#tenth doctor x jacobi!master
roxannepolice · 1 year
I'm... HOW TF HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS MOMENT GIFFED BEFORE or for that matter noticed it before the nth Utopia rewatch?????
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Hmm, I wonder what someone making such a gesture might want to show?
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That would also cause such an enthusiastic response?
Just WHAT were RTD's directions for his Doctors and Masters, "And remember, whatever you do, make it extremely sexually charged"????? Ten and Yana were ready to f*ck before they ever realized who they are, be horny for the Doctor was one of the few elements of the Master's personality that chameleon arch couldn't supress, right next to be a genius.
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corallapis · 9 months
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
I don't care what you say about the 60th anniversary specials. David Tennant's Doctor has never been fruitier than whatever the hell he was doing in Utopia. The way he looks at Professor Yana? Whatever the hell kind of vibes he was putting off in his conversation with Jack in the radiation chamber? Ignoring the two people who currently fancy you in exchange for looking near-worshipfully at your evil ex in human form because he embodies hope? Telling your other ex that you can't stand to look at him because he's wrong yet being more honest with him than you have anyone else for a long, long time? Unhinged queer icon. Who needs healthy admissions of feeling when you have whatever the hell kind of subtext-rising-to-text these two moments are conveying
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hobgoblinns · 8 months
“i can’t change how i feel about them… how i feel about you.” screaming crying etc etc
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
I just want someone to look at me like the Doctor looks at the Master 😫😫😫
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Seaside Improvisation
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Richard Siken, "Seaside Improvisation" // Doctor Who + The Master/Missy and The Doctor
Part 1 / Part 2
I sincerely apologize for any and all Missy feels I may have provoked.
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sacha-da-1 · 1 year
Simm!Master was a coward, Jacobi!Master would’ve had Ten chained up like Jack was during the year that never was. Might’ve even put him in a maid outfit when he wasn’t chained up and was out in the open. Not this aging and shrinking stuff. Can’t prove it, just my take, but I’m just saying.
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valc0 · 2 years
What's your favorite unconventional thoschei pairing? Rn I've been thinking about 11/Dhawan!Master 👀
OH boy oh BOY! I'm a BIG fan of mismatched Thoschei pairings, I think there's a lot of unexplored potential there!
11/Dhawan!Master sounds fun, there's a lot of interesting banter there.
- My personal favorite is Simm!Master/8 because I think this Doctor, particularly in the early stages of his regeneration, would baffle this Master to no end.
It's like "feral energy" meet "confused energy".
Simm being so feral...I think he would expect for the Doctor to match that energy, and instead here's this sardonic, kinda spaced out bloke. He doersn't get Simm's innuendos, takes everything literally and...now he's talking about space snails and gives contradittory answers when you ask about it, and why is he jumping? Why is he SO happy now–no wait he just tripped on a rock and is apologizing to the rock while crying buckets–
I think the Master's murderous plans would crumble, simply because 8 doesn't do much to stop them and Simm has already planned the Doctor would and that is what makes the plan fail miserably.
- Also big BIG fan of 12/Jacobi!Master for the sheer PAIN of it. Also, old men just snarking at each other? My jam.
- 10/Dhawan!Master pretending to be O? Need I say more? It makes me want to chew my hands! I love it so much!
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
You/They Meet A Past/Future Version Of Them/You
First Doctor
You were walking through the streets of London, trying to find the Doctor and Susan. You looked at the estate, bumping into someone when you were distracted and you quickly apologized, pausing to look at the man you had collided with.
He stared at you for a moment, a smile forming on his lips. “That’s alright.” He straightened his leather jacket. “You wouldn’t happen to be Y/N, would you?”
You hesitated for a moment, “Yes.”
“A young girl called Susan asked if I had seen you. They’re waiting for you around the corner.” He lied with a smile, knowing that his past self would be looking for you.
Your eyes lit up at the mention of the Doctor and Susan, thanking the man before rushing off.
He turned to watch you leave, a fond smile on his lips. “Y/N of Skaro.” He turned when he heard Rose approaching and she looked at your retreating figure, eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
“I did. A very long time ago.” He said, a sad smile forming on his lips.
Seeing you again brought back memories, some were sad but the good memories overshadowed the bad ones. There were more good memories than bad and centuries later he never forgot you.
Second Doctor
He had lost both his companions and the Cybermen had taken you. This was not a good day. He was working on a control panel when a message was flagged up.
Hello, mi amor.
His fingers paused as he read the message. He knew it had to be from you, for only you called him ‘my love’.
Before he could think of replying another message appeared.
Follow the corridor to the left.
A door opened and he quickly left the control panel, following the path you made for him, opening doors. He was puzzled as you had no knowledge of hacking that he had seen. So how did you suddenly know the ins and outs of a space station?
He became more cautious as he followed the trail you left. There was one scenario that was possible to explain your sudden knowledge. One, you had been converted into a Cyberman and they were using your memories to lure him into a trap.
He looked around the empty room, approaching the glass to find you sleeping in a glass capsule. Jamie was beside you in another capsule, Zoe beside his capsule.
A beeping sound caused him to turn and the screen on the wall lit up with another message.
Hurry, mi amor.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at where you were sleeping. How were you communicating with him? He dismissed the thought when the Cybermen cried in agony, and he quickly rushed down the stairs to where you, Jamie, and Zoe were sleeping, opening your capsules.
Jamie came around quicker and the Doctor helped him out of the capsule. “What happened?”
“I’ll explain later, Jamie.” He picked you up from the capsule and the two raced out of the room, heading to the Tardis. Jamie helped Zoe keep up, looking over his shoulder at the Cybermen that followed. The doors opened automatically and the Doctor knew it had to be the same person that had helped him earlier. Jamie unlocked the Tardis and the Doctor placed you on the floor gently, rushing to close the doors, pausing when he saw Cybermen falling, his eyes widening when he saw an older version of you running away. You stopped by the Tardis, standing in front of him.
“God, you were so handsome at this age.” You hit your hand off a device on your wrist and with a wink, you were gone.
He heard a small groan from behind him and closed the doors, walking over to where you were now sitting up.
Jamie left to get you some water while the Doctor kneeled in front of you, a smile on his lips. You raised an eyebrow at him, “Why are you smiling?”
“I’ll explain later.”
He kissed your head, turning to Jamie when he handed him the water, handing it to you. “Thank you, mi amor.”
Third Doctor
You looked at the three Doctors, standing next to Teagen, Sarah, and the Brigadier. All afternoon you had received odd glances from the Brigadier and Teagen. The Brigadier was older and was shocked to see you. Teagen had mentioned that the Doctor didn’t like speaking about you and that she had never met you. So what happened?
You pondered your fate, wondering if the Doctor had noticed you weren’t fully present. The three were huddled around, translating old Gallifreyian.
Your questions waited until they solved the puzzle, saving his fifth incarnation in the process. You approached the young Doctor who admired you, hands in his pockets.
“Y/N.” He kissed your cheek.
The way he looked at you was different. Filled with guilt, sadness, and grief. The words were on the tip of your tongue, “Why aren’t I with you?” but no sound left your lips.
You sent him a small smile, “Doctor.”
“Come along, Y/N,” Your Doctor said.
You bid goodbye to his past incarnations before following him into the Tardis, looking back at the fifth Doctor curiously, wondering why you weren’t traveling with him.
You entered the Tardis, closed the door, and approached the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis, Sarah leaving to get changed.
He hummed so you continued. “Why wasn’t I there?”
His hand hesitated on the lever before he pushed it down. “Well, it could be for many reasons.” He said.
“You weren’t with him when he was brought here.”
“And another reason?”
His hesitation went unnoticed, his smile reassuring you. “You stopped traveling with me.”
You shook your head. “That’ll never happen.” You told him, standing next to him with a smile.
He smiled when you kissed his cheek before leaving to get changed. His smile fell, recalling the grief he saw in the young man’s eyes. He didn’t know how it happened, but he knew that you were taken from him in the future. So he made every moment count.
Fourth Doctor
You remained close friends with Sarah Jane after the Doctor returned to Gallifrey. When you saw him again, so young compared to when you knew him, yet he was still the same underneath. Jo had questions for him and Sarah Jane had asked him all she needed to know years ago when the Doctor had another face to the one you were admiring now. You wondered how many times he had changed since he left you with Sarah, wondering how much he had endured and how much those eyes had seen.
“Why did you leave me?”
He paused when you spoke for you hadn’t spoken to him since he arrived. He had been thrilled to see you again although you hadn’t said a word to him..
He stopped scanning with his sonic screwdriver, his eyes darting around as he listened to the heartbreak in your voice. He had changed seven times since he left for Gallifrey, with different faces with different personalities. He had lived many lives, but there was only one time he had loved with everything he had and that was with you.
“I had to.” He said quietly.
“You didn’t come back like you said you would. I thought that you forgot about me.”
He turned to you, “Forget about you?” He asked incredulously. “Never.”
Your teary eyes met his as he walked toward you. “Then why did you break your promise? You never told me why had to leave. So tell me why you didn’t return.”
“I wanted to.” He said quietly, his eyes admiring your aged features. “I wanted to more than anything.” He paused for a moment. “A lot happened on Gallifrey and when I left I put in your coordinates and was ready to leave…but I couldn’t. What if you had moved on? What if you were happy? How could I ask you to follow this madman with his police box to give it all up?”
“I would have in a heartbeat.” You told him. “Because I loved you with all my heart. And I still do. But I also hate you.”
He frowned.
“Because I could date Superman and he still wouldn’t hold a candle to you.”
“And no one has rendered me speechless like you do.”
His visit was short and fleeting but you finally got the answers you had been waiting for for decades. Why did he leave you behind? What happened on Gallifrey. And although you knew that he was leaving again, seeing him again made you feel twenty years old again.
Fifth Doctor
You were reading when the Tardis shook violently and quickly rushed to the console room, seeing two Doctors observing each other.
“Um,” their heads snapped to you, both taking off their glasses. Your Doctor smiled as he knew how pleased and surprised his past self would feel seeing you again after sending you back to your own time. But this hadn’t happened yet in your time.
“Y/N, meet the Doctor.”
You shook hands before deciding to make tea while the two brainstormed. Their Tardis's had collided and now his past self was trapped in his future.
“She doesn’t know yet.”
He looked at the towering, dark-haired Timelord when he spoke up.
“Everything that happened hasn’t happened to her yet. But soon she will travel back in our timeline, to your time.” The fifth Doctor put on his half-moon glasses as he analysed the readings. He was older than he was when you came to his time. But he had changed more than he liked to admit after he returned you to your time.
“You did the right thing.” His future self told him. “Sending her back.”
You returned with tea, pausing when you caught the end of their conversation. Sent who back?
Dismissing your thoughts you entered the console room and gave them cups of tea. “Figured it out yet?”
“I’m sure it’ll sort itself out.” Your Doctor said.
“Meaning you don’t know.” You smirked at him and he playfully rolled his eyes. You took his glasses and leaned to read the readings on the screen. “Well, three heads are better than two.”
You looked at his past self when he explained the readings to you. You nodded now and then to show you were listening but your eyes were filled with curiosity. And that’s when the tenth Doctor knew why you had chosen his fifth incarnation. It was clear as day that you were intrigued by him.
When the TARDIS’S were beginning to unmerge the fifth Doctor took your hand and kissed your knuckles. “Farewell, my Y/N.”
You were puzzled by his words and failed to notice your Doctor staring with a small smile on his lips, knowing how much it meant to his past self to see you again. His eyes held sadness knowing from the moment he met you that you were due to travel back in his timeline, meaning he would lose you. But little did he know the months you were gone were mere minutes in his time.
Sixth Doctor
You looked around the unfamiliar Tardis, growing more frightened and confused as to how you got there. Where was Perrie? Where was the Doctor? Who’s Tardis was this?
Your questions were answered when a woman entered the console room, pausing when she saw you.
“Who are you?” You asked.
Her mind was racing from all the memories that flooded her mind due to seeing you again.
“What is this place?”
“Oh, they must have switched!” She snapped her fingers and you glared at the blonde woman.
“What have you done to the Doctor?”
“I’m him. Well, now I’m a her. But I was a he when we were, you know, involved.”
You stared at her in disbelief when she placed a device on your head. “This will show your last memories before you were taken.”
You ignored the footage, eyeing her from head to toe. As she talked to herself for a few solid minutes you knew she was telling the truth. She mentioned things that weren’t shown on the screen. Places you had been together, with and without Peri.
“You’re really him - you.” You quickly corrected.
“Regeneration is a tricky process. You never know what you will end up with. Although looking at that jacket and the hair, it could’ve been worse.”
“Hey, I love that jacket. And the hair.” You playfully scolded.
She smiled at you fondly, “I know you did.”
The Tardis landed, following a signal and you followed her outside, surprised to see another Tardis parked a few feet away. She had explained the cause as you walked to the door, but the second you saw the other police Box you had forgotten everything she had said. Three people stepped out and your eyebrows furrowed until you saw your brightly dressed Doctor ushering them out.
You walked over to him and he smiled when he saw you. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “Bit of a scare for a minute there. But I was with someone I trusted.” He did not know what you meant until centuries later. But still, he smiled and put his hand on your back as he led you inside.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Seventh Doctor
You looked around the garden in awe, amazed by the flowers. You turned when you heard a voice from behind you.
“You appear to be a long way from home.”
You looked at the long white-haired man,  seeing the checked trousers he wore with braces, a waistcoat, and a black jacket. His style was odd and it reminded you of the man you had been separated from.
“Considering we are among Aztecs, I would agree and say so do you.”
“How did you get here?”
“I’m looking for a friend of mine.” You replied evasively. “He’s got question marks on his clothes, very hard to miss yet I cannot see him anywhere.”
“What’s his name? I will help you look.”
“The Doctor.” You told him.
You looked away from him as you stood up from where you were seated on a fountain and missed the way his eyes widened.
He was keen to ask questions before but as you searched he had made it clear he did not know anything. You weren’t sure why until you met your Doctor again. You kissed the first Doctor’s cheek before stepping into the Tardis.
The two Doctors looked at each other for a moment before the seventh Doctor sent him a wink before going inside the Tardis.
You had no idea you had met his past self until he told you who the man was.
Eighth Doctor
He was walking down a dimly lit cobbled street, as he headed to the Tardis where he hoped you and Charley were. He had lost Charley first then you disappeared and he was hoping you both had found your way back to the Tardis.
He bumped into a woman in a Victorian dress, quickly catching her before she fell. His eyes widened when he saw her. A few years older, but still the same woman he hoped was waiting for him in the Tardis.
“It’s you.” He spoke in disbelief. “B-But how ”
You smiled softly, “I was feeling nostalgic.” You leaned to his ear, whispering, “I’m waiting for you.” You kissed his cheek before walking away and the Doctor watched you disappear around a corner, quickly following, pausing when he saw the police box fading away.
He walked to find his own TARDIS, relieved to see that you and Charley were waiting.
“Where have you been you said five minutes! It’s freezing out here!” Charley complained.
The Doctor unlocked the door and you noticed he was quiet as you headed inside. “Everything okay?” You asked, approaching the console as he prepared to set a new course.
He nodded, turning to you with a smile. You were still with him years later and you both returned to this time to relive old memories.
“Never better.” He kissed you and you sent him a smile as you walked away to get changed.
War Doctor
You stared at the painting in the gallery, your gaze hardening at the war pictured, turning when you heard voices.
“Where are you going?” A feminine voice asked.
“I’ll be right back!” A male replied seconds before a man in a tweed jacket appeared. You looked at his odd outfit, before looking at the painting again.
He smiled, knowing you didn’t recognize him, taking a seat beside you on the bench. He knew if his old self was here you had to be too. And although your future self was waiting down the hall, his past self was looking for you as you had gotten separated in the portals. They had a plan and now it was time to see if it would work.
“A grim day.” He spoke up.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes but didn’t reply.
“I’m insulted.” You looked at him and he grinned at you. “Don’t you recognize me?”
You stared at him for a moment, eyes widening. “Doctor.”
You sensed he was older than the one you had arrived with and your eyebrows furrowed. “But how - that’s impossible!”
“Nothing’s impossible.”
He stood up, taking your hand. “We’re waiting for you. There’s a plan. A good plan. A great plan.” He put his hands on your shoulders, turning you to the painting of Gallifrey. “We’re going to save it. Just like we always talk about.”
You looked at him, hearing a female’s voice. “Doctor, hurry!”
You were still together.
“Don’t look so surprised.” He smiled. “It hasn’t been all bad.” He pointed to the painting. “We’ll seal Gallifrey in a single moment in time. We have the chance to save everyone just like we always talked about. Are you ready?”
You opened your mouth to speak when two Doctors and two future versions of you entered. You focused on your Doctor, “Is it true?”
“Yes.” The three replied at the same time.
“We haven’t got much time to waste.” He said, walking to his Tardis.
“Always so serious.” Your future selves said before grinning at each other.
You looked at the painting before heading into the Tardis, helping him pilot the ship as he explained the plan. You were going home.
Ninth Doctor
You shouted at the top of your lungs, trying to free your limps from the tight hold of Axos. “Help! Somebody!”
You heard a loud distorted noise and closed your eyes tightly, trying to shut it out as the ground shook. You opened your eyes when you felt someone pulling you free, looking at the tall man as he helped you out of Axos.
“What’s happening?” You shouted above the noise.
“It’s falling apart!” He replied.
You followed him outside, turning to look back at Axos. You looked at the tall cloaked man, sensing familiarity. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the Doctor. Who else would be at the centre of trouble?
“Are you alright?” He asked, sending you a smile.
“I think so.” You returned the smile. “Does this kind of thing happen every day?”
“No. Well, every other day.” He said.
You had asked your Doctor the same question and he had answered the same way. You were taken to the hospital to get checked over and as you were leaving you noticed the Police Box outside. The doors opened and your leather jacket, sweater-loving Doctor stepped out, looking around before his eyes found yours, a smile forming on his lips. You smiled as you walked over, hugging him, unaware the Doctor who had saved you from the claws of Axos had seen you enter and the Tardis disappear.
Tenth Doctor
You were expecting the Caribbean for your anniversary but the Tardis had other ideas. The trading colony Iceworld was bustling with life, with people trying to sell items they claimed were rare.
You were looking around, taking into the scenery as you searched for the Doctor. The crowd had separated you both and you hoped there was a place he would know to look for you. A place resembling a café seemed like your best bet. You took a seat at a table, overhearing a conversation behind you.
“Doctor, he won it in a game of cards!” A woman had said.
Your back straightened at the mention of the Doctor. You slowly looked over your shoulder, your eyes finding a man wearing a knitted vest with question marks on it. You had seen all the faces of the Doctor so you knew exactly who he was. Number seven.
His eyes met yours and you quickly turned away, biting your lip and closing your eyes tightly.
“Excuse me, Miss?” You opened your eyes when he spoke, turning around hesitantly. “A man wins a map in a game of cards, claiming it is the real deal -”
“It is the real deal.” A gruff voice replied.
You looked between the four huddled around the table before looking at the Doctor.
“Do you trust him?”
“Depends where it leads. But the adventure is always exciting.” You replied.
You saw the trench coat-wearing Doctor entering the café and excused yourself, walking over to him. The seventh Doctor’s eyes followed you as you left before he turned to Glitz.
“I’ll take it.”
Eleventh Doctor
You were searching for a house on an estate when you bumped into him. You apologized quickly, knowing the Doctor was wondering where you were by now but paused when you saw the tall trench coat-wearing Timelord in front of you. How could you forget his face? You had travelled with him for over a year when he regenerated into the Doctor you knew now.
He smiled brightly, “That’s all right. Have a fantastic day.” His smile faltered. “Ooh, I don’t know if I like the sound of that.”  He shrugged, his smile returning.
You watched him walk away, wondering why he didn’t recognize you. Your phone rang and you answered Amy’s call, breaking into a run as you followed the directions she had given you.
You entered the apartment, seeing the Doctor and his eyes observed you worriedly. The regeneration had been difficult for you but you quickly grew fond of his new personality.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
You knew then that he remembered that you had bumped into his past self. “Why didn’t he recognize me?” You asked.
“He hasn’t met you yet.” He explained. “He’s newly regenerated and we didn’t meet until years later. Only when we met you were younger than you are now and when I saw you…I remembered seeing you at this estate. It didn’t make sense. How were you older than you should have been? Because you come back here with me.”
You nodded, and he kissed your forehead. “Come on.”
Thoughts of his past self were put aside until you returned to the Tardis. You saw Ten walking with a blonde girl and you realized that this was Rose, whom you never met. And he hadn’t liked talking about her either.
You looked at the trench coat-wearing Timelord for a moment with a smile, stepping into the Tardis. You walked over to the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis. You helped pilot the Tardis and his eyes looked at you for a moment, a small smile on his lips. His past self had no idea what was in store. Nor how brilliant it would be.
Twelfth Doctor
You looked between the two Doctors with confusion and amazement. “So let me get this right. He’s you and you are him. He was you and now you are him.”
“You seem to have a grasp on the situation.” You glared at your Doctor and although he wasn’t looking he could feel it.
Hours ago you had no idea that he could change faces. But as you worked with the First Doctor you knew the two weren’t so different. You had so many questions but they would have to wait. For now, the two had to go their separate ways.
“It has been a pleasure, my dear.” He shook your hand and you sent him a smile.
“Goodbye, Doctor.”
He entered his TARDIS and you looked at the Doctor when he stood beside you. “I’m glad that’s over.”
“You know, you’re not so different.” You followed him into the Tardis and he scoffed. “You’re both at the higher end of the age ladder.” He glared at you and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “And you’re both grouchy but underneath your soft side is reserved for those you care about.”
His gaze softened and you smiled. “You’re clothing sense hasn’t changed.”
“Oh haha.” He said sarcastically.
You wrapped your arms around him, pecking his lips. “But I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Thirteenth Doctor
The Master hadn’t anticipated your presence at the party and given your history with the Doctor it was bound to distract her which didn’t bode well for his plan. You were younger than the last time she had seen you, dancing to the music, unaware of your future or your fate.
The Doctor’s eyes followed you around the room. She stood away from the party, trying to remember why she was there.
Memories flooded back in waves. All the good was overshadowed by the bad. Your death had hit her hard and she was thrown off course when she saw you again.
“Not enjoying it?” Your voice broke her from her thoughts and she watched as you topped up your glass.
“I’m not much of a dancer this time.” She said.
You wondered what she meant before you heard your friend call you back to the dance floor.
“I’m being beckoned.” You told her to have a good night before walking away and her eyes followed solemnly.
Fourteenth Doctor
You were walking out of a coffee shop when you bumped into a redhead. You dropped your book that was tucked under your arm and were surprised by the Scottish accent when she apologized. You assured her you were okay, and before you could pick up your book, a man in a tweed jacket and a bowtie beat you to it. You thought his smile was somewhat reminiscent as he read the title aloud.
"This is a very good book." He held it out to you and you thanked him as you took it.
"Have you read it?" The redhead asked.
"I've read many books, but this," he pointed to the book in your hands, "I read this twice every night. It helps me sleep."
You smiled softly, "I knew someone who did that too. It's a habit I adopted."
Amy looked between you and the Doctor whose smile went unnoticed as you held the book to your chest.
You bid the two farewell and Amy turned to watch you leave as did the Doctor who put his hands in his pockets. "Who is she?" He glanced at her before looking back at you. "Come on, you obliviously know her."
"I knew her. I had another face then. When I couldn't sleep she would read the book to me. And I would do the same for her. Y/N L/N..." He trailed off with a small wistful smile.
You were in the car with the Doctor when he was taken. You had no idea what the Master was up to but you were sure that his plans would be put on hold when he realized you were sucked through time. Everything that followed made you wish you hadn’t spent time with the Doctor. The Master was troublesome but he rarely found himself in as much trouble as the Doctor did.
You were wondering if he had realized you were gone when he entered the room. You looked at the Doctor you had come with, wondering why he stepped forward so you were slightly behind him.
“Y/N.” He smirked as he looked at the Doctor.
You stared at the man, recognizing him from the way he looked at you. “Master.”
“I was wondering where you got to.” He said. He looked at the Doctor, “I entrust her with you for three hours and this is where you bring her.” He tutted.
“Not by choice.” He said.
“What have you done?” You asked him, stepping forward.
“I seek immortality.”
“You’re hardly a suitable candidate.” The Doctor replied.
You knew this wouldn’t end well but you wondered why he had a sudden interest in immortality.
You were tired of being kidnapped by the Master. Once was enough and although it had ended well, your relationship was strong, you did not like the scare you would get when it happened.
His back pressed against the wall, holding you tightly in his arms, his hand over your mouth as the group of Doctors walked by. You heard the third Doctor walk by as he called your name. When you didn’t respond he said, “I swear that girl is always wandering off.” You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness and turned to the Master when he let you go.
“What are you doing?”
He sent you a smirk, taking your hand as he led you through the corridors. You heard the Doctors arguing not far away and a giggle escaped your lips as you ran with the Master. You didn’t know where your future self was and you didn’t ask, for you feared the answer.
Saying goodbye was hard but you had many memories to live out with the Master who was waiting for you.
When you returned to Earth the Master was waiting for you. You smiled at the relieved Timelord as you met halfway, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m okay.”
You were walking down a street, headphones over your ears as you drowned out the world around you. This was the second time you were late to work and you knew your boss was waiting to lecture you. You turned the corner, colliding with a man and you apologized to him, taking off your headphones.
“I’m sorry.” You looked at the man, pausing when you saw him.
The Master stared at you, his face sullen, hidden poorly behind a smile. It had been exactly 48 hours since he had lost you. And he couldn’t resist going back to see you. It would be weeks before you joined him across the universe but he didn’t care if you didn’t know him right now. He just needed to remember how you looked when you were alive.
“No harm done.” He smiled. “Running late?”
You saw the sadness in his eyes but didn’t comment, only observing. “Yeah. And I can’t afford to get fired today.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Great things are coming your way.” He said. “Yes…” he trailed off in thought. “Great memories.”
“Have a good day, mister.” You walked away with a smile and he turned to watch you leave, a sad smile on his lips.
“Y/N L/N. Yes…glorious memories.”
You had been shopping for groceries and were walking home when you bumped into a woman. You apologized, bending down to pick up your spilled items. She sent you a small smile, helping you.
“Big night planned?” She asked.
“A surprise for someone I know. Although I don’t think he likes surprises. Or anything really.” You said, standing up.
You noticed her dress but shrugged it off. Maybe she was going to a costume party.
“He’ll love it.” She said.
You sent her a smile before walking away, pausing when you realized what she had said. “How did you know -” you turned to find she was gone. You shrugged off the odd encounter, hoping she was right. A romantic surprise dinner for the Timelord possessing your husband. Life was strange and if you hadn’t become used to it you would have looked around the corner to find a Police Box.
Missy entered the Tardis and the Doctor turned to her, setting new coordinates.
“Ready to go?”
She nodded quietly, staring at the console, deep in thought. She remembered how odd she had found your romantic dinner back then but it was the first time she realized how beautiful you were. And how much she loved to hear you laugh. It was a long time ago but those memories never faded.
He stared up at the old barn that had been salvaged so it remained. So many memories were made inside there and while he had left Gallifrey in anger, he had nothing but fond memories here - except one.
He looked at the teenage version of you as you walked to the barn, books in your hands. It had been months since he and the Doctor left and you were still translating old Gallifreyan.
You looked at him when he spoke. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
You smiled, looking at the burning suns. “Stunning as always.” You went into the barn and he held his head higher, a sigh leaving his lips.
It was a short interaction but it was enough to help him say goodbye. You had been killed during the war, activating an escape pod for him that saved his life, but you had to sacrifice your own. And once again the Master found he was alone.
You walked out of the coffee shop, almost bumping into a man who was entering. His dark hair and gentle features were striking. You smiled, apologizing as you balanced two takeout cups of coffee in one hand.
The Master remembered this day vividly which is why he chose it. He had sent you to get coffee during a meeting and while it struck you as odd, later when you heard he had gassed a room full of ministers you were relieved yet puzzled as to why he chose to spare you.
He smiled at your retreating figure, before heading into the coffee shop, ready to order the coffee you were currently bringing him. You had been gone a long time but he never forgot you.  But this year was different, memories were overwhelming and the truth about the timeless child made him wish you were here again. So he picked a time he knew exactly where you would be and when. He had planned meticulously before using the gas, to ensure your survival so the date and time always stayed in his mind.
“I’m back!” The silver-haired Timelord sang.
You stared at him in disbelief while Missy looked at him stoically.
“You could at least pretend you’re pleased to see me.” He said.
You snapped out of your thoughts, racing towards him, hugging him tightly. He smirked at Missy over your shoulder, as you buried your head in his neck, unaware of the tension between them. You smiled as you pulled away to look at him. God, you had missed his silver hair.
“You look exactly like you did when I left you. You haven’t aged a day.” He placed a hand on your cheek and you smiled, leaning into his hand.
Your reunion was a happy one until you were left behind. Missy didn’t want your view of her to change because she never planned on going against the Doctor but she had to fool her past self first. You had caught up to them outside his Tardis, hearing them talking as you got closer.
“She will never love you as she loved me.” He told her.
“I know.”
He pulled away from the hug when he felt a sharp pain in his side. “Very sneaky.” He put a hand on his side and you stepped back when you saw the blood on his hand.
“What did you do?” You rushed to the Master, catching him when he stumbled, missing the way Missy rolled her eyes at his dramatics. You looked at her with tears in your eyes, before looking at the silver-haired Master.
“How long do I have left?” He asked.
“Not long,” Missy replied.
You guided him to his TARDIS and he rested his back against the door, looking at Missy with a smirk. You would never forgive her when you knew the truth.
The realization was washing over you as you knew he had left you on Earth, never to return. He never contacted you and the next thing you knew he returned as Missy. He had died before he could return.
You looked down at him tearfully, putting pressure on his wound. “You were coming back for me.” You said tearfully.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion while Missy looked down at the ground.
“You planned on coming back for me. I-I thought you had abandoned me. For so long I believed that you - and I hated you.”
He understood what you meant and a small chuckle left his lips. “You really thought I’d leave you?” He put a hand on the back of your neck, bringing your forehead to his, closing his eyes. “You are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He told you, causing more tears to fall. “And I’m sorry.”
You pulled back, confused until you heard Missy fall. You turned to look at her, eyes widening you saw she had been shot.
“Go to her. But know this.” He spoke up, causing you to look at him. “No matter where you are. I’ll always find you.” He kissed you before quickly entering the Tardis. “See you soon, beautiful.”
He winked before the doors closed and a sob left your lips as you placed a hand on the door. You turned to Missy, walking over to her, kneeling beside her.
“I’m sorry.” You took her hand in yours, cradling her on your lap.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It was all me.” She said.
Your tears fell as her body began to glow. “I love you.” You reluctantly stepped away, ducking behind a tree when light consumed her.
You looked around the quarry, calling for the Master. You sighed as you continued walking, ducking down when you saw a familiar face. He was taking large strides, cloak flowing around him. His hair was different, and his clothes were questionable but you knew it was him. He had shown you all his past faces so you recognized him immediately.
“Oh my god.” You ducked lower behind the large rock when he paused, looking around.
You lifted your head, seeing he was gone, and stood up, turning around with a gasp you heard his voice. “Who are you?”
“I-I - Um… a funny story you’ll love it -” You turned and ran away and the former Master raised an eyebrow at your actions. You continued to run and he followed. You saw the TARDIS and your Master opened the doors, smirking when he saw you running.
“Where the hell were you?”
You collided with him and you fell to the floor. He snapped his fingers and the doors closed, smirking up at you.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” He said.
You playfully rolled your eyes as you both got to your feet. You looked at the screen, seeing the past Master running before he stopped, watching the Tardis leave.
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
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The Fighter of Gallifrey Series Moodboard: The Fighter (6th)
Wife of the Master, and one of three survivors of the Last Great Time War, she was a soldier on the front lines of the war, helping to hold back Daleks. It caused her to regenerate before being rescued with no clue on how she was saved except for a foggy memory and a message: “Follow the drums. They will lead you back home…”
At first, she thought she lost everything and was the last of her kind until being reunited with the Doctor. She mourns the loss of her husband, her home, and is plagued with nightmares of the war, but will soon understand the cryptic message when coming across someone called Professor Yana, who just happens to be the husband she thought was lost. 
Continued in The Last of the Time Lords
1st Fighter || 2nd Fighter || 3rd Fighter || 4th Fighter || 5th Fighter || Fighter/Doctor/Master
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roxannepolice · 9 months
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Yes, I'm making a point here. No, I'm not entirely sure what it is. Sth sth pretty men pretty art. Sth sth shot composition makes the viewer think of themes even if they aren't conscious of it. Sth sth Graeme Harper, Colin Teague and Euros Lyn knew exactly what they were doing. Sth sth gays of yore continue to inspire. Sth subversive use of Christ imagery with a Satan figure. Sth sth the contrast between Michelangelo's and Bernini's Davids. Sth sth there's a lot of Davids here? Sth sth David Tennant and John Simm would look nice in some Italian museum.
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg - Socrates and Alcibiades/Utopia (symmetrical reverse)
Sascha Schneider - Hector and Achilles/The Sound of Drums
Hieronymus Bosch - Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns)/The Sound of Drums
Michelangelo - La Pietà/The Last of the Time Lords
Raphael - The last meeting of David and Jonathan/The End of Time Part 1
Michelangelo - David/The End of Time Part 2
Gian Lorenzo Bernini - David/The End of Time Part 2
All DW screencaps
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corallapis · 9 months
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Who I Write For
Abbott Elementary: Barbara Howard, Melissa Schemmenti
Absolutely Fabulous: Claudia Bing, Edina Monsoon, Lulu, Patsy Stone // Eddy x Patsy x Reader
Alice In Wonderland (2010): Iracebeth, Tarrant Hightopp
American Horror Story (Seasons 1-5 & 8): Constance Langdon, Countess Elizabeth, Dandy Mott, Elsa Mars, Fiona Goode, James Patrick March, Jude Martin, Stevie Nicks, Wilhemina Venable
A Series Of Unfortunate Events: Count Olaf, Esmé Squalor, Georgina Orwell, Justice Strauss
Big Sky: Alicia Corrigan, Beau Arlen, Ren Bhuller, Sunny Barnes
Bosom Buddies: Henry Desmond, Kip Wilson, Ruth Dunbar // Henry x Kip x Reader
Bridgerton: Agatha Danbury, Anthony Bridgerton, Portia Featherington, Queen Charlotte, Simon Basset, Violet Bridgerton
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Anya Jenkins, Drusilla, Joyce Summers, Rupert Giles, Spike
Call The Midwife: Chummy Noakes, Jane Sutton, Patrick Turner, Patsy Mount, Shelagh Turner, Sister Hilda, Trixie Franklin, Valerie Dyer, Violet Buckle
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina: Ambrose Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Lilith, Mary Wardwell, Zelda Spellman // Hilda x Zelda x Reader, Lilith x Zelda x Reader, Lilith x Mary x Reader
Cinderella (2015): Fairy Godmother, Lady Tremaine
Clue: Blanche White, Jocelyn Scarlet, Wadsworth // Blanche x Jocelyn x Reader
CSI: Catherine Willows, David Hodges, Gil Grissom, Heather Kessler, Sara Sidle // Catherine x Sara x Reader
Dark Shadows: Angelique Bouchard, Elizabeth Collins, Julia Hoffman // Elizabeth x Julia x Reader
Dead To Me: Jen Harding, Judy Hale // Jen x Judy x Reader
Death Becomes Her: Helen Sharp, Lisle Von Rhuman, Madeline Ashton // Helen x Madeline x Reader
Doctor Who: Donna Noble, Eleventh Doctor, Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler, Jacobi!Master, Kate Stewart, Missy, Ninth Doctor, River Song, Simm!Master, Tenth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor // Missy x Simm!Master x Reader
Downton Abbey: Cora Crawley, Edith Crawley, Elsie Hughes, Isobel Crawley, Joseph Molesley, Mary Crawley, Thomas Barrow, Violet Crawley
Enola Holmes: Eudoria Holmes, Miss Harrison, Sherlock Holmes
Evil: Bishop Thomas Marx, Kristen Bouchard, Leland Townsend, Sheryl Luria
Frasier: Daphne Moon, Frasier Crane, Niles Crane, Roz Doyle // Daphne x Roz x Reader, Frasier x Niles x Reader
Friends: Janice Litman, Joey Tribbiani, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green, Richard Burke
Game Of Thrones: Brienne Of Tarth, Bronn, Catelyn Stark, Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Melisandre, Petyr Baelish, Tyrion Lannister
Ghosts (BBC): Fanny Button, Julian Fawcett, Kitty, Mary, Pat Butcher, Thomas Thorne
Glass Onion: Benoit Blanc, Birdie Jay, Claire Debella
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley, Madame Tracy, Shax // Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
Grace And Frankie: Brianna Hanson, Frankie Bergstein, Grace Hanson // Grace x Frankie x Reader
Green Wing: Caroline Todd, Guy Secretan, Harriet Schulenburg, Joanna Clore, Mac Macartney, Sue White // Joanna x Sue x Reader
Grey's Anatomy: Addison Montgomery, Amelia Shepherd, Arizona Robbins, Catherine Fox, Cristina Yang, Derek Shepherd, Erica Hahn, Mark Sloan, Meredith Grey, Miranda Bailey, Teddy Altman, Tom Koracick // Cristina x Teddy x Reader, Derek x Mark x Reader
Halloween: Laurie Strode, Lindsey Wallace
Hannibal: Bedelia Du Maurier, Frederick Chilton, Hannibal Lecter
Harlots: Lady Repton, Lydia Quigley, Margaret Wells, Nancy Birch // Lady Repton x Nancy Birch x Reader
Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr, Bellatrix LeStrange, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Rita Skeeter, Severus Snape, Sybill Trelawney // Bellatrix x Narcissa x Reader
His Dark Materials: Lee Scoresby, Maggie Costa, Marisa Coulter, Mary Malone
Holes: Kate Barlow, Louise Walker
House MD: Gregory House, James Wilson, Lisa Cuddy
House Of The Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen
I Dream Of Jeannie: Amanda Bellows, Evil!Jeannie, Jeannie, Roger Healey
Insatiable: Bob Armstrong, Coralee Armstrong, Regina Sinclair // Bob x Coralee x Reader
Just Shoot Me: Dennis Finch, Nina Van Horn
Killing Eve: Carolyn Martens, Eve Polastri, Villanelle // Villanelle x Eve x Reader
Last Tango In Halifax: Caroline Dawson, Gillian Greenwood, Judith Tyzack // Caroline x Gillian x Judith x Reader
Legends Of Tomorrow: Damien Darhk, Gideon, John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Martin Stein, Mick Rory, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Zari Tarazi // Leonard x Mick x Reader
Mamma Mia: Donna Sheridan, Ruby Sheridan, Tanya Chesham-Leigh // Ruby x Tanya x Reader
Marvel: Agatha Harkness, Ayesha, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Eleanor Bishop, Everett Ross, Hela, Helmut Zemo, Jeri Hogarth, Kilgrave, Loki Laufeyson, May Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Wanda Maximoff // Everett x Stephen x Reader
M*A*S*H: BJ Hunnicutt, Charles Emerson Winchester III, Francis Mulcahy, Hawkeye Pierce, Henry Blake, Margaret Houlihan, Maxwell Klinger, Radar O'Reilly // Henry x Radar x Reader
Merlin: Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Merlin, Mithian, Morgana Pendragon, Morgause, Uther Pendragon
Mom: Bonnie Plunkett, Jill Kendall, Natalie Stevens
Mrs. America: Gloria Steinem, Phyllis Schlafly
Nanny McPhee: Cedric Brown, Mrs. Blatherwick, Nanny McPhee, Selma Quickly
NCIS: Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo
New Amsterdam: Elizabeth Wilder, Iggy Frome, Lauren Bloom, Max Goodwin
Nine Perfect Strangers: Frances Welty, Masha Dmitrichenko
Ocean's 8: Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller, Rose Weil, Tammy
Once Upon A Time: Archie Hopper, Cora Mills, Cruella DeVil, Killian Jones, Maleficent, Regina Mills, Rumplestiltskin, Victoria Belfrey, Zelena Mills // Regina x Maleficent x Reader, Regina x Evil Queen x Reader, Regina x Zelena x Reader
Only Murders In The Building: Charles Haden-Savage, Cinda Canning, Loretta Durkin, Oliver Putnam // Charles x Oliver x Reader
Orange Is The New Black: Aleida Diaz, Alex Vause, Carol Denning, Linda Ferguson, Lorna Morello, Natalie Figueroa, Nicky Nichols, Red Reznikov
Peaky Blinders: Aberama Gold, Alfie Solomons, Arthur Shelby, Luca Changretta, Polly Gray, Tommy Shelby
Penny Dreadful: Evelyn Poole, Vanessa Ives
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow
Prodigal Son: Edrisa Tanaka, Jessica Whitly, Malcolm Bright, Martin Whitly, Vivian Capshaw
Ratched: Betsy Bucket, Edmund Tolleson, Gwendolyn Briggs, Lenore Osgood, Mildred Ratched // Gwendolyn x Mildred x Reader
Rizzoli & Isles: Angela Rizzoli, Jane Rizzoli, Maura Isles // Jane x Maura x Reader
Sanditon: Alexander Colbourne, Arthur Parker, Charles Lockhart, Sidney Parker
Scandal: Mellie Grant, Olivia Pope, Sally Langston
Schitt’s Creek: Alexis Rose, David Rose, Moira Rose, Ted Mullens
Scream Queens: Cathy Munsch, Gigi Caldwell
Sex Education: Colin Hendricks, Erin Wiley, Hope Haddon, Jean Milburn, Maureen Groff
Shameless (US): Claudia Nicolo, Frank Gallagher, Helene Runyon, Lip Gallagher, Monica Gallagher, Sheila Jackson, Svetlana Yevgenivna
Sherlock: Irene Adler, John Watson, Martha Hudson, Mary Morstan, Sherlock Holmes // Sherlock x John x Reader
Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn
Supergirl: Alex Danvers, Brainy, Cat Grant, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Nyxly, Winn Schott
Supernatural: Abaddon, Amara, Bela Talbot, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Lucifer, Mary Winchester, Pamela Barnes, Rowena MacLeod
Sweeney Todd: Judge Turpin, Nellie Lovett
Ted Lasso: Jamie Tartt, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton, Roy Kent, Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm
The Addams Family: Debbie Jellinsky, Morticia Addams // Debbie x Morticia x Reader
The Good Doctor: Audrey Lim, Shaun Murphy
The Good Place: Janet, Michael, Tahani Al Jamil
The Magicians: Eleanor Lipson, Eliot Waugh, Fen, Margo Hanson, Zelda Schiff // Eliot x Margo x Fen x Reader
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Midge Maisel, Rose Weissman, Sophie Lennon, Susie Myerson
The Nanny: CC Babcock, Fran Fine, Maxwell Sheffield // CC x Fran x Reader
The Parent Trap: Chessy, Elizabeth James, Meredith Blake
The Politician: Dede Standish, Dusty Jackson, Georgina Hobart, Hadassah Gold // Dede x Hadassah x Reader
The Prom: Angie Dickinson, Dee Dee Allen, Karen Greene
The School For Good And Evil: Clarissa Dovey, Leonora Lesso
The Tudors: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Catherine Of Aragon, Margaret Tudor
The Umbrella Academy: Five Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, The Handler
The Witcher: Calanthe Of Cintra, Geralt Of Rivia, Jaskier, Tissaia de Vries, Yennefer Of Vengerberg
Three's Company: Helen Roper, Jack Tripper, Lana Shields
True Blood: Arlene Fowler, Bill Compton, Eric Northman, Ginger, Jessica Hamby, Maryann Forrester, Pam Swynford de Beaufort, Rosalyn Harris, Russell Edgington, Sarah Newlin
Two And A Half Men: Alan Harper, Charlie Harper, Evelyn Harper, Judith Harper
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Andrea Baydon, Jacqueline White, Lillian Kaushtupper // Jacqueline x Lillian x Reader
Wednesday: Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill, Morticia Addams
What We Do In The Shadows: Lilith, Nadja, Nandor // Lilith x Nadja x Reader
Will & Grace: Beverly Leslie, Jack McFarland, Karen Walker
Xena: Warrior Princess: Alti, Aphrodite, Ares, Autolycus, Callisto, Gabrielle, Joxer, Xena // Xena x Gabrielle x Reader
Yonderland: Debbie Maddox, Imperatrix, Negatus // Debbie x Imperatrix x Reader
3rd Rock From The Sun: Dick Solomon, Mary Albright, Sally Solomon, Sonja Umdahl, Vicki Dubcek // Mary x Sally x Reader
30 Rock: Diana Jessup, Jenna Maroney, Kenneth Parcell, Liz Lemon, Lynn Onkman, Nancy Donovan // Jenna x Liz x Reader
Other Miscellaneous Characters
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sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Guys hear me out…. How HEARTBREAKING would it have been if it took longer for Professor Yana to open the fobwatch and he had decided to come travel with the Doctor, and knowing how they were in Utopia, became like the best of friends?? And only after a good while, Ten or Martha FINALLY discovered the damn fobwatch and Yana’s curiosity gets the best of him and he opens it, and it explained why even though he was happier, the Master’s headaches had gotten much worse while being with the Doctor and in the Tardis. GUYS. I would’ve SCREAMED.
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
Nightmares / Trouble Sleeping
First Doctor
"What are you still doing up?"
You walked into the library, finding the Doctor sitting on a sofa, reading with a lamp on.
"Why are you?" You countered.
He looked back at his book. "I'm a Time Lord. We do not require as much rest as humans do."
You sat beside him and pulled the blanket over your shoulders tighter. "What are you reading?"
"Go back to bed." He told you.
You shook your head and moved closer, resting your elbow on the back of the sofa, placing your head on your hand. "Read to me."
He looked at you, sighing before finding his place. You smiled at him, eyes closing as he finished the third page, and he closed the book, standing up. He placed the book down and moved you, so you were lying comfortably.
Second Doctor
You kept seeing him falling out the Tardis. The haunting way, he shouted your name before falling into space. Ramón wasn't the perfect person, but you were together for many years, and the acceptance just didn't come overnight. You walked into the console room, surprised to see the Doctor working on the Tardis.
"What are you doing?" You asked, shocking him, but his eyes softened when he saw you.
"I'm making adjustments to the circuit." He said.
"What will it do?" You walked over, and he closed the panel, standing up to face you.
"I'd prefer to talk about why you're not asleep." He placed his arms around you when you wrapped your arms around his waist. "You're still having nightmares."
"It's silly, and I know he wasn't a good man but -" You sighed into his shoulder, closing your eyes when he pressed a soothing kiss on your forehead. "I hate him, but a part of me is still sad that he's gone. He is floating somewhere out there."
He nodded in understanding, "It's not silly at all. It's perfectly natural." He told you. "But this is the second night this week, and you must get some rest."
"Will you join me?" You asked.
"Of course. I'll program the Tardis first; then, I'll join you." He smiled softly, and you ran your hand along his arm as you stepped away, feeling him squeeze your hand, watching you walk out.
The Doctor turned to the console, making the necessary adjustments before following you to the bedroom.
Having a face that resembled your former husband that you had watched fall into space, wasn't easy. But somehow his presence was easing your pain, instead of making it worse.
Third Doctor
The Master killed him. One of his nemesis plans had finally succeeded, and you could only watch as the Doctor was defeated. And when you woke up from your nightmare, you still weren't convinced. So you went to UNIT and entered the lab, seeing the Tardis where he had left it.
You knocked on the Tardis, and moments later, it opened for you. The Doctor smiled at you before frowning at the way you looked at him.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.
You approached him, staring intently before hugging him as tight as you could. He wrapped his arms around you and patted your back.
"Okay, you're strangling me now."
You loosened your grip but didn't release him completely.
"What's the matter?"
You shook your head, "Nothing." Your smile was small and wasn't as reassuring as you intended for it to be. You placed your head on his chest, and tears fell from your eyes at the sound of his two heartbeats.
He was alive. And it had all been one incredibly realistic and detailed nightmare.
Fourth Doctor
It had been weeks since you had encountered Styre. The Doctor had patiently waited for the day you finally let yourself be affected by the experiments performed on you, the mind tricks that haunted your nightmares.
Harry was the first to hear your screams, and Sarah was the one who got the Doctor. You weren't responding when they tried to wake you up. He walked in and ushered them out before approaching the bed. You were flinching every few seconds, muttering incoherently.
The Doctor tried to wake you, shaking you before realizing you were completely lost in your nightmare and put two fingers on both sides of your head, entering your mind. You breathed heavily as you snapped out your nightmare, and you were shaking violently, sobbing into your hands.
"Just breathe. Don't forget to breathe." He sent you a sad smile while wrapping his arms around your trembling figure. You weren't sure how long it took, minutes, or hours but he stayed with you until you calmed down, falling asleep on his chest.
And when Sarah went searching for him in the morning, she found you both fast asleep, curled together, his arm around you protectively.
Fifth Doctor
There was one thing you feared, and it was Daleks. Your confidence became your safety net. You could pretend that you weren't afraid, but the Doctor paid close attention to you, waiting for the cracks to appear.
You were wary about him, unsure of what you could do and what you couldn't. But when his arms were as welcoming as those in your own time, you cried on his chest, and it was the most serious moment you had shared since you arrived.
Sixth Doctor
You walked out of your bedroom, finding Peri heading down the corridor. "What is he doing?" She complained, yawning tiredly.
"I don't know. Go back to bed. I'll deal with it." You told her, heading to the source of the noise.
The Doctor had pulled the console apart, fixing wires that didn't need fixing. You sighed, crossing your arms.
"What the hell are you doing?"
He looked at you, and you frowned at the tiredness in his eyes. "I have to fix it."
"I don't think she agrees with you." You nodded to the console, earning a loud hum of what you assumed was agreement.
"Yes, well, she is rather temperamental." The panel he was working on sparked, and he hissed, sucking his finger. "Besides, your trip to Brazil has caused glitching."
"Hey, she took over this flight, I couldn't help it. And you've landed in the wrong place before." You reminded him.
You walked over to him and touched his shoulder. "You need to sleep."
"Sleep? Sleep? At a time like this?" You pulled him away from the Tardis console, and when he tried to break free, you bit his hand. He was yelling for the entire walk to his bedroom, where you struggled to get him to lie down. You lay beside him and placed his head on your chest.
"Are you going to pull my hair again?"
"Considering you woke me up in the middle of the night, I am tempted. But no." You looked down at him with a smile, and he watched you curiously. "What?"
"That's the nicest thing you've said to me since I regenerated."
You would've laughed if you didn't realize he was right. "Don't get used to it."
He stared across the room, and you felt his body relax as you played with his hair, falling asleep.
Peri found you in the morning, the Doctor sleeping peacefully with his arms around your waist, your chest as his pillow.
Seventh Doctor
You weren't on friendly terms yet. You treated Ace as a sister, and he knew that it would take more than the universe to get you to forgive him.
You still had nightmares of the Iceworld. It had been three months, but you couldn't get a decent night's sleep.
He knew you liked music, so he got the Tardis to place a stereo in your room, and you could sleep to the sounds coming from the radio. And in the morning, you gave him your first smile since the Iceworld, and it made him believe that he was worth forgiving.
Eighth Doctor
When the excitement of a recent adventure didn't wear off, you would find him in the console room, searching for your next adventure. You would pull him back to bed, and he would talk about where he could take you. You would fall asleep first, and he wouldn't move in fear of waking you, and eventually, he would fall asleep.
War Doctor
You wandered the hallways of the Tardis when you couldn't sleep. You were staring into the milky way when the Doctor found you. He sat beside you, holding out a cup of tea.
"Couldn't sleep?"
You shook your head, thanking him for the tea. You were all he had left and he was all you had. Your families; your planet was gone.
"I keep seeing it every time I close my eyes."
"I know." He said softly, placing his arm around you, and you rested your head on his shoulder.
Ninth Doctor
The Time War was fresh in his mind, and the Tardis chose you, a companion that she believed understood the Doctor the most. The lights in your room would flicker and wake you up. She would light the way, leading you to where the Doctor was sitting, thinking about the destruction of Gallifrey.
When his teary eyes met with yours, you knew why the Tardis led you to him. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, and he buried his head in your shoulder.
You would stand there for an hour, maybe more before you could convince him to sleep.
Tenth Doctor
You had traveled on the Tardis for some time, and finding the Doctor in the console room, holding Rose's jacket, was not what you expected in the middle of the night. You were sure your presence would add to his heartache, but you had to do something. You stepped out of the shadows, and he looked at you, broken beyond repair.
"What am I going to do?"
His words made tears form in your eyes, and you stepped forward to hug him, and he held you tightly, closing his eyes to fight his tears, but you could feel some escaping down your neck.
Neither of you got any sleep that night. But you did believe that in time, maybe he could find closure, and his mind wouldn't be so loud and allow him to rest. So you stayed up with him for as long as you could. The Doctor took you to your bedroom and made sure you were comfortable.
He stopped at the doorway, looking back at your sleeping form. You were a reminder that he wasn't alone. And it was a message he needed to hear.
Eleventh Doctor
The wheezing of the Tardis relaxed you. You were fond of the sound, even if it proved the Doctor left the brakes on. You followed the sound to the console room, finding the Doctor working underneath. He called up to you, looking up at you through the glass. You took a seat on the chair, wrapping your blanket over you.
"Nightmares?" He asked knowingly.
You had traveled with him for a while, and in the beginning, he was always shocked to walk in and find you sleeping near the console. Then he learned the reason why he was sympathetic and upgraded the chair so you would be more comfortable.
He came over to sit beside you, and you smiled, curling up into his side, legs over his and his arm around your neck, hand playing with your hair as you laid your head on his shoulder.
"Good night, Y/N." He kissed your forehead with a smile.
Twelfth Doctor
He was freshly regenerated and had a lot of energy pumping through him. But you knew he needed to sleep for the remainder of the process.
"Did you have a bedroom?" He asked.
You smiled, hands under your cheek as you stared at him. "Yeah. I had two actually. One for me and another for, well, anyone who needed it really."
He went quiet, but you knew he would think of something else to say.
He did ask more questions, turning his head when you didn't answer. He was tempted to wake you up but decided against it. He smiled faintly, pulling the sheets up to your shoulder.
He laid beside you on the bed, and you were the last thing he saw as he let sleep wash over him.
Thirteenth Doctor
The Master got inside your head. And as much as she tried to help, the Doctor couldn't fix the damage. You stayed up three nights in a row, and she hated that the only thing she could do was talk about it. But this incarnation was socially awkward, and you didn't want to make it worse. You needed the warmth of Eleven and the humor of Nine to get you through it. So she took you on a trip to see them both. Eleven then, Nine. And when you returned, you were smiling brighter than you had before.
Fourteenth Doctor
You turned when his arms left their commonplace around you and frowned when you saw his hands on his head, his eyes closed tightly. You learned after every bad adventure, and you still hadn't unboxed everything he had gone through since the Doctor returned, a little older, and a little more likely to open up about his pain. You placed a gentle hand on his chest, and he froze, hands lowering to meet your gaze.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He sighed, shaking his head.
You nod, accepting his answer. "Okay." His arms encircle you as you rest your head on his chest and he pressed a kiss to your head, closing his eyes as he lingered. He had a second chance with you, and this time he could heal from the trauma he had endured. But right now, it was 1.30 am and you needed to sleep before heading to work in a few hours. So, he put the memory to the back of his mind and settled comfortably, feeling grateful that you were in his arms again after so long. 
"You need to sleep."
He turned to find you rubbing your eyes, a fond smile on his lips. You approached him and pulled him away from the plan he was creating that would annoy the Doctor, no doubt.
You took him to his room, and the Master sighed, holding his hands up when you waited expectantly. He laid down, and you tucked him in.
"If I find you are wandering around again, I will lock the door."
You yawned and didn't complain when he brought you beside him. "I assume that you are taking care of me until the Doctor manages to get you back."
"You get into too much trouble, and you'll end up dead if you aren't at your best." You mumbled, falling asleep on his chest.
It was the closest thing to you confessing that you cared. And it would be a while before he received a confession he wanted to hear.
You had run for at least twenty miles without stopping. You were exhausted, the adrenaline had settled, but you still couldn't sleep. It had been too close a call this time.
The Tardis light up the hallway, and he followed the lights to your room. He heard the music blaring inside and opened the door, finding you sitting with your head on your knees on the bed.
"I thought you would be sleeping by now..."
"I was, but...doesn't matter." You looked at him, "Why are you awake?"
"The monitor was glitching." He said. "You can join me if you like?"
You nodded and took his outstretched hand, walking to the console room. You were fighting your sleep, and the Master knew you wouldn't open up to him. You held tools for him, and when you finished helping hours later, he could see you were losing the fight. He picked you up and carried you to your bedroom, falling asleep in his arms. He placed you down gently, and when you wouldn't unwrap your arms from his neck, he laid down, and you cuddled into him.
After that night, your relationship changed. 
You shivered, turning on your side as you struggled to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. The door opened, and you looked at the Master who glared at you.
"I'm trying to work!"
"Sorry." You sighed, sitting up. "I can't sleep. I usually fall asleep on -" you laid down, fluffing your pillow. "I won't bother you again."
He observed you for a moment and weighed the options in his mind. Keep you awake, and you'll be less helpful to him, or help you sleep, and he can continue to work.
He laid down, and you turned around, seeing his green eyes shining in the darkness. He waited for you to initiate contact, placing your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, and you closed your eyes. You fought back the tears, hoping that your husband would survive.
You fell asleep minutes later, the Master unable to leave due to your grip. He was tempted to push you away, but when you whimpered, he stopped trying.
All he wanted to do was ensure you had a good sleep so you could continue to help him with his plans. Yeah, he didn't entirely convince himself either.
He was always getting headaches. You knew he had trouble sleeping and would know when he was awake. He would be working throughout the night, and you would sit with him. You would fall asleep with your head on your arms, and he would wake you when he noticed you were sleeping in an uncomfortable position and take you to bed. He would find that the drums were silenced, if only for a little while, and he could get a few hours sleep.
You believed he was dead. So when he turned up on your doorstep wearing a black hoodie, you were surprised, freaked out, but thrilled.
He was alone for a long time, so you expected him to behave out of the ordinary. But the way he stared, lost in his mind frightened you.
You woke up, finding him sitting beside you on the bed, hands on his stomach as he stared at the wall. You slowly put a hand on his chest, getting his attention. His eyes softened as you touched his cheek, closing briefly before opening again.
"Did I wake you?" He asked.
You shook your head, "No. What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He kissed your forehead. "Go back to sleep."
You moved closer, resting your head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you.
You began to sing quietly, and he smiled down at you, a hint of sadness to it. He had missed you more than you'd ever know, more than he would tell you, and he was finding it challenging to sleep out of fear of what he would see when his eyes were closed.
But he had a weakness for your singing. It would help him relax when he had a stressful day, and eventually, he could no longer fight his sleep, head leaning against yours. You smiled and closed your eyes, hoping that he would find peace in his dreams.
She didn't want to be alone. Meeting you again, finding you had been traveling with the Doctor who had changed you, made you better, in your opinion, was a blessing. You weren't much different. You saw the beauty in the universe and weren't plotting against the Doctor. But you were happy, happier now she had returned.
She didn't want to take her eyes off of you, afraid when she blinked you would disappear.
You opened your eyes and frowned at the faraway look in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
"I was just thinking." She attempted to smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"I know you're afraid I've changed completely. I just don't want to hurt people like we used to. And I still care about you."
"You won't leave me then?" She tried to smirk, but you could see the insecurity in her eyes.
"No. Never." You kissed her tenderly. "Get some sleep I'll be here when you wake up."
You wrapped your arms around her, and she turned, cuddling into you. You smiled as you kissed her head. You looked down at her to find she was asleep, and only then did you fall asleep.
He was stranded for seventy-seven years. Add that to the secrets of Gallifrey, the tales of the Timeless Children; it was safe to say he had a lot to deal with emotionally. You would find him in the console room, working on his next idea to get rid of the Doctor, and he would see your sleepy figure, and when you opened your arms, he would do all he could not to cry. You were heaven sent, and the one person he trusted, who was loyal and didn't let him down. For seventy-seven years, he was desperate to return to you, wondering if he would find you had suffered at the hands of the Doctor.
You would hold him as he inevitably broke down and whispered soothing words in his ear. He fell asleep while you played with his hair. He didn't know how he had become so reliant on you, but he knew that he couldn't live without you.
Jamie McCrimmon
You missed home. The Tardis was fascinating, but you missed the fields, the horses, and your family. The Tardis had given you the same bedroom, and the Doctor believed she had done so to bring you both closer. Jamie was thrilled to be marrying you, but you weren't fond of arranged marriages and were hesitant about him. But the shared room had brought you both closer in some ways; you would greet each other in the morning and have breakfast together. If one of his shirts were torn during an adventure, you would stitch it for him.
The moment you truly believed your marriage had a future was when you couldn't fall asleep. Jamie had woken up due to your moving around, and when you opened up to him, he considered it a defining moment in your relationship. He told you stories of his childhood and gave detail of the hills that eased your homesickness as you reminiscence with him.
You fell asleep on his shoulder, and he smiled, tucking you in before falling asleep beside you.
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
In his line of work, there was a lot that could go wrong. And you were sure you had nightmares about every possible scenario. You knew what happened daily, and the aliens he had fought against gave you more to fear.
He returned home at odd times. You didn't want to trouble him with something you considered silly.
But when he returned home one night to find you trembling and crying in your sleep, he thought it was anything but 'silly.'
He took your mind off of it by talking about other things. You calmed down and eventually fell asleep in his arms. And he made sure to call during the day, come home when he said he would, anything to ease your worries to keep the nightmares away.
Mike Yates
You had always considered Mike invincible. So when his mind was taken over, the fear began to sink in. He was as mortal as everyone else (well, excluding the Doctor). And it frightened you, plaguing your dreams at night. He was fast asleep beside you, and you shook him awake. When he saw the tears in your eyes, he held you until you calmed down and you fell asleep to the sound of his beating heart.
The war with the Daleks raged on in many Thralls minds. As a front line warrior you had seen more than most and while Alydon had led the Thralls during the war he hadn't seen the horrors you had. And when you are woken by a nightmare he feels helpless as all he can do is hold you. But that's exactly what you needed, to know that he was there and he was safe.
Rory Williams
He didn't like to mention it but he had nightmares of the battles he had participated in as a Roman. It was like you sensed he needed someone to talk to as you would be waiting in the kitchen with a drink that would soothe him back to sleep.
Ian Chesterton
You had nightmares about your almost execution. One second you were asleep and the next you were staring down the blade of a gulliotine. Ian had been separated from the women and you were doing your best to comfort Susan, but you couldn't hide your own fear. Ian found you in the library, unable to sleep, and he had seen the light through the gap in the door on his way to the kitchen kitchen make tea. He found you reading and from the tears on your cheeks, you weren't managing to find a distraction.
It was plain for Susan and Barbara to see that he cared about you differently. Long before you had stepped on the Tardis, the life threatening situations bringing you closer.
"Nightmares?" He asked knowingly, joining you on the sofa.
"I know it's silly but I can't shake it." You confessed, wiping tears from your cheeks.
"Its not silly at all. The past few weeks have been rather exciting. Today was a little too close for comfort, I agree." He took your hand with a small smile, and you met his gaze. "But we survived."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he rubbed your back soothingly. "I was so frightened." You weren't only afraid for yourself, but for the man you had fallen for. For Susan who had so much life left to live. For Barbara who had become a close friend. For the Doctor who despite kidnapping you all was someone you cared for.
He held you tighter, thinking of his time in the cell, not knowing if you were executed. "Me too."
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
Pick Up Lines
First Doctor
“Are you a Dalek? Cause you’ve been rolling through my mind all day.”
At first, he found your pickup lines silly but this one would make him smile even when he’s in a bad mood.
Second Doctor
“Are you a Tardis? Cause when I look at you I feel like I’m flying around the universe.”
He would say a different one each time but this one made you smile because of how sweet it was.
Third Doctor
“Not even the Daleks could exterminate my love for you.”
You would be talking about his regeneration process and if he would fall out of love with you if he changed or if he would ever leave you behind. In relationships talks about the future were inevitable but he would say this to make you smile and it would ease your concerns.
Fourth Doctor
“You have got to be a Tardis because I can see the heavenly bodies in your eyes.”
He would usually use pick-up lines as a way to apologize when you would ignore him after enduring another one of his adventures. 
Fifth Doctor
“I was wondering if you had a spare heart? Mine were just stolen.”
He didn’t know about pick-up lines until he met you and this was the first one he ever used on you. It came as a surprise but a welcomed one.
Sixth Doctor
“I did a scan for alien tech, and it told me you were out of this world.”
You were on a new planet and when you asked if he did a scan for alien tech he used this pick-up line as a reply.
Seventh Doctor
“I feel lighter and weightless whenever I am with you like only a Tardis could do.”
You would be talking about your relationship and he used this pick-up line to lighten the mood and also describe how he felt.
Eighth Doctor
“I blame global warming…your hotness is too much for the planet to handle.”
You were talking about Earth when he blurted out this pick-up line. You had stopped in your tracks, surprised by his sudden flirty comment.
War Doctor
“Hey, doc, I think there’s something wrong with my hearts. They stop whenever I look at you.”
Everything was new and exciting to you as you had never left Gallifrey before. When you discovered pick-up lines he had listened for over an hour as you came up with new ones, giggling afterward. He would smile and shake his head, chuckling for the first time since you both fled Gallifrey.
Ninth Doctor
“Our future depends on one single moment of one impossible day. Could right here with you be that moment?”
He used this line when you both struggled to admit your feelings for each other. He used this line and it opened up a conversation about your feelings for each other.
Tenth Doctor
“Let’s get wibbly wobbly timely wimey bangidy wangidy sexity wexity…”
You were quickly taking off your clothes and he had used this pick-up line while taking off his shirt. You started giggling and he grinned at the blush on your cheeks.
Eleventh Doctor
“You remind me of my Chapstick cause you de balm.”
It was a game you had been playing all day and it got on Amy’s nerves. The game was called who could come up with the worst pickup line? And this line is what made you win the game.
Twelfth Doctor
“I’ll make your towers sing.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking up at him, your back pressed against the Tardis doors. He sent you a smirk and you giggled as you headed into the Tardis.
Thirteenth Doctor
“You made me lose control of my regeneration, you are hot like that.”
She was describing her regeneration process to her new companions and the pick-up line had been said so casually you were sure she didn’t know what she had said. You ignored the blush on your cheeks and the smirk Yaz sent your way.
Fourteenth Doctor
"Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?"
You turned to the tall Timelord when he appeared beside you, holding his hand out. You shook your head, smiling when he wiggled his eyebrows, taking his hand.
"You're an idiot."
"Now I'm your idiot." He held up your joined hands, showing off his wedding ring that he had worn proudly for the past hour since you slipped it on his finger.
“Your eyes shine brighter than Gallifreyan suns.”
It was rare when he would talk about Gallifrey but he would answer any questions you had about his planet. He was deep in thought, not finishing his description of the sky on Gallifrey when he turned to you, a serious expression on his face as he said the pick-up line. You would playfully roll your eyes when he would grin and he would smile at the blush on your cheeks.
“Are you the Tardis? Because I’d ride you through all of time and space.”
You were explaining the concept of pick-up lines after he was confused when overhearing a man starting a conversation with one. The woman had turned him down but The Master caught your meaning right away and smirked at you.
“Is that an invitation?”
“Do you have any Gallifreyan in you? Want some?”
You were three steps ahead of the Doctor and as he celebrated with wine he had turned to you with a mischievous smirk and you had blushed from his words, causing him to chuckle.
“I would like to be your Tardis darling, the one who can make you see the beauty of the universe.”
You knew he didn’t admire the universe as the Doctor did so when you joined him permanently after the war you were determined to make him see the potential you saw everywhere you went. You were planning your next adventure and you said this pick-up line while he piloted the Tardis, causing him to knock a lever, sending the Tardis sideways before he quickly fixed it, clearing his throat. You smirked at the Timelord when he told you to behave.
“Fancy a trip to Uranus?”
He would approach your desk, wiggling his eyebrows and you shushed him, making sure no one had heard him.  He chuckled as he held out his hand.
“Everyone thinks we’re taking the rest of the day off.” He winked, leading you out of your office.
You rolled your eyes, “It’ll take more than a pick-up line to get me in bed, Mr. Saxon.” He smirked when you walked ahead.
“Trust me, love, I know.”
“I’m sorry, I think both of my hearts just skipped a beat.”
You had become sassy towards the Doctor and she had been watching with a grin, seeing the old you were still underneath the hero the Doctor had created and blurted it out, ending your argument.
“I’m so drunk off your love, I’m Silurian.”
It was the moment he realized the depth of his feelings and the pick-up line wasn’t intended to be one but when you kissed him he was glad he said it. Although you did not know what a Silurian was yet he took you to see them on your next adventure.
Jamie McCrimmon
“If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I would be walking around my garden forever.”
You were worried about your future if and when you returned home. Would Jamie still feel the same about you? He had silenced your concerns with this pick-up line and made you smile.
Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart
“You have silenced me with your beauty.”
It was your weekly date night and he had said this pick-up line as you came downstairs, where he was waiting. You playfully hit his chest and he smiled as he put his hand on your back, kissing your cheek.
“You look beautiful.”
Mike Yates
“You’ve got a nice set of legs. What time do they open?”
He had said it so casually that you didn’t pick up on it right away and you laughed, leaning into his chest. You had heard worse pick-up lines from him but this one was the best one he came up with.
“Do you have a tan or are you always this hot?”
He smirked, leaning against a tree as you trained. Your aim faltered and the arrow narrowly missed the target. You turned to him with a glare and he chuckled, seeing the amusement in your eyes.
Rory Williams
“You make my centurion stand at attention.”
You were playing a game of swapping pick-up lines after discovering what they were and he smiled when you laughed, chuckling along with you. He saw the blush on your cheeks and grinned.
“That worked, didn’t it? It totally worked.”
Ian Chesterton
“If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”
You were washing dishes when he placed his hands on your hips and whispered in your ear, making you blush.
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