four-armed-bandit · 2 years
I wanted to let you know that to fall before we fly is THE best fanfic I think I've ever read, i seriously cannot name another fic that has made me feel as intensely as TFBWF has, I come back to it every couple of weeks and your writing floors me everytime :' I DO wish I could relive the fanfic all over again because there are so many moments that made me gasp out loud, a favourite will always be when cal stopped the ship from crashing with the force - its stuck with me ever since! your prose is phenomenal and my friends are definitely sick of me ranting about how GOOD you are at fleshing out characters and their relationships, the whole thing just feels canon to me and my brain has fully accepted it as so. I'm soo excited to sit down and read your other jfo fics when I FINALLY have some free time, which will be very soon EEE :3 i can't wait! also I was wondering if you'll be playing/watching a playthrough of jedi survivor when it comes out? Or what you thought of the latest gameplay trailer, if you're happy to share :)
I hope you're doing okay, you're amazing!
Thank you so much!!! I am still here and doing well, I took a teaching job at my daughter's school at the end of summer and ended up in that up to my neck (it's very good and I'm having lots of fun, I love teaching and I love my classroom, but I miss the free time of being a stay at home parent) , but I promise the story is still very much on my mind, and I've been trying to chalk out the time for a full replay and a return to the next chapter (it and the next arc are both very clear in my head, it's just a matter of finding the time.)
Thank you again for the message! As proof positive that I am still over here and doing the writin' thing when I am able, here are the first two hundred words of the next chapter, and I'll have more as soon as I can! I wish you the best of the holiday season and I hope you enjoy your free time!
The difference between a live Jedi and a dead Jedi is that the dead Jedi is better in a fight than Cal’s ever been. From the top of the hill, there’s the low, rising whine of a gatling blaster beginning to spin up and a synthesized, cynical chuckle. The Droid has the high ground and a bright point of light reflected from his visual aperture gleams in the darkness. “Two Jedi? Shame only one of you’s worth anything. Oh well. Dead is dead.” The hollow laugh from the back of Cal’s throat isn’t his, and there’s a dark edge to it as Ithan echoes, “Dead is dead.” Cere has the back half of his lightsaber, but once Ithan begins to move, it’s like she isn’t even there. The whole of reality shrinks down into the distance between him and his target, time slows until it can be measured by the space between heartbeats, and the blade in his hand is an instrument of consummate will. Not a tool, nor even a weapon, but a pure expression of the intent of the Force, in the hands of someone who was never a Jedi Master, not even a Jedi Knight, just a Jedi Padawan who has six years worth of training that Cal never got.
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four-armed-bandit · 2 years
i haven’t done this on a tumblr blog in a hot minute, but because it is late and I plugged 2.5k into tfbwf today, I’ll put a preview for my next chapter of to fall before we fly over here, because I am pleased with it:
Percentage wise, the bounty hunters of the Haxion Brood are more machine than anything else. Percentage wise, the pair of hunters who land on Psari are about 83% robot by volume, one of them being a hulking and dangerous hunter droid, weighing in at a solid two tons of hydraulically-powered murderous violence. He needs to be lowered down from the cargo hatch of the ship he shares with his partner (who goes by the cheerily offensive moniker, Big Bubba Kriff) and whose component parts contribute the other thirty-three percent droid to their partnership.
When Sorc Tormo had blasted a syndicate-wide alert to the rest of the Brood about the last known location of the biggest and most personal bounty he has listed on the books, he’d told them all they had a twenty-four hour head start before he made the information more widely known. Keeping it in the family, so to speak. The stake the Brood has in tracking down and killing the Jedi Cal Kestis have gone beyond the bounds of a single slight, and up into the territory of something worth the five million credits Sorc is offering. It’s stopped being personal and started to be business.
And that makes it all the more dangerous for all concerned.
now i am off to take more screenshots
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four-armed-bandit · 2 years
I have written a pair of haxion brood bounty hunters named Big Bubba Kriffer and his partner Flakshaft.
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