyes as his hands snaked up your body to rest on your cheeks. His right thumb caressed your cheek as you both sat there in silence. Your breathing almost in sync with one another before he spoke, “Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow will be another long day.”
You nodded, “Definitely not looking forward to a day filled with dirty airports and loud planes.”
He reluctantly pulled away from you and got up, “I’m going to change real quick.” He pointed at you as he walked around the bed and spoke with a mocking serious tone, “You stay put.”
You just shook your head and giggled as he grabbed his pajama bottoms and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You snaked yourself under the comforter and closed your eyes as you waited for your gentle giant to get into bed.
You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were from the emotional toll the day had on you until Jared crawling into bed beside you stirred you awake. “Shh, it’s okay,” he said as he pulled you into his side. He stroked your hair softly before kissing the top of your head and sighed with content, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Jare,” you slurred before you succumbed to a peaceful slumber.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
Hey hun! I love your blog! I was hoping I could be added to the Supernatural list?
@team-free-will-you-idjits-67 Unfortunately, Tumblr won’t let me tag you. If you want, though, you can follow @bambys-library which is where I reblog all my fics :):)
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Happy Birthday Hun! I hope you have a great day. ❤️❤️
Thank you so much!! 💕
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tumbler-tidbits · 3 years
Title: Cobalt
Word Count: 0
Characters: Jensen Ackles
Rating: E for Everyone
Warnings: Nada unless you hate baseball.
Authors Note: I love me some baseball ⚾️
@as-the-saying-goes-bingo square filled: Prompt 15- Caesar's wife must be above suspicion
@spnfluffbingo square filled: Baseball
@spnaubingo square filled: Baseball AU
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Tidbits Taglist: @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants s @pisces-cutie ​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby @evansrogerskitten @missjenniferblog @sculptorofbeginnings​ @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @fandom-princess-forevermore @dawnie1988 @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @adoptdontshoppets @princessmisery666 @spnbaby-67 @foxyjwls007 @cassiopeia-barrow @jesseswartzwelder
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67midnightwriter · 4 years
In The Night
A/N: I haven’t written anything this year, at least nothing I can recall, but I really wanted to have a fic ready for y’all on Halloween. This isn’t that fic. 😂 I wrote this last night in a whirlwind, under the spell of a crisp fall night and the power of a nearly full moon, and I’m not sure where it came from or what it is but I really do love it. It’s not like anything I’ve ever written before, but that’s not a bad thing, right? Thanks to @impala-dreamer for the enthusiastic push to post. Happy Halloween!
Male x Female (literally it could be anyone you want, readers choice)
W/C: 901
He can see her silhouette in the doorway for a moment before it’s swallowed by the shadows, the only light in the room coming from three glowing pumpkins on each nightstand - her touch of festiveness - but it’s enough to quicken his pulse. She’s down to her cowgirl boots, hat, and jean top, the latter barely holding together, and it sends the adrenaline humming through his veins, his cock twitching against his thigh in anticipation. The green and purple glow in the room is supposed to be spooky, but tonight it’s ethereal as she steps into the light, the denim crumpling to the floor breaking the weighted silence.
Her smile is coy, balancing on the edge of a smirk as she climbs into bed. Her fingers lead the way up his body, thumbs rubbing his nipples as she leans in to press a kiss to his clavicle.
“You looked ravishing tonight.” He murmurs, his voice deep with want.
“And you are to die for.”
There’s humor in her eyes and he can’t stop the huff of laughter that spills into the room, or the roll of his eyes as she grins triumphantly up at him. She presses her lips to his, her tongue darting out to brush against his clip on fangs. She talked him into them on their second Halloween together, and the thrill they give her is enough to soften the blow of their hefty price tag. At this point, he considers them an investment rather than a splurge.
“Think you’ve got one more ride in you tonight cowgirl?” He takes her hat (his really, stolen from a set, though he can’t remember which, but it looks better on her regardless) and sends it across the room with a flick of his wrist, and into the world of ‘tomorrow’s problems’.
“Oh, I think I can manage, Sir.” The title causes his cock to twitch again, and he’s sure she can see the adoration in his gaze as she leans in for another kiss. She breaks apart with a true smirk this time, pushing off and swinging her leg over him, settling into the reverse cowgirl position they both love.
She sets a steady rhythm as his hands roam up her body, stopping to cup her breasts and roll her nipples between his fingers, pulling gentle encouragement from her lips. He teases her for a moment before trailing feather light touches down her back, her body leaning forward at his touch as she braces herself on his legs, grinding against him as he grabs her ass and spreads. Her breath hitches as he thumbs around her rim. Within moments she’s cumming with a soft sigh, a content sound, but that’s not what he needs tonight.
In one move he wraps his arm around her and pushes himself up, pulling her to his chest as he plants his feet and begins thrusting up in earnest. He knows the moment the control switches hands, can mark it by the change in the sounds she makes. Her surprised gasp turns into a deep groan at the change in angle, her hands moving to grab his forearm as his hand wraps around her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze before he fists her hair in his other hand, exposing her throat and releasing his hold in favor of trailing his fingers down to her clit.
He sucks open mouthed kisses on her pulse, dragging the fangs across her skin and earning a desperate whimper for his efforts. His other hand tweaks her clit, forcing her to dance the line between pleasure and pain. He can feel her whole body begin to tense, her fingers tightening their hold on his arm as everything builds until she’s a trembling live wire, and for a moment he imagines he can hear her orgasm buzzing through her veins like electricity crackling in the air.
He knows that he’ll bear half moon marks on his arm from her nails for days, but he can’t bring himself to care as she clenches around him, this time cumming with a jerk and a strangled gasp. The way it stutters with every thrust while she’s cumming is his favorite sound, one that he chases until he can’t hold back anymore, cumming himself with a final deep thrust and growl.
They fall back together, both covered in a sheen of sweat and breathing hard, love drunk smiles shared between them. They lay long enough that he’s worried she’s fallen asleep (he doesn’t want to wake her, but he’s reached the age where a week of back pain is not worth her momentary sleepy wrath), until she rolls off of him with a deep sigh, getting up to kick off her boots and take a moment to clean herself up in the bathroom.
He removes his fangs, placing them on the nightstand (also in the land of ‘tomorrow’s problems’) before turning off the lights. When she crawls back into bed it’s reflex rather than thought that controls him, his arms reaching out to pull her to his chest and his leg weaving its way between hers. He nuzzles her ear and knows that she’s smiling softly without even having to see it.
“Whoever said we were too old to be celebrating Halloween is clearly doing something wrong.” She mumbles into the darkness, and he hums an agreement before letting his consciousness slip into the night.
@impala-dreamer @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural-idjit-95 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @missjenniferb @tumbler-tidbits @maddiepants @littlegreenplasticsoldier @thoughtslikeaminefield @there-must-be-a-lock @cracksinthewalls @mskathywriteswords @rockhoochie @itmighthavebeenintentional @wanderingcas @stunudo @emoryhemsworth​ @fangirlxwritesx67 @mariekoukie6661
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georgialouisea · 5 years
His Girls
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Pairing - Dean x Reader, Sam, Mary (oc). Word count - 1.2k Warnings - Fluff. 
Written for -  @spnfluffbingo2019 Squares filled - Dance Teacher AU
Spn Fluff Bingo Masterlist
“I get it now.” Sam leaned closer to his brother whispering as he watched his Niece dance around with the rest of the class.
“She’s good, right? I’m probably a little biased but I think she’s good.” Dean replied not taking his eyes off his five-year-old daughter.
Sam chuckled next to him. “That wasn’t what I was talking about.”
“What are you talking about?”
“After working at the garage five days a week you always bring Mary here every day.”
“She likes to dance.” Dean shrugged.
“So it has nothing to do with the beautiful dance teacher who you keep looking at every couple of minutes?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam.”
“Sure you don’t.”
“Shut up Sammy.”
“She’s way out of your league man.”
“Whatever.” Jabbing Sam in the ribs with his elbow he watched Mary dance across the room as the music faded out.
Turning on your heel you applauded the girls. “Let’s all give a huge round of applause for our girls who have done an amazing job this evening.” Smiling at the parents, family and friends of your students you took a few steps back as they all took a bow. “Everyone has worked so hard recently we’re taking a small break and we’re having the week off so we can all have a rest and we’ll be back a week on Monday, if however, anyone wants to keep dancing next week Holly is doing three classes if you want your little dancers in Holly’s classes there are sign up sheets on the noticeboard just leave your details and she’ll be in contact.” Watching your class gravitate towards their parents you felt someone grab your hand.
Looking down Mary Winchester was holding your hand as the room slowly emptied. “Mary are you okay?” You asked crouching down to her level.
“I don’t want to not dance for a week.” Her bottom lip trembled as she looked at you.
“What’s happened? Mary, what’s wrong?” Dean asked as he crouched down in front of his daughter. “What happened?” His tone changed as he asked you.
“She doesn’t want to take a week off from dancing.” You explained with a smile on your face.
“Oh.” Dean reached forwards scooping Mary into his arms he used the sleeve of his flannel to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “You don’t have to stop dancing sweetie.”
“What’s going on?” Sam asked walking towards his brother and Niece.
Taking a step back you let them have some time as a family, Dean’s fingers wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him.
Checking all the other parents and children had left the room you moved closer to him. “Sam, this is Y/N my girlfriend, Y/N this is my brother Sam.” Dean introduced you to his brother as Sam stood staring at you like a fish out of water.
“Wait what? How long have you two been together?”
“Ten months,” Dean answered his brother’s question.
“Ten months and this is the first time we’re meeting?”
Dean shrugged smiling at you. “I wanted to make sure she was the one.”
“Jesus Dean.” Sam sighed before his attention fully turned to you. “Hi, Y/N, It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Hi Sam, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Reaching out you shook his hand.
“Well I’ve heard nothing about… oh my God, your friend, Y/N’s the friend you’ve been talking about for months!” Sam stared at his brother as he dropped your hand.
“Yeah, she is.” Dean chuckled.
“Oh, I’ve heard a lot about you too Y/N.”
“Sam.” Dean punched his brother’s shoulder.
“I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Just for that you can help us move all Y/N’s stuff into my house tomorrow gives you plenty of time to get to know each other.”
“You have the day off don’t you?” Dean raised a brow at his brother.
“Well yeah.”
“Thanks for the help Sammy.”
Much to your surprise Sam knocked on your apartment door at 8 am with a truck parked outside. After a few hours of heavy lifting, back and forth trips between your soon to be old place and Dean’s house you got to know Sam a little better. You already knew a lot about him from what Dean had told you but you were obviously a bit of a shock to him, after he’d gotten over his initial shock he seemed to be a lot more comfortable with you.
Replacing Dean’s broken coffee table with your solid oak coffee table you sat down on the couch, Sam flopping down next to you.
“Did he plan this?” Sam asked groaning as he slouched into the pillows.
“Plan what?”
“For you to move in on my day off.”
“I doubt it, he only asked me to move in over the weekend.”
“Yeah, I know he’s kept our relationship really quiet but he wanted to know that this was the right thing for Mary and that she was happy for me to be in her life, please don’t take him not telling you about us to be him lying to you, I mean if he would have told you he was dating his daughter’s dance teacher I’m sure you would have had one main thought about me.”
“Y/N I don’t, he’s been really happy and I didn’t know why but it all makes sense it’s because of you.”
The front door opened behind you. “We’re home!” Dean announced as Mary ran into the lounge launching herself onto the couch in between you and Sam.
“Can we watch Frozen?” Mary asked grinning at you.
“We need to have dinner first and you need to ask your Dad.”
“Dad!” Mary pushed herself off the couch running into the kitchen to find Dean.
“Go on.” Dean sighed screwing off the cap of his beer as he looked at his brother.
“I know what you’re gonna say.”
“Which is?” Sam asked uncapping his own beer.
“That we’re -” Dean stopped talking when he heard you and Mary start singing along to Frozen at the top of your lungs. Putting his beer down on the table he pushed the door open, Dean walked into the lounge closely followed by Sam, both Winchester’s couldn’t help but smile as they watched you and Mary dance around the room, not at all bothered by the men in the room watching you.
“Perfect for each other?” Sam finished his brother’s sentence.
“She’s perfect.” Dean smiled as Mary danced towards Sam pulling him to dance with her.
Walking towards Dean you pulled him towards you wrapping your arms around his neck you moved in time to the music. “What are you two whispering about?”
“Only good things I hope.”
“Always good things when it comes to you.”
“You’re sweet, come dance with your family.”
“Our family.” Dean corrected you with a smile, leaning in he kissed you as his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you against him.
“Ew!” Mary shouted as the music died down and the scene played on.
“We’ve been caught.” Dean chuckled.
“Shh just sit on the couch and act like it never happened.” Winking at him you pulled away from him and sat down next to Mary and Sam, Dean sat next to you his arm wrapping around your waist.
Sam caught his brother’s eye as he smiled when your cheek rested against Dean’s shoulder. “What?” Dean mouthed.
“I’m happy for you.” Sam whispered.
“Thanks, bitch.”
Tags - 
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @deans-baby-momma @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @gh0stgurl​ @starfirerules​ @kcrews74​ @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon​ @thehufflepuffblog​ @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661​ @mymysosa​ @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward​ @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711 @sandlee44 @deanwinchesterswitch​ @supernatural-harrypotter7 @ilovefanfic86 @sleepylunarwolf @lauravic @caryswhogoesbothways @broadwaybaby25
Dean Taglist -
@akshi8278 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @dramaqueenrolf @itsallaboutthedean @shadowysandwichcreator @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @ruprecht0420 @hobby27 @05spn18 @stevieboyharrington @aussiefangirlwolfy @destiel-equals-life @waywardrose13 @supernatural13-13 @vickyfarley @musiclovinchic93 @spnskinnyballs @adoptdontshoppets @flamencodiva @parksandrecmyass @brightestflame @hhiggs @princessofthefandomrealm @clarewinchester
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Milestones (Part Five)
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Description: To think a bumble message led to this…
Characters: Reader, Jensen Ackles, Arrow Ackles, Zeppelin Ackles, JJ Ackles, Sloane Ackles (oc), Jaxon Ackles (oc)
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Wowweee. First piece since yet another hiatus. I’m sorry I’m garbage, but having babies and working took up a considerable amount of my time and now I’m trying to write again. Sorry if this seems kind of garbage lol. But I decided to finally wrap this up so I can start slimming down the list of WIP’s. Enjoy!
Masterlist / Jensen Ackles Masterlist
Settling onto the porch swing of your countryside Austin home with JJ, you both giggled as you watched Jensen get bombarded and attacked by her four younger siblings. Arrow and Zeppelin led the charge, both jumping up towards his chest, knocking him down to the ground. Sloane and Jaxon, who’s three year old little legs struggled to keep up with his older siblings, followed closely, pouncing on their father. All four kids began tickling him, causing him to erupt into loud bouts of laughter.
“Y/N!” Jensen wheezed, trying to breathe between laughs, “I need help!”
You giggled, watching him suffer for a bit longer before you yelled out towards the kids. “Okay guys! Give your dad a break!”
They reluctantly stopped, Jaxon still tried getting in one last tickle before Arrow pulled him away. He pouted slightly before his sister distracted him with some toys in the yard. Jensen took long deep breaths as he sat in the lawn.
Your attention was pulled towards your kids, running around the yard giggling as they chased and played with each other. But, Jensen’s attention was on you. Every day he looked at you like it would be the last time he’d see you, memorizing every detail that littered your skin. He bit his bottom lip with a smile as you giggled along with your children, your right arm across JJ’s shoulders as she snuggled into your side.
God, he was the luckiest man in the world.
He stood up and wiped his hands on his sweatshorts as he walked towards you and JJ. You looked up at him when he was within arms reach, adoration pooling in your eyes, a smile plastered across your face, “Hey babe.”
You scooted over with JJ a little to make more room for him to sit with you on the swing. His arm snaked over your shoulders and his hand rested on JJ’s back as he watched the other four kids play, giggles erupting from Jaxon causing you both to beam with joy. “Man, I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”
You put a hand on his thigh and lightly squeezed as you spoke, “Neither will I.”
JJ got up soon after, running to help her youngest brother on the swingset. You snuggled into Jensen’s side, humming with happiness. It was crazy how some messages on a dating app you had long forgotten about after all these years turned into this, a life full of joy and memories with a family you weren’t ever sure you’d have some day.
Rubbing your thumb along Jensen’s thigh you looked up towards him, his eyes glimmering with amusement as he watched the kids. “I love you, Jense,” you said quietly.
He turned his head down, looking between your eyes and mouth before he placed a soft kiss onto your lips. “I love you too, Y/N.” He pulled you closer into his side as his gaze turned back towards the yard.
You both sat there quietly and soaked in the new memories being made.
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Can I be tagged on your forevers? 💚
@team-free-will-you-idjits-67 You are on my list.
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manawhaat · 5 years
Roots pt.3
Title: Roots pt.3
Characters: Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Summary: Jeff is home on the farm for a few months between shooting and he plans to make the most of his time with you. 
Warnings: Fluff, lightly implied smut.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I love the fam bam but for all intents and purposes Hil, Gus, and George do not exist. Last part of the series commissioned by @team-free-will-you-idjits-67​. Thank you so much for letting me run with this, for commissioning me, and for being patient as I banged out the series! If anyone is interested in commissioning me, send an ask or IM and we can chat :) And a big shout out to my beta, @crispychrissy​! You’re a goddamn gem. Thanks for reading, y’all :)
Part I   Part 2
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Crowds are moving around him but Jeff’s face fills the FaceTime screen and he pulls his cap a little lower as he speaks. “I’ve gotta go, my flight is boarding right now. I’ve got a driver pickin’ me up at the airport so I’ll see you at home in a couple of hours.”
Dancing around on your tiptoes, you grin at the screen and he chuckles at how excited you are. “Okay, well have a safe flight and I’ll see you soon, babe. Love you.”
“Love you, sweetheart.” Jeff waves a hand and blows a kiss before hanging up to board his flight home. 
With the show finally wrapped for the season, his schedule is clear for the first time in months. He has almost three months with nothing keeping him from you, and you can’t wait to start making up for lost time. 
The dinner table is set and your outfit is laid out on the bed. Two bottles of his favorite wine sit in the wine fridge and your nervous excitement has a flutter in your chest and a smile on your face that you just can’t tame. As if they can sense it, all the animals around the farm are giddy and restless when you make your last rounds of the day and tuck them away early so you won’t have to worry about them later tonight. The dogs are glued to your side and you can’t help but egg them on, talking excitedly to them about daddy coming home as they bark their excitement back at you. 
When the chores are done and you’re fresh out of the shower, you get that text that tells you he’ll be there in thirty. It sends a thrill up your spine and as you slip into new lingerie, a warm pulse settles between your legs. The thought of him stripping you out of your clothes and the look on his face at the sight of the new lace is almost too much to bear. Anticipation builds, making each beat of your heart rattle hard against your ribs. With lotion and his favorite perfume on your skin, you finish getting dressed and rush downstairs to check on the food in the oven. It’s perfectly cooked, right on time, and the dogs start barking while you pull it out and set it on the stove top to cool. 
“He’s here, guys!” A joyous smile blooms on your face as you head to the door and let them rush out to greet the black car pulling up the long drive. 
Speckled sunlight drops from the trees and glitters over his frame as he exits the car and bends over to playfully greet the dogs. Fur and dust flies up in the yellow and orange tinted air around them, and when he rights himself from the happy scuffle his eyes meet yours. 
A weight lifts from your shoulders and the happiness that fills you is infectious. He’s grinning from ear to ear and a rush of dopamine floods your brain at the sight of it. That high you get when he’s around urges your feet to move under you, and your brain is fuzzy, eyes only focused on him as you both move towards each other. 
The dogs jump and bark around you, but the grumbling sound of his voice is loud enough for you to hear. “Goddamn, it is good to be home.” 
Strong arms pull you in and his slightly-chapped lips catch on your own as you relish the moment and drink him in. His kiss is everything you want it to be, and more. It always is. Tongue soft and wet, warmth seeping from his skin into yours, beard tickling your cheeks and palms where you hold him against you. He lets out his breath, the dampness of it fanning over your face when he pulls back to rest his forehead against yours, and you can’t help but lean back in for a second helping. And a third. And a fourth. 
By the time you stop kissing him the dogs have wandered off and the driver has already unloaded his bags and dropped them by the front door. 
“Thanks, Jerry,” he says, breaking away from you just long enough to shake his driver’s hand and wave him off. 
Tires grinding down on the dirt fade away and his hands are on you again, this time dropping down over your hips and behind you to give your ass a squeeze. The pressure lures you in and he bends, grips, and hauls you up against him, cradling the backs of your thighs as your legs wrap tight around his waist. 
The smell of food and home hits his nose, but he’s too caught up in the smell of your perfume to pay attention to it. He’s got you in his arms, curves against his body, the taste of your tongue in his mouth. Home is where you are, and instinct leads him to the couch, falling into it and taking you with him.  
Running gentle fingers through his hair, you whisper damply against his temple. “Welcome home, Jeffrey.”
Weathered hands urge your thighs further open, grip at your ass and scoot you closer against him, pulling you deep into his lap, like he’s trying to make the two of you one being. Fingerprints slip up your spine, lingering on the lines of the lingerie beneath you dress. The weight of his hands in your hair and on your neck leave you dizzy and his dark auburn eyes glow in the fading light spilling into the house. 
“Vancouver wasn’t enough. It’s never enough...” He kisses you again, deep and slow. “Can’t ever get enough of you, sweetheart.” 
Pure joy stretches through you from head to toe, curls your lips against his and pulls a sigh from your lips as you nestle deep into his neck to hide the blush he never fails to paint your cheeks with. Shuffling and clinking seep through your enamored state and curious eyes drift up, only to shoot wide open and fill with authority. 
Jeffrey jumps in surprise at the yell so close to his ear, but the dog trying to steal your perfect dinner off the table stops and turns wide, guilty eyes on you. “Leave it,” you grit, relaxing back into Jeff’s lap after he sulks off through the house. 
“Unbelievable. The one time I cook a nice meal for you that little thief tries to fuck it up,” you half-laugh, shaking your head in lighthearted disbelief. 
Jeff grins up at you and your eyes narrow down at his. “What?”
The grin turns into a smile, then a chuckle, and he drawls out, “Just love hearin’ ya take charge, is all.”
Your head shakes for an entirely different reason, and you pull yourself out of his lap and stand in front of him with your hands on your hips. “Alright, funny guy. Ha, ha. Now get up and come eat before I give it to the dogs.”
At your warning, Jeff’s face lights up and he laughs under his breath. “Yes, ma’am.” 
Jeff’s been home for almost a month and every day has been filled with tender touches and adventures around the farm. The steady crunch of leaves fills your ears as you walk along the property, simply enjoying the day and the man you’re with. 
“Where’s your favorite spot on this property?”
The question breaks a long silence that’s fallen between you and you grin, pressing yourself up against him. Pulling his arms around you, you lean up and kiss the side of his neck twice, only answering his question when he moans on the third. “Right here,” you tease. 
Jeff lets out a throaty chuckle but pulls back to look you in the eye. “I’m serious.” His hand links with yours and you start walking again. 
The sun shines in your eyes as you peer at him with skeptical brows. “Favorite spot for what?”
He lets out a little grumble but can’t hide his dimply smile. “Just, your favorite spot. Where is it? If you don’t tell me I’m gonna pick for you and then you’ll be screwed.”
Glaring in his direction, you walk in silence for another minute or two, trying to figure out if he’s gonna break or not. He doesn’t, and you concede with a sigh. “Ok, fine. Lemme show you.”
Tugging his hand and turning around, you make your way leisurely across the farm to lead him there. “Here ya go, Mystery Man.”
“This is it?” he confirms, and you nod his way. 
Jeffrey takes a few steps away from you and surveys the land seriously. It’s almost comical watching him as he paces back and forth, measuring with his feet and eyeballing the space from all around. You’re confused, but you also know that he can, and will, keep his secrets, so you watch in amusement and just let him do his thing. When he’s made his mental notes and calculations his demeanor softens and he rejoins you in the spot where he left you. 
“Why is this your favorite?”
Sucking in a deep breath, you pull away from him and turn in a slow circle, then close your eyes. The air here is filled with energy that you can feel in your bones, the vibrations of it filling your body from the ground up. It leaves you giddy and alive, cracking a smile onto your lips when you turn back to Jeff and answer. 
“There’s just something, here. When we come out here at night this spot is my favorite view of the stars. This is the best angle on the house, you can see the pond, the barns. I mean, it kinda feels a little random, but this is it.”
He cocks an eyebrow your way and gleans. “I thought you were gonna say ‘where the magic happens’.”
Head shaking, you pull him in by the lapels of his jacket. “Magic happens all over this farm, Jeffy. And it’s still magical even when you’re not around.” You wink up at him and he shoots you a scandalized scoff, playful growls and shrieks filling the air as you run off across the pasture with him hot on your tail. 
About a month before Jeff’s break is over, you stumble downstairs into the kitchen. There’s a soreness in you, bone deep. You had quite the night last night-- most days and nights since Jeff’s been home-- and your achy legs lead you down the stairs and into the kitchen for a much needed cup of coffee. Smirking at the remnants of his lips and body on yours, you pour the fresh brew into your favorite mug and set the pot back down in the maker. 
You’re half way out of the kitchen when you realize what you’ve just done and you catch it out loud. “Wait a minute...” 
Turning back around, you eye the pot of coffee suspiciously and take a few steps toward the window. Jeffrey never makes a full pot unless you’ve got company over. 
Looking around, you find nothing out of sorts, so you leave the kitchen and find your confirmation as you peer out of the window near the mudroom. Outside there’s a crew of men with gardening tools standing in a group talking with Jeff. He’s gesturing and pointing, then nods and heads your way as they disperse in different directions. The ground is dewy this early in the morning and the golden specks of sunlight shine vibrantly on his face when he gets near enough to the house to meet your eyes through the window. 
Creaking and shuffling fills your ears before he emerges from the mud room, shaking off the cold morning chill to drop a kiss to your lips. “Oh, good. You’re up. Didja sleep alright?” 
“Wha- yeah. Uh, what’s with the guys out there?”
Your response elicits a chuckle and he rustles around in the kitchen for a few water bottles before answering. “I’m happy you asked!” Cheery and boisterous, you flinch a little, but he rushes over to you, grinning. “It’s just a little surprise I’ve whipped up for ya. I was thinking’ about makin’ you wait until we were done, but if you wanna come out and see it then go get dressed and we��ll wait for you to start,” he promises. 
Before you can ask any follow up questions or begin the mental gymnastics of what surprise he could give you that involves a bunch of gardeners in work boots and hard hats, he’s gone again with Honeydog and Bandit trailing behind him. 
Downing your coffee, you rush upstairs to go change, muttering to yourself along the way. “Alright you sneaky fucker. Let’s see what you’re up to.” ----------
The tree is fucking HUGE, and for a moment you’re utterly confused. 
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“Tada!” Jeffrey holds his hands out and presents you with his master surprise. It’s loaded up on the back of a tractor-trailer, closed in with large metal blades around what you can only assume are the roots of the tree.  
A flurry of emotions confounds you and your face hides none of it. The workers chuckle along with Jeff as you go from confused and bewildered to amused and in love, and then some. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s show ‘em where its new home is,” Jeff says with a wink, and your heart flops in your chest, going through all of the emotions once again. 
The crew follows you and Jeff to your favorite spot on the farm. He looks to you for confirmation and your brilliant smile sets them all in motion. They’re a well oiled machine, measuring and digging with excavators and shovels. Jeff jumps in and you start to help but he gently shoots you down. 
“This is for you, Y/n. I don’t want you doin’ any of this work. Why don’t you go back inside and have some breakfast, hang out, and I’ll call you back out when we’re ready…” 
Guilt worms into your chest at leaving them to do all the work, but he’s got a point. They’re a team of professionals and it’s their job. Half-dejected, you make it back to the house and mosey around the kitchen, feeling useless and put out. The fridge gets pulled open six times before it finally clicks and you’re set in motion. 
Half an hour later you’ve whipped up enough breakfast burritos to feed everyone and head back out to check on the progress, leaving the food in a low temperature oven to keep it warm. The earth has been removed and the truck with the tree on it is already backed up near the large hole. 
“Hey, just in time. I was about to go getcha,” says Jeffrey, coming over to slump a heavy arm around your shoulders. 
The two of you stand back and watch as the tree is transplanted and set firmly in its new home, and when the oaken giant is upright, you and Jeff jump in to help the crew even out the churned earth.  
Jeff tucks the care instructions into his back pocket and you stop the guys from leaving, instead leading them to the house to distribute the food you’d made. With profuse thanks all around, they take the burritos to go and shake hands before leaving the farm in its serene state.
After snagging a bite to eat, you both head back to admire it and finish leveling out the excess soil still surrounding the new tree. The dirt moves easily and you work in comfortable quietness for a few moments before Jeff turns to you and asks, “You remember when I asked you to move out here with me?” 
Sniffing away the dust, you nod his way and flash him a winded smile. “Of course I do,” you answer, pushing your shovel into the ground and laughing at the memory. “We were on that road trip on your bike and we stopped in… fuck, I don’t even know where we were,” you admit. “But we’d been riding for hours, and we stopped for a little picnic. Just rode off the road into a random field and set up camp like a couple of hippies.”
“It was a nice spot!” His words are defensive, but he’s right, and he’s grinning. 
“You asked me and whipped out a bottle of champagne when I said yes, and then the fuckin’ cork bounced off the tree and hit you square in the mouth.” Jeff buries his shovel and joins you, letting you take his face in your hands as you both laugh. “Busted your lip wide open.”
“And you wouldn’t stop apologizing,” he reminds you, kissing your thumb when you smooth it over his bottom lip. “Couldn’t get you to stop freaking out, either. You kept talking about how that musta been some kinda sign… that you shouldn’t move in with me.” 
You laugh, loud and cringey, mortified of the memory. “Oh, god. I almost broke up with you!” Jeff chuckles at the grimace on your face. “Everything on that trip just kept going wrong. The hotels fucked up your bookings, we barely dodged a tornado, my phone was stolen, we got lost-”
“More than once,” he adds. 
“It felt like everything was going wrong and they were all signs. I was so convinced things were going too fast, that I wasn’t right for you and that we shouldn’t have been together...”
He hums, deep enough to feel the vibrations of it rattle in your bones. “Mmm, did a good job talkin’ you outta that, now didn’t I?”
His hands inch lower, gently rest on your ass and you blush up at him, not even trying to hide the swoon at the way he made love to you out in the open that day. 
“Oh, you sure did…”
Honest eyes take you in, admire the way you fawn over him- revel in how you make him feel alive like nothing else in this world- and then drift up to the tree you’re standing beneath. 
“This tree look familiar?” 
The question catches you off guard and your brain scrambles for a moment, eyes darting between him and the thick trunk. That’s impossible. 
“W-what?” you gasp. Stumbling out of his arms, you approach and circle the tree. When you look back at Jeff he’s got his hands shoved in his pockets and he shrugs knowingly. “Shut the fuck up, Jeff. No.” 
Smiles bloom between you and you shake your head in astonishment, rambling as a slew of emotions crashes through you. “What?! No. No! There’s no way. Y-you… Jeffy, you don’t even know where we were. Babe,” you implore, continuing through the revelation. “Babe, seriously? This is that- this is the same tree?”
An earnest nod has tears springing from your eyes and your feet racing back to the man you love. His arms welcome you home as you crash into his chest and find a safe place to bury your happy smile. 
“So this is why you wanted to know my favorite spot, huh?” The scent of sweat and dirt fills your nose as you tug him in for a smiley kiss brimmed with tears. “God, you’re such a sap,” you tease lovingly. “Jeffrey, seriously, I can’t tell you how much I love this.”
He smiles down at you with a funny little gleam in his eye. It grows and shines, mists over his irises and his dimples pop as he gently forces the two of you apart. “Well-” he pulls off his gloves, drops them to the ground, and smirks- “actually, this is why I wanted to know your favorite spot…”
Digging a hand into the pocket of his jeans, he fishes something out, then drops to his knee. A pristine diamond ring glistens delicately between his slightly dirty fingers and there’s sweat on his brow when he squints the sun out of his eyes to look up at you. 
The air that enters your lungs does nothing to quell your shortness of breath. Tears fill your eyes and you let out a wail of surprise and excitement, hands flying to cover your mouth. 
Jeffrey reaches out and takes your left hand, squeezing it in his, and croaks out, “Woman, let me get this out.” You sob out a laugh and nod down at him, body trembling as he clears his throat to speak. 
“Y/n… I wanna put down roots with you. Here on this farm, or wherever you are. I wanted to know where your favorite place is so I could make it special, like you did when you carved out a spot in my heart. I wanted to give you something that will last, just like the love you’ve given me. Having you around makes me feel alive in a way I couldn’t be with anyone else, and when I see you, I’m home. It’s a little corny,” he chuckles, “I know, but it’s true. So, darlin’, if you say yes, I promise to marry you right here under this tree, or wherever you want. Hell, I’ll marry ya on the fuckin’ moon if you ask me to,” he laughs, voice strained and deep through the tears he’s trying, and failing, to hold back. 
“I’d have no greater honor than being your husband and loving you until I die. So, whaddya say? Wanna put down some roots, marry this old man in front of ya?” He grins through the tears and winks up at you. “If you wanted, I think we could probably make some pretty cute babies, too.” 
Cheeks burning, you sob out his name and nod frantically, smiling so wide it’s hard for your lips to actually form the word ‘yes’. Your hand shakes and uneven breaths stumble from your mouths as he slowly slides the ring onto your finger. The two of you stare at it in awe, admiring the symbol of love and the promise it holds. Then he’s up in an instant, hugging you so hard his fingerprints blossom on your skin and kissing you long enough that the ridges of his lips grow roots that tangle with yours.
When the sun has fallen that night, the tree is surrounded by stars and washed in moonlight. Jeff catches you admiring the stoic shadow from the bedroom window and gentle hands land on your hips while his lips climb the back of your neck to whisper in your ear. 
“So, whaddya gonna call it?” 
You turn in his arms, the diamond on your finger sparkling in the firelight before your fingers disappear in his hair. Fondly, you smile, and your answer curls his lips. 
“I think I’ll call him Jeffrey.”
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Forever & RPF tags:
@sebbytrash​‌ @abaddonwithyall​ @asgardianvamp21​ @atc74​ ‌@barbellsareswell180 @bisexualdolphinthings​ @blackandpurple-hearts​ @blacktithe7​ @blushingsamgirl​ @brokenyellowcrayons​ @charliebradbury1104​ @charliesbackbitches @chaos-and-the-calm67​ @crzcorgi​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​ @deandoesthingstome​ @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester​ @destiels-new-girl​ @dontcallmebabe-ok @drarina1737​ @duckzorz-blog​ @emoryhemsworth​ @ezauraemmaline​ @fandommaniacx​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @for-the-love-of-dean @get-royally-fucked​ @growingupgeek @gryffindorable713​ @hellbentcrowley-blog​ @impalalalalalalala​ @itsemmyb​ @jensennjared @just-a-touch-of-crowley @kayteonline​ @keithseabrook27​ @kingarthurofslytherin​ @kittenofdoomage​ @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​ @luci-bae-is-dancing-in-hell @lucifer-in-leather​ @lupine-princess​ @mamaimpala​ @meganwinchester1999​ @moonlitskinwalker @mrsjohnsmith​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @muliermalefici​ @myarchangelgabriel @notnaturalanahi​ @nichelle-my-belle​ @oriona75​ @petrovadixon @sassysupernaturalsweetheart​ @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic​ @sexyvixen7​ @shhhs3cret​ @sis-tafics​ @spnwoman​ @sneaky-midnight-adventures @spn-fan-girl-173​ @starswirlblitz​ @supernaturaldean67​ @theashhole​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @tia58​ @to-laugh-is-to-love @vaisabu​ @wibly-wobly-winchester​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterprincessbride​​ @winchesterenthusiast​​ @winchesterswoonathon​​ @writingthingsisdifficult​​ @yaelstiel​​ @youll-all-get-yours​​ @zeneko1987​​
@akshi8278​​ @aomi-nabi​​ @becs-bunker​​ @jelly-beans-and-gstrings​​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​​ @sandlee44​​ @smoothdogsgirl​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​ @wonderless-screwup​​ @youre-my-grxvity
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imagineteamfreewill · 4 years
Here’s to Witches
Title: Here’s to Witches
Pairing: Reader x Sam
Word Count: 1,331
Warnings: None
Summary: Sam and the reader are each gifted something after saving a group of housewives on a hunt, and Sam’s gift is exponentially more... enthusiastic than the reader’s.
A/N: This is completely unedited, so please excuse any mistakes. If you see any glaring ones, please feel free to (politely) send me an ask or a message so I can go in and fix it. The gifs that inspired this fic can be found at the end because I thought they were too cute to not include. Also, feedback makes the world go round and makes my blog a lot more enjoyable for everyone! Please reblog this fic with your thoughts or send me an ask or a message to tell me what you think. Enjoy!
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this happy,” you said as you leaned against the dresser. The knobs dug into the small of your back and your shoulders but you ignored them as Sam looked up at you with a wide smile.
“I just can’t believe this is real,” he replied.
Bones jumped up on his hind legs, pushing himself slightly off the floor as he tried to regain Sam’s full attention. He succeeded and you couldn’t help but laugh at the way Sam raised the pitch of his voice to talk to his new—or rather, old—furry friend.
“You know, when the witch said she’d brought back someone dear to your heart, I figured we’d come back to the motel to find Bobby or something.”
Sam glanced up at you again, his smile undimmed. “I didn’t think it would be Bones either, but honestly…”
Smiling, you moved away from the dresser to see if your phone had regained some battery. It had died on the way back from the abandoned winery where the coven had been holding its meetings. Thankfully, you hadn’t needed it to call for help. The coven was more domestic than anything you’d ever encountered on a hunt; the witches mostly used their magic to bring dead houseplants back to life, get the smell out of laundry they’d forgotten in the washer, and thaw meat that they’d taken out of the freezer an hour or two too late. You’d been in the midst of trying to figure out how to ask them to stick with what they knew when the real troublemakers had shown up, figurative guns blazing, in an attempt to harm the housewives who were in almost too deep. 
You and Sam had eradicated the bad witches with relative ease and the handful of women had been so grateful to you that they’d put their collective energies together to give you each a gift. They’d given you something you’d thought long gone—a box of photos from your childhood—and they’d promised Sam something “dear to his heart”. 
After unlocking your phone, you quietly placed an order for a few pizzas, knowing that Sam was probably starving after the busy day you’d had. You were about to press the submit button when something bumped against your leg.
“I think he likes you,” Sam said, and you looked down to find Bones sitting at your feet. He was giving you a heart-warming doggy smile and his tail was going a mile a minute. It was almost comical how hard he was trying to sit despite the fact that his butt was wiggling right along with his tail.
You chuckled and crouched down to run your hand over Bones’ back. “Hey buddy! Are you hungry too? Is that why you came over here?” you cooed. Your voice jumped up an octave, just like Sam’s had, but Bones responded quickly and was up in your face as he tried to get as much of your attention and touch as possible.
Sam laughed too, standing up and stretching his arms above his head while he watched. He was clearly enjoying having Bones around and in the back of your mind, you sent up a silent prayer that this wasn’t a temporary thing. If Bones was ripped away from him, it would be a heartbreaking loss. Sam had already suffered so much and you wanted to ensure as much as you could that when he wasn’t on a hunt, he was happy and comfortable.
“You want some pepperoni, Bones? Huh?”
The dog yipped in response and you grinned, then stood. You quickly placed the order on your phone while Bones tried to get more attention from Sam. 
“Pizza should be here in about an hour,” you said, and Sam nodded. “So what do we do now? Think Dean’ll be okay with Bones being at the bunker? And in the Impala, for that matter?”
Sam shrugged. Bones was standing on the bed now so that Sam could pet him without having to sit down or bend over.
“Okay, well maybe we should pick up supplies before we get back,” you suggested. “That way, Dean can’t say it would be easy to get rid of him. And we should probably make an appointment with the vet in town, too…”
You pulled out your phone again, but as you were starting to research the veterinarian offices in Lebanon, you felt Sam’s eyes on you. Slowly, you glanced up from your phone and met his gaze.
“Nothing,” Sam answered, shaking his head with a smile. “I’m just happy.”
“Okay… Weirdo.” You went back to the website. After another minute or two, you still felt Sam’s eyes on you and you sighed, dropping your hand down to your side so you could fully look at him. “What? Why are you staring at me, Sam?” The question came out with a laugh and Sam’s smile widened.
“I don’t know. I’m just… happy. I’m happy that you’re okay with this,” he said.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You love him and I think having a dog would be great.”
"Well I knew you liked dogs, but the last time we talked about getting one, you said that you didn’t think it would be a great idea. What changed?”
Shrugging, you tucked your phone in your pocket and went over to them, making sure to start petting Bones immediately so you wouldn’t get licked in the face again. You pointedly avoided making eye contact with Sam, instead focusing on the retriever who was practically vibrating with happiness at all the attention he was getting from the two of you.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you answered. “I guess it’s because I don’t want you to have to give him up, you know? I like to see you happy, and Bones makes you happy. He makes me happy, too,” you added, knowing that Sam would call you out on it if you didn’t.
Sam hummed in response, and the two of you continued to pet Bones in silence, only occasionally laughing or talking to the dog when it felt right. 
An hour later, you were setting up the pizza while Sam took Bones outside for a break. The dog had come with his own collar—thank you, witches!—but he’d had to find a rope in the trunk of the Impala to use as a leash.
“It smells good!” Sam said as he opened the door and stepped inside. You glanced over at him with a smile, then laughed when you saw Bones pulling at the makeshift leash to get nearer to the table. When Sam dropped it, he made a beeline for the pizzas and you had to quickly shove him back down onto all four legs so that your dinner didn’t come with a side of dog hair.
“Whoa, buddy! Easy, calm down! You’ll get your dinner soon enough!”
Sam was grinning from ear to ear and you grinned back, feeling the contagious joy bubble up inside of you.
“Pepperoni?” he asked, and you nodded, grabbing the little container full of slices they’d included and holding it out for him. Bones tracked the movement intently and you laughed again as Sam grabbed it and pulled off the lid.
Instantly, Bones was sitting down, his tail wagging as he stared up at Sam.
“Well, at least he knows to sit,” you laughed. Sam laughed too, and soon the three of you were chowing down on your respective dinners.
We’re like a little family, you thought as you settled down beside Sam against the headboard. You’d both torn the top of the pizza boxes off so that the box was easier to hold in your lap, and he’d turned on a mindless movie while you’d made sure Bones had water. 
“Here’s to happy endings,” Sam said, holding out his beer.
You clinked yours against it with a smile, then a quiet chuckle. “And here’s to witches, which is something I’d never thought I’d say!”
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(Gifs are by @frodo-sam​ can be found here. I couldn’t find them in the tumblr gif search or I would have included them that way, sorry!)
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Want to be tagged? Send me an ask! Tag lists include:
Forever, Sam, Dean, Cas, Deaf!Reader, Words Series (Multiple Pairings/Characters), Home Series (Reader x Marine!Sam) - Unposted, From The Dead Series (Reader x Soldier!Dean), Consort Series (Goddess!Reader x Dean), Sam x Meg 2.0, Blog/Series Updates, and Drabble Days/Writing Events
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tumbler-tidbits · 3 years
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So, my birthday is on Sunday and I want to celebrate! My blog has been inactive and it needs some life! Send me an SPN prompt and I’ll create a graphic for it (or maybe even write a little ficlet!)
It can be angst, fluff, smut, crack, and ANY pairing! I may not sail all of the ships but I support the freedom of others to ship what they want! The only thing I will not do is anything super dark like Rape/non-con, murder, abuse.
Send me the things!
Tagging for Signal boost: Tidbits Taglist: @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants @pisces-cutie ​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby @evansrogerskitten @missjenniferb @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @a-mess-of-many-fandoms @fandom-princess-forevermore @dawnie1988 @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @adoptdontshoppets @princessmisery666 @spnbaby-67 @foxyjwls007 @cassiopeia-barrow @jesseswartzwelder
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67midnightwriter · 4 years
Hey guys! I turn 26 two weeks from tomorrow! Because of the state of the real world, all my plans have been cancelled, including two sets of backup plans. Rather than complain, I wanna switch gears!
Send me all your favorite Destiel fics and artwork, be it something you created or just something you love. (Bonus points if you write me into a fic, or write a fic for me 👀👀) Use this time to finish off a WIP, or even dust off an old piece you still love.
Stay classy and sassy, tumblr 😘
Taglist for a boost:
@impala-dreamer @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural-idjit-95 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @missjenniferb @tumbler-tidbits @maddiepants @crashdevlin @thoughtslikeaminefield @there-must-be-a-lock @cracksinthewalls @mskathywriteswords @rockhoochie @itmighthavebeenintentional @wanderingcas @stunudo @emoryhemsworth​ @fangirlxwritesx67
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georgialouisea · 5 years
Best New Year’s Eve Ever
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Pairing - Jensen x Reader, Jared, Gen.  Word count - 1110 Warnings - Drinking, fluff. Written for -  @spngenrebingo Square filled - New Year's Eve.
A/N - I really wanted to get this up before the 1st of Jan but I’ve been really busy and not very well. 
SPN Genre Masterlist
“Oh My God we’re so late.” You looked towards Jared’s house with the New Years Eve party in full swing inside.
Jensen held his hand out helping you out of the back of the Uber. “We’ll sneak in.” He grinned at you shutting the car door behind you.
“How are we going to sneak into a party?”
“We’ll walk in the front door grab the nearest drinks, mingle and if anyone asks we’ve been there for hours.” Jensen’s arm slipped around your waist explaining his plan as you both walked towards Jared’s house.
“It’s Jared’s party, he’ll notice.”
“We’re two hours late, he’ll be a few drinks in he won’t notice.” Jensen chuckled.
You hadn’t planned on being late, neither of you had, you both had your outfits out and ready to go, you had no work commitments that morning and you both planned to be ready and at Jared’s on time. What you didn’t plan for was your lazy morning on the couch watching a movie or two to end up with you the two of you in bed completely losing track of time.
“Where have you two been?” Jared asked nearly cornering the two of you.
“We’ve been here.” Jensen shrugged bringing his wine glass to his lips.
“Where? I haven’t seen you, Gen’s been asking me where Y/N is all night.” Jared’s eyes darted between the two of you.
“We were just talking to Rich.” Jensen nodded towards the general direction he’d last seen Richard Speight walking across the room.
“Sure,” Jared smirked. “Are you two going to stick around until midnight this year?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The past two years you two have disappeared before midnight.”
“We haven’t we’ve been here.” You lied through your teeth as you smiled at him.
“Bullshit.” The smile on Jared’s face grew as he winked at Jensen. “I know you both left to hook up two years ago.”
“You told him?” You asked slapping Jensen’s chest.
“Knew it.” Jared laughed. “So is tonight your anniversary?”
“C’mon man.” Jensen rolled his eyes at his best friend, taking your nearly empty glass from your hand he held them out to Jared. “Make yourself useful and go refill these.”
“You know by not answering the question you’re just answering it.”
“Jared, go.”
Watching Jared walk toward the kitchen your attention turned back to your boyfriend. “Did you tell him about that night?” You asked more curious than annoyed. The boys told each other everything and you’d assumed this would have been another thing Jensen had let slip at some point probably not even realising it.
“No, I told him we were together I guess he just assumed what happened when we left here and only reappeared the next morning at eleven to have breakfast with everyone, are you mad at me?”
“No, of course I’m not, are we sneaking out again this year?” You asked with a smile.
“Yes we are, I have something planned.”
“Care to share with the class?”
“Nope, It’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait and see baby, let’s enjoy the party.”
“Y/N! Jensen!” Gen called out for the two of you as she walked towards you both pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey.” Jensen’s palm rested on your lower back pulling your attention from your chat with Rob.
“Hi, you okay?”
“Yeah, you ready to go?” Jensen whispered.
Glancing towards Rob he was happily chatting away with Misha.
“Yes, we sneaking out?”
“Yep.” Handing you your clutch bag he took your glass of wine from your hand placing it down on the nearest table, linking your arm with his the two of you kept your heads down as Jensen lead you out of the house and towards the waiting Uber.
“So where are we going? Home?” You asked as you got in the car.
“You’ll see.”
After a 20 minute drive the Uber pulled up outside a house you didn’t recognise, you tried to think back through where Jensen’s friends lived and none of them lived in a house like this.
“Jense, where are we?”
“Trust me?” He asked helping you out of the car.
“Always.” You answered with a smile.
Pulling a set of keys from his pocket they dangled from his index finger as he walked you to the front door of the house. Unlocking and opening the door he led you into the house.
“It’s not finished far from it really but I’ve made sure it has everything you wanted in a home.” Flicking on the lights the empty house lit up.
“What?” You asked looking around the huge entrance hall you were stood in. “Wait, what?”
Jensen shut and locked the front door. “You wanted a home in a quiet neighbourhood, somewhere up high so you had a view with no one overlooking us, you wanted huge windows to let in as much natural light as possible.” Jensen took your hand leading you through the house. ”A big dining room for those dinner parties you’ve dreamed of hosting but our place has always been too small. A lounge big enough for the biggest Christmas tree possible every year and enough space for my family and yours to stay here. You wanted somewhere you could read and run over scripts.” He explained walking into a smaller room than the others he’d shown you, your eyes were immediately drawn to the huge window seat big enough to fit a double bed on, throw pillows and cushions decorated the space. “This is yours.”
“Jensen, you had someone build this for me?” You asked your fingers trailing over one of the fluffy cushions as you sat down.
“I had the whole house built for you.”
“This is ours, this is our new home.”
“Oh my God, are you serious?”
“Yeah.” Jensen nodded with a grin on his face. “This is ours, our apartment has been too small for far too long now and I’ve been looking for the right place somewhere where you could have everything you wanted nowhere was fitting the bill so I thought it would be easier to build us our new home.”
“Jensen Ackles, you are something else indeed.”
“You want the full tour?”
“So what do you think?” Jensen asked sitting down on the floor next to you as you both looked out across the city.
“I love it, I love you, I don’t think there has ever been a better way to bring in the New Year together than this us together in our new home.”
“I can think of one thing that might make it better.”
“Which is?”
Jensen stood up dropping down onto one knee in front of you he pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket. “Move into this house with me as my wife.”
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Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @deans-baby-momma @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93​ @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn​ @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world​ @chelsea072498​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @racheo91​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @shann-the-artist-moon​ @team-free-will-you-idjits-67​ @claitynroberts​ @spnwoman​ @angelsandwinchesters​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @cdwmtjb8​ @perkypolarbear​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @tatertot1097​ @jessieray98​ @gh0stgurl​ @starfirerules​ @kcrews74​ @calaofnoldor​ @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @malindacath​ @kolelondon24​ @natura1phenomenon​ @thehufflepuffblog​ @lemondropirwin​ @babypink224221​ @mariekoukie6661​ @mymysosa​ @blackcherrywhiskey​ @lonely-skys​ @titty-teetee​ @foreverwayward​ @81mysteriouslyme​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog​ @paintballkid711​ @sandlee44​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @ilovefanfic86​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @lauravic​ @caryswhogoesbothways​ @broadwaybaby25
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Aly’s Pedro Pascal (and Characters) Masterlist:
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Pedro Pascal:
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Joel Miller:
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Javier Peña:
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Frankie Morales:
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Oberyn Martel:
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Dieter Bravo:
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Agent Whiskey:
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Javier Guiterrez:
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 5 years
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Requested by @polina-93: Can you do a Dean Winchester x Reader where the reader is a little bit curvier, maybe plus size? She is in love with him and finally gets the nerve to tell him but maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t necessarily feel the same about her? Allllll the angst, please.
Description: There’s so much you’re not allowed to do as a female hunter:
Don’t get killed
Don’t go on hunts alone
Don’t lose contact with your partners
And the biggest rule of all, DON’T FALL IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, pining self-hate, a brief mention of sexual assault, breakdown, fluffy ending
Word Count: 1780
Prompt List
 Dean Winchester, just the name alone drives you insane! The way he can captivate an entire room just by walking into it, pulled you to him when you met him. To say he did the same with you is the understatement of the century. He has been your best friend for the last three years since he and Sam saved you from a ghost that had been haunting you since you were a kid. Not that you believed it beforehand, but something always felt off to you. That is until one day, all your fears were realized and you were face to face with the one person who had touched you in a way a five-year-old should never be touched. Instantly, you were brought back to the first attempt; failed, yet still traumatizing. The second time, wasn’t a failed attempt but didn’t last as long as you had thought it would. This continued to happen until you were eight and you finally told your Mom what was going on. The police were called and he was put in jail for a long time until after a year, he was killed in a fight and his ghost came back to haunt you when you were twenty. That was when Sam and Dean came into the picture; they saved you and “ganked that son of a bitch” as Dean liked to say. After the boys offered to protect you if you moved in with them, you became a hunter and that is when it happened. You and Dean were connected at the hip; always spending time together. He was always looking out for you, making sure that you were okay and if you weren’t, he wouldn’t leave you alone until you were okay. This was when it all started; you fell in love with him. Not that he would ever love you too. You’re not pretty, your thighs and stomach were big and carried a lot of weight on them, your hair was always thrown into a bun or a ponytail and you had acne spotting your face. That never stopped you from loving him. 
“Hey.” He says, entering the room and seeing you sitting on an armchair in the common room of the Bunker.
You look up at him, from the book in your lap, and see him smiling at you.
“Hi.” You reply but choose not to smile back at him; not this time. 
“You okay?” He says, sitting in a chair opposite of you and kicking his legs over one of the arms to look at you from a side view. 
“Fine.” You say, not looking from your book this time.
Dean gets up from his chair and walks to you, grabbing your book from your hands and promptly slamming it closed.
“Y/N, talk to me. I’m your best friend; I know when something is up.” He says, crouching down to match your eye level.
Sighing, you shake your head and refuse to speak up. 
“Fine, then you leave me no choice.” He stands from his position and walks behind the chair. Much to your surprise, he suddenly begins to tickle you. You scream and squirm under his prodding fingers, laughing as he wouldn’t let up.
“De…Dean!” You cry out, still laughing uncontrollably and even crying. 
When he finally lets you breathe, you find yourself stuck underneath him. He looks down at you but suddenly pulls away, keeping distance between you two. Your cheeks flushed and you had to look away for fear he would see you.
“I love you.” You suddenly say before he gets too far from you. He freezes, not daring to move as you went on to explain.
“But I know you don’t feel the same about me. How could you? Look at me. I’m fat, ugly, and probably the clingiest person you’ve ever met. And I am in love with you. You saved my life, literally and I will never be able to repay you for that. I am nothing worthy of your affection. I look at myself in the mirror and see this ugly….thing looking back at me. And I hate myself for it. I see you with all the sexy girls, the ones who you sleep with and leave the next morning and I find myself being jealous of them! THEM!” You scoff at yourself, not believing that you were jealous of Dean’s one night stands but you were. 
It was silent for a long time until Dean finally spoke up.
“Y/N, I do love you but not in the way you hoped I would. You know I cannot allow anyone to come too close to me, for fear of them getting hurt and knowing me, everyone gets hurt. So I keep everyone at a distance. I know a lot of people get too attached to me and I hate doing this! I hate letting everyone down like this! It kills me having to talk to you like this y/n! I want to love you and in some other time, I think I would, but I just can’t put you through the waiting, the pining, the angst of being around me. I am so sorry; I wish I could be what you need but I cannot. And I care about you too much to let you get hurt. I promised you the very first day we met, that I will do whatever it takes to protect you and even if that is from me, I will never just stand by and watch you get hurt. You are my best friend; my little sister and I love you as such. But that is all I can be to you; I’m sorry.”
And just like that, he was gone. And the feeling in your legs had turned to mush. Falling to the ground, you couldn’t stop yourself from screaming at the top of your lungs and crying. Everything had become irrelevant to you until you had cried yourself to sleep. Suddenly, it felt as though you were flying and then you felt something very soft underneath you. Curling closer into the softness, you lost your feelings and fell further into slumber.
 ******The Next Morning*******
Waking up, you felt your head pounding, your nose was congested and your throat was dry. Sitting up, you look around to see that you weren’t in your room but someone else’s entirely. 
How did I end up in Sam’s room?
Shaking your head of the thought, you walk down into the kitchen to see Sam cooking and Dean, well you didn’t pay any attention to him. 
“Good morning.” You say. 
“Hey, good morning, y/n. How are you feeling?” Sam said, looking over to you from the stove.
“Okay. I feel like death but I’m fine.” You say. 
“Well take an easy today, kiddo. We’re going to need you back on your feet soon.” Dean said, speaking to you as if nothing had happened. 
Ignoring him, you offer to help Sam with the food and then serving yourself up a plate. Avoiding Dean was the only way for you to get over the feelings you had for him. Although Sam was not having it. He wanted you to talk and so you did, mostly because he wouldn’t leave you alone otherwise but it was good to talk about your feelings and Sam was a hell of a listener. 
Time had passed, a week in fact, and you felt closer and closer to Sam. He was a great guy but you never noticed just how good he was. Yes, Sam was like a giant teddy bear. He always had that concerned look on his face and he wanted to make sure your well-being was being addressed. You had a history of anxiety and he knew that so he wouldn’t leave your side. He would sit with you and hold you as you cried, would watch your favorite movies or TV shows until you smiled again. He’d bring you food and the occasional junk food because he knew you hated how you looked but none of that mattered to him.
“So, how you feeling?” He asked you, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“Better.” You say, pushing your spoon around your coffee mug. “A big part of that has been thanks to you.” 
He smiles at you and says, “It’s what you do when you love someone.” 
You look at him, dead in the eyes, and try to fathom his words. 
“Wait, you-you love me?” You ask and he nods.
“I’ve always loved you Y/N. But when you told me about your feelings for Dean, I backed off; didn’t do anything. I never knew how he felt about you cause, well you know how stubborn he is, but I kept an eye on you two. Thought he may love you too but never as much as I do. Look I know you’re trying to get over Dean but I…”
He was cut off by you pressing your lips on his. He instantly responds to you by holding your face in one of his hands, the other on your hip to keep you close to him. His lips were soft and unfamiliar, yet you had the feeling that this is what you should do for the rest of your life. If you were supposed to do anything, it is to kiss Sam and to love him as much as he loved you. Sure, you didn’t think of him more than a brother but how he’s been with you in the last week, proves that you were really in love with him all along. When you finally broke apart, you told him the truth.
“It’s you; it’s always been you, Sam. I love you, and I am so sorry I didn’t know it until now.” You feel a tear fall down your cheek and he is quick to wipe it away with his thumb.
“Shhh baby, it’s okay. That doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t care how long it took you to realize it, I’m just happy you know it now.”
“Wait, you mean to tell me you’ve known the whole time that I loved you but I didn’t know.” You ask.
“Even Dean knew.” And just then, Dean appears. 
“You knew too?”
“That’s why I told you I didn’t feel the same about you; because you loved Sam this whole time. This was just a plan we used to get you to realize it.” 
You look up at Sam and say, “you’re lucky I love you so damn much.”
He and Dean both laughed as Sam kissed you for a good and long-time; Dean rolling his eyes.
Forever tag list: @simpleboox @grace15ella @juju-la-tortue @marvelfansworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams
Secondary tags (those who liked the first post) @darkswanordie @22sarah08 @idksupernatural2 @evemarie05 @jxackles @tributewhovian394 @moonlight-babeh @speedybearauthorparty @ketchavies-thoorrrr666 @staceylouise126 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @perfectllamagardenzipper @unicornqu33n17 @nothechosenone @shannonthetraveller @abnntt85 @all-for-theglory @peachy-little-hippie @colorfuluniversityranchpizza @alispropriisv0lat @dreams-with-thoughts @bi-danvers0 @kissmyacdc @bluetreestudentthing @2dreamcatcher8 @hobby27 @akshi8278​
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imagineteamfreewill · 4 years
Title: Equanimous
Pairing: Reader x Sam
Word Count: 1,078
Warnings: Being tied up
Summary: The reader watches Sam and Dean from her hiding spot after they were captured on a hunt.
A/N: This is another installment of the Words series. Enjoy, and please leave feedback!
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Equanimous: (adj.) calm and composed
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched the demons tighten the ropes holding Sam and Dean to the chairs. Thankfully, they hadn’t spotted you yet, but Sam and Dean had been the first into the church. The whole thing had been a trap, and you were kicking yourself for not trying harder to find the gun you’d lost in the fight as you tried to stay hidden behind the baptismal. 
Cas, if you can hear me, you prayed, we could really use your help right about now.
There was no miraculous answer to your plea and you chewed your lower lip as the boys began to regain consciousness. They silently tested the taut ropes around them, then flexed their muscles to see if anything was broken.
“Well, well,” one of the demons chuckled. “It looks like it worked. Who'd've thought that the Winchesters were so easy to trick?”
Dean let out a low growl and glared at her. “What do you want?”
She chuckled and cupped his chin in her hand, smiling slyly. “If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise. Where’s the fun in that?”
“Oh I’ll show you fun!” Dean barked. He pulled at the ropes, moving the chair slightly, and the demon flinched back. Dean grinned at her, but only until she grabbed his ear and jerked his head to the side as hard as she could. Her knife was at his neck in an instant and Dean strained away from its sharp point, his breathing uneven as he glared up at her.
“Don’t test me, Dean. As much as I like playing games, I don’t have the patience today.”
“Calm down, Sheba,” the one of the male demons chided. “We need them alive. We don’t get paid otherwise.”
You relaxed when Sheba let go of Dean and sheathed her knife, then directed your attention to Sam. He was angry; you knew his tells and could figure out what he was really feeling. To an outsider, however, he looked totally composed. His face was calm and neutral as he watched the three demons in silence. You could see him testing the strength of the ropes around his hands, but other than that he was completely still.
Unfortunately for Sam, the third demon had noticed his calm demeanor as well, and he circled the two brothers before stopping in front of Sam. 
“I’m surprised you’re not foaming at the mouth like your big brother is,” he said, leaning down so he was at eye level with Sam. “After all, someone like the Boy King should be able to hold his own against a few demons, right?”
Sam stared at the demon for a long moment before answering. “I’m not the Boy King. I’m a hunter, and I’m not worried because I have nothing to worry about,” Sam replied, his voice even.
The demon scoffed and straightened up. He looked over at Sheba, who was grinning like the cat that got the canary. “Do you hear him, Sheba?”
“I did, Alex,” she laughed. “He thinks he’s got nothing to worry about, can you believe it?”
Sheba moved to stand beside Sam, and you grit your teeth when she slid her hands over his shoulders and chest until she was draped over him from behind. She left her hands on him as she whispered something in his ear, and you watched helplessly as Sam clenched his fists behind him at whatever she’d said to him.
You were in the middle of weighing the merits of staying hidden versus trying to fight off the three demons on your own without a weapon when Cas charged in through the front doors of the church, fury etched into his face as he stalked down the long aisle towards the demons. An angel blade slid into his hand as he approached them and you watched in relieved silence as they backed away from him.
“Wait a second, wait a second, we can give you inf—”
“I don’t want your information,” Cas growled as he buried his blade into Alex’s chest. The demon’s own blade fell to the floor with a clatter. Cas spun and made quick work of the other male demon as well, and his body fell to the floor beside his partner’s.
Sheba let out a horrified scream and tried to make a run for it. She sprinted towards your hiding spot, clearly hoping to put the baptismal between herself and Cas, but you stuck your leg out just in time to send her sprawling on the floor. Cas took two long steps and fell into a kneeling position beside her. Her vessel lit up in bright oranges and reds as he embedded his knife into her chest, and you met Cas’ eyes when he looked up at you.
“Thank you,” you breathed, your heart pounding in your chest as he stood and offered you a hand.
“Are you okay?”
Nodding, you stepped over Sheba’s prone form and rushed over to Sam and Dean, quickly cutting their ropes with Alex’s discarded knife. “Are you guys okay?”
Both boys stood and stretched as soon as the ropes fell to the floor, rubbing their wrists as they got to their feet.
“We’re fine,” Sam said. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before pulling away just far enough to look you over. “Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you while we were out, did they?”
You shook your head and wrapped both arms around Sam, hugging him hard. “I’m okay. I was hiding the whole time. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Cas hadn’t shown up, I—”
Sam shook his head at you and leaned down to kiss your forehead. He lifted your chin with two fingers, smiling softly. “But he did show up and we’re okay. Everything’s fine, Y/N.”
“Hey!” Dean called, and both of you looked over at him. He was standing beside Sheba’s dead vessel. “You two gonna help me with these bodies or am I gonna have to complain about it the whole way back home?”
Groaning, you let go of Sam and rolled your eyes at Dean. “So needy,” you teased, and Dean stuck his tongue out at you.
“You’re both children,” Sam laughed, but he followed you over to take care of the second demon’s vessel anyway, smiling at you all the while.
Want to be tagged? Send me an ask! Tag lists include:
Forever, Sam, Dean, Cas, Deaf!Reader, Words Series (Multiple Pairings/Characters), Home Series (Reader x Marine!Sam) - Unposted, From The Dead Series (Reader x Soldier!Dean), Consort Series (Goddess!Reader x Dean), Sam x Meg 2.0, Blog/Series Updates, and Drabble Days/Writing Events
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