#tfe starscream x reader
mskenway97 · 5 months
What about a wholesome and cute scenario with Earth spark Starscream? Like Starscream spending time with his favorite human. Go wild.
very well anon I give you this little scenario, the truth is that I was inspired by a song of gravity rush 2 i leave here the song:
You were going to the Malto's house, Hashtag had invited you to the game night. It was karaoke and you had always loved it. What didn't count for anything was that Hastag had brought Starscream to hear you sing.
Normally singing in public had never bothered you but you didn't expect one of the Decepticons to be here either even though you talk to him a lot since Ghost fell you had become close.
Plus it made you more nervous knowing what Hastag had told you that he had come just to hear you sing.
You sat on the spot while watching Starscream being guarded by Bumblebee for safety said Bee.
Even though you felt his gaze you just wanted the earth to swallow you up. You saw Twitch move you to the stage, now all eyes were on you. You gave the microphone to Thrash and walked off excusing yourself as best you could and walked away.
While trying to calm down a bit. You heard some shaking and saw him.
-Don't you dare mess with me," you said as he kneeled down and tapped you with his digit.
-Hashtag had been bragging about your voice. I'm just disappointed I didn't hear you or maybe I was lying," said Starscream as you felt a little annoyed.
-I am telling the truth! - you said feeling your cheeks blush with anger. Starscream didn't hesitate and grabbed you in his servo - Then sing in front of me now - said Starscream while you were speechless seeing him face to face. Starscream opted to put you on his lap and sat you on his lap.
-Close your eyes if it helps Then you calmed down a bit and sang 'A Red Apple Fell From The Sky'. You felt Starscream caress you as he closed his optics and delighted in your song. I really had to agree with Hashtag, you had a good voice… Besides, enjoying this calmness was something I couldn't enjoy every day and to see you always in spite of the fact that I was always chasing you whenever I could. Starscream would never admit it but he found you adorable, you were one of the few humans he tolerated. He would enjoy your presence as much as he could. You felt the melody as Starscream entwined your hair between his fingers. While not far away were the Malto's listening to you and Hashtag recording and taking pictures non-stop.
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Everyone put up a good fight, but Starscream just manages to take the lead! I can't even begin to describe how much I love how he's been so far in Earthspark, so I'll just share some sappy headcanons.
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1. He denies it to everyone but you, and even then you have to coax him to admit it, but he really likes how small you are. There are a multitude of reasons; it makes you so easy to carry around, your tiny human hands can help him keep his finish clean, you can get into spaces he can't (most retail chains don't have twenty foot doors), but at the heart of it all; it just makes you cute. The first time he held you in his cupped palms and met your eyes his spark practically did a flip.
2. One thing he won't admit even though you've long since figured it out; your small, squishy nature gives him anxiety. He sees you walking about with other bots and he can't help but get nervous. Do you have any idea how easily you could be squished? His solution is to carry you whenever other bots are about, though he'll play it off as simply showing you off when he perches you atop his shoulder or across his arm. In genuinely dangerous situations he'll just toss you in his cockpit without warning, though he's made sure to have the interior padded and pressurized for your comfort.
3. He's so terribly starved for affection, but he doesn't have it in him to ask. You merely need to offer a gentle stroke of his helm or his wings to have twenty feet of seeker purring into your touch. He's been through so much that just having you as a safe source of comfort means the world to him, even if it's difficult for him to say as much.
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Let's keep the ES Headcanons train moving- how about Starscream?
Choo choo, all aboard for some Screamer headcanons! This mech has no right being so incredibly handsome...
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1. He's not a small bot, but he still loves towering over you, both in public and in the bedroom. There's just something about how itty bitty you are that he likes to have fun with, though he'll initially deny that it's because he finds you adorable. Eventually he does have to admit there are few things cuter than you snoozing on his chest. It's so cute, in fact, he makes a habit of putting you there during and after sex for the best possible view. He might also keep some blankets in his subspace to keep you cozy while you bask in the afterglow on his cockpit, though he's never in a hurry for you to get dressed.
2. Seekers are often big fans of having fun while airborne, and he's no exception. He can pressurize his interior to keep you safe at any altitude or speed, and when it's just the two of you up there he loves to make "requests" of you. Removing clothes, touching yourself, using toys he stored for the occasion... It might take some getting used to, but once you experience an orgasm while accelerating at several hundred miles per hour over a beautiful landscape of his choosing, you're most likely up for a flight whenever he is. Introducing him to the concept of the "Mile High Club" will thoroughly amuse him.
3. As you might expect, he's very good with his mouth, and he wants you to know that from the very beginning. Even though you're the first human he's been interested in, he goes down on you without hesitation the first time you're open to it, and that glossa gets in there. He wants to please you until you're as loud as possible, and screaming his name will make it all the better. If you get heated enough to grab the sensitive portions of his helm he might not need your help finishing himself off.
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itsthesinbin · 11 months
Earthspark!Starscream getting some comfort, love and general TLC from his s/o please? That man needs a hug
Starscream (Transformers: Earthspark)
You had been worried about him. Starscream would manage to get small messages out to you- to assure you that he was alive. That he’d be back for you. You could never get anything back, so you hoped he knew how much you missed him.
Then suddenly he was back, with Skywarp and Nova Storm in tow. Starscream didn’t even get a word in before you threw your little body against his leg. The other two seekers left you alone, knowing how much Starscream was looking forward to the reunion.
“Apologies that this took so long,” he hummed. You held onto his hand as he lifted you, before you just launched onto his chest plate. He chuckled slightly, carrying you off. You noticed the scuffs and dirt on him afterward.
You forced him to sit, going to get his favorite buffer. His wings perked at the sight of it, making you grin.
"You... still have the buffer?" "Of course I do! I knew I'd need it when you got back," you grinned. With his help, you got up to his scuffs and began to buff them out. You saw his wings dropping as he began to relax.
"Nice to have you back, Starboy." "... I suppose it is nice to see you, as well, flesh-bag."
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cyber-streak-2 · 11 months
IDW Cygate, G1 Starscream and Earthspark Twitch accidentally hurting Human Reader
(IDW1/MTMTE) Cygate, (G1) Starscream, & (TFES) Twitch accidentally hurting Human Reader:
Twitch Malto
{She wasn’t that sure on what had happened, she didn’t really see it. She knew she’d been training/practicing... and then she heard you cry out in pain.}
{She’s quick to stop, and hurries over to you, as well as the others. You’re obviously in pain- even if you try to ignore it or something.}
{Twitch is quick to try and get you some help, which she—along with you—discover that your foot is fractured.}
{She quickly decides to help you out with some stuff to make up for accidentally hurting you. Although you can tell her if you do want her to help out or not.}
{One of the first things she did was apologize- she really didn’t mean for that to happen, and she wasn’t sure how it even did. She’s relieved when you accept it, but she still feels a little bad.}
{She’s going to try and make sure that she won’t hurt you anymore, even if it’s an accident- that she’ll be more careful.}
{He wanted to hurt Megatron- he meant to hurt Megatron- not the only human that he actually happened to like.}
{He’d pointed his null-rays at the leader, but Ravage had decided to try and stop him- which accidentally caused him to shoot you, instead.}
{Starscream isn’t really sure what to do- this had been happening during a battle with the Autobots, so the ‘Bots themselves do something instead. Take you to get help.}
{He tries to act that he doesn’t care too much/that it’s not bothering him... but, he’s worried. He just tries to make sure the others don’t know that- he’s long since failed at convincing himself that he doesn’t care.}
{He’ll fly by the hospital you were taken to, but can’t really get that close to actually see you- since the Autobots are there a lot, too.}
{It was mostly Tailgate who ended up (accidentally) harming you, but Cyclonus was apart of it. Either way, the damage was done- the most major was a sprained arm and a little concussion.}
{All three of you don’t really know how any of this happened- there was just a lot of panic/distress before you got hurt.}
{Before the two of them or anybody else are allowed to see you, Cyclonus tries to discuss what happened with Tailgate+try to comfort him.}
{And when they both finally can see you... they both apologize, but Tailgate does it quite a lot- he’s just worried for you, and he didn’t mean to cause what happened, honest.}
{While you’re recovering, Tailgate offers some options for you- like the three of you watching movies together he got from Swerve, listening to Cyclonus sing, etc.}
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Here is some content for whilst I continue to work on my requests. I just really got inspired to write some Headcanons for (TFP and TF Earthspark Starscream x Reader) and how they would show their affection for the reader. 
TFP & TFE Starscream x Reader Headcanons (Showing Affection to GN Human Reader) 
Word Count: 900+
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Let’s face it, showing others genuine affection and praise doesn’t come easy for Starscream. This could most likely be from himself receiving more criticism and spite than respect and positive reinforcement. So when it comes to showing (Y/N) affection, it’s subtle, especially if other prying eyes or optics are watching. 
At first he would be aloof towards you in public settings, especially around the other Vehicons and Decepticons on the Nemesis. Then it would gradually turn into little jabs at how small you were, and how a helpless human such as yourself couldn’t possibly navigate the Nemesis on your own. But he was willing to “graciously” lend you a helping hand, so to speak. 
Despite initially choosing to ignore your presence, Starscream would quickly switch to insisting on having you near him as much as possible. The first time he received a compliment from you, he tried to brush it off with prideful boasting, “Yes, yes of course you would recognize my brilliance. As Second-in Command of the Decepticons, I must always set a stunning example for the troops.” Underneath the vain facade, the Seeker would conceal his fluster, as secretly he questioned what you gained from complimenting him. 
After a while, Starscream would begin to show slightly more obvious signs of affection for you. He couldn’t allow others to see him fawning over you, so he was sneaky about it. Often his favorite method to get you alone would be to take you out on patrols with him whilst in his alt-mode. This is when the Seeker would open up more to you, sharing his frustrations regarding work-life, Megatron being an unfit leader, etc. You were taken by surprise when he asked for your opinions on matters, as it was unlike Starscream to ask for anyone else’s thoughts. 
Winning Starscream’s affections was a long-game, but once you had his spark, you were his and his alone. Starscream doesn’t like to share after all. Especially not his precious little human. 
As for nsfw: He’s a huge tease. He enjoys feeling in control and often instigates intimate encounters. Making you hot and bothered until you begged him to finally enter you. If you give him a cheeky compliment on his frame or his spike, it was easy to tell if he was flustered by the twitching of his wings. Oh and his wings are VERY sensitive, if stroked in the perfect spots, it was very erotic for him. He’s very kinky and really enjoys bondage (for you) and has a stash of toys in his private chambers. 
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Starscream’s encounters with humans hadn’t been necessarily positive while he had been on Earth. G.H.O.S.T had seen to sew mistrust in his spark, making him reluctant to trust any human. But then of course, there was you. When he first encountered you, he fully expected screams of terror or you to flip out and run away begging for the Autobots to come save you from the evil, selfish, traitorous… Starscream. But you didn’t. You addressed him the same way anyone would when meeting a stranger for the first time. No judgment. 
This was a first for the Seeker, and it only further piqued his curiosity and interest for you. Initially, his old bad habits took over and well, he kind of kidnapped you. But only because he feared being sold out to G.H.O.S.T, or having Megatron find him again… Self-preservation, something Starscream was very good at. He wasn’t rough with you at all, just was keeping you close to him “for your safety”, as he initially told you. Sure enough, after spending more time with you, Starscream’s guard slowly lowered as he realized you weren't a threat. 
Trust wasn’t something easily won from the Seeker, but you steadily earned it. The first time Starscream didn’t hover around you and allowed you space, he was pleasantly surprised you didn’t try to escape. Starscream would slowly open up, telling stories of his adventures as a Seeker before the Great War. He didn’t open up to just anyone, so to see the genuine look of interest and awe in your eyes made him feel something. Something new. 
Starscream tried to be subtle in expressing his affections, asking you to help map out stars in your galaxy, or assisting him with selecting new locations to scout. But despite all of his cunning and skills at deception, he couldn’t lie convincingly to you. So if he had a surprise planned for you, it was apparent on his faceplate. If questioned as to what he was up to, Starscream would brush it off as a glitch in his system. 
Sometimes he would show off a bit to you. Even allowing you to go on flights with him, his favorite moments being when he shocked you with barrel-rolls and gunned it at high-G’s. Any bit of joyous or excited laughter would make his spark skip a beat. Starscream realized that he could in fact, make someone smile rather than cower, and he was glad he made you happy. 
As for nsfw: He would be a little shy at first, maybe a bit flustered by being desired this way. Starscream would be a gentle lover as the two of you initially began your intimate endeavors. Making sure you were comfortable, going slow, giving more than receiving. As his confidence grew, however, he would reveal just how naughty he was. He had an edging kink for sure, getting off at bringing you close to ecstasy and then withholding it from you. Also it is no surprise that the silver-tongued Seeker would be rather good at oral. He definitely got off on seeing you squirm in pleasure at his touch, and he enjoyed kissing every inch of your body. 
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random-fandom1984 · 3 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Recently added
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
Swerve x Reader with a similar personality
Swerve x Badass Cybertronian!Reader
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Shattered Glass!Swerve x Con!Reader
Swerve x Cybertronian!reader who finds him charming
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Whirl x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Tarn x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Rodimus x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Drift x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Drift helps human!Reader dye their hair
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Skitching HCs
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Ratchet celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Bee x Cybertronian!reader he thought was dead
Optimus Prime
Optimus celebrating their human partner's graduation
Smokescreen celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Megatrons child HCs
Starscream x Cybertronian!Reader that stands up for him
S/O with a soft spot for animals and nature
Tarantulas x human!reader
Mirage x human!reader drabble
Mirage x starfire-like reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus x starfire-like reader
Bumblebee x starfire-like reader
Scourge x human!reader
Downfall, MotorRaid, A-Strike dating HCs
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I return with some short/sweet Earthspark Starscream x Reader content to try and ease me back into writing! Hope you all enjoy!
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The first slivers of morning light to reach your eyes were met with a grunt of displeasure and an instinctive roll to the side, the comfort of your extra toasty nest pulling you back into one of the better rests you'd ever had and pushing away wakefulness at any cost. A slight hum from below soothed all the tension from your body, bringing a smile back to your face as you snuggled deeper into the blankets. The outside world had nothing this cozy to offer you. 
Catching the familiar sound of a bot taking in a vent just below, you cracked open an eye to find the Seeker beneath your nest in the middle of a yawn, his lean frame flexing as he stretched his arms over his helm. Every movement was careful not to disturb the thin mattress and blanket tangle atop his chest acting as your bed, but you knew Starscream would want you up sooner rather than later. Closing both eyes and remaining limp, you tried to pretend to be in deep sleep, hoping his spark might be softened by the sight of his favorite human sleeping peacefully. 
A digit stroked along your cheek to dash your hopes, but you did your very best to stay still, even when he chuckled beneath you and the bounce carried through the mattress.
"Wakey wakey." he purred with another teasing brush of his thumb. It took all of your acting skills to stay still, your desire for sleep matched only by how much you enjoyed spending time with your beloved bot. He chuckled again and playfully brushed your hair aside, making it clear you were had with a boop of your nose. "I know you're faking, Y/N. You can't fool me so easily."
"Nooooo..." was all you could say, despite now being thoroughly awake. There was just something about snuggling next to a spark that was more comfortable than you could possibly put into words.
"Come now; I didn't visit so you could use me as a glorified bed frame. Up." he said, still playful but slightly more firm as he tugged on your blankets. Relenting with a yawn, you rubbed your eyes and accepted his help climbing to the floor, bare feet meeting the large carpeted rug that the Seeker usually slept on. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you walked over to the heavily upgraded barn's makeshift kitchenette and flicked on the lights. Starscream removed your nest from his chassis and stretched out his lean frame with further teasing. "Besides, it's rude for the host to rise after guests."
"Mhmm..." you replied as your stomach gave its first growl. Not willing to put much effort into feeding yourself, you opened a cupboard for your favorite cereal and set about pouring it in a bowl. Bright blue optics turning to the sound compelled you to speak as you added the milk before returning it to the tiny fridge. "It's rude for hosts to eat without serving guests too, but if you want breakfast, we'll have to swing by the Maltos. I don't exactly have energon on tap."
Starscream averted his gaze, expression briefly looking more conflicted than distraught at the idea before he recovered, mock disgust shielding his ego as usual.
"As much as I enjoy those visits..." he sighed and rested his arms behind his helm, as if the very idea was wearing him out. "It's far too early for that much affection. I can wait."
It was your turn for teasing. The Malto kids had a much more positive view of the Seeker after his dramatic and timely rescue, and as such, swarmed him like eager puppies whenever the two of you stopped by. You found it utterly adorable, especially when he tried his hardest to pretend such tender displays of affection weren't to his liking, or that Hashtag didn't have him at her beck and call for selfies, movie watching, or whatever else her spark desired. Finishing up another spoonful, you carried your bowl over and sat beside his helm, smiling as he cracked open an optic. "Awwww, not ready to be swarmed by your fan club?"
"Not at the moment... Their energy is boundless." he said dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose as if fighting a headache. You knew he was being silly even if he wasn't exaggerating too much. Any one of the Malto kids was a boundless ball of youthful exuberance, and by their powers combined they could wear out even the most energetic adults. Starscream always fell into deep, unshakeable recharge after those visits, and you were never far behind. The Seeker sighed as he leaned his helm against your side, resembling a twenty foot cat so closely you couldn't resist the urge to give his helm a loving stroke. A smug yet affectionate smile pulled on his lips as he savored the gentle touch. "I'd much prefer a quiet morning, free of obligations. I've more than earned it." 
"I can handle that. How about a movie?" you replied quickly, reaching for the remote that had been tucked in your blanket nest. Clicking on the wall mounted flatscreen that Starscream continuously claimed to have obtained legally before gifting to you, you scrolled through a dozen or so streaming apps. 
Holding forth his cupped palm, Starscream agreed with a predictable caveat. "So long as I get to pick. I am the guest, after all."
"You're the guest." you agreed with a smile, handing the remote over before finishing up your cereal and shoving the bowl aside. The Seeker skillfully managed the human sized buttons as you snuggled against his side, just able to hear the birdsong of a beautiful morning beginning outside. As far as you were concerned, the whole world could wait while the two of you enjoyed the simple delight of a lazy morning. Judging by how his arm not so subtly curled around you, he felt exactly the same.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Headcanons for G1 Starscream, Earthspark Swindle and TFP Predaking accidentally killing Reader
(G1) Starscream, (TFES) Swindle, & (TFP) Predaking Headcanons for accidentally killing (Human) Reader:
[You were one of the only humans that he could tolerate—he even found himself enjoying your company and growing protective of you—part of it may have been because you felt the same about Megatron.]
[Speaking of Megatron, you actually helped Starscream with his attempts to get rid of the ‘Con leader to become the new Leader—which was where an... accident, happened.]
[A new plan had been put into motion—which was just Starscream planning on shooting Megatron in the spark—but Soundwave sent out his minicon’s to deal with/stop Starscream.]
[He didn’t mean to, Rumble and Frenzy were covering his optics—but his null-ray’s still went off... but instead of shooting Megatron, they’d shot you, who had been watching nearby.]
[Megatron decides to mock Starscream about it—mainly every time the Seeker tries to do another thing to try and get rid of him.]
[Although Starscream tries to claim that he didn’t care about you, your death obviously affects him— it’s especially clear to Thundercracker and Skywarp that he misses you.]
[He doesn’t blame himself though for your death- he decides to blame Soundwave for it.]
[You’d met and joined him while he was out trying to find his brother, and that’s what the two of you were doing when the... accident, happened.]
[You two weren’t having any luck at finding his brother, or any clues... but the Autobots had luck finding Swindle- at least it wasn’t GHOST.]
[Long story short, Swindle got into a fight with Bumblebee and Elita 1—he wasn’t holding you anymore, but he just set you down beside him, and got distracted with the Autobots—he’d rather drive off, but at the moment, that was hard.]
[As you attempted to try and move out of the way of the Cybertronians fighting, Swindle fell backwards from a blast, and... fell on top of you, squishing you.]
[The fight stops there- as he picks you up, and drives away finally—getting far enough, and then he focuses on you.]
[He feels horrible- that much is obvious. While he does grief, he tries not to focus on you too much, and tries to think of you as just a random human that was helping him in a search for his sibling—nothing else. He definitely didn’t care.]
[What happened to you also makes him more worried over Hardtop—what if he lost you and his brother? He doesn’t know Hardtop’s condition.]
[He’d heard of the human that had been captured a while ago, and he was actually put on watch duty of you- and he just became protective of you.]
[He and Starscream got into a fight- or, well, he got enraged at how the Seeker was treating him, and started to attack him- while Starscream was trying to get away, and you were caught up in it all.]
[You attempted to calm the Predacon down, but to no avail. You also didn’t have much of a chance to do anything—Predaking’s swinging tail had hit you full force, causing you to fly back and hit the wall.]
[Predaking had immediately stopped, much to Starscream’s relief, and walked over to your body. He attempted waking you up in a bunch of different ways, but unfortunately, you didn’t wake up.]
[He grieves you, and feels absolutely horrible—he stays with you for a good while, not moving from that spot.]
[Nobody can really get him to do anything else, either—he won’t even really listen to Shockwave.]
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I will update this regularly to be best of my ability. My channel is still fairly new so I apologize for the slim pickings below
Strictly Professional - TFP Knockout x Reader Insert (female human reader, sfw)
Young At Spark - TFP Ratchet x Reader (female human reader, suggestive, vitality-insecurity, fluffy angst)
Secret Rendezvous - TFP Starscream x Femme Autobot Reader (nsfw, Forbidden Romance)
TFE (Earthspark):
Be Still My Beating Spark - TFE Megatron x Cybertronian Femme OC (reunited after the war, romance, conjunx, fluff, sfw)
NSFW Alphabet Optimus Prime
The Perfect Pick-me-up - ROTB Mirage x Female Human Reader (comfort, fluff, sfw, antisocial reader)
New Year's Resolution - ROTB Mirage x Fem Human Reader (New Year’s Party, Drunken Flirting)
Just the Way You Are - ROTB Mirage x Femme Autobot Reader (Insecure reader, self conscious of body, misgendered, comfort, sfw, fluff, confidence BOOST)
A Mutually Beneficial Partnership - TFA Swindle x GN Human Reader (Sfw, Deal-making, unforeseen benefits/consequences, Swindle being Swindle)
Ain't I Good to You? - TFA Blitzwing x Female Human Reader (Jazz Singer, Simping, Fluff, Tex Avery-inspired)
The Winning Team - TFA Starscream x Femme Cybertronian Reader (NSFW, Valveplug, seduction, cream pie)
Under Pressure - Unknown Continuity Optimus Prime x Megatron x Female Human Reader POLY (Sfw, adhd reader, polyamorous, fluff)
TFE/TFP Starscream x GN Reader (Showing Affection, NSFW)
TFP Arcee & Ratchet x Female Human Reader (Reactions to reader being hypnotized by Decepticons)
TFP Ratchet & Optimus x Male Human Reader (Reactions to receiving love letter from reader)
TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader (English as a second language, sfw, fluff, slight language barrier)
When Sparks Fly Part. 1 - TFP Fanfic Bumblebee x Femme Cybertronian OC (Reunited after years, unresolved feelings, romance, adventure)
Gif Collection:
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Works In Progress:
Updated regularly for your convenience
1. TFA Swindle x GN Human Reader (sfw, deal-making, unforeseen benefits/consequences)
2. TFP Starscream x Female Autobot Reader (nsfw, Forbidden romance)
3. ROTB Mirage x Fem Human Reader (New Year’s Party, Drunken Flirting)
4. ROTB Mirage x Fem Autobot Reader (Insecure reader, self conscious of body, misgendered, comfort, sfw, fluff, confidence BOOST)
5. TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader Headcanon (English as a second language, sfw, fluff, slight language barrier
6. Unknown Continuity Poly Optimus Prime x Female Human Reader x Megatron (sfw, fluff, reader with ADHD
7. TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader (nsfw, reader is dominant, fluff during aftercare)
8. NSFW Alphabet TFE Optimus
9. Unknown Continuity Optimus x Female Autobot Reader (nsfw, praise kink)
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