#teenage rebellion haircutting sessions at three am
anotherhellchild · 3 years
Ok. It is currently late and i am distracting myself from the inevitable and impending exam week i have coming up SO
Imagine the following...
It's around  3am at the dorms, people are asleep and Katsuki is having a mental breakdown. Now, this isn't anything new or whatever BUT this current mental breakdown has him freaking out about how much he looks like his mother. 
He sees her. 
Every goddamn time he looks in the mirror. 
He’s fucking sick of it.
Of course, in his state of panic, katsuki has the brilliant, impulsive idea to cut his hair. And with cut, he means shave off the back of it. 
One problem: he doesn’t have a shaver.
Good news tho: he does have a classmate who can create anything.
It’s around 3am and Katsuki is standing in front of Yaoyorozu's door, his fist’s pounding on it. 
It takes a while, but eventually the door opens. a confused, half asleep yaoyorozu looks up at him. 
Fuck. He woke her up
“Are you alright?”
Oh well, whatever
“uhhh-” He must look so dumb right now, “-Can you make something for me?” might as well get straight to the point. “I need a shaver.”
Bakugou is leaning against her door frame at 3 in the morning after just waking her up, his breathing’s a bit short and irregular and he’s...... asking her to create a... shaver?
What on earth-?
“Uhh,, wha-”
“Yknow what? Nevermind. Go back to sleep, Vice Class Rep. Sorry for bothering you.” Bakugou says and turns away.
“Wait! hold on.” she takes a step forward, more awake now. “I can make you a shaver if you want.”
“Really?” she nods “Fuck, sweet. Thank you.”
Thank you
“It’s no problem, may I ask though? What are you going to use it for?” 
“What do ya think? Can’t deal with this anymore.”  The vague gesture he makes towards his face is slightly concerning.
She makes him the razor, he takes it determinately and turns to walk away immediately.
“Do you mind if I come with you? I can help? I doubt it’ll be easy to shave your own head.”
It doesn’t seem like a good idea to leave him alone right now.
 Why’s he even awake at this hour anyway? And why is he acting like this?
It’s like he’s not thinking. Bakugou always thinks.
What if he accidentally hurts himself?
Or worse.
What if he does something he’ll really regret? Like overestimating his hairdressing abilities and accidentally shaving his whole head?
She can’t let him do something like that.
“Come if you want but I don't need help. Don’t think I’ll let you touch me.” 
Good enough.
She follows him.
There’s been a low and constant buzz in the room for a bit now. Yaoyorozu really can make anything, it’s impressive.
He’s sitting on the floor of the boys bathroom, yaoyorozu behind him on a bench.
He’s calmed down a bit. His mind now fully focussed on the mirror in front of him and the mirror in the mirror that yaoyorozu is calmly holding to show the back of his head.
“How are you so good at everything you do?” Yaoyorozu asks. “It’s like you've been doing this for years.” 
More blond tufts fall carelessly down his bare back and onto the floor. 
“I sort of have experience.” 
He’s pretty sure growing up with makeup artists and hair specialists counts as experience.
He’s surprised though, positively for once. Out of all the things yaoyorozu could be asking -Why are you cutting your hair at 3am? Are you having some sort of mental breakdown? Do you want to talk about it? What the fuck is wrong with you?- this is her first question. 
He decides he likes her a little more than he did before.
She doesn't even pry with follow up questions. 
She’s moving up on his ‘people I tolerate’ list for sure.
“Do you mind if I take a picture to send to the girls? They’d kill me if I don’t have a picture to show them tomorrow when they find out. Oh, and can I send one to Todoroki? He’d love this.” 
Do you mind if I take a picture. 
She’s asking him? Does that mean she actually wouldn’t do it if he said no?
“Do whatever.”
She smiles.
Three minutes later, the bathroom door slams open. Katsuki nearly takes a chunk of hair off the middle of his head. 
It’s Shoto. Of-fucking-course. 
Icyhot bastard
“Katsuki. Holy shit.” he ran here the moment he got yaoyorozu’s snap. 
He apparently didn't hallucinate it then.
Shoto grins. Wide and full of wonder and mischief. 
Katsuki looks great. He’s nearly done with his hair, just trimming off some last edges with a pair of scissors yaoyorozu also made.
The top of his hair is still its spiky self, his bangs cover his forehead as usual but the back, the back of his head is darker now. His spikes get shorter as they go down until they perfectly fade into an undercut. The undercut wraps around the side of his head, from ear to ear, and he’s got this subtle criss cross pattern shaved into his nape. 
He looks badass as fuck.
Also really hot
“Do me.” Shoto says
w HAT?! Yaoyorozu nearly chokes.
Bakugou grins back at shoto. Just as wide but with twice as much mischief.
“Fuck yeah!” he says
Yaoyorozu should not be here
“How much we cutting?”
“Oh thank god-” yaoyorozu breathes “-I thought you two were…”
“Surprize me.”
Bakugou’s grin somehow widens.
“This-” Katsuki says “-is teenage rebellion at it’s finest.”
The low buzz is back as Katsuki carefully maneuvers the shaver along Shoto's head. He’s got one hand holding Shoto’s head in place whilst the other grazes the hair behind Shoto’s left ear. 
He’s already done with Shoto’s right side. The floor is littered with blond, white and red strands. Katsuki’s on the bench next to yaoyorozu now, Shoto’s leaning between his legs on the floor.
“Teenage rebellion? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch? You’re just cutting your hair.” 
They both snort.
“I mean, sure. But if your dad will be pissed off and disappointed about it, it counts as teenage rebellion.”
The buzz stops. Katsuki grabs the scissors for some final touches.
“My mom’s definitely gonna kill me for this one. I think it might just be her last straw.”
Yaoyorozu is, not for the first time here, slightly concerned.
Both boys start snorting and joking.
Bakugou turns Todoroki’s head around by his chin a couple times, carefully surveying his cut.
Todoroki doesn’t have as much shaved as Bakugou does. It’s just both his sides. The shaved part isn’t wrapped around like Bakugou’s, instead todoroki’s got more of a mohawk/ mullet vibe going on except that the back of his hair is still cut shorter. It’s hard to explain exactly what it is but either way it looks good. It looks great even.
Bakugou’s probably a hairdresser in a different universe, a famous one at that.
It’s a bit past 4am when they finally finish cleaning up and they head back to their rooms. They have maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep left before they need to wake up again.
Yaoyorozy wouldn’t trade it though. 
For some reason, it feels like she was part of something important.
It is early in the morning and Aizawa rises from his sleeping bag to the sound of excited chatter, gasps and exclamations. 
Everything still sounds slightly muffled as usual.
He notes though, immediately, that this chatter does not sound like the usual chatter in the morning. It isn’t a bad version of it though. It just has a… different energie.
Looking around, it takes him a moment until he notices.
Everyone has, thankfully, moved to their seats in the time it took Shota to get up.
Still, there’ll always be something with this damn class.
They’re a bunch of delinquents. 
Shota sighs.
Why is he not surprised?
“Bakugou, Todoroki. If you don’t mind my asking, what the fuck happened to your hair?”
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