~TGWDLM Headcanons~ (mostly Paulted)
-Paul’s the most ticklish thing on Earth, right next to Charlotte. Ted brushed against him once and they got into a life-or-death tickle war until Mr. Davidson told them to stop. That’s how they became semi-friends
-Alice is lesbian, Deb is bisexual
-Paul is bi
-Ted is pansexual
-Bill really likes theme parks. Like, a lot
-Ted’s little brother Peter (HCB) is thinking of going into the coffee selling business, which is why Paul sees him at Beanies all the time
-Ted is very fussy about his brother’s health, low blood sugar and all, and has sometimes taken a day off just for him
-Emma’s parents are the f*cking worst
-The nickname “Latte Hotte“ comes from a feverish rambling from Ted after Paul was forced to take care of him. It sort of became their inside joke
-Ted’s never actually gone to Beanies. He just likes to bother Paul about it
-The entirety of Black Friday and Nightmare Time is just Wiggly, Tinky, Blinky, Pokey, Nibbly, and Webby in a very serious sibling rivalry. They all want to out-show each other
-Charlotte sneezes like a kitten. Ted teases her about occasionally, while also giving her a jacket
-Everyone needs therapy
-Ted is polygamous
-Paul’s laugh is the purest sound
-Ted’s laugh is a wheezy, snorting sound. He doesn’t like it. Charlotte and Paul are the only ones to have heard it
-Ted barely eats, and survives on the snacks from the vending machines
-Despite Alice’s fear that Deb is going to break up with her, Deb loves her wholeheartedly
-Bill is bisexual
-The Spankoffskis and the Fosters (and perhaps the Hidgens’) are related to each other
-Hidgens’ nephew is named Oliver
-Hidgens has gotten into multiple arguments with Alexa over his “cheating” with Siri
-She always stays quiet afterwards, mostly because he always says some complicated answer and confuses her
-Ted is practically in love with The Office
-Workin’ Boys polyamory
-Hidgens mostly goes to Beanies to check up on Emma and see how she’s doing
-They have a father-daughter relationship
-Ted calls Paul “Paulsy” or, if he’s feeling extra flirty, “Paulkins”
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sweetsmalldog · 5 years
im starving,,,,for more paul/ted content,,,,tedthews? taul? paulted?
Good news I’ll have another fic of them up later today!
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“Latte Hotte” isn’t just a nickname Ted made up on the spot! It’s actually an inside joke between him and Paul
thank you I’ll be here all day
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So, I had a dream (because I dream in sickfics, apparently) that Ted Spankoffski was sick and Paul took it upon himself to take care of the man. It was actually pretty sweet, with Ted being less of a bitch and Paul showing a softer side. When I woke up it sounded like a good writing idea and when I was sometime between awake and asleep it sounded like a good writing idea and I still might write it out of pure crack-fluff-fanfic want
And I just know that it had to be a dream, because no way would I imagine Ted having nighttime seizures and Paul having to deal with that while fully awake
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