#teenage exocolonist spoilers
manaquartz · 2 years
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Woohoo! Just got the Governor ending! So here’s Masc!Sol’s Governor ending card! I love the outfit a lot lmao.
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charredcipher · 2 years
Did my first playthrough 2 days ago, felt very strongly about it.
4 hours of notes and 6 of actual writing. I think my friend spent like 2 hours serenading me with the kazoo.
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the-lemonaut · 4 months
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Cloth physics are really kicking my ass. Anyways, I've been a Teenage Exocolonist several times in the past few weeks. It was fun sometimes, it was tough sometimes, but it was gorgeous, always.
(I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is a game that you should play! It's fun! (It's painful))
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begonia-shade · 6 months
These two had my brain in a chokehold for like 3 months last year and this is how I decided to cope. take it. hold it in your hands if you dare
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frostfishy · 2 months
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this fucking game !
uncolored below cut
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You know, I think the most heartbreaking thing that I've experienced in I was a Teenage Exocolonist so far is that despite being able to remember your past lives and saves, despite being able to save so many people that died in previous lives, despite being able to go out of your way to save people and kill a faceless.
There's no way to save Kom. Kom's jersey will always be retired in the rafters before he was ready to hang it there himself. Anemone will always lose her brother and become susceptible to the human supremacists' idealology. Anemone and her family will always be hurt. All this cosmic power and intervention, and still some deaths and tragedies are inevitable. No matter how hard you try and how badly you just want everyone to be okay.
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penguin--person · 2 months
jack stauber - milk
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pandorisnova · 4 months
When you talk about your dreams too much in Exocolonist
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kingtepui · 3 months
can it be said how much i love the implications made if sol fails any of the glow 19 negotiations for peace? because i love this exchange.
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a couple things:
- noctilucent LIKES a human?? and admits to it even if dys doesn't become a gardener??? ig all it takes is knowing a shit ton about vertumna and also having immovable beliefs that subscribe neatly with noctilucent's in almost every way. interesting that noctilucent characterizes dys as sad- do they like that about dys too, or was it just what stuck out to them most?
- this confirms rhett's accusations; sym and noctilucent were going after children, they were using them to infiltrate humanity, and they were trying to "turn" them
- i say this also adds credence to any theory about dys giving noctilucent data drives too (how did they learn esperanto so fast?)
- the "little spy" thing is probably referring to the data drives sol gave sym. let's give sym the benefit of the doubt and say the request was innocent. maybe sym was just trying to "turn" sol into a peacemaker, buuut.. it does make sym's offer to become a gardener more sinister. because when you really think about it
- one of the only ways the colony is defeated after arriving on vertumna (barring 'colony destroyed' & maybe if the ships arrive) is if sol joins the gardeners. dys joining the gardeners bears no relevance to if the colony is destroyed, but with sol's combined intel "any plans [the colonists] had for combating the Gardeners were quickly stomped out". it's hard to believe sym didn't know this would happen—what else is going to happen if the only human the gardeners ever communicated with about peace joins their side? surely not peace
- ik this sounds very critical of sym and while i do think hes less wholesome than he wants to be, there is a certain innocence in that he can only act in service to what he was made for. but the parts of sym that are for himself, he uses to love humanity and vertumna, sol and dys
then there's the whole sym-getting-permanently-reassimilated-into-the-gardeners-consciousness thing. i can't even begin to unpack that
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awfuckitssunshine · 22 days
I just wanted to be happy in this funny little exocolonist game
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manaquartz · 2 years
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Here’s the doctor ending with masc!Sol! Every new ending I get is my favorite a lot of the time and this is no different lmao!
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domesticlion · 2 months
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Violence begets violence.
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twilicats · 3 months
I made this and @oh-frick-its-cinnamon said I should put it on tumblr!
the song is "Freeze Your Brain" from Heathers because Green listened to it while we were on vc and I was thinking of Dys
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begonia-shade · 7 months
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I still need to learn how to use this site. Anyways. Silly ! <3
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alexthedragon190 · 1 year
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Glow Season wallpaper! yay! wahoo! yippie! wooo-
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*runs past vace* SUCK IT, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!
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