#tfw the girl you thought was saying super romantic stuff to you says exactly the same thing to her mom in front of you
givehimthemedicine · 1 year
obsessed with the concept of El describing all her emotions and relationships in homebrew reverse-engineered a la carte ways because she didn't grow up with the labels that everyone else is familiar with.
El having zero worry about coming off the wrong way to the others because she has no idea there is a wrong way. and they all just gradually get used to the idea that she means exactly what she says, nothing more or less, and not to try too hard to fit it in a box.
El dropping lines she's heard in romance movies to express casual affection for her friends. coming up like "hi Dustin my heart yearns for you" and he'll just be like (big smile) "yeheah! want a cheeto?"
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SPN Questionaire
I wasn’t tagged by anyone, I just thought this would be fun to do. Let me tell you my Supernatural story.
I found this from @hannah-deserved-better
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
Yikes, its hard to nail down a specific year. I’ve been watching it for years now. How about this: when I found the show, seasons 1-5 had already aired and by the time I finished season 5, season 6 had started airing. So I guess maybe I started watching around September 2010. Yes, its possible to have gone through 5 seasons in the span of a month. Don’t underestimate my bingeing abilities.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
Do I have to pick? Because I don’t know if I have one. But if I have to, I guess Jack (I’m sorry, its nothing against Jack). I don’t hate Jack by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy him, he’s super fun and super adorable, it’s just that if he wasn’t there, I wouldn’t exactly miss him either.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs.
@charlie-minion @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @intelligentshipper @7faerielights
5.  Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Kevin Tran (RIP, alas, you were too good and pure for this universe as well as other universes it would seem)
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
Claire Novak. She’s just so incredibly strong inside and out with flaws that only make her even stronger.
7. John or Mary?
I can’t choose. And in what regard? Am I being asked which is better or which is worse? Both have things I like and dislike about them. But that’s what makes them good characters. Neither is perfect and neither was ever meant to be perfect. They’ve both made mistakes, they’ve both done things in the name of them believing it was the right thing to do and while that doesn’t justify their bad decisions, it makes them very interesting characters. But if I am forced to choose one -- and I’m going to assume this is asking about which I like better – I guess Mary simply because we’ve spent more time with her but I’m super excited for ep 300, though. I can’t wait to see what they do with John.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: He was my favorite before Cas showed up. I was definitely what was classified as a Sam girl. I loved his empathetic nature, the nerdiness, I liked that he always questions things before acting, but I like also the dark and grittiness of him as a character, as well.
Dean: He’s the cool guy trope but then I eventually saw that he wasn’t nearly as cool as he wants to be.  Dean is the cool guy who really isn’t nearly as cool he wants to be and he knows it. Dean wants to be seen as cool because he wants to live up to what he sees in his father but also deep down knows that’s not really who he is.
Cas: At first I started off with being intrigued by him. Even in the very beginning, you can tell he’s different from the other angels. And for someone like me who loves puzzles, I was intrigued by trying to piece him together and figure out what it was about him that seemed different. And eventually the intrigue I felt for him as a character turned into complete love and adoration as I realized how much I identified with him.
Jack: I was fascinated by him and then came some adoration as the things he does is just so cute and adorable.
9. What’s your favorite season?
It’s either season 5 or season 11. But if I had to pick one, probably season 5. As a whole, it flows so well and nearly every episode is pure gold.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Season 10, hands down. It does a lot of things I don’t like and to be perfectly honest, its kind of dull and boring. There were a couple of things here and there I like – the Cas, Hannah, and Claire stuff I really enjoy. But the season as a whole just does not work for me. It starts off interesting but then after a certain point, it turns into something completely different and not in a good way.
11. Opinions on Destiel
I ship it but it’s more in the sense of “how they view each other’s life essence.” When I think about Destiel, I don’t believe either of these two are physically attracted to each other but I do feel that romance would play a part in the sense of these two using romance and intimacy as a way to feel close to one another. I also subscribe to the camp that I would love to see Dean and Cas sharing the same vessel for a possible endgame. These two, perfectly comfortable with each other, inhabiting the same vessel being with each other always, constantly giving each other support, to me, that’s a romantic endgame.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
I guess that’ll just depend on how this show ends. We can’t say for certain until we see how everyone’s endgame pans out.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
I have favorite seasons in both categories, it’s hard to decide. But I guess 1-7. There are a lot of consecutive good seasons in that category whereas 8-14 is a little bit hit or miss.
14. Favorite Villain
Amara, I think.
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Yes. I love Mark Pellegrino but they’re taking Lucifer in a very uninteresting direction and I wish they would just let him go as a character. He was great in season 5, he was a fun flirtation in season 11 but the writers should’ve quit while they were ahead with Lucifer. At this point, the only redemption arc I’ll accept for Lucifer, is Lucifer sacrificing himself for Jack or something along those lines.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
I really don’t like this question. I don’t like the question of trauma to be seen as a competition. Everyone’s trauma is legit, no one is worse off or better off compared to how much trauma they’ve been through. Also how are we quantifying trauma here -- # of traumatic experiences, how much the trauma affected them? I feel like this is a very loaded question. I think I’ll pass on this one.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
Season 4 Episode 20, The Rapture
18. Do you like case episodes?
Absolutely. Like I said, I love puzzles so I like trying to figure out what’s going on in MotW episodes. And these episodes can be a very welcome break if I’m not really feeling a season’s mytharc.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
Castiel. I’m someone who never feels truly comfortable or like I belong anywhere but I still keep searching. Just like Cas, I have faith one day I’ll find that place.
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
Lots of things. Fantasy, adventure, “family don’t end in blood”, empowerment to keep on fighting even when it might seem like you’ve lost or you have nothing left.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another, who would they be?
Lets exchange prophets, okay? Bring back Kevin Tran and kill off Donatello.
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