fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Continued Liveblogging Final ep Season 4!
AOYAGI SAYING ALL OF HIS DREAMS HAVE ALREADY COME TRUE!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Ashikiba has no idea the kind of breakup and makeup TeshimAoyagi went through the other day! 🥺 I feel for him.
Man wouldn't it be Absolutely Wild if he and Teshima ended up at the same university/college and it turned out that THIS TIME Aoyagi ended up somewhere else and Teshima is ACTUALLY committing and Dating Long Distance?????????? I feel like something inside Ashikiba would Snap.
Lol Team Haircut. That's where his short hair for all the recent merch comes from!
Well with manami being the logo focus for the outro logo and being in the outro splash with the main 3 it's probably endgame. 🤷‍♀️ Oh well.
Damn. If Naruko was gonna lose I'd rather have him lose to Imaizumi. 🥺😞
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amarcia · 8 years
kabaneri for the series ask thing!!
Favorite character: Mumei
Second favorite character:Oh this is hard, I think Ikoma maybeLeast favorite character:Biba pisses me off so much jfc someone chop his head off
The character I’m most like:Ayame?idkFavorite pairing:I don’t have any, mm, but it could be Mumei and one of those girls who were nice to her at the beginningLeast favorite pairing:Anything with Biba in it, kill it with fire, I’m sure someone tried to ship Biba with Kurusu already, kill it with fire
Favorite moment:In the first ep when Mumei hits a guard with that toy of hers and recites her brother’s motto while swinging it around, idk, I liked the way it was synced together :0 But also Mumei’s fight in second ep was super cool ahh I can’t decide!Rating out of 10
I will give this series, dunno, 7 kabane out of 10 for I love the visuals and 12 episodes is too little for this series 
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dawndestroyer · 8 years
teshimaoyagi replied to your post:wrt that last reblog I am seeing a lot of people...
yeah im still majorly side-eyeing the author but cn is still being shitty its just compounded shittiness at this point
YEAH I’m extremely >> towards that writer and I do think that CN is the bigger monster here but I just don’t want people to think that because there is a bigger monster to point fingers at they can completely excuse the writer
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joligarcon · 9 years
happy birthday zach!!!!!! you are super cool and great and i hope you have a really good birthday!!!!!!!
aww mattie..ur too kind T_T i had kind of a boring bday tbh but it wasnt so bad, anyways, thank u!!
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miyaio · 9 years
ANISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you had a great day!!! i really love talking to you and seeing you on my TL on twitter!!! youre the best!!!! B)
aAAAAAA THANK YOU!  i had a nice, quiet day, which isn’t at all bad for a bday c:
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cosjyu · 9 years
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Jyudaime’s Room as Teshima Junta
Miho'’ DreamLand as Naruko Shoukichi
Mari Takahashi as Aoyagi Hajime
Photo by Tatiane Hanashiro
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fighting-these-demons · 5 months
Damn if I don't love this new ED though!!! 😭💖
Rock Band AUs My Beloved!
Framing Kaburagi and Imaizumi as the guys whose partner isn't on stage! 💖
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amarcia · 9 years
your art is so nice :0 your style is very cute too!!!
Ah! Thank you a lot ;//u//;
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dawndestroyer · 9 years
teshimaoyagi replied to your post: tfw when instead of “steven universe” you almost...
hHOLY SHIT. “how is it that i, an experienced gem
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fleebites · 9 years
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Previews of the T2 doujinshi that rainygay and I are collaborating on! (Rainy's doing the layouts and inks and I'm doing the pencils and (eventually) the shading) We'll have this for sale at Otakon :)
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creached · 9 years
teshimaoyagi replied to your post “Raigau!!”
"and that’s how yukimi ends up w/ a million cats" i like how yukimi is just suddenly here. he didnt want to be, but he is
someone has to keep these children in line
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lega18 · 10 years
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more T2 judging you  ::<3*::
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dawndestroyer · 9 years
teshimaoyagi replied to your post:man I have never played a digimon world game other...
ive never played digimon world 3 and i have super faint memories of 2 and i sucked at 1 but i still liked it??
yeah digimon world 3 is one I hear a lot people don’t like so much bc it is very pokemon-esque and grindy. but despite that I liked it a lot bc it’s pixel-art backgrounds were so so gorgeous and the story was really cool and the gameplay was simple which was good for a little kid like me
yeah the only thing keeping me from playing digimon world 1 is because I keep hearing how stressful the gameplay is by lpers and it really does look stressful lmao
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joligarcon · 10 years
idk if someone asked u for ur daiya no ace favs yet but if not Here I Am
no crying in baseball………………..
CHRIS MY LOVE MY ANGLE, furuya, tanba, haruichi and miyuki id say
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creached · 10 years
Where did they first meet?
a bike race of course omg it’s really stupid and we all know how it went they’re so stupid
How did their relationship start?
probably bc one of them just snapped like they’ve been racing each other for a really long time at this point and growing really close w/o even realising it they talk on the phone so much even if makishima does genuinely think it’s kind of annoying and jinpachi does genuinely think some of makishima’s mannerisms aren’t the greatest that’s just how friendship is but the thing is both of them start feeling like it’s more than friendship at some point. and during their next race it’s probably a little awkward and they can both tell s/t is up but they’re not sure if it’s them or the other person, and then maybe after the third day of the interhigh they meet somewhere privately to talk like in a grassy secluded place and they’re just talking and suddenly jinpachi gets really irritated? and makishima had been kind of irritable for a while bc he knows he likes jinpachi but he can’t do anything bc what if that makes jinpachi think he’s even weirder, what if jinpachi leaves and doesn’t want to talk, at this point he’s so ingrained in makishima’s life he’d be kind of devastated if he wasn’t there anymore? and jinpachi is thinking along the same lines, he doesn’t want makshima to leave him but for him it’s like he just Cannot take it any more he’s so fed up w/ hiding his feelings, he’s such an open person that he literally can’t do it anymore so he just leans forward and kisses makishima straight on the mouth in the middle of a sentence he hadn’t been listening to bc he’d been too busy building up courage to kiss makishima. he gets so so so flustered and tries to walk (run) away but makishima grabs his wrist and pulls him in for another kiss ;; 
Do they ever wear each other clothes?
ooo yeah definitely especially bc they live Very Far from each other but jinpachi will never wear makishima’s clothes outside of his own house or dorm like he’ll only use them for sleep clothes and it starts w/ jinpachi stealing a shirt or two from the ground when they have sleepover and when makishima asks about it jinpachi is like “ahahaha maki-chan!! so funny!! your clothes are hideous why would i steal them????? not bc they smell nice and like you, definitely not!!” and makishima makes a Face
Who apologises first after an argument?
idk i feel like they’re both very stubborn w/ things like that? if one of them realises that it’s their fault then they’ll be the one to apologise but if that doesn’t happen i guess i’d say it’s a mutual thing, they just miss each other so they kind of just come back together
Who sings along to the radio in the car?
toudou jinpachi, always, every day, and when they go on road trips makishima is Suffering. jinpachi tries to get him to sing along sometimes and it occasionally works and makishima ends up smiling most of the time. 
Who has the strangest interest?
they’re both pretty fucking weird i mean jinpachi carries five of his hundreds of headbands w/ him at all times and makishima just shares his love of gavure loud and proud and i’m sure they do other shit too they’re prob on the same level
Who cries the most at films?
jinpachi. it takes a special film to make makishima cry but it does happen sometimes
Who worries most when the other is sick/hurt?
jinpachi worries outwardly most, but makishima worries inwardly most. jinpachi will hover and bring soup and ask if makishima is alright, do you need anything maki-chan, let’s take your temperature for the fifth time in five minutes, lemme fix your bandage even tho you have perfectly capable hands. makishima just sits closer to jinpachi, holds his hand longer, is a little clingier. jinpachi loves it bc it’s so easy to tell when makishima is worried. 
Who steals the blankets at night?
jinpachi most nights and makshima wakes bc he’s cold, and he’ll steal them back and leave jinpachi w/o any, but that’s fine for jinpachi bc he’ll just cuddle up to makishima who radiates body heat, especially when under a blanket
Who takes the most photos of the other?
jinpachi’s phone is totally filled w/ candid shots of makishima. makishima has some of jinpachi as well but not nearly as many. jinpachi’s favourites are when he manages to get pictures of maki-chan’s genuine smiles
Who starts a food fight when the other is cooking?
jinpachi, and makishima is like “not this again” but he gets sucked in so easily. he leaves the cleaning up to jinpachi tho 
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