#tf2 rapidfire
gophergal · 2 months
pyro/sniper/scout. begging on my hands and knees
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scout doesnt get why his partners like bugs so much
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hi ruth!!! :] for that ask game, i have many so i'm just going to rapidfire them at you!!! a little tf2 heavyweapons guy indulgence is necessary every once in a while <3 🍄🥰
funky orange, forest green, the purple christ ALIVE the purple!!! ocean blue (a slight spoiler hehe) & cherry blossom since we met irl in the spring! :] green screen, always! 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ void black + ice blue, esp in the madness and mania right now... and... ofc... to finish it all off... lilac bites u bites u bites you bites yuo bites y-
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SARAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💥💥💥💥
funky orange: you are very fun, your blog is a joy <3 RIGHT BACK ATCHA!!!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥰😘💕 no but fr whenever i see your icon or url i get warm fuzzies... like that's sarah!!! sarah thee bröth-lovied!!!!! you never fail to bring me joy 💝💝💝
forest green: let's elope <3 ANYTIME BELOVIED,,, not just for tax benefits.,, but also for love 💞💞💞💞💘💘
jrwi purple: you are so right about your blorbos WEEE THANK YOUUU 🥰🥰 since our interests don't entirely overlap i love the idea that u support me in my blorbomania even when u might know NOTHING abt the blorbo in question,... that is true love + support right there 🥰💘 but like i also get it bc i feel the same way abt u, i KNOW in my heart that ur correct abt everything re: your blorbos who only hold blorbo-in-law status for me... i don't know vergil but you are correct about EVERYTHING with him 💖💖
ocean blue: uhh... seashells for you? !!!!!!! a slight spoiler!!!??!!! 👀👀 AHHH NOW I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED HEHEHEHEHE 🥳🥳💃🕺💃🕺
cherry blossom: you remind me of spring awww, i really like that, that's so sweet!!! 🥰🥰🌺🌻🌼 i cannae lie, in that particular regard, i'm not sure i feel the same,, because for me, i flew back home to 20 degree F weather like three days later MKDGHFDDF not very springlike unfortunately 😅😅 for me, you remind me of summer+fall, cause we started talking in the fall and bc you live in The State Of Eternal Summer (florida 🫡)
green screen: you can do anything, I'm proud of you !!!!! wahhhhhhh SARAAHHhhh ;___; thank u,.... and the same to you of course!!!! all the stuff you've been doing lately, with the substitute job and the house cleaning and the evil peepaw situation... u are so strong adn i'm so proud and i wish i could spirit u away to a pocket dimension to give u the 1000 hour nap u deserve 🤧🤧💝💝💝
void black: you are too hard on yourself! learn to take it easy :c 🥺🥺🥺 ookay. okay. yeah., thats fair. i'll try 💞 but also,, 🪞🪞🪞 U TOO!!!!! u are one of the most kind and giving and patient and generally amazing people i have ever known... if i could reflect the love i have for u back into your own soul u would never feel another negative thing about yourself again....THATS CHEESY BUT ITS TRUE AND IM STANDING BY IT 🙈😤😤💗💗
ice blue: wrapping you in a blanket rn omg,, i would love that bc im actually cold rn... and the closest blanket to me rn is my favoritest blanket in the whole world... it has kitties on it and it's soft and fleece and it's the best.. i am wrappng you in here with me.... i love u 💓💓
lilac: biting yuo NO U!!! >:3 bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites y
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Do you have any headcanons for ftm trans scout? Tf2 is a great game but it could use a little more representation..
Actually, I have a favourite little fanfic about exactly that. 
[That Name by Diredevil]
Well, when they first band together, we know Scout is LOUD about how amazing a guy he is, and how fast/smart/strong/etc he is. And I think, perhaps under the circumstances there would be two reasons…The first being to establish himself as he/him to the group unforgettably, and secondly, to make himself feel comfortable in a new environment where things are uncertain.
That is to say, at home it’d been a bit weird for a bit as his Ma and brothers kept accidentally using [dead name] instead of Jeremy, and the wrong pronouns, but they got it eventually. Ma had cried when she realised, not bc there was anything wrong with Scout… just that “she’d accidentally given him the wrong name” (bc she had [dead name] and Jeremy picked out before he was born]. It was pretty touching.
Sure, someone made a smart comment about it… but Scout rarely had to raise a bat, before someone in the family was breaking their teeth and demanding they respect their brother. It was nice.
But on base, with RED? This was a different kettle of fish.
Scout had impulsively taken the job, even if it worried his family, that he was so far away with strangers. They didn’t say it out loud, but they didn’t want him away somewhere they couldn’t get to, if he needed them. And vice versa.The family was a Unit, and while their reputation kept low-level problems away, there were always threats that needed more than one person alone to deal with. 
Scout had fidgeted just about out of his skin the whole train ride to Teufort, it was boring as hell, especially for someone who liked to run. Besides, he was a bit worried about the outfit. You could see faint outlines of his bandages through it… he’d come up with a million excuses as to why he was wearing them… but who knew what would come out of his mouth when he was asked?
After a few useless minutes of internally panicking over it, Scout shoves the thoughts away and starts to hype himself up… 
RED didn’t just pick anyone, yeah? They needed the fuckin’ best!And here he was, the BEST at what he did!
Arriving was no big deal. 
Some others were there, others still coming. The Sniper seemed nice, but distant, but according to the others he was always like that. He seemed quiet, too, which was maybe why he’d just about run for cover when Scout started to rapidfire talk at the poor bugger… Funny, most Aussies were more… well, MORE. Then again, Scout wasn’t gonna go pointing fingers at the guy.He’d nearly been crushed by the Pyro’s hug, and Engineer slung a companionable arm over Scout’s shoulders as the Texan showed the runner about the place. If he noticed anything amiss, the man said nothing. Very friendly pair… Scout’d thought, til he saw the fucking flamethrower Pyro used… the way the flames reflected off the empty gasmask lenses sent a thrill of fear through the runner.
There was a Spy somewhere… Engie said he’d probably seen Scout already and would make himself known eventually.
The Soldier and Demo were playing cards when he’d met them; Soldier was almost as loud, and Demo seemed amazingly friendly. They’d invited him to play, but Engie pointed out they’d need to finish the tour first… 
So far, so good.
The Heavy hadn’t come in yet, something about having to take a secret flight out of Russia. And the Medic arrived an hour after Scout, so their introduction was brief… but the man had taken hold of the runner’s arm, when Engie was further ahead and asked how he was doing; and mentioned that he was aware of ‘zhe situation, so Scout should not hesitate to come to Medic vith any concerns, ja?’
Which was nice, but a little shocking even though it shouldn’t be. The doc would have been told… it was just, Scout wasn’t quite ready for others outside the immediate family and neighbourhood to know, right?
Medic had patted his shoulder, frowned a moment to himself, then ambled away. It was then the runner realised the man had a live, blood-spattered dove, on his shoulder… ‘Archimedes’ turns out, how’d he missed that?
Still, it was a solid introduction… his room was pretty nice, the lounge area or ‘common room’ had a sorta okay couch and a tv, so that was great. They were ordering pizza for dinner, but Engie mentioned something about making a cooking roster, once everyone’d settled in… that sounded exciting… not.Scout, despite his Ma’s best attempts to teach him, couldn’t cook for shit. Well, toast and basic stuff, but he swears the one time he tried to make a cake for his Ma’s birthday, the recipe book caught fire before he could start… it could sense an impending disaster.
The only real bother was… the bathroom. Standard set-up of a high school locker room, really… lockers, mirrors and sinks, a few cubicles, a urinal or two… and a long row of showers. Where were the stalls Miss P promised?
Fuck, this was going to be a problem.
Thankfully, he was still touring with Medic, who leaned over to mention that the Infirmary happened to have a small bathroom ‘vhich just so happened to have a shower if he vas interested’… and the runner let out a sigh of relief. “Doc, I could fuckin’ kiss ya…” he beamed, and the German chuckled.“Another time, perhaps, Herr Scout… I have to unpack first.” 
Seems like everything was pretty settled then. 
Miss Pauling called in, bringing the Heavy (or, as Scout first assumed, a mountain with a FACE holy shit the dude was big) with her. She spoke to each merc in turn, ascertaining whether they’d noticed anything they needed or if they’d noticed anything broken.
She was also trying to work out groceries, they’d get a weekly delivery from the local store at whatever base they ended up on… but for now there was an ad hoc list being tossed together. If they needed anything else… well, there was always the store itself. Engie had a truck, Medic an ambulance and the Sniper, his van.
Apparently this Spy fellow had a vehicle, but no one had seen him to ask. 
When Miss P got to Scout, and god did he have the worst crush on this amazing woman, she asked the same questions she had the others… then quietly leaned in to mention that if he told her his preferred brand, she could make certain any sanitary items he needed were sent on a bi-weekly basis. Maybe a calendar too. 
“Generous as you are smart and gorgeous, Miss P…” he’d grinned back, trying to charm.
She’d laughed, lightly, and put on a sympathetic smile. “Thank you, though you should know I’m not really into guys… or I’d date you in a heartbeat.” she teased. 
That? That sent Scout’s confidence into overdrive for the rest of the day… right up until he first met Spy.
Scout had taken a quick shower in the Infirmary when everyone else was busy. But as he left, he ran straight into Spy… the man literally appearing out of nowhere. He swore quite loudly in surprise, but the other remained nonchalant, narrowing his eyes at the runner.
“What are you doing here?” Spy asks, eventually. 
“Er… taking a shower?” Scout answers, truthfully. Holding up the messy bundle of his travel clothes and towel as proof.
“Non, I mean… what are you doing out here, on zhis base… ma fille?” Spy asked again, tilting his head. 
Now, Scout wasn’t sure what the french meant, but he had a feeling it wasn’t good. “I’m here cause I’m the best, ya fruity bastard, what’re you good at, hide’n’seek?” he mouths off in response.
Spy fixes the runner a look, dead in the eyes, as he says, “Zhis is no place for little girls, (dead name), you should know that by now.” 
And before Scout can even defend himself, the man has cloaked and gone.
Fear pools in the pit of his stomach, gnawing at him; it was all going so well, fuck, this wasn’t fair… his skin was crawling at hearing that fucking name again, especially laced with such-… such-… 
He wasn’t sure. Smug, condescending, cold… but all thrown together. That sense of wrongness, of displacement, which he thought had long since died since he’d had the chance to express himself properly… came flooding back. Fuck. If he could just… could just get to a phone and call Ma or one of his brothers… it’d be okay… he’d be okay…
“You okay, mate?” comes a voice by him, and nearly startles Scout out of his skin. Sniper’s by him, looking concerned. “Run in wiv the Spook, hey? Right bloody wanker he is, can’t wait to watch him die through me scopes.”
He’s hovering, not touching, because maybe he’s seen someone having a breakdown before, but the voice is a nice anchor. 
“B-be fine in a second, just gotta… phone home.” Scout says, simplifying his situation, and Sniper just nods. What had he heard? Fuck, did he know too?
Day one hadn’t been the time he wanted to disclose everything… 
“Sure, there’s one near the common room, but if you’re after privacy, I got one in me van, mate. C’mon… let’s set you right.” Sniper reassures, guiding the runner outside, and opening the van door. He points out the phone, offers a chair and asks if Scout was okay to be alone… the runner said yes, and dials the familiar number… relief flooding through him as his Ma picks up.
She’d sensed something was up with ‘her baby’ (he was going to be fifty with six kids of his own, and still be the family baby, Scout just fucking knew it)… and waited by the phone for his call.
“Jeremy, is everything okay?” she’d asked.Scout opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and told her everything. Afterwards, there was a moment of quiet before his Ma’s angry-calm tone came back on the line… “Oh, he did… did he?”There was three seconds when Scout assumed his mother was on her way here to flat out fucking murder the guy, before she sighed. “Scout, I didn’t wanna tell ya this LIKE this… but, I kinda knew about Spy before you left. He said he was working there too… was real pissed you were chosen’ n’everything. He knows, mostly ‘cause it’s his job to, and kinda cause he’s ya dad… I didn’t want you to find out like this, but it’s why he knew. No one told him or nothing. I’m so sorry honey.”
Spy was WHAT?
“Bombshell, huh? Well, least I got the best part of our union… you, baby. Wouldn’t trade ya for anything…” his Ma continued. She was always giving little peptalks like this to her boys… most of ‘em didn’t know their dads, but she was more than enough of a parent to them. Even when they surprised her on a daily basis (from pet snakes, to Johnny’s first boyfriend, to the time they put poprocks in a cake, and a thousand other ridiculous things). 
“Aw god, Ma…” he whines, flushing a little. “I’m good now… but thanks for picking up the phone so fast.”
“Anytime, my baby boy, anytime. And you let the bastard know I’m gonna kneecap ‘im when I see him next… love ya, bye!” 
He hears the phone clunk down, and chuckles. There’s a knock on the door, and Sniper peers in, “You good? Heard ya still on the phone when I got back… didn’t wanna interrupt, hate when people do that.”
“Yeah, fine… thanks.” Scout responds.
“Good, mate… time for tucker, anyway. C’mon, that Engineer bloke made something that smells amazing.” Sniper yawns, rubbing at his face. “Sorry, s’not you… timezones here are all warped around, still trying to get used to it. I mean, I did take international jobs before, but that was like, a week at most in another country, now I have to be on-board for battle in your morning… which is my night, y’see?”
The casual talk just seemed to set Scout at ease, as they moved towards the common room -it was the only room in the base with a dining table after all. He didn’t wanna go slinging the word ‘friendship’ around like some starry eyed primary schooler but… he’s pretty sure they’ve somehow formed one in the last hour. Not sure how, exactly, but it was pretty good.
Dinners were loud, chaotic and fun.
Spy slunk in at some point, but refused to talk. There was discolouration about his nose, and his mask seemed to bulge about the nose, like there was a dressing there. He glowered at Scout, then at Sniper; who grinned at the runner.
Turns out he’d decked the bastard one, when Scout was on the phone. Now, the runner wasn’t one for arbitrarily throwing marriage proposals around, but… He’d thanked him, and Sniper dismissed it with casual ease. 
Someone asked Spy about his face, and he made a scathing remark about feral bushmen and little girls that no one bothered to pry into. Otherwise, dinner was great, engie was a hell of a cook. 
Medic had to give them all their physicals, and insert the respawn chips… but apparently he also had something called an ‘uber implant’ that he was going to put in at the same time. Scout doesn’t remember much of it… just Medic doing a once over, tutting at the bandages (yeah yeah, not like ya can just order a freakin’ sports bra out of the Mann Co catalogue without someone asking questions), and using his bird as a distraction whilst he sneakily got the needle-fearing runner with the anaesthetic. 
Scout would never forgive archie, the fancy pigeon had fooled him with that fluffy please-pet-me wiggle… fully knowing his owner was waiting to pounce.
Still, when he woke up, his chest felt heavier than usual, not too bad just off. And the back of his neck was tingly. No scars though… which was fucking weird. That medigun thing was pretty amazing. 
For a second, Scout feels something wiggle around inside his ribcage… and then a coo. “Uh, Doc?”
He hears, “Oh schiesse, Archimedes you naughty bird!” before Medic’s at it with the anaesthetic again. 
When Scout finally wakes up birdfree, everything feels relatively normal. He gets up, slips on his clothes and thanks the Doc for everything, throwing a suspicious glance at Archimedes. 
“Uh, hey Doc… if ya got a fancy gun that can fix everything, how come Spy still looks like Snipes inverted his nose?” he suddenly asks, curious. 
Medic, looking slightly terrifying as he caresses his bonesaw, laughs. “Oho, vell… I vas informed by someone zhat his injury vas vell-deserved, und felt perhaps he vill learn his lesson better should he be left to suffer…”
…perhaps this was a man to be feared… even if he occasionally handed out lollipops after operations. Scout had a red one in his mouth right now. 
“Ya the best doc, I ever tell ya that before?” Scout grins. Another question was swirling around his mind, as he lingered in the doorway… and Medic seemed to sense it. “Uh, and also about ya medigun, can it… ya know how it don’t do scars and all, can ya maybe fix…” he points at his chest. 
“Vhen you are ready, a little later on, ve can discuss dealing vith other concerns such as zhat one. It is no big matter, surgically from my standpoint; but zhere are physiological implications to take into account. Und zhis is only day one… ve have time, I assure you; but for now you really must find something better zhan bandages. Zhe Medigun und respawn can heal some damage, but permanent use can deform your body…” Medic responds.
“I’ll try,” he says, “but ya mean it? ‘Cause we couldn’t find anyone at home who would…”
“Zhey are fools, zhen. Luckily, ve are on zhe same team…” winks Medic, “Now shoo, I have others to see today besides you, young man…” 
“Ya saying you don’t wanna appreciate all this gorgeous manly beauty for a little longer? I’m shocked! Here I was doing ya a solid by giving ya something nice to look at, when ya have to spend the rest of the day dealing with all the other old codgers…” Scout grins, cheekily, flexing… then ducking and laughing, as Medic tosses a handful of tongue depressors at him. 
“Get out of here, you cheeky junge…” the German manages, laughing heartily at the other’s antics. Scout pokes his tongue out as he disappears around the door.
His first death was a shock. Both to him, and the bloke who shot him.
The BLU!Scout’s eyes went wide as the scattergun exploded, and blood welled through the shirt; Scout felt fiery pain for a moment, then cold… then finally, nothing. His body hit the ground, before he could even process it… and then, he was kinda, here but nowhere.
Just for a few seconds though. It was like the teleporters, really, you just stayed in place, a continuous stream of consciousness… but you moved places. Some light, a weird whirring noise… and suddenly, he was back where he started the match. It was 2Fort, so the room was small, stark, and sparsely furnished. 
It felt real fuckin’ bizarre. 
He was immediately flattened by the Medic popping out of nowhere in a haze of light, landing on him. Scout made a strained wheeze, while the other scrambled up and off. 
“Scout? Oh, sorry… vell, zhat vas a unique experience, I must say. We had better move before Herr Heavy comes through…” Medic mutters. “Zhat BLU Spy is quite zhe pest, especially vith those disguises and all…”
“Sixty seconds remaining of Testing Phase Match.” warned the Administrator. 
This match was a formality, neither side was to win, just… die, and learn to cope with it. They’d only been in it for five minutes or so, so far, but it wasn’t supposed to last long… 
Scout’d made a  mental map of the sewers by now (that was a surprise), and even made it to the other intel room (though it was empty), before he’d been chased down by the BLU Scout. It was bizarre to think they could just… resurrect, no matter what… but everyone was getting used to it.
“See ya out there, Doc!” Scout winks, and leaves as Heavy reappears in the spawn sector.
Battle had been going great. Hell, he’d died hundreds of times that week alone, and killed almost as many; captured intel, lost it, taunted, attacked, defended, caught out the BLU Spy a few times…
Saved lives, had his life saved.
God, the Doc had even ubered him a few times and that was… wow, it was like being a god in a finite form, even for just a few seconds. He fuckin’ loved it!
Spy was still being a dick, but like, in French. Heavy and Medic seemed to understand him, because they tended to glare the man down… but Scout didn’t give a shit. Let the guy be bitter and weird about it, anyone who legs it on their family wasn’t worth anyone’s time anyway…
The others were pretty great to know, actually. Kind of like his own family, a bit weird, chaotic and sometimes the kitchen caught fire… but safe, fun, protected. Being here was turning out pretty great. 
He could almost forget who he was outside the base, ‘cause no one ever used names, only Classes here. And sure, that seemed real weird to begin with, but it made sense and all. Though he still called home once a week to touch bse with Ma and all… that was a given.
Apparently Snipes did too, so Scout didn’t feel so awkward about admitting to the others he needed to call his Ma… it was hard enough being the youngest without saying that sort of thing. Still, he can always use the one in the van if he needed, Sniper had offered. 
Engie kept calling him ‘son’, and teaching him things. Did something similar with Pyro, except he used ‘Py’, ‘cause no one was sure what the firebug identified as… never saw them outta the suit, either, to take a guess. 
Scout could now make… exactly one tiny model of a sentry that shot nails. He was also banned from pranking people with it…
Demo always had an amazing story to captivate the room with. Though Scout didn’t quite trust the magical talking sword the guy had… it gave the runner an eerie feeling just looking at it. He did like to drink, and who wouldn’t given some of the stuff the guy had seen? But he was pretty good at keeping the rest of the base from any drunken shenanigans. He’d even talked a very inebriated Soldier-Medic duo out of taking a nude dip in the water beneath the 2Fort bridge… despite how adamant the pair were at the time.
Heavy, as it turns out, was a ridiculously smart man. Just his English ain’t great, yet so Scout had to stop slinging slang at the poor guy, because it was too hard to keep up. Heavy sometimes read books aloud, for Scout… and sometimes Medic who was usually nearby pretending the two weren’t together, but Scout wasn’t an idiot. ‘Cause the runner had issues with words, they sometimes slid off the page when he was reading and it was a pain… made school harder than it had to be, really.
Medic & Sniper were consistently on his side.
Soldier was a very loud man, who firmly believed in certain ideals (e.g. all of RED were Americans) and acted like a commander most of the time. But he was a nice guy, if chaotic… he’d adopted a whole host of raccoons recently… that was a unique experience. Still, he never failed to let the team know his thoughts, nor failed to praise, bolster, encourage when necessary
Scout would just like it if the guy could stop with the “What are you, a girl?”/ “C’mon ladies, time to take your tampons out and man up!”/etc. thing. He knew it was just something the super macho army guys’d yell at each other but it was a little grating… but he wasn’t sure how to bring it up.
…until his tolerance level took a rather strong hit, as it usually did, once a month. He was a very fit young man, so generally it wasn’t a problem, you learned to live with it after a bit; even in guy clothes. His Ma worked out a solution with her sewing kit and twenty minutes of staring at a pair of new briefs. 
But even the most athletic people still have a bad period now and then. It wasn’t… like, traumatic or anything, for Scout; it was just part of his life, and he was a guy who sometimes felt like death was coming once a month. If he was lucky, a few cramps and that could be easily dealt with through painkillers and stretching… but there were times, when they were pretty damn bad. Like, on the verge of puking, bad. 
And of course, it had to happen eventually on base… but he’d been hoping, maybe, not the first month here. Of all fucking times!His performance took a bit of a dive, because of this, and maybe that’s why he didn’t censor himself when Soldier yelled at him. 
“C’mon maggot, stop being a damn sissy and get out there!” 
“How ‘bout you go fuck yourself?” he snaps back, breathing through the odd twinges emanating from his abdomen. God damn it, why now? They were 2-2 on intel capture, and his freaking uterus was trying to escape…
“How dare you backtalk a superior officer! Where’s all this sass coming from, you PMS-ing like a girl, soldier?” the other shouts, and Scout is thankful they’re alone, because he’s in too much discomfort to give a shit as he answers.
“YES, you flag-fucking son of a bitch!” he snaps back, and immediately panics. His eyes go wide, and they both stare at one another for a long minute.
Soldier looks him up and down, frowning. Or at least, Scout thinks that’s frowning, based on the fact the helmet obscures most of his face.
“…Private, I’m sorry.” Soldier breaks the tension with, surprising the runner. “Had I been informed of your tactical situation, son, I would have used different motivational techniques…”
Scout feels the anger, the fear, dissipate somewhat. Soldier seems genuinely distressed that he’s upset the runner…
“…I didn’t tell anyone ‘cept Doc and I think maybe Snipes worked it out. Didn’t wantcha to think like Spy, that I don’t belong on RED ‘cause they got my birth certificate wrong…” Scout says, clenching his fist as another twinge ruins the moment.
Soldier puts his hand on the runner’s shoulder in a companionable display of affection. “Son, I-… RED are the best at what they do, men, women, Pyro… it doesn’t matter. I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong, or that I’m sorry, and I’ll try not to say anything stupid like that again…”
“Nah I’m just a bit sensitive because-…” Scout tries, but Soldier interrupts.
“Son, if I have learned anything about people, and especially people with your monthly concern, it’s that they��re never oversensitive about things. They just put up with a tonne of shit until they’re too stressed out, too upset or in just far too much discomfort to play polite… never apologise for being real.” Soldier said, as if it was a throwaway statement and not the most epiphany-like moment Scout had ever experienced up until then. 
“Heh, thanks man.” Scout responds. Then lets out a shout of surprise as Soldier tosses him over his shoulder, “What the hell?”
“Doc was back by Engie, last I saw… one of them should have something to take the edge off… get you back in fighting form and all.” Soldier responds, oddly considerate. 
Scout lets out a startled yelp as they rocket jump off the platform, he’d always wanted to try it but not from this angle!
They do find Engie, and his dispenser provides some relief until the man can fish a small packet of panadol out of his toolkit. He doesn’t ask why, he’s laid back like that. 
Scout is honestly relieved at how this ended up such a non-event.
Some of the others have noticed Scout doesn’t shower with them, but have made their own assumptions (he’s young, it might be weird to shower with all these big, muscly older dudes). Scout’s honestly surprised Spy hasn’t used that in a big reveal, yet… but he senses the other is waiting for something. 
Scout still flirts with Miss P when she comes on base, because she’s beautiful and he does still kinda love her, but there’s also a degree of thrill to having her turn him down because ‘she’s not into boys’. She’s known from the start, and never once misgendered him… never leaves him without anything he needs, either. Last time, he even found a large box of his favourite chocolate in there amongst the items, and he had a feeling that was her doing too…
God she needed more than one day off a year, even if Scout only took her out as a friend… she was too damn good to them all. 
Demo did mention in passing that Scout had a nice body and if he was concerned about not measuring up to the others in the shower, then he didn’t need to worry, this wasn’t high school. No one pulled ye olde point and laugh here. Soldier had jumped in and gone off on a tangent about cleanliness in the ranks, and how privates should wash theirs whenever, and wherever possible. Which derailed the conversation a bit, though Scout could see the cogs whirring in Demo’s mind. Afterwards, when they had a quiet moment, Demo approached in a casual way; out of earshot of the others, to speak with him.“Lad... like I said before, it disnae matter what ye do or don’t have... you can always shower with the rest of the team, and no one’ll gawk. Pyro showers in their suit and it was only a bit odd the first time. But I’m sensing that the reason has to do with someone on the team, and ye should know I’m always ready to throw a punch for ye, lad, never forget it. Just say the word.” He winks. Or, Scout assumes it was, considering...“Thanks, man. Maybe... soon. I just-... I mean, I trust like, alla ya except Spy but only a few people either know or have worked it out. Not that I think Pyro’d care, or Engie... pretty sure Snipes knows, Medic, Soldier, Heavy probably worked it out, and now you seem to...” Scout trails off.
“...so Spy’s the blaggard, is he?” Demo’s voice was a little colder.
“Well yeah, but it’s... more than that.” Scout adds, shoulders slumping, “First thing he said was... well he kinda called me his daughter and used the wrong name’n’all. When I called Ma about it, ‘cause it freaked me out, she kinda mentioned he’s my dad...”
“Well, fuck, laddie. I’m going to get some of the hard stuff, and we can bag him out until we pass out, aye?” Demo offers, beaming.
“Sounds like a plan to me...” Scout answers, following as the Scot led the way.
Medic was too busy laughing at the hungover pair to do anything useful, for at least half an hour; because apparently they serenaded the Doc, whilst inebriated, in violently clashing accents and utterly out of tune. Heavy had had to carry them to bed.
Neither merc would let them forget it for years to come.
Everything just sort of clicked into place, really.
It was like home, with his Ma and brothers... except with more murder and death on a daily basis. Also, better cooking. Scout cannot emphasise that enough. Engie’d even managed to get Scout cooking basic dishes properly... and only the toaster had caught fire that one time. 
Actually, the more Scout interacted with the guy, the more he seemed to realise that Engie had known all along. Especially since the man went out of his way to call him ‘son’, ‘lad’, ‘boy’, and ‘young man’ in every sentence... it was nice. Scout should have twigged earlier, really.
So he stopped taking Spy’s shit, and decided to just confront the guy publicly. Spies didn’t like exposure, but Scouts revelled in it.
“....so emotional, don’t you think that’s a handicap for this line of work?” purrs the Spy, appearing behind Scout at the table. He’s eating cereal and reading a new Flash comic, but he’s not alone; most of the others are lounging across the room by the tv, but all attention is immediately, subtly turned on Spy and Scout. God help the man.
“Funny you should say that, I saw you losin’ ya shit after that Blu poured piss on ya, earlier...” Scout backhands, blandly. Not rising to the bait.
He can sense the man’s lips curling into a scowl of disgust. “Zhat is another matter entirely... I am talking about-...” Spy responds, but Scout interjects.
“Oh I know whatcha talking about, there pal, and if ya don’t fuck off I’ll slap ya silly with a used tampon... see how ya cope emotionally after that, huh?” Scout grins at the revulsion on Spy’s face.
“So vulgar, of course you get zhat from your mother... as daughters often do.” 
Well fuck. Scout slams the spoon down and stands up, getting right up into Spy’s face. 
“Now look, you creepy bastard, the reality of this is ya thought ya had a daughter... but surprise, it’s a fucking boy! Now accept ya have a son, that ya abandoned by the way, or go one annoying the shit outta him about the fact that ya wanted a girl to abandon instead. Either way, he doesn’t fucking care.” 
Spy looked taken aback. 
“Yeah, I said it out loud, surprised? The rest of the team knows, they don’t give a shit as far as I know... you’re the one with the hangup. So maybe just come to terms with your own crap, and when you think you’re human enough, we can try to do the whole dad-son thing, okay?” Scout finishes. He’s tired, of this fight, of this conversation. It had been building for months. 
Spy just stares at him for a long moment, as if he had never seen Scout before this very second... and finally composes himself. “Very well... mon fils.” He has cloaked and left, before Scout can fully register what has happened. 
“Good job laddie!” Demo cries, coming over to clap him on the shoulder. 
Sniper puts his Huntsman down, nodding to the runner as if it was nothing. Pyro hugged Scout, but that may have been unrelated to the whole situation... Pyro just liked to hug. Engie said, “Proud of ya, son.” and left it at that.
The others acknowledged the moment, but didn’t make a fuss.
All in all, it was pretty good.
Maybe in time Spy can reconcile.
Maybe not.
But it doesn’t matter as long as the team is on Scout’s side, no matter what. 
Scout... Jeremy... loves being a RED, for precisely that reason.
- - - - - - - - - -
The End.
Headcanons like that?
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panther-ea0-blog · 6 years
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Supreme Combo Streamer Package! AMD 32 Core 2990WX CPU $2799 for the entire combo package! Contact me now! ASUS REPUBLIC OF GAMERS ZENITH EXTREME motherboard G.SKILL Vision Series DDR4 3200 Frequency 64G (16Gx4) RGB Crossfire AMD game professional graphics card Vega Frontier 16G HBM2 water cooled Crossfire AMD game professional graphics card Vega Frontier 16G HBM2 water cooled COUGAR Case CORSAIR AX1600i Full-module PSU 1600W Seagate 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M Seagate 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M Seagate 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M Seagate 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M Thermaltake Floe Riing RGB Series TT Premium Water Cooling Radiator 360mm ASUS ESTX II 7.1 Tiger Card II Sound Card comes with a daughter card 7.1 channel Xonar Essence STX II 7.1 Ikato 4K60 Pro game live recording video capture card 4K/Xbox One X/PS4 Pro/HDMI Display Port line fiber 165HZ displayport line 4K 1.3 Display Port line fiber 165HZ displayport line 4K 1.3 Display Port line fiber 165HZ displayport line 4K 1.3 Monitor BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms Mouse Razer Python Elite Edition RGB Symphony 16000 DPI keyboard Corsair K70 RGB RAPIDFIRE Headphones Sennheiser HD800 S flagship Hifi headset Mousepad Razer Firefly Flame God Mouse Pad RGB Webcamera: Logitech HD USB web camera CC4000e 4K 60fps Desk Microphone: Sennheiser MD 441-U recording microphone Certificate of Corporation Existence from USA Gov. Paypal stripe email debt credit #instalike #love #h1z1 #esports #instamood #counterstrikeglobaloffensive #rainbowsixsiege #instagood #starcraft #callofduty #instagram #fortnite #instacool #tf2 #instafollow #pubg #esportslife #instago #pubgmobile #instalove #instadaily #counterstrike #leagueoflegends
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gophergal · 4 months
Since you're still doing the 2012 tropes... Rapidfire nextgen?
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Here's Pyro with the kiddo. I'm thinking his name is Apollo Mundy-Cusack
(under the cut is a family photo and more thoughts I've had about this triad starting a family)
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Biologically, Apollo is Jeremy and Mick's offspring, but Pyro is the primary caregiver here. Despite what anyone expects, they're a fantastic parent. Pyro was already a house spouse, so being a SAHP is only natural
He was born in 1974, after his parents retired from Merc work
Apollo loves playing in the dirt and carries his little stuffed doggy with him everywhere
Pyro still wears their mask most of the time because it's comfy (read: I don't want to come up with a pyro design), but their son loves his parent's face with or without it.
Ma is obviously the most doting grandma on earth. She loves her grandson so much. She gave him that doggy when he was a wee baby
Mick teaches his son how to use a slingshot and identify cool bugs, Jeremy is the stereotypical dad playing catch in the front yard with his son, and Pyro plays pretend with him and teaches proper fire safety (they will one day show him how to use a flamethrower. When he's old enough)
SURPRISE NINE MERCS AND A BABY CROSSOVER: despite being 6 years his senior, Sonya Bernhard (my HeavyMedic fankid OC) loves their baby cousin/nephew (look, its confusing to use traditional relation terms for this very non-traditional family) to bits. Given how large the extended family is, there was really never any reason for Sonya to babysit him, but they still helped out wherever they could
While Bernhard was a very quiet kid, Apollo is super outgoing. He's 100% the type of kid who asks strangers questions at the supermarket
When he grows up, Apollo goes into wildlife photography
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panther-ea0-blog · 6 years
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$2799 AMD 2990WX CPU 32 Core 64 thread Streamers Package! ASUS REPUBLIC OF GAMERS ZENITH EXTREME motherboard G.SKILL Vision Series DDR4 3200 Frequency 64G (16Gx4) RGB Crossfire AMD game professional graphics card Vega Frontier 16G HBM2 water cooled Crossfire AMD game professional graphics card Vega Frontier 16G HBM2 water cooled CoolerMaster MasterCase H500M Tower chassis RGB side through computer case CORSAIR AX1600i Full-module PSU 1600W Seagate (SEAGATE) 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M ST6000NM0115 Seagate (SEAGATE) 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M ST6000NM0115 Seagate (SEAGATE) 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M ST6000NM0115 Seagate (SEAGATE) 6TB Enterprise Hard Drive 7200 rpm 128M ST6000NM0115 Thermaltake(Tt) Floe Riing RGB Series TT Premium Water Cooling Radiator Floe 360mm ASUS ESTX II 7.1 Tiger Card II Sound Card comes with a daughter card 7.1 channel Xonar Essence STX II 7.1 (PCI-E) Ikato 4K60 Pro game live recording video capture card 4K/Xbox One X/PS4 Pro/HDMI Also Ren DP line optical displayport line 100 meters lossless transmission 8K high on the series 1.4 version 3 meters Also Ren DP line optical displayport line 100 meters lossless transmission 8K high on the series 1.4 version 3 meters Also Ren DP line optical displayport line 100 meters lossless transmission 8K high on the series 1.4 version 3 meters Monitor BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms BenQ XL2546 24.5-inch 240HZ refresh 1ms Mouse Razer Python Elite Edition RGB Symphony 16000 DPI keyboard Corsair K70 RGB RAPIDFIRE Headphones Sennheiser HD800 S flagship Hifi headset wired Mousepad Razer Firefly Flame God Mouse Pad RGB Webcamera: Logitech HD USB web camera CC4000e Business HD Standard Desk Microphone: Sennheiser MD 441-U super cardioid vocal recording microphone Payments accepted: Paypal stripe email debt credit #instalike #love #h1z1 #esports #instamood #counterstrikeglobaloffensive #rainbowsixsiege #instagood #starcraft #callofduty #instagram #fortnite #instacool #tf2 #instafollow #pubg #esportslife #instago #pubgmobile #instalove #instadaily #counterstrike #leagueoflegends (at Tulio)
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