#tell me you just hang out with fashy vegans only pls
vegan-butch · 2 years
Hey as vegan leftists we need to be louder about what we stand for. A non-vegan mutual on my main posted about veganism being a pipeline to ecofash and. I did not want to reblog the post itself but honestly there were so many assumptions there.
Like I want a systems change! I want justice for every human and non-human animal that was hurt by this, from slaughterhouse workers to animals killed for meat to the loss of biodiversity from the monocrops grown for the animal’s food.
And contrary to popular belief I do NOT want to start by saying “oh anyone should go vegan!” and “forcing my diet on people”. I want to start by making people look the animal ag industry in the fucking face and seeing what they’re supporting with ANY meat except what they killed and processed themselves, YES even “family farms” and “organic meat”. I do not even feel like touching sustenance hunting until we have reformed the animal ag industry.
My concern is for the animals bc they cannot tell you what they’re facing. My concern for the people is lifting up the voices of those harmed worse by the animal ag industry which is people of color, poor communities, indigenous communities, immigrant workers, disabled people, and apparently child workers.
If you think vegans are a step to eco fash that says more about who you hang around, not what vegans stand for
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