#technobalde x sibling reader
thefanficmonster · 3 years
hey!! could i have some family hurt/comfort with the sbi (technoblade, wilbur, tommy & phil) with a sister reader? have a good day!! :)
Hell yeah you can! Hope you enjoy!
Sleepy Bois Inc & Sister!Reader (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of some family issues, breakups and disagreements, Swearng
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
You and Techno haven't always been on the best of terms with him being an overprotective and overdramatic older brother and you his bratty younger sister who never wants to listen to him. That has often ended with him snitching on you to your parents which has only resulted in worse conflicts.
However, when your parents cut you off because you dropped out of college to pursue your dreams, his was the shoulder you cried on. His was the apartment you stayed in and the couch you slept on. With your limited knowledge of video and audio editing you helped out with his videos as much as you could while working your ass off with two jobs to provide you enough money for a secure future and also to compensate for living in your brother's apartment.
Truth be told, it hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows for you in the world. Luckily, Techno is always there for you, building a one man support system for you.
"I don't know if I'm good enough to make it big, Tech. Maybe mom and dad were right. I'm just a dumb child that never wants to settle and put effort into anything." You whined one night, emotions a little amped by the few drinks you had with your colleagues after work. The two of you were sitting on the floor with your backs resting on the bottom of the couch lazily as you barely paid attention to some action movie he had chosen.
"First of all, mom and dad are rarely right, Y/N. If we listened to them, holy shit!" He chuckled, getting a laugh out of you too, "Second of all, you're the least dumbest child. Yeah, you may have some childish tendencies such as tantrums, but that doesn't change the fact that you're one of the most determined people I've ever met. And third..." He clinks his glass of water against yours. "You're not good enough, you're better than that."
Long story short, you’re on far better terms now than you have ever been before.
Wilbur Soot
Wilbur and you may be twins but you’re polar opposites of one another but there’s one love you share - art. He’s chosen music, you’ve chosen theatre and have been pursuing an acting career for a long time while the band he’s in flourished. You often found yourself celebrating his successes alongside him and his bandmates, allowing yourself to momentarily forget your own failures.
“I swear I’m one rejection away from just becoming a barista or a waitress cause I’m clearly not cut out for this actress shit.“ You complained to him one time while the two of you sat around as he wrote lyrics for a new song that had popped up in his mind.
“Maybe you’re not...“ He said absentmindedly, not looking up from his notebook.
“Gee, thanks.“ You rolled your eyes, twirling a pen between your fingers.
“No, I mean it. You’re maybe not cut out for this but for something else.“ With that being said, he handed you the notebook where he’d written down a short verse. He smiled at you, nodding at the messily written lyrics, “Sing it as you think it should sound.“
You maybe had been unsure then, but your present self is more than happy - because she’s now in Lovejoy herself. 
Tommy and you bickered on good terms frequently but then again there were times when you’d be real shits to each other. Despite being older, you never followed through with the rule of letting him win, refusing to give into his bratty behavior even more.
But even Tommy knows his limits and he knew that the last thing you needed was his mocking and infuriating comments when you came back home in tears. You were supposed to meet with your boyfriend and it didn’t take the then 12 year old blonde to put two and two together and feel the immense need to kick that jerk’s ass.
“Hey, you ok, Y/N?“ He cautiously asked, resting on the stair banister as if afraid to climb down the last few stairs to get to your sobbing form that had curled up on the couch in a self-protective fetal position.
“Go away, Tommy.“ You’d weakly said. You didn’t want him to see you like this. You were a full blown legal adult which is mainly why you felt like the biggest fucking loser, sobbing like a child in front of your brother.
Tommy stayed quiet, climbing down the last few stairs and approaching the couch as if coming close to a rabid animal. You were lying with your back turned to him so you hadn’t seen him come closer which is why his voice startled you.
“Wanna egg his house?“
That’s when you knew the kid was onto something.
You turned to look at him with this menacing look in your eyes which his mirrored right back at you, “Hell fucking yeah.“
Who knew that just three years later you’d be egging the house of his ex - what can I say, good times.
It’s safe to say you were a united front about everything growing up, doing shit together so both of you could get in trouble accordingly to avoid one running off scot-free. To be fair, there was a likelier chance you’d be allowed to pursue you shenanigans no matter what they were. You’d flay some sporty games he came up with and he’d agree to play your artsy games like painting and redesigning old clothing.
That clothing is still in your apartment which you two share, now both in the shenanigans of streaming and content creating on several platforms with you being more into DIY stuff and him gaming but that was to be foreseen.
“Can you make a design for my merch!?“
“Say no more!”
All his merch he owes to you, but he never fails to mention to his friends and fans how lucky he is to have such a talented sister. You consider yourself the lucky one though - without Phil you’d never be able to show your true talent.
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Hello! So I saw your blogs and I loved them sm! I was wonder if you could do a fic about the SBI (cough cough Philza cough cough) reacting to reader getting a love note? Luv u
Heho~ Thanks for your request ^^ Luv u too and keep staying awesome.
A little Note for you Pt.1
(SBI x FamilyMember!Reader)
Sibling banter, Grammatical Errors (please just oversee them, if there are there)
Character mentioned
Philza, Technobalde, Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy
You get your very first Love letter <3
Word Count
Part 2
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It's Sunday morning.
Phil made some scrambled eggs for a delicious Breakfast. You and all of your siblings sat at the dining table waiting for him. Wilbur, your older brother, sat in front of you. He always kicked your feet and when he does it always ends up in a kicking fight. Of course, it's a friendly fight and the both of you laugh when Phil calls up to stop it. Your only little brother, Tommy, who still is taller than you, sat beside you, and like every weekend, Tubbo is also here. He always sits on the head of the table across from Philza. Technoblade sat in front of Tommy, minding his own business and sipping on a cup of coffee.
As Phil was done cooking he placed the pan into the sink and came back with a bowl of scrambled eggs. The table now was covered in various delicious foods. Just as Phil sat down on his seat, the bell rang. It can only be the mailman.
Sure he wanted to read the news but was too lazy to sit up again. So he did what every parent would do. Ask their children
"Can someone please get the mail inside?"
Good son Wilbur stood up with no complaints and headed to the door. But something's of today. He took longer than usual.
"oh my," Wilbur said with a smile on his face "what do we have here?" He returns to the dining table and everyone looks at him "a love letter for our little Y/n"
Wilbur showed everyone the envelope. It was covered in hearts in many different colors. You didn't know who it could be but you're not eager to let your siblings know about it.
Tommy and Tubbo began to Pog at you and in the next second Wilbur were about to open the letter.
"NO!" You scream at the top of your lungs. Now Technoblades' attention was also drawn. You jump out of your seat and sprint offer to Wilbur. You tried to snatch the letter but man's too tall and just holds the paper above his head.
"Will, Give it back, please"
"Hmm... How about no, Tommy help me out, King"
And as told Tommy stood up and got the letter from Wilbur. He ran around the table then into another room.
"look at how cute it is" Tommy yelled. You only heard a paper ripping sound before you could reach your little gremlin brother. He must have opened the letter. "Tommy stop it!" you yelled.
You almost reached him but Tommy just runs back to the table. Tubbo looked at it all with a smile while Philza wanted to stop the banter and Techno tried to mind his own business again.
You followed Tommy back to the dining area and saw him looking at the written letter. Wilbur also looked at it over his brother's shoulder.
"Look at how neat the handwriting is. I wonder what they say"
Just as Wilbur wanted to read the letter out loud, Techno steps in and takes the paper away. "That's enough" He claims. You knew why Technoblade was your favorite Brother. He gave the letter back to you without standing up. You gladly took it and hugged him slightly "Thank you Tech. You're the best" You smiled at him and sat down back in your seat. Wilbur and Tommy also sat down on Philza's command.
They finished breakfast sooner or later. Tubbo and Tommy immediately headed back to his room while techno and Will helped to clean up the table. You also wanted to help but Phil dismissed me from duty and let you go back to your room as well.
You threw yourself onto the bed and pulled out the letter from the secret lover. It sure was neat handwriting.
You began to read it.
Dear Y/n,
I can't hold back my feeling anymore. I have to get it out but I'm too shy to tell you it myself and I doubt you would even like me so I'm writing you this letter.
Every day when I see you in school you make my day a whole lot brighter. I've seen myself enjoying going to school only because I get the chance to see you smile with your friends. It makes me sad when I don't see you smile or when you're feeling down. I want to make you happy again. You deserve the best Y/n. It makes me sad to know I'll never be part of your life only because my stupid self is too nervous around you. I have a huge crush on you but I don't want you to find out who I am. I'm not good enough for you and your brothers would probably try to threaten me. I'm scared of Technoblade.
I hope one day I'll gather up all my braveness and tell you it myself.
I'll tell you "Hey you know the one strange letter you got, this overly embarrassing one, yeah that was me. So I mean can we be friends"
Y/n you're gorgeous, smart, funny, beautiful, breathtaking, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, and so on. Never let anyone tell you differently <3
Yours truly
Secret Person
The letter made you almost tear up. Never had you heard someone say such things, besides your family of course. But hearing, or reading, if from someone else is very different.
Just as you were finished reading it, a knock echoed through your room. You called them in and your father appeared in the doorway. He had a big smile on his face. "Aaaand?" he asked you. You weren't sure what es was speaking off "Speak up dad. I don't get you"
"do you know who this "secret Lover" is?"
you rolled your eyes "No of course not. that's why it is a "secret" Lover"
"cant believe your getting love letters" He winked and sighed the next moment Closing the door on you but you could still hear him talking to himself "My Kid is growing up so much" another sight "Soon they'll leave the house and life with their Lover"
You laugh about Phil's behavior and took another glance at the letter. Sure you wanted to find out who they are but you don't have any clue about who it could be. There are two things you know for sure. They are in your class. Second, Your brothers will try to find the letter and tease you with it. So better hide it somewhere good.
You looked around your room and found a book titled "The Aesthetics of Fire-Hydrant Design: Volume IX"
You don't know why you had that book and only that book of the series. But you were sure none of your brothers would pick it up to read it. You decided to put the letter in it and put it back to its original spot. Your eyes still linger on the book on the shelf. Your first-ever Love letter. It made you feel loved and a little warm on the inside. Maybe one day you'll find this secret Lover.
Part 2
Now whenever you look at this book, you'll always remember, once in your lifetime you had a secret admirer.
PS: I also take requests. Running low on ideas right now.
Leave a follow if you like. It’s free and… YouCanAlwaysUnfollowLater (sry… Not)
Stay hydrated and keep being awesome <3
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