heart-ruled · 3 years
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@technonewkid​ said :  "Kazuichi~! Your favorite energetic fluff ball is here to hang out with you today!" Vivian casually strolls into the mechanic's space, happy as can be despite having just gotten out of the nurse's office. Her face had several neon colored bandages stuck to it and if it weren't for her long sleeves you'd see even more. "You will not believe what happened to me earlier!" { technonewkid }
Unprompted ll Always Accepting ! 
🔧 - Usually, hearing Vivian’s voice alone would already change whatever mood he was into a good one if he wasn’t already.  Even if he technically knew that Vivian was pretty much always just around the corner to hang out with, it didn’t make it any less exciting every time!
That excitement, the the large grin he had on his face, however, was gone within just a few seconds of looking at her. H-how did she-?! What?!
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“V-vivian-! What the hell happened to you?! You look like you got mauled by a dog or something! A-are you okay?!!” 
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kounkibou · 3 years
"HEY! No being gay and doing crime without me!" Vivian is pouting. How dare he try to leave her out of be gay do crime! { technonewkid }
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          "Vivian...                  How could you ever think I would leave you out?"
     Frankly, Nagito was offended that she would imply such a thing. They were partners in crime, homosexual or otherwise.
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reservedstrength · 4 years
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      “FUCKING SHI---”
   Kazuichi stumbled backward ending up slamming his head into a shelf in his room. A few wrenches and other things began to fall to the ground with a loud clank. 
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unbrxakxble · 4 years
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@technonewkid​ asked: "Cookie delivery for a new friend!" Vivian hands over the neatly wrapped bag of cookies with a smile. { technonewkid }
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“Oh!” he had heard from Mori Hui that there might be cookies coming his way, and there they are, so color him excited.
“Thank you very much!”
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nostalgicelegy · 4 years
@technonewkid​ shouldn’t have done that...
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         “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you...”
     When walking from place to place, he often stared down at the game in his hands. He wasn’t used to watching where he was going, usually accompanied by someone else who tended to steer him. Being by himself made things a bit more difficult. He couldn’t just pass off conversation to whoever was with him. He had to actually interact with anyone he happened to catch the eye of.
     God, it was like Pokémon but worse.
     Fully intending to keep walking, he nodded as an acknowledgement and stepped forward. Instead of carrying on, he realized they were at a crosswalk. Oops. Probably shouldn’t step into the road.
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flawedhxpe · 4 years
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       “You are a threat... leave...”
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wheresyourhope · 5 years
     Chiaki had a feeling she knew where she would find Vivian. She rarely left that place, not even to eat or sleep. With Hajime’s approval, she had set up a pillow and blanket area for her to sleep there, though he still seemed apprehensive. Chiaki didn’t blame him. Most of their troubles had been due to both her and Nagito’s intervention. To Hajime and the others, they were still dangerous. She didn’t fault any of them. It hadn’t been until the end that one of them had turned on despair to help the rest.
     She knew that; she had been there. Even so, the only reason she’d been there had been a small bit of mercy from Nagito and Vivian years ago. They had let her live, nursing her back from the edge of death before anonymously dropping her in front of people who could help her more. They could have ended her life, but they didn’t.
     That was when she’d understood they weren’t all bad.
     As Chiaki stepped into the room, quiet as a crypt, her eyes went straight to Vivian, sitting next to the pod that held her companion. They had been dependent on one another for so long. In all of Chiaki’s memories, they had been attached at the hip. Being separated like this must have been hard on her, but she still needed to eat. That was why she was carrying this tray of food.
     She walked up and stood behind Vivian, announcing herself as to not frighten her.
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           “Hi Vivian. It’s dinnertime.”
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omniheros · 4 years
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@technonewkid​ said:  Vivian simply holds out the gift she had made for the hero, a bright smile pulling at her lips. "Happy Platonic Valentine's Day! Hope you like him~" It was a hand made plush of one of Ben's aliens, Humungasaur. She'd debated on which one to make, but this one seemed the quickest to do in such a short notice. That didn't make it any less well made, though.
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| 10 | Now this he wasn’t expecting, holding the plush, it really is well made and honestly something he hadn’t seen coming, like sure its valentines day and you gift people but...
“Oh thanks...but i don’t have anything to give in return...”
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mgicunleashed · 4 years
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     ⛈𝒯𝓌ℯℯ𝓀;;–  ‘ Lady Mirage, appreciating your platonic connections is just as important on Valentine’s as it is with anything else. Though, you should always just appreciate in general. That does sound nice though. I think I am more than comfortable with that. ‘
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heart-ruled-moved · 4 years
@technonewkid​ ll Unprompted
💣 - The instinct to help, to reach out with her white gloved hand was still an irresistible one to her; the motion carried out too quickly for her to remember how intimidating her presence was to most. The girl who’d been socially withdrawn for the sake of keeping other people comfortable - she still couldn’t help but kneel next to the other student, putting a hand on her shoulder. She withdrew a few moments later to sign, giving two quick chopping motions to her hand before pointing at the other girl.
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Are you okay?
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@technonewkid signed on (aka gets a starter)
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           “You know, this is the first time I’ve actually seen your face.”
     He couldn’t help but laugh. Bringing themselves into a video call might have been a good idea after all. Actually seeing her made her real. Knowing she was real meant no one could say she wasn’t really his friend.
     A real friend would video chat with you in the middle of the night like this when they had just woken up.
          “Your room is as dark as mine. Haha~.”
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kounkibou · 4 years
@technonewkid​ wanted Despair Twins
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          “It’s so hard to be nice...                All we want to do is tell them how stupid           they are for falling for all of our tricks...”
     Nagito flopped onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was a good actor, yes, but it was a struggle to adhere to the persona he had made. All of it had been orchestrated to lower their guard, to have them feel something about them in order to make them feel worse when the twist came at the end.
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youbxstards · 5 years
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//Literally the key to dating this angry bean: be nice and loyal to him and he’ll fall head first.
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windstcrm · 5 years
"Kyle!" The small girl tackles her boyfriend in a tight hug, a bright smile on her face. "Happy Hannukah Kyle! I made you something~" She reaches into her bag and pulls out the hand made bear that resembles him. It's even holding a small, plush book in one of its hands. "I hope you like him. I've been waiting to give this to you for AGES." { technonewkid }
     Kyle hesitated for a moment before he took the bear into his own hands. He couldn’t help but admire it and the detail she put in. Wait, Vivian made this?! It looked so good for something hand made, and even though there were probably some imperfections, he thought it was perfect.
     He couldn’t keep himself from smiling.
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          “I love him, Vivian.               Thank you so much!”
     Excuse him. He had to pull her into another hug.
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flawedhxpe · 4 years
You couldn't stop her if you tried. Here comes Vivian, going full force into a tackle hug at Hajime. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAJIME! Here's to another year with one of my best friends ever!" { technonewkid }
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       “SON OF A BIT—”
    Hearing Vivian coming, he channeled his inner Izuru strength to hold her full-fledged strength— feeling like a train literally smashed into him. Once he was stable, he sighed heavily and rubbed her head. 
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      “Next time… warn me so you don’t kill me before my birthday starts, yeah?”
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wheresyourhope · 4 years
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@technonewkid​ asked: The second she found out it was also Toko's birthday, Vivian had rushed over to her friend and practically jumped her for a hug. "Happy birthday Toko!" She smiled and nuzzled herself against her friend. "I promise I'll get you something later! Next time tell me sooner so I can get you a present on time!"
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          “D-D-Don’t scare me like that!”
     Toko nearly jumped out of her skin. She had gotten somewhat used to Vivian appearing out of nowhere, but it still surprised her when she did one of those jump hug things. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was happy that Vivian had acknowledged it...and the fact that they shared a birthday. Something about that made her feel all warm inside.
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         “You d-didn’t ask...”
     It was partially her own fault. She hadn’t said anything, expecting everyone to subconsciously know. Now that she thought about it, no wonder nobody said anything. 
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