#anyway how are yall doing today
lovingache · 2 months
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𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝. 🏹
𝐫. 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 summary: "𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞" | tanaka is the biggest simp for his girlfriend. warnings: f!reader, aged up!haikyu (karasuno is a university) | no y/n, swearing, fluff fluff fluff, i love ryū and im so happy i finally got an idea that works so well for him, tanaka is an absolute SWEETHEART to reader, names used: doll, babe, word count: 1.1k a/n: i was listening to cupid's chokehold and immediately had to start writing this because THAT SONG IS LITERALLY GHOST WRITTEN BY TANAKA IDC ARGUE WITH THE WALL
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Ryū didn't necessarily ask you to be his girlfriend. There was no grand gesture a few months into dating or a massive heart-to-heart to confirm that you two were taking that step together. He sort of just started calling you his girlfriend.
Something that surprised you about him is how deeply sentimental he is. During one of your dates, he insisted on taking photobooth pictures together, practically dragging you into the booth with him as he paid the fee and slung an arm around you. "C'mon, doll! It'll be fun, plus, this way, I can keep your picture with me everywhere!"
You two were there for almost an hour, striking pose after pose as you laughed with each other. You feel your cheeks heat up as he kisses you for a photo, his large hands cupping your face as he kisses you deeply. He hums with delight when he sees it printed onto the snapshots. "This one's just for me," he grins, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you smack his chest lightly.
He pouts when you say no after he asks you for one last set of pictures with just you, "Please, babe! That way, I can look at it whenever I miss you."
You roll your eyes playfully but oblige— you're not a monster. "You tell me you miss me all the time, Ryū," you tease, smiling at him as you stay seated.
"Exactly, I can look at your pictures all the time then! It'll totally help to see your face before a game if you can't be there in person— it'll help pump me up!" he grins, feeding the machine another bill as you pose for the pictures. He dropped you off that night with the broadest grin, knowing he didn't have to look far to see you smiling at him. It warms his heart knowing he's found a girl that not only puts up with his antics, but loves him for it.
He took the photos of you everywhere. His wallet, his phone case, his gym locker, taped up on his room's wall. You name it, your face is plastered there. You had to physically restrain him from ordering t-shirts with the photos on them, much to his dismay. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll just show people the pictures of you then."
It's safe to say he loves being with you, showing you off as the brilliant woman who had, in your folly and his delight, chosen to be with him. The first time you'd visited him after practice, the team's eyes practically jumped out of their skulls after you ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, asking him how it went.
"So she is real?!" Nishinoya yells as he runs up to Ryū to give him a high-five. "Holy shit, sorry, Tanaka. We all thought you made her up—"
He turns to you, introducing himself as Karasuno's libero and Tanaka's friend. "I've heard a lot about you, Nishinoya," you smile, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. You swear he swoons a little as you do.
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"Babe," he whines when you peel his arm off you as Daichi calls him into the gym. "I wanna keep my arm on you until we get in!" he complains, earning a snicker from Nishinoya and Kageyama, who are a few steps ahead of you.
You laugh, "Oh god, you big baby. Do you really want your opponents to see you pouting? Think of what message that'd send, Tanaka." You tease, knowing exactly how to rile him up for the match.
You laugh even harder as he crosses his arms and gives you a "Hmph!" as he lets you go. "Fine, but you better be cheering the loudest in there, doll."
He blushes as you kiss him quickly, "You know I always am, honey." You marvel at how quickly he runs into the gym, energized by your affection as his teammates run in to catch up with him.
You sit beside a friend from class as the team warms up, beaming at him whenever he looks at you after nailing a spike. "Let's go, Ryū!" you yell as the crowd thickens.
Soon enough, the match starts, and you're as energetic as he is as the team plays, whooping when they score and yelling encouragements when the other team scores. "C'mon, boys! You've got this!"
He turns to point to you after every kill, grinning up at you like you're his sun, and when he gets the game-winning point, he screams your name as he lands back on the gym floor.
The team is huddled and celebrating as you run down to congratulate them and celebrate with him. You raise an eyebrow at Daichi when you don't spot Ryū in the huddle. He shakes his head, jerking a thumb back over to where Ryū is standing, arguing with a player from the opposing team.
You hurriedly walk over to try to pull him away, knowing that he can get a little too hyped up after winning games—especially when he's the one who scored the match point.
You're about to call out to him when his voice cuts you off, yelling at the player as he grabs his gym bag from the team's manager, ruffling through the contents to grab something.
Oh no.
"Uh yeah! I so, too, have a girlfriend, dipshit!" He yells as he smiles wickedly at the brown leather wallet in his hand, unfurling it with a dramatic finish.
Oh, god, no.
"Look and weep, dickhead." He bellows, the proud undertone incredibly clear in his voice as he puts a hand on his hip. To your dismay, the player actually looks, stuttering as he tries to downplay the photo, "Y-Yeah, whatever. That's probably just a random picture you printed off the internet, weirdo."
Ryū scoffs, his hand still on his hip and wallet still extended at the gawking player. "Ha! You'd think so, right? I mean, she's so gorgeous that there's no way she's real. I thought so, too, when I first saw her. Why'd you think I worked so hard to impress her?" He says, his voice brimming with pride and affection, before folding the wallet.
"Yeah? She's not even here, so she can't be that good!" The player argues, and you roll your eyes.
You take a breath, about to call out to him, but Daichi's voice beats you, "Tanaka!" He waits for a beat as Ryū turns to him slowly before gesturing to where you are, "Your girlfriend's been here waiting for you, dummy."
You give Daichi a thankful look and giggle as Ryū turns quickly to where you are, scooping you up in his arms as he celebrates the win with you. "Congrats, babe!" You cheer as you kiss him deeply.
He pulls away from you, giving your nose a delicate kiss, before turning to look at the player who's already walking away, one arm hooked under you to keep you held up as he points at the player before pointing to you.
"Hey! Asshole! Take a look at my girlfriend!"
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 1 month
Alright chat about time i do a bot purge
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mspaintpetfinder · 23 days
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getting back on the grind
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luckynumberthreed · 2 years
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Give me attention
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luneariann · 3 months
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coelacat · 1 month
i refuse to believe so much of U.S. tumblr actually doesnt listen to rap. thats an insane statement. rap is so ingrained in american culture, growing up i couldnt escape it. everyone at my school listened to some form of rap, and they were like. midwest middle class suburban white kids. it was completely inescapable. i have no clue how tumblr users genuinely havent just. listened to some megan thee stallion. or like. juicewrld??? xxxtentacion?????? yall never even checked them out to see what the hype was about??? your parents never made you listen to tupac?? 50 cent??? wutang clan???? cmon surely youve listened to at least will smith. will smith did rap that my white christian grandma enjoyed. you can listen to will smith if rap is supposedly "too violent" for you
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queercodedvillains · 1 year
I firmly believe kishimoto made deidara say "I'm not into S&M" because he KNEW everyone clocked his bratty bottom vibe off the bat and he needed to make a canon occurrence to point at to disprove it but the thing is he doesn't know Deidara like I do!! he has noooo idea he accidentally created a queer icon. But I do. And no posthumous editorialization will ever overshadow that.
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domokunrainbowkinz · 7 months
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Tried a new art style and I guess will is gonna be my guinea pig from now on 🥹
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
transmascs you know you are allowed to talk about your experiences without adding "but of course transfems have it worse!" right. that is oppression olympics you are playing. you can just say "this is a thing i struggle with because of transphobia" and leave it at that. i promise you there is a transfem out there who would look at your situation and go "oh my god thats awful, i've never experienced anything like that" and there is a transmasc who would look at your situation and go "yeah i've gone through that and much, much worse", because neither transmascs nor transfems are a monolith and neither one is privileged over the other.
free yourself of the need to constantly downplay your suffering from oppression. you are suffering and you deserve not to be, that's the end of the sentence. stop playing the sick game of comparing suffering, whether you are favoring yourself or not.
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everythingsinred · 6 months
lil musing on natsume + manga
anyway im not mad at the world anymore. i choose peace! let's talk about natsume's manga for two seconds bc i realized just now that @crimoncitrus , @thesightofworms, and i discovered the reason why natsume reads yaoi while we were playing the ga karuta game and i never reported those findings!
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its just cuz rui and nobara like yaoi so theres a lot of that particular reading material in the da. natsume loves to read manga so. he makes do with whats around... i love that explanation SO MUCH bc it gives a new dimension to the da class dynamics. natsume hates those two people but is willing to swipe the books they bring to class lmao.
personally i think that explains why he reads so many random things, yaoi aside. he reads sanrio catalogs and books on jam and cooking. idk boy's a bookworm! he'll take anything as long as he can read. kinda like how as a child, if i was visiting my grandparents in serbia i'd end up looking through encyclopedias and shitty mystery novels i probably wouldnt rly consider otherwise bc its all that was available. natsume just reads anything, i guess.
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including mikan's anger at mochu here as further evidence that he was able to give a really good gift! in the tokyopop she even accuses mochu of cheating...
for natsume's bday, mochu got him "manga he really wanted to read" and natsume looked as visibly excited as natsume ever lets himself be, probably bc hes happy to be able to read smth he wants rather than whatevers laying around. i know our boy's a special star and probably has plenty of money to fund a manga collection, but he doesnt seem to enjoy going to central town any of the times we see him there and he's usually just eager to leave asap so i dont think he makes a habit of going out of his way to buy manga. plus, i imagine mochu's huge haul for him took time and care that natsume wasn't willing to put in for himself. but mochu cares abt natsume so was willing to painstakingly search for his friend's favorite titles.
i know he usually uses manga to cover his face in class, but that's because he's tired and sick and needs rest. the glimpses we have of his bedroom suggest he reads manga there...
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look at those books!
anyway rip to natsume bc his laziness wins over his desire to read something he actually enjoys everytime.
also for some reason despite the fact that i dont rly watch a lot of shounen, i wont be moved on my headcanon that natsume would. my reasoning is.... because.
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thegroundsofbrooklyn · 4 months
i sooo miss writing fanfiction <- unlikely to do anything about this
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widevibratobitch · 9 months
me when im obsessed with dead singers from 50 (well... mostly 70-120) years ago and im heartbroken to know i'll never see them on stage... never hear them breathe, never see them sweat, never even touch the hem of their garment...
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it really is enough to drive a person mad...
#this is so funny because this is the one vaguepost that i wholeheartedly 100% agree with skdhsjshsjdhsn#like yeah!! it does indeed pain me that the level of operatic singing has so drastically decreased over the last 50 years!#that top operatic stars of today are all either nasal or wobbly or knödely or completely inaudible without microphones#but some of yall are just not ready for this conversation. example a#anyway. as many have said before. its kinda easier to understand how some people cant appreciate certain operas#if they never heard them sung well lol#sorry im out of blood today. i know this is a very uncomfortable subject for many but.#you can actually judge someone's singing in a pretty objective way. there are nuances of course. but from a technical point of view#it really is pretty simple#(also its not like i dont enjoy *some* modern singers lol have you SEEN my kwiecień posting???? lmao#hell. there are even some modern singers i have a soft spot who i KNOW sing... Not Very Well. but i enjoy them lol#not many ofc but. yknow)#also 50 years ago would be the 1970s if im doing my maths correctly and. that is really the point in opera history#when it all started going downhill (sadly partly because of one of my all time favourite singers' influence... but thats a different story)#anyway. remember when luis tetrazzini said that the future generations of singers will be The Best singers in history#because they'll have access to all those recordings of The Greats Of The Past that they'll be able to listen to and learn from?#lmao queen you were right about so many things but that was tragically not one of them </3#opera tag#yes im stirring the pot of boiling liquid shit and putting this post gently into the main tag#*luisA tetrazzini ofc#lol and lmao im out FOR blood* shdgsjsghs
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fandom-fae · 5 months
why is there no actually good music app :/
like i’m using apple music and most of it works okay but the search function sucks so bad and i considered switching to spotify a while ago so i tried that out for a bit but holy shit the user interface sucks so much. the only good thing there are the user created playlists
and why youtube music and amazon music suck is obvious probably lol
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munamania · 5 months
i dont wanna be a dick and act like i have no responsibility in this but after a point dont u think if all you ever say to ur friend is Omg you never make it out why dont you ever come out with us you bail all the time youre such a flake etc. dont u think that person (me) is like. not gonna feel so inclined to. be there
#like. yeah i was bad last semester i get it. and probably i shouldve tried at least once or twice to push thru#but i was so exhausted. and every time they would bring up hanging out it was on my longest days#and when i casually brought this up they were just like Well we have long days too. Okay!#and i love and miss these friends and i know for the most part. or at least think. theyre just teasing#i hate being seen as the flake like any time i do have to be like Oh i cant make that or Shit im sorry i have to bail#i try to offer an alternative???? and they never compromise on that. how is that fair like im not just outright rejecting u all the time#not to mention most of the time last semester it was always gonna be somewhere super easy for them to get home and far from me#im not like constantly holding this against them btw but i feel like they're holding it against me and i dont have any more apologies in me#anyway. that said. if theyre somewhere really expensive and far from me tn and i get out of work early#i. probably will not make it. lol! if theyd be willing to come a little closer to my place to one of the dives or some shit thatd be great#and like im not doing much today until class and work so really like. i WILL try. but i think they could sometimes not go for the most#expensive and inconvenient option as well. and these r all things ill say if it becomes like a problem problem or smth#but rn im not gonna be a dickhead and shit on their plans#but also! ok whatever im not gonna keep going on i just feel shitty im not 100% better from being sick and im just frustrated#about having to fuckign grovel over and over and over. i meant it the first few times now im just like#u could try not to be an asshole to me for five seconds too. like. i am very clearly not someone trying to secretly stop being friends#w yall. things happen#abby talks#and maybe this is an esp sore spot bc like ive certainly had some of you bail on me or be flaky or whatever before. and i didnt throw#a fucking fit to your face about it. probably bc it actually did feel more mean spirited sometimes#OK im sorry im not trying to make my friends sound evil and its mostly just the one and like im working on forgiving her for it cause it#was years ago but also like christ!
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pea-brained-idiot · 2 years
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↓ and ↑ ghosts
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atsu-i · 10 months
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