#tell me Chucky would understand what you mean lol I’m waiting
rainbowdelicsunshine · 11 months
Hiiiii bff I’m here to make you busy for an hour. Do all of the identity asks bc I want to know the answers 💚
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
I'll make this a short one to start things off!
To Read: Iguana Girl by Moto Hagio
To Watch: Chucky/The Child's Play Franchise (esp Bride and Seed)
To Listen: (This time I'll be giving out two songs for this since it'll represent two sides of me as a person) The Clown by Beecake and NRG by PonySauce
2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
One person that comes to mind for me would be none other than Opal Whiteley!
She was a naturist and a writer who became famous for her childhood diary that she started at the age of five called The Diary of Opal Whiteley or The Story of Opal: The Journey of an Understanding Heart, which tells her account of befriending and hanging out with fairies and talking animals in the forests where she grew up nearby Cottage Grove, Oregon
I just find her to be an extremely fascinating person who I highly relate to due to her views of the world and mythical creatures and talking animals (plus I have a feeling that she was autistic so yeah)!
3. List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with
For this ask, I'll shorten this to five of my fandoms since I'm in so many of them!
Chucky/Child's Play - Glen Ray
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Master Shake
Danganronpa - Teruteru Hanamura
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers/The Freak Brothers - Freewheelin' Franklin
Welcome Home - Barneby B Beagle
4. Do you like your name? Is there another name you think would fit you better?
I do like my IRL name since it's both unique and pretty (plus it's a biblical name that means "weary-eyed" so there's that too)!
The thing is, I'm basically namefluid so I LOVE being called nicknames and other names that aren't my real name (for example being called Fozz and Hobbes makes me super giddy since I love being called multiple names
5. Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do?
I never heard of this saying before, but now it makes so much sense to me, it feels like two dots connected for me and I love it!
But yeah, I have a VERY hard seeing myself as even human, let alone a human being lol!
6. Are you religious/spiritual?
As stated in previous asks/posts, I am very spiritual, just in my own way where I just mish-mash a bunch of things about life and how it came to be into one belief system of my own making!
These beliefs include believing in the multiverse, believing in past lives/being otherkin + fictionkin, believing that certain kinds of mythical creatures like fairies and magic, and believing that Jesus was actually a wizard that knew and was capable of magic due to being a demigod of sorts!
7. Do you care about your ethnicity?
Other than my heritage in German, Irish, British, and 1/16th Native American (Shawnee), there's not really much about my ethnicity that I truly care about due to how white me and my family are!
8. What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
For this question, I'll give out a top three list since, again, there are so many musical artists that I've connected with over my lifetime!
Daft Punk
ICP (Insane Clown Posse)
9. Are you an artist?
That would be a big fat YES!!!!
10. Do you have a creed?
I have a feeling that I do, it's just not the definition that was created from Christianity!
11. Describe your ideal day
At this point in my life, it would be spending my entire day with my girlfriend since we're currently long distance/online so I've been waiting for the day that we'll be able to do all the cutesy couple things I've been LONGING to do!
12. Dog person or cat person?
Most definitely a dog person! I just love dogs and the way they show their affection, plus I just wouldn't want to have a litter box in my house, or to deal with cat shit n piss in general (ew sorry)!
13. Inside or outdoors?
Though I love going out to do things (like eating out, going out to malls, going to dispensaries, etc), I mainly just love to hang out at home and binge-watch TV and other indoor activities with my friends if we're all broke or there's nothing better to do! (sorry to those who like walks and hiking with no destination like a store or food, but its just not something I'm into unless someone else is walking/hiking with me)
14. Are you a musician?
I may not make money off of any of my singing/music I make but I do consider myself a musician of sorts!
15. Five most influential books over your lifetime
Any and All the Calvin and Hobbes books
Goodnight Punpun by Inio Asano
Most Books written by Beatrix Potter
The Eye Book by Dr. Suess and Theo. LeSieg
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
16. If you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
I have a feeling that since I have autism, I feel the only way I would've turned out differently was if my family had more money/had connections in money. Another would be if we had more family around us that wasn't dead or dead to us
That way, I feel I would have more opportunities and connections to make myself money/get myself a job and a one way ticket tf out of where I live currently cuz I hate it!
17. Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
Personally, I feel myself online/on social media is a much more genuine and authentic version of myself than my IRL self since I'm in an environment where I have to "tone down" myself so I come off more "quiet and introverted" than I personally would like to present myself as
Plus autism and other shit makes me super anxious IRL, thus not being able to be as open and easy going as I want to be IRL (plus other people and their anxieties and pressure they put on me doesn't help either)!
18. What’s your patronus?
Since I'm not a Harry Potter (and never will be), I will not be answering this question!
19. Which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
Please refer to the previous question above for your answer!
20. Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
I would LOVE to live in the world of MLP:FIM!!
I just feel that it's pretty much the world in its most ideal state and the only problems are god-like beings, monsters, magic, and racism against other species (which got stomped out straight away like it should) which is all very easy to take care of, so why wouldn't I wanna live there?
21. Do you love easily?
I would say I do to varying degrees depending on how close I am to a particular person!
Like, it's not easy for me to find someone to fall in love with but when I do, I do fall HARD and super easily so there is that!
22. List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order
Alright it's gonna be hard since I don't do much on a daily basis but I'll try!
Sitting in my bedroom, on my bed, browsing around on my phone and doing nothing
Smoke Weed
Wandering around my house, doing various chores like taking out garbage and washing dishes
Drawing/Working on Artistic Projects
23. How often would you want to see your family every year?
I mean, since I live with my dad and brother I see them every day (and it gets tiring ngl lol)!
When I am able to move out and live on my own, I would visit them a couple times every four months or so
But once I have a family/kids of my own, I would visit a lot less due to that, but will still try to see them anytime possible that's not just birthdays or holidays!
24. Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
Oh I've had a few mind-melds with people online, my best friend here (aka you lol!) and in IRL, and my girlfriend but I feel that's only a few people in my life since its pretty rare for me to connect with people right away in the first place!
25. Could you live as a hermit?
I would only be able to live like a hermit for half of the time, but I still LOVE going on trips and going out to do fun stuff (I am an ambivert after all!) so being a full time hermit is out of the question of me!
26. How would you describe your gender/sexuality?
Man,,,,,, I can explain them in the most stupidest and simplest of terms so here we go!
My Gender: I'm everything and nothing under the sun, you can basically call me whatever you feel fits me, even if it's Burnt Toast!
My Sexuality: Mmmmmm Hot people,,,,,, but most rlly Hot people who are good people and aren't douchebags! Plus hot people who love to cuddle!
27. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
It. Does. Not!
Mostly because I feel like being human in a human body constantly with being able to shape shift into something else to change things up to not get bored of myself
But half because I feel my IRL appearance is too "plain jane-y" for even my taste (like, I literally look so boring, even the outfits and wardrobe I have barely helps)!
28. On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
Honestly, it varies highly on what's being said to me and who's it's being said by!
For strangers, it can vary from 3-5 depending on how horrible what they said was
For people I know, friends and family, it's a definite 5-7 since I feel they know how to get under my skin and get away with it by making me out to be the bad guy who's ""overreacting""!
29. Three songs that you connect with right now
Seafood Sushi BBQ - Geordie Kieffer
The Blasta - Insane Clown Posse
The Pot - TOOL
30. Pick one of your favorite quotes
"The Touching of Hands"!
- Chucky (Scene Commentary from the Child's Play Anniversary DVD)
I just find it a very funny and underrated Chucky quote that has contributed to my vocabulary and the way I talk today so hooray!
Thank you soso very much for sending in this ask Beetle my awesome bestie, I had such an awesome time with this post even though it took forever to type all this down XD!
I hope to see you drop by again and have a fantastic night my friend!!
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Is She the Reason? - Part 2
Part 1 Part 3
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader
Summary: When a heart breaks, no it don’t break even.
Warning(s): Aaaaangst, cussing, mentions of cheating, threats of violence :)
Word count: 1,824
Author’s Note: It’s finally here! I promise Imma give y’all some fun sexy Angel in my next fic. I had a couple people ask about a taglist so I guess I have one now. Lol. If anyone wants to be added, please let me know! As always questions, comments, and concerns are welcome. My inbox is open. Enjoy!
TAGLIST: @holland23567 @trulysuccubus
It had been almost a month since you’d seen Angel or even been to the clubhouse. Bishop stopped by to check on you and you steadfastly refused to give him any details about the breakup. He told you he’d fuck Angel up if you asked, but you didn’t want that. Plus Chucky had already told you about the punch and you didn’t want to bring anymore drama into the club. One of the many reasons you didn’t want to date anyone in the MC in the first place.
It had been a rough couple of weeks. For so long you alternated between being angry and sad and finally you were just beginning to feel tired of it all. Heartbreak was exhausting. You stayed mostly cooped up in your home. You blocked Angel from being able to call or text you and the one time he showed up at your doorstep you threatened to call your shotgun toting father if he didn’t leave.
Currently, you were at the diner enjoying a lunch date with your best friend who was on her lunch break from work. You were dressed in your usual casual cute wear, with your hair up in afro puffs. It was weirdly comforting to have that hairstyle in. It reminded you of your childhood and it made you feel good. You knew the risk of seeing Angel would be great and you’d be damned if you let him see you looking a mess. Your pride couldn’t handle that on top of everything else.
You probably shouldn’t have thought about him because there he was walking through the doors and heading straight towards you. All you could do was sigh loudly.
“Hey y/n, can I talk to you?” He asked, quietly. The usual swagger he had was muted and he seemed nervous. Never thought you’d see the day.
“You must be outta your mind. There are knives on this table. Tell me right now why I shouldn’t stab you where you stand.” Your best friend asked, though the question was rhetorical. You knew she felt betrayed and angry on your behalf, but also on hers. She felt bad that she had pushed you to talk to him all those years ago. He looked like he didn’t think she would do it but you spotted her hand inching towards a steak knife so you placed your hand over it first and slid it towards yourself.
“Your lunch break is practically over. You better head back to work before you’re late.” You told her, trying to stop a bloodbath from happening. Plus, deep down you knew you two needed to talk. You couldn’t avoid him forever.
It was her turn to sigh as she looked at the time. “You’re so lucky, fuckboi. Move.” She demanded, glaring at Angel and he took a step back as she slid out of the booth. “I’ll call you after my shift. Don’t give this pendejo too much of your time.” She kissed you on the cheek and gave him one more death glare before walking out. 
Angel just quietly slid in the booth across from you and took her place. No one said anything as you both stared at each other before you couldn’t look at him any longer and averted your eyes. “What do you want?”
“I miss you.” He stated and you couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped you. 
“You gotta be kidding me. Bye Angel.” You did not wanna hear that shit so you started to move out of the booth.
“Wait.” He grabbed your wrist. “Don’t leave...please.”
“When I said don’t touch me again,” You began, snatching your arm away. “I meant that. What could we possibly have to talk about? How you’re a liar and a cheater? A fucking coward that let me confront him on his bullshit because he couldn’t fess up to it. Is that what you wanna talk about?” The anger came back in full force as you remembered everything he did. All the lies he had to tell to keep the affair going. He let you feel like you were being paranoid when you knew something was off. He made you doubt yourself and that more than anything, pissed you all the way off. “You were fucking her right under my nose. I bet you couldn’t wait to get in her pants.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Oh it wasn’t? Please tell me what it was like then. On top of all of that, you have the audacity to tell me you love me?”
“I do love you.” He stubbornly repeated and before you could stop yourself your temper hit the roof.
You slammed your hand on the table hard enough that the dishes shook and loudly proclaimed, “You don’t love me! You don’t even love yourself, Reyes! Because if you did, you wouldn’t have ruined the best thing in your life.”
Your outburst garnered attention from other patrons and workers in the diner and you felt only slightly embarrassed. You talked yourself down in your mind and took several slow breaths. You really didn’t want to cause a scene but he just pressed your buttons. Your hand vaguely throbbed, but you ignored it wanting to hang on to your anger for longer.
Angel was silent for a moment. He wanted to actually think before he spoke. A rarity for him. “It really was just work at first. The Rebels needed so much help and I was out there for so long that we just got close. She was so passionate about the cause and selfless with the kids. I got caught up in a moment...in a feeling. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
“And where does that leave me? Four years, Angel. I gave you four years of my life. I gave you all of me. I dealt with all the shit that came with being with you because I loved you and I wanted you. You get caught up in a moment and my life is changed forever, but I’m just supposed to forgive you?” You scoffed and shook your head at him. “And you weren’t just caught up in a moment. I saw you two. It’s not just a sexual thing. You can lie to me but don’t lie to yourself. I tried for so long to reach you and you gave me nothing back. I knew something was going on. I much would have preferred you just tell me.”
The truth of your words hit him and his chastised face said it all. “I’m sorry, querida-“ He began, but you sharply corrected him.
“Don’t call me that. Not anymore.”
“I’m sorry, y/n. So sorry. I was too ashamed to admit what was happening. And I thought I could keep it all separated, but...things didn’t work out that way.” The thing with Adelita spun out of control faster than he could control it. 
A feeling of resignation was slowly coming over you. A part of you was still upset, but you’d already played this through your head a million times. Nothing he said could change anything. This conversation merely confirmed that you needed to move on. “You know what’s the worst part of all this? I told you in the beginning that this would happen. And I asked you not to let it. You promised me you wouldn’t and yet here we are. I knew you weren’t ready and I let you sweet talk me and I fell for you. Now you’re just another man to disappoint me.”
Angel’s eyes briefly closed as the weight of your words hit him hard again. He never wanted to be a disappointment in your life. He wanted to be responsible for your smiles and your joy. He just wanted to love you, but he didn’t do it the right way and he fucked it all up. He was so conflicted inside. He wished he had never agreed to help the rebels.
It felt good to tell him how much he hurt you, but there was nothing left for you to say. You weren’t completely healed and being around him for this long still stung. You’d never admit it, but there was still a side of you that wanted to be back in his arms. Only your stubbornness kept you in check. “Look, we're gonna eventually have to be around each other. I’m not giving up on my relationship with Bishop because of you. He’ll always be family. But let me tell you right now that we are not friends. I will tolerate you at best. Maybe one day we’ll be acquaintances but there is no guarantee. More than the heartbreak, it’s the disrespect and disloyalty that I can’t easily forgive. Or forget.”
He racked his mind for something to say back. The perfect thing that would bring you back to him or just make things better, but he didn’t know what to say. “I understand,” was all he could manage.
You dropped enough cash on the table to pay for lunch and generously tip your server before getting up. You had nothing else to say to him. You didn’t even bother with a goodbye. You just walked out of the diner and into the parking lot. As you walked to your car, an SUV pulled up next to you and you smiled at the person you saw step out.
Angel stayed seated and stared at the table. He was still hoping the right words would come to him. Maybe he just needed to give you more space. He still didn’t know what to do about Adelita, but deep inside he wasn’t ready to let you go either. He knew it wasn’t fair, but he couldn’t help his feelings. He lifted his head to watch you speed away in your car but when he did his stomach dropped at what he saw.
You were standing there talking with Nestor. He didn’t realize you two knew each other. Where did that fucker even come from? Whatever Nestor was saying brought out the first smile from you that Angel had seen in a long time. You reached out to pull his braid over his shoulder and Angel didn’t know that asshole well, but he didn’t seem like the type to just let anyone touch his hair. Nestor had the softest look on his face as he looked at you. 
He pulled you into a hug and Angel watched as your body practically collapsed in his arms. Angel remembered when you’d do the same to him. When you trusted him enough to be vulnerable and show that tired side of you. Nestor’s hand settled on the back of your neck as he pulled you close. His hand massaged your neck and you just stood there with your face buried in his chest. It was enough to make Angel’s fists clench.
It hurt to watch you with someone else. Was this how you felt when you saw him with Adelita? Nestor’s interest was clear and even if you weren’t ready now, it was obvious one day you would be. He doubted Nestor would be a fool like him. Karma sure has a sense of humor.
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samcrobae · 4 years
I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with me, I keep starting new stories when I have so many things I’m working on lol but @starrynite7114 and @ifoundmyhappythought have had my muse going strong this last week. Anyways, it’s a lil long winded, I tend to write how I talk, but let me know if you like it! ❤️ part 2 coming soon.
TW: none?
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“Noah, get your backpack papi, come on.” You reach into your SUV and unbuckle your daughter, Emilia from her car seat. It was Tuesday which meant you worked night shift at the hospital which meant you dropped the kids off with Angel for the next 3 days. You and Angel had been separated for 6 months now. You had decided to walk away from him, the club, all of it when he got so invested in the cartel business and spend little to no time at home. He kept you in total darkness and distanced himself from you and the kids which is what killed you. Your son, Noah, needed his dad. He’s 5. And Emilia being 1, still too small to realize what was happening.
You put your phone in your back pocket and Emilia on your hip and walked towards the clubhouse, seeing Coco and EZ on the porch. “Tio EZ!” Noah ran to EZ and wrapped his tiny arms around his middle.
“Hey bud! What’s up?! Hi Emilia, Y/N what are you doing to my niece?! She’s huge!” He smiled a soft smile and then added “hes inside.”
“Noah, mommy’s going to go put your backpack inside with daddy okay? I’ll be right back.” You head inside and spot Angel sitting at the table, his head picking up when he heard your footsteps.
“Hey. Look Emi! Say hi dada!” He stood up and walked towards you and reached his hand out to touch you but before he could You handed Emilia to Angel.
“Here’s Noah’s bag. Please remember to make sure he brushes his teeth before he goes to bed. I’ll be by to pick them up Friday afternoon”.
“Yes, Y/N I know.. you look incredible querida.”
“Alright I gotta go. Bye Emi, I love you bebe, be good for dada.”
Before you could turn around you felt Angel’s hand on yours, “Come on Y/N.. can we talk about this? can we just stop playing this game? Just tell me You want me to come home...just say it and I’ll be there waiting for you at home with our kids.”
“Angel I gotta go, I’m meeting someone for lunch before my shfit. I’ll call tonight to say goodnight to the kids.”
His heart sank as he watched you walked out the door.
“Oh I can’t, Angel, I’m meeting someone for lunch before my shift, Angel. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Angel mockingly repeated your sentence.
“Idk mano sounds to me like she’s meeting someone for lunch..” coco answered, lighting a cigarette.
“Yeah but is she meeting him for lunch or is she meeting him for lunch?”
“I don’t get it, you’re not together, she left Angel. She’s free to do as she pleases.” EZ contradicted.
“Fuck off Boy Scout, I put a ring on it. That she still wears. You know what that means? Fuckin engaged. Basically married. I haven’t gotten my dick wet in 6 months and she just sits around scheduling lunch dates with people?! Come on!”
Friday came quick. You pulled into the scrapyard and before you could get out of your car, Angel approached you and opened your passenger side door, taking a seat next to you.
You eyed him suspiciously as he made himself comfortable. “Sure sit down Angel. Come in. How were the kids?” You sarcastically say as You unbuckled your seat belt and turned to face him. “What’s going on?”
“So, how was your lunch date? You know it’s so funny to me, and by funny, I mean not funny, that we haven’t broken up, you still wear my ring, and I haven’t had any other pussy except yours and you’re out here going on dates-"
“Angel I’m not doing this right now. I just want to pick up my kids and go home.” To be totally honest, you didn’t go on a date with anyone, you met your coworker, Christina, for lunch, but what Angel didn’t know wouldn’t hurt. You loved him, still did, and wouldn’t do that to him. You wanted things to work, co-parenting was fine, but the two of you haven’t had a conversation about your relationship. Maybe hearing--believing-you went on a date would make him get his shit together.
“Okay so then you tell me when are we gonna do this mama? You love me. I love you. We have a family. We can make this shit work.” He grabs your hands and brings them to his lips. You quickly pull away from him, earning a sad stare from him.
“Yeah and see that’s the thing Angel,” you said his name in Spanish, “it’s not just shit. It’s our family. Your son and daughter. Our kids. You still don’t see that. You lied to me. You kept secrets from me. You cheated on me. For fuck sakes Angel, Miguel Galindo came to our home looking for you and EZ. He was waiting for you in our living room when I walked in with our kids. OUR HOME ANGEL. You don’t see why I needed to walk away? Now, get out of my car Ignacio. Por favor.” You opened the door and went into the clubhouse where Noah and Emilia were running around playing with Riz.
You placed Emilia in her car seat and strapped her in as Angel helped Noah get strapped in to his seat. You shut the door and made your way around to the drivers side door when Angel shut Noah’s door and placed his hands on your waist. “Call Pop. Have him watch the kids tonight, come back later. We’ll talk.”
You leaned back against the car and placed your hands on his arms. “Angel, no, I don’t want to bother him and I really don’t want to party. I haven’t been to one of these in 6 months.” Every Friday night, the club house hosted a party, sometimes it was just them and the usual hang arounds, sometimes other charters, but it was always a good time.
“Come on, for a little. Besides Pop has been asking to see them for a while.” He swishes you’re hips with his hands, “Come on.. let loose, relax, you been working too hard. I can see it.”
You let out a small laugh, “fine, okay! Alright. I will call Felipe. But I’m not staying long Angel, I mean it. Now move.”
Angel made his way back to the clubhouse and sat on the porch steps with EZ. “You can’t hang onto her forever Angel. You need to let her move on if that’s what she wants to do. You should too.”
“Man shut up EZ! Nah, she’ll be back. I just gotta figure out a way to make her understand we were meant to be together.” EZ delivered a pat to Angel’s shoulder before heading inside.
You dropped the kids off at Felipe’s and thanked him repeatedly for watching them. “Mija, you don’t have to thank me for watching my own grandkids. Go, get out of here. Enjoy yourself.”
You said goodbye to Noah and Emilia and made your way to the yard. Chucky rolled the gate open for you as you pulled in and you waved your thanks. You parked in your usual spot. Even though you and Angel weren’t technically together, no one ever parked in your spot. You spot Angel outside on the bench, cigarette between his lips, talking with Gilly when Gilly tapped his shoulder and motioned towards you. Getting up off the bench, Angel slowly strides over to you, eyeing you and up down letting out a whistle.
“Wassup baby, you come here often?” He gives you a wink and pulls you into him for a hug. “Come on, lets go say hi to everyone.” You let out a laugh and you follow him back to where everyone is seated. A couple hours had passed and you had found yourself in Angel’s lap, his hand comfortably wrapped around your waist, occasionally running his hand over your thigh. “Querida, get me a beer, please?” You nod and offer to grab extras for the others and they obliged.
As the night wound down, Angel was noticeably too tipsy to drive his bike home so you offered to drive home and stupidly decided to let him stay at your place for the night. He got in the passenger seat and as you drove his hand had found its way to your thigh, gripping it tightly all the way home. When you got out of the car and approached your front door Angels hands had found their way to your hips and pressed himself against you as you unlocked the doors. “When we get inside, you gonna let me sleep in our bed right mama? Let me feel up on that ass all night right?” You turned your key in the lock and opened the door, Angel closely behind. Once you were inside, his hands found your waist and he pulled you into him so your back was against his chest.
“Tell me you don’t miss this mi dulce, tell me you don’t love how my hands feel on your skin, the way my lips feel..” he placed slow and soft kisses to your neck and for a moment you let your head fall back against him and your eyes flutter closed. Your breathing hitched and a small gasp escaped your lips as his hands slowly ran under your shirt and up your tummy.
Your voice was barely a whisper as you felt lost in his touch but knew you needed to stop this before it went any further. But damn. The way his hands felt and his voice in your ear, lit your entire body on fire.
@ifoundmyhappythought @starrynite7114 @briannab1234 @woahitslucyylu @wrcn9fvlcver @everyhowlmarksthedead @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @sesamepancakes @sadeyesgf @blackmissfrizzle @thickemadame
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Okay I'm super sorry if I'm requesting too many things but I was listening to holiday music while driving home from work yesterday and was suddenly struck by the need for some chaotic holiday/winter shenanigans with the boyz, if that's okay? Reader involvement isn't necessary! Pretty please and thank you sooo much ❤❤❤ -🌻
You’re not requesting too many things don’t worry Sunny!!! I literally owe you everything for half the fics I’ve written in the past year so there’s no way I could refuse, also this is what the drabble game is for!! I hope you enjoy this half-baked bullshit LMAO
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(don’t think I've mentioned it but all of these text aus are in the same universe lol)
(also this ended up not being as holiday-ish as you probably wanted.... SORRY)
Title: Holiday Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
papi: sangyeon
angel: jacob
moon scribblez: kevin
new kid: chanhee
starbucks tissues: changmin
sundae: sunwoo
bread: younghoon
the better hyun: hyunjae
the better jae: eric
professional rollerblader: juyeon
foodie: haknyeon
new kid: I'm going to commit murder
sundae: who’s he making empty threats about this time
moon scribblez: who wants to hear about the cockroach that fucking crawled out of my mop today!!
papi: pls don’t tlalk about it I was scarred for life
papi: it’s not an infestation Kevin
new kid: is no one going to pay attention to my murder
angel: I will! but I won’t be an accessory
moon scribblez: I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER
new kid: I love you jacob
angel: love you too <3
sundae: /barfs/
papi: #1 sunwoo just bc you’re allergic to emotion doesn’t mean the rest of us are
papi: some of us are capable of love
papi: #2 I don’t own the center I'm just the center director therefore I do not take responsibility for any possible infestations we may have
starbucks tissues: I heard my name :D
papi: therefore take it up with the owners @ moon scribblez
starbucks tissues: but it’s always halloween :(
moon scribblez: I TOOK THE MOP TO THE SINK
moon scribblez: AND YOU WON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY??????????
papi: I just deal with the parents and the kids not bugs
moon scribblez: time to pin it on ella
starbucks tissues: :(
sundae: now look what you’ve done chanhee
sundae: you’ve made him sad
starbucks tissues: :(
angel: I think I'm going to head out
angel: I don’t think even I can heal this rift
moon scribblez: well if jacob’s out I'm out
moon scribblez: I have a solution to my problems 
papi: just don’t get me involved
moon scribblez: no promises !
starbucks tissues: I can scare ella if you want kevin :)
moon scribblez: YES FUCKING PLEASE
papi: I'm going to get fired
moon scribblez: maybe so :D
new kid: no one cares about my problems I see
new kid: everyone hates me
sundae: ya it’s bc you’re the new kid
new kid: I exist only for pain 
bread: so hyunjin told me to tell changmin to stop using various horror movie masks to terrify him at work
starbucks tissues: so out of work is fair game?
bread: idk he didn’t specify
bread: probably
starbucks tissues: :D
the better hyun: oh what the fuck this shit isn’t normal
the better hyun: it’s impossible for someone to be so cute but so terrifying
starbucks tissues: I'll take that as a compliment :D
the better hyun: it isn’t but whatever makes you happy ig
the better jae: changmin
the better jae: I only ask that you leave the nun mask and chucky doll at home when we have our christmas party
starbucks tissues: well that’s no fun :(
bread: changmin I'm sorry but your idea of fun is very different from ours
bread: Jacob back me up
angel: I'm sorry changmin but he’s right :(
starbucks tissues: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
the better hyun: by the way for the party
the better hyun: who’s doing what???????
the better jae: I'm bringing the xbox!!
foodie: I'm bringing cookies !
papi: I'm cooking with Kevin and juyeon
professional rollerblader: yes it’s going to be fun
professional rollerblader: Kevin says he’s going to make a cheesecake
the better jae: can I save a piece for jisung??
moon scribblez: if we don’t eat all of it
new kid: why
new kid: why did I just hear screaming from the tutoring center
moon scribblez: oH MY GOD SANGYEON
professional rollerblader: TAHT WAS GLORIOUS
sundae: what happened
foodie: why do you only show up for chaos
sundae: I only exist for chaos nothing else is worth my time
the better jae: fair enough
angel: what happened? I thought I saw someone fall ??
angel: but I'm across the walkway so idk :(
angel: is everyone all right?
papi: I think I have a concussion
moon scribblez: oh please you just fell off a tiny stepladder
professional rollerblader: can’t believe sangyeon just fell off a stepladder trying to put up a fucking Christmas stocking 
papi: I hate christmas
papi: I hate everything
moon scribblez: the kids are laughing
moon scribblez: I think I'm going to bust a lung
papi: my dignity has been stripped and I no longer want to live
the better hyun: wait juyeon why are you even there 
the better hyun: you don’t even tutor
foodie: ‘does she even go here’
the better jae: ‘does she even go here’
foodie: ERIC
the better jae: HAK
sundae: oh wow amazing their brain cells conjoined into one single coherent thought and of course it had to be a mean girls reference
starbucks: how did this start out with younghoon telling me to stop scaring hyunjin at work
bread: honestly I don’t know
moon scribblez: winter break is upon us
moon scribblez: and I can now bask in the fact that I don’t have to teach spoiled rich assholes basic math for two whole weeks !
papi: speak for yourself
moon scribblez: your fault for being center director
angel: I hate to agree with Kevin and be mean but you really did bring that upon yourself sangyeon
papi: want death
professional rollerblader: no don’t die! we need your food for the party tomorrow
papi: can’t believe all you care about is my food not even me
sundae: did you expect anything different
papi: on a regular basis no
papi: but it’s the holiday season
new kid: holidays are a social construct made to force us into the world of capitalism and giving our money to fat fucking corporations like amazon
starbucks tissues: if I could give Jeff Bezos a heart attack with my nun mask I would
new kid: that’s the only use of that mask that I approve of
starbucks tissues: turn around
the better jae: was that
the better jae: was that new
bread: I don't think I've ever heard chanhee scream that loud
foodie: I’m at the food court and I heard that what the fuck
foodie: the build a bear is like all the way down the mall what the fuck
starbucks tissues: :)
bread: I think that scream rivaled changmin’s dolphin levels
sundae: brb still dying of laughter
sundae: I'm so happy I caught that on video
new kid: Kim sunwoo
new kid: don’t you fucking dare
sunwoo: [ 1 video attached ]
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
professional rollerblader: I can’t believe I missed this I'm so mad
foodie: I think the fake Santa Claus looking over in abject horror just adds to it
starbucks tissues: ^^^
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
angel: there there
angel: no one’s dying tonight
new kid: someone IS
the better jae: bet changmin’s mask can
new kid: I'm ripping that fucking mask to shreds
starbucks tissues: :(
bread: now he’s hugging the fucking mask like it’s his baby 
bread: [ 1 image attached ]
the better hyun: as I have said before
the better hyun: it is not normal for someone to look that cute while holding a fucking horror movie mask
papi: I've come to accept that none of you are normal
papi: I think it’s best for your sanity to accept that too
moon scribblez: I'm so late but I'm also rolling on the floor with laughter
papi: can confirm he’s actually on the floor
papi: Kevin you give our center a bad name
moon scribblez: I deadass do not care
moon scribblez: you gave me ashley today so I'm giving you chaos
moon scribblez: suck it <3
angel: she can’t be that bad?????????
moon scribblez: Jacob I know you’re an angel
moon scribblez: but you don’t understand
angel: I guess I don’t :/
foodie: I'm going into a food coma!
foodie: don’t attempt to contact me for the next twenty four hours peace <3
sundae: we wouldn’t have in the first place
foodie: :(
angel: sunwoo don’t be mean :(
sundae: fine
sundae: sorry hak
foodie: :)
new kid: the power of one Jacob bae
starbucks tissues: he prevents wars with just his smile
bread: all hail the angel
the better jae: *bows*
angel: guys pls
moon scribblez: no they’re right
moon scribblez: he took me home last night when I was drunk off my ass
moon scribblez: a true angel
angel: guys pls I'm blushing :(
papi: can confirm ! I'm sitting next to him
papi: also he made me hangover soup so can confirm the angel bit too
professional rollerblader: honestly if Jacob wasn’t here we wouldn’t have survived last night
professional rollerblader: he de-escalated Mario kart
professional rollerblader: stayed sober
professional rollerblader: took people home
foodie: all hail Jacob bae
the better jae: I thought you were in a food coma?????
foodie: came back to pay my respects to our lord and savior Jacob bae
the better jae: ok valid
angel: g u y s
the better hyun: has this conversation just become an all hail Jacob bae conversation
moon scribblez: do you want to fucking argue about it
the better hyun: no on the contrary
the better hyun: I'm joining
the better hyun: alL HAIL JACOB BAE
papi: amen
moon scribblez: aMen
professional rollerblader: a fucking men
angel: I'm going to start crying guys pls
new kid: NO DON’T CRY
starbucks tissues: Jacob don’t cry :(((((((((
angel: you guys are so sweet I can’t not cry
papi: I'm hugging him now no more crying
the better jae: two bros, chillin in a hot tub
the better jae: no feet apart bc they’re secure in their masculinity and love each other very much <3
moon scribblez: fuck
the better jae: YOU RUINED IT
the better jae: yOU BITCH
professional rollerblader: didn’t Jacob call us sweet like one minute ago?
new kid: well he’s an angel he sees the best in us
sundae: there’s no best in you bitch
new kid: oh fuck you
bread: great way to end the holiday season ig
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