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toukenramblings · 3 years
Clingy S/O | Genji Bros
After 50 years, I'm writing again. I'm so sorry for not being able to write for a while y'all. I've been...blergh. ANON WHO REQUESTED THIS, IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT HGIUDHGUGHU
Warning: Nothing but cute shit, and sometimes man, you need soft cute shit. LEAH, BABY, DARLING I HOPE YOU LIKEY!! @10cm i know you love hiza, pls take some hiza hiza
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BOUNDARIES? WHAT'S THAT???? HIGEKIRI KNOWS NOTHING LIKE THAT. I joke though, Higekiri is like, a naturally physically affectionate person. Yes he'll cater his affection to your habits and ways and habits but in general, Higekiri is also...pretty....clingy
And you just so happen to ALSO be clingy as fuck? Hell yeah. Hige's gonna have a FIELD DAY. Along with saying shit like; "Aww, did you miss me that much, love? I missed you too~!" or "You just hugged me two minutes ago, no matter, I love it either way!"
Higekiri is also about surprise affection, most of the time he'll sneak up on you with a darling hug from behind and press a kiss to the back of your head/hair.
He loves it when you do the same to him! He doesn't jump or anything, he just...meLTS into your embrace? Hello???? It's oh so comfortable!
Oh and playing with your fingers whenever you two cuddle, admiring the differences between yours and his; comparing sizes, so on and so forth.
Listen Higekiri is the kind of clingy that the minute you come home he's already waiting for you at the door like a cat/puppy that you see in youtube vids. Or like he just zones in on the gate like he knows that you're about to appear. It's like...a psychic sense.
Oh but most of all, Hige Hige loves the fact you're clingy as shit. As said above, Hige is the same. If anything, you two just bounce off of each other's general lovey-dovey clinginess.
Hugs? Check? Cuddles? Check. Hand holding? My friend, your hand will never be lonely. ALL THE KISSES? NOTHING BUT KISSES YOU TWO ARE JUST KISSING IN PUBLIC LIKE NO ONE'S BIZ
Higekiri is also the cheeky little bastard who's just...holding your hand one sec and then using the said hand to pull you in close for a hug and a kiss and then when you two part he's just smirking.
"I just missed you, that's all~<3" bastard
Hiza on the other hand, isn't as clingy as his brother who lives off of physical affection. Oh no, he adores it too! He just goes at his own pace. Yes even after you two begin dating for a long time, there is this little dreamy look in his eyes and faint tinge to his cheeks whenever you two do PDA
It's not like he dislike it or anything. He has nothing but respect for boundaries and such. He doesn't wanna do shit to make you uncomfy but he also is the kind of person who caters his physical affection to how you are!
Hizamaru isn't as spontaneous as his brother when it comes to this, so it'll take time before he'll fully like....falls into the routine I suppose?
It's totally fine that you're clingy as heck though! He loves it! He's lowkey clingy as well, and as your relationship further progresses, Hiza's hand will always seek out yours.
Yes he does get all flustered whenever you surprise him with a hug from behind, stiffening just a bit before melting into your embrace like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Like Higekiri, Hizamaru will also happily wait for you to come home. He's a lot more attentive than his brother and honestly gives me some adorbs house!husband vibes but hey that is another story and while Higekiri bounds to your side the minute he senses your presence, Hizamaru is honestly kind of the same? Is a bit more timid though as he walks towards you, not at all rushing to your side like his brother but a languid roll of his hips and a bright smile - puppy like, you can say.
Oh my God man, the hugs. The hugs he gives you? So fucking warm???? Hello???? My sweet darling Hiza. Going back to what I said before, Hizamaru is lowkey pretty clingy and he doesn't realize this until after you two start dating. But instead of the physical clinginess that Hige has, Hiza's is more...verbally clingy? He's the kind of dude who just calls you while you're away just to listen to your voice and tell you that he loves you.
Daily reminders of the fact that he loves you, can't forget that.
Private cuddling though? That's when clingy Hiza Hiza shows up. He just...always has an arm wrapped around your waist or something and whenever you hug him from behind and wrap your hands and arms around his waist, Hiza will begin a habit of playing with your connected fingers; he, too, fascinated by your fingers.
Though Hizamaru may be shy about PDA with a rather clingy you, but in the end, Hizamaru adores it! He just melts into your embrace and touches like the most touch-starved man known to this world and honestly? It's cute as hell. You're his rock after all~!
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