#technically he's in other games and i know that
willowedspirits · 9 hours
Hollow Knight Linked Universe AU! I've finally finished it!
If you don't know much about Hollow Knight, a lot of the technicalities might not make sense, and I would encourage you to look into the game. Or you could just enjoy the chain as bugs and see them off on their buggy adventures!
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I've made this AU trying to keep as close as I can to Hollow Knight's story, but some creative liberties were of course taken.
My main idea is that the infection is the equivalent to Dark Link's (who does exist in this) infected monsters and it's up to them to try and slow/stop the infection. My first thought was to have the infection start to spread outside of Hallownest, and the chain needs to go and stop it, but I'm still going back and forth on it.
I'm still open to changing concepts if I find something that works better, but after literal months of working on this on and off I'm happy with how this has turned out!
Rambling about character details below!
Small note: I've set this AU at roughly the start of the infection, when Radiance was starting to take over Hallownest.
Is not from Hallownest. He traveled to Hallownest from a distant land, where he met Malon and settled down with her.
He encountered Radiance upon entering Hallownest, but was protected by a god that had already laid claim to him, Fierce Deity, who protects him from the Radiance's infection.
He and Malon live in the Howling Cliffs.
His wing and antenna injury are from Radiance when she tried to infect him.
He is not able to fly because of the injury, and now fights with a heavy nail.
His wings used to be green, but after encountering the Fierce Deity, they slowly started to change in color until they were blue.
I'm not sure if I would do anything with the eyes on his wings, I was trying to make a connection to Majora in that, but I'm still debating whether to add it.
Is a part of the Traitor Mantis tribe that lives in the Queen's Garden.
He met a Sibling (Midna) that escaped from the Abyss. They gave him the ability to harness Void.
Still working on the detail for how exactly they give him this ability, but my rough idea is that perhaps both of them were attacked by and infected villager, and they saved him by giving up their Void essence.
He's grown up wanting to be infected by the Radiance. He was taught the Radiance was a god that gave bugs great strength, but after seeing what the infection really does, he starts to have second thoughts.
The cloak he is wearing is new. The one he wore before was damaged. I'm still debating on when exactly he gets it, but I think it's something he makes after he leaves the traitor village.
He is the head knight of the Hive and oversees whoever enters their territory.
His scarf is a gift from the princess of the Hive given to him when he leaves to join the group.
Since he is a bee, he is connected to the Hive via the hivemind. He uses this to check in on his home whenever he can.
This also makes it very dangerous if he gets infected, since it would quickly spread to the other bee's.
I kept his nail the same as Hive Knight's, but it's open to change.
(I'm still very iffy on Four's story concept, but here's what I have so far)
Lives in Green Path.
He has a passion for weapon smithing, and planned on moving to the capital of Hallownest (City of Tears).
But he accidently stumbled on a weak Unn, and agreed to help protect her while she recovered.
When she did recover, she blessed him with a power that allows him to split into 4 parts of himself using his SOUL.
He can split while in the physical world, but will always be split while in the Dream realm. This also makes it difficult for Radiance to infect him.
Lives in the Kingdom's Edge and works as a guide across the acid lakes. Most of the travelers are those who are seeking to fight in the Colosseum of Fools.
This is how he found the Colosseum, and regularly attends (but not participate in) some of the fights, which is how he meets Tetra.
He is just learning to fly, but is picking it up really fast.
I wanted to keep the lobster apart of his design... But there are no lobsters in Hollow Knight... Then I remembered this was an AU and I can do what I want with it. So lets just pretend that Lobsters are seen as these awesome ancient beings that he wishes to see one day.
He was a guardian of the Beast's Den before he became infected, leaving the Den to reside somewhere in Deep Nest.
He is cured by the Dream Nail when the group meets him, and the last to join.
His shell is cracked and damaged because of the infection. The cracks have healed over time, but will never go away.
He has trouble with his memory due to being infected for so long before being cured. He is slowly regaining his memory, but there are still a lot of pieces missing.
His infection spread through to his arm, but is hidden under his cloak.
He uses his nails almost as throwing needles.
Is a shop owner in Hallownest's capital. He sells all kinds of items from all across Hallownest, small things he's found that could be valuable.
He's managed to make his way into the upper class of the capital due to his shop. His cloak is a modified version of the upper-class wardrobe. He dyed and added the hood himself.
Has a great sense of exploration, and has been all over Hallownest, but still has some places he needs to check off.
His jewelry are all gifts from Ravio.
My original concept for his design was to give him 4 arms. I was thinking of the Collector when designing him, and thought it fit. But after working on finalizing the design, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep it. I still love the concept though.
(Again, I don't have a clear story concept for him but I have some notes)
Lives in the Ancient Basin.
Has learned how to use SOUL, and is in hiding from the residents of the Soul Sanctum because of it.
He has access to spells and is able to heal himself using SOUL.
I originally gave him a cloak, but couldn't decide if he looked better with or without it. So he does have it, but only sometimes.
Is the wielder of the Dream Nail, which can be used to cure infected bugs by purging the Radiance from their dream's.
Has wanted to learn to fight with a nail since he was little, and would practice his skills.
He learned about the Dream Nail after some of the moth tribe became infected. He left shortly after he learned this infection was spreading through Hallownest, with the goal of stopping it.
He isn't the only one that can use the Dream Nail, but is the one dubbed the "owner" of it.
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And that's what I've got!
I didn't go much into Dark Link here, but would be happy to show some concepts I have for him as well if anybody is curious. I'm making him almost like a living version of the Radiance's infection, and is able to spread it from bug to bug without needing to access their dreams. This is mainly why I'm torn on having them leave Hallownest. If Dark Link could spread the infection to farther lands, or to keep him inside Hallownest and just spread it faster there.
I thought that using the Dream Nail was a good equivalent to the Master Sword here, so I just mashed them together, and a lot of the motivations for the chain trying to stop the infection is "I'm seeing this awful thing happen to these bugs that I don't want to see happen to others," with some small variations here and there.
I've been working on this for so long, I just want to share by bug boys. I would love to gush and ramble about them some more. I have stuff I want to do with this AU.
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horatiocomehome · 3 days
Hi my dream last night did something to me so here's a word dump I wrote immediately after waking up so I could get catharsis.
What if... instead of looping, Siffrin just came back to life?
You should've known it was too easy. No traps, only weak sadnesses, keys in relatively obvious places. It was so easy to get through the first floor.
But now there's a large sadness, and you've taken one hit too many.
As you fall to the ground you see your party close ranks in front of you. To protect you.
You see Bonnie, running up, with a crafted water.
Your vision is going dark.
There's a flicker, above Bonnie. It's…
The sadness it's arm above Bonnie it's attacking.
You tackle Bonnie. Something slams into your back.
You can't move anything except twitch your fingers you ca n't look up just at the floor
Bonnie's boots are there someone is screaming
You aren't g oing to make it.
You wanted more time w ith them you want to live you want t o stay with them you want to stay with them YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE YOU W ANT T O S T A Y W I T H TH
GAME OVER > continue > quit
You wake up from a deep sleep. You had a bad dream last night.
Someone's pulled the sheets up over your head. You toss them off.
You aren't in your bed. You're back in your dream.
This is where you died.
It's quiet, now. No sadness. No party.
You look to the side, at the sheets you tossed off that weren't really sheets but your cloak, neatly draped over you where you were stretched out. Like a corpse.
Did you really die? But you're back here, so you couldn't have, right?
Maybe they gave you crafted water and it only just kicked in? But then where's the rest of your party?
There's a sickening certainty setting in to your gut.
You died, didn't you. And somehow you're back.
Your party left without you.
Good. They still need to kill the king.
Maybe… you can still catch up. You need to find them. You're okay! They'll be so happy to see you!
You stagger to your feet. You're a little light-headed, dizzy for a moment, then it passes. You put back on your cloak, grab your hat where it sits (right above where your head used to lie) and put it back on. Onwards you go.
There aren't any sadnesses, as you walk through the halls. Did they manage to defeat them all without you? Or was there some kind of reprieve after that large sadness?
You hope they got a bit of rest.
As you turn the corner, you see an open doorway, hear quiet voices coming through.
You don't know why you pause.
"—if we can't bring him with us, can't we bring him here at least?" you hear Mirabelle whisper, with a desperation that turns your stomach.
"I'm with Mira." Isa's voice is louder but still technically a whisper. He sounds so serious. "What if more sadnesses come? What if—"
You realize they're talking about your body. A shiver goes down your back.
"No." Odile's voice is steel in a way that makes you flinch. "We need to keep moving. We can't go back for them, or bring them with us. And sadnesses are just as likely to come here as that other room."
"BUT—" Mirabelle starts to protest.
You stop listening and force yourself to start moving forward. They don't have to fight! You're right here! You—
You freeze again as Bonnie walks through the doorway. They hug the wall as soon as they make it through the doorway, shooting a glance back over their shoulder before looking back down at the ground.
"Jus' need to make it to Dormont," they whisper so quiet you can barely hear. "I can do that. Just make it to Dormont. They'll all be fine."
They're sniffling as they shuffle along the wall towards you. Still not looking.
"I can make it back to Dormont. Then they won't worry about me and I won't hold them back like a crabbing baby and they'll be just fine and I'll freeze with all the other little kids and wait for them to—"
"Bonbon?" You ask.
They freeze, and turn towards you. Their eyes are dark and puffy.
When they lock eyes with you there's a beat and then they scream, terrified.
There's yelling from the other room. You ignore it. Your stomach is dropping like it's made of lead and you drop to your knees, stretching your arms wide. "Bonnie, no! See, look, I'm okay! I'm alright!"
They take a step back. "F-frin? Yyyou… died?"
"I got better!"
Bonnie tackles you into a hug and you don't have time to flinch as you fall back onto the tile floor, so you just wrap your arms around them. Over their head you see your other companions burst through the door, weapons at the ready.
"I HATE YOU," Bonnie is scream sobbing into your chest. "I HATE YOU I THOUHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU'RE A CRABBING IDIOT I HATE YOU."
Your heart twists but they're still holding you so tight, so you keep hugging them back. Your companions lower their weapons looking like they've seen a ghost.
Maybe they have.
You don't have time to think about it because then they're rushing in to hug you too, the warmth of their bodies pressing into yours, their tears dripping onto you—and you're crying as well, and even Odile, who hung back, has a glint on her cheek.
"I'm back," you say. Bonnie is still sobbing into your chest, but they've stopped yelling at you. "I'm alive. We're all going to be okay."
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Been having this in my mind and giggling these past few days but what about mini headcanons about an MC that uses them like a lucky charm when they play games or gamble🃏?
(Happy Bday btw I hope you had a splendid time🧁)
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 being MC's lucky charm
Julian: will spend five minutes word-vomiting about how really, it's the other way around, you're his lucky charm, also maybe you shouldn't gamble - ah, but he'll shut up if he can join you
Asra: technically speaking, they are your lucky charm, because they enchant and cheat their way into making sure you win. fights a smile every time you call him that because you don't know he's doing it
Nadia: honored to be your lucky charm and doesn't want to curb your wild spirit, but please, MC, if you keep using the Countess's name in less-than-lawful circumstances, it's going to become a problem
Muriel: nothing about him is lucky. if you wanted to be lucky, you'd leave him out of it. also, gambling is a bad idea. ... but if you really want to win, he'll tell you how Asra used to cheat. no he's not smiling
Portia: always down to be your lucky charm if you'll be hers! well, you or Pepi. Pepi's also a great lucky charm. you should take her along next time, so she can knock the lights out of anyone who bothers you
Lucio: hell yeah, he's someone's lucky charm! you picked the best guy for the job, really MC, he never gets anything wrong - he takes that back, but he's certainly appropriately shiny and he's good in a fight!
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yuurei20 · 9 hours
Hello YuuRei! My apologies if this sounds a little silly, but I couldn’t help but notice that Trey’s voice sounds a little bit different in both Ruggie’s Platinum Jacket card story and his TsumTsum voice lines. (To me, it almost sounds like his voice actor is congested, either from a cold or seasonal allergies.) I honestly do not understand Japanese myself, so I am curious if you know if any JP Players have noticed too and/or are talking about it? Thank you so much!
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you very much for this question!
Trey's voice sounding different for Tsumsted and Ruggie's Platinum Jacket card were indeed noticed by the JP-server! And people have had a lot to say ♣️
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Much like you say, some people are also guessing that maybe he had a cold at the time, with some going so far as to ask if the seiyuu has been changed (it is still Suzuki Ryouta!) and others commenting that they noticed some strange sound quality issues in Tapis Rouge, as well!
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I am not sure about Tapis Rouge or Ruggie's Platinum Jacket, but there was actually an update message sent out (at 1am!) explaining that a character's voice was not playing at the same quality as it had been recorded and it was to be addressed.
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This was followed later by an update that explained that it had been corrected, and they are looking into the quality of other characters' voices, as well!
This was followed again just yesterday by another update:
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Ace, Jamil and Trey (Tsumsted) all had their voices corrected, and the game says that this was in no way the fault of the voice actors but was an issue on the development end, even including an apology to the voice cast for the mistake.
An equipment complication? Data issue? Sound team drama? Technical problem? We may never know, but the game seems quite open about acknowledging and correcting these curiosities as they arise ^^
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yanderes-galore · 11 hours
And then last one Gojo with your prompts 17, 2, and 36!?
Sure! Couldn't figure out a plot for normal Gojo, so you're getting a Hybrid Darling AU. I genuinely hope this works better. Darling is a house cat hybrid while Gojo is a rich Hybrid owner. Got idea from @ursinaw. Thank you so much!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 17, 2, 36
(Hybrid AU - Darling)
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Hybrid AU, Hybrid adoption, Condescending/Degrading behavior, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Threats, Collars/Leashes, Alludes to toxic/taboo relationship, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Satoru was often told he needed a new companion. After losing his dear friend Suguru, he needed someone to connect with. Eventually Satoru was pushed in the direction of hybrids... or demihumans.
At first, Satoru didn't like the idea. It was strange and foreign when he went to the shelter to see animal-like humans everywhere. He originally was going to turn back and not go through with it.
Then he saw you... a timid house cat hybrid that stared up at him with wide eyes.
Safe to say... Satoru fell in love immediately....
Like most cats you tend to like your alone time. When Satoru carried you home he was careful to buy all sorts of toys and supplies. You were technically a pet...
But to him you felt a bit too human.
Satoru couldn't help but find you cute when you roamed around his large house. He had enough money to spoil you however he wished. You even spoke the same language as him.
Spoiling you always made Satoru smile. You looked adorable when he bought you a new toy or game to play. Even something as simple as a treat made you purr as he patted your head.
Although... the idea of spoiling you in other ways eventually came across his mind.
You were his little kitty, after all.
Satoru saw you as his own little guilty pleasure. He always kept you pampered and taken care of. Although... his favorite thing to do...?
Dress you up.
His voice is a coo towards you as he dresses you in new clothes. He gets everything from normal clothes to new collars and leashes. He couldn't help but smile at the way the bell on your collar jingles as you pull at it.
All this spoiling... comes with a catch.
Satoru is adamant on you staying in the house. He never seemed fond of sharing his pretty little kitty. In fact, the Sorcerer finds himself irritated at the idea.
But cats tend to get themselves into mischief... don't they...?
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
Satoru smiles softly, holding you still as he dresses you up. After all, his kitty deserves the best treatment. Although... you have quite the temper today.
Satoru shrugs when he sees your ears down and tail flicking. You were most likely mad that he caught one of your escape attempts again. Poor you... all pouty in front of him.
"Come on, sweetheart." Satoru hums, blue eyes twinkling playfully as he pets your head. You growl lowly, causing Satoru to click his tongue. He gives you the world... Yet you throw a fit? "Mad I won't put you outside?"
"I don't like the house..." You huff, Satoru merely laughing at your tantrum.
"The house is so spacious... you're telling me you'd rather go out there with all the danger?" Satoru frowns, a bit nervous as he thinks of Suguru once more. "You know I couldn't let my pretty kitty get hurt by Curses or bad humans...."
You reluctantly purr when he cups your cheek, stroking the skin. Your tail thrashes more in a warning as Satoru hums. You were too damn cute.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!" Satoru chirps, arrogance seeping into his tone. "You have one of the best owners out there... you know I'll keep you safe, don't you...?"
You make a small hiss at your owner, batting his hand away before slipping off his bed. Satoru gives a blank glare before sighing at your disobedience. Yet another fit....
"Kitty-" Satoru goes to call you but you turn away, growling.
"Go away, is it such an issue to go outside...?" You murmur, Satoru looking unamused at your defiance.
"Yes, actually. You have no clue how dangerous it is for a hybrid like you..." Satoru frowns, standing and stepping closer. "In the house it's safe, you get everything you want, you're a house cat... not some predator."
Satoru goes to pet you, to pull you back into his arms. He can see you staring out the window longingly. However, when he goes to hold you...
You scratch and bite him, ears pinned back and eyes in slits.
However... your tone changes when you see the ice cold glare from your owner.
He's normally playful... but it appears you've struck a nerve.
"Is this the thanks I get...?" Satoru murmurs, "I take you in... buy you a cute outfit... and you attack me...?"
You quickly unlock your jaw, scurrying back. Satoru usually only looked so cold at guests visiting him, usually when they linger too close to you. Now... He's glaring at you, forcing you into a submissive stance.
"You've been so bratty the past few days..." Satoru continues, his tone becoming slightly playful. "Does someone think they're independent~?"
Satoru leans over your, his height towering over your smaller feline-like form. He chuckles in your ear, hands trailing down to your hips. He acts playful... but his intentions appear to not be as innocent.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Satoru whispers, his lips twisting into a grin. You can tell his tone is a subtle threat along with the tight grip on your hips. "So are you going to be a good kitty for me, baby...?"
You reluctantly nod, trying your best to purr for him as you nuzzle into his shoulder. Satoru hums, holding you closer. Your obedience pleases him.
"Good kitty..." He purrs towards you, "Unfortunately..."
Satoru tilts your head up by the chin, his smile turning into a sadistic grin. Your heart accelerates as Satoru leans closer to your face.
"My pretty kitty still needs a punishment for being so... bratty."
You regret even wanting to go outside....
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xjulixred45x · 3 days
Did you see how Demeter made all life on earth incredibly difficult for mortals as punishment for having "stolen her daughter"? Well, based on the fact that in myths people literally DYING OF STARVATION (and apparently in the game, of cold) this idea came to me.
Imagine that the reader is a normal mortal, nothing particularly remarkable, EXCEPT that she is a farmer with the rest of her family, who just before the eternal winter came, they worshiped Demeter so they could have good crops and so on.
but then, without warning, winter arrives.
At first it's not so bad, because they can ration certain things and get by with some groceries, but as the months go by and the winter continues to get worse, so does the situation in the reader's house.
The surrounding villages begin to have pests, have problems with resources, not having to eat, etc. and the first deaths begin thanks to this, which quickly spread throughout the community where the reader lives.
The first to fall from the family are the most vulnerable, the grandparents and children of the reader's younger siblings, to whom they perform the appropriate funeral rituals along with all the people who had already died due to the winter.
Everyone's life is turned upside down trying to find ways to survive without having a coast to fish and with now few animals, and the cold gets worse and worse...
The community soon begins to decay and reader participates in the funeral rituals out of respect and to not think about the horrible situation, becoming more educated in the chnotic gods.
They are all desperate to survive, but the snow makes it almost impossible to leave the city where they live, so they are stuck.
It doesn't take long until the reader's parents also succumb, either from illness, from the cold, or from starvation from giving all the food to their surviving child.
and it's not even the worst.
reader is now sick too. So the remaining people of the town cannot allow her to make them all sick and kill them, so after giving the proper services to her family, they lock her in her own house.
but at this point the reader is so tired that she doesn't even mind being isolated. but she knows one thing. she can't allow herself to die like this. not because it is degrading or unfair, but because she knows that if she dies and no one performs an adequate ritual for her, she will not even see her family in the afterlife.
all the pain and suffering in vain.
So against all odds, the reader finds ways to survive on her own at home, constantly being in the limbo of life and death due to her horrible health.
and, thanks to this, the reader meets Thanatos.
I think I'll leave it vague if the relationship would be platonic or romantic, but they definitely got off to a bad start.
We already know that Thanatos finds his work exhausting, so the fact that the reader clung to life and did not want to leave even when she was in horrible conditions bothered him to no end.
and on the other hand, the reader OBVIOUSLY did not want to die and it was annoying that he wished her dead (even if it was technically his job?) and that led to several verbal fights. at first.
Thanatos appeared at the reader's house when she was especially weak, whether she could not move on her own, had respiratory attacks and/or was in special pain, etc. episodes that, although temporary, were still close encounters with death.
When Reader and Thanatos eventually get tired of insulting each other in these moments, at first they just wait to see whether Reader will survive this particular episode or not, in a rather tense silence.
It is not until the third or fourth time this happens that the reader begins a conversation with Thanatos in an "informal" way.
As one can imagine, at first Thanatos didn't even react or try to continue with said conversation, just do his job and leave, but as time went by he began to show more signs of listening to what the reader was saying. and eventually even give short answers.
He doesn't share much, but now the reader doesn't go crazy being alone.
I also imagine that on some occasions, when the reader can't move much, she DRAG to go get food/medicine, which bothers Thanatos because it seems 1- unhygienic and 2- stupid in a certain sense, mortals get sick because of it. not taking care of themselves, does she NOT want to get better?
It is from there that their relationship begins to improve, but the reader's health worsens every day.
It's the same as what happens with the other villagers that Thanatos collects, weakness, coughing up blood, pain in the rib cage, inability to eat, difficulty breathing--
but even so, the reader STILL wants to cling to this miserable existence, she can't even eat or stand anymore and STILL doesn't want to leave...
and the reader's response is quite simple.
There is no one who can give her a burial, but her family did have one, without that she would simply wander through the Underworld and be alone AGAIN.
but at the same time, the reader no longer has the strength to continue holding on, the pain is UNBEARABLE and the little energy she has leaves her...
Thanatos is there, at least.
I like to think that the reader would agree to go with Thanatos VOLUNTARILY if he even lets her see her family one last time, thus dying peacefully.
And it would be especially ironic if by chance the reader ends up as a shadow in the house of Hades😅
I think that in general, a deceased reader would be like a more responsible Hypnos, she is not going to bother the GOD OF DEATH so she does the minimum ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
She is definitely happier now that she is no longer in pain, but she was quite traumatized by the experience :') although on the positive side, she is one of the few people who can play pranks on Thanaros with almost no consequences!
simply....mortal reader sheneigans.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Maybe i could use this Reader with another characters? Idk. I didn't know how to finish this but i like it!
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A little something about Evelyn and Callum at the screening in LA last weekend xoxo
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“Do you want to go to the Dodgers game tomorrow night?” Ev had been daydreaming out the window of the Escalade currently taking them to a screening and reception of Masters of the Air.
“Sure that’d be fun.” He held her hand in between them and brought it to his lips.
“You feeling ok? You’ve been quiet the whole ride.”
“Just preemptively tired. I have to fly to New York Monday morning for the premiere.” More and more recently she had just wanted to cocoon herself in blankets at their home, wherever that may be, and never leave. She hoped it wasn’t another bout of depression rearing its ugly head. “I’ve just been feeling a little different lately. Like I’m back in the same headspace I was before we started filming. I don’t know. I can’t explain it.” While he hadn’t known her well before Masters of the Air, he had only met her a few times at parties, he had known she was not herself that first day of their chemistry read.
“You’ve been super fucking busy between press for dragon and press for this and the fact that you insist you can try to be in New York and Scotland in the same day-“ that got a smile across her face “-maybe your body is just telling you it needs to rest a little bit.”
“You forgot that I’m the best girlfriend ever and have been flying to Vancouver every chance to see you,” she teased. “Please add that to your list.” Callum laughed and threw his arm around her should to pull her in close.
“I love you. Wouldn’t want you any other way but want you to take care of yourself. If you need a break, you need a break.” But breaks meant silence and Evelyn had never really been good in the silence.
“Having you back in LA this weekend is kind of like a break.” They’d spent the day lounging in bed before walking Golo to a farmers market, buying flowers and bagels and plants for the herb garden Evelyn had started tending to in their back yard. No one had stopped them for selfies and if people were taking photos, she hadn’t bothered to notice. It had felt good and normal to hold his hand and live her life if only for a few hours.
“You made me pinky promise to still spend every weekend with you while filming!” She giggled as the car pulled up to the curb to drop them off, her publicist, assistant and representatives from the Apple PR department waiting to greet them.
“I did and so far that’s meant me going to Canada and not the other way around. So technically I only encumbered myself with that one.” The longer they were together, the more horrible being apart felt. They were both committed to not letting distance get the best of them during the busiest year of their life. Every weekend one of them was on a plane to go be with the other. They were two halves of the same whole and wouldn’t survive if kept apart. “Hi Tracy,” she greeted as Callum held her hand to help her out of the car.
“Hi you two.” Evelyn wrapped her in a hug and then gripped his hand tightly as he led them in the direction of the party. She made sure to wave to fans that had collected on the sidewalk and posed for some photos from afar as they held their phones up. “Let’s make sure you get an individual shot with all the other actors here for from the other shows and then we can do all the cast group shots at once, okay?” Ev nodded as she took a welcome drink and smiled, a line of people already forming to talk to her and try and snap a selfie for their social media. She greeted all of them with a practiced ease that had them feeling like they were the only person in the world with her for those few moments. It was a skill that she had honed early in her career and had fared her very well.
“I got to go check on that handsome lad over there but I’ll find you after!” She kissed Maya Rudolph’s cheeks and did her best to not get pulled aside too many times on her way to Callum.
“Must be hard to be so popular,” Gary teased as Ev hugged him tightly.
“Can’t take you anywhere,” Cal mumbled as he leaned down to kiss her. She smiled against his lips and used her hand on his neck to keep him there for an extra peck.
“I can’t hide when I’ve got a bean stalk following me around so I might as well embrace the attention.” Gary laughed, her arms wrapping around Callum’s waist and cheek resting on his chest.
“You two are so good together. I take all the credit.” Gary had been there when they’d met at the chemistry. Had watched the infatuation only increase from that moment forward. Not so subtlety, Evelyn noticed his eyes flicker to her bare ring finger and deflate a little. “I’m going to go make sure everything’s set in the theater. I’ll see you both in there.” She kissed his cheek in farewell and Cal offered him a one handed hug.
“You good? Need another drink?” Evelyn shook her head and rested her chin on her chest so she could look up at him.
“I love you. Just happy to be here with you. Happy that we can keep celebrating this show that brought us together.” He dropped a kiss to her nose.
“I love you even more, how about that?” It earned him a giggle as she turned to remove herself from his embrace, Callum kissing the top of her head as she sighed.
“I’ve got a few more people to get photos with before Tracy yells at me. I’ll find you before the cast photos.”
“Love you, baby.” An arm around her shoulders pulled her back into his orbit so he could kiss her again.
“Love you, Cali Wali.” He blushed at the little nickname she normally saved for the privacy of one of their homes. “Handsome when you blush.”
“Good thing you think so cause I seem to do it a lot around you.” She almost let it slip that she hoped their future kids inherited his propensity for handsome blushing. But she bit her tongue just in time. Since their pregnancy scare a couple weeks ago, Evelyn hadn’t been able to stop thinking about a baby. Like the moment in time where it might have been true had opened a door inside of her. There was still no strong desire in her bones to get married again but now there was one to become a mother. To share in that honor with the man in front of her. “Where’d you go, Ev?” He furrowed his brows and brushed some hair from her cheek.
“Sorry. Just thinking for a minute. I’ll see you in a little bit.” With a final kiss to his cheek, she was off before he could reel her back in. She didn’t know how to broach the conversation. Didn’t know how he’d react to her rejection of his attempts at proposing but her desire to have a child. Would he feel confused? Betrayed? Like he couldn’t have what he wanted but was expected to give her what she wanted? Her hand shook as she made her way towards Karen and Josiah with a smile. The more distractions, the better.
Anthony gave her the loudest kiss on the cheek she had ever received and Evelyn giggled at the tickling sensation.
“Missed you, pretty girl,” he smiled as she hugged him and the cameras snapped endlessly.
“Anto, what the fuck is on your face?” she teased as she poked the facial hair.
“Swoon all you want.”
“Bel and I show up looking like ladies, Cal and Nate even shaved for this and you brought that.” Cal rested his arm around her shoulders and her hand reached up to twine their fingers together.
“You loved the mustache when Cal had it!”
“Not a great argument,” Bel cautioned.
“Okay let’s gather round and smile at the camera.” They all set their laughing aside to smile professionally, Evelyn not allowing Callum to move his hand, her arm around his waist where she stood on the end. Fully in his embrace exactly where she liked to be.
“Everyone make sure you come to the screening. Evelyn will be giving a speech!” Anthony announced to laughs from the crowd and a loving roll of Evelyn’s eyes.
“I’ll give one to spare you the pain, baby,” Callum offered.
“I’m claiming the Emmy speech, Anthony. And you won’t be mentioned if you keep up this behavior.” Anthony stuck his tongue out as she chased after him towards the theater. Everyone laughing at their sibling banter the entire way.
“Don’t let that one go.” Callum looked over at Gary.
“I’m trying my best,” he joked back. “Doesn’t get any better than her. Than this.”
He caught her gaze over her shoulder as she looked to make sure he was coming up behind her. Yeah. This. This was once in a lifetime.
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laura1633 · 1 day
I mean I'm not sure how much the rb20 is difficult and how much is skill issue of checo. I would like to see the second seat in the hand of a better driver like carlos or alonso to have a better understanding, but red bull doesn't seem to care about checo poor results since they renewed him
Sorry anon I ended up writing so much more than I was planning, I start talking about Max and all of a sudden I am wanting to write a thesis 😂 
I’m not a technical expert so I guess I am just going from the limited information I have (so there are likely errors in how I word this). Watching the onboards and looking at how they have struggled to dial that car in during practice sessions I do believe that that car has been a handful over the last few races and I think Max has been driving around the weaknesses of the car. There are other tracks where the car seems in its sweet spot and I am sure is much more enjoyable to drive but in terms of recent races it looks like it has been a struggle. The RB20 seems to suffer from balance issues over a bumpy track or when having to ride the kerbs.
I remember Alex Albon talking about how the Red Bull is not designed around Max but designed to go as fast as possible and that means a twitchy car that is hard to handle but if you can handle it then its quick. Not all drivers (even the good ones) will be able to extract the most out of the car. Some of it does come down to preferences and driving styles of course. 
To me it’s a bit like when you play a racing game - you can get a much faster lap time if you take all the driving assists off but you are far more likely to spin the car and it suddenly becomes a lot more difficult to control.
People do like to talk about the performances of Max’s teammates but don’t always factor in or give Max credit to how he makes those drivers look in comparison to what he is doing. I think it’s important to remember that people had positive things to say about Pierre, Alex and Checo prior to them lining up next to Max, it’s not like they are poor drivers (look at the positive way people talk about Alex now). I know people will have different opinions on this so I’m not going to go too deep into driver comparisons as I don’t want to upset anyone and I want this blog to remain a positive space no matter who you support.
To me personally I think Max would come out on top no matter who they brought in alongside him (I am sure different fan bases would think differently and that is fine, we are all passionate about the drivers we support). That’s not to say there aren’t drivers who couldn’t beat him in some races but I just think over the course of a season he would come out on top. I believe Charles, for example, would do well because I think he has similar preferences in terms of the way a car drives and how he handles a “twitchy” car. 
I just truly believe that Max is so good that his achievements are taken for granted and that even if you brought someone else in alongside him and he beat them week in week out people would just return to the argument that its because the car is built for Max.
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spennsrs · 2 days
spencer agnew x reader
reader is a new intern/assistant for the games department and her and spencer kinda hit it off
possible slow burn
spencer content <3 love you
↳˳;; ❝ fuckin' nerd ༊*·˚
here we go spencer nation this is for you and erm its somewhat slowburn ig.... no confirmation of relationship so yas... reader referred to using they/them <3
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first day jitters fuckin' sucked. [y/n] could attest to that.
they rub their hands on the front of their jeans, the material somewhat grounding them as they stare at the office building... okay, technically it wasn't their first day, they had been there yesterday to set their desk up and get somewhat acquainted with the games side of the office. they met alex tran, jacqi, even vida!
but a specific glasses wearing, kickstart drinkin' idiot (alex tran's words) wasn't there. spencer agnew.. or their boss, essentially.
[y/n] didn't know why they were so nervous. it's not like spencer was a scary guy, per say... maybe he was. shaking their head, [y/n] enters the building with a semi-confident grin on their face, entering the lobby... only to be met with another body. well.. more like colliding.
"oh shit, i'm sorry dude-" "my bad-"
[y/n] collects themself as they brush off their clothes, before looking up to an average height male with curly dark hair and round glasses framing his eyes. he was... cute, in a... kind of dorky, awkward nerdy best friend in some mediocre coming of age novel. they find themself staring and quickly before they start to talk.
"you okay? we bumped pretty hard into each other... usually, i'm paying way more attention, i guess, i'm so sorry-" "hey.. you're that new intern, right? holy shit, you are. [y/n], right? what a first impression... i'm spencer by the way."
fuck. shit. fuckin' shit. of course this was their boss. they just ran into their boss, on their second first day...
"uhm... yeah. i'm [y/n], the one and only, heh. listen, i feel terrible for what i did, i can make it up to you! buy you a coffee, extra work, whatever you need, i'm willing."
their words were met with silence from spencer, and for a brief moment, they thought they fucked up royally. completely. fired on the spot.
"first meeting, an you're already asking me on a date? bold moves, [y/n], but i'm not that easily swayed." spencer's lips tug into a toothy grin, a grin that holds a teasing and chaff, a grin that promises lots of fun jokes at work, a grin that promised to keep them on their toes, to keep their heart fluttering-
[y/n] can't help but snort with a raised brow, determined to give back the same sass. if this is what it was like working here, they could get used to this place. "in your dreams, boss man. workplace relationships never work out anyway." they snap back with a laugh, which makes spencer mirror the action.
"fair enough, fair enough. i'm just pulling your chain, welcome to smosh games. i think we'll get along just fine."
[y/n] likes to agree with that statement.
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only a week of working at smosh, and [y/n] was finding the place to be a second home of sorts.
alex t had quickly climbed the ranks of becoming [y/n]'s favorite person, almost like a brother figure of sorts to the newer employee. on the other end of that, spencer had grown to be [y/n]'s biggest enemy, bully, and pin in their ass.
in a loving way, of course.
the two of them would bounce off each other's energy, and could bicker for hours, and had even developed a bit of a joking beef in the office. this also led to a little.. club of sorts, smosh employees who were banking on spencer and [y/n] eventually ending up together. even mythical employees were in on this, thanks to trevor. (who would've known rhett and link would be the fan club's number one members)
of course, this had led to some unspoken feelings, at least on spencer's side of things. he refused to say a thing, workplace relationships and h.r and all that jazz or whatever. he also didn't want to seem creepy as their boss having a crush on one of the interns. the only person who actively knew about spencer's little... predicament was alex t, which kind of sucks considering how close alex was to [y/n]. so, all in all, he was fucked.
lost in his own thoughts, spencer made his way to the office kitchen to grab another kickstart when he notices [y/n] fiddling with... well, he couldn't give a shit. what mattered was [y/n] was here. he runs a hand through his hair as he approaches them from behind, a wicked grin on his lips before he gently pokes their side. the other's body jolts and spencer catches how their eyes go wide like saucers, before spinning to glare at spencer. he could tell the glare wasn't angry or upset really, but also the bubbling laugh kinda gave them away.
"hey, [y/n], whatcha doin'? anything interesting?"
the other scoffs and turns back to what they were doing, which spencer can actually see is them fixing their lunch as [y/n] releases a dramatic sigh. "i was peacefully making lunch, but now the duke of chaos himself is here."
"duke of chaos? i'm the god of chaos, thank you very much, goddess of idiocy." that earned him another friendly glare over the shoulder. this is what he adored about them. sure, they were really cute, and their laugh was like... the most beautiful song he's heard, and their hands were nice and soft and fit right in his perfectly-
spence, stop getting carried away.. right.
he adored [y/n] because they knew how to joke, how to have a laugh, to keep up with his rather snarky little comments. he really valued that in a friend or a partner, but for some reason.. playful bullying looked really good especially on [y/n]. well... [y/n]'s specific hair color looked good on them as well... and that new top - he knew it was new because maybe he overheard them talking to chanse about it - fit them perfectly, and their eye color fit them perfectly-
"anyone home in there? this is ground control to spencer agnew, do you copy?" .... oh shit, they had been talking. he stared at them with wide eyes, swallowing thickly. he felt something akin to a blush creeping up his neck to settle on his cheeks, and he knew they could see it based on the sly smirk that played onto their lips. "you're lucky it's me you're staring, y'know. think about that next time you gawk at women while zoning out."
"i wasn't-.. shut up, i wasn't gawking!" he definitely was gawking.
"you stupid fuckin' nerd. come on, we have a meeting to get to."
spencer could live with this, keeping the pretty intern a daydream away so they could keep a good work friendship with their inside jokes and their movie nights they'll end up having, spencer sharing his love for kickstarts with [y/n] who will complain but drink them anyway... as long as they were in his life, he didn't quite care what they were, or what other people thought of them. he couldn't care less if he gave his feelings away in the fleeting touches when they returned a pen they borrowed and how he made it linger, or how he stared at them like they hung the stars in the sky just for him... he didn't need a picture perfect movie ending...
all that mattered was he was their stupid fuckin' nerd, where they liked (or knew) it or not.
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s0apmactav1sh · 1 day
More crappy thoughs coming from me.
Teenage!Simon Riley edition. With Bestfriend older brother troupe >:} (Reader is aged around 15 to 23.)
^ by this I mean simon from the ages 12 to around 20 and these are just silly things from my brain nothing got to do with his character in the game.
-Teenage!Simon who became bestfriends with your little brother pretty quick. The two stuck to each others hips. They were a do or die type friendship. If one done something the other had to follow. And that just meant you were often forced to go with them to make sure neither got hurt because god forbid that happens.
-Teenage!Simon whos only a three years younger than you and yet you still treat him like a little kid each time you see him. Acting as if hes more like your little brother than anything else. And it just made sense that when he got picked on it was you who was getting suspended from school for beating up his bullies.
Teenage!Simon who started coming over less and less after your brother got a girlfriend. Meaning your mam was pestering your brother and you on why her favourite adopted son hadnt been over in a while. To which you cant answer and neither can your brother because hes a little shit.
-cut to your 18th. Finally able to drink and guess who shows up at the door right before midnight completely drenched. Yuppp Simon. No one was home and you couldnt just leave him out in the rain. So you took him in, giving him clothes your brother refused to wear in replace of his wet ones because you also dont want to get killed over wet floors by your mam
-Teenage!Simon who finally realises that you were technically the 'better' brother. In the sense you actually stuck up for him, made sure he was fine and wasnt being bothered. And you even looked after him each time he showed up knocking on your window because he ran away from his house. You done more than your brother ever did.
-Simon who tries confessing to you when hes 16 and your 19. Only to be rejected by you because you didnt want to be accused of anything and because it was wrong from him to even think of you that way (internalized homophobia guys it happens :( to the best of us anyways)
-Simon who has to quite literallu chase you to get you to talk to him during school. You may not talk to him anymore but you still made sure he wasnt being picked on. He was still your brothers bestfriend. And even if he didnt need it, youd given yourself the role of protecting him from bullies in and out of school.
-You who lands yourself in jail after beating a 18 year old for the simple reason on the fact he was trying to get simon jumped. And word got around to you quickly even if you no longer were in school and were a second year in college. But hey it wasnt your fault he didnt think before he spoke.
-you who got out exactly 3 days before simon turned 18, meaning youd be around to celebrate with him (that was if you ever stopped getting phone calls from your mam giving out over you being locked away for 6 months.)
-Simon who makes the joke that he's technically legal and its not wrong for the two of you to date. But even then you fele icky over the fact that he may be wasting time on you when he could find someone way better.
-you who only accepts to go out with him because he seemed so determined. You guys spending the next 2 years together until he tells you he thinks he wants to join the military and see where that goes.
-you who are fully with him and even help him enlist. Not knowing that you'd lose touch only a year after he was gone. And then for it to carry on for the next 18 years. Until you spot him back in town with 3 other men you have no idea who they are but hey he's back and safe.
-Simon who doesnt remember a thing about his home town other than the fact that he still had a home to return to even if it wasnt his. And is all too surprised to see its not your mam or brother living there. Its you. And everything is awkward even when you tell him is find for him to stay. All he needed to do was stay away from your room and the garage during certain hours during the day.
-Price, Gaz and Soap being able to just sense the tension between the two of you. But not being able to pinpoint what it is exactly about you that has simon so on edge. Until it finally clicks when they see the pin board hanging in the hallway with a picture of you simon and another boy that looks like a younger version of yourself all standing at the bank of a river.
-them trying to stick ye in rooms together to get ye to reconnect but the flame that was once there is gone. And not an ember that remains to spark it up again. Even if you try.
I havent writen in so long and i needed to write something to get over my writers block so have this and enjoy. Ima try write a small fic to go along with this.
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angstywaifu · 2 days
Black Dahlia - Part 3
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
A/N - Going for a slightly different perspective for this one… Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos) Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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Another year. Another round of cadets. Another year of watching the first year numbers plumet. Last year that had been me. One of the first marked ones to walk the parapet and join the death sentence they called the Rider’s Quadrant. It had nearly been my actual death sentence during threshing if it wasn’t for Xaden. I owed him my life for that.
”How do you think this year will go?” I ask him as I look across the parapet where new cadets will soon start to make their way over.
He opens his eyes to look at me from where he leans on the archway. “Same as last year. Bunch of cadets falling to their death to try earn the glory of being a dragon rider. Us marked ones being targeted yet again.” He drawls, no interest in being stationed here to take the names of those who make it across.
Though being stationed here gave us an upper hand. Both being squad leaders this year meant we could see the cadets as they made it across. Maybe even snag a few for our own squads that we’re down in numbers after last year. We had lost a lot of fellow first years, and even a few second and third years in war games a few weeks ago. Xaden had already laid claim to one cadet. His cousin Bodhi who was due to walk the parapet today. Despite not showing any interest I knew he was keeping an eye out for him. I had caught him looking over the edge, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of him. But there we’re too many people down there and it was too far away to see anyone clearly.
Movement across the Parapet catches both our eyes, our heads turning to see the first cadet take to the Parapet. “Here we go.” I mutter as I push off the wall and get ready.
As per usual the parapet claims a few victims. The wind knocking off those who can’t balance, or other cadets pushing them off to get them out of their way. Technically there were no rules about throwing other cadets off. Just make your way across and survive. But I know both Xaden and I would not be taking any of those who pushed other cadets off. They had no loyalty. They just wanted the glory and title of being a dragon rider. And didn’t care who they had to kill to get there. Soon they’d face the harsh reality of what it took, and would soon realise the dragons made their decisions on more than just a capable strong rider.
“She’s got guts.” Xaden says, pulling my gaze from the roll where I write down the last cadets name.
I look up to see a girl crossing the parapet as if they’ve done it hundreds of times before. As if she knows exactly where to place each step, how to balance herself to counter the wind. Hell, she’s barely even using her arms for balance. She’s walking it as if it was part of her daily routine. And for Xaden to comment on it, means he was impressed. We’d walked out there a few times in our first year. Not the whole way, just far enough to feel like we we’re away from here. A place to clear our heads. But this was the first time that girl was walking it. And she made it look like it should be easy.
She’s one of the few I’ve seen gain distance on the cadet behind them. The boy behind her taking his time. He’s definitely one of the better ones I’ve seen cross it, but it’s nothing compared to her. Her face is completely void of any emotion. No hesitation or fear at her possible death. She’s determined. She’s here for a reason. She has something to prove. Either to herself or someone else. As she gets closer, I can’t help but feel like she looks familiar. I know I’ve never met her before, but she looks similar to someone I’ve seen before. But I can’t place who.
She jumps off the parapet with ease and going to walk off. “Name cadet.” Xaden says sternly.
She stops and looks at him. “Dahlia.” Even her voice is void of any emotion. What the hell happened to her to make her this way?
“Last name?” He asks, cocking his eyebrow at her as she goes to walk off again.
Most cadets would cower under that stare, immediately give up what he asks for. But she doesn’t. She just narrows her eyes at him and stares back with equal authority. She’s not trying to defy him, but she doesn’t want to give him her name.
“Aetos.” The cadet behind her says as they jump off.
I turn and see the boy behind her on the parapet has jumped down. I’ve never seen this guy before but there’s no denying who this was. He looked so much like his father. And by the way Xaden grimaces I know he’s made the connection to.
“I wasn’t asking for yours.” Xaden snaps at him, his tone venomous as he takes him in.
The boy narrows his eyes in an a way so similar to the girl in front of me it’s almost uncanny.
“I’m aware Riorson. It’s her last name to.”
Xaden and I immediately snap our gaze back to the girl who’s now staring at Dain. If you weren’t looking for it you would miss it. But it’s there. The similarities. But everything about her is darker than the colonels son. Her hair a dark chocolate brown and eyes to match, her skin slightly more tanned than his as if she spends more time outside. But there’s no denying who she is. She’s the colonels other child. Dain’s twin sister. Which would explain why she seemed familiar.
“You’re the Colonels other kid?” Xaden asks as he takes her in, as if he can’t quite believe she’s the Colonels daughter.
Xaden was a good judge of character. Knew who to trust and who to keep at arms length. But something about this girl seemed to throw him off. As if something about her was making him question her.
”Only when it matters.” And with that she turns and makes her way into the rotunda leaving the three of us to look after her in awkward silence.
Dain quickly rushes after her, muttering something about their father and getting in trouble.
”Mark her down as my squad.” Xaden tells me once Dain is out of ear shot.
I cock an eyebrow at her. “You really want her on your squad? That really the smartest move all things considered?”
Having her on either of our squads would be a bad idea. She was the Colonels daughter. We would have a set of eyes on us we really didn’t need. Not with the supply runs. She could be putting on an act for all we knew. If Xaden slipped up around her, she could go running back to him and we’d be done for.
”I want her on my squad. Trust me.”
So I do. I trust Xaden and mark her down as his squad. Malek help us all. @imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch
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matchbet-allofthetime · 5 months
Kotal Kahn eats pussy like a man starved
No I don't take criticism
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driftingballoons · 3 months
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Some creatures are more difficult to perceive than others
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sanasanakun · 7 months
The weed is making me courageous so I think my biggest unpopular opinion for Bg3 is I don’t think Astarion is sexy or cute or anything at all really. He’s just there. Like he’s just a dude with an attitude problem lol like I keep seeing people compare the man to a renaissance painting like he’s fucking Lestat. Dude wishes he was Lestat lmao he’s just some white man with high cheekbones 😂😂
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jahiera · 8 months
pondering on a meta diving into Gale's abstract brand of selflessness (willingness to go away to a corner of the world to die so that none of the faceless masses will be harmed by his mistake) vs his personal selfishness (willingness to stick by tav despite being repulsed by tiefling camp murder + general vocal approval or interest in accumulating more power) and Gale's status as someone who is good aligned but generally ineffectual at enforcing actual good (the way that wyll or karlach will actually leave the party) which is fascinating for a fairly good-aligned person. just love when the Good Guy is actually kind of fucking weird. edit: tumblr cut off my tags Okay. and how all of this ties back in an interesting way to his relationship and power imbalance with mystra. he was wronged, deeply, but he also desires still that ... status / closeness to divinity in some way, by her influence. Gale thinks that he would be a better god simply by virtue of his mortality but he cannot escape the appeal of holding himself apart from others and being more than, greater than, something closer to godliness and thus inherently removed from mortal values and standards of right and wrong, which the gods themselves don't adhere to in the same way.
#it's just one of those things that's really compelling about his character to me in terms of ...#Gale hesitates with the shadow lantern not really because he's put off by the magic#in fact if a sorcerer Tav condemns dark magic he rebukes it and argues that all magic is inherently neutral; some simply more#frowned upon than others#He appreciates good acts. he'll say We Should Do The Good Act. but he's not going to really fight FOR doing the right thing the way#others might; and when you get beyond the act itself he can very quickly rationalize#necessity. or mistake. or the value of power + strength behind it.#the dichotomy between his fearful willingness to die at Mystra's behest while not really tamping down his interest in power and survival#that peers out and I think (?) feels almost obfuscated behind his eloquence and his manners and charm and general clockability as a#guy who approves of good things.#and there are things he says & does that are further beyond the expectations of what you might expect from someone who is 'good'#the initial interest in a deal with Raphael; the approval of taking tadpoles despite the uncertainty and possible cost; the acknowledgment#that powerful forms (slayer form or ascending astarion) will be useful onward#His Fucking Speech to Tav after the grove slaughter where he's outraged and disgusted but can be swayed to stay#he's so... sunk cost fallacy too I think. at some point the ends must surely justify the means right#and his God of Ambition thing is sooo compelling because it really drives to the max the part of gale's personality that is always there#but obfuscated by his immediate insistence that he's a moral person right. you know him to be of sound judgement. trust him.#He likes seeing good happen and he's happy to go along with doing good things and he'll#state his opinion when he thinks something EVIL is happening. but he's not necessarily#going out of his way here either if tav isn't -- and to be fair game mechanics technically mean#no one is - but we can read from Wyll/Karlach removing themselves from the situation#(need to double check but can't Wyll also leave a slayer dark urge?)#that they CAN go out of their way#Wizard Apathy Baby! you feel benevolent toward others but you crave what is beyond humanity and#deeply rooted in the arcane; which you see as beyond too basic concepts of 'good' vs 'bad' magic; neutrality that sways with intent#you trust good actions but you didn't ACTUALLY use your power at the time For Others either; you probably could have but#you craved MORE. something BETTER.#and there's a lot there in how that interacts with his relationship to mystra too#his desire to achieve something closer to godliness and both thinking that he can do better because he's mortal but at the same time#has proven that he can separate himself or his technical moralities from a situation if it means exploration of power/knowledge Beyond
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ivorysodapop · 14 days
A3! but in their fits from our Sims game
#2: Masumi — Prev Next
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