#technically it started off as a dcau fic
candy-ac3 · 5 months
Should have the first chapter of this Adam and the batfam crossover shit done either today or tommorow yippie!
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starspatter · 7 years
The entire, "fanfic end of the year asks" questionnaire! :D
favorite fic you wrote this year
In terms of completely new content, I only really wrote “Saving Today” for the DCEU this year based off the Wonder Woman and Justice League films, so I guess it’d be that by default.
least favorite fic you wrote this year
See above?
favorite line/scene you wrote this year
From “Saving Today”:
“As soon as she bites into the savory snow-white sweetness, rich and airy as a cloud of cream, the dizzying memories melt in her mouth. Of swaying under a flurry of flakes as people laughed and sang around them, safe and sound after their town had been liberated by a band of heroes. Of hands grazing tender across her cheek, his lips on hers like the heat of a match spark, kindling tinder in their hearts. Of a pinned paper princess, watching her steadfast tin soldier go up in flames, wishing to dance with him just once more…”
I’m still not really comfortable writing romance, but I like it mostly for the imagery and metaphor/allusion to the Hans Christian Anderson tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”.
total number of words you wrote this year
2,519 (+ minor edits to my chapter fic)
most popular fic this year
Again, “Saving Today” (probably bc the movies just came out recently)
least popular fic this year
“Out of His League” - a Batman TAS/Static Shock crossover
longest completed fic you wrote this year
“Ozymandias” for BTAS @ 5,010 words (even though I wrote it last year I published it this year so it counts?)
shortest completed fic you wrote this year
“Saving Today” @ 2,519 words
longest wip of the year
I don’t really have any “active” WIPs; my BTAS TimSteph chapter story “Heroes and Thieves” was technically already done last year, just in draft form.  (I guess you could say my ItsuHaru story? *shot*)
shortest wip of the year
See above
fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
favorite character to write about this year
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
Hm I didn’t really have anything I specifically associated with Diana when writing “Saving Today” (there’s “Ice Cream” by Sarah Mclaughlin but I got that from a different fic), so I’ll step back and say my soundtrack for “Heroes & Thieves” thematically consists of a lot of Vanessa Carlton, Regina Spektor, Family of the Year, Goo Goo Dolls, The Script, and Gregory Alan Isakov (among others).
a fic you didn’t expect to write
Honestly I wasn’t expecting to love Wonder Woman as much as I did, let alone write a fic for the DCEU when I’ve been focusing soley on the DCAU/BTAS so far.  (Although in general I’m still surprised I’m even writing for the superhero genre in general. OTL)
something you learned this year
Some of my favorite series are so long-running/still beloved years later despite the length bw updates (*cough* Haruhi *cough*), so I really shouldn’t stress about my own work losing followers/interest over time (even though it still makes me anxious).
fic(s) you completed this year
“Saving Today”
fics you’ll continue next year
“Heroes and Thieves”, hopefully
current number of wips
Haha… *looks at ItsuHaru fic ideas*
any new fics to start next year
I would like to write one more BTAS story about the relationship bw Veronica Vreeland and Bruce Wayne.  As for my Haruhi stuff…  No promises. *shot*
number of comments you haven’t read
None?  I like reading all my comments.
most memorable comment/reviewOn “Saving Today”:
“That was beautiful. Beautifully written and beautifully sad, I cried a bit and I thank you for all the feels you made me feel. Thank you
If one of my stories made someone cry, then I consider it mission accomplished. XP *shot* 
Also from one anon:
“ahh! i love love LOVE your heroes and thieves fanfic. almost screeched in glee when i saw you finally updated!!
just bc it was kinda random and I rarely receive anon messages on tumblr, but it makes me happy there are others out there still reading and enjoying despite the wait. ^^;Also shout-out to Jalon Jones and The-Shepherd’s-Daughter on ff.net, whose comments are always a joy to read.  Hope you guys are doing well!
events you participated in this year
fics you wanted to write but didn’t
The Veronica Vreeland fic for one (not to mention all my old Haruhi ideas)
favorite fic you read this year
“Acceptable Losses” by @astrologista​
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Everyone?  That’s kind of a broad spectrum since most of the fics I read require familiarity with the series.  Of the ones I’ve read this year…  Perhaps “Safe Harbor” by psychobabblers on AO3?  It’s set in the DCEU but so long as you know the general relationship bw Bruce Wayne/Batman and Clark Kent/Superman and their respective histories it’s a sweet little story about dealing with grief and finding solace/family in another’s company.
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
I rarely bookmark things publicly unless it’s something I feel very strongly about, but there are some I’ve saved to my personal collection for reference (about 10 or so it looks like).
favorite fanfic author of the year@astrologista​ & @otherwise-uncolonized​
longest fic you read this year
“i have been left here in the reeds” by ohallows (dean_n_pie) on AO3 (as a stand-alone piece)
shortest fic you read this year
“Hallways” by Sandri and just now “Photograph” by redbirb on AO3 bc I’m a shameless TimSteph shipper now even though I prefer DCAU over their comics versions but there’s no content for the former.  (Actually I’ve probably read a couple other shorter ones on tumblr but I’m too nervous to tag other users I don’t know.  Besides these two feel appropriate to mention together, and I like how despite their length these ones accurately portray each of their personalities in a short span.)
favorite fandom to read fic from this year
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