ofcompanionship · 3 months
@techiko liked for a starter.
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❛ If you're looking for the owner of this ship, you just missed him. ❜
It's simply an (educated) GUESS when it came towards the STRANGER aboard said ship. She may look like the type that would travel with them, but he KNOWS how the owner of such a craft can be at this time. Neither the owner or himself would agree to have another onboard after their little trip(s) with the previous companion. No, he wouldn't agree to such a thing. Besides, she's not like the rest LOOKING in wonder around the ship.
Gears whirl and shift, allowing him to place his hands behind his back before responding once more towards the other.
❛ What is it that you need? ❜
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h4rtman · 3 months
@techiko just quietly staring at her...
❛ chanel suit and manolo blahniks , awfully expensive . gifted to me by the designers for saving their businesses from alien occupation . it's so very rude to stare . ❜ her voice echoes through the hub . dominant and in control , yvonne knows how to command a room . in the other world , she had an organisation much bigger than this to run . this was child's play . and the introverts were always the easiest to root out . ❛ now , back to work . ❜
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we1sh · 2 months
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the rendezvous point ; a hidden location for all torchwood personnel . a secret amongst the hub that if they were ever in trouble , to meet at the location . the news of tosh and owen's safety had managed keep her afloat , the events at thames house left her morose . the defeat in jack's eyes . the sacrifice he made . the attempt she made to save as many as she could . but ianto . . . he didn't make it . she fixed his tie on his lifeless body , tears spilled over him . that she will never forget . the wind whipped her hair , green eyes staring out at the horizon . waiting patiently for her friends . she had so much to tell them . so much to tell tosh . wiping away salted pools that spoiled freckled features . so much loss , so much death . she spots @techiko's little frame , excited and running towards her with a pace she'd only seen once . and with that gwen crumbles . gasping for air . she'd have to tell his best friend everything .
❛ he's - he's - ianto . . . he's - ❜
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potentialgot · 2 months
smash or pass... @techiko 💜
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"Smash." Wink.
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yes7erdays-archive · 4 months
“ we were just leaving... ” @techiko
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❛⠀ hold it right there! ⠀ ❜⠀ ⠀ travelling with the doctor, clara had grown used to being the subject of a number of strange looks. there was the classic: what the hell is wrong with her. the always charming: i'm trying very hard not to stare at what she is wearing, 18th century dress is so out of season. and her personal favorite: she is a raving lunatic! and a lot more in-between.
the thing is, the woman, and her friends were being really normal about the entire thing. abnormally normal. here she was, holding an alien dog in her arms ( four tails, six legs, seashells for ears ) and the woman was acting like nothing was wrong.
which, in the grand scheme of things, is incredibly suspicious.
❛⠀ who are you? ⠀ ❜⠀
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crazypaving · 3 months
" you, why do i know you? " question is blunt, feels kind of frustrated. intimidating brows furrow. then realisation hits, his brow relaxes, his frown smooths into a more neutral look. " you examined the pig. "
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n1nth · 4 months
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❝ oh! it's you again. ❞ he remembers her - back in london. the pig alien that wasn't so alien. ❝ i hope you've gotten better at autopsies since i last saw you. ❞ gathering she is here to look at the body currently laid on the table between them. ❝ but... ❞ he looks down at her weapon, the tech in her hands, an eyebrow raising. ❝ you don't look much like a doctor anymore. if you ever were one. ❞
@techiko / sc.
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herleaf · 26 days
starter ;; @techiko
oh, this trip was not a clara classic. usually, she would find a point in history where she could settle for a while and lay low, possibly track some of the doctor's movements, but mostly just do her best to keep some semblance of sanity. being stuck in the last second of her life, not quite dead yet but not living, it can really mess with a person's head.
there was so much that she didn't know that she was far too scared to find out about. like, what if she got hurt? while traveling with me, there had been many close calls but she had always maneuvered herself out of dangers way. me told her that she was trying to come up with some sort of alien tech that could replicate her skin to help seal up wounds, but what if more serious injuries befell her? me continued to tell her not to worry about it but me had blood pumping through her so being told to not worry was rather mute when one of them still had the bodily function of health they could count on.
me told her to take a break after their most recent adventure, not due to danger or anything, but she could tell that clara was once again getting stir crazy. so, she had dropped her off in cardiff of all places to try to laze about for a couple days or so while me was off doing me-things. honestly, one of these days, clara aught to ask me what she did with the diner after dropping clara off to feel semblances of normalcy. except, normal for clara meant snooping around while renting a flat of some sort and just acting like a new life was starting. but clara knew, there was always activity around, things that the doctor couldn't get to. which led her to taking the long routes home from pubs or things, staying safe but also toeing the line of danger just enough to keep the adrenaline--well, the memory of adrenaline pumping.
then, one normal evening, when she was actually walking the short route home from a neighbor's off-site get-together, she saw something alien-looking skulking near an alley. it was dumb, such a horror movie cliche, but clara didn't even question it. she started following it. she saw people, seemingly professionals, handle the creature while she hid behind a garbage bin. she hadn't known that there were people who handled these things, but it makes sense. aliens existed and, again, the doctor couldn't be everywhere so of course there were organizations like unit that were here to clean up. clean up witnesses. clara was a witness.
the next thing clara knows is she is waking up with a jolt in a sepia-washed room on hard floors. sitting up slowly, she took in her surroundings. a cell. oh good lord, what had knocked her out? she didn't know she could be knocked out.
if they were close enough to knock her out, they would be close enough to feel for a pulse.
oh this could be very, very bad.
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"i know someone has to be listening--look, i'm sorry i was snooping on your clean up job. this all is some big misunderstanding, i assure you."
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we1sh · 3 months
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stood by window , the birds sang into the crisp morning as the distant echoes of the sea tried to interrupt . she still felt morose , rhys had taken anwen to nursery and then to work . . . leaving her alone . she hated this existence , hated the misery , hated the heartache , the grief . . . this wasn't gwen cooper . no , she was dead . but then suddenly ,-o the air shifts . calm . still . she turns with a smile , a reminder of the past . she stops herself from collapsing in a flood of grief . instead , she flicks the kettle on like having an old friend round to visit . ❛ i never said sorry . ❜
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potentialgot · 3 months
♡ @techiko !
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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ofcompanionship · 3 months
@techiko | continued from here.
❛ You flatter me, my dear. ❜ A LAUGH escapes her vocal processors, watching the other with a look of AMUSEMENT etched upon her features towards their playful nature. They haven’t used those outfits in YEARS, databanks coming up to a blank when it comes to their stored files of previous encounters with such outfits. Did THEY use it or did their beloved wore it once? Who knows. She surely doesn’t want to know NOW, seeing how it conforms with the other with such beauty and grace in her sways. She’ll allow her to keep it after it.
❛ Now that’s ridiculous — ❜ Chuckles leave her audio processors, allowing features to give a small smile on their lips. Gears whirl and shift, allowing her to stand up and fix her (black) dress. She offers a hand towards the other, letting a playful tone escape in her response. ❛ — but we have a room for that. Shall we dance? ❛
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dosminius-archive · 1 month
@fablelike said: " i think i'm going to be sick... " @techiko
❛ It’s a shame. ❜ A (fake) saddened response is given towards them, shaking his head before letting out a (forced) choked noise escape his borrowed lips. Shame? Hardly. The other was digging his nails too deep into the matters of HIS plan, questioning the direction that the false MAGNUS was taking with the company at hand. He couldn’t let it all go to waste because of one pathetic human — NO, he had to get rid of him one way or another. Why not give him the final push to end his pathetic life? He was going to die sooner or later!
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False look of SADNESS is etched across his features before looking towards the other, clutching the (given) tissue from others. He blows his nose in an exaggerated manner, clearing his throat before responding to the other once more. ❛ Who would do such a thing? He was so young! ❜ Oh, he wanted to cackle so hard at all of this. He was having so much fun playing the part of a saddened boss.
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at-sabohteurs · 4 months
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' @techiko / sc : " i'll give you a tenner if you D O N ' T tell jack about this . . . he'll never let me live it down. "
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herleaf · 2 months
@drtwat and @techiko hop in Clara’s diner TARDIS RIGHT NOW
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we1sh · 3 months
" i think we're more than friends... " @techiko
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the revelation that floods into the hub followed by a tension . the vocals of tosh so strong in their conviction , fuschia floods gwen's freckled skin . blushing . all those shared confessions between them , the looks across the hub , the spark between them was undeniable . tosh was radiant , her aura was delicate , gwen wanted to protect her . she'd spent many hours of the day of having tosh in her arms , her lips would explore every part of her . green orbs blinked , stunned into a silence . tosh was confident in this very moment , she bit her lip feeling her body quiver . but then the heat took over , coursing through her veins . gwen threw down her files , striding confidently to the meek and mild mannered toshiko . their bodies pressed together . her hand reaches out , removing a strand of hair that tried to spoil delicate features . fingers wrap around the nape of her neck , pulling her closer . gwen was reminded to be soft .
emerald orbs take in the beauty , the picturesque vision of her , like venus born from the salts of the sea . gwen towers over her slightly , she's careful . desire flooded within her , wanting tosh only for herself . gwen would spill blood for her , to worship her at the altar , to have and to hold . ❛ i've always wanted you . ❜ she's breathless , begging for their lips to meet . she pulled her body closer to her , a soft moan leaves her . fingers run through brown strands , combing through with a tender touch . savouring the moment , given it was just them . alone . eager for their bodies to be intertwined , she wanted nothing more than for toshiko to feel the universe run through every fibre of her being .
finally , she leans down and into the smartest member of the team . their lips moving closer and closer . feeling the warmth of her , gwen's breath quivered . overcome with lust and desire , adrenaline pumping through her veins . their lips meet , slowly brushing together . like a slow yet passionate waltz , relishing in the moment . the feeling was electric , fizzing through their bodies as their hands explored each other . sending shockwaves down her spine , gwen had begged and pleaded for this moment to happen . their mouths connected , igniting a flame that would burn through time itself . moaning . fingers slide over exposed skin , teasing her . goading her for more .
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potentialgot · 3 months
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"I clear up your shit! No questions asked and that's the way you like it!"
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