#teen improv nyc
neworkimprov · 2 months
20+ Bad Dad Jokes, Puns about Track and Field, Paris, France Olympics 2024
Anyone else loving the 2024 Olympics? Always a fun fortnight, hear are some bad jokes that surely ruin the experience 😂 Did you hear about the marathon runner who was arrested? They were charged with resisting a rest. How do you keep a track star in suspense? I’ll tell you tomorrow! What does a sprinter eat before a race? Nothing, they fast! What’s a triple jumper’s favorite type of music?…
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jasmine-hartfield · 2 years
❧Full Name: Sofia Jazmine Hartfield
Maiden name: Leonetti
Goes by: Jasmine
❧Age: 29
❧Sex: Female
❧Birthday: April 13
❧Occupation: Owner of two hotels based in NYC that she inherited from her late husband. When the money gets tight she makes her money through less conventional means, via streaming lewd content.
❧Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
❧Relationship Status: Single
❧Languages: Fluent in French and English, knows some Italian
❧Height: 5’3
❧Body Build: Thinner than usual due to complications, medications she is on, and hospitalizations.
❧Skin color: On the lighter side but if desired she could tan into more of an olive color thanks to her Italian in her.
❧Hair style: Medium length with curtain bangs usually worn down with soft ironed curls. For special occasions she’ll wear it up.
❧Hair color: Dark brown
❧Eye color: Medium brown
❧Distinguishing Features: Wide smile with pouty lips usually sporting red lipstick, on the rare occasion she gives you a smile it’s full of warmth, and her nose, a rather unique shape.
❧Preferred Clothing: Anything fancy or “classic”. Fond of more vintage styles like the 40’s and so on. Sometimes this plays a light role in the things she buys or wears. Willing to spend ridiculous amounts on clothing, jewelry, or shoes. Usually found in a skirt or a dress paired with some heels if she’s out and about.
❧Accessories: Has jewelry for every occasion and outfit. Regularly wears a ring gifted from her spouse on her right hand.
❧Tattoos: She has a rose done by a former friend on her side under her boob which has a significant meaning to her, a moth between her breasts, and “Parker” written in cursive between her fingers.
❧Scars: Her thighs are littered with past self inflicted scars, and one fading on the inside going down her forearm.
❧General health: Drastically has improved within the last three months. However is currently slipping back into past habits.
❧Posture: Very proper, however if she’s comfortable around you she can be found lounging about more often than not. Often like a cat would make themselves comfortable just about anywhere.
❧Any physical illnesses?: N/A
❧Any mental illnesses?:
—Borderline personality disorder with psychotic features: Being very open with her BPD it’s hard not to tell she has this personality disorder, causing her to be irrational, impulsive, and harmful to herself. Jasmine’s moods often change at the drop of a hat, ranging from depressive episodes to irrational anger. She can be difficult to understand at times. The part she isn’t so open with is her psychotic symptoms and episodes she has.
—Anorexia Nervosa: She is not open about this diagnosis with anyone not even her partner or people closest. Its a struggle that shes dealt with since her early teens fed on by her mother. Causes her to be overly obsessive and get anxious over food. However she writes it off as being particular to most people.
—CPTSD: This is more private and rare she will open up about some of the things she went through, she’d much rather pretend it didn’t happen.
❧Take prescription drugs?: Attempts to take her prescriptions daily, however the meds she has moved onto make her feel like a shell of a human so no longer takes them. It’s always
❧Indulge in drugs?: Not anymore, going on 2 months clean.
❧Drink?: Tends to steer away from alcohol because she gets carried away with anything and everything and overly self indulges to the point it’s unhealthy.
❧Smoke?: Yes, regular smokes cigarettes.
❧Mental age: Somewhere near hers, not as grown in some ways as she should be.
❧Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Acts before thinking. Tries to break out of the habit but often is driven by impulse and emotions.
-Art in all kinds of forms like literature and painting
-Flowers hold great significance to her so she has her own garden she often tends to
-Clean and tidy appearances on her and in homes or work spaces
This would be a long list if I went on and on, she has all kinds of interests.
-Being unsure of others emotions or how they feel
-Passive aggressive behavior
-Foods she deems gross or unhealthy
-People bringing up her past/childhood or trying to get more on it from her. Much rather it be forgotten.
-Abandonment, which she feeds so it plays an unhealthy role throughout her life.
-Being undesirable or not being useful to the ones she loves or cares for.
-She hopes to achieve some time of stability with her mental health and declining financial status.
-Would love to be somewhere warm and have a complete and real family.
-Ultimately wants to feel how she used to, less reliant on others and a sense of self. Which is often shifting and changing due to her BPD, she adapts and mirrors certain aspects.
-Fruits (just about all them)
-Dubliner cheese
-A good mushroom burger if she’s not being overly thoughtful about food.
❧Colour: Red
❧Animals: Cats, bunnies— really all kinds of animals. Pretends to be grossed out but really enjoys them.
❧Holiday: When she used to party often she looked forward to the holidays but now she isn’t particularly into them.
❧Season: Spring, when it comes to life and everything get warmer
❧Time of day: Evening, when everything winds down and feels peaceful
❧Type of art: Old oils on canvas/panels
❧Genre of music: All different types, loves attending the opera or seeing more classical things
❧Genre of literature: All kinds, loves to read whenever she can, her nose is often stuck in a book.
❧Genre of shows: Not big on shows unless it’s a short series, only a couple episodes
❧Genre of movies: Psychological thrillers, slowly loving romance more and more
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hkvoyage · 2 years
Klaine fic: Anderson’s Alley and Arcade
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Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2022 Fic: Anderson’s Alley and Arcade
Author: @hkvoyage
Artist: @caramelcoffeeaddict
Prompt Provided by: @caramelcoffeeaddict
Pairing: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 13,223
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Unique Adams, Jeff, Nick, Trent, Jean Baptiste
Summary: When Kurt confessed that he was growing bored with his life in NYC, Burt suggested that he take up bowling. After all, they used to be the Big/Little league champions back in the day. Over Christmas, Burt even found a nearby place for Kurt to bowl. In the new year, Kurt visited the alley and quickly joined its bowling league so he could spend more time with the cute new owner. An alternative meeting featuring bowling alley owner!Blaine and NYADA!Kurt.
Genre/Tropes: Alternative Meeting, Alternative Universe, New York City, Bowling, Fluff, No Angst, Smut, Love at First Sight, Bowling Alley Owner!Blaine, NYADA!Kurt
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes:
Thank you to the moderators for organizing the challenge and helping to keep the fandom alive.
Many thanks to my amazing betas @lilyvandersteen and kellyb321. Your input has been invaluable and has made this story that much better.
For the first time, I'm posting a fic to scarvesandcoffee.net. A new administrator has taken over and made some improvements. If you haven't visited the site before, I urge you to because it has some classic Klaine fics that you can't find anywhere else.
The fic is now completed and available on AO3,  FF.net, and S&C.
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tctteredwings · 6 months
any connections on the main are linked.
[ joe keery. 31. artist & staff at the moma. ]
OLDER SISTERS ( 2/2 ); they're all very close. ( violet, margaret. )
HIGH SCHOOL EX-BEST FRIEND; they had a major falling out after oli admitted he had feelings for him.
OLDER FRIENDS; friends he had when growing up, that he's either drifted from or stayed close to. ( devi, teddy, jaymie. )
BEST FRIENDS ( 0/2 ); a couple of people he's grown close to since moving back to nyc.
EX-ROOMMATE/CLOSE FRIEND; they've been sharing a place for a couple of years now & he wouldn't change it for the world. ( neva. )
ROOMMATE; they moved in fairly recently. ( kit. )
GOOD FRIENDS; self-explanatory. ( gavin. )
CONNECTIONS FROM EUROPE; he met a lot of people while travelling and discovering himself.
FELLOW ART NERDS; just anyone he shares a love of art with. ( collins, dom. )
EX-BOYFRIEND FROM FRANCE; they were together for around 6 months when oli was abroad studying. it was his first serious relationship with a guy. ( percy. )
HIGH SCHOOL EX-GIRLFRIEND; together briefly in high school before he officially came out. they'd still be friends now.
GUYS HE'S DABBLED IN RELATIONSHIPS WITH; they've never been anything majorly serious as he's scared to get close to people, but it doesn't mean he hasn't tried time and time again.
CRUSH/FLIRTATION; a guy he's hoping to have something with eventually, they hold a special place in his heart.
[ lydia west. 29. youtube gamer/hacker. ]
ROOMMATES ( 2/2 ); lives in the bronx with two roommates in a very 'new girl' style setup. ( sherri, gabi. )
FOUND FAMILY; she doesn't have any siblings, but has plenty of people she considers family all the same.
BEST FRIEND; someone she's been close to since her teen years. they were more than likely one of the gaming group that she befriended back then ( they don't necessarily have to be into gaming now ). it's totally open to interpretation though.
OTHER FRIENDS; basically anyone who can put up with her on a regular basis. ( valerie, ripley. )
GAMING BUDDIES; both irl and online. she spends most of her time texting and chatting with them. ( gavin, xenia. )
THAT ONE EX; he's the guy she really did try with & it just ended a complicated, hateful mess. there's a lot of potential here for angst & drama, because she probably did love him, but couldn't admit it out loud.
EXES; guys she's attempted relationships with in the past. none would have been any longer than a couple of months at most.
HOOK-UPS; one night stands are pretty frequent with her. ( gavin. )
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS; it might be kind of complicated, but she's pretending it's not. ( micah. )
FELLOW BEACH DWELLERS; anyone she might have bumped into from frequent visits to the beach.
RISE & GRIND STAFF/REGULARS; she's there all the time, so she's likely to know anyone else who is, too.
[ ben barnes. 42. freelance/fashion photographer. ]
YOUNGER SIBLINGS ( 0/2 ); their relationship was strained when they were younger, but I imagine it’s something that’s improved over the years.
EX-WIFE;  they were together around 7 & a half years. a proper whirlwind romance that ended in disaster 10 years ago.
'THE FLING’; the person he cheated on his wife with. it would have been in LA in 2013 with someone who works/worked in the arts industry. ( I’ve always head-canoned that they were male, but it’s not set in stone. )
EXES PRE & POST THE WIFE; anyone he dated in NYC or LA prior to 2008 or after 2014. He hasn't had much success since the divorce though, so probably wouldn't have lasted too long.
FAILED DATES; he’s been on a few too many since his divorce & they’ve mostly been a disaster.
ONE NIGHT STANDS; before & after the wife. ( jaymie. )
PEOPLE HE'S PHOTOGRAPHED; either for a magazine in the past or since setting up one of his studios. ( karmen, teddy. )
JOGGING BUDDIES; he jogs around Central Park every day, so I imagine there are a couple of people he chooses to go with. ( gavin. )
GOOD FRIENDS; those he’s close to and spends most of his time with. ( neva, rowan. )
CONFIDANT/CLOSEST FRIEND; someone he can talk to about anything and always come to when there’s a problem.
FELLOW BOOK NERDS; he’s big on reading, so just people he can enthuse about literature with. ( audi. )
BAR BUDDIES; those he frequents the bars with. ( birdie. )
[ justin h. min. 34. er nurse. ]
COUSINS ( 0/2 ); he has no siblings, so grew extremely close to his cousins while growing up. they're pretty much inseparable now and spend a ridiculous amount of time together.
EXES IN BOSTON; he spent a lot of time trying to figure out his sexuality, which in the long run ended up in a lot of heartache on both sides. these relationships probably didn't end well. ( micah. )
EXES IN NYC; things are more settled now, so there would only be one or two —- could have ended good or bad, depending on if they understood his asexuality or not.
BEST FRIEND; someone he's been close to since moving to nyc. ( daniel. )
CLOSE FRIENDS; they just click. ( devi. )
OLD HOCKEY TEAMMATES; both from school and any teams they may have played against. ( gavin. )
THRIFTING FRIENDS; they hit up the stores together, kind of a tag-team affair to get the best stuff. ( gabi. )
COLLEAGUES IN THE ER/HOSPITAL; self-explanatory. he's been there since he got his degree. ( daniel, julia, elliot. )
SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS (0/1); someone he's growing closer with, who's understanding of his asexuality and is a possible future relationship. there's definitely something there.
CUDDLE BUDDIES ( 0/1 ); friends with benefits in a way. who doesn't enjoy a good platonic cuddle?
[chris hemsworth. 39. paediatric surgeon-in-chief.]
BROTHERS (0/3); one slightly older brother & two younger brothers.
MOTHER OF ELENA/EX-FWB (0/1); it was around his 4th year of college, circa 2007.
EXES HE'S RUN OUT ON; rhys is pretty much scared of love, anytime he gets close to it, he runs for the hills. there's been quite a few at this point.
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY (0/1); love was in the air and rhys ran. ( aurora. )
COLLEGE ROOMMATE (0/1); his roommate from back in his nyc college days at columbia, they've been friends ever since.
PAST HOOK-UPS/FWB/ONS; anytime over the last 20 years. ( neva. )
CURRENT FWB (1/1); let's be honest here, there's always someone he keeps going back to. ( violet. )
BEST FRIEND (1/1); someone he's known since his early days of living in nyc who he's extremely close to. they pretty much know everything about him at this point. ( alex. )
CLOSE FRIENDS; others he's grown close to at some point over the last 20 years. ( honey. )
GUYS HE PLAYS RUGBY WITH; self-explanatory. he definitely went out of his way to start a team in the area if there wasn't one already.
BAR BUDDIES; playing pool, drinking too much beer, watching the football on the tv at the same time, he does that a lot.
BIKER BUDDIES; he loves motorcycles, they love motorcycles, it's as easy as that. ( ryan. )
WORK CONNECTIONS; anyone he knows from work over the years, either worked with or parents of patients/patients when they were younger. ( julia, elliot, daniel, karmen. )
THAT ONE NEIGHBOUR; he lives in ditmas park, brooklyn, and his rooster buddy drives one of his neighbours crazy.
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still-single · 1 year
Records I Am Glad to Have Found in 2023: Part 1
Instead of rufflin' whatever (feather) maybe it's better that there's just a place where I can tell you that my life is better for having found these records and having them within reach. Maybe you might wanna reach for them as well. Up to you! Maybe feel fortunate that I want to engage with Tumblr at all, but the 16 or so accounts who said (anonymously) that they miss my review content may get a kick out of all this, and see where my head's at now.
New records, not-new records, things I bought, things that were sent to me, things I bartered for. Fair play.
First up, this Beau Wanzer record that I wrote up a while back. I feel exactly the same about it. It's new as of January and there aren't many releases out there like it at the moment. Undead, shufflin' Beau hours. One of my favorite DJs and electronic musicians in Chicago, he really does not seem to walk any path other than his own.
Al B. Sure! - In Effect Mode LP (Uptown/Warner Bros., 1988)
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Growing up in my early teens, two songs from Al B. Sure!'s debut album were more or less inescapable: the masterful slow jam "Nite and Day," and the more uptempo quasi-diss track "Off On Your Own (Girl)." I never owned the record (why would I, this always seemed like a "why buy the cow" situation), and it never seemed to turn up used, something I better understand now.
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This thing is great! It's short, mindful of our time and Al's. Side 1 contains four slow jams (the Nite! side), kicking off with the classic "Nite and Day" (so much rooftop glare and World Trade Center fixation in the vid) and cascading down into the whisper/falsetto/snap percussion ballad "Oooh This Love Is So" (kinda like an older brother NKOTB slow jam, really well arranged, FM synths cresting over top with some tasteful guitar buried underneath). His take on Roberta Flack's "Killing Me Softly" is doctor's office soft, but works where the Fugees' take doesn't, as Al seems to know there's no improving on the original, and he's lucky just to put it in his framework. "Naturally Mine" is like the shadowy flipside to the majesty of the opener, and doesn't come close, but also doesn't need to; the Teddy Riley guitar work does a lot on its own.
Side 2 (the Day! side) turns on the lights for some more uptempo New Jack Swing template jams. Opener "Rescue Me" sounds like two songs that were somehow merged into one, but that may just be the tonal difference between the intro and verse structure.
"Off On Your Own (Girl)" is neatly, nearly perfect, with quiet, pressurized syncopation, Al's bellyache storytellin' (sits by the phone a lot, it seems), and a delivery, particularly in the chorus, which says so much more than the title states. I'm particularly enamored of his switching between judgmental sing-speak/orchestra hit stress and his bracing falsetto. On the stremf! He even throws us a Slick Rick impression in a bridge. Last two tracks seem interchangeable but that's fine; you don't serve surf after the turf, even if you're coming in hot with bass pounds.
Uptown is generally a welcome sign of quality for this time and place; from Al to Heavy D., Guy to Jodeci. Andre knew what was up. Cool cat logo too.
Honestly there are probably other Al jams worth seeking out, and of course his performance in New Jack City when he fingers Ice-T as a narc with those Bert eyebrows of his. Most people don't hit this sort of success right out of the gate, and that's the needle he threads so effortlessly here.
Ron Morelli – Heart Stopper 2xLP (L.I.E.S., 2023)
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Ron was one of the first people I met when I moved to NYC in 2000, and for a while I was regularly having lunch with him, Steve Roche, Adam Paterson, and Matt Smith at the Uptown Juice Bar in lower Manhattan, when we were all working in some sort of office and/or dot-com capacity, going to ABC No Rio and the like. I'd fall in and out of that orbit for a while over the next 6-7 years, as bands formed and broke up, people worked up their DJ chops, etc. At some point Ron moved down to Philly and was grinding in a more formal club DJ capacity before coming back to NYC and starting L.I.E.S., living in the trap, and working at A-1 in the East Village. It wasn't easy, even in that orbit, to find the L.I.E.S. releases, but the quality was always there.
I fell off a bit due to life and the like, missed a lot of Ron's Hospital output (as well as a lot of later L.I.E.S., again due to life stuff; the last one I gripped from the initial run was Florian Kupfer's Lifetrax), and last I knew he had relocated to Paris. Living in Chicago has given me more of an opportunity to interface with house music as it happened, with proximity to the records and DJs in clubs, to where it started to click with me. Heart Stopper retains this same sort of focus, drilling down on the repetition and stress/release of the foundational cuts of the initial era. My fave here is "Tangled Trap of Love," a big nod to Master C & J's "Face It," but I've found myself putting this record on and letting it roll to the close more often than most I've favored this year. Didn't make it to the Podlasie Club back in May, but I did appreciate this (paywalled) interview in the First Floor Substack, the guy I remember so well playing stoically to the bozos up front, dialing down style to the horizon where it meets substance and accepting nothing less.
(Doug Mosurock)
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jbk405 · 1 year
I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem today.  This is the first time I’ve gone to a movie on opening weekend in a loooooooong time, but the advertising had actually gotten me pretty excited.
For perhaps the very first time in my life, it made the turtles look like actual teenagers.  Despite the name, and despite characters often calling them teens/children, the writing has almost always portrayed them as older.  The 1990 movie, which still remains my absolute favorite bit of turtles media, had Raphael’s ‘disguise’ when he goes out be a trenchcoat and fedora.  I love him, but that’s not a teenager.
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It takes a lot more than just riding skateboards and using slang to make that look like anything but a grown adult.  The other cartoons and movies have also felt like adults in their own way.
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But here they really felt like kids.  The actors that were chosen are all actual teens themselves, and the writing captured the impulsivity and chaos and earnestness of being young.  Not in the sense “kids are dumb, so we’ll make them idiots” which I see a lot elsewhere, but in the sense “kids make mistakes, because they’re kids.”  I’ve heard they were given a lot of room to improv, and if so then kudos all the way around because it all felt natural.
I also really loved the art style.  It’s not quite as mind-blowing as the Spider-Verse films (They changed the game) but it really managed to capture the energy and movement and also the uniqueness of all the different mutants and character designs.
The music was where things really shone through.  Again, not as mindblowing as Spider-Verse (Look, you are never going to top “What’s Up Danger?” so let’s just move on) but it was worked into the film seamlessly.  Particularly all of the rap and hip-hop, which worked in-and-of-itself but also connected back to the very origin of the turtles where they were supposed to be immersed in inner city black and hispanic culture before they were forced to change them to ‘surfer boys’.
My only criticism for the changes to the backstory is the idea to make Splinter a completely random NYC rat before touching the ooze.  Different adaptations have varied on the exact backstory, but he’s always had a prior connection to martial arts and a heritage that he passes on to the turtles.  Either as a pet of Hamato Yoshi, or Yoshi himself transformed into a rat.  Here he’s just “a rat” and he learned martial arts from watching How To videos.  That idea is pretty lacking.
I’d be interested in seeing more of this same story, and if we’re going to continue to get more reboots of classic franchises from Hollywood I wish they would all bring this level of energy and creativity to it.
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mateojoseph453 · 14 days
The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry
When it involves the dental health of youngsters, specialised care is critical to make certain they develop up with wholesome, strong enamel. Pediatric dentistry makes a speciality of offering comprehensive dental care for toddlers, kids, and teens, with an emphasis on developing wonderful dental studies that lead to lifelong oral health behavior. In Chelsea, New York City, dad and mom have get entry to to a range of expert Chelsea NYC Pediatric Dentistry offerings designed in particular for younger patients.
What is Pediatric Dentistry?
Pediatric dentistry is a dental strong point that addresses the oral health of youngsters from infancy through childhood. Dentists who exercise pediatric dentistry receive extra schooling after dental faculty, equipping them with the abilties to handle the precise desires of kids. These specialists understand the way to manage the emotional and developmental ranges of kids whilst presenting extremely good dental care.
In Chelsea, NYC, pediatric dentistry is mainly crucial, because the city way of life can occasionally divulge children to dietary conduct that could increase the chance of dental troubles. A neighborhood pediatric dentist can help mitigate those risks and ensure that kids in Chelsea grow up with a healthy smile.
Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist in Chelsea?
Parents seeking out Chelsea New York City pediatric dentistry have many reasons to prioritize locating a pediatric dentist for his or her youngsters:
Specialized Expertise: Pediatric dentists in Chelsea have years of extra training in treating younger sufferers. They recognise the way to make dental visits fun, attractive, and educational for youngsters, which is key in fostering a fantastic attitude closer to dental care.
Early Detection of Issues: Pediatric dentists are professional in identifying capacity dental troubles early. From the improvement of enamel and jaw alignment to recognizing early symptoms of cavities, pediatric dentists in Chelsea are vigilant about monitoring oral health and improvement throughout those crucial years.
Kid-Friendly Environment: Dental offices that offer Chelsea NYC pediatric dentistry often function youngster-pleasant environments with toys, games, and decor that assist children experience extra comfy. Reducing anxiety is vital in ensuring a a success visit and building accept as true with among the dentist and the young patient.
Services Offered by Pediatric Dentists in Chelsea, NYC
Pediatric dentists in Chelsea offer a huge variety of offerings that cater in particular to youngsters. These consist of:
Preventive Care: Regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants assist protect kids’s enamel from decay. Preventive care is one of the most vital aspects of pediatric dentistry, as it could keep principal dental troubles from growing within the first place.
Early Orthodontic Evaluation: Pediatric dentists investigate the development of a baby’s teeth and jaw to determine if early intervention is wanted. Early orthodontic care can assist keep away from more complicated remedies later in life.
Cavity Treatment: Despite excellent efforts, a few youngsters may develop cavities. Pediatric dentists use gentle, infant-centered strategies to fill cavities and repair dental health with out inflicting misery.
Education on Oral Hygiene: Teaching youngsters how to brush and floss well is an crucial a part of pediatric dentistry. Dentists paintings with dad and mom to make certain youngsters broaden good oral hygiene habits at domestic.
When Should a Child Visit a Pediatric Dentist?
Experts advise that children visit the dentist by way of their first birthday or within six months of the appearance of their first teeth. This early advent to the dentist facilitates set a sturdy basis for destiny visits and guarantees that any potential issues are stuck early.
Regular check-united statesevery six months are critical for maintaining a infant's oral fitness. Parents in Chelsea, NYC, can take advantage of specialized pediatric dentistry services that focus on preventive care, making sure their youngsters have sturdy, wholesome teeth as they grow.
Creating a Lifelong Habit of Good Oral Health
One of the maximum important goals of pediatric dentistry is to establish nice dental stories that encourage kids to hold looking after their enamel as they grow older. By touring a pediatric dentist in Chelsea, New York City, youngsters can broaden a wholesome mindset closer to dental care so that it will advantage them in the course of their lives.
In end, Chelsea New York City Pediatric Dentistry gives vital offerings for children, making sure that their oral fitness is properly-maintained thru every stage of improvement. By deciding on a neighborhood pediatric dentist, dad and mom in Chelsea can provide their kids the pleasant start in attaining a healthful smile in an effort to last an entire life.
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allstarstudios · 2 months
Fun and Growth: Top Dance Classes for Teenage Beginners in NYC
Are you looking for the perfect way to introduce your teen to the world of dance? Look no further! The vibrant and dynamic New York dance school scene offers a plethora of opportunities for teenage beginners. In this blog, we'll explore why dance classes are an excellent choice for teens and how they can embark on this exciting journey with confidence and enthusiasm.
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Why Dance Classes for Teenage Beginners?
Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
Dance is more than just movement; it's a form of self-expression that allows individuals to communicate emotions and stories through their bodies. For teenagers, who are often navigating a world of self-discovery, dance classes for teenage beginners can be a powerful tool to build confidence and self-esteem. By mastering new skills and performing in front of others, teens learn to trust themselves and their abilities.
Physical Benefits of Dance
Engaging in dance classes offers a myriad of physical benefits. At our New York dance school, students will increase flexibility, improve coordination, and focus on muscle strengthening. Whether it's ballet, hip-hop, or contemporary dance, each style contributes to overall physical health. Dance is a full-body workout that enhances cardiovascular health, builds endurance, and promotes overall fitness.
Social Interaction and Teamwork
Dance classes provide a social environment where teens can make new friends and learn the importance of teamwork. Dancing in a group requires coordination and cooperation, fostering a sense of community and belonging. This social aspect of dance is crucial during the teenage years when forming connections and building friendships are essential for emotional well-being.
What to Expect from Dance Classes at Our New York Dance School
Tap, Jazz/Contemporary, and Ballet
At All Star Studios, we offer a variety of dance styles to cater to every interest. Tap dance classes teach rhythm and timing, while jazz and contemporary dance emphasize fluid movements and emotional expression. Ballet classes focus on technique, grace, and strength, providing a solid foundation for any aspiring dancer.
Pointe and Hip-Hop
For those interested in more specialized forms of dance, we offer pointe and hip-hop classes. Pointe classes allow dancers to perform on their toes, a challenging but rewarding skill that showcases their dedication and strength. Hip-hop classes, on the other hand, are energetic and fun, incorporating the latest dance trends and music.
Acrobatics classes are perfect for those who love a physical challenge. These classes combine dance and gymnastics, teaching students how to perform flips, jumps, and other acrobatic moves safely and gracefully. This unique blend of skills enhances flexibility and builds muscle strength, making it an exciting addition to any dance repertoire.
Encouraging Growth and Fun in Every Class
Personalized Attention and Support
At All Star Studios, our dance classes are designed to encourage performers at every skill level to grow. Our experienced instructors provide personalized attention, ensuring that each student receives the guidance and support they need to thrive. Whether your teen is a complete beginner or has some dance experience, our classes are tailored to meet their individual needs and goals.
Fun and Engaging Activities
Learning dance should be enjoyable, and we make sure our classes are filled with fun and engaging activities. From creative choreography to interactive games, our classes are structured to keep students excited and motivated. This approach not only makes learning dance enjoyable but also helps students retain new skills and techniques more effectively.
Performance Opportunities
We believe that performance is an integral part of the learning process. That's why we offer numerous opportunities for our students to showcase their talents. Whether it's a small in-studio presentation or a large-scale recital, these performances allow students to experience the thrill of being on stage and the satisfaction of sharing their hard work with an audience.
Enrolling your teen in dance classes at a New York dance school can be a transformative experience. With a variety of dance styles to choose from, personalized attention, and a focus on fun and growth, All Star Studios is the perfect place to start this exciting journey. Our dance classes not only improve physical health but also build confidence, foster social connections, and provide a creative outlet for self-expression.
If you're ready to help your teen discover the joy of dance, contact us today to learn more about our classes and schedule a trial session. Let's dance our way to a brighter, more confident future together!
For more information, visit our website at All Star Studios and explore our offerings in dance classes forest hills and dance programs for toddlers. We can't wait to welcome you to our dance family!
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bacchantis · 3 months
ulrimate irony - friend and I have a loud drunken argument stumbling out of a bar about how much things have improved for queer people since the late 00s when we were teens in NYC. And I, cynic, argue that my friend is exaggerating just how much homophobia gets you shamed in polite spaces here and that once you leave the office none of that shit matters. Queerphobia has repercussions in queer spaces but leave it and you get exposed to the same shit we did 15 years ago.
But my friend feels so inspired by the idea that the typical Gen Z kid wouldn't have even remembered Matthew Shepherd day, he's misty eyed.
We schlep to a 7/11 for water and chex mix to sober up, and it's like 2:30 on the edge of Park Slope, Brooklyn, liberal bastion. As I pick out water, some teenagers come in for energy drinks and snacks, and not a minute later I hear one of those kids calling his own friend a faggot for getting a certain Monster flavor.
Happy Pride..
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Madonna's Sons Leave Her NYC Home as She Battles Illness and Recovering
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Madonna's sons, Rocco Ritchie and David Banda, were spotted leaving their mother's New York City apartment on Friday amidst reports of her ongoing battle with illness. Despite her hospitalization, the boys decided to step out, possibly indicating a positive turn in Madonna's health. In the early morning, Rocco, Madonna's son with ex-husband Guy Ritchie, was seen crossing the street outside her Upper East Side townhouse. He looked dapper, sporting black slacks, loafers, a stylish patterned shirt, and colored sunglasses, carrying a backpack. Later in the day, David Banda, whom Madonna and Guy adopted together, was photographed getting into an SUV. He opted for comfort, dressed in a white t-shirt and black shorts. It remains unclear if the brothers' departure from Madonna's residence is a result of her improving health. They had arrived at her home on Wednesday after news of her hospitalization broke, and it's unknown if they had been staying there over the past few days. These recent developments come after sources revealed on Thursday that the "Material Girl" singer was still struggling with symptoms from her bacterial infection. Although discharged from the hospital, Madonna was reportedly experiencing uncontrollable vomiting and remained bedridden at home.
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Madonna’s tour “Celebration” has been put on hold due to her illness.
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The singer has reportedly been “vomiting uncontrollably” despite being released from the hospital.
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Madonna has been battling a bacterial infection since Saturday.
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It is unclear why the teen left his mom’s side amid her illness.
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The 17-year-old was photographed Friday getting into an SUV with a bodyguard by his side.
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David Banda also spent some time at his mother Madonna’s home while she recovered.
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It is unknown why he decided to leave.
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The 22-year-old was first seen at the Upper East Side residence on Wednesday.
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Rocco Ritchie was photographed leaving his mother Madonna’s home Friday. Insiders also shed light on the challenging circumstances leading up to Madonna's health scare. They disclosed that she began vomiting on Saturday and even collapsed at one point. Prior to her hospitalization, there were reports of her becoming "unresponsive." Throughout this ordeal, Madonna's eldest child, Lourdes Leon, has been by her side. While concerns surrounded Madonna's well-being, her model daughter, Lourdes, appeared more at ease, sharing a sultry photo on her Instagram Story. Madonna's other children include Rocco, 22, David, 17, Mercy James, 17, and 9-year-old twins Stella and Estere Ciccone. The cause of Madonna's illness remains unknown, though some speculated that her intense rehearsals for the upcoming "Celebration" tour may have contributed. Insider sources also revealed that the "Ray of Light" singer had been battling a fever for a month. Madonna herself has not addressed her illness thus far. We wish Madonna a speedy recovery and hope to see her back in good health soon, continuing to inspire fans worldwide with her music and performances. https://youtu.be/KjGg-qnRiVE
- nypost.com - youtube.com/@CelebrityDailyNewss - the-sun.com - Daniel William McKnight - nz.news.yahoo.com - pagesix.com - twitter - Instagram/@madonna - Wire Image Read More: - Madonna Hospitalized Due to Serious Infection: Updates on Her Health Journey - Madonna’s Remarkable Recovery: Pop Icon’s Health Improving After ICU Stay - Madonna’s ‘Celebration’ Tour Delayed Due to Serious Infection: Recovery Expected! Read the full article
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neworkimprov · 7 months
Laughter: The Best Medicine You're Not Taking (Enough Of)
We all know the feeling: a belly laugh that leaves you breathless and your cheeks hurting. But beyond the immediate joy, laughter offers a surprising amount of benefits for our mental and physical well-being. Here’s why you should prescribe yourself a daily dose of humor: Stress Slayer: Feeling overwhelmed? Laughter can be a powerful antidote. By lowering stress hormones like cortisol, a good…
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genyukandojo · 1 year
Shotokan Karate Classes in NYC
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Shotokan Karate, a traditional Japanese martial art form, has gained significant popularity worldwide for its disciplined training, physical fitness benefits, and self-defense techniques. In the vibrant city of New York, residents and visitors alike have the opportunity to explore Shotokan Karate classes and embark on a journey of personal growth, physical fitness, and mental discipline. This article delves into the world of Shotokan Karate classes in NYC, highlighting the benefits, training methodologies, and renowned dojos that offer authentic martial arts experiences.
Shotokan Karate: A Brief Overview:
Shotokan Karate, developed by Master Gichin Funakoshi, is characterized by its focus on strong, linear techniques and powerful strikes. It emphasizes physical conditioning, precise form, and mental discipline. Shotokan practitioners develop strength, flexibility, agility, and heightened focus through rigorous training.
Benefits of Shotokan Karate Classes:
Shotokan Karate classes in NYC offer numerous benefits for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Some of the key advantages include:
a. Physical Fitness: Shotokan Karate training provides a full-body workout, enhancing cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Regular practice improves muscular tone, stamina, and overall physical fitness.
b. Self-Defense Skills: Shotokan Karate equips students with practical self-defense techniques that can be applied in real-life situations. Participants learn blocking, striking, kicking, and evasive maneuvers to protect themselves and others.
c. Mental Discipline: Shotokan Karate fosters mental discipline, focus, and self-control. The practice requires concentration, patience, and perseverance, promoting stress management, resilience, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.
d. Confidence and Self-Esteem: Through progressive training and achievement of belt ranks, Shotokan Karate builds self-confidence and self-esteem. Students gain a sense of accomplishment as they overcome challenges and witness their personal growth.
e. Character Development: Shotokan Karate emphasizes core values such as respect, integrity, humility, and discipline. These values are instilled through training and practice, shaping the character and mindset of practitioners.
Shotokan Karate Classes in NYC:
New York City offers a wide range of Shotokan Karate classes conducted by experienced instructors and reputable dojos. Some renowned dojos include:
a. Genyukan Dojo:
Located in Manhattan, New York City Genyukan offers classes for all age groups and skill levels. They follow a structured curriculum focusing on technique, katas (forms), sparring, and self-defense. The instructors provide personalized attention to each student, ensuring progress and skill development.
b. East Coast Black Belt Academy:
With multiple locations in NYC, East Coast Black Belt Academy offers comprehensive Shotokan Karate programs suitable for children, teens, and adults. Their classes emphasize traditional Shotokan principles and include kata training, kumite (sparring), and self-defense techniques.
c. New York Karate Club:
Founded by renowned Sensei Masataka Mori, New York Karate Club is dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional Shotokan Karate. They offer classes for beginners and advanced practitioners, focusing on technique refinement, kata practice, and advanced self-defense applications.
Getting Started:
If you're interested in joining Shotokan Karate classes in NYC, consider the following steps:
a. Research: Explore different dojos and instructors in the city, considering their reputation, experience, and training methodologies.
b. Visit Dojos: Attend trial classes or observe training sessions to get a feel for the dojo's atmosphere, teaching style, and student-teacher interactions.
c. Consult with Instructors: Speak to instructors to discuss your goals, experience level, and any specific requirements or concerns you may have.
d. Commitment and Consistency: Shotokan Karate requires dedication and regular practice. Commit to attending classes consistently and embrace the journey of learning and growth.
Why Shotokan Karate?
Shotokan Karate has gained widespread popularity and is highly regarded for several reasons. Here are some key factors that make Shotokan Karate a popular choice among martial arts enthusiasts:
Traditional and Authentic: Shotokan Karate is rooted in traditional Japanese martial arts. It was developed by Master Gichin Funakoshi, who sought to preserve the principles, techniques, and philosophies of martial arts. By studying Shotokan Karate, practitioners have the opportunity to connect with a rich historical lineage and learn a martial art form that has been passed down through generations.
Focus on Strong Techniques: Shotokan Karate emphasizes strong, powerful techniques. It focuses on delivering effective strikes, blocks, and kicks with maximum efficiency and precision. This aspect of Shotokan Karate helps practitioners develop physical strength, agility, and coordination while enhancing their ability to defend themselves.
Discipline and Mental Focus: Shotokan Karate places a strong emphasis on mental discipline, focus, and self-control. The practice requires concentration, patience, and perseverance. Through consistent training, practitioners develop mental fortitude, the ability to stay calm under pressure, and improved focus, which can be applied not only in the dojo but also in daily life.
Self-Defense Skills: Shotokan Karate provides practical self-defense techniques that can be applied in real-life situations. By learning effective blocking, striking, and evasive maneuvers, practitioners gain confidence in their ability to protect themselves and others if necessary. This aspect of Shotokan Karate promotes personal safety and provides a sense of security.
Physical Fitness and Well-Being: Engaging in Shotokan Karate training offers numerous physical fitness benefits. The practice involves cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Regular training helps improve stamina, muscular strength, agility, and overall physical fitness. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle and can contribute to weight management.
Character Development: Shotokan Karate emphasizes core values such as respect, integrity, humility, and discipline. These values are instilled through training and practice, shaping the character and mindset of practitioners. Shotokan Karate fosters personal growth, self-confidence, and self-esteem while promoting respect for others and a strong sense of ethics.
Community and Camaraderie: Shotokan Karate dojos often foster a sense of community and camaraderie among practitioners. Training together, supporting one another, and participating in events and competitions create a supportive and motivating environment. This sense of belonging and shared passion enhances the overall experience of practicing Shotokan Karate.
Shotokan Karate classes in NYC offer a transformative experience that combines physical fitness, mental discipline, self-defense skills, and character development. By joining a reputable dojo and training under experienced instructors, individuals can embark on a martial arts journey that instills confidence, enhances physical fitness, and nurtures a disciplined mindset. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, Shotokan Karate classes in NYC provide an empowering and enriching experience that extends beyond the dojo into daily life.
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shufflesnyc · 1 year
Advantages of musical theatre lessons for kids
Recently, the kids have had more opportunities to develop their skills. A well-liked extracurricular for high school students is musical theatre. Musical Theater NYC can benefit children of all ages when included in a formal academic curriculum. This is particularly valid if they intend to pursue a career in the performing arts. Dance, performing arts, and instrumental performance are just a few topics covered in musical theatre studies.
Boost self-confidence 
Drama classes for NYC kids inspire kids to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and realize their full artistic potential. Their self-confidence is boosted by performing in front of an audience because it encourages them to come out of their comfort zones and accept themselves as they indeed are. Students might find their hidden skills by taking any musical class. The most effective technique to motivate your children to perform and discover their abilities and shortcomings is to enroll them in musical theatre.
Improves creativity 
Arts learning for teens foster their capacity for original thought. The typical school curriculum is packed with subjects like arithmetic, science, and reading comprehension, leaving little place for courses that inspire creativity. Children of all ages can express themselves uniquely and develop creative problem-solving techniques through Childrens dance NYC. The most excellent part about musical theatre class is that there is no right or wrong way to do anything. It allows students to experiment with several approaches to find the best solutions.
Develops socialism 
Music theatre classes allow kids to socialize outside of the typical school environment. Before and after sessions, performers will get to know one another and interact frequently in a context outside of the formal classroom. These interactions might lead to some of your child's best friendships.
Final words
There is more to musical theatre than just singing, dancing, and reading lines from prepared scripts. With tap dance classes NYC, your kid can acquire self-control and confidence while enjoying beautiful songs, dances, and performances.
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rahulblog89 · 1 year
Spiritual Exploration
My spiritual life kind of started in college. I would meditate semiregularly and was part of the Hindu society, wihich did weekly pujas. I also took Hinduism classes and studied texts on my own- whatever was at the library- mainly Hindu and Buddhist texts. I would say I didn't live a clean lifestyle. I was angry and depressed a lot. I used to eat meat, used to smoke and drink (which may or may not be major deterrents to spiritual growth). I was on medication for anxiety and attentional issues. I was also moderately active, if that matters. I was also more social, which is to be expected in college vs. working life.
activities- meditation, reading mainly Gita
After college I continued to drink, mainly to deal with pressure. I reduced the amount of smoking. My dad taught me pranayama and I continued to try new spiritual practices related to meditation- i would hop in on classes in Arlington. I tried yoga a few times.
It was during this time that I experienced energy movements up my spine. I lost my job, and left for Hawwaii to work at an ashram/farm.
I learned a lot here. I learned about pranayama and medtation, and yoga. I don't really know what to make of that experience. I lost weight, looked better, but I felt a lot of tension with the staff, and often felt stressed socially, maybe i just felt out of place. REgardless, I met good people and learned a lot.
I then went back to Virignia, and started a few years excelling career wise. I was more spiritually active and started to clean up.
I was mostly celibate during this time.
NYC- I moved to NJ/NYC in 2014 and this changed me profoundly.
I was meditating a lot, drinking less. I could feel people, and felt confident.
After moving to the city, I started noticing my energy pouring out of me into other people. It would exit through my left side. This put me in a state of panic. I think I was part of some race/class war that was happening. I don't think I had a clear picture of what was happening.
I will say
that I felt part of the masses, like I had a place and I was accepted.
I used to freqeuent this IMPROV theater, UCB and enjoyed the energy I felt at the shows.
Sad- after the election of 2016, I got hit and people would attack me with their head (i was diagnosed as psychotic). I moved to RVA, and lived for 5 years in recovery. I felt very little light during this time, and had my space invaded constantly by people in corwds or on the road.
Initially, I was very tired and couldn't generate much energy. I spent a lot of time in bed, and prayed and did yoga frequently. I felt less connected (see NY post) then I did before, both to people and to the source.
It is now 2023, and I'm living a more functional life. I live in California and work doing analytics work. I still have energy management issues, but I'm able to operate. I feel a stronger connection to a higehr pwoer, similar to what I felt (didn't know it then) when I was a young teen. I see this as a positive sign. I'm not sure what to expect for the future. Will I be married, what is my career path, what am I good at, what will I look life? These are all questions I still have.
I can't handle another battle period like I did in 2016-2017.
I couldn't work then, I couldn't think clearly.
I'm scared for my future. I'm just working this job, to stay afloat.
I had dreams of starting my own thing. idk
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kneepaindoctor · 2 years
What Are the Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Knee Pain?
Knee discomfort is one thing that can make moving around difficult. Millions of people seek knee pain treatment new york from their doctors each year. Thankfully, you can take action to ease discomfort and resume movement. In this article, you will learn about the lifestyle changes you should make along with knee pain treatment financial district.
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  Your doctor will take care of all your orthopedic requirements, including knee discomfort, shoulder problems, and more, whether you're an adult, teen, or child.
What is Knee pain?
Most people don't consider their knees till they suffer from discomfort or pain. Still, these large hinge joints accomplish a lot, allowing us to do everything from standing and walking to running and jumping. Muscles, Bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to keep them stable. Still, with so many moving parts, things may go wrong due to knee injury, and arthritis, infections.
  If you feel no comfort after a few days, you must schedule an appointment with your doctor. For severe discomfort, for example, if your leg buckles underweight or your knee is dislocated, getting a medical evaluation immediately is crucial. In that condition, no lifestyle can save you from discomfort and pain.
Lifestyle changes for knee pain
In contrast, some cases of knee pain can lead to procedures like infection, stem therapy, and even replacement or surgery. However, some lifestyle changes can lessen the chance of injury. For example:
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PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
When an injury occurs, your doctor recommends 'PRICE' to relieve your condition. Also, you should take a break from exercise or activity to prevent further damage and speed up healing.
  This word means protection, resting, icing, compressing, and further elevation can decrease the inflammation and swelling with ice and wrap with the bandage. You should raise your legs higher than your heart whenever possible to help better circulation and lessen swelling.
Get moving
Exercises like walking, swimming, water aerobics, biking, and yoga can strengthen your leg muscle and make you less susceptible to injury. Also, it supports your knee and improves the health of the cartilage.
Good diet and weight management
If you weigh an extra pound, that puts excess weight and strain on your knee joints. It can increase inflammation and burning sensation throughout the body, including your knees. A diet with fruit, vegetables, and fiber can help with obesity, and you should keep your body healthy.
Proper Body posture and movement
Many everyday actions can affect your knee pain. When you are sitting on chairs and couches that can shink into and strain your knees to rise out of, you should choose supportive shoes with good arches to prevent knee issues. While standing, take breaks for 5 minutes to keep going away from becoming stiff and painful. If you aren't comfortable with this, visit knee pain treatment specialists Fidi for proper treatment and diagnosis.
Complementary and alternative medicine
Massage with essential oils such as ginger and orange can help you with knee pain. Acupuncture may also be beneficial if you are experiencing osteoarthritis in the knees.
You should consider lifestyle changes along with medical treatment to improve your knee pain. Therefore you should consider visiting a knee pain treatment nyc to know what is best for your knee pain.
Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/what-are-the-lifestyle-changes-to-relieve-knee-pain/
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picstrust · 2 years
Invisalign before and after gapped teeth
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Make strides toward perfect teeth with the Invisalign ® provider NYC trusts. We are dedicated to providing you dental care that will improve your self-esteem and overall health without causing financial strain. We want you to feel great about your smile once the treatment is completed and at every milestone throughout your treatment process. The clear plastic trays fit comfortably in your mouth and are much less noticeable than traditional braces. Choose the discrete solution of Invisalign ®. Why spend months or even years with metal brackets and wires in your mouth? There’s no reason to spend time feeling less confident about your smile. Explore our Invisalign ® cost and payment plan options to find the solution that is best for you and your budget. The best part is that we offer high-quality care at an affordable price.
In 2018, we were ranked among the elite 1% of Invisalign ® providers, earning Diamond Plus status. Kenn Kakosian DDS, we guarantee expert care. Vivera retainers are custom-fit to your smile, virtually invisible, affordable, and designed for maximum comfort - which means less hassle-and more benefits-for you.You can achieve the flawless smile you always dreamed of without breaking the bank. Many orthodontists will only provide you with one set of retainers, but your dentist at Ashby Park Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry will provide you with four sets of Vivera retainers. Vivera® Retainers - at the end of your treatment, your Invisalign provider at Ashby Park Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry will give you four sets of comfortable, durable Vivera retainers to help you preserve your beautiful new smile. Worried your teen isn’t wearing their aligners enough? Optional blue compliance indicator dots help you monitor their treatment and make sure that your teen is wearing their aligners every day for at least 20 hours and swapping out their trays every couple of weeks for the best possible smile results. Invisalign aligners for teens - Invisalign treatment isn’t just a great option for adults - it can be a great choice for teens as well! Low-maintenance, nearly undetectable aligners let your teen get the straight, beautiful smile they’ve always wanted without having to deal with the fuss and discomfort of traditional braces. Caring for your aligners is low-maintenance - you'll just need to rinse and brush them every night and swap them out for a fresh set every 1-2 weeks. Invisalign aligners are clear, virtually invisible, and made out of a comfortable, durable material that won't irritate your gums and cheeks like traditional braces. You’ll only need to take out your aligners while eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing - otherwise, you’ll hardly even know they are there. Danelle presented to our office wanting to close the gap between her two front teeth.She had consulted with a cosmetic dentist and the option of veneers was. Invisalign aligners - based on years of research and testing, our discreet, custom-fitted aligners are designed to comfortably straighten your teeth without interrupting your life.
On the fence about whether Invisalign aligners are right for you? The Invisalign Outcome Simulator uses your 3D iTero scans to provide you with a “before and after” of your smile with and without Invisalign treatment so you can choose the right option for your unique smile. ITero® 3D scans ensure that your aligners are the perfect fit for your smile and can be used throughout treatment to show your smile’s improvements and make sure that you are satisfied with your treatment every step of the way to getting your brand-new, beautiful smile. This state-of-the-art intraoral scanner helps your dentist identify any oral health issues you may have (cracked, chipped, or crooked teeth, potential cavities, overbite/underbite, etc), thoroughly explain these issues to you, and create a customized Invisalign treatment plan for you based on your specific needs. ITero Element® scanner - displays your entire smile on a screen in real-time, right in front of the patient chair, so you and your dentist can see every detail of your smile. Invisalign treatment lets you skip the hassle of dealing with metal brackets and bands, and provides you with an easy, comfortable, and convenient option for getting the smile you've always wanted. Let's face it - most people want a straighter smile, but don't want to deal with the hassle of braces.
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