#but mainly Adam and Bruce
candy-ac3 · 5 months
Should have the first chapter of this Adam and the batfam crossover shit done either today or tommorow yippie!
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the stepdad bruce au posts I've been seeing are so funny they're basically like
kon: are you okay, dad?!
clark: oh, im-
kon, flies to bruce: seriously you gotta be more careful!
clark: 😶
like yes pls give me more
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about-faces · 2 years
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15.) “Threat of the Two-Headed Coin!” (1974) from Batman #258
Two-Face threatens to nuke the US government (and himself in the process) unless he gets enough money to buy friends who will ignore his hideous appearance. Though very silly at times, this story is rooted in Batman compassion for the lonely torment of Harvey’s existence. Of the few Two-Face stories written by the legendary Dennis O’Neil, this is his best even despite its flaws and general oddness.
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outofcontextbatman · 2 years
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Behold, an outfit that has great individual pieces but added together that results in a really frustrating outfit. 
Mainly because of the hat. 
Like ninety-nine point nine percent (99.9%) is the hat. 
Right now, I have a terrible angle but one of the frustrating details is I can see why that hat was considered. 
Also I keep thinking that umbrella is a cane 😂
Terrible quality (blame my screencap skills) and this is just a placeholder pic for my Whoops-Now-There’s-An-Essay document.
Season One, Episode Two - Fine Feathered Finks
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bruciemilf · 4 months
heyy, I had a dream of the Waynes having beef with irl celebrities (mainly the Kardashians since I personally don't really like them) and wanted to know if you think that there would be this kind of rivalry between them if they were to co-exist
(sorry if this is worded weirdly, english is my second language, and I'm still really tired, lol)
OH! This gave me an idea. Batfamily + celebrities they have parasocial hatred with.
Bruce: Kim Kardashian (obvious reasons, but I think it’d be so funny if he hates her because she tried buying his mother’s pearls for the Met Gala. )
Tim: Drake; He hasn’t had a second of peace since Not Like Us dropped. Jason has that playing over coms at 100 volume.
Dick: Chris Evans. He lost best butt in America contest to him (As nightwing) and hasn’t been the same since. No one knows why Bruce Wayne’s son hates Captain America so much.
Jason: JK RAWLING. He hates that woman with every inch and beat of his being. Wrote a 100,000 K word fanfiction about Harry Potter transitioning out of spite. It got a movie adaptation.
Damian: Taylor Swift. “It’s like listening to yogurt.”
Alfred: Gordon Ramsey (they had a cook off and he lost. ) also, queen elizabeth. Ominously sipped tea while her death was announced. Probably came to the funeral and watched in all black, from the sidelines, in a huge hat.
Stephanie: Adam Sandler. “The bitch stole my look!”
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Hey, I've read your last yandere Bruce, neglected fam reader and it gave me an idea. What if instead of the reader wasting all that money or luxury, she saved most of it in a closed account and when Bruce bought the apartment she made him sign it in her name as a plan to when the right time comes or if she needs to, she will sell the apartment and use all the money she saved to leave to start over in another country. Imagine Bruce finding out when she reaches the point where she put her apartment for sale, or better, actually selling it to a friend or someone they know and actually leaving.
Yan!batfam with neglected!sister reader leaving the state/country
Anon your mind is fucking golden! I also thought of the reader having the apartment signed in her name just because Bruce wanted her to feel comfortable but I love the layers this adds.
Hopefully these couple of hcs are good enough while I work on pt 2. Also if anyone else has any questions about any other scenarios or certain characters feel free to send them in I'll try to respond whenever I have time and I write for any gender reader.
Word count ; 1073
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ bruce is not happy with this turn of events at all. He wasn't expecting nor did he sense that this was going to happen, you didn't post about it or even reference moving on any of your social media apps which he lovingly stalks watches over to make sure you are content with your life and also because he likes seeing you happy and enjoying all the things he got you. And it hurts him a little that you didn't even say something to him … he knows you don't owe him that, not when your relationship is still in a fragile state but he's trying.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ he only figures out after someone in the fam(most likely dick) broke in dropped by your apartment and likely scared one of your friends shitless.. obviously both parties are shocked but your friend more so as they don't know who the hell just broke into their house, dick is shocked when this random person claims that he's trespassing in their home. After that awkward situation dick immediately reports back to Bruce about this over the comms and with some digging from Tim they're able to find out that you had sold the house and the exact date that you had, approximately a month ago. That sends off alarm bells for the entire batfam, where are you now?! It takes an hour or so of searching to find out exactly where you moved and when they do they can't decide what to do with the information.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Alfred is the voice of reason in this family, he discourages the batboys from immediately doing everything in their power to bring you home, he advocated for you to live wherever you choose and says that it's your life and that the family cannot choose for you. Alfred loves you dearly you are basically his child he views you the way he views Bruce. He may be a yandere but he's a selfless one he truly only has your best interest in mind. His words are like a slap of reality for some of the Batfam mainly Tim, Steph and Jason all three of then become a lot more hesitant to go through with their plans to bring you home on the other hand dick, bruce, and damian are adamant that you aren't safe unless they can be nearby.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Nobody can come to a decision the night they find out and so they decide to sleep on it until they can come to an agreement the manor will be tense for a week or two at most before they spring into action, they will all eventually cave to their selfish needs even if some feel guilty for doing it. Alfred will sigh disappointedly but ultimately allow them to go through with their plans he only hopes you can forgive him for not doing more
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you on the other hand will be left unaware to all that's going down you'd gotten a new phone and lived in a whole new state maybe even country! They couldn't bother you here. You were happier than you have been for a long time. Even if you missed your old friends you still tried to keep in touch over the phone.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ as for why you did this? It's likely the other batboys' faults, Bruce is annoying but he's not nearly as demanding of your time as the others, namely dick. Dick is insanely clingy once you're on his radar and he becomes aware of how much his neglect affected you mentally. The guilt for him was all consuming when he found out how much he hurt you and that he neglected you for quite literally no reason, you just didn't matter to him at the time. the thought now makes him sick, of course you matter, what the hell was his problem!! Dick would have constantly broke your boundaries by hugging and touching and cuddling you he feels like he needs to make it up to you by being a good big brother, even if that's not what you need anymore after all it's far too late you're already an adult but he refuses to see it that way you're still his baby sister. He inserts himself into your life constantly and even if he'll pay for things he'll only do so under the circumstances that the money be spent ‘together’ like sure he'll take you to that fancy restaurant but it's going to be made into a sister-brother bonding moment, like yeah he'll let you use his card to go shopping but only if he's going with you. Even if you don't use him for money he will still find ways to insert himself into your life. He's overwhelmingly intense and his behavior mixed with the other overbearing members in the batfam plus the added overwhelming feelings of having people who ignored you all your life suddenly want your time and attention is probably why you felt like you had to leave.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you won't be gone for more than a month or two before your dragged back to Gotham and back to your family, only this time you've got a metaphorical collar around your neck as now you're likely brought back to the manor always under surveillance and on the off chance you're still allowed to own your own apartment again just know it will be heavily bugged along with your phone courtesy of Tim even if he feels bad about invading your privacy he knows they need to see your texts to make sure you're not planning to leave Gotham again. Oh and now the bat members will each take turn patrolling your house and following you from the shadows to make sure you're safe.
All in all I'd say you'll have your fun for a little while but ultimately you'll just drive them deeper in their obsession and they will likely kidnap and bring you home.
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ Therapist BatBro 👓
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⚣👓 A/N → Therpist BatBro makes his debut. The second pic is honestly what I feel a therapy session in the Wayne family would look like. This is from another request I got from my previous account.
⚣👓 Summary → Your family isn't pleased with your new hobby or group of friends. But, somehow you've made it a business. Gotta respect the hustle at least.
⚣👓 Words → 2.3k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 👓
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The way I see it, you're either a vigilante with the fam and all the villains just seem to like you for some reason and ask where you are during a battle OR you're not a vigilante and you volunteer at Arkham (which would be absolutely insane but it's Arkham so it breaks even) and everyone there is cool with you. Even the Joker (which won't fly well with Jason at all).
We're going to go with the second option for this one.
So, since Bruce was adamant about you not joining the family business as a vigilante since you were the youngest and he had an unyielding urge to protect you and your childhood innocence, you needed to find something to do in your free time.
What better than to volunteer at a crazy house for psychopathic murdering villains?
Of course, considering Arkham was filled mainly with criminals your father had put there along with your siblings, it probably wouldn’t be wise to do that since they’d obviously wouldn’t approve.
SO, you did it anyway and just didn't tell them.
BatBro contemplating...
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Duke was the first to find out. Batman had supplies Arkham needed but since he was at work and Duke always took the day shift as everyone liked to joke, who better to drop it off than him? Imagine his surprise when he finds his baby bro in there serving ice cream to Mr. Freeze.
"Here ya go Fries, my man. I sprinkled some ice shavings on there to make it a little tangier for you..." You said handing him the cone.
"Ha ha ha, aren't you hilarious." Victor Fries replied with a genuine smile. As far as The Signal persona knew, he was only capable of smirking or mean-mugging the shit of people, with the exception of an occasional shivering face while mocking someone for how cold they were.
'Oh, they're not gonna believe this...' Duke thought, racing home right after. The way he left the institution, the guards almost thought there was a breakout or a fight going on. Nope, but there might be when he told everyone.
Of course, no one believed him at first, just staring at the dude as if he just said the craziest thing in the world like Bruce being an emotionally available parent.
When you came home that night acting cagey and weirder than normal, they figured something was going on and maybe you were at Arkham but for something completely different than what Duke thought it could be. Because, there would be no way Bruce Wayne’s, aka Batman, own son would ever even consider fraternizing with criminals, let alone his enemies. Right?
So, like any other sane, normal family who responded to distressing situations with maturity and rationality... they spied on you.
Damian, Tim, & Cass followed you the next day. Tim was understandably distraught but also curious how you could have managed to form a friendship with Gotham's criminally insane.
Like...THEY WERE INSANE. But, when he really thought about it, considering the family you came from...yeah, okay. He can see the correlation now.
Damian, however, refused to believe his little brother could be so stupid and dense. How could you form relations with the enemy like that? It was stupidity. Plain idiocy at its finest. It was betrayal!
On the other hand, it was a smart move looking from an assassin's point of view. You know the whole keep your friends close and enemies closer deal, but that was his thing. Not yours! So you'd be getting extra noogies and brotherly beatdowns when you got home. In the name of camaraderie and righting your careless decisions.
Cass thought it was fucking hilarious.
Upon their arrival and finding you trading riddle jokes with Riddler, their jaws all collectively dropped to the floor.
"Okay, okay okay..." You breathed, calming down from your wheezing laughter. "Riddle me this...I'm neither a man nor a woman but don't hurt my wittle feelings cause I'm still a person. I'll kick you and scream at you, even both during a tantrum. My ego's bigger than my head but shorter than my height, who am I?"
Riddler took a moment to think about it before the metaphorical lightbulb appeared above his head, "Boy Wonder!" He pointed.
"Which one?" You immediately responded.
"The fourth one!"
Tim and Cass both had to think about it before they realized the clues in the riddle. They're eyes went wide when they realized who you were talking about, and turned to see Damian who looked ready to tear your head off with his teeth.
"He's in for it when he gets home..." He growled through his grinding teeth.
Damian pissed (Left) | Tim & Cass (Right)
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Everyone was mildly concerned when they came home that night and asked them how everything went only for Damian's immediate response to be that he was going to get his revenge sketchbook.
Why Damian has a revenge sketchbook, no one knows. But, everyone was just the right amount unsettled by it.
That night at dinner there was a bit of a tense air as Damian had to be placed between both Bruce and Jason to keep him from lunging at you with his salad fork. Usually, you were used to Damian’s somewhat murderous tantrums, but this was on another level.
He almost looked like he would grow horns out of his head at any moment, which would actually be somewhat fitting. Considering he was the grandson of the Demon and all.
You also noticed how Tim and Cass kept weirdly staring at you. Neither of them said something, which was odd(well except maybe for Cass), but you just ignored it and ate your dinner.
That night, you put some of your old booby traps from when you first moved into the manor back into place. You needed some sort of reassurance and protection to help you sleep. At many points throughout the night, you shot out of bed and grabbed one of the many random weapons you had hidden around you when you thought you heard someone trying to sneak into your room.
Damian definitely tried but had learned his lesson after the last time he got caught in one of your traps. You took a lot of inspiration from movies like Home Alone and The Parent Trap.
The next day, Dick and Steph went to check out the mental institution insane asylum.
Steph also thought it was funny like Cass but in a more ironic type of way. She’d rooted for you to get your own vigilante identity and join the family business. So this was like the ultimate petty revenge and she was here for it.
But Dick just couldn't imagine you in a place like this. His sweet adorable baby brother, in this horrid mess? He was calling it, either blackmail or manipulation. A rude awakening was awaiting him around the corner.
They looked to see you in the middle of practicing a handshake with Bane.
"No Bane, fist bump, then the arm wiggle..." You said, showing him the move for the 4th time.
"Oh sorry buddy," He replied.
"No problem man, let's try again."
They watched you go through the whole routine, Steph taking a video on her phone while Dick looked in surprise and jealousy. How come you and him didn't have a handshake like that? Every little brother should want to have a cool handshake with their cool big brother! Was he not good enough?!
Steph laughing in petty (Left) | Dick breaking down (Right)
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When Dick stormed into the manor later muttering about showing you a real handshake, Bruce only raised an eyebrow when Steph walked in looking thoroughly entertained like she just watched the funniest show of her life. It certainly felt like it.
That afternoon, Dick gave you the cold shoulder all day. He even canceled your weekly brother movie night, which shocked everyone, especially your dad. What could have been so bad that would cause Bruce’s first protege to treat his kid brother like this? The same kid who he’d absolutely lose it if they went to anyone other than him for advice or would pout if he didn’t get the first hug from him when in a room full of people.
Of course, he still cracked when you gave him the hurt puppy dog eyes (a trick you learned from Jason that he used to use on Bruce all the time when he was younger). Dick caved and you guys ended up watching a movie, though you were mildly concerned whenever your oldest brother paused the movie and took the time to highlight the friendship and connection between two characters, especially if they were siblings.
Something like a special code, an inside joke, or even maybe a HANDSHAKE. What does it say about a big brother if his little brother doesn’t want to have a cool special handshake with him?!
You just nodded along, making a mental note to avoid any family-oriented films for your next movie night.
But, after this incident, you’d fully managed to get Bruce’s attention. He knew that Dick out of all his children was usually the least likely to get irate over something that wasn’t serious. So the fact that he did, despite how unserious it may have seemed, but it was settled.
Something was going on and your dad, no…Batman was going to get to the bottom of it.
Jason decided to come along with your father, fully prepared to drag you out of the building by force if he had to. He even went as far as calling your boyfriend Conner Kent, aka Superboy, who he and Bruce had a love/hate relationship with because they couldn't really threaten the boy like they wanted to if he hurt you.
Well, Jason couldn’t at least.
Bruce had more than enough kryptonite in multiple storages across his warehouse and had no problem showing it to the half-Kryptonian as a warning.
Conner was more than a little peeved, try fucking pissed when he heard you'd been hanging out with supervillains. And he as well was ready to sling you over his shoulder if he had to. But, probably not in front of your dad who kept throwing pointed glares his way as they moved through the building.
When Batman showed up demanding to see where the volunteer by your name was, they quickly rushed to show him to your location. He couldn't fathom this. The mere thought that his youngest child, his sweet, innocent (on a good day) good-natured son, would be hanging around all his enemies, laughing with them like they were good ol pals?
He'd sooner believe Joker was going to therapy.
The shock of his lifetime was also waiting for him around the corner.
They came around to see you through a window sitting in an office room in business casual attire, holding a clipboard and writing down notes while Joker was laying on a couch with his cuffed hands resting on his chest, venting out his emotions.
"And sometimes, I do feel like I go a bit far. But, I can't take all the blame. I mean, everyone paints me as the villain, but Batsy plays into our little game just as much as I do. Why does he get painted as the hero and me as a crazy clown? Well, you know, besides the clown face, HAHAHA!" He vented, ending with his usual eerie cackle.
"Uh-huh, and how does that make you feel?" You asked while scribbling a few notes on your legal pad and adjusting the fake glasses on your face before turning around at the sound of the door opening.
You felt your heart drop in your stomach when you saw your father, brother, and boyfriend all staring at you with very unhappy looks.
"BATSY! Oh, do come in! We were just talking about you. I think it's about time you and I got some relationship counseling." Joker exclaimed.
Not one word was said while Conner grabbed you by your wrists, (gently of course because he's caring like that) and dragged you out of the room, Jason not too far behind, ready to tear you a new one. Batman held his shoulder, while Joker just watched in amusement, "Guess my hour's up."
You, Bruce, and Jason arguing (Left) | Joker enjoying the show (Right)
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You were immediately brought home after getting an earful from Jason to which you offered him his own free session.
He agreed.
Bruce demands to know why you would even consider going there, socializing with those people.
"Well, seeing as how I can't join the family business, I figured I could do some good in some way. And villains or not, they've got good in them! Just you know, when they're not trying to murder people." You answered.
You were interrupted by your other siblings appearing before you felt an arm forcibly turn you around which Conner raised an annoyed eyebrow at, but he kept his mouth shut.
"What does Bane have that I don't? Am I not good enough as an older brother to have a handshake with?"
You sighed, "Is that why you were so upset the other day?! Ugh, would you like to create a special handshake with me, Dick?"
" Yes! Super secret too! You can't have any handshakes with anybody else!" He hugged you while you patted his back.
Brothers could be so needy sometimes.
You could see your boyfriend eyeing you both with the strangest look. In your defense, he had plenty of warning of how weird your family was.
Before things could calm down too much though, everyone heard a shrill voice screaming your name from the top of the staircase.
"Fuck..." You muttered under your breath, before turning to see Tim and Cass giving you nervous looks.
“You were there with Riddler, weren’t you?”
They could barely look you in the eye as you turned to see Damian standing on the banister, holding one of your slippers in his hand.
"Who's short now?!" 
Alfred went to get the first aid kit.
Damian with your slipper...
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☀️ | Bat Family | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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fancyfade · 5 months
Why don’t you like the current Batman and Robin run?
Mainly because Williamson doesn't tell an interesting story and flattens and boring-ifies Damian's character, as well as softening Bruce's character a ton to portray him as a WFA-y dad while keeping Talia as a bad teacher Damian had to be removed from.
Previous posts I've made on it:
Damian's experience in the league of shadows has been made more generic and palatable to the reader (link). Instead of being told he's the best (b/c he's extremely competent and doing what he's been trained to do) people tell him he sucks and put him down. Damian wasn't being put down in the league of shadows.
I see a claim that Damian is just more mature and level-headed now, and that's hwy he doesn't have any of his previous fun dialogue where he's allowed to be emotionally-brusque or diss people. but .... it does not go wit williamson's actual writing. Williamson writes Damian as insecure and emotional (link1, link2). Notably Damian at 14 or 15 is treated as more helpless when dealing with people being assholes to him than he was 10 (p much every adult superhero not having patience for him or talking down to him), and way more emotionally affected by kids at his school being jerks and helpless before them than he was at 13 in super sons.
"OK but surely Williamson is at least writing Damian better than Adam Glass?" Damian's nominally a hero, but Williamson justifies a lot of the previous writing as in character for him and something he needs to be redeemed from (similarly, williamson adds yet more bad stuff for talia and ra's to do in his robin series while allegedly trying to rehabilitate their images). like we see scenes referencing damian's private prison thing and bruce saying he's going to give damian a discussion about prison ethics, in robin we see damian thrilled to kill people when he finds out there's no consequences.
Like I understand liking comics that aren't particularly good, there are many comics I've read and enjoyed even tho the righting wasn't top tier. I've read lots of comics that weren't good but just had blorbo in them. But i'm like.... what is there here to like besides cute moments where bruce tries to act like a dad (that gloss over the way Bruce's actions lead to the current status quo and his previous failures -- but we never gloss over talia's failures -- and the fact that bruce is the one who sent damian in alone where he had to witness alfred's death)?
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Here's a refined breakdown of how I envision Stephanie Brown's style, a character whose perception is largely shaped by the male gaze;
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While she's comfortable wearing feminine attire, her ultimate aesthetic leans towards more of a Adam Sandler-esque vibe. Her fashion sense, similar to Duke's in many ways, differs significantly from Tim and Bruce's habit of quiet luxury. Her gamine face and all American girl look creates an interesting dichotomy with the way she dresses. There's also a notable juxtaposition between how she navigates high society in comparison to Jason. Whereas the latter used to strive towards acceptance within Bruce's elite circle, Stephanie– and sometimes even Duke, when he feels like being a troublemaker– seeks rejection. She wears oversized men suits to black tie events to emphasize her different background. She leans more into it then– if only to make a point.
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To touch back onto my understanding of the class dynamics at play within the Wayne family and how it reflects back on their personal style , I think there are five key-points to talk about– Upbringing, class, gender, race and generation.
Tim, Bruce, and Damian fall into a similar category, having been raised as wealthy boys in a racially homogeneous environment with privileged access to private education. Tim possesses a deeper awareness of his privileged worldview compared to Damian, who is more detached from poverty. Dick occupies a unique position due to his early adoption into the affluent world and his background as the son of performers, which cultivated his charm and adaptability. He seamlessly integrates into high society, drawing from his upbringing. Stephanie, Cassandra, Jason, and Duke, however, have experienced more time in lower-class environments than in financial stability, forming their own distinct circle. They share a mutual understanding rooted in shared experiences, vernacular accents, inside jokes, and nuanced awareness of class dynamics and microaggressions, which sometimes excludes the other group.
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When Tim adopts a more casual, Gen-Z skater-boy persona outside of Wayne Enterprises' strict business casual environment, the second group sometimes call him a poser due to the African American roots of the skater style, which emerged in opposition to everything Tim represents– is. While they may be perceived as the "cool kids" within the house– and at school–, they are more protective of one another than malicious towards others, guarding their identity and personal struggles fiercely as an act of revendication.
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She mainly listens to 90's and early 2000's rap music and blasts "Poor Lil rich" by 50 cent whenever she has a fight with Bruce or Tim.
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scarisd3ad · 8 months
‘Scarisd3ad’s Masterlist
Decided to make a new one because I don’t know if all the links in my old one work anymore. As you can see I got rid of a bunch of old fic (mainly Steve’s because a lot of the things 13 y/o me wrote for him were god awful) because A I reread them and cringed my ass off while doing so, so decided to scrub any evidence of it off the internet or B the link doesn’t work in the og masterlist and I’ve lost the fic. I also got rid of a couple fandoms I write for because I either don’t get requests for them or I’m not interested in being associated with the fandom anymore.
Request box
all requests are open as of February 8th, 2024.
Key fluff - ☁️ angst - 🌧️ finished fic - ☑️ ongoing fic - ✅
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Halloween writing challenge - ‘22, ‘23, ‘24
Christmas writing challenge - ‘23
stranger things
Steve harrington
found you 🌧️☁️ (series discontinued)
red 🌧️☁️ (series discontinued)
Jump then fall 🌧️☁️ (series) ✅
fake dating ☁️🌧️ pt2
first day jitters 🌧️
begin again🌧️☁️
promptober day 4 - decorating your apartment☁️
promtober day 18 - going to the pumpkin patch☁️
promptober day 29 - handing out candy to trick or treaters ☁️
promptmas day 6 - secret Santa ☁️
In a world of boys, he’s a gentle man ☁️
Robin Buckley
you like me? ☁️
horror movie marathon ☁️
Billy Hargrove
no Fics available
Jonathan byers
no Fics available
Eddie Munson
no Fics available
mike wheeler
no Fics available
El hopper
no Fics available
Lucas Sinclair
promptober day 9 - getting lost in a corn maze ☁️
max Mayfield
no Fics available
Dustin Henderson
no Fics available
Billy Loomis
Trouble ☁️ (series) ✅
Stu macher
promptober day 6 - movie night ☁️
promptober day 10 - "are you scared?" 🌧️
promptober day 31 - Halloween party ☁️
Trouble ☁️ (series) ✅
Sidney Prescott
no Fics available
Tatum riley
promptober day 5 - shopping for Halloween costumes☁️
Dewey riley
no Fics available
randy Meeks
no Fics available
Jason dean (heathers)
no Fics available
Conrad fisher (tsitp)
no Fics available
min ho (xo kitty)
no Fics available
bill denbrough (IT)
no Fics available
Georgie cooper (young Sheldon)
no Fics available
Cooper Adam’s (trap)
No fics available
Paddy (speak no evil)
No fics available
the last of us (hbo and game)
Joel miller
superstar☁️🌧️(series) ✅
highway don't care 🌧️☁️
promptober day 16 -trick or treating with him and Sarah ☁️
promptmas day 3 - baby its cold outside ☁️
promptmas day 7 - decorating the tree. ☁️
promptmas day 10 - writing Christmas letters with Sarah ☁️
promptmas day 12 - Christmas day ☁️
Too sweet 🌧️
Ellie Williams
no Fics available
Tommy miller
no Fics available
The black phone
Vance hopper
the grabbed🌧️(series) ☑️
wearing his vest (blurb)☁️
matching costumes☁️🌧️
Promptober day 8 - “I don’t dance”☁️
Promptober day 13 - “take them all”☁️
Promptober day 30 - Halloween sleepover☁️
Bruce Yamada
Promptober Day 12 - dancing in the rain☁️
Promptober day 24 - going to the carnival ☁️
Promptmas day 9 - snowball fight☁️
robin Arellano
Robin standing up for chubby!girlfriend!reader🌧️☁️
Finney Blake
Trick or treating ☁️
the walking dead
Daryl Dixon
to the end and back (series)🌧️☁️✅
promptober day 2 -"its cold" ☁️
promptober day 19 - "i dont do cotumes" (pre apocalypse! daryl)☁️
promptmas day 2 - first christmas after the world ends ☁️
Carl Grimes
Promptober day 7 - “do you think it’s Halloween yet?”☁️
Promptober day 22 - cuddles ☁️
Promptober day 25 - telling scary stories☁️
Promptmas day 8 - reminiscing on past Christmases☁️
Rick Grimes
no Fics available
Glenn Rhee
August - betty - cardigan (mini series)🌧️☁️✅
Promptober day one - drunk after a bonfire ☁️
Promptober day 11 - stealing their sweaters ☁️
Promptober day 17 - the power going out (pre apocalypse Glenn) ☁️
Promptober day 21 - injuries 🌧️☁️
Promptober day 23 - “do you miss Halloween?” ☁️
Maggie Greene/Rhee
No Fics available
Five Nights At Freddy
Promptober day 15 - Sneaking into the pizzaria🌧️
Promptober day 26 - comforting cc after mike scares him 🌧️
Micheal Afton/Schmitt
Promptober day 3 - trick or treating with cc, Elizabeth, and Mike ☁️
Promptober day 14 - Halloween party ☁️
Promptober day 27 - “I hate Halloween” 🌧️
Promptmas day 1 - baking cookies with him and Abby☁️
Promptmas day 11 - the night before Christmas ☁️
William Afton
Freddy fazbear (any variant)
No Fics available
Chica(any variant)
No Fics available
Foxy (any variant)
No Fics available
Bonnie (any variant)
No Fics available
Montgomery gator
Promptober day 28 - Sneaking out of the pizzaplex to trick or treat☁️
Roxanne wolf
No Fics available
No Fics available
Talk to me
Promptober day 20 Having an encounter with the hand 🌧️
No Fics available
No Fics available
No Fics available
No Fics available
No fics available
Carlos de vil
No fics available
No fics available
Harry hook
No fics available
No fics available
Ben Florian
No fics available
Chad charming
No fics available
No fics available
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aceghosts · 8 months
Welcome! I'm Kate (They/them), and I run this hodgepodge of a blog. I mainly post about video games and OCs, but I'll reblog anything that catches my eye. This blog is 18+, so minors please don't follow.
You can also find me on:
Pillowfort (I don't really use this, but if you're a mutual/follower and use it regularly, let me know and I can try to be more active.)
Discord (If you're a mutual, free to ask, but be warned, I rarely use it.)
You can also be tagged for the following things by liking these posts: tag games, edits/screenshots, writing (sfw), and writing (ns/fw).
Below the cut are important links for my creations and OCs.
Writing | Edits | Fanmixes | FC5 Screenshots | CP2077 Screenshots
Summary: Five years ago, Junior Deputy Blue Murphy disappeared with Joseph Seed at the final standoff, only to be found a year later in Dutch's bunker. Now, five years later from that final standoff, Blue Murphy and Hope County have moved on with their lives. However, new sinister forces threaten Blue's life, and they will have to rely on the man who started this all to survive: Joseph Seed.
Tag | Playlist
Summary: In February 2005, Captain Hunter Delaney is tragically killed in action on a BSAA mission in Northern Canada. After their death, scientists and BSAA agents related to the mission start to die. Albert Wesker intends to find out who is killing them, hoping to use this stranger to his advantage.
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Ships: x Joseph Seed | x Grace Armstrong | x Bruce Wayne
Main Tag | CP2077 Verse | Writing | Inspiration | ME Playlist
Ships: x Thane Krios | x Yorinobu Arasaka
Cyberpunk 2077 Masterpost
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Ship: x Albert Wesker
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Ship: x Adam Jensen
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Ship: x Ingo
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Ship: x Ortega
Main Tag | Writing | Inspiration | Playlist
Ship: x Ulysses
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madcourtjester · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the fact that modern Harley Quinn’s design choices are attributed to/associated with her separation from the joker which is…. not necessarily true. In Paul Dini’s original design of her she looked a lot like a mix between a golden age comic book character and a 50s (60s?) actress in a similar way to how the golden age joker resembles a grinning uncanny talk show host more than a clown, although obviously that design got scrapped when Bruce timm designed her iconic jester costume. However, Harley really started to be separated from her jester design with the Arkham games which are really the prototype for modern Harley designs and in the Arkham games she is very much still lovestruck Harley with pretty much her entire arc for the first two games and I think Harley’s revenge dlc centering around the Joker and her love for him. I think the reason that people associate it with her separating from the joker is because the comics mainly changed her costume from the jester in Adam Glass’s 2011 suicide squad run which is also as far as I remember the first main run where she’s really separated from the joker and she really fully has a different love interest outside of like light flirtations or vague implications, but the first Arkham game predates that by like three years and if Wikipedia is to be believed, that suicide squad design is heavily based on her designs in both Arkham Asylum AND Arkham city (which would come out afterwards, but only by a month or so so they probably would’ve been developed at similar times). The design change was not to separate her from the joker but more so to update her design for the games. So I think it’s kind of silly to conflate her more clown or jester like costumes with her being under joker’s influence, even though like official DC material will do that now and then. Like honestly if anything joker’s never been THAT clown-like she’s always been more committed to that bit than he is.
TLDR; let Harley be a clown/jester and not have it relate to joker, yes, I did write this thinking about the doctor clown post
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motherofplatypus · 1 month
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Bisan Owda is a journalist in Gaza that keeps updating about the barbaric genocide actions that israel committed with weapons supplied mainly by US, all the while living through that genocide itself.
Over 30k+ has been killed, and over 15k+ of those are children and babies.
The celebs and artists who wanted to rescind Bisan's nomination are as follow:
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Ari Ingel, Executive Director, Creative Community for Peace
David Renzer, Former Chairman/CEO Universal Music Publishing Group, CCFP Chairman & Co-Founder
Steve Schnur, Worldwide Executive & Music President, Electronic Arts, CCFP Co-Founder
Rakefet Abergel, Actor/Director, Cyclamen Films
Orly Adelson, Former President of ITV Studios, America
Marty Adelstein, CEO, Tomorrow Studios
Anne-Marie Asner, Co-Founder, Animation Israel
Jeff Astrof, TV Producer/Showrunner, Other Shoe Productions
Michael Auerbach, Partner, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner Auerbach Hynick Jaime LeVine Sample & Klein
Dean Bahat, Attorney, Ziffren Brittenham
Andrea Ballas, VP Comms, CBS
Jackie Barrie, A&R Manager, Nvak Collective
Richard Baskind, Partner & Head of Music, Simons Muirhead & Burton
Aton Ben-Horin, Executive VP of Global A&R, Atlantic Records Group
Steven Bensusan, President, Blue Note Entertainment Group
Adam Berkowitz, Founder and President, Lenore Entertainment Group
Sharon Bialy, Casting Director, Bialy/Thomas & Associates
Josh Binder, Co-Founder and Partner, Rothenberg Mohr & Binder, LLP
Neil Blair, Founding Partner, The Blair Partnership
Selma Blair, Actress, Author, Advocate, Sainted Productions
Rebecca Blumberg, SVP Ad Sales, Paramount
Evan Bogart, Songwriter & CEO, Seeker Music
Benjamin Budde, CEO, Budde Group GmbH
Bruce Burger, Producer, RebbeSoul
David Byrnes, Attorney, Ziffren Brittenham
Civia Caroline, Social Impact Consultant, CLiC Impact
Pamela Charbit, Director of A&R, Warner Music Group
Emmanuelle Chriqui, Actor, Yellow Ray Entertainment
Leanne Coronel, Talent Manager, The Coronel Group
Raye Cosbert, Managing Director, Metropolis Musi
Paul Craig, Ceo, Nostromo Management
Doug Davis, NATAS Member, 2x Emmy winner, The Davis Firm
Rebecca De Mornay, Actor
Jamie Denbo, Co-Executive Producer, Grey’s Anatomy, ABC/Disney
Josh Deutsch, Chairman/CEO, Premier Music Group
Avi Diamond, Director, Film/TV Sync, Warner Music Canada
Craig Dorfman, President and Owner, Frontline MGMT
Rachel Douglas, Manager, Range Media Partners
David Draiman, Frontman, Disturbed
Jeremy Drysdale, Screenwriter, bigbamboo
Craig Emanuel, Ryan Murphy Productions
Hannah Epstein, Agent, CAA
Rami “Kosha dillz” Even-Esh, Rapper/Comic/Actor
Lindsay Fabes, Actor
Ron Fair, Record Producer & CEO, Faircraft Inc.
Sharon Farber, Composer, Score by Score Music
Danny Federman, Owner, Maccabi Tel Aviv Basketball Club
Eric Feig, Attorney and TV Academy Member, Feig/Finkel
Patti Felker, Attorney, Felker Toczek Suddleson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Ken Fermaglich, Partner, United Talent Agency
Ross “Remedy” Filler, Artist
Shalom Fisch, President, MediaKidz Research & Consulting
David Fishof, CEO, RRFC Films, LLC
Siri Garber, Publicist, Platform
David Gardner, President, Artists First
Barbara Garshman, CEO, Garshman Productions LLC
Gary Gersh
Gary Ginsberg, Senior VP, SoftBank Group Corp.
Brian Ralston, Composer/Producer, Studio 74 Music, LLC
David Glick, Founder & CEO, Edge Group
Zusha Goldin, Celebrity Photographer, Zusha Goldin
Michael Goldwasser, President, Easy Star Records
Andrew Gould, President, Music Publishing
Scott Greenberg, Partner, LBI
Steven Greenberg, Founder and President, S-Curve Records
Daniel Grindlinger, Writer
Ronnie Harris, Partner, Harris & Trotter
Michael Hirschhorn, Manager, Streaming and Sales, Atlantic Records
Linda Edell Howard, Attorney, Novick Law
Rich Ingram, Artist/Creator
Neil Jacobson, Former President, Geffen Records, Founder & CEO of Hallwood Media
Michael Kaplan, Writer/Producer
Sam Katz, Music Manager, Homebase MGMT, LLC
Zach Katz, CEO & Co-Founder, Fixated
Ketura Kestin, Film Producer, Serendipity Productions
Amanda Kogan, Manager, Aaron Kogan Management
Keetgi Kogan Steinberg, Writer/Producer/Showrunner
Jason Kozel, Creative Executive, Range Media Partners
Rick Krim, CEO, Krim Music + Media
Evan Lamberg, President, North America, Universal Music Publishing Group
Sherry Lansing, Former CEO, Paramount Pictures
Colin Lester OBE, Founder/Chairman, JEM Music Group
Sean Liebowitz, Agent
Koura Linda, Founder & CEO, Space Dream Productions
Marci Liroff, Intimacy Coordinator/Casting Director
Cory Litwin, Managing Partner, Range Media Partners
David Lonner, CEO, The David Lonner Company
Ben Maddahi, President, Unrestricted Publishing & Mgmt
Gabriel Mann, Composer
Deborah Marcus, Executive, CAA Foundation
Susan Markheim, Full Stop Mgt., The Azoff Company
Amanda Markowitz, Actor/Producer, SAG/AFTRA & PGA
Orly Marley, President, Tuff Gong Worldwide
Devra Maza, Screenwriter
Debra Messing, Actor/Producer
Hilary Michael, Agent and Partner, WME
Beth Milstein, Writer
Jennifer Morrow, Actor, CAA
Patrick Moss, Writer, Moroccan Boychik
Robert Munic, Writer/Showrunner, Pull The Pin Productions, Inc.
Lisa Nupoff, Manager, iminmusic management
Scott Packman, Founder and Managing Member, SSP Partners LLC
Mark Pinkus, President, Rhino Records
Jonah Platt, Actor/Producer
Wendy Plaut, SVP Music & Celebrity Talent, Paramount Global
Jessica Poter, Writer, Gustavo Anibal Productions
Golan Ramraz, Writer/Producer, EGX Film Factory
Bruce Resnikof
Frederic Richter, Producer, Writer & Researcher
Wendy Robbins, Executive Producer, Creators Inc
Dan Rosen, President, Warner Music Australasia
Rick Rosen, Co-Founder, Endeavor, WME
Aaron Rosenberg, Partner, Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light
Gregg Rossen, Screenwriter
Michael Rotenberg, CEO, 3 Arts Entertainment
Joshua Rothstein, CEO/Founder, Ice Cream For Dinner
Haim Saban, Chairman and CEO, Saban Capital Group
Glenn Sanders, Writer/Director/Creative Director, Masonry Creative
Ayelet Schiffman, SVP Head of Promotions, Island Records
Paul Schindler, Senior Partner, Greenberg Traurig LLC
Jordan Schur, CEO and Chairman, Mimran Schur Pictures and Suretone Entertainment
Adam Schwartz, Writer
Sam Schwartz, Partner, Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency
Jay Schweid, Founder/CEO, ephelants/Village
Adam Segal, President, The 2050 Group
Ben Silverman, Chairman and Co-CEO, Propagate Content
Ralph Simon, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Mobilium Global Limited
Tamar Simon, Owner/CEO, Mean Streets Management
Martin Singer, Attorney, Lavely and Singer
Halle Stanford, President of Television, The Jim Henson Company
Mimi Steinberg, Writer/Producer
Jonathan Steinsapir, Partner, Kinsella Holley Iser Kump Steinsapir
Gary Stiffelman, Founder, GSS Law
Traci Symanski, CEO, Co-Star Entertainment
Aaron Symonds, Film Composer
Fernando Szew, President, Fox Entertainment
Tal Tavin, Actor
Adam Taylor, President, APM Music
Michael Testa, Casting Director, Michael Testa Casting
Fred Toczek, Partner, Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Eric Tuchman, Writer/Producer, MGM-TV
Noa Vinshtok, Streaming, Range Media Partners
Joshua Washington, International Recording Artist, JoDavi Music LLC
Avi Weider, Filmmaker, Loop Filmworks
Jon Weinbach, President, Skydance Sports
Nola Weinstein, Tech Executive
Ilana Wernick, Writer/Producer, Fox
Modi Wiczyk, Co-Founder, MRC
Evan Winiker, Managing Partner, Range Music
Seth Yanklewitz, Casting Director, Yanklewitz Pollack Casting
Sharon Tal Yguado, Founder & CEO, Astrid Entertainment
Ky Zaretsky, Manager, Range Media Partners
David Zedeck, Global Co-Head of Music
[Sources: here, here, and here]
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
do you have any fics you'd personally reccomend?? Any DC ones or ones you think deserve more attention?
Okay so it took me a few days to find some fics I wanted to rec because I'm the worst at remembering to bookmark fics I like.
Most of these are Shazam because he's my favorite. But I'll include a couple others for good measure. If you want more recs I can definitely find some more just let me know!
The Path of a Lightning Bolt by kathkin
This series of stories is about how dceu Billy would work with the Justice League and how they deal with finding out he's a teenager. It is so heartfelt and genuinely funny with some of the best characterization of movie Billy, Wally, Cyborg and John Stewart that I've ever read.
I Am Not A Prince by Oka_Hills1232
This I an amazing story about Black Adam naming Billy as his heir, thus the heir to Kahndaq's throne, kidnapping him in the process in a misguided attempt to take care of him. There is such amazing world building about the Champions, the gods, and magic in general. Beautiful prose, fun action, and so much intriguing lore.
A Christmas Peril by The_Dawn_Knight
This is a much darker fic about Billy, Damian, and Jon overcoming their extreme childhood traumas while dealing with complicated family relationships, evil schemes, and villains who want them dead. Definitely read the tags before jumping in, but it is a really good read. There are multiple plot lines that are woven together so well and there's a lot of great character introspection and action. It's pretty long and still on going but definitely worth the time.
Like Going Through Hell on a Sunday by probablyanxious
This is about Jason Todd bringing Damian to Gotham while on the run from the League of Shadows. There's lots of brotherly bonding, family angst, and fast paced action. Along the way Jason also picks up a stray Billy and inadvertently pulls him into the family. Definitely recommend this to batfam fans!
(There’s a sister story told mainly through Bruce's POV of these events called My Hope Has Faded Through the Years that I also recommend)
Brilliant (like a confession) by kathkin
This is about Lois Lane learning that Clark Kent is Superman by admitting to Superman that she has a crush on Clark Kent. This is literally one of the best Lois stories I've ever read and is my personal favorite version of the identity reveal between them.
And lastly
The Magic Word by zorilleerrant
This fic was actually gifted to me through Fandom Trumps Hate last year and I absolutely adore it (and all of the authors other works too). Its about Marcus Sun aka Monkey Prince and Billy having to deal with zombies. There's identity reveals, amazingly funny dialogue, trans rep, and more! Theres some minor gore (because zombies) but its not an angsty apocalypse story. It's s lot of fun and deserves more love!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On July 11th 1274 Robert the Bruce was born in Turnberry Castle, Ayrshire.
Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday I was out the house all day, I am showing friends round Edinburgh today but will try and get a few posts scheduled, this first one is of course a "biggie"
I don't like repeating the same old story, especially on posts like this, The Bruce turns up so often in my posts that it isn't any wonder he is part of the Scottish Psyche. In 2006 Robert the Bruce came third in a poll of ‘most important Scots’, behind William Wallace and Robert Burns. Leaving aside what that says about the nation that produced, among others, David Hume and Adam Smith, Alexander Fleming and John Logie Baird, there can be no doubt that a king that ruled 700 years ago is still very much remembered by Scots today and, even more pertinently, that his life and achievements are deemed to be profoundly influential. It is hard to imagine Edward III or Henry V of England being similarly admired.
Not a lot is known about Robert's early life so unfortunately I do end up repeating parts of his life.....
Looking into how he came to be our Monarch, Bruce’s grandfather had come off second best in 1292 to a rival claimant to the Scottish throne, John Balliol, who then reigned for four years until Edward I deprived him of his kingship in 1296. John Comyn of Badenoch, as Balliol’s nephew, had both an arguably better claim by blood and certainly by power, influence and track record than Robert Bruce, for his own ambitions, whether it be just to become King, or for the sake of ridding Scotland of Edwards army Robert had to ‘deal’ with his rival before seeking the throne for himself.
In this fracturing and fevered environment, the would-be king turned to Bishop Robert Wishart of Glasgow, a man who had shown himself consistently motivated since the 1280s by a desire to keep Scotland intact and independent (though he, like most Scots, had on occasions been forced to acknowledge King Edward as ruler of the northern kingdom). We do not know that Bishop Wishart made Bruce ‘swear upon the Holy Gospels and the tomb of St Kentigern’ to pursue the cause of Scottish independence with his life, if necessary. Equally, no chronicler at the time mentions the introduction of elements of sacramental kingship that the Scots had long sought from the pope but been denied thanks to English claims of overlordship on the day that Bruce finally did become king.
If you've seen the new film about The Bruce, you will know it is all about the man himself, rather than the historical facts in his reign, and that's why I liked it, I mean come on, we ALL know the story by now and if you don't what have you been doing for the past few years as you haven't been reading my posts!
Robert Bruce, was a man possessed with the ability to think laterally and effectively on almost every issue but saddled by his own hand with one of the most dodgy starts to a successful reign as any in history. Some say he learned to think this way after observing William Wallace, I also like to think this, but he had enough savvy himself to be his own man.
The problem with looking at Scotland in those heady days is that, unlike England, we hardly wrote anything down, Edward and his constant war waging meant he had to raise money for these attacks on Scotland and Wales beforehand, so the English always had that extra layer of bureaucracy, while historians can look at some of their records to glean information about Scotland, we mainly have to look at Chroniclers, like Lanecrost, or the likes of Blind Harry, the author of "he Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace" And John Barbour who wrote "The Brus". In the first case Harry wrote his epic over 150 years after William Wallace's murder. At least Barbour was living in an age where The Bruce was alive, albeit for nine of the years, but events and stories were still fresh and must have been repeated often about our Kings heroics in unting Scotland and vanquishing the English. But Barbour was never going to write anything negative about Bruce, it was Robert II, the first of the Stewart line, that asked Barbour to write the poem, it was always going to be a great propaganda exercise.
Okay let's go back a wee bit, there has been some debate about where Bruce was born, some mischief makers even suggest he was not born at Turnberry, after all we have no diminutive proof, but at Writtle in deepest Essex. The Bruce family owned swathes of land down south, and there is no doubt the young Robert would have spent time in the depths of the English royal courts, he was not uncouth Scottish brute, he grew up in a world of fluid identities, no doubt speaking a number of languages, and with easy access to both the overtly powerful and impressively formal English court as well as the highly personal and personable style of kingship still preferred in Scotland.
One of the things Robert the Bruce may very well have learned from the English and used most notably was the commandeering of noble seals to be attached to documents of state in order to present a veneer of unity to the outside world, this is most notable in the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath, it has been argued he took this inspiration from King Edwards, Ragman Rolls, Edward I’s large-scale demand for Scottish seals to acknowledge his right to rule Scotland in 1296.
After Bannockburn and the Declaration of Arbroath King Robert’s genius as a lawmaker and diplomat to rival his undoubted skill as a military leader has also been admired, he had a fine line to tread, while he had gained the upper hand against Edward II's army, many Scots fought against him that day, or at very least supported the English. Even after his death some of those families on the losing side that would come back to try and regain lands and titles from the second Bruce monarch, his son King David II.
The pics are King Robert's statue at Bannockburn and two reconstructions of how Turnbery may have looked, by my Twitter friend Andrew Spratt.
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wesavegotham · 1 year
DC is never going to give me this story because:
1. they more or less retconned how Damian joined the batfamily to make it seem like it all happend much faster than it did originally (e.g. Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul doesn't seem to have happened) and they usually act like Bruce was totally invested in having Damian stay with them to right from the start nowadays and
2. most of their multiverse stories revolve around the same few questions over and over again (what if Bruce wasn't Batman, what if Batman was evil etc)
But I would be kind of down for a short story in which Bruce meets a version of himself from a timeline in which Damian died in the explosion on that boat just like Grant Morrison had originally planned.
Mostly because I think main universe Bruce would be very umcomfortable when confronted with the way he actually used to treat Damian. Especially since I imagine this other version would be even more adamant about distancing himself from Damian (referring to him only as Talia's son, insisting they are nothing alike, mainly seeing Damian as a tool by the league to spy on him and distract him from their actual plans and all the other stuff Bruce did when Damian was introduced to him) and nobody ever really confronted Bruce with how poorly he handled all of that.
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