#tf cheetor
bunclebee · 1 month
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Hello again! I have nothing but wips all the time. I did a kind quick sketch turn around of ratchet though. As always 3/4 view makes me weep.
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phoenixisobsessed · 2 months
GDJGSD I DONT KNOW HOW I MANAGED TO FORGET THE CAT NUMBER.... but j meant to say cat no. 93 for cheetor help
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The all-spark loves you :3 (Original post: PINNED)
THIS SITUATION WAS SO FUNNY, MADE ME LAUGH. Anyway I am now on this actually 11 hour drive, so guess I’ll go work on some more cats. 🫡
ALSO I’m SO PROUD OF MYSELF I find the original pic of the hearts so they weren’t awful quality. YIPPEEE!
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resunke · 11 months
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Bee x Cheetor c0mmissi0n
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interstellar-elf · 7 months
So I got the Earthspark guidebook today and have been perusing through it when I found something I feel is going to be mentioned in a future season.
So in the Spacebridges part of the guidebook, it mentions that Ancient Cybertronians used Sacebridges to connect across the universe in their colonies, to search for energon, which implies that colony worlds are going to be a thing in Earthspark. And in addition, given how Cheetor and Windblade have been featured in more than a few recent TF animated shows as of late, I feel like Earthspark might have these characters show up in future seasons.
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chamm0y · 1 year
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did this for a friend 💀 im sorry 
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More shit for my tfa future au!
F!Sentinel Prime: why is it whenever something happens it's always you three group of bots
F!Team Detroit: the universe has it out for us
F!Team Athenia: somehow we always end up at the wrong place at the wrong time
Alastor, her brother and their Decepticon friends: we... we have nothing say
Or alternatively
F!Sentinel Prime: why is it whenever something happens it's always you three?
Goldbug: the universe has it out for us.
Cheetor: somehow we always end up at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Windblade: I.. I have nothing to say.
Goldbug: people always ask me 'Goldbug how do you manage to control five younglings' the simple answer is that I don't, yesterday Trash called me into the recreation room only for Twitch to shoot me in the throat with a nerf gun.
TT!Team Detroit @ Cheetor:
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Cyclonus after being changed from being Skywarp: if things go wrong please remember I've only been online for less than 10 vorns and cloned from a psychopathic liar.
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Everyone whenever the time displaced Team Detroit says something tone deaf or borderline racist:
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Trypticon looking up at the Nemesis: Milady I humbly ask you to step on me.
F!Soundwave looking at ads for sparkling supplies: I want one.
Alastor: why would you want stuff for babies?
F!Soundwave: I don't want the sparkling stuff I want a sparkling
Alastor: I hope this is not you asking me to have one with you because if you haven't noticed I'm organic-
F!Sentinel Prime: how did none of you hear what I just said!?
Cheetor: I've been zoned out for that past two and a half hours.
Goldbug: I got distracted halfway through.
Windblade: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Vault - Homecoming
“What did you find?” Cheetor asked as Jazz and Ricochet carried the small CR chamber to the ship. It did not surprise Jazz that the rookie Op was waiting outside rather than on the ship. He would not have wanted to be slowed down by the door if Jazz had sent an S.O.S.
“Prowl’s bitty,” Jazz explained. “At least I think he is... The eight-legged freak had’m on ice. Looked like he was tryin’ to build a mech-sized protoform.”
“It could have made the bitlet gutter if he’d tried transplanting his spark,” Barricade groused.
“Freak’s fussy streak did us all a favour no doubt,” Jazz agreed.
“Did you find Tarantulas?” Cheetor asked.
“No, wit the drones he had goin’, ‘m sure he was long gone,” Jazz replied.
“Prowl’s in danger!” Cheetor exclaimed, jerking with horror.
“Easy, mechlin’,” Jazz said. “Prowl’s safe. No chance o’ that madmech gettin’ passed Ori.”
As much as it troubled Jazz to do so, he left the CR chamber in Ricochet and Barricade’s care in the hold and he took back up the pilot’s seat with Cheetor as his co-pilot. The rookie would be too jumpy to fly alongside Ricochet and Jazz thought Ricochet would be too jumpy to leave his lover to Jazz’s mercies. Barricade looked a worn out. Though Jazz would fly as smoothly as he could, low altitude flying through canyons was never exactly comfortable. If he was feeling nauseous already, odds were the flight was going to be unpleasant for him. Hopefully, he would recharge through it, but if not, a bit of clean up was no big deal. He was not going to raze his twin’s lover. Jazz knew exactly how well that would go over with Ricochet and exactly how well Ori would react when he found out. Despite his reputaiton, Jazz was not actually reckless or insane.
“Just like before,” Jazz said as he latched his harness. “Low and silent.”
“If your origin couldn’t handle Tarantulas, would he break comm silence?” Cheetor asked, visible disturbed.
“If he thought he was comin’ our way,” Jazz said. “If he thought he had no choice. Hound ‘n Mirage are on call. Prowl’s safe. Trust me, Cheetor.”
“It’s just...” Cheetor said, “I don’t want to let him down again.”
“Ya didn’t,” Jazz assured him. “Not when ya was a mechlin’ ‘n not when ya went after ‘em straight outta basic. I let’m down, Cheetor. He tried to get me to help, back when he first enlisted. He didn’t tell me about the bitlet but he tried to get me to go after Tarantulas. I thought it was a lover’s quarrel, like everyone else ‘n I snubbed ‘m. I let’m down. He saved my bitlets anyways ‘cause he didn’t hold my sin against ‘em. He’s a good mech. I ain’t half as good.”
“You’re pretty good,” Cheetor replied. “You only got the Twins back the same raid they found Prowl. Trusting a Con... after what Dealer... Doubledealer did, I don’t blame you for putting the Twins first.”
“Thanks, Cheetor,” Jazz said.
That was right. The same base Tarantulas had abandoned Prowl at had been the one where Doubledealer had stashed the Twins as he had tried to blackmail Jazz into doing his and Megatron’s bidding. He had not, but he had played like he had, faking Mirage’s murder as an example, rather than murdering his friend. Doubledealer had been careful to keep Jazz on targets far away from him and the Twins, he had not been able to stop Ori as Counterpunch from infiltrating the base. Though Mirage was invisible and Hound created holograms, Ori was absolutely silent unless he wanted to be heard and Doubledealer had not heard him coming up behind him and Ori’s knife had been in his back before he had said his piece. Jazz had hardly paid any attention to the scandal of Prowl’s recovery and enlistment as it had happened, he had been too wrapped up in his traumatized creations. By the time Prowl had approached him, Chromedome had filled Jazz’s audial horns with poison and he had let that prejudice him to the Praxian. As an Op, he was supposed to be better than that.
“Incoming comm from Iacon,” Cheetor said as they crossed into Autobot airspace. Jazz nodded his helm and Cheetor engaged the comm.
“This is Hound calling Lifeflight. Come in Lifeflight.”
“This is Lifeflight,” Jazz replied. “We’re comin’ in wit precious cargo. What’s the status?”
“The the threat was eliminated,” Hound said. “Punch is thorough.”
“Good to hear,” Jazz said. “Tell Ratchet to be ready. I really don’t know what to make o’ what we got.”
“Should I alert Prowl?” Hound asked.
“No,” Jazz said. “If the news is bad, I want Ratchet ‘n Prime there to help’m when he hears it.”
Ratchet and Prime were both waiting on the tarmac when Jazz landed the small craft without the slightest bump. Ironhide, of course, was also there but he was Optimus Prime’s shadow. Despite his sense of urgency to get the bitlet into Ratchet’s servos, there were protocols he had to follow. Before they offloaded, the landing checklist had to be completed. Some corners in life could be cut, this was not one of them. As soon as the ship was powered down, Jazz went into the hold. He found Barricade looking that much greener as he rested his helm on Ricochet’s shoulder. There was no stink of purged energon, not that Jazz would have blamed him. When his brother’s lover, and Prowl’s brother brightened his optics it was not relief Jazz saw.
“Cheetor ‘n me’ll take the bitty to Ratchet ‘n then I’ll give Prime the low down on ya both,” Jazz declared. “Just sit tight.”
Ricochet would kill without hesitation or regret if anyone tried to storm the ship. Jazz did not consider himself at all over cautious but his twin was less so; Ricochet’s temper was considerably more hair trigger and a threat against his lover and unemerged creation would be tolerated. Cheetor took the front of the CR chamber and Jazz the bottom as Ricochet lowered the ramp for them. There was an audible and vicious curse from Ratchet as they appeared. He thought they were carrying a coffin. It was not until they had cleared the ramp and turned towards the three waiting mechs that Ratchet recognized their load as a CR chamber.
“Leakin’ lubricants,” Ironhide cursed.
“Tell me you didn’t power it down,” Ratchet said, jogging up.
“I hooked it too a power pack to make sure it lasted,” Jazz replied. “Didn’t think it was smart to take’m outta the chamber.”
“No, that would have been dumb aft,” Ratchet replied as he scanned the bitlet through the chamber’s thick metal casing. “There are procedures... Stasis is especially hard on bitlets, I’m not cracking that chamber until I have it in my medbay.”
“The bitty’s Prowl’s right?” Jazz asked. “I didn’t just happen to find someone else’s bitlet?”
“He’s Prowl’s,” Ratchet replied. “Spark signature matches. Hand him over. I have worked to do.”
“When y’re done wit’m, I got another patient for ya,” Jazz said, shoulders sagging with relief.
“What did you do?” Ratchet demanded.
“Recovered a couple o’ my Ops,” Jazz replied. He looked to Prime who looked to Jazz like a whole world had been lifted from his shoulders. Jazz had not been the only one to have been blaming himself for Prowl’s bitty being left out there in the care of his monstrous progenitor. “My twin ‘n his partner. Darkmount in chaos. It’s too hot to leave’em at their post.”
“Who was hurt?” Optimus asked. He looked like he was wracking his processor. He did not know of every one of Jazz’s Ops or their postings, Jazz kept a great deal underwraps for the protections of his operatives and operations but he was friendly with the Bossbot and while Jazz had spoken of Ricochet on a personal level, he had never mentioned any partner.
“Not so much hurt,” Jazz explained. “As gravid. Bein’ trapped in that Pit ain’t made it easy on Barricade.”
“Interceptor Barricade is one o’ your Ops?” Ironhide asked, optics narrowing.
“Ya know wit these things, the less that lot knows the better,” Jazz said. “Ya can scare’m after Ratchet makes sure everythin’s in order.”
“Ya best believe I’m clearin’ him personally,” Ironhide warned him. Optimus may have been willing to take Jazz at his glyph for the moment, Ironhide was not as trusting. Keeping Prime alive was his single duty and he took it seriously.
“After Ratchet’s cleared ‘m,” Jazz replied. “Or Ole Hatchet is gonna be yer problem.”
“Why did he, gravid, join your mission?” Prime asked.
“He’s Prowl’s half-brother,” Jazz explained. “He found the freak’s lair. It was hard work convincin’m not to go after the freak on his own.”
“Has Tarantulas been eliminated?” Optimus asked.
“He turned up at my hab,” Jazz said and Prime and Ironhide both recoiled. “Ori handled’m. Put up a fight, from what Hound said. Ori couldn’t take’m alive so he took’m out.”
“That’s the official story?” Prime asked.
“If it sounds better, we can say I smoked’m in his lair,” Jazz said. “Can’t see anyone askin’ after’m.”
“No,” Optimus agreed. “May he rust for eternity.”
“Amen,” Ironhide agreed.
“I trust you to debrief your team,” Optimus declared. “And see them both cleared by Ratchet. I assume Ricochet is the ‘genitor.”
“Oh yeah,” Jazz confirmed.
“He could be hiding his own injury out of focus for Barricade’s condition,” the Prime said.
Leave it to Optimus to worry for anyone. Jazz pinged his twin and a moment later, Ricochet was guiding Barricade down the ramp. He seemed even more gravid than he had in Darkmount. His dark coloured armour and the darkness itself had disguised it. Jazz thought he was probably about half way through his gestational cycle and getting passed the point where hiding it would be at all possible. Barricade did not look up from his peds, watching his steps carefully as he leaned on Ricochet. When his peds touched the tarmac he looked up. It was not the sight of Prime but Ironhide that had him recoiling. He doubled over and purged violently. Jazz and Optimus both looked at the weapons master.
“I didn’t even make a face,” Ironhide defended himself. “I just got that affect on Cons.”
“Ops,” Jazz reminded him, firmly stinking to the lie. “Deep cover or not, still my Ops.”
“How many Ops ya got slinkin’ ‘round their officers?” Ironhide asked.
“Better ya didn’t know,” Jazz replied. “They know to dodge. If ya didn’t shoot at ‘em their cover wouldn’t stick.”
“Easy, Cade,” Ricochet ignored them all in favour of comforting his lover. He rubbed Barricade’s back as he crooned at him.
“Best head straight to the medbay,” Jazz said as he walked up. “Ya might feel better if ya lie down a bit, Cade.”
“Good plan,” Ricochet replied as Barricade looked up at Jazz from the corner of his optics.
“I know ya been undercover longer than planned, Cade,” Jazz said, helping his twin help the Praxian straighten. “But we can worry ‘bout debriefin’ ya after Ratchet sets ya ‘n the bitty right.”
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fanficmaniatic · 1 year
Transformers Pairs I think shouldn't live only in my head:
Because I think I am onto something and Y'all should hop along.
Disclaimer: Not all of them are romantic/ Some are platonic, and/or I think we should consider making these character family.
ALSO, There are some I think we as a fandom should ship in the "I think they hunt the other for sport" type of way, no romantic feelings.
1- Blaster/ Nauttica/ Road Rage.
I know a good deal of you already ship Nautica/Road Rage, and that's great... Now, consider giving the lesbians a hype man. I personally ship them in a ot3 way, in a "Let's go Bisexuals" type of way if you will, but Blaster being just their platonic bestie is also fine. I just think the 3 of them should live together. Picture this: Science girlfriend, Party Boyfriend, Bodyguard girlfriend. Is a the 3 of them are super smart and competent but in different fields and can help each other... also the nerding-out and Road Rage being absolutely in love with music provided by the resident radio.
2- Blurr & Cheetor.
This one upsets me, because why cant we pull a "Jack frost and Elsa are dating" on them, why is this QPR living only in my brain. WHAT IF, hear me out, they meet while racing and become best friends, they are RIDE or DIE. They see each other as their sun, they push each other to better themselves. I could see them as romantic, but the QPR aspect of it is too soft for me to pass.
3- Jazz ][ Getaway.
Okey, hear me out, your see the racquets "][" ? That is to keep them real separated, This is a "Coworkers to enemies" ship, an "Enemies to I will be responsible for your demise" if you will. I haven't finished MTMTE and I won't be able to in the near future BUT, if this fandom has feed me a common sentiment is that we hate Getaway for good reason. Now, Picture this:
Jazz, head of SpecOps, having to work with the guy that thinks he is worthy of carrying the matrix. Is Diplomatic Corps and SpecOpcs rivalry is.... you know what I just want them having a bloody fight. Get the romance BULLSHIT OUT, let them haunt the other for sport.
4- Perceptor/ Warpath/ Bliztwing.
Okey, you have to trust me on this one, because I accidentally started shipping them while working on my continuity and... tHEM...But what if Perceptor was allowed to go a little bit Apeshit and had boyfriends who supported him? What if Bliztwing was more like his G1 self? what if Bliztwing and Warpath were pre-war buddies? just thoughs man...
5- Eject & Rossana.
First, I think they would get along. Second, is that Rosanna looks like she likes football... so... Let them play together man. We either make Rewind, Eject and Rosanna triplets or Rosanna&Eject the twins, with Rewind being the older brother. I just think we don't make use of the cassettes sibling-like relationships enough and I just would like to see these two more often.
6- Prowl ][ Starscream.
Look, if you don't think Prowl and Starscream should have an "I want to personally murder you" type of relationship, you are lying to yourself because that shit is just too funny. Throw Chromedome in the mix for extra spice. Just picture those two having to work together OR THEY DIE, and doing everything in their power to be the only one that comes out of the situation alive. You know what? "Enemies to reluctant allies" is also okey but only because that would crack me up.
7- Jazz/ Ironhide/ Chromia.
This came to me in a vision... The vision was Ironhide leading an attack while Chromia took out enemies from afar with her sharpshooter skills, and this is all a diversion so that Jazz can steal information. They go for drinks after that. I also think that Jazz being the shortest yet the one people are terrified of would do wonders for the comedy possibilities of this ship. This can be 3 best friends, a QPR, or a ot3, just... you know what they say "Something something they go to missions together they get married" <-Someone has to have said that before.
8- Roulette & Jazz.
This goes to the "Ex-decepticon Jazz" lovers out there... Give him a friend that gets it, someone who wouldn't judge freshly "Fence Hopper" Jazz because she has a sister with the decepticons, and she wishes this whole war was just over with. Bonding over the differences between the Autobots and Decepticons. Is Jazz helping Roulette check on Shadowstiker and covering for her because they know the decepticons are just mechs like them.
I have more but idk how to explain it without also having to explain a shit ton of nonsense because, Overlord and Toaster are married but y'all are not ready for that conversation.
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lesbian-nautica · 2 years
cheetor/ravage hc pls pleease pleeease
Catboy boyfriends 🐈😺 ❤️
Cheetor doesn't like it when people dismiss him for being young, Ravage hates it when people dismiss him for being a cat, and there was a time that they had a pretty nasty fight followed by the intense realization that they were not actually mad at the other catboy. They went to cat therapy with Dr. Glit
Cheetor prefers being a cat, just by a tiny bit, so getting to just. Be a cat is great.
"I'm tired. Carry me?" And its just a cassette held gently in the mouth
They meet up in a place they refer to as "the litterbox" because they both think this joke is stupid and the place is a super decrepit shitty building. If anyone else ever referred to it by that name they would tear the building down, but it's perfect climbing real estate.
They are a more casual thing. They know each other well enough to know that they just aren't really ready for or into the idea of living together, and they both have busy lives, so they meet when they can.
IDW Cheetor does consider joining the party bus that is the lost light, occasionally.
Earthspark Cheetor as a cool new Terran that meets Ravage and they fall in cat love and this is how we get more cassette content in ES
Cyberverse Ravage straight up ignored the border and would just. Jump it and go bring his big cat bf a dead robomouse.
Can you fuck ing imagine a beast wars ravage. Can you.
IDW Ravage au where he doesn't die and gets torn in half and then goes "I need to get my life together" and moves to sanctuary station permanently and Cheetor also moves there for another reason because Cybertron is hell and they don't even realize the other is on the same ship for a WEEK. it takes Cosmos directly asking point blank like "i thought?? You two liked each other?? Are you fighting" for them to notice
If Rav is being moody and hiding in Soundwave Cheets sometimes will go loaf on top of the dock and lock all the cassettes in. Soundwave does not move him, he is a cat owner and has the curse of being a sentient bed now.
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thinkin about beast machines cheetor
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granatu888 · 4 months
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Maximal maximize!
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bunclebee · 3 months
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Headpats! Well-earned headpats for Cheetor!!!
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kusakichan15 · 6 months
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= NSFW comm under cut =
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Yall chose to click here okay 0-0)☕
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tiggs2-0 · 10 months
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Not turtle srry!!
I just finished cyberverse yesterday and I was so upset cheetor never came back 💔💔💔 my son 💔💔💔 I miss him so much
I literally only made this so I could make my own keychain of him 🥺
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raz-mo · 1 year
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Mirage is babygirl
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blackteaduck · 1 year
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Mirage in humanform 🥺✨✨
He is a big baby boy🥺
I watch the movie twice...and I cried every times ... love the music in the end 🥹😭
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