#text ;; lighthouscd
notimminent · 5 years
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@lighthouscd​ sent a meme that Shannon is too lazy to find because she wants to answer it and not lose motivation to write.
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    “ and further perpetuate the evil twin trope that seemed to just come out of nowhere that ever writer and their dog is calling new age and edgy? ”   the brunette huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she allows herself to sink further into the plush material of the couch behind her.   “ i miss when plot twists were actually twisty and showed hints leading to the reveal in the plot. i like connecting dots that have a satisfying conclusion, not things that are decided upon and implemented last minute with no lead up. it just all seems like cheap gimmicks for views to me. ”
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: [text]: So I got cockblocked by our relationship status last night. / from grey :/
[ text : gayson ] ??? uhhhh no thats literally not how that works [ text : gayson ] come round, i have zero intention of cockblocking you tonight 🍆
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“ what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more. ” / grey
from @lighthouscd
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   “ How cute you left room in this relationship for both me and your ego. That’s so sweet of you.”
Her fingers traced his jaw, rolling her eyes at how he just brushed it off. Like being on the run would be nothing. It wasn’t that simple, he had to get that through his thick skull. Her work was dangerous, her life wasn’t hers yet. He was a threat to much more than just her happiness.
     “ You’re not untouchable. One text, one phone call, that’s all they need and you’ll be their first stop.”
Of course Alex was so careful herself, but there were limits to what ever she could do. This was sweet, and precious, and it could all end in an instant if the wrong person found out.
    “ I mean it. You need to watch out.”
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entitaem · 5 years
@hellreleased​ sent:  ⚡ an angry text. / juliet @ ariel, aka What Did Greyson Do ( @lighthouscd )
[ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] hey merman can you please come get your idiot [ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] greyson is rlly lucky there are ppl int he world who love him [ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] i am SHAKING i am so angry  [ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] no i will not explain over text   [ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] i like to gloat that i can lift heavy but his ass doesn’t count [ SMS; 🧜‍♀️ resting grouch face ] i need an intervention
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: You’re lonely too. / ruben
Her glass was halfway to her lips when he spoke and now her hand was paused absurdly in midair, almost as if she was thinking about pouring it into her lap, rather than her mouth. 
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“I’m not lonely. Actually, I’d give my right arm to disappear to your cabin for a few days and have some time to myself.” It was true that Cecelia very rarely did have any time to herself these days, caught between work things and friends things and dating things. Her diary was a mess of red and blue ink, trying to fit ten things into each box signifying one day of her life. She was alone in her childhood, of course, long days stretched out where she might not talk to anyone but a nanny or housekeeper all day. Oddly enough, her childhood was only ever lonely in retrospect. At six, she didn’t need anyone but her books; characters she knew so well they felt like best friends she has known forever and in a way, she had. She hadn’t been sad then, she didn’t need people’s company like she did these days. On realising she might have a free evening, she races to call and text every friend in search for a companion.
But even though her days are filled with meetings and lunches and friends, she’s never felt so lonely in her life. It’s like she’s watching everyone around her through glass. There but separate. Sitting solitary in her grief. She supposes Ruben and her are opposites; while he is alone, he doesn’t feel the solitude of it, while she is lonely in a crowded room. “I think I’d only last a day or two, though. How do you not go totally mad, just you and your thoughts?” 
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd no wait because now im thinking about how cute vic and cee actually are like? being either others wingman/woman and finally checks when they score like, ‘mints for the morning? condoms? text me if you need me’ kiss on the forehead ‘be safe’ bc YES they supportive sluts but also they’re besties who would DIE FOR EACH OTHER 
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: grey & cee though ://
How did they they meet? At Victor’s house party! So, Cecelia had started to feel sick after doing four jelly shots in a row and ended up in the bathroom. She then persuades Mary, who had come up to hold her hair back/moral support, that the best place to relax at a party is in the bathtub. Trust her, she’s done this before. Mary and Cee now in the empty bath, fully dressed, sipping cocktails when Grey walks in, doesn’t notice them behind the curtain and goes to pee. You know, that normal thing you do in the bathroom. Just before anything dramatic happens, Cee whips back the curtain and yells, “GET IT OUT! OH YEAH BOY” and that is how Greyson and Cecelia met. Totally normal. Story not to tell the grandkids.  Who developed romantic feelings first? Will get back to you when it happens! Seriously, probably Cecelia, because Greyson is good looking and was probably mean to to her.  Who is their biggest “shipper?” Victor. In hopes that Grey might chill Cee out and Cee might make Grey a bit happier; it’s not really working, Grey is just annoyed by un-chill Cee.  When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? Technically their first kiss was at the aforementioned house party but Cee has no memory of this and Grey can’t remember if it was actually her. So first official kiss was second date, when Celia invited him over to watch the horror film Orphan and Cee spent half the time cowering into his shoulder.  Who confessed their feelings first? Cee sort of confessed for them both when she yelled to stop being a pussy and ask her on a date before they both got bored of each other.  What was their first official date? Actually, Celia talked him into going to a Gin Festival in Primrose Hill. They spend the afternoon getting slowly drunk on tiny tasters of various gins and then got pizza slices on the walk home. She was this close to inviting him in but managed to keep it together because, surprisingly, she actually had a really nice time and wanted to take thing a little slower and be more serious. First time for everything.  How do they feel about double dates/group dates? In theory, they’re not against them, but Grey doesn’t like many of Cee’s friends and she feels the same about his.  What do they do in their down time? They actually get kind of into gaming? Story based games especially, usually on the PS4. Sometimes they play together but most of the time Grey plays while Cee watches, like some sort of interactive movie. But it is something they actually do together. One time Grey played without her because she was at work and she deleted his saved game so they had to restart together. He did not do that again.  What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Aha, no.  What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? They didn’t really fight, it was more like a few harsh words and then didn’t text each other for three days but Cee caught Grey chatting to some lady at the bar and Grey can deny it all he wants but he was smiling that “dUMB CHARMING SMILE THAT MEANS YOU WERE FLIRTING! PLUS YOU ALREADY HAD YOUR DRINK WHY WERE YOU EVEN STILL AT THE BAR YOU DUMB FUCK!” I don’t think they get past fights either, they just sort of stop fighting and everything is fine, only for Cee to bring it up again three weeks later in a completely unrelated argument.  Which one is more easily made jealous? Cee gets nervous about him talking to other people quite easily but Grey is more jealous. Plus, Cee just blanks him, Grey starts fights.  What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Chinese food. But a specific chinese around the corner for Celia’s and Grey spent the whole first time they got it complaining about how expensive it was (it is really stupidly expensive) but now everything is rubbish in comparison. Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Mmmm Cee is but only i terms of neither of them are that cuddly so Cee isn’t but compared to Grey is. I think Cee is more likely to just sort of lie on top of Grey when they’re watching tv or in bed.  Are they hand holders? Not really. Cee can be when she’s drinking.  How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? Second date. First kiss leads to first fuck. They’re simple people.  Who tops? Cecelia. Oh Greyson, for sure, so manly.  What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into? Cee drags Greyson along to a work party and it’s a pretty major event. It starts off really nice, she even manages to get him in a Gucci suit, he looks divine. But then a woman for Cee’s work (a little older, a lot shit) says something just really inappropriate to Greyson and the mood changes pretty quick. To this day, Grey wont tell Cee what she said, but she reckons it was something about his prosthetics because he eventually admitted later that he was made to feel less like Cee’s partner and more like a charity case. He’s in a bad mood the rest of the night, makes some comments about how vapid and pointless the whole thing is and they leave early. When they get home Cee starts yelling about how embarrassed he made her feel the whole night and Grey starts yelling about embarrassed he felt to even be there. Although it was a awful fight, it’s one of the few fights they have ever actually discussed and got over. Cee makes it clear that she understands fashion can come from a vapid place but it’s still important to her and they also discuss how out of place Grey was made to feel the whole night. Cee actually ends up the confronting the woman at work the next day, “I don’t know what you said to him but I’ll have you know Greyson is twice the person you will ever be,” sort of thing. It was a long night, Cee cried quite a lot, but it actually helped each other to understand the other a lot.  Who does the shopping and the cooking? Cee’s housekeeper does the shopping, although for a while she made out like she did. Cee doesn’t cook, it’s safer that way.   Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Cee cleans when she’s nervous, but in general Greyson is tidier than her. Celia tens to leave a trail of stuff behind her.  Who proposes? Greyson. With a lot of peer pressure from Cee through Victor.  Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate? No, and what happens during the parties stays on the parties. Not saying it was bad but it was ridiculous.   Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? They don’t have official groomsmen or bridesmaids because the wedding is too small but I imagine that Victor, Ariel and Celia’s friend Poppy and Alessia play major parts throughout.  Big Ceremony or Small? Tiny. Actually, ceremony might be too big a word for what they do. They have a courtroom thing with only a couple witnesses, Cee doesn’t even wear a dress.  Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? California. Don’t know, just feeling it. They get a massive house in Hollywood hills and just do nothing but swim, chill, drink, and have sex for two weeks. Well, that’s not true, Celia always goes shopping and pretends she’s in a film.  Do they have children? How many? Mmmmm, one? Maybe. Would not recommend. 
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: [text]: Being an adult is fun. You can experience a break up, then go fuck someone else in the woods. / also from victor tbh
[ text : vicky ] ffs what have i told you about meeting tinder dates in the woods? [ text : vicky ] THATS HOW YOU GET DEAD 
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: [text]: We went there specifically for you to break it off with him and I walk in on you two in the bathroom with his dick in your mouth, / from victor,,,
[ text : vicky ] wow the amount of judgement seeping through my phone right now [ text : vicky ] i’ll have u know we had a really good heart 2 heart and i only gave him the bj because his cat had died and he was rly sad about it. it wasn’t romantic.  
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entitaem · 5 years
@lighthouscd​ sent:  ‘i got problems, but i don’t need you to solve them.’ / grey @ juliet
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“I don’t want to solve them,” she says with a surety backed with compassion. “But I’m here. Okay? I’m in your corner.” Juliet had felt alone during her recovery, which she had accomplished through sheer spite over being abandoned by her dance company. Every obstacle the people close to her dealt with, she made sure they didn’t feel alone-- if there was something she could do to help, she would at least make sure they knew she was a text away. “Grey, if you make fun of me for saying this, I’ll hide your legs-- but listen.” She takes a deep breath. “I don’t care that you’ve got problems, I’m here for all of it: beauty and bullshit.”
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