#team games for kids online in Australia
ac3may · 1 year
“ the wag diaries ”
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How You Met
~ Millie Bright ~
• for the first time since you were sixteen you were single
• and you had anticipated it'd stay that way for at least a year
• but when millie bright walked into your life all the hesitancy in the world couldn't stop the inevitable
• growing up in a single father household in Kingston you had been raised a Chelsea fan
• no matter how much your toxic Brummie boyfriend turned baby daddy turned husband turned ex tried to switch you Villa
• having gone through a recent divorce and sexual awakening you were trying to navigate your new life as a single mum of three
• with inherited new funds and incoming child support your first instinct was to do something spontaneous
• something you never could have before
• with your youngest barely able to hold his head up
• your eldest daughter a football fanatic nonstop talking about the upcoming world cup
• and your middle girl obsessed with all wildlife, and a particular new interest in sea turtles, the answer seemed obvious to you
• hopping online you had one goal and within an afternoon had secured flights to spend the entire summer in australia
• for your family being in australia and not watching the Women’s World Cup would have been a travesty
• so you secured tickets to the first England group game and the final
• within a week of arrival you were all sat in matching jerseys, front row, awaiting the England vs Haiti kick-off
• flags and signs waving in the air ecstatically it was no surprise your littles were noticed
• by the cameras
• but also by the team themselves
• Georgia directed her celebrations first to her family and friends, but secondly to the two young blondes going crazy goalside (aka your daughters)
• after the match all the lionesses made their way around the pitch, spending extra time in the fan section where the four of you collected a number of signatures
• the absolute adoration on the captains face as she caught your eye for the first time was unmissable to her best friend
• Rachel joining her side immediately to distracted and entertain the kids beside you
• having gone through a somewhat recent breakup herself Millie had found herself a bit of a player in recent months
• so when her charm isn't so quick to work with you she falters
• somehow your total oblivion is even more adorably endearing to the older blonde
• it’s not intentional of course, you simply hadn't had enough experience flirting to recognise it
• especially from an International footballer!
• you agree to spend her recovery day with her, knowing just how many irreplaceable memories it'd create for your kids (and maybe you a little too)
• spending the day behind the scenes at australia zoo with the lionesses was more than you could have dreamed
• football for Kolby, animals for Ayla, and twenty-three football players all dotting attention on Lex
• other than exchanging numbers at the end of the day nothing romantic happens that day
• but Millie was unable to ignore her obvious attraction to you
• texts between you becoming increasingly common and tickets to all matches being offered
• it took longer than either would've liked but eventually Millie found a free hour and a teammate willing to babysit
• a sunrise beach walk with coffee in hand was too romantic for even you to ignore the signs of
• somehow you became groupies, discovering the country while following the team to every game
• falling for Millie came surprisingly easily
• watching the way she bonded with your children was heart melting
• and just a glance in your direction had you pinching yourself
• how was this your real life after the shit deal you'd been dealt so far?!
• she felt the same way though, not believing someone like you had walked into her life and xoukd be interested in her
• semi-final celebrations were moments of dreams
• neither of you being found too far away from the other at the after party
• ending the night on the beach, both a little tipsy, laid watching the stars, you finally share your first kiss
• the labels of your relationship not coming at quite as happy a moment
• england had just come second in the world cup and you couldn't be prouder, especially after coming to know the girls personally
• but with captaincy resting on her shoulders Millie couldn’t help but be disappointed in herself, despite her pride team in the as a whole
• finding a quite moment to pull the older girl away from the post-match madness and media you held her as she finally allow the mask to drop
• as you held her crying in your arms you still found her the most beautiful person you'd ever met, you knew you had to make her yours
And here it is! The first blurb of the Wag diaries!!
Let me know what y’all think! Is it something you think you’ll be interested in??
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
look we all sing and praise phineas and ferb until the cows come home (and rightly so) but we are all absolutely sleeping on fetch with ruff ruffman.
the opening of season four is so entirely unhinged. his evil identical twin brother steals all his belongings (including his assistant chet the mouse) and sells them online for some reason and he has no more fancy pants so he can’t take the poodle next door charlene to the poodle ball and he gets a fax saying he’s fired but it’s signed as “ha ha” which his assistant supervisor blossom pepperdoodle von yum yum says is most likely just a joke but no ruff thinks that it’s from harriet hackensack who just bought their tv station and hates dogs so he decides that he is going to go to australia where she is to get his job back so his grandma buys him back his computer (and chet) from his evil brother and then blossom hands him a book that she wrote about converting your dog house into a car or submarine running in alternative fuel so they decide to harness the power of chinese food (oil) to convert the dog house which ends up looking like a chicken car and go to australia but they didn’t build a submarine so it starts to sink until they use a bunch of pineapples in a net to make the ship float then they encounter ruffs ancestor who’s a spoof on blackbeard and they escape attack because ruff tells him to go on his website on pbskids and play science games and then they discover that auditions for season 4 contestants were actually today and ruffs usual dog murray resigned and replaced himself with hank who is a bulldog so hank has to audition 3000 kids to be contestants on fetch then they accidentally eat the pineapple floating their ship and crash land on an island and it turns out it’s poodle island which is like alcatraz for dogs and they arrest ruff because they mistake him for his evil identical twin brother scruff and he escapes though a tunnel scruff dug after finding notes scruff wrote about hitting banks hard and then they finally make it to australia where ruff dresses as a cat and goes to talk to harriet it gets stuck in the cat costume and harriet kicks him out after hiring blossom who comes back and tells ruff that harriet hates dogs because a dog named murray stole her sled named rosebud when she was a child and that murray was ruffs old employee and ruff still has the sled but then it brakes and he gets a call from his nephew glen saying that he will give him his lugeing sled if he enters the world lugeing competition dressed as a troll and then he gets a call from his great uncle mcruffmantosh saying that he can’t because one of his ancestors a thousand years got in a fight with a norwegian ice fairy and cursed all rugfmans who get on a sled but ruff decides to do it anyway and names the sled the rosebud 2 and plans to dedicate his win to harriet so he can get his job back but surprise scruff his evil brother is also at the competition and reveals that he sold ruffs stuff to pay for luge training so he could break the norwegian ice fairy curse and they team up and come in dead last place but make history as the first ever canine luge team and harriet is very moved by their performance and ruff asks her for his job back and she says she never fired him so the whole throng was a joke the whole time fabricated by ruffs nemesis spot spotnick who bought ruffs fancy pants to take charlene the poodle next door to the poodle ball but ruffs pants are so fancy that they have a self destruct button and he destructs them and embarrasses spot and then they announce the contestants on the show. like. who pitched that.
(it’s all on youtube)
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By: Bernard Lane
Published: Jun 22, 2023
Today, Australia’s upper house of parliament, the senate, may get to vote on a proposal for an inquiry into youth gender medicine.
I don’t know if a parliamentary inquiry is the right vehicle. I am confident, however, that popular arguments against an inquiry—against any kind of inquiry—are shot through with holes.
Let’s take them one by one.
We must not politicise medicine. Youth gender medicine is already politicised. The “gender-affirming” medicalised approach is not like any other branch of medicine. It is a hybrid of identity politics and medical technology. When evidence is lacking, politics fills the gap by invoking transgender rights. This is part of a society-wide distortion of institutions and norms by emotive social justice causes. In any case, the role of the medico in the child-led gender-affirming model is limited because the distress of gender dysphoria is in effect self-diagnosed. The sacrosanct trust between health professional and patient is nonetheless invoked to argue that legislatures should not prohibit medicalised gender change for minors, nor even inquire into standards of medical safety. But that same trust is swept aside when politicians are cajoled into passing ill-defined laws against “conversion therapy”, meaning in practice that ethical alternatives to the gender-affirming treatment approach are shut down.
We should not import U.S. culture wars. Too late: the dogmatic gender-affirming way is an American export that already dominates the market in rich countries. Joe Biden’s administration is pushing this “progressive” form of medicalisation not only to unwilling Republican states, but also to diverse, not necessarily receptive cultures around the world, courtesy of U.S. diplomacy. Many Democrats are dismayed by gender ideology, just as there is fierce dissent in centre-left parties and feminist groups across the developed world. It’s European social welfare states such as Sweden, Finland and England which have started the shift away from hormonal and surgical treatments for gender distress to more mainstream mental health strategies.
In these countries, the game-changer has been systematic reviews of the evidence base for medical transition of minors. Using a method that controls for bias and allows checking by others, these reviews have shown the evidence to be very weak. Which means we cannot be confident about the outcomes, good or bad, of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. We are embarked upon an uncontrolled experiment.
Trans kids will kill themselves. It’s never put this bluntly, of course, because that would make too obvious the reckless, manipulative nature of this ploy. Instead, we’re told youth gender medicine is very sensitive, involving a very vulnerable population of young people. True, up to a point. But some in the senate predictably recycled the figure that one in two trans kids attempts suicide. That’s from a low-quality, anonymous online survey with an unrepresentative sample and no follow-up to check responses. In the same vein, parents hesitant about puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones are asked, “Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?” Gender dysphoria seems to be a free-for-all where activists can ignore standard mental health warnings about the danger of retailing a simplistic suicide narrative. How does it serve trans-identifying young people to be constantly told by clinicians and journalists that they are uniquely prone to self-harm?
Dr Ken Zucker, a leading international expert on youth gender dysphoria, believes the suicide risk of gender clinic youth is similar to that of young people seen by child and adolescent mental health teams for conditions such as depression. Which makes sense, because patients in gender clinics are often depressed as well as dysphoric. “If you are depressed,” Dr Zucker told me, “your suicidality risk is going to be elevated, but you see that in kids who are depressed but don’t have gender dysphoria. The idea that adolescents with gender dysphoria are at a higher risk of suicide per se is dogma—and I think it’s wrong.” And the gender-affirming model, with its gender fixation, does not seem well suited to the perfectly ethical exploratory therapy that might disentangle the range of mental health and neurodivergent issues affecting many of these young people.
It’s agreed that gender clinic youth need compassionate help. Mental health clinicians are used to working with suicide risk, and this doesn’t require a no-questions rule at the policy level. Quite the opposite. There is an emerging group of young people, known as detransitioners, who regret medicalised gender change—they are certainly vulnerable, often shunned by their former trans community and overlooked by health professionals. They need help. And they may be able to teach lessons about less invasive ways to deal with dysphoria and how to minimise harm to other young patients. We won’t find out unless as a society we can ask sensible questions. Is the gender-affirming approach so fragile that it cannot be scrutinised or debated?
Greg Hunt sorted this. So we were told repeatedly in the senate yesterday. In mid-2019, after my news reports in The Australian quoting clinicians and researchers seeking a national inquiry, federal health minister Greg Hunt asked the Royal Australasian College of Physicians to carry out a review of youth gender medicine. At the outset, the college sent some odd signals, releasing a statement that implied the gender-affirming treatment guideline from the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) would serve as a benchmark for inquiry, rather than as a document to be critically assessed. I did some digging and discovered that the college had previously lobbied—on one occasion with the RCH gender clinic director—for faster and easier access to the hormonal treatments it was now supposed to examine. No answer when I asked the college about a conflict of interest.
In March 2020, the college served up a four-page letter to Hunt. It followed the “very vulnerable” script, warning of “extremely high rates of depression, self-harm, attempted suicide and suicide”. No data, no citations. No description of the hormonal and surgical treatments favoured by the gender-affirming model, no consideration of any risk attending those interventions, no discussion of less invasive alternatives. The college did, however, see a clear and present danger—a national inquiry “would further harm vulnerable patients and their families through increased media and public attention.” No evidence was offered to support this claim, which reflects an identity politics dogma. Hunt fed the story to The Age in Melbourne, the home town for the RCH gender clinic, which had spearheaded the gender-affirming model in Australia. “In recognition of the risks of further harm to young people, the government does not intend to establish a national inquiry on this matter”—so reported The Age, quoting the health minister’s spokesman. I asked Hunt why an inquiry would do harm, and he sought to disown the claim, suggesting it had been added by officials without his knowledge.
It’s a state responsibility. That’s certainly what Hunt’s office told me back in 2020. The head of the federal health department, Professor Brendan Murphy, was said to be disturbed about the lack of data kept by some gender clinics in state children’s hospitals. Hunt insisted that a state-federal body of senior health officials would deliver what was needed: a new, uniform model of clinical governance across Australia and a common system for proper data collection. As far as I can tell, nothing came of this.
The experts have spoken. There is another review worth revisiting, but I heard no mention of it in the senate yesterday. In mid-2019 a psychiatrist contact and I stumbled across a stealth edit in the LGBT mental health policy of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry. The March version of that policy had explicitly endorsed the RCH gender-affirming guidelines. In August I began reporting criticism of the rigour and safety of this document, which was badged as “Australian Standards of Care”. The following month, the college’s endorsement of the RCH guideline had disappeared from the policy online, replaced with the bland advice to use “evidence-based treatment guidelines.” There was no announcement about this.
I asked the college what had happened, and they said the change had been made pending a review of the evidence supporting the guideline. Two years later, the college had fleshed out a much more nuanced policy on gender dysphoria. The endorsement of the RCH guideline was not restored (it was tactfully relegated to a footnote). The new policy highlights the “paucity” of quality evidence on the outcomes of gender-affirming hormonal drugs and surgery such as mastectomy. It says “evidence and professional opinion is divided” on whether the affirmative approach should be used with children. It ­reminds psychiatrists of the changes in identity and brain ­development that come with childhood and adolescence, and insists that judgments about the capacity of minors to consent to treatment should be clearly documented. And the policy hints at the risk of lawsuits, warning its members of the “ethical and medico-legal ­dilemmas” posed by these life-­altering medical interventions given within a legal framework that is “rapidly changing”. This review has stood the test of time. So, too, has the cautious guide to managing youth gender dysphoria issued by the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists under its president Dr Philip Morris.
Video: The medical interventions sought via the London-based Tavistock GIDS clinic, the world’s largest youth gender clinic, are the same as those offered at children’s hospital gender clinics in Australia
It’s an attack on the LGBTQ community. In fact, there is growing tension between mainstream LGBs, who cling to biological sex, and the extreme Queer Theory-driven trans agenda, which promotes an inner “gender identity” cut adrift from the body. For these LGBs, same-sex attraction is the real deal. But the TQs want everyone to accept that a male-bodied person who identifies as a woman can be a lesbian—a transbian with a lady penis. Another sharp divide is the medical transition of minors. Mature LGBs recall being young, gender non-conforming and uncertain of their identity. They witness the medicalisation of today’s gender non-conforming youth, and reflect on what they escaped. Some see gender medicine as a form of eugenics, because early puberty blocking followed by cross-sex hormones is a formula for sterile adults and impaired sexual pleasure in the case of males. There are well-known transsexuals who agree with the LGBs that there is an almighty backlash coming when mainstream society understands what it has not been told about youth gender clinics. Who, then, will be under attack?
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boxfuleventsau · 3 months
Diverse Activities for Dementia Patients in Australia
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Dementia patients need special attention and care to make day to day life easier. If they stay involved in diverse activities, it will be a helpful way to recover them or keep them busy. Varied activities for dementia patients are available. Getting certain products and supplies will keep them engaged. For such products and supplies, you need to reach the top and recognized supplier. They have varied items and ideas for a better engagement of dementia patients.
Boxful Events Offers Engaging Activities for Dementia Patients in Australia
Voted as the best Party Supplier in Australia, Boxful Events has become the trusted name to provide diverse activities for dementia patients. Being Australia’s premier online destination for wholesale craft supplies, pottery kits, art and craft gift boxes, classic board games, puzzles, and unique gift ideas, Boxful Events provides you a variety of items for parties. Whether you are looking for the diverse activities for dementia patients, seeking the right ways to hosting a murder mystery party game, or planning team building activities in Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne, they have got you covered.
They also offer engaging activities for dementia patients, date night ideas, adult colouring books, party favours for kid, and large print crossword books. You will get diverse options on party activities that will surely keep you engaged and enticed.
So, what are you looking for? Stay in touch with the experts and get precise solutions according to your specific needs from experts. They guide you at every step providing you with a seamless experience.
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technolgy0411 · 4 months
Sleepwear Market Research, Share, Size, Growth, Competitor Strategy and Trends by Forecast to 2031
The “Sleepwear Market Share, Size, and Trends | 2031” is market research by The Insight Partners. The Sleepwear market has perceived tides of change in the recent past. This study offers precise projections after detailed scrutiny of a range of factors impacting the business.  Considering the present market scenario, this report brings forward correct predictions on revenue, market size, and CAGR of the Sleepwear market. The novel market research which is based on a fact-based foundation is now accessible for purchase. This report can make a variance in wide decision-making and drive business forward in the right direction.
Business is no longer a game of instincts when it comes to capitalizing on new production lines. In a highly competitive Sleepwear market, companies may face several challenges. Having trusted market research is always endorsed for both veteran and new entrants. Sleepwear Market report presents a thorough analysis of local, regional, and global market scenarios through the following details.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
End User
Distribution Channel
Hypermarkets and Supermarket
Specialty Stores
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
American Eagle Outfitters Inc. (AERIE)
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Chantelle Group.
Hanky Panky Ltd.
Hanesbrands Inc.
Jockey International Inc.
L Brands Inc.
MAS Holdings Ltd.
Triumph International Holding GmBH
Other key companies 
Competitive Landscape
Knowing the state of rivals is a strategically right move to outperform them. This report is the right place to explore key strategies, developments, and recent launches by key Sleepwear market players. This report emphasizes an analysis of business strategies and expected growth opportunities for brands.
Key Coverings:
Current and Future Market Estimates- Sleepwear Market Share, CAGR, and Forecast | 2031
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation Contributing Market Growth
Need a Customized Market Research Report?
You can always share any specific requirements that you have, and our team will adjust the scope of research offerings as per your needs.
The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Sleepwear market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Key Questions Addressed in the Sleepwear Market Research Include:
What are present Sleepwear market values, and what can be expected in the upcoming decade?
What are the key segments in the Sleepwear market?
What is the regional distribution of the Sleepwear market report?
What are the key players and their recent strategies?
What are the key factors driving Sleepwear market growth?
What are regulatory concerns and requirements businesses have to compel?
Author’s Bio:
Shashikant Ligade
Senior Analyst The Insight Partners
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allaboutcricket · 2 years
The History And Evolution Of Cricket
The sport of cricket has a lengthy history dating back hundreds of years. The game has, of course, undergone some minor alterations, but the name and the basic principles date back more than 400 years. We examine the development of this well-known sport, which is adored by people all over the world, in the sections below.
The Origin Of Cricket
Finding origins of ancient sports can be difficult as there is rarely any concrete evidence. However, we do know that cricket was first spoken of in South-East England in the 16th Century, but it was most likely already being played amongst the local community even earlier. If you are looking for biggest online cricket store thyen you should visit All About Cricket Store.
The 17th & 18th Century
After the "boys' game" incident, many adults and kids started playing cricket. Before the English Civil War started in the early 17th century, numerous parishes had formed their own cricket teams and participated in neighbourhood matches against other parishes.
The Hambledon Club, which was established in 1760, was in charge of promoting cricket as a national-level sport. The Laws of Cricket were first codified in 1787 by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), who also proceeded to revise them.
Although there have been considerable changes to the rules since 1787, it was at this point that cricket started to take shape as England's National Sport.
The Globalisation Of Cricket
England and Australia were the first nations which were recognised as a cricket playing nation in 1877. Over the following hundreds of years, the same distinguishable rights expanded to the following nations:
1889 – South Africa
1928 – The West Indies
1930 – New Zealand
1952 – Pakistan
1982 – Sri Lanka
1992 – Zimbabwe
2018 – Ireland
2018 – Afghanistan
2000 – Bangladesh
Even though there are many other nations that play cricket, the teams above have been recognised as test playing nations.
T20 Cricket
T20 cricket was introduced to England in 2003 by the England Cricket Board, who were unaware of the effects it would have on the rest of the world. The T20 format quickly expanded from England to Australia, India, and many other cricket-playing nations.
Shortly after, South Africa hosted the 2007 T20 Cricket World Cup, which India won in an exciting match against Pakistan.
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data-bridge · 2 years
Licensed Sports Merchandise Market Leading Brands and Business Opportunities
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Industry Analysis
The licensed sports merchandise market is witnessing an upsurge in its market value and this can be attributed to the rising adoption of sports in day-to-day activities coupled with rising number of individuals taking sports as a profession. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the licensed sports merchandise market will witness a CAGR of 5.17% for the forecast period.
Additionally, the credible Licensed Sports Merchandise Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for FMCG industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-licensed-sports-merchandise-market
Market Insights and Scope            
Licensed sports merchandise refers to all the products in the market that are verified for their quality, are branded and are approved to be sold to the final customers. The licensed sports merchandise is also branded by a renowned personality or a team. Licensed sports merchandise includes apparel, footwear, bands, and accessories and so on. The licensed sports merchandise can be purchased through mode online and offline mode. Rise in the e-commerce platforms has made it easier to place an order for licensed sports merchandise just by sitting at home.
The wide-ranging Data Bridge market report covers an array of aspects of the market analysis which today’s businesses call for. This market document also defines a chapter on the global market and allied companies with their profiles, which provides important data pertaining to their insights in terms of finances, product portfolios, investment plans, and marketing and business strategies. This market research report is generated with a nice blend of industry insight, talent solutions, practical solutions and use of technology to advance user experience. An outstanding Data Bridge market report puts light on many aspects related to FMCG industry and market.
Get full access to the report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-licensed-sports-merchandise-market
Industry Segmentation
The licensed sports merchandise market is segmented on the basis of product, distribution channel, application and end user. The growth among segments helps you analyse niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
On the basis of product, the licensed sports merchandise market is segmented into apparel, footwear, accessories and toys, video games, gifts and novelties, souvenirs and others.
On the basis of distribution channel, the licensed sports merchandise market is segmented into offline retail stores and online retail stores. Offline retail stores are further bifurcated into unorganized stores, hypermarkets and supermarkets.
On the basis of application, the licensed sports merchandise market is segmented into individual use and commercial use.
The licensed sports merchandise market can also be segmented on the basis of end user into men, women and kids.
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the licensed sports merchandise market report are
U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
An influential Licensed Sports Merchandise Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
Industry Share Analysis
The major players covered in the licensed sports merchandise report are
Everlast Worldwide, Inc., GIII Apparel Group, Ltd., Fanatics, Inc., adidas, Under Armour, Inc., Anta Shop., Nike, Inc., Newell Brands, New Era Cap, PRADA, PUMA SE, VF Corporation, Columbia Sportswear Company., DICK'S Sporting Goods, HANESBRANDS INC., Li Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., Ltd., Sports Direct International plc, Rawlings Sporting Goods., RDX Inc. and Revgear among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Get TOC Details: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-licensed-sports-merchandise-market
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otakusmart · 2 years
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yessoupy · 3 years
out lgbtq+ olympians!
this is my third attempt at this post. I am using the list compiled by outsports here. i highly encourage you to click through and read about each of these athletes.
below the cut is the list of the 182* out lgbtq+ athletes at the tokyo games. from the outsports list i have added some scheduling information -- if they've already competed, how they did, and if they are still competing/are yet to compete, when you can catch them. all times are US central daylight, because that's where I live.
representation in sport is SO important for lgbtq+ kids. allies, PLEASE make it a point to post about these athletes on your social media. making the olympic team is a HUGE accomplishment for anyone, and the social barriers that exist for most lgbtq+ athletes make it even MORE amazing.
Arranged by alphabetical order of sport. I have bolded the names of athletes who are still competing or will compete later in the Olympics. Athletes' names are italicized when they win a medal.
lgbtq+ medal count lol:
gold: 11 silver: 12 bronze: 9
3x3 Basketball
Stefanie Dolson (USA) - Team USA won GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie Allemand (Belgium) - Belgium lost to Japan in the quarterfinals.
Marjorie Carpréaux (Belgium)
Kim Mestdagh (Belgium)
Ann Wauters (Belgium)
Sue Bird (USA) - Sue was a co-flag bearer at the Opening Ceremonies, as voted upon by her fellow Olympic athletes. Team USA's won gold!
Chelsea Gray (USA)
Brittney Griner (USA)
Breanna Stewart (USA)
Diana Taurasi (USA)
Sabrina Lozada-Cabbage (Puerto Rico) - Puerto Rico finished group play 0-3 in Group C.
Dayshalee Salamán (Puerto Rico)
Leilani Mitchell (Australia) - Australia was defeated in the quarterfinals by Team USA.
Shaina Pellington (Canada) - Canada finished group play 1-2 in Group A.
BMX Freestyle - NB: You'll find BMX listed under "cycling" when looking at online scheduling.
Perris Benegas (USA) - Perris competes in BMX Freestyle and placed fourth.
Hannah Roberts (USA) - Hannah also competes in BMX Freestyle and won the silver medal!!
Chelsea Wolfe (USA, reserve)
Rashida Ellis (USA) - Rashida competes in the women's lightweight event and was defeated in the Round of 16.
Kellie Harrington (Ireland) - Kellie, the flagbearer for Team Ireland, competed in the women's lightweight event and won gold!
Michaela Walsh (Ireland) - Michaela competed in the women's featherweight event. She lost in the Round of 16 to the Italian, Irma Testa, 0-5.
Nesthy Petecio (Philippines) - Nesthy competes in women's featherweight and won the silver medal!!
Irish Bagno (Philippines) - Irish competes in women's flyweight and was defeated in the Round of 16.
Canoe Slalom
Evy Leibfarth (USA) - Evy placed 20th in the K-1 slalom with a Run 1 score of 125.85 (lower scores are better). This put her into the semifinal where she placed 12th and missed qualifying for the final by two places. Evy placed 18th in the C-1 semifinal.
Florence Maheu (Canada) - Florence placed 13th in the K-1 slalom with a Run 1 score of 114.29. In the semifinals she placed 23rd.
Georgia Simmerling (Canada) - Georgia competed in the women's team pursuit on the track. Team Canada placed 4th.
Valerie Demey (Belgium) - Valerie competed in the women's road race but did not finish.
Tom Daley (Britain) - This 4-time Olympian won his first gold medal in Tokyo on the 10m platform synchro with his diving partner Matty Lee. Tom won bronze in the 10m platform!
Anton Down-Jenkins (New Zealand) - Anton's event is the 3m springboard individual. Anton placed 8th in the final!
Cathrine Dufour (Denmark) - Cathrine competed in Team Dressage, in which her team placed 4th with a score of 7540.
Edward Gal (Netherlands) - Edward also competed in Team Dressage, finishing in 5th with a score of 7479.5.
Hans Peter Minderhoud (Netherlands) - Hans Peter is Edward's teammate.
Carl Hester (Britain) - Carl competed in Team Dressage, earning the bronze medal with a score of 7723!
Domien Michiels (Belgium) - Domien competed in the Team Dressage event, ranking 10th in the qualifying rounds with a score of 6702.5, missing the finals by 2 places.
Nick Wagman (USA, reserve)
Astrid Guyart (France) - Astrid earned a silver medal in the women's team foil event!!
Field Hockey
Sarah Jones (Britain) - The British team won bronze!
Leah Wilkinson (Britain)
Susannah Townsend (Britain)
Grace O’Hanlon (New Zealand) - New Zealand was defeated by the Netherlands in the quarterfinal.
Anne Veenendaal (Netherlands) - The Dutch team won gold!
Mel Reid (Britain) - Mel ended the tournament in 55th.
Alena Sharp (Canada) - Alena ended the tournament in 49th.
Babi Arenhart (Brazil) - Brazil finished 1-1-3 in group play in the women's tournament.
Nathalie Hagman (Sweden) - Sweden finished the tournament in 4th.
Alexandra Lacrabère (France) - France won gold!
Amandine Leynaud (France)
Alice Bellandi (Italy) - Alice's quest for gold ended in the semifinals of the women's 70kg event.
Amandine Buchard (France) - Amandine competed in the women's 52kg event. She earned SILVER! The gold was earned by Uta Abe of Japan. She earned gold in the mixed team event!
Nina Cutro-Kelly (USA) - Nina competes in the women's +78kg event and she was defeated in the Round of 32.
Jasmin Grabowski (Germany) - Jasmin competes in the women's +78kg event. She was defeated in the Round of 32. In the mixed team event, she won bronze!
Natalie Powell (Britain) - Natalie competes in the women's 78kg event. She was defeated in the Round of 16 by South Korean Yoon Hyunji.
Tessie Savelkouls (Netherlands) - Tessa competes in the women's +78kg event and was defeated in the Round of 32.
Sanne van Dijke (Netherlands) - Sanne competed in the women's 70kg event and earned a BRONZE MEDAL!
Guusje Steenhuis (Netherlands) - Guusje competes in the women's -78kg. She was eliminated from the competition in the repechage contest after the quarterfinal.
Raz Hershko (Israel) - Raz competes in the women's +78kg event where she placed 9th. She won a bronze medal in the mixed team event!
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rut Castillo Galindo (Mexico) - Rut competed in the Individual All-Around, where she placed 22nd in qualifications with a combined score of 82.750.
Saskia Budgett (Britain, reserve)
Kendall Chase (USA) - Kendall and her women's four teammates won Final B with a time of 6:33.65.
Gia Doonan (USA) - Gia was part of the women's eight, qualifying for Final A by winning their heat. Gia and her team placed 4th in Final A.
Meghan O’Leary (USA) - Meghan competes in women's quadruple sculls. She and her team, including Ellen Tomek, placed 4th in Final B.
Jessica Thoennes (USA) - Jessica is Gia's teammate in the women's eight and placed 4th in Final A.
Ellen Tomek (USA) - Ellen is Meghan's teammate in the women's quadruple sculls.
Emma Twigg (New Zealand) - Emma won gold in women's single sculls!!!!!!!!!!!
Julian Venonsky (USA) - Julian competes in the men's eight and placed 4th in Final A.
Maarten Hurkmans (Netherlands) - Maarten competes in the men's eight. His team qualified directly to Final A in the heats. Julian placed 5th in Final A.
Katarzyna Zillmann (Poland) - Katarzyna competes in women's quad sculls and won the silver medal with her team!!
Elissa Alarie (Canada) - Canada placed 9th in the women's tournament.
Britt Benn (Canada)
Ghislaine Landry (Canada)
Kaili Lukan (Canada)
Kelly Brazier (New Zealand) - New Zealand won the gold medal, defeating France in the final!
Gayle Broughton (New Zealand)
Portia Woodman (New Zealand)
Ruby Tui (New Zealand)
Isadora Cerullo (Brazil) - Team Brazil placed 11th in the women's tournament.
Marina Fioravanti (Brazil)
Megan Jones (Britain) - Team GB placed 4th in the women's tournament, losing to Fiji in the bronze medal match.
Celia Quansah (Britain)
Alev Kelter (USA) - Team USA placed 6th in the women's tournament.
Kristen Thomas (USA)
Lauren Doyle (USA)
Sharni Williams (Australia) - Team Australia placed 5th in the women's tournament.
Jolanta Ogar (Poland) - Jolanta's event is the women's 470, and she won the silver medal with her sailing partner Agnieszka Skrzypulec!
Cecilia Carranza Saroli (Argentina) - Cecilia's event is mixed Nacra 17 and she and her teammate placed 7th.
Jolyn Beer (Germany) - Jolyn placed 17th in women's 10m air rifle. She placed 6th in the women's smallbore rifle, 3 positions.
Aleksandra Jarmolińska (Poland) - Aleksandra competes in women's skeet, where she placed 19th in the qualifying round with a shot average of 0.912.
Andri Eleftheriou (Cyprus) - Andri also competes in women's skeet, placing 7th in qualifying with a shot average of 0.952.
Katarina Kowplos (Australia) - Katarina competed in three events during the Olympics. She was ranked 45th in the women's 10m air rifle; 36th in women's 50m air rifle, 3 positions; and the Australian team placed 22nd in the mixed 10m air rifle.
Margielyn Didal (Philippines) - Margielyn placed seventh in the women's street final.
Annie Guglia (Canada) - Annie placed 19th in the women's street final.
Poppy Starr Olsen (Australia) - Poppy competed in women's park, and placed 5th in the final!
Alexis Sablone (USA) - Alexis finished just out of the medal picture in women's street, placing 4th.
Alana Smith (USA) - Alana, nonbinary, placed 20th in women's street at this Games.
Soccer - way to represent!!!!
Yenny Acuña Berrios (Chile) - Team Chile finished 0-3 in Group E play
Christiane Endler (Chile)
Fernanda Pinilla (Chile)
Andressa Alves (Brazil, reserve)
Bárbara Barbosa (Brazil) - Team Brazil was defeated by Canada in the quarterfinals.
Marta da Silva (Brazil)
Formiga (Brazil)
Letícia Izidoro (Brazil)
Aline Reis (Brazil)
Kadeisha Buchanan (Canada) - Team Canada won the gold!
Stephanie Labbé (Canada)
Erin McLeod (Canada, reserve)
Quinn (Canada) - Quinn is a trans non-binary athlete!!!
Kailen Sheridan (Canada)
Rachel Daly (Britain) - Team GB was defeated by Australia in the quarterfinals.
Fran Kirby (Britain)
Jill Scott (Britain)
Demi Stokes (Britain)
Carly Telford (Britain)
Tierna Davidson (USA) - Team USA won bronze!
Adrianna Franch (USA)
Kelly O’Hara (USA)
Megan Rapinoe (USA)
Anouk Dekker (Netherlands, reserve)
Sisca Folkertsma (Netherlands) - Team Netherlands was defeated by Team USA in the quarterfinals.
Vivianne Miedema (Netherlands)
Sherida Spitse (Netherlands)
Daniëlle van de Donk (Netherlands)
Shanice van de Sanden (Netherlands)
Stefanie Van Der Gragt (Netherlands)
Merel van Dongen (Netherlands)
Abby Erceg (New Zealand) - Team New Zealand finished 0-3 in Group G play.
Hannah Wilkinson (New Zealand)
Magda Eriksson (Sweden) - Team Sweden won silver!
Lina Hurtig (Sweden)
Hedvig Lindahl (Sweden)
Caroline Seger (Sweden)
Emily Gielnik (Australia) - Team Australia finished 4th in the tournament.
Sam Kerr (Australia)
Chloe Logarzo (Australia)
Teagan Micah (Australia)
Tameka Yallop (Australia)
Ally Carda (USA) - Team USA earned a silver medal!
Amanda Chidester (USA)
Taylor Edwards (USA, reserve)
Haylie McCleney (USA)
Larissa Franklin (Canada) - Team Canada earned a bronze medal!
Joey Lye (Canada)
Kaia Parnaby (Australia) - Team Australia ended group play with a 1-4 record.
Anissa Urtez (Mexico) - Team Mexico finished just out of the medals in 4th place.
Silvana Lima (Brazil) - Silviana competed in women's shortboard, scoring an 8.3 against Carissa Moore, eventual gold medal winner, in Quarterfinal 3.
Sofia Mulanovich (Peru) - Sofia competed in women's shortboard, scoring 9.90 against Carissa Moore in Heat 5.
Rachele Bruni (Italy) - Rachele competed in the women's 10km open water event and placed 14th.
Ana Marcela Cunha (Brazil) - Ana Marcela won gold in the women's 10km open water!
Amini Fonua (Tonga) - Amini qualified for the Olympics in the men's 100m breaststroke. In the heats he was disqualified. :/ I haven't seen what it was he did to be DQ'd, but my guess (I swam breaststroke in high school and college) is that he did not finish his breakout dolphin kick before beginning his stroke off the blocks/wall. Will update if I figure it out.
Mélanie Henique (France) - Mélanie placed 11th in the women's 50m freestyle with a time of 24.63. She tied with Simone Manuel of America.
Ari-Pekka Liukkonen (Finland) - Ari-Pekka is a sprint freestyler. In the heats of the men's 100m freestyle, he placed 46th overall with a 50.48. Ari-Pekka placed 26th in the men's 50m freestyle heats.
Markus Thormeyer (Canada) - Markus is a backstroker who also competed in the men's 4x100m freestyle relay, where Team Canada placed fourth. He placed 19th in the 100m backstroke and 16th in the 200m backstroke. Markus swam in the prelims and final of the men's 4x100m medley relay, placing 7th.
Jack Woolley (Ireland) - Jack, who is bisexual, competed in the men's 58kg event. He lost to Lucas Guzman of Argentina in the Round of 16.
Demi Schuurs (Netherlands) - Demi competes in women's doubles. She and her partner lost to the Russian Olympic Committee team in the second round in 3 sets.
Sam Stosur (Australia) - Sam and her tennis partner lost to the Swiss pair of Bencic/Golubic in the quarterfinal round of women's doubles.
Alison van Uytvanck (Belgium) - Alison competed in women's singles. She was eliminated from the tournament by Garbinye Muguruza of Spain in the third round.
Carla Suarez Navarro (Spain) - Carla placed 17th in the women's singles tournament and 9th in women's doubles.
Track and Field
Michelle-Lee Ahye (Trinidad) - Michelle-Lee qualified 10th in the 100m and 8th in the semifinals, not earning a time or place qualification to the final. Her 4x100m relay team placed 15th in the heats of the relay.
Dutee Chand (India) - Dutee placed 45th in the 100m heats. She placed 38th in the 200m.
Ramsey Angela (Netherlands) - Ramsey won the silver medal in the men's 4x400m relay with his team! He also ran in the mixed 4x400m relay, where his team placed 4th.
Geisa Arcanjo (Brazil) - Geisa placed 30th in the qualification round for the women's shot put.
Raven Saunders (USA) - Raven won the silver in women's shot put!
Tom Bosworth (Britain) - Tom competed in the men's 20km race walk and placed 25th overall.
Erica Bougard (USA) - Erica placed 11th overall in the women's heptathlon.
Aoife Cooke (Ireland) - Aoife did not finish the marathon - it was very hot and humid!!
Izabela da Silva (Brazil) - Izabela placed 11th in the women's discus throw.
Gabriela DeBues-Stafford (Canada) - Gabriela placed 5th in the women's 1500m.
Yulimar Rojas (Venezuela) - Yulimar placed 1st in qualifications for the women's triple jump. In the finals, she won gold AND set a world record!!!
Senni Salminen (Finland) - Senni just missed qualifying for the final in women's triple jump, placing 13th in qualifications.
Dominic Clarke (Australia) - Dominic placed 8th in men's trampoline after qualifying in 1st. It looks like he had a few misses in the final.
Ana Carolina da Silva (Brazil) - Team Brazil won the silver medal!
Carol Gattaz (Brazil)
Paola Egonu (Italy) - Team Italy is 3-2 in pool play. Italy was defeated by Serbia in the quarterfinals.
Douglas Souza (Brazil) - Team Brazil finished the tournament in 4th place.
Water Polo
Rowie Webster (Australia) - Team Australia ended the tournament in 5th place!
Laurel Hubbard (New Zealand) - Laurel, a trans woman, will competed in the A final of the +87kg women's event and did not finish.
Kayla Miracle (USA) - Kayla will compete in the women's freestyle 62kg. Kalya lost her bout to Long Jia in the Round of 16.
Caitlin Rooskrantz (South Africa) - In qualifying, Caitlin placed 61st individually.
BMX Racing
Elke Vanhoof (Belgium) - Elke competes in women's BMX Racing. She placed 6th in semifinals and did not advance.
Lucilla Boari (Italy) - Lucilla won a bronze medal in the women's individual event and placed 7th in the women's team.
Table Tennis
Caroline Kumahara (Brazil) - Caroline placed 9th in the women's team event.
Beach Volleyball
Ana Patricia Silva Ramos (Brazil) - Ana Patricia and her beach volleyball partner Rebecca Cavalcanti were eliminated by the Swiss pair in the quarterfinal round of the women's tournament.
Please let me know if you notice an error here! Send me an ask or a DM. Please be kind, this was a lot of work and I'm sure I made an error somewhere.
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female-buckets · 2 years
For the soccer fans who are debating about coverage differentials between basketball and soccer, let me share my perspective:
I was a WNBA fan as a kid, but kind of fell off when I went to college (and couldn't get the local radio broadcasts for my team anymore - this was pre online streaming). I actually got back into women's sports with soccer because I started hearing so much about it during the 2012 Olympics. They were getting so much press coverage that I got sucked in. The NWSL was starting that year, so the hype around the Olympic team led me to check that out and I started watching. The hype around the 2015 World Cup also drew me in.
In 2014, the US Women's basketball team won the FIBA World Cup for the 9th time. I was completely unaware. I only really got into the WNBA again when I had just subscribed to Sling, and happened to see that the playoffs were on ESPN 2. I happened to watch the epic Seattle/Phoenix semis and got rehooked on the W, and even so, was *barely* aware there was another FIBA world cup happening that year. I am now a dedicated W watcher, but always feel like I have to do my own work to figure out what is happening and when.
Just contrast the lead up to the 2019 World Cup vs the lead up for this year's FIBA. Most casual fans probably knew there was a WWC happening in 2019. You have to really know that FIBA is happening this year. No talk shows are hosting national team players to hype things up...
Sorry for the long rant. Tl;Dr women's soccer is much more visible in the national media for casual fans, even for someone like me who had a history of loving women's basketball
Exactly. I actually have a similar history with soccer and basketball. I was a Storm fan as a kid. But I don't even remember watching basketball at the Olympics! Even though the Olympics back then featured LJ and Sue!
I drifted away from basketball and sports in general for a while. But I still watched every Olympic and World Cup for the USWNT. Because it was advertised and televised. So I was like "yeah sure, I'll watch that."
I've watched USWNT more than I've watched USA Basketball women.
The 2019 FIFA world cup was a big deal, right?
But actually, it turns out the 2018 FIBA world cup was a big deal, too! Australia, USA's truest rival, got back to the gold medal game after 10 years away! Liz versus BG! Baby Leo, the American/Aussie rivalry love child, watching from the stands! Why didn't any of that go viral?
I didn't know it was happening. I watched the 2018 WNBA finals too. But I wasn't following basketball that closely. So I didn't know about FIBA.
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demonfox38 · 3 years
Completed - Pokémon Shield
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If you must go fox hunting, do it with Pokéballs. Maybe a poodle or two, if the game will let you.
So, I should start this review out with the fact that I am, in certain circumstances, pro-cheating at Pokémon games. Like, not for competitive purposes, obviously. Don't hurt your friends and rivals. But, being cheap and living in a rural area warps a person. Before the Internet was incorporated into Pokémon games, there was no way someone in Fuckoff, Iowa was going to get special legendaries without driving for hours or hacking. Having two copies of the same game, just plus or minus a few Pokémon depending on versioning, might not fly with whoever is buying these games. You know what was more economical? Game Sharks / Action Replays.
Also, dicking around with Pokémon cheats was what taught me hexadecimal. Pre-emptively helped me with that Bachelor's of Science degree. Cheating! It's helpful and educational. Probably not a lesson you want to teach your kids, but hey. Sometimes, the truth is weird.
I mention this point of view because this is what finally got me to play "Pokémon Shield."
I should also mention that I work with a lot of young adults. I'm one who is very pro-maintenance when it comes to video games, so I want to promote this point of view as a secondary sort of education. I like to show our student workers things like circuit boards and the innards of consoles. Ya know. Promoting repairing over throwing shit away. While reviewing the circuit board for an illegitimate copy of a Pokémon game, one of these students brought up the subject of Bobandy's Pokémon Lab. Using this Discord server and syntax one can generate using Pokémon Showdown's Team Builder, you can basically make any Pokémon you want for "Pokémon Sword" and "Shield."
Okay. Finally. A reason to play the games.
It has been a couple of years since the initial "Pokémon Sword" and "Shield" games were released. Granted, 2019 feels as far away as 1999, given the crap we have gone through. For those that do not remember—or just feel mentally destroyed from these past two years—these games were originally controversial upon their launch. Lists of these complaints included:
Limiting the number of Pokémon species available for play—i.e., breaking decades worth of tradition regarding completing a Pokédex (a.k.a. Dexit.)
The cheap, recycled nature of Pokémon models and animations in game.
Concerns over the development staff and their tight deadlines from callous leadership focused more on merchandising than the quality of the games themselves.
The inclusion of DLC.
Having to pay for Nintendo's online service to trade between consoles via the Internet—a feature that was free for the DS and 3DS.
Numbers 3-5 are industry wide poison. Number 2 doesn't bother me as much, as I typically shut animations off to make fights go faster. But, Number 1? That's a unique problem to this game set. That's 234 reasons to be a deal killer.
Like, I get it. Game development is really goddamn hard. I could even see such a roster culling to be reasonable in certain circumstances. If this game had been based on a desert biome or a rainforest or some really unique environment? Like, fantasy Egypt, Brazil, or Australia? I'd totally get it. But, for a region that is just pseudo-England? It doesn't jive.
Even more infuriating is why some of these Pokémon were cut. Like, Furfrou, the Florges line, and Oricorio are all Pokémon with a multitude of appearance variations. Can't have that! That's too complicated. So, they get cut. Some Pokémon—Donphan's line, Arbok's line, Mareep's line—well, they're too close to the other Pokémon made with the same base animal. So, cut! And yet, the Gardevoir line remains, despite getting a bit of a clone with Hatterene's line. Guess popularity helps sometimes, doesn't it? Hell, even some generational starters got cut! But, there's always a damn Charizard, isn't there?
Look, man. Charizard isn't that good. Getting ground immunity is helpful, but gaining an electrical weakness isn't doing anyone any favors. Particularly, with how popular that type is. Love yourself. Get your fire types out of the wild. Or, love your friend and give them a baby Bulbasaur or Treecko with False Swipe in its move pool. Like, sure, Charizard can learn that too, but surely you can get some powders in the mix as well.
Okay. Dead bird in the punch bowl aside, what else can be said about this game?
There are details I find favorable about "Pokémon Shield". First of all, the concept of the Wild Area? Wonderful. Just what I want in a Pokémon game! It's not as sprawling of an area as "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", but it whets the appetite for hunting and training Pokémon out in a vast landscape. Like, I really hope this is what "Pokémon Arceus" will be—just screwing around in the wild for as long as possible. Are there issues with items rendering in the distance? Yes. Are the weather affects random and unrealistic? Yeah. Still, though. This is what I want to do—just run around in the wild with my monster buddies until they tap out at level 100.
Additionally, I think character design for this game was well done. Like, don't get me wrong. I've got more teeth than human characters that I care about from Pokémon games. But, there is a wide variety of genders, ethnicities, body shapes, ages, and personalities at play here. Your rival character goes through a lovely depression and resolution arc. It's definitely what a modern Pokémon game should have for characters, especially for its global appeal. I'm just the jerk that only comes out of the Veldt to up her badges so that more Pokémon can listen to her. Or even be caught.
Like, geez. I know they're trying to prevent people from nabbing a level 60 Pokémon when they're only going to have level 20 Pokémon listening to them. But, isn't the obedience system with the badges enough? Why take both kneecaps from a player when one tire-iron swing to the leg will suffice? (Or, when they can transfer in a level 100 one from questionable online sources?)
The DLC does feel worth it, for this game. It grants you two more huge-ass wild areas to explore, as well as a few additional legendaries. (Granted, I was only hype about Spectrier.) There is a huge bonus to getting the Nintendo online service up and going for this game as well. Talking with other players grants you some additional items that can be used to heal Pokémon or sold off for cash. Considering how tight money is in this game and how expensive the really cool clothing is (particularly, the DLC exclusive stuff), it does pay in fake resources to pay with real ones.
I can't believe I went over 300 hours with "Monster Hunter Rise" on my own, but coughed up cash within 5 minutes for "Pokémon Shield." Shows my priorities…
I think the Surprise Gifts felt a little more balanced than in the previous 3DS incarnations. At least, it sometimes feels like there's a filter in the mix, trying to match Pokémon with similar levels and rarities. At least, I wasn't constantly getting Wooloo bombed when I sent out free Eevee evolutions. (I can't fully explain why I did this, but I liked catching the daily Eevee evolution spawns from the Lake of Outrage area and giving them to people. Just felt like a donation I needed to make.)
I think the Max Raid battles could be fantastic, if I could ever get joined to one. Most are password locked. If not that, then I tend to get too them too slowly via Y-Comm navigation. Like, is it really that hard just to make the joining process being physically at a den, then hitting a prompt when looking into the den? Or talking to another player by the den? Do I have to dick around with a communication tool that may not even have the closest matches to me show up? Could I just do Max Raids without ding-dong A.I. trainers joining me? That would be swell.
Also, that randomized Max Raid area in the Crown Tundra DLC can jump right up my butt. I don't go to hard work raising my own Pokémon just to be handed someone else's monster mash. Not to mention having to deal with vapid trainer A.I. again!
A lot of the features with "Pokémon Sword/Shield" feel regressive, particularly compared to "Pokémon Ultra Sun/Moon." Camping feels like the cramp-inducing Poffin baking combined with a messy Pokémon Amie experience. It can heal some status conditions, but it's not as quick as Pokémon Refresh was. It does showcase how poor the navigation A.I. is for Pokémon, however, so that's a certain kind of entertaining. Additionally, I was sorely missing Poké Pelago, particularly in comparison to the duller job system and non-existent farming. Shaking trees down for food gets old. Fighting Greedents and Skwovets, older.
I have never felt as much anger towards Zubats or Rattata as I do those squirrel bastards.
Oh. Right. Dynamaxing. I should talk more about that, but I frankly don't care about it. It's more of that sort of Z-Crystal kind of crap, but for inflating stats. It made most gym leader battles predictable and just a few seconds longer than usual. To be honest, I found it more amusing just to skip using it and punk out the opposing Pokémon with my own in regular form. I'm glad that there was a gym leader that did this, too. Makes me feel not so crazy.
Speaking of gyms—I was not too hype for them this time around. I'm just not a jock, man. I don't care about pseudo fútbol. Again, this just triggered missing "Pokémon Sun/Moon"'s trial variants. I guess the stadium events were quicker, but it really didn't do much for me. Ditto the Team Yell subplot. Like, I get that the games feel like they have to follow a narrative formula, but…
Okay. Look. I know I'm not a people person. I wouldn't classify myself as misanthropic, as I don't want to hurt others. I am okay being on my own—or at least, being the only human for miles around. Comes with living in Fuckoff, Iowa, I guess. Hell, one of my favorite video game genres is ye olde Metroidvania, and a lot of those are tackling a hostile territory on your own. I think this personality quirk of mine affected my enjoyment of "Pokémon Shield" immensely. Yes, the characters are fine, and the co-op gave me some resources, but at the end of everything, I just want to be alone in a hostile environment with only my little fluffy critters to rely on. The rest is just so much excess noise.
I think my ideal Pokémon game at this point would be, like, a "Pikmin" but with Pokémon and without a time limit. Like, just survive on an island on my own, building a base of operations with my Pokémon, trying to find out the island's mysteries. Maybe we return home. Maybe we invite people to our little village. I just wanna be with my Pokémon. Maybe, use them to punk a Dr. Moreau villain. That'd be cool. Or, hell! Go full "Lord of the Flies" against my rival's tent city!
Okay, maybe having an Emboar's head on a pike would be a bit much for a kid's game. Even I'm not that jaded.
If you're looking for a clear-cut recommendation for me on this game set, then I think it would be this: wait for "Pokémon Arceus." See what it does. If it turns out to have more of that sweet wild exploration that this game started, then that's where you'll want to put your money. If you still want to play this game, then use the links above to cheat the hell out of it. I'll even help you out. Have a syntax sample for it:
$trade Inari (Vulpix) (F) @ Fire Stone  
Ability: Drought  
Level: 1
Shiny: Yes
Language: Japanese
OT: Amaterasu
OTGender: Female
TID: 357486
SID: 0357
Modest Nature  
- Flamethrower  
- Extrasensory  
- Dark Pulse
- Energy Ball
Just, you know. Don't ruin your experience for yourself. A level 1 Pokémon is something you can build up. A level 100 legendary will be nothing more than a boat anchor for a long time.
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chcnce · 4 years
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guess the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD OCTOBER baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA  is just as CRISP as the month of OCTOBER. wait, why do they remind me of BANG CHAN? beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX # 4 / APARTMENT # 1 / FLOOR # 2 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as STREAMER.
hi! i’m lu and i’m really happy to present to you to my mess of a son. he’s certainly a hard pill to swallow but he’s not as bad once you get to interact with him. chance is his real english name, but also the persona he’s crafted to remain popular and relevant to the masses. he’s blunt and brutally honest, but mostly when he’s streaming. all in all: a whole ass mess, i insist.
without further ado, here are his basic stats, a trivia and wanted connections under the cut. however you can find his background and plots linked accordingly ( i’ll add other pages eventually ). i’m really fine with talking either here or discord, so whichever works fine for you, works fine for me too! i’ll be reaching to everyone go gives this a like soon enough <3
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ― hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: dallyeog / complex # 4 / apartment # 1 / floor # 2 ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ― accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games. ― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently. ― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins. ― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen. ― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies. ― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube. ― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year. ― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest. ― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod. ― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
wanted connections:
― life in seoul: he’s been wanting to start a podcast that has nothing to do with his main channel, aka a podcast about the culture in seoul from different perspectives, he wants to know about other people’s experiences. can be people that have lived all their life here or foreigners that, like himself, are pretty much new or can’t get enough of the city. it’d be a pretty chill podcast and anyone can participate! ― people that know about him and lowkey follow his streams (or just play them in the background while doing other stuff) ― or people that know about him but dislike him because he’s said stuff before about other public figures you’re a fan of. or he just simply rubs you the wrong way. ― people who absolutely hates when he streams late at night and he’s full on screaming at the screen (he tried to soundproof his streaming room but someone he can be way too loud, sorry) ― he’s always up for a good collaboration regardless of the topic: food, art, random tags and challenges. even if it's not up to his alley, he's likely to always say yes just for the laughs. ― the group of friends yohan met in different ways. they're not all strictly gamers, streamers or anything of the sort, but whenever they get together to play some games, it's a total chaos. and he wouldn't change it at all. ― the one person that always gets his packages delivered by mistake to your place instead of his. or the other way around. ― more: friends, enemies, a penpal, a platonic soulmate, workout buddies, etc.
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snakebusters · 3 years
Snake Party Melbourne all the rage.
Snake parties are all the rage among mums and dads in Melbourne. People are lining up for snake parties in Melbourne! To learn more about how Snake Parties came about, read on ...In the late 1960's The Snakeman Raymond Hoser invented Snake Parties. At the time, Hoser was lampooned as an idiot, but the idea could not be killed. The name came from the idea of bringing tons of snakes to a kids birthday party, for the children to get hands on and hold them. These reptile gatherings soon evolved to become full-blown wildlife parties and then the so-called reptile party. Since then he has registered the trademarks for reptile party and reptile parties in Australia, involving all sorts of critters and in all configurations. The reptile party trademarks include Snake parties, snake catcher, online information on snakes, wildlife conservation activities, education in schools and so on.The whole concept of snake parties has travelled a long, long, way since then. Initially, Raymond Hoser and his reptile collection were a curiosity piece among friends and others who would come to his home to see them. Hoser would take the snakes out of their cages, do a show and tell and let those who wanted to hold them, get hands on. At the time, Raymond was more into the science of the animals that dealing with other people, but his parents were regularly entertainers of friends and invariably everyone would want to see the animals. Rather than wait for this to happen, Raymond would simply take the animals to the party, do his show and tell, and then get back to what he had to do. Typically that was study in one form or other, including what has since become many hundreds of major scientific papers. From these humble beginnings, the 15 minute "show and tell" with the snakes as the centrepiece expanded and then word-of-mouth did the rest. The reptile party show extended to an hour or more. Strangers and other people were more than happy to pay to have Raymond take time out and do what soon became known as the reptile party, or snake parties. Raymond Hoser's activities were effectively outlawed in the 1970's, as the government-run and owned zoos saw a potential break in their monopoly of the wildlife space. They wanted people to come to the zoo and spend their money there instead. The idea of a mobile zoo eating into their lucrative profits was something they had to stop and which they succeeded in.Raymond Hoser fought against the government's corrupt and dishonest banning of private ownership of wildlife in Australia for two decades and got nowhere. The enemy in the form of government-run zoos, wildlife officers from the department that owned the zoos were way too powerful and easily withstood the demands of people wanting private ownership of reptiles. The government run zoos, like Taronga in Sydney and the Melbourne Zoo in Melbourne (known as Zoos Victoria) also had the government controlled media on their sidel. That was until in 1993, when Raymond Hoser dropped a so-called curve ball and he published the best-selling book, Smuggled: The Underground Trade in Australia's Wildlife. It exposed the rotten underbelly of the illegal Australian wildlife trade, corruption in State Wildlife departments and all the animal abuse and cruelty going on in their own zoos businesses. True to form the Australian government had the book banned, got police to raid bookshops and seized all copies of the books. On instructions copies were destroyed and the media that was completely controlled by the state was gagged from reporting the story.The state controlled media, including the Murdoch Press, who only reports what the government wants them to, refused to report the story of the corruption book that was banned. Were it not for the corageous efforts of a veteran investigative journalist, Fia Cumming, this story would have gone no further and nothing would have changed. Employed at the notorious Murdoch owned News Corporation, stories she wrote about corruption were censored and banned (they say spiked in the trade) and her sub-editors, better known as government-assisting censors made sure none of her stories about full-blown corruption ever got printed. Aware of this, Fia Cumming decided to sabotage the system and get the story of the banning of the book run when the censor wasn't looking. After planning in line with a covert military operation, her story ran on the front page of all the Murdoch rags on a Sunday in mid 1993, a media frenzy followed and next thing you know, the Australian government through the environment minister at the time (Chris Hartcher) was forced to apologise for the government's fascist behaviour. He then interviewed on National TV and was forced under duress and effectively kicking and screaming to direct that the book be formally "unbanned". Police were directed to go back to policing, but as we know, not much that is done, because a lot of cops prefer to deal illicit drugs and do other things that make them more cash.The book Smuggled:The Underground Trade in Australia's Wildlife went on to become a best seller! It has been republished many times since and remains an Australian classic more than a quarter of a century after it was published. It is mandatory reading for all wildlife lovers and those with an interest in entrenched government corruption in Australia. The bombshell book forced a rewrite of wildlife laws across Australia and for the first time in decades, private people could keep and study native wildlife without getting locked up if caught doing so. This also meant that privately owned travelling wildlife shows could operate again. Once it became clear that mobile wildlife displays were legal and those who did them were not going to jail for doing hands on wildlife displays, Raymond Hoser was again able to do his reptile parties. Seizing on from ideas from others and refining them, the business plan and the nature of the reptile parties changed dramatically.Instead of owning species that he liked, Raymond Hoser targetted those that were best suited to being handled, ease of looking after and with a wow-factor for audiences at events like kids parties and birthday party shows. The snake party, sometimes also known as the Kids Reptile Party included crocodiles, snakes, lizards, frogs and turtles, with lots of different kinds and massive numbers at a time, so that even in a group of 30 people, everyone can hold the animals at the same time. In Melbourne the state of Victoria, Australia, kinders, primary schools, secondary schools and even universities seized on the opportunity to have a mobile zoo come to them and so business boomed for the reptile party shows. The concept of the travelling wildlife display for kids birthday parties has now been copied across Australia and also elsewhere, including in the UK, USA and even South Africa. Raymond Hoser taught people in all these places, who now run their own successful wildlife education and reptile display businesses. In Melbourne, reptile parties are seen most weekends and in pretty much all suburbs of Melbourne and nearby parts of Victoria. On weekdays when not at schools, kinders and the like, reptile displays can be seen at corporate events and even team building exercises for bored business people. Occasionally Raymond Hoser will spend the day simply cleaning cages, a neccessary chore that comes with owning animals. However most fo the time, he does this at night, because, put simply, he is too busy by day to do such things. Did I mention that Raymond Hoser, better known as the Snakeman is also one of the world's best known wildlife conservation icons. In terms of actual results, no one on the planet can match his score. But when it comes to wildlife conservation, Raymond Hoser stresses that everyone needs to be involved for things to work and succeed. He says it is a team game and every person should be a part of the solution.
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sarah-blue-eyes · 4 years
2020 In Review
Hoo boy, here we go.
[Ok just before I begin. I had this queued to post in the first month of January but it doesn’t seem like that ever happened haha. Better late than never I suppose!]
So I am a nostalgic bitch, and since 2011, have loved to make memory boxes for each year, where I put trinkets and memories into a shoebox. This year I have continued that tradition, but I have also kept track of my happy memories throughout 2020 in my planner. This was done with the intention for me to upload a year-in-review sort of thing in hopes that maybe like, 3 people max on this god-forsaken site will read it. This sort of reminiscence was inspired by my friend @a-lbeit​, who has done these for a few years now and me, as a slut for nostalgia, was encouraged to do the same back in January (I think? What even is my memory at this point?)
2020, as it has been for many, was a very shit year, and I am no different. I would safely say that this year has undeniably been the worst I have lived through. But I am here. I am present. And I have made it through some of the darkest times to face 2021 with a new sense of hopefulness. Keeping track of my happier memories has been something that has truly got me through this clusterfuck of a year, so I am glad that I can finally go through them all again and share them with you.
Read it, or don’t, I don’t give a shit what you do with your time, but if you do, I hope that you aren’t bored to tears. And I hope to keep myself accountable to continue to do this for years to come.
Buckle up, grab a hot drink and a snack and get comfy, because this is a JOURNEY.
· Kicked the new year off with hosting a 1920’s themed party with some of my closest friends at my family home at the beach. Had fun with drunk SingStar, playing What Do You Meme, creating a playlist with everyone’s top 3 songs of the decade (it was a bangin’ playlist I must say), and just overall drinking too much and having a riotous time
· I remember going to the beach New Year’s Day (as is tradition in Australia) and playing ultimate frisbee in the shallows and completing a crossword puzzle on the sand (I am a 75-year-old woman, it is just a fact of life)
· I also had my friend Kirsten from South Australia stay with me for the New Year’s period and it was lovely to have a guest over! I haven’t spoken to her much this year, she sort of fell off the face of the planet, but I hope she is doing ok.
· Went town to Torquay (a beach town in Victoria) for the 6th time for Beach Mission, which is essentially a holiday program for kids in preschool-year 9 where we run activities for them. It’s a Christian-based program but the aim isn’t to convert the kids or anything like that, it’s more to show God’s love to them through our actions and how we as Christians live our lives. It’s also a convenient way for parents to dish their kids off for a few hours too haha. This was my final year of being a part of this program, and I am so pleased to have made so many memories and (hopefully) impacted many children’s lives during my time there
· I remember going on a late-night beach walk with my boyfriend Josh, talking about what the year had in store for us. We were just sitting on the beach, as you do, and I saw a shooting star. I can’t remember what I wished for (if anything) but in that moment, life was a dream.
· The week after beach mission I started at my new internship! It was for a place called KidsCo, who run school holiday programs at workplaces, so parents don’t need to take time off work to look after them. I helped with client relations and a lot of behind-the scenes stuff. I really loved it there
· On the very first day of my internship I remember there was torrential rain, and the train home was delayed by like, an hour or so lol
· One of the best parts about interning at KidsCo was that they were the official child-minding service for the Australian Open. I make an effort to go each year, but I was lucky enough to get free ground-entry for me and a guest for the duration of the event. I went quite a few times and got to take my mum and Josh along as well.
· Saw my only concert of the year, The Veronicas, at the Australian Open. When I say the moment the violin riff at the start of Untouched absolutely went the fuck off is an understatement. Grade 5 me would have cried (and 23 year old me did a little bit too tbh.) Yet another of one of my “all-time-favourite-songs” that I’ve had the pleasure of hearing live. (I also went through the year feeling sad that this was the first time in 11 years I hadn’t gone to a concert, but this one certainly fell through the cracks)
· Started planning my trip to the UK to see my twin sister, and best friend, Jess
· Went away to Rye for the Australia Day weekend #changethedate. An excellent time with excellent mates, and went to the beach pretty much every day and got mindlessly sloshed every night
· Listened to the Triple J Hottest 100. I think 4 of my picks made it in, which was pretty good
· Continued my job as the office manager/events coordinator at my church
Basketball started back after the summer break for my two different teams, The Vikings and The Wildcats (honestly such a highlight of this year with how the rest of it ended up going)
As a team-bonding activity at KidsCo we hired a boat for a few hours and I got more drunk that I had been for a while. It was a very fun time jetting down the Yarra, waving drunkedly at the people jogging by
For Valentine’s day Josh and I had an indoor picnic with our favourite food! The weather was shit for Feb, hence the indoor nature of the picnic
Saw Shrek the Musical with two of my closest pals, Bec and Katie (I honestly forgot that this happened in 2020 hahaha) but it was ICONIC
Had a Jackbox night with The Boys
Had my cousin Amy from England over for dinner! I hadn’t seen her in 5 or 6 years, so it was so lovely to connect again like no time had passed at all
Went to Healesville Sanctuary, a lovely conservation park which focuses on preserving and educating its visitors about Australian animals, with Amy
 Went to mini-golf for a friend’s birthday on the leap day. He technically celebrated his 6th birthday which was excellent
Saw Cody Ko and Noel Miller live with Bec and Katie
Finished working at the church office to make room for the potential job opportunity at KidsCo
Ahhh March, you shitstorm of a month. This is where everything started going downhill.
The first thing of note that happened this month was me injuring my ankle at basketball, which had me out of action for a few weeks. It was especially bad because I was nearing the end of my internship and was hoping to do my best work so that I would be chosen to stay on as an employee, but had to take a week or so off to rest my ankle. My ankle would continue to be tender and sore for most of the rest of the year
Went away for the Labour Day long weekend with the family
Finished up my internship at KidsCo. Honestly was lead to believe that I would be staying on as an employee and felt sort of betrayed after all the work I did for them, but whatever
 Had a party at Bec’s house to listen to Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the Decade. One of my favourite songs was number 1 which was a pleasant surprise
Went down to the holiday house for a few days just to have so me time and sort myself out
Animal Crossing New Horizons came out haha. Honestly was one of the highlights of this year though. I stayed up until midnight so I could download it as soon as it was available because that’s the sort of person I am  
Mum’s birthday dinner with Dani, one of my best friends, and her girlfriend Amy
Went for a hike at Sugarloaf Reservoir with Josh and got spooked by a mob of kangaroos
My mental health started really taking a downward spiral this month for multiple reasons which I won’t get into here, but this is more a note to my past self to say that it will all be ok I guess? Idk I just felt like this needed to be here
Did my ankle badly again on Good Friday
Watched the Overwatch League live with my friends and just memed in the livechat lmao
WARNING - this is a bit TMI but I am going to share anyway since it was a big part of this year, and if you are reading this you are either a stranger or a good friend so I really don’t care lmao: This month I also started to get bad pains in my uterus, like, not period pains but deep, stabbing pains. This continued on for the next few weeks without me doing anything about it, except for increasingly getting stressed about it, although I will talk a bit more about this later.
Josh and I celebrated our 6th year together which was ~wholesome~
Called my friend Ashley from the US and just caught up. It was nice to see her face again. She is a good egg. I haven’t talked to her since but I really hope she’s ok.
Watched Star Wars with Josh and his family for “May the 4th”
Started a volunteer job at Kivuli, a non-for-prophet that is based in Kenya, and started helping out with their website and social media stuff
Zoom movie time with my friends, we watched How To Train Your Dragon I think? Athough everyone was talking over the movie so I didn’t really get anything out of it
Played Scattergories (one of my favourite games) with Bec and Jess on zoom and just wrote really stupid and funny answers and I remember this being just what I needed
Went for a long walk with mum and one of her friends and her daughter on a track we don’t usually go on, which was a nice change of scenery
Went down to the holiday house for the first time in forever since restrictions were eased, at least for a little while lol, with the fam
Went to Portsea for a walk along the beach with Bec and her husband Trevor
Did an online trivia night that night with a big bunch of friends
Had a doctor’s appointment to see what was goin’ on down there. Honestly freaked that it could be something REALLY bad. Got booked in to have an ultrasound the next week, so at least I’d be finding out what was wrong soon.
The day after I got my results was the 21st of May, the day my mum and I were meant to be flying out to the UK to see my sister and her boyfriend. It was already hard enough a month or so before when I had to cancel my flight, but this day was so SO difficult. I can’t remember the last time I cried so hard. I am so blessed to have a boyfriend like Josh though. He was by my side the whole day, and held me as I cried. Oh man I am crying as I write this now, it was such a hard time but I know I will see my sister again.
And then the day after THAT whole ordeal was my birthday, which was meant to be spent in London with Jess but it turned out to be the first birthday we’ve had apart. This day was also hard, but made better by being with loved ones and having dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house. Grandma’s roast potatoes make everything better.
Went to Geelong to see the other side of my family, it was so good to see my nan again. I love her very much.
Went to the Briars with Bec and went on a lovely nature walk and saw a lot of little wallabies and even an emu
Had an ultrasound and my pain turned out to be a 10cm wide cyst!!! So fun!!!!! Thank the heavens it wasn’t a child. I was so relieved. It is still in my body so that’s cute tho.
Applied for a bunch of jobs, and even got a few interviews! Still no job.
The absolute highlight of this month, and maybe even the whole year, was going away to Lake’s Entrance and Yarram with mum, dad and Josh. It was so good to go to the country, I love country towns so much and the wildlife and nature is so beautiful in the eastern part of Victoria. If you ever get the opportunity I recommend going there!
We ate so much nice food and just relaxed. It wasn’t a perfect replacement for not going to Europe, but it was something at least.
Did more work for Kivuli which kept me busy
Went to Bec’s house to bake a cake. She came out to me as bi this day too, and the cake was coloured like the bisexual flag!
Started a short course through the university I went to in Facebook for Business. It was a great way to build up my skills.
Played Animal Crossing with Dani’s little sister, Tami, a very wholesome time
Looked after Josh’s dog Jed while his family went away for the weekend (also went into the start of July) and was honestly the greatest time
Halfway through the year. Thank fuck.
Had another job interview
Went on lots of walks
Was just generally cold
Did a lot of cleaning
Painted the downstairs rooms at church, which took a few days and a lot of back pain, but it’s cool to think that I was able to contribute my energy and time to something while I was not feeling good at all
The restrictions were tightened again, meaning that I couldn’t go further than 5kms away from my house, except to see Josh, so this was a really lonely time for me.
Really got into Masterchef with mum this season. They had all returning contestants from other seasons so that was really fun to watch.
Got and assembled a new couch upstairs that I can say I actually own myself. I absolutely love it.
More walks, despite the cold
This was a very uneventful month, but that’s ok!
Had a call with the hospital I’ll be having my cyst surgery with. It was good to know that things would be started. I had to have a blood test and a second ultrasound then put on the waiting list for surgery. Still no sign on when that will be happening though 6 months later. Just so lucky to live in Australia where all of these appointments are free.
Went for a really nice long walk with Josh. Got shat on by a bird.
Did lots of stuff around the house, just tidying and watering the plants and sorting through my wardrobe to purge all the clothes I grew out of
Had an online Switch games night with some friends which was fun. We played Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and just had a great time!
Ok this sounds super lame but my favourite podcast, The Jenna & Julien Podcast, finished forever which came as a surprise and was just really sad. I really hope it comes back one day.
Did my tax return lmao
Baked rice puff/marshmallow bar things
Made an ASOS order to fill my happiness with material things. Did get some cute clothes and lingerie tho 😉
More games with Bec and Jess, we played Golf With Your Friends this time
Had a cocktail night with Josh, where we just made a bunch of fun cocktails and got drunk. I can’t wait to live with him so we can do this all the time.
Lots of Kivuli work, as we are planning for our 10th anniversary fundraising event
Baked cookies, which was something I did a lot at the start of lockdown but sort of drifted away from. I absolutely love to bake.
Started working for Media-Wize, a small PR company that was started by someone I know at church.
Started playing Among Us at the start of the month
So many Among Us nights omg, just call me queen impostor please
Did my induction for Media-Wize
Got  n e r v o u s  because I kept getting things wrong in my new job. I always seem to fuck up the good things and opportunities that I get
Did a livestream reading of The Great Gatsby on my friend’s Twitch stream. It was really fun and something I had never done before. I voiced Tom Buchannan, which was interesting but cool to sort of get into the character. I hope to do something like this soon.
I burnt my hair while cooking dinner and had to give myself a haircut lmao. It was the first time since 2018 that I had cut it so it was a long time coming anyway.
So much Media-Wize work. It felt good to finally be getting paid to do a job
Got locked out of my bathroom so I had to climb up the laundry chute to unlock it from the inside, all because a fly outsmarted me (it’s a long story… and honestly best told by speaking it)
Had the Kivuli 10th anniversary livestream. Lots of work went into it and it was so much fun! It’s incredible that a non-for-profit that has benefitted so many children and families is still going strong. Such a blessing to see.
Dad’s birthday, and we had a picnic with grandma and grandpa and saw them for the first time since lockdown was somewhat lifted
Walked to Beasley’s nursery with Josh and got a coffee. This was the first proper, not McCafe coffee I had had in months and it was SO good
Played Animal Crossing with Dani
More Among Us, a theme for the last few months of 2020
Watched the AFL Grand Final. Wasn’t super exciting this year tbh, especially since we couldn’t have a BBQ or party or anything, but hopefully next year will be different
Nearly moved out of home with a friend of a friend, but since I didn’t have a job, didn’t think it would be a wise decision. Would’ve been nice though
Did some more Media-Wize work. I haven’t been given anything to do since this time though, so I don’t know what’s going on with that? They really be ghosting me tho.
Applied for JobSeeker so I would at least be getting a little income
New Jackbox came out, and had a games night with The Boys playing all the new games
Voted in the local election
Went to Westerfold’s Park with Josh for a lovely long walk
Played lots of The Sims 4 (but tbh I have been doing this all year)
This month things sort of started to turn around, as Covid wasn’t hitting my state hardly at all, so I was actually able to see family and friends again!
Went to my old primary school with Dani and played basketball and just shot around and talked. She also came over for dinner. It was so nice, and she is a true friend.
Had a picnic at the park at the top of the street with my dad’s side of the family, all together at last
Melbourne Cup Day, not that I really care but it’s nice to get a day off. Went on a day trip to the Dandenong mountain range. It was so, so nice and bought some lovely little things from local shops, went for a bushwalk and had a bakery lunch
Went to the park to throw the frisbee and kick the footy around with Josh and his friends, although they are my friends too tbh
Had a picnic with a group of friends that I hadn’t seen since January, so it was so, so good to catch up with them and have a delicious BBQ dinner
My favourite online comedy group, Aunty Donna’s Netflix series came out! Had a virtual watch party with a few friends and binge watched it all in one go
Had lunch with grandma. This used to be a weekly occurrence but for obvious reasons was put off for this year. I absolutely adore her and every lunch we spend together is so precious to me
Went to Kyneton with some of the family as another day trip
Christmas shopping time again. So weird to be at the shops and feel sort of normal? I went 4 different times in the span of a week and a half haha
Josh’s birthday! We went to this maze place with has a bunch of big mazes and other fun activities. It was such a perfect day. Then we had dinner with his family.
Got a letter from the IRS saying that I needed to provide them with proof of identity, so that was fun trying to sort that out. We love the outdated US tax system <3
Went to a bridal shower for my friend Katie
Went for another hike with Josh to the mountains
Drove down to Geelong for a friend’s wedding and stayed at my nan’s house
Had a pub dinner and Jackbox night while down in Geelong with The Boys
A good friend of mine was leaving to live in Japan for two years, so I went to her house one last time to say goodbye and chill in her pool and just hang out
God why is it so hard to get a job?
Omg we have made it to December. It truly is a miracle with how this year went tbh. And if you have read this far, thank you but also, how little of a life do you have?
Went to my friend Katie’s wedding. Sort of surreal to go to a wedding during a pandemic but it was fun and I got to see a lot of friends I hadn’t seen in a while
Enjoyed the hot weather and went to the beach a number of times with a variety of friends
Went Christmas shopping, and just shopping in general since it was safe to and shops had finally opened again
Got a job at a talent agency where you get gigs as a paid extra in TV shows and movies, which was pretty cool! I even had a professional photoshoot to get headshots done, something that I had never done before. Glad that I could get some pictures to use on LinkedIn though haha. Still haven’t been cast in anything but here’s hoping.
Had dinner and drinks with Josh, Bec and Trev in the city for the first time since it reopened. God I love Melbourne so much. It is just so magical on balmy summer nights. This was such a special evening, and was so good just to be in the city again
Had a lovely day with Dani, starting with breakfast and then going on a hike before the weather got too hot. We went to Sherbrooke Forest, a place I hadn’t been before, and it was incredibly beautiful
Had a number of job interviews this month too, none of which got back to me which was annoying :/
Now it was heading into the time where every weekend is packed with Christmas do’s so I’ll just collate them in this point. Lots of drinks were consumed and many delicious roast dinners
Had our annual Christmas Carol’s service at church. It was a blessing to be back in the building for the first time since March, and to be able to do something I love (singing) with some of my best friends was the best
Christmas eve I went to my grandma and grandpa’s house (on dad’s side) to help them set up for Christmas lunch. Spending time together just the three of us is so special, and I am so glad I was able to come over and just chat and be in their loving presence. Then that night I went to our 11pm church service to bring in Christmas day. It was a great service and was great to see our kick-ass minister give a sermon face-to-face.
Ok here we go, Christmas was a doozy, let’s go. So Christmas lunch was, as I said, with my dad’s side of the family, which is always a great time. Cracking open crackers and fighting over who’ll get the bottle opener or nail clippers is always a highlight haha. But we had the fucking best roast potatoes I swear. I need to know what my grandma puts into them because I could genuinely eat 20 of them and still have space. Then the rest of the afternoon was spent in a food coma until I went to Josh’s house to spend dinner with his family. Another delicious meal and great banter was what I needed, although I can safely say that I put on at least 5 additional kilos after that day.
The next day the fam and I headed to Geelong to see my mum’s side of the family. Was a great drive down and I listened to all of The Avalanches new album which had just released. Easily the greatest album of the yeah hands-down. So we spent lunch there and absolutely stuffed ourselves with more food. Three Christmas meals really took a toll on me, but I am just blessed as it is to have a loving family and food on the table.
The next day dad, Josh and I headed to the beach to spend that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s. To get there we took the ferry that goes from Queenscliff to Portsea, which is always a fun time, since we don’t often go from one side of the bay to the other (if you don’t know the geography of Victoria I apologise lmao). Mum didn’t come with us as she had some symptoms of Covid, so went home to isolate and get tested. Thankfully she tested negative and she joined us the next day.
Once I got back home I had to prepare the house for my friend Jono who was visiting for new years from SA. Many last-minute chores and cleaning was done haha.
New Years Eve! Went to pick up Jono and my other friend Sarah from the airport and dropped Sarah off at her accommodation and ended up staying there with Jono for a while as this was where the New Year’s party was going to be. Although, in true Victorian fashion, our premier announced that there was going to be a limit of 15 visitors at any house from 5pm that night. Excellent. We love a last-minute change of plans. So we had lunch and spent the afternoon at my friend’s house before heading to a local park to chuck the frisbee and kick the footy around. We also had our second annual NYE trivia competition, which my team lost by 1 point!! Dang I get so competitive, but we will win next year, I can feel it. The new year came through uneventfully, we were in the middle of a game of Scattergories or something like that when someone changed the channel on the TV to see the Sydney fireworks across the screen and like, 4 second left of the countdown. I gave Josh a bog ol’ smooch and gave my friends a big hug. We had done it. 2020 was defeated.
Conclusion (damn this really be an essay tho)
This year was undeniably the hardest year I had ever been through. Going through unemployment for the majority of the year and having no sense of purpose hit me hard but I am entering 2021 with the hope and willingness to get on track with my career. And I think I will be successful. A lot of truly awful things happened around the world this year as well, with the devastating bushfires at the start of the year, the powerful BLM protests, Coronavirus absolutely destroying lives and many, many other global events but through it all, here we are. I hope you all keep well this year and that your 2021 is infinitely better than your 2020.
Song of the Year: Tangerine – Glass Animals
Album of the Year: We Will Always Love You – The Avalanches (I CANNOT stress this enough, but you absolutely must listen to this album!)
TV Show of the Year: The Mandalorian - Season 2
Movie of the Year: Bombshell (the only movie I saw at the cinemas so didn’t have much to go with)
Memory of the Year: Going away with my family and just enjoying time away with each other
Thank you for reading this, if you’ve made it this far, you’re a real one <3
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( bang chan, cis male , he/him ) say hello to HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA, the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in his hands with HIS job as a STREAMER AND CONTENT CREATOR! beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. HE seems to live in a 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. anything else to add? oh, yeah! he also USED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL GAMER PART OF SEOUL DYNASTY (OWL) UNTIL HE GOT KICKED OUT.
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ―hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: 2 bedroom apartment ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ―accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games.
― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently.
― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins.
― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen.
― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies.
― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube.
― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year.
― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest.
― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod.
― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
born in cheonan, south korea to two very affectionate parents and an older sister, yohan was the name given to the first boy of the hwa’s; a small loving family who moved to australia two years after his birth.
the reason for this is that his mom was promoted to become the director of a renowned gaming company that was opening its new headquarters in sydney. his father is a software engineer specialised in videogames development who works under the same company.
his sister is a graphic designer and she, too, is currently working with them in the multimedia and design area. she’s almost 7 years older than him and ever since they were kids, she took a protective role over yohan.
it was easy for yohan to get really invested in videogames from a young age, after all, his parents would often bring home their newest releases as well as games from other various companies (his father liked to play a lot as well and he himself was a fan of many games, mostly the nintendo classics).
fast forward to his teenage years; he was actually good at school, not the best, but definitely did good enough to not worry his parents with his grades. sports always piqued his interest. he was part of the basketball team and would use his skateboard often to get to school (which would earn him earfuls from the teachers saying how dangerous it was.) other than that, he was an active member in the gaming club (shocking, i know).
at 14 he got his first close up at what esports were like after participating in a tournament of counter strike, junior division. his team (which was made up by members from the gaming club) won and he got to watch matches from other divisions, only growing more and more fascinated about the whole thing. the idea of becoming a professional gamer didn’t seem so far fetched then.
around late 2011, the same year twitch started as what it is, yohan found the platform and immediately grew curious about it. it was fascinating to watch other people play, thus it didn’t take him long to start his own channel under the username “chance” right after he turned 15. it took him a while to find his own pace there, not quite sure of what to say or how to act. eventually, he saw that the less reserved and cautious he was, the more people watched and liked his stream, so from then on, he stopped worrying about what ifs and what people would think about him.
this is a double edged sword: as his popularity grows, he becomes more and more brutally honest and less mindful of the consequences his words and actions could have. whereas he quickly became one of the public’s favorites, he was also viewed as someone potentially problematic that could bring a bad reputation to the community, though this only seemed to be a prejudice from other gamers and public figures.
he doesn’t care, however, and chance was pretty dead set on keep doing his thing. he was also really active in tournaments, either small or big, and other teams would often reach out for him to fill in. he rarely ever turned down an opportunity and even though they didn’t always win, participating was more than enough for him to gain the favor of the audience.
when he was 18, a formal contract to be part of the chiefs esports club (a recently founded professional club with teams competing in counter-strike: global offensive and league of legends based in australia) was presented to him and of course he signed.
between his streams, which had become a tri-weekly kind of deal, and the “training” with his teammates the rest of the days, it was clear that yohan wasn’t in the slightest interested to pursue a higher education, and honestly his parents didn’t complain about it as he was already doing well on his own. nonetheless, his sister was concerned and pushed him to at least take a couple of online classes (which he did, but mostly to learn how to edit videos and understand audio aspects to improve the quality of his streams.)
around this time, nasty rumours about his parents buying his way into the club were spread which earned him the dislike of some of his teammates. it was the first time yohan ever encountered a situation like that but thanks to the management, he was able to move past that. the oceanic pro league was founded in 2015, a professional league of legends competition, and the chiefs esports club participated and won. this helped the rumours around him disperse for he proved his skills were what put him into the team. sadly, he left the club a year later.
for the next couple of years, he focused on his stream and growing his community. yohan was invited to different events, tournaments and other collaborations during this time and he was always excited for them. he even decided to create a youtube channel to upload highlights and vlogs.
then, the overwatch league was announced (chance quickly became addicted to this game and even reached top 500 in competitive) and he was contacted by the seoul team (seoul dynasty) to become part of their team for the inaugural season. like that, at 21, yohan packed his bags and moved to south korea.
between 2017 and 2019, he was part of the team as dps. he had to change his schedule yet again to stream only on the weekends and with some restrictions his contract established (like not talking about the team or the league live). some of his fans voiced their dislike for this new attitude of his, which yohan brushed with a roll of the eyes and a joke.
however, before the 2020 season started and the team was on break, chance was one day streaming and offhandedly said a comment about another player in the league which he had a match with. this caused a really big commotion online and several pro-gamers were rubbed the wrong way about his words (to this day, he still doesn’t know what was so wrong about calling out someone t-bagging him in a pro game) and his reputation was admittedly tarnished. the seoul dynasty’s management team decided that it was better to let him go.
that’s how last year, chance moved into his current apartment after looking online for a new place to live.
in the present, he streams 5 days a week a variety of games and his schedule varies, some days he goes live in the mornings and other days really late at night. he has a steady income from various sponsorships as well as the monetization of his youtube channel, which he updates twice a week.
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