tempest-tides-game · 4 years
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❤️🌊 Hello TT Community 🌊❤️
We hope our message finds you well. Our team has received many messages of well wishes and also concern due to our silence. We regret to report that the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has infiltrated the lives of those on our small team and has turned them upside down. This means the work on the game has come to a complete stand still. As we struggle with the day to day of the “new normal” it has been a light in the darkness to see our community steadily grow. Tempest Tides is a passion project for each person on our team and even though the virus has halted our efforts...the dream is still very much alive. We appreciate each and every one of you who has patiently stuck by us. COVID-19 has us in uncharted waters...But we hope to be back with you soon.
Take Care,
The Tempest Tides Team
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tempest-tides-game · 4 years
Fun facts about the LaCorazon crew please❣
-La Corazon’s Gunners Dipa and Nisha are *identical* twins.
-Nisha is the cautious and skeptic twin. Though she looks tough, she is, in fact, one of the softest and most peaceful souls on the ship. She couldn’t hurt a fly.
-Dipa is the crew’s fun-loving airhead. She lives in the clouds. But don’t let her carefree attitude fool you. She is ready and willing to jump into a fight. With the flip of a switch, Dipa’s candy-sweet persona can quickly turn in to bitter venom.
-If you or your MC are ever hungry, head on down to the kitchen. There you will find La Corazon’s Cook Dorothea singing a song as she prepares the crew's next meal. BEWARE: The ship's resident songstress sings melodies that will make your ears bleed. (Though she would totally disagree with that opinion.) Yara: “It’s true. I actually avoid that part of the ship if I can help it. But get a bit of drink into her and the usual screeching transforms into the voice of an angel.” It is a well-known fact among the crew that she is passionate about food and it’s preparation... and she hates men. “Nothing fills the soul like a warm meal in your belly! &Nothing ruins a day like the presence of a man!” -Dorothea.
-(Your reflection stares back at you in the still waters. You’ve been sitting on the shore for a while now.) Is a pirate's life really for you? & What sort of person do you choose to follow? If you were to ask these questions around the ship you would be told Captain Zenaida is a fair leader. Clo: “There is no special treatment here on the ship. Captain believes everyone should be given a fair shot. We all start at the bottom. All those on the crew are expected to work as hard as the person beside them. If you can’t do that, this is no place for you.”
-Iolanthe is the most cut-throat pirate on the ship. She is ruthless because she has always had to be in life... Do not let her beauty fool you. Mercy is not in her vocabulary. Only one person has the ability to soften her and prove that she has a soul at all... her wife Nisha. “She brings me to life.” -Iolanthe
-On the ship, Yara is considered everyone's little sister. As the youngest on the crew, she has a lot to learn and plenty of willing mentors there to teach her. Yara is the ship's pet whisperer and has volunteered to assist in their care. “They talk to me and I to them. They have proven to be better company than most people. (Giggle) If I told you what they just said your ears would burn.” -Yara
🌊 ~Juniper
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tempest-tides-game · 4 years
What ethnicities are the LaCorazon crew based off of?
Zenaida: Filipino with Spanish ties
Clodagh: Irish/Scottish
Tiare: Pacific Islander
Dipa and Nisha: Roma
Iolanthe: Western European (French)
Dorothea: European (English)
Yara: Latina
Sigfrid: Ethiopian/Norwegian
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
how would the LIs celebrate valentine's day w their special someone?
Wine & Dine with a fancy dinner. Lavish gifts surround MC amongst a sea of glowing candlelight. The night ends with whispers of sweet nothings in their ear as they dance beneath the moonlight:
❤️ Deneb, Oliver, and Riad
Daytrip into town exploring the local highlights. Wine tasting... indulging in exotic fruits & rich chocolates from the local market and shops... YUM. They stroll to the seashore and lay in the sand... counting the stars and the things they love about MC:
🧡 Asante, Tiare, and Anri
Cozy day in cooking together. Fresh flowers are on the table with a love letter to match their sweet scent. As the sun goes down they play games laughing into the night. Winding down they snuggle up for conversation, cuddling, and then some:
💜 Zenaida, Mateo, and Datura
Picnic on the shoreline with MC's favorite foods. After a swim in the warm waters of the ocean, MC is enticed to follow their love to a secret cave. A clear inviting blue pool glows in its center... sexy swim anyone?: 
💙 Clo, Kiernan, and Bao (Surprise!)
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Honestly i don’t need to know everyone’s favorite sex positions i just need to know Mateo’s i can find everyone else later on 😋
No hints here, Nonny. 🌚🌝
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Word has made it around the ship that the Vashani has a stowaway! &They are on the lookout! Do you suppose Captain will have them walk the plank? Can the rumors be true? Is that person you? Pssst....I heard at the last port....a witch gave them a tail for swiping her gold. Can you IMAGINE? I can’t wait to see! Come back tomorrow for a sneak peek at the crew! &Join us every Tuesday for #TTTuesday #TempestTidesTuesday Where we will share more on the upcoming VN! See you soon! ~Juniper
Also, STALK US on Instagram! We’d be so happy to have you!
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