knithacker · 3 months
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The Tempestry Project Visualizes Climate Change Through Knitting - Learn More and Get The Kit: 👉 https://buff.ly/3qCfxrO
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wanhannna · 1 month
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divinestoned · 6 years
@tempestried | continued
her nod is weak, slow. she’s swaying on her feet, the little strength she has left quickly waning after her trip across the sea.
“i..” she beginning, voice quavering - she never did manage to get a handle on how to sound as soft as she wanted, and magic can only do so much. “...i thought i would find at least...something akin to warmth,” she explains feebly. both figuratively and literally, as her cool-blooded body shivers.
“i...wasn’t prepared for war, duma...” she chokes out. clawed fingers dig into her arms and break skin easily, but she barely feels it, she’s so numb. “i wasn’t prepared to watch so many people die...! and i couldn’t...nothing i said could stop it...! the earth dragons, they...they...”
she’s sobbing at this point, her knees finally buckling beneath her trembling weight. “gods, they killed so many humans...so many dragons...and i...i barely fought. i was scared...i’m so weak.” a ragged cough wracks her body as the cold air chills her to the bone. “i couldn’t even...kill them. i simply...sealed them away.”
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fatedsummoner · 6 years
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“.... Duma with bunny ears?” Why did Kiran suddenly find that incredibly cute? 
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illusorydungeons-a · 6 years
🎬 what abt randal from the echoes dlc
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rooks what if i told you ive had him on my ‘muses to play list’ since i saw him the first time like a year and a half ago
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spdtactics-a · 6 years
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“there you are, nico! i’ve been looking all over for you. i was thinking, why don’t we get father’s day of devotion gift-- oh. sorry, am i interrupting your practice? i can come back later...”
@tempestried​ ( nico ) is being pestered by his little brother. ♡
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of-invisible-ties · 6 years
@tempestried II continued from here
“No. Do you know what I found instead?”
Sonya’s voice was on the verge of cracking, showing the waver of her tears. When she met the War Father’s eyes -- filled mockingly with something alarmingly close to pity -- she wanted nothing more to spit in his face. She wanted to spew her utmost hatred of him, but she lost her nerve. It wasn’t out of weakness; the remorse upon his countenance genuinely astounded her. 
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“My sisters, who were no better than walking corpses! They sold their souls to you, and they only prattled nonsense as I watched death be delivered to them. They didn’t even know me!”
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halidomhappenings · 6 years
CLAWS: Naga v. Quinn
“Yesterday I think I got a bit too heated while rooting for Naga. I’m sorry... I’ll try not to get so heated today, though Her Holiness is not fighting Grima this time.”
"...Oh! I almost didn’t recognise her for a moment. She hardly looks like the same person, er, dragon with her hair in a braid like that.”
Naga Strike 1: 4 ATT / 7 DEF Quinn Strike 1: 13 ATT / 15 DEF
Both Naga and Quinn jump forward in attempted strikes, but they both fall a bit off course. Naga leaps too far, and Quinn leaps too short. The dragon and taguel take a moment to re-assess their opponents.
Naga Strike 2: 15 ATT / 4 DEF Quinn Strike 2: NAT 1 ATT (trick-or-treat ROWAN disadvantage) / 15 DEF      Critical Opening: 14 ATT / 17 DEF
Naga swings her front leg, catching Quinn and pinning her to the ground for a moment. Quinn brings her legs up, trying to kick at Naga in return, but she fumbles and nearly gets another strike from Naga before she wiggles her way out of the holy dragon’s grip and hopping away quickly.
Naga Strike 3: 18 ATT / 8 DEF Quinn Strike 3: 8 ATT (FAVOR bonus) / 7 DEF
Naga is fast and she uses powerful wings to propel herself towards Quinn and catching the taguel by surprise. She pins Quinn to the ground once more, but Quinn gets her powerful legs beneath Naga and kicks the dragon off in one fell hit, knocking Naga over and scoring a point.
Naga Strike 4: NAT 20 ATT (FAVOR bonus) / 11 DEF      Critical Opening: 5 ATT / 4 DEF Quinn Strike 4: 6 ATT / 18 DEF
Naga charges forward again, the audience cheering her on. With perfect execution, she pins Queen again, and once she has Quinn down, she rolls, bringing the taguel with her into a second strike. It makes Queen a bit dizzy and as she gets up she is off balance and misses in her strike.
Naga Strike 5: 12 ATT / 18 DEF Quinn Strike 5: 7 ATT (trick-or-treat ELM bonus) / 6 DEF
Naga swings her tail to get in one last strike, but Quinn swiftly hops over it, landing then on Naga’s back and getting one last hit in before the final bell.
"Another close match! I admit, I am excited that Naga won... but Lady Quinn put up quite an exciting fight.”
"At least we’ve finally learned that she is, indeed, a taguel. Gods, how did we mess that up yesterday?”
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grandschemed · 6 years
@tempestried / jesse.
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“a kingdom of mercenaries?  and you’re its leader?  don’t make me laugh.  you look like you’d be incapable of ruling your left shoe let alone an entire kingdom of cutthroat killers and thieves, but i’ll bite.  ...how does it work?”
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verdandiwield-blog · 6 years
@tempestried ( anna ) left a ❤.
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“Oh, Commander!” 
   The familiar flash of red catches your attention, and in an instant you’re out of your seat and bounding after the other woman. She’s a safety net in the family drama you’re trying to wade through-- A lifeline you’re clinging to so you don’t drown in how utterly out of place you feel right now. 
   And, from the looks of it, she’s going somewhere. With Eir more than attended to... Maybe you could join her?
“Princess Eir has been detained and her weapons have been taken. That weird pegasus of hers is with our mounts, too. I’m having the three Hoshidan ninja keep watch over her in shifts; Anything suspicious is going to be reported directly to either you or me immediately, and I’ve assigned Clive, Chrom, and Reinhardt to guard her in the open. I... That’s enough, right? Until we get back to the base, anyways? Oh-- Where are you going? Can I come?”
   Oh God, you’re rambling. You’re rambling, and it’s embarrassing...
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caraidean · 6 years
@tempestried liked for a short starter
...that wasn’t possible. Tanith kept her mind open these days - Asheraune knew it was impossible not to, given all she’d seen - but some things defied belief, and the truth was she never expected to see that blade again. 
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“Girl.” She didn’t mean to be rough, but perhaps her tone was a bit too harsh and the fingers clutching her shoulder to stop her a little hard. “Where did you get that sword?”
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knithacker · 1 year
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The Tempestry Project Visualizes Climate Change Through Knitting ... get a kit to make your own: 👉 https://buff.ly/3qCfxrO
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heroismdreams-moved · 6 years
tempestried replied to your post: Cynthia during the Halloween season : Nope, I am...
does she know i love her
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    She didn’t but now she does and she wants you to know she loves you too
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hidestruth · 6 years
tempestried replied to your post: who wants…………an fe au starter………
me binch
who do u want it for binch
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drcamer · 6 years
tempestried replied to your post: “Join the Justice Cabal if you want to ...
seraphina vc why do you think i joined the justice cabal. so i don’t have to look at ur face
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illusorydungeons-a · 6 years
a very determined owl comes flying as fast they can, circling back when they spot bruno below. 
“special delivery from alfonse!” feh says, dropping an envelope into the prince’s lap, then landing on his head. “it’s very, very urgent, so you’ve got to read it now!”
inside the envelope is a letter which reads as follows:
i’m not sure where you are right now, or how much you know about the situation that askr currently finds itself in, so i’ll briefly summarize: a twenty year old barrier has failed, that which kept the forces of the land of the dead at bay. 
however, i wouldn’t have written you about just that. i feel confident that under normal circumstances, the order could have found a way to push the dead back where they belong. but these aren’t normal circumstances. 
…i’ve been cursed, bruno, by the goddess of death herself. i have only nine days to live. the others hope that with how much you’ve researched into breaking curses, that you might know of some way to break death’s hold over me.
myself…i just wish to see you again. if we can’t stop it, i want to at least say goodbye. just seeing you one more time…i think i’d be content. 
if you are coming, then hurry. if you are not, then know that my heart has always, and will always be yours.
with love,
     he isn’t sure where he’s found himself this time. caelin, perhaps, by the rolling hills of the land. or maybe sacae -- somewhere in that region. another world, another place to search. the frantic flutter of wings makes his turn his head up in time for the letter to be dropped into his lap. when he looks down at it, feh settles atop his head, just like old times.
     the dread lurking in his chest at the appearance of the owl does not go unnoticed. the letter is written on fine stationery, sealed with golden wax that bears the seal he recognizes from alfonse’s desk. no official letter would have found its way to him, he knows this, so this must be private. important. dire.
      the seal breaks easily under his gloves thumb, but the letter does not come to him as easy. alfonse’s script has always been lovely, but it’s jagged here, trembling with -- fear, perhaps? when he reads the letter, that’s all he can imagine.
     his heart breaks at the thought and breaks further when he reads those words. cursed. nine days. death looming overhead, an ever-present piece of the misfortunes in his life. 
    he pulls the reins in his hands, turns his horse in a sharp circle, and holds out his arm for feh to rest on instead.
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           “ -- take me back to askr. now. ”
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