#tf2 oc heavy
martinotea · 5 months
After two days of drawing , I finally finished my collab with my partner! Wooohuuu
My part:
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My partner part :
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bloodiihell · 5 months
Sooo, I saw some people make TF2 ocs with the tf2 load out website. And I wanted to do that too and I drew some of them
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gmanwhore · 7 months
Talking about a third TF2 team. Me and my girlfriend made up. It's called Team PNK. Her (@the-main-characters) sonas will be in pink (the descriptions for them are also written by her), mine will be in green. And the other guys will be in white or black or whatever default text colour is. *Grins* Also uh if you couldn't tell Lagomorpha and Dynamite are the two we thought least about. Very sorry to those two they do rock.
What is Team PNK?: They are a group of replacements for the main Mercs. They were trained by their respective classes (from both teams) so they are ready to step in whenever needed. They don't know they are replacements, and are still occasionally sent into fights to keep them ready. They are all under twenty five since. Replacements. These guys are investments.
The Scout: Car Crash -> A bit of what could you say?. . A delinquent? She is brash, agressive, acts before thinking and sometimes can be a bit too energetic. But don't let that fool you, she is a loyal friend and someone you definitely want at your side, can be a little too moral sometimes and gets very nervous with her teammates antics. She is the twin sister of Charlotte and had been supporting her and been by her side since they were kids. Something is going on between her and Miss Pauling
The Engineer: Gunpowder -> Guaranteed to blow your mind! This girl has both brains and beauty by her side. She is on the more mature side of the team but don't let that fool you! She often uses her insane IQ to do stuff that can and will defy nature, her machines are more advanced than any modern technology can explain, and can and will tell you why you are wrong and she is right. She is also strong as a truck and will often jump into actions. All of this and her winning personality that keeps the team together make her a great asset
The Sniper: Goldie -> Some girls like hunting for clothes, this specific girl likes to hunt people. She comes from a great line of assassins, her father was one, her mother was one, her grandpa was one, her grandma was one, her dog was one. . I think you get the idea. But that does not mean she cannot have a winning look while killing you! In fact she will fight people over the prettiest shoes on sale. And they are gonna lose, everytime, believe me
The Medic: Doll -> They are just as chaotic as you would expect from a Medic. No they don't have a medical license, but they are still "good" at what they do. Very little of their original body remains as they have replaced their body parts with other people's so much that only their head (barring their eyes) is original! They are the self appointed team leader and while they act like their team is a drag on them they do deeply care about these idiots and will not lose them under any circumstances. They have a...thing for the Administrator. We all hope they don't get together.
The Pyro: Sparky -> Again, they are exactly what you'd expect from a Pyro! They are joyful and friendly, and very kind to their teammates. They are a ball of energy and always plunge right in to the heat of battle (pun intended). Gunpowder is their best friend and is really the only one who's learned to understand them. There really isn't one person on the team that isn't happy to have Sparky around. The only thing they don't respond well to is angry yelling. That makes them very upset and you don't want to do that.
The Spy: Charlotte -> You know the term "Do it scared"? Charlotte does everything like that. The less impulsive and chaotic of the twins, Charlotte is a ball of anxiety. Don't take that to mean she isn't an amazing spy, she's quiet as a cat and as good of a killer as one. She doesn't like being a Merc but since Car Crash is there she is too. She has grown more comfortable with (most) of her team, though, and is almost at the point she can join in the playful teasing.
The Soldier: Sam -> Hard-headed, hot blooded, and loud as an eagle! Sam can come off as a bit annoying, but she just plays very rough. She can be a bit of a bully and be harsh on people, but it's really because she has no filter at all. She thinks with her fists, which often gets her into incursions with the stronger members of the Team. She has a horrible sense of humour but an infectious laugh. She also thinks Sam is her best friend (she is not)
The Heavy: Lagomorpha -> Often seen as the most mature of the group, Lagomorpha also happens to be the most gentle...when not fighting. She tends to leave the planning to other people, but she is incredibly confident in her ability to win any fight she enters. She isn't as attached to her guns as the Heavy we all know is, but she does take incredible care of them. She is the quietest of the group, next to Charlotte, but it's more because she prefers to listen to people than to talk.
The Demoman: Dynamite -> She has a very apt name. She is very passionate about her explosives, always explaining she has how she uses them down to a science. How she operates makes sense only to her and she likes it like that! She does drink just as much as the other Demomen, and of course she makes the empty bottles into Molotov cocktails. In her mind everything can be used to either make explosives or make her explosives better. The least sciencey mad scientist out there!
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itsaspen · 2 months
Hermann!!! 🥺💖
As medic main, I would be glad to pocket him... 🥺✨ and give him all the über-charges... 💖
oh he would simply adore that 🥰
he’s a very reckless guy unfortunately
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the-tf2-gremlin · 2 years
Chapter 4: Family
Once their little family was reunited, the years began to fly by like a blink of an eye. Just like Yahnnia, it didn’t take long before Luddy was walking, talking, and even riding his own bike. And not long after that he had even he already was learning to drive just on the heels of Yahnnia. Soon, the two got into plenty of chaos, just like their fathers. And lord that did not really change. Gott, that sure did Misha and Ludwig massive migraines though.
Shockingly, it was already 28 years later since Luddy was brought home. 29 for his sweet lovely Yahnnia. They grew far up too fast. To Ludwig, the years had just passed by like days. Still, he absolutely loved every single moment, no matter how small. Every single moment he shared with them he absolutely treasured. Even the bad ones. As long as he was with his kids and husband, he didn’t care.
What was most startling about his kids were how starkly different they were from one another. Of course they shared the same mother, different fathers (Genes donated first from Heavy to have Yahnnia, and genes from Ludwig to have Luddy.) It is to be expected they’d be different, but they were basically polar opposites. This revelation even shocked Misha, especially how well they seemed to get along despite such drastic differences.
Despite their differences, the two had become inseparable. The two certainly got into their share of trouble when they were kids, but some of the experiences ended up dragging Ludwig and Misha along into the mess. In the end they’d all get a good laugh and Ludwig or Misha would be taking pictures of the chaos before the other was busy wrangling two messy toddlers into the bath. And still to this day even from teenagers to adulthood, somethings didn’t change. The thoughts of the simpler days brought tears to his eyes, for their little lieblings grew up far too fast for either of their likings.
As expected, Yahnnia grew big tall and strong like her father Misha. She inherited Misha’s strong nose and his beautiful eyes, but she looked very similar to her aunt Zhanna, minus the dark brown hair and famous scowl. Long semi wavy brunette hair flowed gently down her back, and rested just shy of her hips. By all means she was stunningly beautiful by very many means. Both Misha and Ludwig were EXTREMELY protective over their little girl and their little boy, and any potential “boyfriends or girlfriends” had to pass the dad tests. Not many made it through the front door without running in terror.
Bold, confident, compassionate and extremely loving, Yahnnia was a literal ray of sunshine. No matter what she would do all she could to brighten someone’s day, typically Luddy’s. No matter what, she would drop everything she was doing to go be with her little brother. It didn’t matter if it was for something as small as a paper cut, if her brother or fathers needed help it became her immediate priority.
Unlike many, Yahnnia was virtually IMPOSSIBLE to anger. For whatever reason she was blessed with the unrealistic patience of a saint. Until you made Luddy cry or insulted or hassled her fathers, then you best pray Misha could get to HER before SHE got to you. Otherwise, Yahnnia was always smiling, willing to help any who needed it. With her bright cheery grin and innocent demeanor, she was able to befriend virtually everyone. As expected she absolutely adored animals, and they absolutely gravitated to her just like people did.
Very much like Ludwig she was incredibly sharp, though she did tend to not flex her intelligence very often. To her, watching Luddy handle that made her happy, and she didn’t need to go ahead and do the same. If Luddy was happy, that was all she cared about. And just like Yahnnia Luddy would secretly pick up on her current interests and research them to the best of his ability. It brought them so much closer together and the two enjoyed their simple family moments together, and with their parents.
To absolutely no one’s shock Yahnnia worked her was to become the wrestling champion of all of Europe. With ease she managed to topple the always heavily male dominated sport and dethroned all of the existing champions. Every single match or wrestling event, Misha, Ludwig and even a rather disgruntled Luddy would be there cheering her on. Misha would always be cheering the loudest, while Ludwig was always second to his husband.
Meanwhile Luddy was buried deep in his books, pretending that he didn’t enjoy wrestling. Every game he was always busy taking notes so he could show her how to combat an opponent in the future. And many of his books he brought with him were wrestling techniques, safe stretching and how to avoid injury. Despite his opinions on the sport and sports world, if it made his sister happy and would keep her safe, he would study his heart out to benefit her. No matter what it was.
Every single match he would tell her she kicked ass and do his best to give her advice or better prepare her for her next match. Without fail Yahnnia would listen very intently and smile, thanking him for his help. It warmed both Misha and Ludwig’s hearts to watch Yahnnia use the tips and tricks Luddy would give from the previous match into her next one. Much to the family’s delight she would win each round, thanks to their sibling teamwork and Luddy’s brilliant ability to plan and adapt tactics.
Poor Luddy typically looked bored out of his mind but he was always SECRETLY cheering on his sister. To him, wrestling was senseless violence. Much like sports, he just couldn’t understand it. Granted, he understood the rules and history of sports, the founding and everything from the ground up after studies and research, but to be quite frank it BORED HIM. Utterly useless!
The family never missed a game and always strove to get the front row seats. Normally they got them thanks to Yahnnia being a crowd favorite and… it is very hard to argue with their parents. And the seething passive aggressive comments from Luddy and how easy it would be to rat them to his sister for denying the favored players FAMILY from the best seats. DESPITE having paid for them. Whenever Luddy would flex his rules and incredible memory, Ludwig would always need a moment to keep himself from crying. His son und daughter made him so proud!!
Whenever Ludwig or Misha would point out the KINDS of books he would bring with him to Yahnnia’s games, (sports books wrestling guides and fundamentals) Luddy would blush bright pink all the way to his ears. After he could speak again he’d loudly complain he was only curious and didn’t find the importance in the sport except for Yahnnia’s sake. It wasn’t long after that Misha did end up finding Luddy’s secret stash of sports cards with wrestlers and baseball players that Yahnnia and Luddy traded. Perhaps his son was not solely a bookworm after all… Misha never said anything about it and left them undisturbed as to not upset Luddy since he was very touchy about his things.
There were some close calls even for Yahnnia’s wrestling title. Most of the time she ran unthreatened. But on rare occasions whenever Yahnnia would seem to be losing, Luddy would spring into action and cheer his sister on from the stands. And every time she would pause, look out to her family and grin before absolutely dominating the competition. Probably the person with the biggest grin was Luddy, though it was usually hidden behind his book, as he pretended not to be interested.
After the matches she’d race down and scoop up Ludwig and Luddy and twirl around with them since they were light enough carry at the same time. (Well for Misha and Yahnnia at least.) Both Luddy and Ludwig would very casually brush off how badly their backs were killing them after each incident, while they secretly cried on the inside from the pain.
It typically took Misha gently reminding his daughter that their not as well built as they were before coaxing her to set her poor father and brother down. By that point poor Ludwig and luddy would be wheezing for breath thanks to Yahnnia’s killer hugs. The scene usually made Misha sigh and shake his head while Yahnnia would laugh, and apologizing.
Despite her very strong and bold personality, Yahnnia had a very soft and tender side. In her spare time she aimed for assisting animal shelters and helping soothe scared critters. Anything to do with any sort of animal, she was ALL over it. Animals seemed magnetized to Yahnnia and Luddy. And shockingly enough, they weren’t drawn to birds like Ludwig.
Ludwig was utterly DEVASTATED by this news, and Misha has spent many hours listening to his grievances of his kids not wanting BIRDS! The AUDACITY!! Granted they LOVED his doves but the fact they didn’t WANT their own BIRDS?! Yahnnia adored absolutely anything, and she even came home covered in bugs and spiders much to Ludwig’s UTTER horror.
That was the day Ludwig learned he REALLY had a fear of insects and arachnids, and the day he learned YAHNNIA ADORED THEM like he did his doves. How or why absolutely baffled Ludwig, and it certainly did not help his fear of insects and especially arachnids. That was the day a bit of Ludwig’s soul quite literally died. It meant shortly after knowing Yahnnia, she’d WANT a pet spider of some sort.
The mere thought gave Ludwig chills and nightmares of the incident the team accidentally pissed off Merasmus on Halloween and he made all their nightmares come to life and chase them. His was MERCIFULLY a giant creepy ass spider that ended up chasing him around. Merasmus was kind enough to spare him his reoccurring nightmares that plagued him every night in his dreams… And if his sweet little Yahnnia asked for something, it was very rare either one of them had the ability to say no to either of their kids.
A prime example of Ludwig’s horror was wrapped up in one single moment. The sound of Yahnnia humming could be heard as she strode into the house after a long day of roaming around outside under the watchful eye of Misha. While he tended the garden, Yahnnia was busy assisting him by getting rid of pests. After a while Yahnnia complained she got her hands all dirty and asked if she could go inside to wash them off. Of course Misha agreed and asked her to go find her father before doing anything else.
With a bright smile she nodded and skipped inside, once again humming to herself. The sound made Misha smile and chuckle softly, until he was greeted with a horrible sound. What wasn’t normal was the earth shattering scream Ludwig let out when he spotted Yahnnia covered head to toe in bugs. IN THE HOUSE! It scared Ludwig to near death, and it took Misha a lot of strength to keep Ludwig back before he literally murdered every single insect on their daughter.
After Misha finally calmed Ludwig down after 15 solid minutes of getting Ludwig’s breathing level again, Misha has to very carefully explain WHY their daughter was covered in HORRID INSECTS. With a very heavy sigh, Misha folded his mighty arms over his chest and explained Yahnnia was helping him take care of the pests destroying their garden. Judging from the shades of pink, to red, to FURY on Ludwig’s face, he was definitely going to end up taking care of this.
Ludwig didn’t have to say a word. With a very deep grumble and a glare, Misha carefully guided their daughter back outside to safely remove the bugs. Misha had the unfortunate misery of spending HOURS safely vacating each bug off Yahnnia. Yahnnia made ABSOLUTELY SURE not a single bug was harmed.
And at the end of that horrifying scare, she simply asked the bugs to head home and the remaining bugs cleaned off her on command. They had all crawled off her in a manner of 5 minutes. After Misha has spent over 5 hours rescuing her.. bugs. Needless to say, she DEFINITELY got grounded. By both of her parents. Despite that she seemed completely unfazed and said she got to hang out with her bug friends so she didn’t mind! The comment just made Ludwig go pale and look slightly sick to his stomach while Misha groaned and shook his head, and muttered something about needing a drink in Russian.
Ludwig was not a big fan of insects. In fact they quite literally terrified him so badly that Misha had to take care of any little bug that roamed into the house… it was ACCIDENTALLY brought in by a certain insect loving troublemaker. FEEDING INSECTS to his birds, fine. NEVER EVER AROUND YAHNNIA. And he always had to be so UNGODLY careful he wasn’t feeding one of her “friends” to the birds… Oh.
The lecturing he got about bugs are friends and not bird food was… painful. And long. Any time he had to make sure his birds got their balanced diets he had to be so cautious to make sure it wasn’t when Yahnnia was in the house. Otherwise he’d get another lecture. And the fact he knew her very well and she’d bring in EVEN more bugs to teach him how… WUNDERBAR they were….
Not to mention the fact she REFUSED to forgive him unless he- he held one in his bare hands. And told it he was… sorry. It had taken a lot of Misha’s convincing to keep Ludwig from literally melting his hands to the bone with acids from his lab and rebuilding them using the Medi-Gun he kept stashed in his lab…
Ugh. The day she asked for a PET TARANTULA for her birthday about gave Ludwig the big one. Of course, they caved. Hours and hours of harassing Ludwig and refusing to accept his answer of “I’ll think about it!”, of course he crumpled like a paper bag. No one is immune to Yahnnia’s trembling lip and teary eyes. Ludwig lasted about 2 minutes before caving when a single tear nearly ran down her face. I’m the background the sound of Luddy betting Misha’s famous desserts for a week on how long it would take Yahnnia to crack Ludwig could be heard. Both Misha and Luddy didn’t get dessert that night. But, Misha made sure to sneak himself and Luddy some when Ludwig wasn’t looking…
Yahnnia was overjoyed once she got her father to cave. But there was some restrictions and rules if she were to take on caring for the tarantula. First, it didn’t come ANYHWHERE near him. It was never ever to be left unattended. It did not get access to the kitchen, the tables nor the labs. (Also it was big enough to scare the doves so absolutely no where near them.) And under NO CIRCUMSTANCES was it to EVER. EVER. End up outside of her bedroom.
Yahnnia was overjoyed and agreed whole heartedly to all of Ludwig’s demands about her tarantula. And much to his misery she also begged and pleaded that they join her in picking the perfect one. Ludwig had to stay in his happy places of going to see the birds and petting a couple (which the doves were VERY upset about later.) Yahnnia had spent about an hour at the pet shop before stating the one she had held the longest was the one she knew would be the one. The comment made Ludwig shudder in disgust and grumble angrily in german to the birds.
Luddy meanwhile was busy petting all the cute kittens and cats that were available for adoption. The looks Ludwig gave Yahnnia from afar were completely missed by his kids, thankfully. And Misha shut the looks down VERY quickly with a warning eyebrow raise. The entire time Ludwig was busy talking to the birds telling them how clearly they were superior to all other pets. When Luddy heard that he made a off handed comment of how his bias could be affecting his scientific judgement of his statement. That earned a very dirty look from Ludwig, and this was when Luddy was only 16. The classic smug Ludwig grin that was plastered on his Luddy’s made Ludwig’s blood boil. HOW DARE HIS OWN SOHN USE HIS OWN SMUG EXPRESSION AGAINST HIM!!!
The tarantula she chose seemed to stare at her with it’s many beady eyes, and it was so calm yet content in her hands. It would strode around a bit, using it’s legs to gently feel around before moving too much. He was beautiful. He was perfect. For a long time they just stared at one another, before Yahnnia declared that his name was Mister Legs.
Misha said that was a great name, while Ludwig stayed as far as possible from Mister Legs as he physically could. Luddy was busy snickering at his father’s antics, while he was busy being smothered in kittens. The concerned looks on Ludwig’s face didn’t go unnoticed by Misha, judging from his content Luddy was with the cats and kittens. Gott en Himmel, First bugs?? If Luddy got a cat, that would be the day Ludwig SURELY died of cardiac arrest and shock.
Once the family returned him with Mister Legs, both her fathers made very sure that she remembered and recited every rule Ludwig had given her. Ludwig made very sure Yahnnia knew all the rules he made and kept them on the refrigerator so she wouldn’t forget. Yahnnia took Mister Legs all over the place with her and she was so incredibly careful and gentle.
One day, Mister Legs did managed to sneak out of his cage. Yahnnia was in a state of panic, begging Luddy to help her find him before dad did. Of course Luddy agreed willingly with some sibling teasing about how he could just go tell dad with a playful smirk.
The puppy dog eyes worked on everyone in the family, including Luddy (to be Frank they were super effective on Luddy, he can never say no to a request of his sister. After that they began to scour the house top to bottom in hopes of finding Mister Legs. Their search ended in disaster very quickly, which did not bode well for anyone in the house especially Mister Legs. Or Yahnnia.
Unfortunately, Mister Legs ended up taking a lovely hike all the way to Misha and Ludwig’s bedroom. Both Misha and Ludwig were sound asleep, with Ludwig nestled deeply into Misha’s arms and neck. Ludwig’s hair was messy, and judging from the many bite marks littering both of them they had been “busy.” Oh so very busy while the kids were at their classes, of course….
Noting how calm and tranquil they seemed, Mister Legs rubbed his front legs together along with his mandibles. A stroke of brilliance on his end, really! This was when Mister Legs decided making peace with his owner’s parents would be ideal. He so loved his human and desired so badly to make a good impression on them, especially the smaller one. The smaller father always avoided him! It truly hurt his feelings, and he fully intended to change that.
In a polite manner, Mister Legs scurried up onto the bed and kindly waited on Ludwig’s face to wake up and greet him like he did with Yahnnia each morning. With his longest front legs, he very gently tap tap tapped Ludwig’s nose and cheek, as he did to Yahnnia before her alarms went off. It had become their morning ritual, and surely the father figure would follow suit, right? Mister Legs found out the hard way Ludwig did NOT share the same… Ideas as Yahnnia.
Ludwig ended up waking up a few moments later to an odd tickling sensation on his nose and face. It made his nose twitch and he groaned angrily, before prying open one eye. The other shot open quickly after his grogginess quickly faded. His icy blue eyes were greeted with a long, hairy, pointed spider leg as thick as a pencil gently POKING him in the face. It’s MANY beady eyes seemed to bore into his soul, and they STARED at one another for a good solid 30 seconds… before Ludwig FLIPPED the fuck out.
How Mister Legs didn’t end up smashed to bits was a mystery. There was a BLOOD curdling scream that made Misha leap out of bed so fast hands balled into fists that he did accidentally smash a hole through their bedroom wall. And the solid wood backboard on the head of their bed… It was smashed to bits and it only caused Ludwig to panic a lot more. Once Ludwig sat up quickly Mister Legs slid right off, backing up and quickly rushing to Misha, with his front legs raised as a sign of “SAVE ME PLEASE!!!”
Judging from the deep unhappy growl coming from Misha’s burly chest meant someone was in VERY deep trouble. Poor Ludwig was half hyperventilating and half trying not to murder the tarantula on the spot. Judging from the amount of sweating and how ghostly pale Ludwig was, he was not going to be having a easy morning. Undoubtedly, none of them were. So much for having a fun evening and a calm morning with the kids…
Misha very gently picked up Mister Legs before Ludwig would get any ideas. In the softest voice he could muster at the moment Misha spoke softly to Ludwig, doing all he could to comfort his frantic husband. By the time Ludwig calmed down enough to gather his wits, a very loud “YAHNNIA!!!!” could be heard all through the house. The silence after the yell made both kids pause and stare at one another, sweating faintly. Oh, they were in SUCH deep shit.
After calming down Ludwig enough to let him take a shower WITHOUT attempting to boil his skin off after being touched by a spider, Misha returned Mister Legs to Yahnnia. As expected she rushed forward and very carefully picked him up, fretting over if he had gotten injured or not. After Yahnnia made sure Mister Legs was unharmed, Misha was busy giving Yahnnia a stern scolding of how she didn’t follow the rules. And how this could’ve Mister Legs getting hurt, and how badly he ended up scaring Ludwig. Yahnnia promised she’d apologize profusely to Ludeig, mentioning she never ever meant to upset him so badly. With a loud sigh, Misha hugged her and mentioned he knew she wouldn’t ever want to do that to her dad.
From that day on Yahnnia was so careful with Mister Legs around Ludwig, and both of them did attempt to get along for Yahnnia’s sake. It had taken a long time but Ludwig did manage to finally hold Mister Legs years later without freaking out. It was a moment that made everyone so proud. Misha still had to keep a close eye on Ludwig JUST IN CASE he had any funny ideas of boiling his skin off or possibly getting acid for such a project…. His husband sometimes truly gave him a headache and a heart attack at the same time… but he wouldn’t change a thing about his husband, not ever.
When she wasn’t spending time with Mister Legs or her dads, there was only one other place she’d possibly be. Right besides her brother, Luddy. It was very possible that this was where she spent most it her time. Especially the moments where they’d just be lounging together, with Luddy reading with either a dove or even Mister Legs resting in his messy hair while he read. Most of the time Yahnnia was smiling and brushing her hair… Before getting frustrated with how it was always getting in her face during her wrestling matches. Or reading. Or eating. It basically got in the way of EVERYTHING. That was the day Luddy just so happened to pick up a book on “Practical but Beautiful Braids: An all out guide to all things Hair Braids!”
When Yahnnia saw that she broke into tears of joy, declaring she had the most wonderful brother ever. With that she gently hugged Luddy and he laughed softly and said that was her job to be the best sibling. The two shared a chuckle and he began to show her some of the braids he thought would suit her needs best. With his “scientific hypothesis”, he tried to find the most practical but beautiful braids and buns for her. Only the best for his sister. It had taken a lot of practice, but over the years Luddy had become a very gifted hair braider just for her.
Aside from Yahnnia, that left Misha and Ludwig’s charming son, Luddy. Luddy was Yahnnia’s polar opposite. Incredibly sharp witted, with a extremely high IQ and a natural knack for medical and veterinary skills. He absolutely thrived in academics of all kinds. Top of his class no matter what the subject, he flew through books like a kid with candy on Halloween night.
Anatomy, Psychology, Herpetology, and anything to do with animals or people, Luddy was all over it. Despite their best efforts, Luddy had indeed inherited his father’s horrible study habits of spending DAYS at a time reading and not bothering to do anything else.
Poor Luddy barely managed to grow to about 5 feet tall, leaving poor Luddy completely left out amongst his family. Misha was undoubtedly the tallest, and Yahnnia was two inches shy of being as tall as Ludwig who stood at 6 feet and three inches tall. This left poor Luddy the shortest and the youngest of the family. Yahnnia did love to use Luddy as an arm rest on occasion which typically ended in a famous sibling squabble. Unfortunately, his height sure didn’t help Luddy’s self esteem.
Granted, Luddy despite his smaller thinner stature was a very handsome young man. Sleek, thin, gorgeous jet wavy black hair that shone in the sun, stunning light blue eyes that cut through you like a knife. To be quite frank he was a slim, fit but not extremely muscular copy of Ludwig. By all means he was a very handsome lad. And to many MEN who towered over him, he was a very fine catch. If he’d ever pry his nose out of a book long enough to notice the advances, that is.
One area Luddy did indeed suffer in was his temper. And social skills. Unlike his sister, his patience and temper were… VERY SHORT. If you asked Misha he’d say his temper and patience were nonexistent. His sister lovingly teased him and said he had a very bad case of Napoleon’s syndrome. Case and point this was always the button that everyone loved to push. And that was where he absolutely got into the most trouble. And he has a bad track record of breaking some other kids noses in the past for making fun of him…
The only reason Luddy had been readmitted into his schools was due to his flawless academic record and talent. Although, the outbursts would send whispers and rumors floating around that he was unstable and mentally disturbed like his German father. Once those rumors started Luddy began to withdraw further and further from people, and Ludwig unfortunately noticed. It worried him deeply, aside from the fact he wasn’t sure how his past was coming up within the crowds… it made him very suspicious… Let alone how withdrawn his sohn had become…
As expected, Luddy was gifted with the rare ability of having an unspoken bond with animals. Yahnnia much to his misery was drawn to insects, and Ludwig had BEGGED to the merciful gods above that whatever animal Luddy seemed drawn to HOPEFULLY wasn’t something that would scare him to death. OR end up being on his face when he woke up. Fate, of course laughed at Ludwig’s pleas and royally said “Fuck you.” Of course, it wasn’t insects that were drawn to Luddy. It was cats.
Of all the things, it had to be CATS. The one pet Ludwig would never allow in the house. Under any circumstance. Not near his doves, not near his lab, not near him. Not to mention he believed he had a mild allergic reaction to them. Plus the doves get very aggressive… AT HIM NO LESS. Ungrateful flying chickens.
That all changed when Luddy was 18 years old, covered in leaves mud and dirt, badly scraped up holding a very small shaking kitten in his arms. It had been storming all day, even with small bouts of snow and hail. Misha was pacing and Ludwig was about to go out and look for Luddy since he had not called or texted them for over 2 hours after his classes ended. He always texted religiously if he intended to stay and study.
By the time Luddy trudged his way to the front door, he was soaked to the bone, legs and pants shredded to ribbons and pale. His red wine colored beanie was nested in his arms, wrapped around something in his arms. Judging from his carefully the hat was wrapped around whatever was in his arms along with 2 of his jackets, it meant it had to be alive. A very underweight malnourished kitten. The kitten was so fragile and tiny, with jet black fur and its eyes tightly shut. Ludwig and Misha rushed to him the moment he came inside, and Ludwig barked he immediately come to the lab so he can patch him up. Luddy refused and said he absolutely needed to tend to the kitten first.
The expression on Ludwig’s face when Luddy refused was enough to make Misha pause. Once he saw the tears welling up in Luddys eyes, Ludwig looked away, gritting his teeth. He barely managed to utter “Luddy-“ before the tears began running down Luddy’s face. Luddy BEGGED Ludwig to allow him to nurse it back to health, that it was sick and very close to the point of no return. It didn’t take long for Yahnnia to join in the pleading, which of course made Ludwig crack faster. Judging from how upset Luddy was, he knew he was never going to win. Not that he was going to say no anyhow, since he seemed to have a very bad track record of saying no at all.
Despite being able to tolerate so much, one thing he was weak against was seeing his lieblings sad for any reason. Misha would laugh and jokingly tell him in Russian he had pushover written backwards on his forehead which always made Ludwig flush and snap he did not. That always cracked everyone up and left Misha cuddling and kissing a very grouchy Ludwig.
After everyone got so excited to have the new family member, Ludwig did put his foot down and made sure that THIS TIME, the rules didn’t get broken. Yahnnia’s face flushed brightly at the mention of that and she folded her arms and huffed, annoyed. Ludwig demanded it stay SOLELY on his room, and the birds had to be locked in their cages and the doors locked when the cat was around. Luddy promised. After a great deal of bickering, Ludwig groaned and allowed Luddy to care for the kitten while he tended his sohn’s injuries. Win win for them both, and it ended up working out for everyone.
Luddy refused to study, eat or sleep while caring for the very tiny kitten. It had taken hours of pestering him to convince him to leave his room to chug a entire pot of coffee, steal a piece of toast and slink back into his room just before shutting the door. Nothing, absolutely nothing was going to make him slip in any way of caring for that cat. That cat meant the world to him, and he planned on doing EVERYTHING he could to make sure they’d be ok. The kitten was starting out like he did, and he absolutely refused to give up on them.
By that point Ludwig and Misha had to deliver meals to him and watch him eat them, otherwise the food remained untouched. His dedication and devotion to healing anyone or anything that was sick or hurt was his life. And he loved helping, no matter what. That was the part about their kids that made their hearts soar, and gave them such a huge relief.
At the same time it made them so incredibly worried that the kitten didn’t pull through. Luddy would be absolutely devastated, and they weren’t sure if they’d be able to cheer him up if he didn’t manage to save the tiny bundle. Despite it all, Luddy absolutely REFUSED to let his hope slip even for a moment.
Thankfully, Luddy’s love care and dedication worked wonders. All he did was pour all his love and soul into that small kitten, and the results had shown through like a ray of light bursting through the grey dark clouds after a bad storm. It had taken Luddy over a month to nurse the kitten to healthy stable weight, and after that the kitten began to thrive. Shockingly, the cat turned out to be a pitch black Persian, with a very laid back and docile personality. And it was NOTHING but fluff. Ludwig jokingly said that cat has it’s own center of gravity and possibly solar system buried in all that fur.
The looks he’d get from Luddy whenever he joked about his cat were enough to even make Misha’s eyebrows raise and say he mastered the “RESTING MEDIC FACE” as Scout called it. That comment got Misha dangerously close to sleeping on the couch. That was when Misha realized he made a tiny mistake when Luddy inquisitively asked who Scout was. The looks Ludwig was driving into Misha’s skull were enough to scare him into silence. Hastily Misha had to make a off handed comment of Scout being a old friend they knew. Luddy merely shrugged and went back to petting his kitten and reading.
It had taken months before Luddy even gave his ball of fluff a name. The sole reason was he waited was to make sure the name matched his companion perfectly. It wasn’t until a dark stormy night that he finally found the perfect name, Storm. Just like the night he found her, and like the night he was also born on. She was meant to be his cat. Storm adored Luddy and followed him everywhere without hesitation, but usually with a lot of meowing since she was a very needy girl.
Whenever he did have to go to his classes was the hardest for the pair. Neither one of them wanted to be apart, and both developed separation anxiety. On a few occasions Luddy did try to pull a couple stunts to try and smuggle Storm safely with him around when he had to leave home.He’d even be dumb enough to try smuggling her into his backpack to sneak her into campus. Misha would pick Luddy up by the grabbing strap of the backpack and hold him eye to eye, before putting Luddy down on the couch and making him unzip it and let Storm out.
Both Luddy and his cat were always very upset at this, for they had become inseparable. Storm would waltz out, head and tail held high and meow ANGRILY at Misha every time. All was forgiven after he’d sneak her Meow Mix treats, which Luddy always openly complained were making her obese after he worked so hard to keep her at a even healthy weight.
Oddly enough, his lovely feline companion Storm had no desire to harm the birds in any manner, and even allowed Mister Legs to climb atop her head and chill. That feline gave zero shits as long as you didn’t mess with her human. You messed with her human, and she would MURDER you. The one day Ludwig so much as accidentally BUMPED Luddy in passing ended with Ludwig getting a couple of swats and nips. Luddy scolded Storm softly trying to calm her down, while Ludwig was busy nursing his open cuts sighing that Luddy’s guard cat was better security than his doves. The doves were outraged by such a comment.
Archie, Archimedes’ great great great (there’s a lot more greats) granddaughter adored Storm and Mister Legs. More often than not the three (Archie, Mister Legs and Storm) would be seen together all nestled on the couch. Typically Yahnnia was reading a book while Luddy was passed out from over exerting himself by trying to be an entire army and overdo everything in typical Ludwig fashion. Storm would be curled up gently in Luddy’s lap, purring and making biscuits while Mister Legs would reach a leg out gently and tap at the book Yahnnia was reading, trying to grab her attention.
These small moments they shared nearly made Ludwig cry. Misha would hug him from behind and tell him what a wonderful father he is, making Ludwig blush horribly. Like always Ludwig would say all that credit goes to the most perfect and dedicated husband of all time, before pressing his back closer into Misha’s chest and body. The two would just smile and share some smooches here and there as they watched their kids grow up before their eyes. Where did all that time go…? It felt like only yesterday when he first saw Yahnnia, then Luddy…
This always ended up in many more sweet exchanges and then kisses. Misha’s arms around wrap softly around his waist, as his lips would trail all down his cheeks and neck. Which usually ended up with them making out on their bed. Thankfully both their kids were typically busy at college so they had plenty of “alone time” together during the days. Typically by the time Luddy and Yahnnia got back from campus they’d find their dads passed out in the bedroom, with their bed being an absolute mess. Both Yahnnia and Luddy would look at each other, making Luddy facepalm with a loud annoyed groan and Yahnnia would just laugh and say to give them a break.
One thing that did bother Misha was something that seemed to be more and more apparent with each growing day. Surrogate children have half of their mothers genes, like any child would. It was odd, however, that Luddy and Yahnnia VERY STRONGLY took after both Ludwig and himself. Granted, he didn’t understand genes, rather genetics to the same degree Ludwig did, BUT something deep down told him, this probably was not a coincidence.
Just like every time, Misha would sigh and shake is head, muttering to himself in Russia before turning to look at his sleeping husband nestled into his side and chest. Every night Ludwig always looked so calm and peaceful when he slept, all his worries and fears far from his mind. Deep down he probably already knew the answer, and he knows his husband very well to know there wouldn’t be anything stopping him from getting what he wants. By any means.
The only reason Misha was alright with… his suspicions is that they got two beautiful wonderful children out of it, which was what they both so badly desired. For now, it did not matter. They are safe. They were happy and healthy. As long as he could, he would keep it that way.
Their pasts didn’t seem to affect their kids, and it almost seems like it never happened. To Misha and Ludwig, it was a very important time in their lives. Yet, Misha and Ludwig both desperately prayed it would remain in the past, and not come back to haunt them, or their kids. Little did they know, other people felt very differently on the situation and had full intentions of having a blast from the past.
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vacueye · 3 months
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hot pot with the team!
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takisyak · 4 months
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some paper drawings
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gizzberg · 5 months
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This piece was inspired by the song Raining in Manila by Lola Amour. That song has been stuck in my head recently, and it motivated me to do SFM.
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parisoonic · 1 month
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Some recent commissions for @animathemutant , @reverendazmx and @vacueye ! I'm very lucky to be asked to draw things that I love to draw - dosmestic scenes? Film noir inspired characters and lighting? Moody rainy scenes and damp grass?? 💗Really happy with these!
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honeysparklesmash · 9 months
I drew the... the sillies
(you can vote for them in the @tf2shipswag oc tournament!)
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(P.S Loafette is @gofishgo character!)
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mewjimewjimewji · 2 months
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martinotea · 5 months
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Me and my boyfriend but that's ours tf2 ocs
Don't pay attention to the leg and the sleeve, I gave up drawing it :P
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0straycat0 · 3 months
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Tomodatchi saving my ass from having zero ideas
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friendlyengie · 9 months
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trying to remember how to. Draw these guys.
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ratxbones · 9 months
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i took the mercs, google translated all their names a bunch of times, and drew the results.. or most of em i guess
below is a bonus with 2 ocs, my girlfriend and i's silly sapphics <3
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itscringeearlwtf · 9 months
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Забыла сюда вкинуть концептики
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