#tghdlm hidgens
spectralan0maly · 5 years
hc that when hidgens came out with the shotgun with the cig in his mouth, that was actually just a prop cig that he decided to use to look cool and dramatic
Also there are probably better ways of infecting someone, but the hive goes for disembowelment for dramatic effect.
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grcekelley · 6 years
Overlooked things in TGHDLM
Ted's seemingly random sudden interest in musicals when asked to hear Hidgen's pitch
Paul hating Moana but knowing all the words
The faces these brilliant people make
Paul putting his fingers in his ears when the girls attack before the military arrives
How unnerving and unpleasant the lyric "I might be inclined to plant my seed" is. Jesus, Paul, what are you implying?!
His "sshhh" he gives Emma by the trashcans and when she hurts her leg when he tries to comfort her
Those quick ass costume changes
"I bleed red, white, and -" and the lights turn blue
There are a bunch more I couldn't think of right off so please add to this. Honestly this show is is fucking masterpiece
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spectralan0maly · 5 years
i feel like hidgens was more of a sustainable survivalist/preper. like sure yeah guns and non-perishables, but dude was a biologist, a professor of botany. behind the gates i bet he had giant rain collectors, water filtration, a garden filled with vitamin and fiber packed fruits and veggies, maybe some chickens. Probably solar panels. He's spent 28 years preparing, and he's a smart man. Him just taking the 'tones of guns and MREs' route seems unlikely to me.
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