#terrin x torian
voidendron · 1 year
interview questions: 2, 5, 17, 18 for terrin or jen
how 'bout both? :D thank you! 💚💜
[roleplay interview ask game]
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2. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
"...You're not expectin' a sales pitch on why I'm a great leader or whatever, right?" She laughs, crossing her arms as she leans back comfortably in her seat. "Uhhh.... What is there to tell? I accidentally became Commander, I'm Mando, got a bit of a temper and like fire. I was a bounty hunter feels like a lifetime ago, sick of all the faction and Force nonsense. That good enough?"
5. Do you have any role models? Tell us a little bit about them.
A wide grin stretches her face. "Well, Dad of course gotta be one of 'em. Maybe not the best role model, all things considered, but he loved me and wanted me to be ready for the galaxy around me, and I looked up to 'im.
"But, uh... For the most part, most of the people who shaped my view on things, I learned what not to do from 'em. Dunno, guess I was just bad at pickin' who I hung around as a kid."
17. Have you ever been in love?
"Of course! Look, I could be cheesy and say Torian's the only love I've ever known, bla-bla-bla, but I've loved people before. Sure, not many, but a few! Had this huge crush on a partner I had for my first hunt without Dad - about broke my nose walkin' into a doorframe when he kissed me." She laughed at her own misfortune, rubbing the back of her neck.
"But most of 'em were just flings; teenage boyfriends, a girlfriend here and there. None of 'em lasted long, even if I thought I was 'so so in love' at that point. Not 'til Tori." Her grin turns gentler. "When we started dating, I just...knew this one would be different. I knew he was the one."
18. Have you ever been kissed?
"Oh, totally - that's not even counting Tori. I've even kissed one or two of my bounties - I ever tell ya about my first solo one? Force, she's when I realized 'Oh. Well girls are hot, too, I guess....'"
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2. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
With two fingers, he plucks the toothpick from his mouth and leans forward with a crooked grin. "You're tellin' me you haven't heard of the Voidhound? Well, feast your eyes on the greatest smuggler to ever live~! I can get through a blockade without a scratch, drop off a weapon shipment, kill a Hutt, an' still be home in time for dinner."
5. Do you have any role models? Tell us a little bit about them.
"Ma and Dad raised me like they'd been raised - and I guess I'm raisin' my own that way, too. So... Them?" He scratched behind an ear with a painted claw, glowering when the action pulled some hair loose from his ponytail. "Smugglers, livin' among the stars, never stayin' one place for too long, big ol' bleeding hearts - wonder where I get all that from, ha!"
"Uh... Don't tell him I said this, but I guess the Old Man, too. He pretty much helped raise me, y'know? Grumpy, sure, sure, but gives good advice and has lived way longer than any bounty hunter ever should. And he's great with the kids, Jeva loves him. Might be an old curmudgeon, but hey." He grins a grin full of sharp teeth. "We'll give the guy a pass - he's dealt with me all my life, after all."
17. Have you ever been in love?
"Y'know somethin' funny? All the folks I've f-- uh, spent the night with, I'd never really felt any deep attachment to 'em. Beryl's maybe the closest, but even her... Eh. Could never see her as more of a 'friend with benefits' type of deal. Never really thought I'd be one to settle down with one partner."
He looks away, a dreamy look falling over him. "'Til I met Kitty. Maybe it's 'cause he was on the crew, maybe it was his kiddos, that we had time to be friends and get to know each other first, I dunno. But one day I just...looked 'im in the eyes as he berated me for bein' an idiot and gettin' myself hurt bad enough he had to stitch me up, and I just couldn't look away." He leans forward, putting an elbow on his knee and propping his chin firmly over his knuckles. "And now I couldn't imagine life without 'im or the kids."
18. Have you ever been kissed?
He bites down firmly on the toothpick, offering a simple wink. It seems he figures that's suffice an answer...
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voidendron · 4 years
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- P R A C T I C E -
“You know that sheet music isn’t for a--”
“No, no, wait, I’ve got it!”
*horrible squeak*
*both start laughing*
yeets this at you before I decide to give up on it again since it’s been sitting as a WIP since August
--Do not copy, edit, or repost my works. Reblogs are appreciated!--
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voidendron · 4 years
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I’m weak for height differences ;;
this isn’t all of my ships, but just the first ones that I had pose ideas for. I love them <3
--Do not copy, edit, or repost my works. Reblogs are appreciated!--
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voidendron · 4 years
One Moment
Star Wars: The Old Republic Words: 1′369
“Torian?” Her feet carried her to him as if they had a mind of their own, arms flinging around his neck to pull him into the tightest hug she could muster. It lasted but a moment before they were both scrabbling to pull that old helmet off of him.
Spoilers for: KOTFE Ch. 14, Mandalore’s Revenge
Warnings: None Ship: Bounty Hunter/Torian Cadera Characters: Ar’eonis’terrinxx (Grand Champion), Shae Vizla, Khomo Fett, Torian Cadera
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Allies, Theron had said, and left it at that.
She hadn’t known who or what to expect as she piloted that little shuttle. She hadn’t known who or what would meet her when she landed at the coordinates on Darvannis.
She couldn’t say she’d expected Mandalorians, but she also couldn’t say that she didn’t welcome the sight—quite the contrary! The familiar armor style, blasters and rockets and blades carried in well-trained hands, visors covered in dust and grime as their wearers turned to look at her as she cut through the camp.
A few she’d seen in passing—among the crowd when she won the duel to get into the Great Hunt, gathered around Mandalore the Vindicated or in one of the many hunting parties she’d joined up with for a quick big game hunt over the years. Most, however, were strangers to her or at least had changed their armor if she had ever seen them before.
Even so, surrounded by strangers, it was a welcome sight. A sight she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed.
The Alliance was important to her, of course; she’d grown to care for it, her troops, but being among her brothers for once…
Terrin couldn’t help but grin a little as she strode to the tent one of them was gesturing for her to go to.
The first to greet her upon entry was a Mandalorian man—one of the few who, like her, wasn’t wearing a helmet. Although his was probably nearby, whereas hers had been lost with her crew and (now returned) ship years ago. He crossed his arms and gave her a once-over, an easy grin coming to his face. “Well, you’re on the wrong planet! The Hutt Pleasure Worlds are a dozen parsecs out.”
Terrin put her hands on her hips, looked him over as if she were a critic, grinned right back. “Really? ‘Cause I could’a sworn you were a dancer. Ya sure this is the right place?”
That earned her a snorting sort of laughter from the man. “Oh, I like this one.”
“Shut up, Khomo.” The speaker came from a small side room within the tent. Her armor may have gone through some small changes, but that voice and red hair? Oh, Terrin remembered it well. “You’re in good shape for a dead woman.”
“Shae Vizla—been a long time. Heh, can’t say I was expecting Mandalorians.”
“We’re what you got.” Her scowl seemed to deepen, then. “Heard you need a factory pulverized.” There was something different in her eye. Something…determined, less of the playful “fight for the hell of it” that had been there when they first met on Rishi or even when they’d faced Revan. The years had matured more than just Terrin, it seemed.
Khomo shifted from where he stood at the table, hands moving to his hips and looking like he was ready to go get his hands dirty. “A dozen clans stand with Mandalore the Avenger…—” Anything else he said faded to the background.
Mandalore the Avenger..? Terrin’s grin faded, replaced by a scowl that almost mirrored Shae’s. “…What happened to your predecessor?”
Shae—Mandalore—averted her eyes for a moment, shook her head. “I’m sorry. Zakuul hit your adopted clan hard; he died fighting.” The stern expression returned within moments. “We’ve been under siege these past few years. Clan Vizla survived better than most. I ended up Mandalore mostly by accident.”
Mandalore the Vindicated…dead? The last she’d seen of him…it had been when she was still in carbonite. That nightmare hellscape where she had to strike him down with her own two hands. She mentally cursed out Valkorian, though received no response.
“Half the clans are scattered,” Khomo added. “Most of the rest are trapped on the heartworlds.”
“When your spy-boy offered a chance to hit back, I agreed. Been on defense too long.”
Terrin’s expression hardened as she locked her jaw. If Arcann hadn’t made this personal before… “Then we fight together, Mandalore. Against Zakuul and the galaxy.” Red eyes drifted from Shae, to Khomo, then back again as a growl crept into her voice. “We’ll topple Arcann yet.” For Mandalore the Vindicated and what scattered members may be left of Clan Lok. For her brothers among the other clans. For her Alliance, and the galaxy.
“Right now, I’d settle for one good victory.”
Shae gestured for the table in the center of the room and turned it on. Terrin leaned on it as she scanned the troop deployments, listened to Shae and Khomo explain what was already being done about that factory, and what they still had to do. Rotating teams, one in position and ready to take down that energy shield on the factory.
Fortress or no, they’d win this. They had to. The Alliance needed that GEMINI template and one less Skytrooper factory would be better for everyone in and of itself.
Switching the table off, Shae nodded to Terrin. “You want to be useful? Capture the perimeter guns and retarget the factory.” Her eyes shifted to the entrance behind Terrin and she gestured for whoever must have entered to come over. “Torian!”
If it was possible for one’s brain to get an error message, Terrin’s certainly did when she heard that name. She stood rigid for what seemed like far too long before finally turning to face him. Could she really be that lucky?
The armor was unfamiliar, scuffed with scratches and blaster burns. It was black, sleek, new—not the gray-and-yellow she last remembered him in. But it was the helmet that really caught her eye. That helmet she’d thought was lost forever when it hadn’t been on board the Rust Bucket when Theron returned the ship to her. She’d known she left it there, in the room she’d shared with her husband—she’d been so distraught to discover it missing. Torian had had it made for her.
And now here it was, looking her right in the face.
It was repainted, resized to fit him, the visor covered in dust and the scope broken off and paint chipped along the edges, but she’d know that helmet anywhere. He’d really held onto it, after all this time…
“Riduur.” He was breathless, the disbelief in his voice clearer than any cloudless night.
“Torian?” Her feet carried her to him as if they had a mind of their own, arms flinging around his neck to pull him into the tightest hug she could muster. It lasted but a moment before they were both scrabbling to pull that old helmet off of him.
It fell to the sand at their feet as Terrin held his face in her hands. Familiar blue eyes locked with hers, thumbs traced the scars at his cheeks, and the smile wasn’t long to find his lips. He was scruffy, like he hadn’t shaved in a few days, and sweat made messy bangs stick to his face. But it was Torian. Her Torian.
“What are you doing here? I… I know how long it’s been, but…” She had to stand on her toes, and even then Torian still had to lean down just so their foreheads could touch. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath when he brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. “So much.”
He murmured something in Mando’a, something she didn’t recognize but that brought her comfort with the way he said it.
When he pulled back to look her in the eyes again, a grin found its way back to Terrin’s face. One hand found the edge of his chestplate and she dragged him into a kiss.
Terrin didn’t care that Shae cleared her throat behind them, or that Khomo had crossed his arms impatiently. She knew they had something to get to—ASAP—but she just wanted this one moment. One moment, with the husband she’d thought she lost. One moment, to taste his sweat and the smoke that clung to him and look into those eyes she’d missed so, so much.
One moment, before they drew their weapons and charged headfirst into battle, side-by-side for the first time in years.
Just one moment.
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voidendron · 4 years
Quiet Mornings
Star Wars: The Old Republic Words: 913
A nice night, a quiet morning, light filtering in through the window to wake the Commander. When she opened her eyes, Torian wasn’t there but she could hear him rummaging about in the bathroom as he prepared for the day.
Spoilers: Minor ones for Onslaught? Set shortly after Meridian Complex FP
Warnings: Pregnancy Ship: Bounty Hunter/Torian Cadera Characters: Ar’eonis’terrinxx (Grand Champion), Torian Cadera
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It was quiet. Far quieter than it ever would have gotten on the Rust Bucket. Far quieter than it ever would have gotten on Odessen.
A nice night, a quiet morning, light filtering in through the window to wake the Commander. When she opened her eyes, Torian wasn’t there but she could hear him rummaging about in the bathroom as he prepared for the day.
Leaving others in charge she’d trust with the task, she’d decided to take a short vacation. Just a few days, at her secluded little beach side place on Rishi she so rarely visited. A few days with her husband, that’s all she’d asked for before leaving Lana and Theron to deal out commands. They’d dealt with the problem at the Meridian Complex and, sure, they needed to figure out where the hell Malgus had disappeared to, but now was time to take a breath and relax for a bit.
Rolling out of bed, Terrin’s bare feet padded softly to the bathroom; her Akk dog lifted his head from his place on the floor to the movement to watch her groggily, then promptly went back to sleep. When she peeked around the open door, Torian offered a smile as he cleaned his freshly-shaven face in the sink.
“How long have you been up?”
“A while.” He grabbed for scissors and clipped at too-long hairs in his goatee, then brushed at it with his fingers.
Terrin put her hands on her hips and pretended to be offended. “And you didn’t get me up?”
That brought his grin to widen as he shook his head. “You were snoring. Didn’t want to wake you.”
She snorted at that and reached for the brush he’d grabbed to pluck it from his hands. When he reached for it, she stuck her tongue out at him and ran it through her bedhead she was scared to look at in her reflection—she always got it bad.
“Did ya still want to go to the Rishii’s island today?”
He hummed while ruffling his fingers through his bangs in an attempt to get them to cooperate. He needed a trim, she thought with a chuckle. “Almost want to stay here. Been too long since we could relax, just us.”
“Wouldn’t say no to that.” She stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek (both of them chuckling when he had to lean down for her to actually reach) and danced around him to wash her face in the other sink. She hadn’t bothered to wash her makeup off last night, and when she finally glanced up at her reflection she could see how the wings had smeared—her hair was also still a frizzy, tangled mess that nothing short of a shower and thorough brushing would fix.
While she tried to scrub at her makeup, she caught him watching from the corner of her eye. Oh, she’d never tire of that look. They way his eyes alone could hold so much love…
When she set the brush to the side, he swiped it back to run it through his hair a few times before she’d undoubtedly grab it again. She watched him as she pulled her hair into a messy ponytail, smirked when he leaned in close to his reflection to check for any missed patches on his jaw that he’d need to clean up.
“Pretty sure you got it,” she laughed.
“Can never be too sure when there’s a distraction in the room.”
The humored look he gave her had Terrin sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose with a grin. “Distraction? Me?”
He wrapped one arm loosely around her waist and kissed the top of her head with a chuckle. They stood like that for a while, simply enjoying one another’s presence and how naturally they fit in each other’s arms. When he eventually placed his free hand on her belly, Terrin rested her head on his chest with a contented sigh.
“Are you nervous?” she asked. Her voice was softer, now. Lacking the humor and now filled with curiosity and care as she looked up at him.
He took a few moments to answer, eyes flitting off to a corner of the room before a gentle smile found his face. “Be lying if I said no.”
She stretched to bump her head against his chin. “Don’t be. You’ll be a good father.”
“We still need a name.”
Terrin laughed and buried her face against his chest. “We’ve still got a while to think about it.”
Snuffling at the door brought the attention of both toward it. “Think Baby knows,” Torian commented. They both sank down to the floor, and the Akk dog happily lumbered over for pets.
“He totally knows,” she agreed with a grin. It had been two weeks since she found out, and Baby was glued to her side even more than usual—he was the whole reason she’d wanted to find out if something was wrong with her in the first place. Baby had known before anyone! “Who’s a good pup? Who protects Mama?”
A growling bark rumbled in his throat and he laid his head in Terrin’s lap.
Something told her that he and their kid would be inseparable. That thought, and knowing they’d be good parents—as good as they could be—and that their old crew would absolutely adore the baby, was enough to quash some of her own anxiety over it.
They’d be okay.
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voidendron · 4 years
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*slams fist on table*
OC smile compilation
including Liakige’s extremely freakin creepy one. tone it back a little, dude
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voidendron · 4 years
♡ - romantic headcanon and ∇ -. old age/aging headcanon for Terrin?
thankie! <3
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♡ - romantic headcanon
She’s not a very romantic person, to say the least. Her idea of a “date” is to spar or go on a hunt--so her dates usually end up with both her and Torian bruised up but grinning, then Torian will cook something for them.
Buuuut she’s been trying to learn the bes’bev so she can play traditional Mandalorian music. She totally surprises Torian by getting lessons from one of Max’s clanmates so she can play a song for him. It’s probably the most romantic thing she’s ever done, and she enjoys playing for him once she gets better at it!
∇ - old age/aging headcanon
Terrin eventually retires from her post of Alliance Commander (undecided who takes the position. maybe her kid?) and goes to live at her beach side place on Rishi with Torian. She still takes occasional bounties, but for the most part she hunts big game with him and they sell the pelts and meat for easy credits, send some to the Alliance, and keep the rest.
She’s not one who could ever fully retire because she’d be bored out of her mind, but she’ll be happy to no longer have all the responsibility of the Alliance and be able to go back to doing whatever she feels like. and now I’m imagining her with graying hair
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voidendron · 4 years
I was about to fall asleep but I got an Idea and I have to write it down before I forget
Okay okay so Terrin is the V'ehsz Legacy's Outlander right
And she married Torian right
Now okay. She has this habit of only wearing her helmet when she really needs to, and would have left it on her ship (which she named Rust Bucket but that's beside the point) when she went to speak with Marr at the start of kotfe
So now imagine. Torian thinks she's dead, all he's got left is her helmet
They don't see each other for freakin years until the Mandalorian chapter
And. What if Torian had gotten her helmet adjusted to fit him
So when Shae calls for him Terrin's brain stalls and she probably just stands there looking like an error sign because "wait did she just say the name i think she said"
And the first thing she sees is a very very familiar, if more scuffed up than she'd left it, helmet. They're not sure which of them is in more of a rush to pull the helmet off of him so they can just. look at each other after so so long
And then she does the whole grab-his-chestplate-and-pull-him-into-a-kiss like their cutscene played out and
Hhhh Terrin's a tough nut and and would 100% challenge something/one to a fight for a stupid reason and promptly set it on fire but I'm soft for her and Torian's reunion and I've been thinking about it lately ;;
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voidendron · 4 years
ramble time? ramble time
this time for ships and how they met! :D
jdklsa;dlj I’m sorry but I got the idea nd had to jot it down before I’d forget to
Terrin x Torian
Technically, they first met when Terrin went to the Mando hunting camp on Dromund Kaas. But that was more of an in-passing thing and Terrin figured she’d never see him again after that so. Whatever, right?
When she was trying to track down Jicoln Cadera, she lured Torian in by flirting...
then promptly flipped him onto his back, pointed a blaster in his face, and demanded answers. From there, he was smitten. She wasn’t interested at first (and even encouraged Mako to try her luck with him!) but she did eventually fall for him while he taught her about the Mandalorian culture.
Azan x Max
They met by accident. Azan was checking in on a Sith-related disturbance since that’s kinda one of her jobs as Wrath, Max was going after a bounty, and they ran into each other since it turned out they were both looking for the same Sith. Azan left Max to deal with it and went on her way.
They met a few times over similar cases, with Max’s bounties ending up farther into Kaas City every time. Eventually Azan just kinda decided what the hell and asked if Max wanted to go to dinner because hey, she’s cute and badass. What’s not to love?
Jen x K’hedif
Another accidental one. Jen had been in danger while his crew was still a ways off, and Kitty swooped in to save the day before running off. Okay, that’s a lie. Kitty shattered a glass bottle over a gang leader’s head and then bolted so they’d chase after him and Jen could get away. But hey, little details. 
They met again when it was Kitty’s turn to be the one in trouble, so now the Voidhound’s crew literally did swoop in to be the heroes. Kitty had two kids he’d adopted off the streets, so Jen hired him to his crew literally just so Jeva and Jessi would have a roof over their heads. Kitty became the crew’s medic.
They didn’t expect to eventually fall for each other. But, uh. They totally had their first kiss when Jen was in the medbay needing stitches.
Lina x Felix
They met through the Barsen’thor. Lina would occasionally work with him, and with her brother also being in the military she figured she’d have an easier time understanding Felix than the rest of Synnda’s crew so just kind of gravitated toward him whenever she was with the crew. 
Constant communication and a mutual attempt to understand each other led them to fall for one another.
Leo x Avena
They met on Ossus--Leo having gone because she was too injured to fight Zakuul, and Avena because she was trying to get a group of Padawans to safety. They shared a common friend in Praven, so it was through him that they met each other.
After Leo recovered, she’d help Avena guard the colony, and they started spending a lot of time together as friends. Friends turned to crushes and while they both initially tried to be good Jedi and ignore their feelings, they gave in and decided to at least give a relationship a shot.
Xaerez x Theron
They first met on Manaan. Lana had thought Xaerez would be more help working with her at the computers instead of going into the lab, so he was there for the first encounter with Theron. He’d throw occasional flirts Theron’s way through SOR and Ziost, but was never serious.
It wasn’t until the Outlander went missing and Xaerez left the Empire/quit spying for the SIS entirely to work with him in trying to find where Terrin went/to find contacts for the eventual Alliance that they really started to form a bond. Xaerez actually came to trust Theron, and trust is a rare thing from him and will automatically mean he cares a lot for whoever he trusts. 
They developed a relationship in that time.
Synnda x Koth
Synnda was part of the rescue mission for the Outlander from the Spire, so he was one of the earlier Alliance members to get to meet Koth. He developed a crush on Koth, but kept quiet about it.
It wasn’t until he befriended Darth Nox and ended up really close friends with him that Nox realized Synnda had a crush. Being the obnoxious but loveable (and lowkey terrifying) friend he was, he more or less tried to play wingman, and Koth ended up noticing. He made an embarrassment of himself and Synnda had never been so flustered. Fortunately Koth thought it was funny and endearing, and took Synnda to the side to ask him out all while Nox give him a thumbs-up. 
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voidendron · 4 years
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replayed Mandalore’s Revenge with Terrin again for fic purposes and also got some nice shots with her updated hair color <3
the eyes-closed one was totally an accident but she just looks so content I had to keep it ;;
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voidendron · 4 years
(Wherever the bed emoji is) w terrin!!
🛏 : A sleeping headcanon
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Terrin is like a freaking cat when it comes to sleeping in horrible places and positions. Too tired to take off her armor? She’ll plop down on the nearest chair, cross her arms over the table and fall asleep with her head in her arms (then proceed to regret it when she wakes up with a stiff neck/back).
She’ll sleep on the floor, the coach, holding her dog like he’s a plushie, on Torian’s legs (rip Torian’s legs, you’re gonna get pins-and-needles because she’ll be OUT COLD and good luck getting her to move). She’ll sometimes also use her akk dog as a pillow which can’t possibly be comfortable with his scales-
When Torian can coax her into sleeping on the bed like a normal person, she’ll either lay on her stomach, or be the big spoon and hold her husband. 
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voidendron · 4 years
Appearance and quirks/hobbies headcanons for Terrin?
thankies! <3
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☼ - appearance headcanon
She likes makeup. Nothing super fancy, but some simple wings and lip liner? She loves using them! She usually uses some sort of blue so it’s subtle against her skin, but she may occasionally change it up to something that stands out. 
She’s pretty good at using it to cover bruises and whatnot, too, and sometimes (very rarely) she’ll use it to cover the burns on her face.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
She talks mostly with the right side of her mouth, and tends to squint her right eye a little as she does so. 
That one was short, so bonus: When she’s doing her makeup, if Torian’s nearby--watching, or getting ready himself or whatever? She’ll take whatever she’d been using and smear it on his nose. It’s water/sweat-proof, so she starts laughing when he has a hell of a time trying to get it off. It’s become part of their morning routine.
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voidendron · 4 years
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts? and 7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? for Terrin x Torian 🥺
thank youuuu! <3
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7. Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
That would be Torian, technically! They both pretty much always wear their armor, which is sized specifically for them and would make it difficult for them to wear each others’ stuff, but I actually wrote something recently regarding this one! When Terrin went missing at the start of KOTFE, Torian ended up taking her helmet that she’d left on the ship and got it adjusted to fit him, then ended up wearing it for the entire time she was gone. 
After they were reunited, he ended up keeping it and got a brand new one made for her.
13. Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
That would be Torian again! I headcanon that his love languages are gift-giving and spending time together, so when he goes on hunts he always ends up bringing back little gifts for Terrin--pelts, or teeth, or a skull--and she loves every single one of them.
He’ll also bring home special ingredients allllll the time so he can cook for her and even tries to teach her how to make Mandalorian dishes.
He...realizes pretty quickly that Terrin should never be allowed near a stove. So he’ll surprise her with meals instead.
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voidendron · 3 years
V'ehsz Legacy vs. The Star Fortresses
I'm ah
maybe kinda sorta working on a fic involving one of the Star Fortresses which is E X C I T E because I've been struggling to write anything lately 👀
it got me thinking about how Terrin's Alliance would go about dealing with them, sooooo
(warnings for violence, major injuries, and minor character death)
The attack on Bothawui horrified millions. Terrin, the loud and boisterous Mandalorian Commander who always had something to say, was stricken speechless. Speechlessness turned into outrage, then sorrow, for all those thousands lost. Sorrow and anger turned into action. Within days of the destruction, she'd put together a plan with the help of her advisors.
"Inferno Squad, Master Tophrik, and Synnda's students are all goin' with the Voidhound and some of Aygo's forces to provide aid to Bothawui's survivors," she'd ordered. Her usually grinning face was twisted into a hard scowl, ponytail messy from being pulled up in a hurry, makeup smeared as if she'd slept with it on, armor still scarred from her last battle with Arcann's forces.
"So far, we've got seven known Fortresses - scouts have already taken a look through some of 'em to give us an idea what we're dealing with. The Fortress over Bothawui's already fired on the planet, and we don't know how long it's gonna be before the others decide they're gonna do the same - or, before that one fires again. Each team will have an Intelligence agent tasked to walk them through the halls, and warn them of any incoming danger that the scanners our scouts planted pick up on.
"Darth Nox and Master V'ehsz, I'm sendin' you two to Alderaan's." The Jedi inclined his head in acknowledgement, while the Sith only scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Synnda, try to use your Force-shroudin'...whatever it is, to get you both to the core unnoticed. Your contact is Domino."
"Agent Xaerez has insisted on going on his own to Voss. We'll have Oggurobb check over his stealth generator to ensure it's in good condition. Avoid Knights at all costs - they'll see right through it. Your Intelligence contact is Shara."
"Yes, sir."
"Lord Wrath and Max Tro: To Nar Shaddaa. You two are going in last. Create a scene, cause as much damage as possible, to distract the forces aboard the other Fortresses enough for the rest of the teams to get in, and get out. Make 'em second-guess themselves, make their Exarch scared that you're about to rip 'em apart, then do it. Give those casinos a nice fireworks show."
The Mandalorian was grinning from ear-to-ear at that; she certainly looked ready for the fight ahead. And the Sith, stoic as ever while on-the-job, only nodded - but there was a spark of something in the air around her: Excitement.
"Oh, this power-couple's got this in the bag, baby~" said Max.
The slightest smirk found the Commander's lip before falling away again. "Your contact is Agent Kothe."
Xaerez stiffened at the name, hands curling into fists where they'd been rested on the table. He said not a word, and quickly tucked them into his lap.
"Master Hess and Feymark Ehn, to Hoth's Fortress."
The Jedi's tail swished with trepidation, gaze drifting to the former Warstalker. Feymark, for his part, just tipped his head a little.
"Ehn, you're good at pulling attention to yourself. Do that, and Hess take the openings they cause to get to the core of the station."
"Ah...yes, sir."
"Brehl'aa is your contact."
Kidak visibly relaxed at the name, offering to Terrin a grateful glance that she answered with a thumbs-up.
"Lords Raphios and Beniko, I'm sendin' you to Tatooine. Azu'ma is your contact."
Both Sith glanced to each other from across the table, and nodded solemnly.
"Very well."
"Liakige Harren, with Master Alvihr to Belsavis."
The former Sith arched a brow, while the Jedi's studious gaze hardened coldly at the thought of tearing the station apart.
"Abbath's your contact.
"And I'm takin' Torian with me. We're destroying that kriffin' station--" she banged an armored fist on the table, "--over Bothawui before it takes any more lives. Theron, with us."
Her posture straightened, too-bright eyes scanning the crowd before her. "You should all be gettin' more detailed files on your assignments shortly. Dismissed."
Xaerez is the first to deal the final blow with his Fortress, sparking the domino affect of the rest of the teams following suit - they all go down within hours of one another, and Arcann is outraged that he suddenly loses contact with seven Fortresses practically all at once.
-Xaerez, for his part, makes it almost to the very end before the Exarch figures out something's amiss - this is only after the other Fortresses have begun reporting intruders, so the Voss Exarch practically turned the place upside down just knowing there would be someone.
Xaerez comes out of it with broken ribs and a fractured clavicle, but a moment of hesitation as Andur readies a powerful Force attack gives him the window he needs to draw his vibroknife and jam it into his jugular, allowing Xaerez to make it out alive before the station blew up.
-Raphios and Lana worked in perfect sync with each other. While they were forced to fight their way through since neither has stealth capabilities, they had a relatively easy time compared to the other teams, and were mere minutes behind Xaerez in destroying theirs.
They're both a little worse for ware after being confronted by Tarso, but make it out with no serious injuries - after beheading him.
-Kidak and Fey turn out to work better together than Kidak had expected. Fey's a little more...enthusiastic, about fighting than the Jedi, but does his job of "distraction" really well, giving Kidak the windows he needed to get into computers or through locked doors.
They fared the easiest with their Exarch. Fey came out of stealth behind Jom after he'd cornered Kidak at a computer, driving his weapon straight through the Exarch's chestpiece and killing him almost instantly.
-Terrin and Torian tear through their Fortress like the Mandos they are, fighting for every step forward. Due to the lack of Bothawui resistance support for obvious reasons, they're racing against the clock to first disable the shield, and then disarm and destroy their Fortress before it can have the chance to fire again.
They're stressed, they're exhausted, they're angry - their Exarch doesn't stand a chance, and finds himself burned alive in his armor.
-Alvihr and Liakige weren't the best pairing. They butt heads, Alvihr is too gung-ho about "punishing" those within the Fortress, while Liakige is actually trying to go through with their task. She's hostile toward the former Sith apprentice...
Until Liakige leaps in to save a group of the Condemned being herded off for experimentation. The two then follow through with their objective, and Alvihr is more than happy to execute Exarch Forta when her guard is down just a moment too long.
-Max and Azan do their job perfectly. Does it make their job harder as their efforts draw in literally every force on the station? Yes. But does it cause chaos in the other Fortresses as they scramble to prevent the same from happening to them? Also yes.
The pair tears through the Fortress, maiming or killing anyone foolish enough to get in their way; Azan rips Skytroopers apart with her bare hands, Max turns her flamethrower to them to force them into overheating and shutting down. Their fight with Exarch Lesin is brutal, both parties coming near-death - until Max takes a lightsaber to the gut, and Azan tears Lesin's throat out in a rage when he next turns to her. She carries Max out, and both barely survive their injuries.
-Then...there's Synnda and Qizulth/Nox... This is before they developed their queerplatonic relationship, but they're still working like a team. Things are going well, Synnda has them both shrouded with the Force, they've made it pretty far in without detection while the crew's running around like chickens with their heads cut off thanks to Max and Azan's efforts. ...until they encounter a Paladin. She detects them, they defeat her, and next thing they know, Exarch Zar Draya lunges off the elevator and they're both knocked out.
They're taken prisoner, it's been hours since Max and Azan finished off their Fortress, they're the only team left and everyone thought they were dead. Qizulth, a former slave, is panicking as he's caged with a collar on. Synnda breaks them out, and from there the two are racing the clock as Arcann closes in to take the prisoners.
Zar is more clever than her colleagues and refuses to underestimate the intruders like the others, their Intelligence contact is left floundering as they try to direct the team to the core, she sends her best Knights and Paladins after them, anything to stop them, or at least slow them down until Arcann arived.
When they finally reach her, Synnda steps in front of Qizulth. Key senses...something off about Synnda, and next thing anyone knows, the Jedi's hands are in front of him, the platform they're all standing on is crumpling like it's made of aluminum, and Zar charges. He blasts her back with the Force into a wall of the "arena," beams are creaking and screeching and glass is shattering as the platform collapses in on itself, Zar is coughing up blood as she's literally impaled from multiple directions.
Synnda backs up into Qizulth, and the two step off the platform
Then he drops it, and the still very much alive Zar, into the Fortress's core.
Qizulth never speaks of what he saw, and Synnda restrains from ever showing such displays of violence and power again.
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