#tewi talks
tewisuggestions · 1 year
today's lesson of the day is: me crime, do gays
i am in fact crime, and i do love me some gays.
you get me, stumpy.
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thecrabtain · 11 months
Stfu I'm bathing my Tewi
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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tribow · 2 years
2015 comes in on the touhou community to drop the bombshells that are Urban Legend in Limbo and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. No miss no bomb score chasers and lunatic players had no idea what they were getting into and the fanon takes a massive hit. No one was ready for this.
This post bleeds quite a bit into 2016 as well. A lot of fanworks started adjusting interpretations and I was simply lost in the sauce. So anyway, here's my findings:
A new ship sails with Mokou and Sumireko due to their interactions in ULiL. Kaguya ain't happy about it.
I've noticed Raiko (and by extension, the Tsukumo sisters) be commonly depicted with tattoos. I don't know if this is a reference to something or if it's just inspired by metal/rock bands.
Wakasagihime gets some of the saddest works I've seen centered around one character in a while. She goes from being a part of a comedic trio to a lot of social trauma.
Sekibanki gotta be one of the funniest touhou characters of all time.
Seiran totally never killed someone! It's just paste! Don't worry about it!
Ringo collapses the instant she stops eating dango.
At this time Junko was not harassing Reisen at all! In fact, in most works I saw they actually somewhat got a long. Enjoy it while it lasts Reisen.
Junko commonly mistakes Seiga and Kaguya as Chang'e.
What if you place other sphere-like objects on Hecatia's head? A lot of works run with this joke.
For obvious reasons, Clownpiece tends to use a lot of english words or speak entirely in katakana
We are at peak psycho Koishi hours. Koishi getting a knife was all that was needed for this fanon interpretation to take over a while. Koishi's Heart Throbbing Adventure is no longer the main inspiration.
Sagume tends to have a very close relationship with Doremy since in many fanworks, her ability doesn't work in the Dream World so Doremy is a character she can freely talk to.
Tsukumo sisters have fallen under the Aki sisters routine of butting into a situation just so they can be involved.
The Tsukumos also seem to have their dynamic flipped for some reason. Benben would be crazy and Yatsuhashi would be cool-headed. Weird.
Kosozu is now an incident magnet and sometimes enjoys it.
Momiji's sword seems to keep getting smaller every year, I remember when she always had a buster sword.
Tojiko has been suppressing her anger as a vengeful spirit, but this also means if she does get mad, all of that anger comes out at once as lightning. The entire UFO and TD crew have to balance antagonizing each other, but not pissing off Tojiko.
Seija now has a mom. (It's Sagume).
Junko is very nice to the fairies
Tewi gets presented as a badass a lot around this time. Maybe she doesn't want Seiran to show her up.
Sumireko knows who Maribel and Renko are (this is not the case in canon...I think.)
Lots of Watatsuki sisters content here, although they're mostly used for catching up with the Eientei gang.
Lunarians can't resist filthy Earth food. It's just too good....well....at least until Sagume accidentally says it out loud.
Kokoro just wants to fight people, she'll use any justification. It's practically how she talks to others.
Hecatia becomes the weird t-shirt girl thanks to Sanae's dialogue in LoLK. She'll never live this down.
As usual, for a lot of the established touhou cast, their fanon portrayals don't change too much. However, the status quo was greatly shifted by the Lunarians. Eientei becomes more of a plot point in many doujins now and that is much different to how it has been for a while.
Bit of a side note, but I really like how a lot of doujins gave Junko a wide-eyed, but empty stare at all times. Really reinforces how broken of a mental state she must be in despite keeping up a casual conversation with most characters.
I feel this is around the time when there was a bit of a resurgance in touhou fans. Not that it was dying out, but much of the fan content did not focus on newer characters nearly as much as this year was.
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gensokyogains · 8 days
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"Well, people like rabbits 'cause they're soft and cute; more softness equals more cuteness. You get it, right? People like us BECAUSE we're fat. The softness rule applies to hashihime too."
Nom on her dessert. The seat under Tewi's ass is holding together through sheer luck.
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"Don't be silly."
She's huffing, puffing, and pouting at the mere suggestion that someone might find her cute. Instead, she's just going to keep leaning on Tewi.
"Don't talk down to me just because you're so adorable that you could make anyone's heart skip a beat!"
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In my headcanons, sometimes i can be pretty loose when it comes to how the touhous refer to one another and what names they use, and sometimes i’m like super particular about certain things and haven’t changed my mind in forever. I could talk about that with like, just about every group ever but right now i feel like bringing up the examples i’ve fussed over the most, that being eientei, the buddhists, and the taoists.
i’m really prickly about reisen only ever being referred to as ‘udonge ‘(short for udongein!) by eirin and ‘inaba’ by kaguya. And Yes I’m  aware there have been instances in canon where they don’t strictly adhere to that, but I don’t care❗ I choose not to acknowledge it 😑 I think Mokou calling her ‘reisan-chan’ is very cute 😊 While i’m at it, for Reisen, I like it when its always just ‘master’ (shisho), ‘princess’, and uh, just ‘mokou-san and tewi’ i guess??
for a long time I’ve had it in my head that almost everyone Myourenji refers to Byakuren as ‘Hijiri’ in some way or another, but its kinda different for all of them. Ichirin and Murasa usually when talking about Byakuren with others, refer to her respectfully as ‘Lady Hijiri’, but when talking personally with her, Ichirin would go with ‘sister’ (anesan) and Murasa just ‘Hijiri’. I’ve gone back and forth on how Shou would refer to her, both in the past and present, but also just default to ‘hijiri’ too. That said, I think it’s fun if Nue is the one among them who sticks with ‘Byakuren’ 👽
in shinrebyou its pretty straightforward. Everyone in Miko’s circle calls her crown prince (taishi-sama) to some extent. I think Futo would exclusively use that because she just feels its the most respectful, when Tojiko says it is usually more like a nickname nowadays, and Seiga uses it the rarest and usually only when teasing or joking around (and otherwise she goes with toyosatomimi-san i think...). Actually speaking of Seiga, I think only Futo would speak to her with any formality (seiga-dono...) but its purely a formality because none of them actually think she’s ‘above’ them in anyway even if she’s supposedly their teacher ☠ (but the nyan nyan nickname sometimes comes up... usually with yoshika. or miko o_o)
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starsmuserainbow · 4 months
Headcanon Time - Language
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As usual, find the headcanon below the cut!
The tamaranean language is very exclusive. Not in ‘there is no way to learn it by studies’, but almost no one of any other species bothers to learn their language. The tamaraneans can learn any other language through lip-contact (unless they are unable to but the ones with that handicap are either somehow covering their problem with excuses, or are seen as simply refusing to adapt and then treated even worse), and so normally it is the tamaranean that has to, or is expected/supposed to, learn the other language if there is communication wanted or needed.
Those who call them ‘Troqs’ (or other slurs) normally also talk down their language. They claim that the language is too simple for other species to understand without first ‘lowering themselves’ enough to be able to work with such simplicity. However, this of course isn’t true and the language is no less or more complicated than any other language you’d pick.
As a short way of explaining how I create my tamaranean: I make words, if I need them, by building them out of a few words from different languages I know that mean the same or something similar. My most used languages for this are english, german, japanese and latin. Having these words, I then start mixing them together, until I find a word that I’m content with (it has to ‘feel’ right, it’s hard to explain), and that word is then adapted to the ‘rules’ I’ve set, and written down in my collection of the tamaranean language. I don’t know about how many rules there actually are to set for a language, but for example in my version of tamaranean a ‘go’ at the end of a word means that it’s the ‘I’-form, and when it’s negated there is a ‘no’ added before the ending. Example: ‘Mo-’ is their word for ‘to move’. To say ‘I move’ it has to be ‘mogo’, and to say ‘I don’t move’ would be ‘monogo’.
That said, ‘go’ doesn’t always guarantee that the word ending on it is a verb, neither do the endings for other persons. ‘Go’ is also their word for ‘to shoot’/’ a shot’ (depending on if there’s a form as ending added or not), and it is also used in other words or nicknames.
I’m not gonna go into more details for how the language is constructed here, but I am going to give a few examples of common tamaranean words. If you’re not interested in those, you can stop reading right here, for below this you’ll only find a list of a few common words and what they mean.
We start of with ‘mergeby’. It means ‘Forgive me’, it is a very very formal and polite form of saying one is sorry.
A more common way to apologize is ‘tussord’, which also means ‘I am sorry’ but in a much more lax way.
‘Amn’ is the basic for ‘friend’, but there’s always something added to it. ‘Amnia’ means female friend (not in the way of girlfried like relationship, simply of that the friend is female), ‘Amno’ would be a male friend and ‘Amnd’ would be without defining it further. ‘Amns’ means ‘friends’.
Similar to the one above, ‘Prrin’ is the basic for ‘Prince/Princess’. The things to add are explained above, so I won’t do it here again.
While they call their planet Tamaran, the inhabitants aren’t called tamaraneans in their language, instead it’s ‘Tamra’ with the endings as shown already.
I think I mentioned this already somewhere, but ‘Giederbehen’ is ‘Goodbye’.
Counting from one to ten goes as follows: ‘Ons’, ‘Tewi’, ‘Dhr’, ‘Fvio’, ‘Ife’, ‘Shi’, ‘Sive’, ‘Echg’, ‘Nui’, ‘Zote’.
‘Rutha’ is a term we know from the cartoon, and as Starfire had already explained there it means ‘weak’, but is also the closest to ‘nice’ or ‘kind’ that their language has.
‘Kar’h’ is a term for saying ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’.
‘Ji’ means ‘Yes’, ‘nn’ (which sounds a bit like humming) means ‘no’.
‘Whro’ means ‘where’
‘Wys’ is ‘why’
‘Whm’ can mean ‘from who’, or ‘who’ depending on the context
‘Wha’ means ‘what’
‘Hiwe’ means ‘how’
‘Dyn’ means ‘your’, ‘myn’ means ‘mine’
‘Yoh’ means ‘you’, ‘ch’ means ‘I’
‘Ch’ is also the most common ‘word’ or phrase used when thinking. Where for us it might be ‘uh’, ‘erm’ or something like that, for a tamaranean it’s ‘ch’. Which sounds a lot like hissing.
‘Ivr’ means something like ‘always’ or ‘ever’, and ‘nivr’ means ‘never’
‘Abu’ is ‘but’
‘Fli-’ means ‘to fly’
‘Arr-’ means ‘to fear’, or ‘to be afraid’, something like that
‘Shoi-’ means ‘to shoot’ (alternatively 'Go-' as mentioned above)
‘War-’ means ‘to wait’
‘Hiteck-’ means ‘to hide’
‘Nik-’ is ‘to take’ as in grabbing
‘Kno-’ is ‘to know’
‘Stol-’ is ‘to stop’
‘Br-‘ is ‘to be’, but the forms here aren’t as regular as most of the other verbs.
I believe this should give enough examples (I actually doubt anyone is really interested in the list of words I gave down here), and that’s also all I have to say to their language!
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derxwnakapsyla · 6 months
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what are you talking about that isnt tewi thats a random earth rabbit
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qwzyqwsp-blog · 5 months
Playable Touhou characters if they were trapped in The Amazing Digital Circus-
Reimu: Breaks out of it within two hours.
Marisa: Pretty disgruntled about how much smaller and less interesting the world is compared to Gensokyo, but eventually comes to terms with it. Never really joins the community proper in the Fairground, builds her own little shack and lives out in the woods behind the tent. Forms a friendly rivalry with Jax, because she needs a rival like fish need water and he’s the only one with enough spirit remaining to maintain an active rivalry.
Sakuya: Bubble goes missing for good a couple of days after she joins, and she promptly takes his place at Caine’s side. Within a week, she’s running the entire show with such ruthless efficiency it’s hard to remember a time when she wasn’t in charge of everything, though she always politely demurs and claims to merely be following the orders of her master. Most of the inhabitants suspect she’s figured out an exit and simply chooses not to use it, but all of them are too scared to ask.
Youmu: Passionately throws herself into every single one of Caine’s ‘adventures’, under the fervent belief that one should always strive to complete any task they’ve been assigned to the best of their ability. Plus, a lifetime of dealing with Yuyuko means she’s no stranger to nonsensical requests with no real point. The others occasionally try to talk her out of it, but eventually give up and just let her do it since it makes her happy.
Sanae: Hyped as hell to be trapped in a video game world, slightly miffed it’s not a classic JRPG like the ones in her youth, but you can’t have everything. The other inhabitants worry that she’s lost her mind, but eventually they realize she’s always like this.
Aya: Tries her best to adapt, but the world of the Digital Circus is simply too small for her. She can circle the entire island in the blink of an eye without trying particularly hard, and there’s no real point writing news articles because everyone already knows about anything that happens, so no one ever reads them. One day she snaps and just flies into the Void as fast as she can, never to return. Nobody knows if she managed to make it out, not even Caine, though the other inhabitants like to hope she did.
Hatate: Adapts slightly better than Aya. Her thoughtography allows her to keep connected to Gensokyo and remain up-to-date with current events, and while she still misses it, having that connection and a way to continue writing her articles helps to keep her grounded. Her paper is relatively popular too, as the others like reading about the magical land of wonders she hails from.
Reisen: Takes a long time to get used to the garish colors and loud music of the Circus, after many years spent in either the cold sterility of the Lunar Empire or the timeless eternity of Eientei. Once she’s gotten used to it, though, she adapts pretty well. She’s no stranger to nonsensical requests from her superiors, and dealing with Jax isn’t even half as tiring as dealing with Tewi. Helps out the others whenever she can, since she finds it hard to sit still without having a task assigned to her, and becomes fairly beloved by the rest of the inhabitants.
Seija: Rather annoyed about the fact that the naturally chaotic atmosphere of the circus means that any additional chaos she causes tends to just fade into the background. Annoys the other inhabitants due to her naturally abrasive, contrarian nature, though she doesn’t spend a lot of time messing with them since she’d rather focus on taking down Caine. Fails every time, but doesn’t let it get her down, since endlessly and futilely trying to overthrow an established social order is an inherent part of her nature.
Cirno: Spends her days lazing around the Digital Lake, picking on the local wildlife and the inhabitants with her ice powers, and usually receiving swift retribution in return. In other words, nothing really changes for her.
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nyxcaelum · 1 year
My Fanfics Masterpost
These will be sorted by length, and each by fandom underneath. They are all on AO3, I moved all my works to their archive.
I keep this list up to date as good as I can. In this case, all fics unless stated otherwise are written romantically, just to make it easier I use & instead of / for the Ships.
Works in Collections will not be listed each one by one, but instead can be found under the "Collection" tab.
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Yuukoku no Moriarty/Moriarty the Patriot
Rated 18+: All are Sherliam unless noted otherwise
Three Minutes in Heaven
The color of Depression - Albert & Mycroft
Sinful Indulgence
Desire, Flavor, Bliss
On Fire
General Audiences, Teen and Up:
Memories lost at Sea
Watching Fireworks together
Dancing in the Moonlight with you
Between Strawberry cake and coffee
And we took the leap (explicit), Vash x Wolfwood
Love your next like you love your coffee, with or without milk and sugar. (CW: Incest) Plantwood /Vash x Wolfwood x Nai
Bungo Stray Dogs
Kissing Strangers
Addictive Whispering
Oda & Ango:
A Promise of a lifetime
Sunshine & Pancakes
I´ve always liked you, you know
Hypnosis Mic
A heartfelt talk at dusk - Hitoya & Jakurai
Sugary sweet Sleepover time - Fling Posse Fluff
Drunken Confessions - Doppo & Hifumi
Signs of Love - Protag/Akira & Akechi
Cold, cold, twisted hearts and an unusual proposition - Doctor & SilverAsh & Gnosis
Sk8 the Infinity
Usagi to Yuki - Reki & Langa
Prickly like Soda, Sweet like Juice - Reki & Langa - unfinished, probably will never finish it
Shall we Date? Obey me!
Maybe you´re the reason I can´t sleep - MC & Belphie Sleepy Fluff
Idolish 7
A Confession - Tsumugi & Gaku
Vanitas no Carte
Tarte Tatin, for my beloved - Vanitas & Noe
Fate Series
Under the Christmas Tree in NY - Saber & Gilgamesh (was a work for secret santa)
And do they? - Roy & Riza
Fairy Tail
A drop of Sake - Jellal & Erza
Tears of Themis
Curry together tastes better than having it alone - Rosa & Vyn
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Sleeping Together - NuCarnival Fluff One Shots (All guys)
Tunas DOA & Hunting Dogs Crack One Shot collection
Tunas Genshin Reader Fics (Eng, Ger, and 18+ available separately inside)
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Yuukoku no Moriarty/Moriarty the Patriot
Oh woe me, my sick heart - Will & Sherlock
In solving Crimes, we find Love - Will & Sherlock
Tales of
The sun and the moon and the stars Mikleo & Sorey mainly
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These are all basically German works.
Nur jeweils eine Fic:
When the Devil meets the Fox - BSD Soukoku
Empty Dreams - LoL SettPhel
-> LoL Novel lange Fanfic Collection
Cantarella - Arknights Doctor & SilverAsh
Blindfold of Love - Riza & Roy
Mein Servant und Ich - Fate Grand Order Misc. Geschichten
Rabenschwarz - Tekken Jin & Reader
The little Sweets - My Hero Academia - Ochako & Bakugo
In the name of Love! - Soul Eater - Blackstar & Tsubaki
At the end of a long escape - Resident Evil - Sherry & Jake
Grandiose Stadt - TEWY - OC & Joshua - freundschaftliches Ship
Der der die Sonne stahl - Noragami - Iki & Yato
Winterwunder und blaue Jeans - Miraculous Ladybug - Adrien & Marinette
Schwarzer Kaffee - Protag/Akira & Makoto
About the Pleasant Boy - Nur Goro Akechi
Tales of
Abends in der Taverne - Zaveid & Eizen
Memories of Brother - Eizen & Edna Drama
The tale of the time traveling Girl - OC/Autor Insert & Zaveid
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy x Reader Short Stories - Collab mit Schwester , mit den 15. Protagonisten
Nacht des Kristalls - Generelles Abenteuer mit Luna, Noctis, Ignis in AU
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tewisuggestions · 1 year
Yo Tewi, I have already told Reisen this question; who is your favorite Weezer member, it could be current or former member(I’ll accept Karl as well)
matt sharp, man.
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touhoutivations · 10 months
Dear Lady Yagokoro,
I know it's been a long time since we've talked! Everything has been pretty wild since I left the Moon, and I'm sure you've been having an interesting time of it as well. Things are so loud and exciting here! There's new things to learn and see every day. I've been trying to see as many new things as I can, but it's been a bit hard. It's been so fun!
I've also been (gag) making some Earth friends. (That's a joke, the gagging part. They're actually really neat. Trust me.) I wish you could meet them, I think they'd have some interesting things to say, especially about you. The Capital always talked about attachments to Earthlings and impurity would be something that would cause the ruin of us all, but. It's not too bad, really. I wish I had learnt this earlier. It would've been great.
Have you seen Sister recently? I don't know if she's made it to Earth yet, but if she has it would be great if you could tell me. I kinda miss her, you know? It would be nice to see her again. I know she'd be kinda meany and grumpy about living on Earth, I know she's not really a great fan of the Earthlings, but. I wasn't either when I first got here, so I think she'll notice how cool it is here eventually. I know that I did, so I think there's hope for her yet.
Hope I can see you soon!
As always, your faithful student, ▚▜ (But the Earthlings call me Peaches!)
P.S: I'm happy for you and the Princess! I hope you two are doing well together!
To my cherished student and Pr-
Forgive me. If the 'Earthlings' call you such, then perhaps it would be remiss of me to not also categorise myself as one.
Dear Peaches, Has it truly been so long? For an eternity is barely a blink of an eye but…yet, in some way, the Earth truly dilates one's eyes to a clock that is so slowed yet so full of wonder. Perhaps in the way that the moonlight causes it's own affliction of lunacy, so too the Earth- though I wouldn't call such thing 'impurity'.
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Yes, there's much merriment to be had. I myself find myself studying horticulture, the Earth feels so much more familiar but so much more vast when I can need only glance outside to find and discover a new herb or plant, or one that I've become acquainted with. Tewi has requested I try to cultivate a golden apple tree- apparently some likened them to peaches, but I feel her reasoning is far more…down-to-earth shall we say.
I'm delighted you've made some friends upon Earth, I know isolation, especially with the vast distance in brainwaves between Lunarians can be a challenge… The moon…it's desolate, powerful, perfect. But here- it's a whirlwind of creation. Different ideas, people, scientific reactions, drinks, foods- even if Gensokyou is a slice of what was forgotten…I do truly wonder what the Outside World is like. Impurity was always framed as 'sin', but perhaps it was change.
There's a patron that visits me, a celestial. She's rather fond of peaches (the fruit) themselves. She doesn't have any ailments, if anything- she purchases poisons or spices that intentionally make her feel pain. That the life she lived in Heaven, with nothing but endless 'joy', was it's own form of a boring, insufferable Hell. Perhaps you'll meet her soon.
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As for Yorihime…I'm not too sure myself. Though, there has been a recent incident where powers have been duplicated, and it's caused quite a bit of upset among some Gods…fufu, I can only imagine how any Lunarian would react if they found out their untouchable power was mocked and commercialised, though I couldn't help but think of her relationship to the Gods. I would entice her but…let's just say the envelopes I float to the mood get torn asunder before they can reach it's surface. But I have hope for her. After all…with enough time in the equation, a nigh impossibility…becomes a certainty. All I can do is hope that her time entwines itself with yours and mine.
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Thank you for such a wonderful letter, and please do stop by anytime. Kaguya, Reisen and the Earth's rabbits would be delighted to see you again.
Sincerest Regards, Eirin Yagokoro
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alchemistdetective · 11 months
@genso-menagerie replied to your post “((Just talking to myself at the moment, but... I'm...”:
Maybe...Reisen? Or Aya?
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"... Master Eirin? May I request a different change in uniform? I couldn't help that I have been getting lots of stares by the customers everytime I pass by, it's actually a bit... I don't know, uncomfortable? Wait, hold on one second."
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"Tewi, I SEE YOU!"
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"Sorry about that, Tewi has been pranking me too hard lately. One time, she slipped laxatives on my food. S-So anyways, I would like people to stop looking at me, if possible-"
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"Good MORNING, Gensokyo! Rise and shine, and welcome to Tengu Radio! Yup, that's right! We're bringing you news live, on air, around Youkai Mountain! And today's latest story is!"
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"Celestial paralyzed after getting hit in the butt over a hundred times! You heard it right! Tenshi, the Celestia, GOT HIT IN THE BUTT SO MANY TIMES, SHE-"
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"Oh, one moment, there's the door. Oh hey Tenshi, what are you doi-"
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sneakyscarab · 10 months
another day, another touhou post! i almost missed the deadline on this one (not that it really matters, the pace is gonna slow down a lot in a couple posts anyways once i catch up). today's game is a bit of a weird one!
nina's thoughts on Touhou 9 - Phantasmagoria of Flower View
PoFV is a pretty strange game. instead of being a single-player experience like most mainline touhou games, PoFV is a competitive 2-player danmaku vs game. there is still a 1-player story mode, but instead of 6 stages and boss fights each character has 8 versus matches against other characters tied loosely together into a storyline.
the gameplay is neat, its honestly impressive how well the concept of a competitive danmaku battle actually works and it feels pretty natural. as usual the screen fills up with enemies and bullets, but stages dont have defined patterns or moments, instead both players keep surviving through an increasing onslaught of bullets and spell cards until one slips up and takes too many hits. destroying enemies creates a small explosion around them that deals damage to nearby enemies and sends weak bullets in the range to the other player's screen. if you line it up right you can get some nasty chain reaction explosions that can clear up your screen and really put the pressure on your opponent. in addition you can put more direct pressure on the other guy by building up your spell meter, expending it to summon powerful bullet patterns or even your own character as a boss fight onto your enemys side. while at times it can get a bit ridiculous (the two 'villain' characters have completely broken spell cards and insanely good ai piloting) in general the gameplay is fair and pretty fun!
as a fighting game of sorts, PoFV naturally has a rather large character roster, a total of 14 playable characters! we have the returners in Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Reisen, Cirno, Lyrica, Mystia, Tewi, and Aya. Then we have 4 characters new to this game: Medicine, Yuuka, and the 'villains' of the story Komachi and Eiki Shiki. each character has different stats, shot types, zone shapes, and spell attacks, which makes for a lot of variety in the roster.
to try and unlock everything i beat the story mode for all 12 choices (Komachi and Eiki Shiki don't have a story mode). i didn't aim for 1cc's since the game doesn't differentiate whether you used a continue or not, but a couple of the runs happened to be done without continues: Marisa, Mystia, Aya, Medicine, and Yuuka. i dont remember enough about all the different characters bullets and stats to say that i really prefer any over the others, tbh if i were to play more i would probably just pick a character based on vibes alone. Marisa is my go-to generally, but im also partial to Cirno, Mystia, and Aya.
for the four new characters, theyre cool. Yuuka is probably my favourite solely because she gets a lot of cute art with Wriggle lol. for some reason the fandom is very split on whether Yuuka is an angry masochist or a lonely but wholesome flower lady. i think shes realistically somewhere in the middle. Medicine is also a neat concept, being an abandoned doll in a field of poisonous flowers who came to life through raw poisonous energy. Komachi is goofy, shes basically the grim reaper of Gensokyo but shes also really lazy and always slacking off, pretty much every singleplayer storyline involves her getting caught snoozing by her boss Eiki Shiki. Eiki Shiki herself is probably the weakest new character imo, its funny watching her judge all the characters supposed sins, but its really all she talks about, and her annoying fight isnt winning her any points for me.
PoFV is certainly a weird outlier in the series, but i think the gameplay does genuinely work pretty well! the idea of making a competitive bullet hell is so out there and they really put in the work to make it happen.
as always, thanks for reading! and if, somehow, someone is reading this who is remotely decent at touhou and wants to try playing the 2-player mode of this game with me, Please get in contact with me through whatever means works for you. i would love to give this a shot against an actual human.
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nekasin · 1 year
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"Hey Neka. I wonder if you have anything special for your best pal Tewi to bounce on?"
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"I mean, if you're talking about a dick, I can definitely provide one--and you've seen it in action so you should know--but if you mean like a trampoline, I sadly don't have one."
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twinfoxtails · 2 years
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“But I’m... r-right here?”
Surely Tewi isn’t talking about him? Right?
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