#tell me if anything about the tutorial is weird and unclear I am going to try and run a workshop session for making these for our
gothethite · 5 months
Made a spooky necklace last night so thought I'd make a tutorial of it, it took about 20 minutes:
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1: To make this I used 1 spider pendant, 2 jump rings, 2 split rings, 1 lobster clasp, scissors, needle and black thread, and spider trim I got last halloween.
2: First, cut the ribbon to about the right length. You want it to go around your neck with maybe a 1.5cm gap for the clasp and attachments.
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3: get one of the split rings. The ribbon I'm using is uhhh not great quality to say the least (the eternal problem of trying to make a thing that will last years from halloween items designed to be used once) so instead of looping it through the gaps in the ribbon I'm sewing it in place in the thickest bit of the material I can find. To do this, I'm just looping circles of thread between the centre of the spider and the split ring.
4: Continue this about 20 times until it's steadily held in place then tie the thread off.
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5: Attach the lobster clasp/whatever other clasp you're using to the second split ring, then do step 3/4 again to attach the second split ring to the other side of the ribbon. Now, the overall structure is complete.
6: Add the pendant: I did this quite differently to how I usually do this (more discussion at the end) as the halloween spiders ribbon is so fragile and loves to tear apart. So I attached 2 split rings to the pendant, then used the same method as step 3/4 to sew the ends of the split rings onto the two spiders on each side of the pendant to distribute the weight. And that's it!
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Here are 2 other necklaces I made with basically the same method. The other two are just hung on with split rings because 1: the ribbons are much sturdier, so I wasn't as worried about wear from movement 2: split rings are probably better for this because they'll scratch the ribbon less at the opening (currently having to redo an old project because I made some bad jump ring and ribbon decisions) and are less likely to fall off, but I had spent the afternoon hitting my thumb with a hammer so really could not be bothered opening split rings lol. Also, the spider with the skull on the thin ribbon is held closed with a safety pin because I was out of lobster clasps when I made it, so that's also an option. Then the last picture is me today with the necklace
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crystalelemental · 6 years
FE Fates Replay - Part 1
Introductory segment, starring the better cast!
I did keep to the plan and am running Female Corrin.  I gave her the light purple hair.  It looks surprisingly nice on her.  Everything else was kinda standard.  I thought about alternate hair styles, but honestly her default looks the best.  I will say that I think the grids they use are stupid, though.  They list girly as one of the qualities in expression types, but one of the options furthest on that slider just had her eyes closed all the time like Brock, so I’m not sure that’s...girly, exactly.  My boon/bane layout is Clever/Unlucky, which translates to big magic but no luck.  Luck should always be your bane, kids.  I do find it annoying that they replaced the obvious descriptions with these new terms.  It’s not hard to figure out what’s what, but I know the stats and their associations.  If you’re new to the series, you might have no idea what Robust is.  Is that HP or Defense?  If it weren’t for keeping them all in the same order, I wouldn’t know.  It’s a similar thing to changing up class names; it’s really kinda pointless and only serves to confuse.  My subclass was Samurai, because I like the idea of Vantage and Swordfaire, which I feel is harder to find on her through the castles than all the other really good options.  Also I already have cards with Renewal and Luna, and it’s not gonna be hard to find Aegis/Pavise, so these two seemed like more interesting options.  With character creation out of the way, let’s get started!
The prologue is mostly just the now-standard in medias res tutorial.  Only, they had you side with the Hoshidans, because they’re totally not trying to sway your judgment here.  There’s not much to comment on, but I will note this, because it’s interesting: every time the Hoshidans talk about Nohr, the words “scum” and “filth” seem to come up every time.  They seem completely incapable of referring to the Nohrians as anything else.  Also, it’s absolutely hysterical to me that Xander nearly one-shots Ryoma, and Ryoma needs to activate Astra just to make an attempt at keeping up with damage output.  I think we all know who the better brother is here.
Chapter 1 is another simple tutorial, this time with Xander.  Not gonna lie, it might be Heroes influence, but I like Xander.  He’s nice.  He’s tough on Corrin, but is invested in helping her improve as a warrior to escape the fortress and be able to go out like she’s wanted.  He’s a good brother.  Who I thought was older, but may not be.  Unclear.  The other siblings are okay.  Camilla hasn’t really done a lot, Elise is just adorable, and Leo also hasn’t done much but prove that he’s kind of a klutz who’s like “there’s more to being strong than just slapping hunks of iron together!”  We also get a brief introduction to Flora and Felicia, who are pretty fun.  Nothing substantial on them yet.
Chapter 2 is a bit more interesting.  You finally meet the dad, Garon, who is a transparent villain that’s really not interesting at all.  He gives Corrin a suspicious sword, and tells her to kill off their prisoners from Hoshido.  The map itself...honestly is still mostly tutorial, this time for weapon triangle matchups.  It even gives you free healing in the center of the stage.  It’s more about developing small tactics and seeing how the different weapon types match up now.  I still don’t care for tomes being lumped in with swords and having a universal weakness.  I greatly prefer magic being outside the weapon triangle, and having its own matchups.  Still pissy about that...  Anyway, Corrin refuses to kill defeated prisoners, and Garon orders Xander to take care of it, so he gets involved.  Leo’s quick thinking keeps everyone out of trouble, and lets the prisoners, Kaze and Rinkah, survive.  Honestly, I do kinda like Leo after this map.  I forgot how clever he can actually be at times.  The whole family being against their father’s orders to kill the defenseless is also nice, though it makes you wonder about Garon himself, you know?  I know he used to be a good king, and suddenly changed, but like...when did the change happen, anyway?  How long was the family raised by good king Garon, and how did they not notice the drastic and immediate shift?  Corrin’s pretty nice here too.  Callie made a good observation for the series as a whole: “For a lot of these stories about kingdoms, the focus is on who’s in power, but the Fire Emblem lords tend to be way more concerned about how to help their people, and it’s really nice.”  I would agree, and Corrin does keep this trait.  She’s very concerned about establishing peace again after the war, and wants citizens on both sides to be safe.  Corrin’s alright.
Chapter 3, the doofening.  Hans and Iago, the other transparent villain idiots, are introduced.  Xander makes mention of Hans being arrested a few years back, which I guess alludes a bit to time frame for Garon’s transformation.  Law and order was properly upheld until “a few years ago.”  Without a proper scale we can’t say how long that was, but Xander was old enough to be on the job upholding the peace, so I’d assume no more than like...4-5 years, maybe?  Basically, the Nohrian siblings should’ve been old enough to recognize the sudden and drastic change.  Anyway, after your defiance of the king last chapter, you’re given a new mission and told you won’t even need to really fight this time.  Your objective is to scope out an abandoned fort near the Nohr/Hoshido border.  Gunter, Jakob, and Hans will be going with.  Corrin arrives, finds that the fort is filled with Hoshidans, and makes the sensible decision of “whoops, it’s not abandoned, better report this and not engage in needless conflict.”  To which Hans, predictably, runs in and kills a guy, then run into the fray and gets himself killed in like two turns because he’s inept.  Now...hear me out.  This guy’s plan was to kill one soldier, then charge in.  During this, Corrin shouts that Hans is disobeying orders, and acting independently.  In a sensible situation, this should be an easily resolved problem.  Corrin and the others actually following her orders stand back, or accost Hans themselves, and parlay with the Hoshidans, who have no intention fighting.  Instead, you engage them needlessly because Hans ran in.  So...okay, I guess.
You clear out the map, and get an introduction to Saizo and Kagero.  They’re not exactly compelling, beyond Saizo being kinda sexist here?  He dismisses Corrin as just a girl who couldn’t possibly know how to fight, but as soon as Xander shows up is like “Ah, this must be their real commander.”  Fuck you too, buddy.  Camilla’s actually hilarious at this point.  She decimates Saizo’s allies, and Corrin is momentarily taken aback by her usually gentle sister’s ferocity.  Elise is just like “Oh right, you’ve never seen her on the battlefield.  She’s just like this.”  It’s kinda great.  Kagero notifies Saizo that Ryoma is on his way with support, and Xander finally, FINALLY makes the sensible call to just fucking leave.
Oh, but of course it’s not that easy.  Hans is still alive somehow, despite rushing into enemy territory, having no support from us, and getting immediately blasted as he ran toward a heavily fortified post.  He also, somehow, knocks Gunter into the bottomless pit.  Corrin is outraged and demands answers, doing some weird body morphing dragon stuff in the process.  Not gonna lie, I forgot she did this, and it does look pretty cool.  Hans tells her was only doing it under the king’s orders, then he runs off.  Your weird evil sword tries to throw you into the pit as well, somehow, but wait!  Lilith is here, and she’s apparently a baby dragon creature that saves you!  You’re brought to a pocket dimension that the dragons can access, and this is how My Castle is established.  I will bitch endlessly about My Castle soon, I promise.  But for now, we’re just as quickly sent back out to where we warped in, and are immediately knocked out by Rinkah.  Nice.
Overall I’d say there’s nothing too egregious yet.  Chapter 3 is the least sensible, but I’m willing to waive some of the decisions as just pushing the plot along.  The only real hang-up I have is about Garon, who I just feel like should’ve been found out a long time ago.  Like...immediately, perhaps.  The Nohrians presumably had years with their true father, being raised with the moral compass they all have, yet the guy changes overnight and no one really questions it?  It’s a bit far-fetched, even by this series’ standards.  But, I guess we have to get the board set up somehow, or maybe Xander keeping the peace around the kingdom was on his own initiative and not the king’s orders.  Who knows.  Anyway, part 2 will happen eventually.  I’m mostly getting to play when Callie’s bored of the game, so expect some slow progress, but our next update point will be after the Hoshidan tutorial chapters.  Stay tuned.
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elsnark · 7 years
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@miss-ruin I felt it would make my initial response more lengthy and disorganized if I brought up your tags.  So I have decided to make a second post to address you.  Since there’s an image involved, I felt it best to make an entirely new post so there’s no issue in reading it.
You say no shade, but your tags say otherwise.  So FailureMaster and I are going to respond to each and every one.  Congratulations!  You’ve invoked elsnark’s first ever dual response! =D
Sourcream (will be shortened to S):   okay so first thought is: "on the subject of ap requirements, the reason they're often so high is that PEOPLE ARE SUPER STUPID!  INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE OFTEN DO NOT DO MECHS OR EVEN KNOW THEM OR EVEN WANT TO BE BOTHERED TO LEARN THEM!  It's fucking frustrating!  They just want to be carried and do nothing!"
FailureMaster (will be shortened to FM):   Now this isn't a strong point, but "They want to be carried and do nothing" might be because they're trying to learn how to do it? I don't see how you're supposed to do something by doing it 100% perfectly the first time. You all wouldn't want them to do anything anyways because they "do not know the mechs".  So which is it? Don't do it? Do it?
S:  Also, calling people "stupid" is... rude?  Like why call new or casual players "stupid" for not knowing mechanics?  You were there before.  By your own logic, you were stupid.
FM:   How is calling a huge group of people stupid not throwing shade?   Like.....That's the same as saying "Many Americans".   Like what does that mean?
S:  It’s a game.  There’s no reason to make a big deal about it.
FM:  One thing I'm still confused about is....Why is it such a big deal?   BnS has no stamina system.  You can do this dungeon again.  And again.  Tomorrow and the next day... Spare one run to teach your community??  Just one run.  What’s the problem?   You can get TONS of those if you have SUCH A GOOD WEP.   Inexperience?  How else do we get experience?   In fact, what is THEIR plan to get more people to learn?  Videos don't do much. I could watch several tutorials on how to disassemble and assemble a car and I promise you I could not just go out and start assembling cars.  You are not automatically the best player just from watching good players.  So where do we start?
S:  Kick out the new and casual players and only have old, experienced, hardcore people sounds like what miss-ruin wants.  Not to mention that's the impression the community gives off.
FM:  And then when the old people get bored because the game is so dead?  They will quit and then the game dies early.  "But how? The game had great content, fair story, nice graphics, interesting system!"
S:   You can't just keep a game alive by relying on the oldies who'll quit when they get bored or when they get frustrated by the content pushed through.  MMOs constantly need new blood.  New individuals who'll buy items from the Item Mall and tell their friends about the game.  If the game doesn't get new blood, the game dies.
The new blood that comes in is going to quit.  Why?  The community.  It's only been a year and a half and the community is so elitist it's insane.  No matter how good a game is, especially a MMO, if the community isn’t welcoming to newcomers, they’re going to quit.
There’s literally no reason not to help new and casual players learn mechanics.  Any reason you come up with is just an excuse because you were in the same boat before.  Hell, if I was looking to learn mechanics and was greeted with this type of attitude, I wouldn’t bother learning either and would just stand there and do nothing.  Would you, FailureMaster?
FM:  Of course not!  Even if they are standing there and doing nothing, what does it matter to you with your AP?   If you can ignore the entire mechanics with such a weapon, then what is the big deal of having someone stand there?  Of course, I’m being annoying by constantly bringing AP back up, aren’t I?
S:  Like the entire community.
FM:  Not very fun, is it?  Also, how does lower AP equal lower skill?  It’s a terrible assumption.
S:  It doesn’t.  I’ve read on the forums there are lower AP people who are very skilled.
FM:  So what’s the problem?  Clear the dungeon a bit slower?
S:  Can’t waste their precious time on a dungeon they’re familiar with.
FM:  And, I will be honest, I didn't make it to the end-game crazy weird stuff.  But.....Watching videos....I'm really not sure how it's helping. 
S:  The videos I've watched seem too crazy to know for sure what's going on?  Like... I don't know the boss.  I haven't experienced the boss myself.  How am I supposed to know what's happening?
I think they get the point.  Shall we move on?
FM:  I hope they get the point.
S:  Same.  Okay, so... “High AP requirements are either 'cause they ran the shit before and won't fuck mechs or they're so strong they just ignore mechs if they happen to fuck them”.  We covered this already, yeah?
FM:  Pretty much!  I feel like if I, a newer player (quit early on shortly after B&S released, came back recently) had like a 1000AP wep, people would think I'm a veteran.  Because it looks like I ignore the mechs but really, I don't know a single thing.  At least by THIS logic?
S:  I think the highest back then was like 450?  So they would've had to cash to get to 1k.   So you're saying the returning player came back, cashed, got >1k AP?
FM:   Let's say that happened!  Could probably easily ignore the mechs and complete stuff and be praised for that.  Because, you know, that's all that matters!
S:   Okay, so... this returning player... yeah... Most likely.   As long as they know how to play decently, I can't see them being called out for not knowing.
FM:   Don't care about what you do or how you do it, is that 900AP?  Come on in!  And yes, I'm being annoying talking about only AP, right?  Just saying.
S:  XD
I don’t think we have anything else to say on this topic because it’s so... it’s... it’s just plain dumb.  Shall we move on?
FM:  Yes!
S:  Their next tag thought is:  "no one likes wasting time running a dungeon then wiping".  Hold up.  I thought this wasn't an issue because of your high AP?
FM:  I thought it wasn’t either?  Weird.
S:  Damn!  I guess we’ve been bamboozled!  AP doesn’t equal skill.
FM:  Oh, no!  How could this be?
S:  Truly amazing.  Shall we move on?
FM:  Lets~
S:   Alrighty... “like, of course, this doesn't apply to all lower geared players though.  It's just these lazy dumb people that ruin it for y'all”.
Damn, they backtracked.  “It's not all lower geared players, just (some/most) of them”?  In their post, they made it seem like ALL low AP people were the issue.
FM:   But what if I'm lower geared, don't know the mechanics, but am not dumb or lazy?  Or does not knowing the mechanics make me dumb and lazy?
S:  Sorry, still can't come.  Don't know mech.  That's what they said.
FM:  Oh dear me.....I must be dumb and lazy for running something for the first time.
S:  I know!  It's almost like a baby boomer's thoughts on our generation.  See how fucked up that is?
Moving on?
FM:   Oh! Sure! There isn't much else I can say on that topic, I don't think.
S:  Me neither.
FM:  Oh how fun it is to be a bitch.
S:   "Also it's hard for me to find a party on my alts even though I know mech".
FM:  Why is that?  Is it because you’re undergeared?
FM:  Sourcream, this is shocking!
S:  I like how this makes their entire elitist attitude fall apart  ."Can't get party because no AP".  "Everyone should know mechs".  That's contradictory.  Low AP people who know mechs can't get parties.
FM:  I think we see the problem, doctor.
S:  They got their dick stuck in a ceiling fan.
FM:  That would definitely cause trauma, yes.
S:  But enough trauma to get them to contradict themselves?
FM:  As it does appear!  The B&S community at its finest.
So from this, we can conclude that even our high AP friends can't play anyone other than their high AP character.  Which limits them to one character, one server, one group of people, same dungeons.   Over and over and over again.  Waiting for new content.
S:  Just proving our point.  The community is toxic and the toxic individuals are blind to it.
Moving on?
FM:  Let's move on, yes. I hope and pray they got the idea.
S:  I do, too.
Ooooooooooooh, a direct assumption about me from my post!  “A lot of this reads a bit like:  why won't these strong people let me do things with them?  What do you mean run with folks with my AP?  Why would I want to do that?  lol” I... Lemme handle this.
First of all, I've established so many times that this community is toxic as fuck.  Why would I even TRY to run end game content?  News flash:  I wouldn't.  You're making yourself look like an idiot by making all these assumptions about me and what I'm trying to achieve.  Yes, I have a lvl 50, but she's HM 1.  I got her to level 50 because my friends were playing and then we all... stopped.  Why did we stop?  I wonder... Could it... Could it be because the community is disgusting?  Could it be because the community isn't welcoming to newer players?  I have tried making two new characters (one's around lvl 35 while the other is below lvl 20).  Guess what though?  Seeing everything saying, "must be 900 AP or higher to join" isn't appealing.  It feels like I'm being alienated due to not meeting some requirement that isn't obtainable without months and months of grinding with a party.
How am I supposed to get a party when I'm ready to start grinding though?  It's not happening.  No one does the dungeons needed to upgrade gear that I’d need to upgrade, do they?  The population is small.  Everyone's off doing dungeons to upgrade their own gear.  How would I be able to find a party in the first place?  And to be expected to know mechanics on top of that?  Not happening.
Anything to add, FailureMaster?
FM:  Nothing to add!  You said everything needed to be said.
S:  Okay.
The next topic is:  "I have so many hours in this game, I am so sorry.  I just have a lot of feelings".  Good for you.  I'm not like this with Elsword, a game I have spent countless hours in.
FM:  As you can see, we have a lot of feelings on this, too.
S:   Also, just gonna say, your apology means little when you're hellbent on tearing new and casual players down.  Learn you're part of the problem.  Improve yourself.  Then maybe I'll take your apology seriously.
Next part is just baby boomer-esque bitching.  Shall we cover it anyway like the filthy millenials we are?
FM:  Let’s!
S:   “The game actually gives new players SO MANY HANDOUTS!  You finish story, you're at like 700 AP.  DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO GET THAT STRONG BACK IN THE DAY?!  MONTHS AND MONTHS OF GRINDING”
Congratulations, Debra.  You're officially a baby boomer now.
FM:  I....Umm...Don't see why this is a problem. The game is trying to get new players accepted by people like you?
S:  “But!  We had to grind!  Waaaaaaaaah!”
FM:  Why is the game trying to fix this?  Why aren’t YOU trying to fix this?
S:  The devs wouldn't have to try to make new players on par with people who grinded for months if, oh, idk, the community helped them?
FM:   Also, just to say....You'd have to be pretty skilled to make it to the end of the story, there really isn't a crazy huge ton to learn if I may be so gross.  Don't make this harder for yourself.
S:  I remember this time before you fight Jinsoyun that there's this gross ass boss and he has crazy range and damage.
FM:  Exactly!
S:   Like... if I could hardly deal with THAT boss back in the day, what makes you think I can deal with the entire story NOW?  ESPECIALLY when we can't get accessories through the story anymore to my knowledge?
FM:   Exactly!  And eventually you will get through it as the story is supposed to be a single-player experience perhaps with a couple of others to help, but you have to be good to get through it.  So...... With this difficulty, the new players should be pretty smart, is that not right?
S:   Also it's even harder to exchange for Soul Shields unless you use the Wheel of Fate?  Soul Shields cost Naryu Silver now I think?
Sure, you can still get dungeon Soul Shields, but you need a party.  You need to know the mechanics and have high AP for any party. =D
FM:  How should we learn mechanics?  Perhaps by watching an experienced player before us?  Oh, no, we’d be standing there doing nothing!  That is a no-no.
S:  Oh wait... They can't take time out of their precious day to teach us.  You're assuming too much by even THINKING someone would take us along, FailureMaster.
FM:  Oh, right!  How foolish of me!
S:  I guess it's about time we wrap this up, don't you think?
FM:  Perhaps so, we'll probably get pitchforks and torches our way.
S:  As always with me~
FM:  It’s a bit delightful in its own way!  Lining up as a mob for us?~  How kind, how very kind.
S:  I can't wait to see the discourse!  This toxic community coming after us would only further our point, though!
FM:  Indeed!
S:   Anywho!  Thank you SO MUCH for proving our points, miss-ruin!  This is Sourcream and FailureMaster signing off!
FM:  It was a pleasure to be here!  Bye!
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