#tgu takeover day
kitmoas · 9 months
Why is everyone being mean to Nat? She deserves better. I’m on your side Natasha!
Nat: Exactly. I deserve so much better and no one is giving it to me
Kate: We never said that you don't deserve anything my god you're dramatic
Nat: But every one is treating it like that so truly I think we need more Nat sympathizers
Wanda: Literally no one here hates you
Nat: debatable from the devil herself
Wanda: Pretty sure you hate everyone here but Yelena at this point my god
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kitmoas · 9 months
During the relationship who was there favorite and are they still your favorite now???
Nat: People? Oooooo this'll be fun. Go ahead. Fucking say it. we all know
Yelena: Nat...maybe you should take a moment to see the issues within this question
Wanda: Do we? Or do you forget that you have to say your favorite too Nat?
Val: Guys... maybe we shouldn't go down this road.
Malik: Yea...I don't think this is going to end well.
Wanda: Toy, past and present.
Agatha: well I'll thrive with the drama I suppose
Peter: Okay, we're going down that road
Nat: Fine. Kate. back then and right now.
Bucky: Come on guys, this isn't right.
Cassie: Yea, this really isn't very...nice of you guys
Wanda: We are WAY past nice kid.
Kate: Toy..now, then, and forever.
Toy: Evermore.
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kitmoas · 9 months
*clears throat* I would like to express my admiration for Wanda, Nat, Kate and Toy (Although Natasha you're my favourite :3) What is your all of your favourite things about each other?
Yelena: Well this is going to be interesting
Nat: I’m glad someone in this group has finally picked the right person as their favorite!
Wanda: personally I’m not sure if this is an appropriate question to answer
Nat: oh come on witchy can’t say a nice thing bout me? We were together for so long
Wanda: and half of it was hell
Nat: yea with you Satan
Kate: OKAY
Bucky: Both of you need to chill out. I don’t get why you guys are fighting so much
Kate: I have many things I love about all of them, even now but for the vibes of the situation I will say in this moment that’s in the past. And that’s how you deal with it professionally Natasha.
Peter: good job Kate
Val: very dignified
Nat: im glad the mutt could slick her hair back and wear suits and everyone is fooled, great.
Toy: Kate is amazing and honestly perfect in every way, I’ve never seen someone shine as much as her even in the darkest of moments. Wanda is strong and smart, and someone that you can’t help but be drawn to. Natasha is incredibly brilliant and the person who lays some of the best foundation, the one that can do anything.
*the rest of the groups quiets and you can see the three spoken of melts into their seats. Deep in thought*
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kitmoas · 9 months
now that you guys aren’t together where do you live
Kate: My penthouse, I've had it upgraded again so it's even nicer and more tech forward. It's gorgeous now and I have fallen in love with how it looks so I'm really happy
Toy: *spends the entire time staring at kate, sighing gently*
Nat: I took up living in Ohio mostly, spending my days with Yelena unless I'm working
Wanda: I've been staying with Agatha
Peter: *nudges Toy and clears his throat*
Toy: I've um... been staying mostly either at my parents' house or at the apartment above Herman's if I have to be in the city
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kitmoas · 9 months
What series are you all currently watching?
Nat: Finally a REAL question
Wanda: Are you actually going to answer it?
Kate: The Walking Dead, gotta start preparing you know?
Cassie: Of course you’re one of those
Kate: What does that mean? HUH?
Peter: Stranger Things!
Yelena: YES! It is so very good
Bucky: Peaky Blinders
Toy: Okay old man, but my favorite right now is The Last of Us
Bucky: This old man can still beat you in video games
Nat: shameless
Wanda: dick van dyke
Val: wow this might be the first real question, I am currently enjoying my little pony
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kitmoas · 9 months
Wanda what have you been doing since the finale
Wanda: Not too much, spending time by myself mostly or with Agatha
Nat: As per usual you're cutting out the people that actually want to help you
Agatha: Natalia dear, your anger is very misplaced now don't you think?
Nat: I don't have anger, I think I'm just free to speak my mind for the first time in my life and I'm allowing myself to do so
Wanda: So your mind is just an immature child who is stressed out that their life isn't fully in their own control?
Kate: you would have thought that with all the control issues she has that she would find a way to gain it in a peaceful way
Yelena: Peace does not come easy to most Kate Bishop, I would have believed you to know this
Kate: She actually fights against it, that's no one's fault but her own
Wanda: It's true
Agatha: I can help you with this dear
Nat: Youre not worth the stake your body can fit on
Val: Enough, you're all worse than a council meeting. Kill the anger, now.
Bucky: I don't know if this was a good idea...
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kitmoas · 9 months
have any of you guys been talking to someone else? 👀
Wanda: I've been too busy
Agatha: a real witch doesn't need anyone else
Nat: I mean I haven't but you know who has been talking to other people?
Kate: its not serious
Nat: You better tell the others that you're still pining over your ex
Kate: Im not pining over them! I just..I miss them okay?
Toy: *blinks*
Val: well then..
Cassie: and she's mad at me *snorts*
Peter: not the right time Cass
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kitmoas · 9 months
im sad you guys:c i remember the last time you answered questions and 😔 birb is sad but I still love you guys (toys the fave)
Toy: I knew I was the favorite! I knew it
Wanda: you're everyone's favorite
Nat: I doubt they are Kate's favorite
Yelena: Seriously?!
Peter: Ms. Romanoff there's a line. a boundary and youve crossed it so many times tonight
Bucky: nat..maybe you should just chill out
Cassie: Maybe it's okay if Nat is correct
Toy: oh..
Kate: They are and always will be my favorite.
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kitmoas · 9 months
what part of what happened hurt each of you the most? (nat no being snarky)
Wanda: Aht. No one answer this, I don't even believe they all know the full story yet. One day they will, but today is not the day.
Nat: Aww cmon don't take away my fun. I can tell everyone why I'm being sooo snarky as they all say
Kate: For once in your life listen to someone, my god
Toy: I think everyone needs to just chill
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kitmoas · 9 months
Is something going on with Toy and Cassie? 🤔
*Both Cassie and Toy look away, playing with their fingers or the mics*
Kate: Yea Cassie, what's going on? Hmmm? Friend?
Cassie: I-
Kate: What are your feelings and thoughts? Hmmm Buddy?
Peter: Kate chill
Kate: No everyone else is being honest and free, let's let Cassie
Cassie: I haven't lied!
Kate: But you haven't been honest, and thats what this panel is about isnt? Isnt that what everyone has been saying. So spill Lang be fucking honest.
Toy: NOTHING. God Kate, back off. I would have told you if there was something happening with your teammate.... I promise, I would never do that to you. ever.
Wanda: Maybe you aren't the only one with issues, Nat
Nat: Told ya
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kitmoas · 9 months
Nat, you say you're just being yourself but you've never been like this. I can see you're hurting, but please don't lash out? That's not going to make you feel better like you think it is. Survival and coping mechanisms are important but not when they're actively hurting yourself in the process. I know you, this isn't you. This is hurting you.
Nat: What the fuck would you know about me? Do you know me? Nah, you don't so why don't you just head out. You don't know me or what I'm going through so every one needs to settle the fuck down and back off.
Yelena: they were being nice
Nat: Why are you on their side? Huh? You're my sister. Stay on my fucking side
Yelena: You're pushing everyone away, including me.
Nat: Youre my fucking sister. Mine. I would never push you away.
Wanda: This is exhibit 2000.
Kate: My god she's an angry old lady
Toy: Kattttte don't instigate
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kitmoas · 9 months
Natasha, can you be chill long enough for the Q&A to take place, please? Seeing yall fight makes me sad.
Wanda, what is the coolest thing you've learned since spending time with your fellow witch, Agatha? Any super cool new spells? Asking for a friend.
Me.. I'm the friend.
Nat: I'm being chill, it's every one else who can't chill
Kate: You've literally been uprooting this entire panel!
Toy: I mean everyone keeps getting loud and angry
Kate: ...I'm sorry
Wanda: Honestly this is just how it is now, and people should get used to it. I don't like it but I had to work and fix myself before coming and judging other people.
Agatha: Wanda, focus my dear
Wanda: Oh right, well a good witch never reveals her secrets
Agatha: That's quite correct
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kitmoas · 9 months
nat can you stop being a bitch and just answer peoples questions? i know you’re angry but you’re being unfair on everyone
Nat: I thought this was about being real and truthful for you guys to see who we are?
Wanda: it is but you can still be chill
Kate: Yea, you don’t have to be yellin
Yelena: You do not need have to freak out over every answer
Cassie: Keep the vibes for people who still like you
Kate: That funny of you to say
Cassie: You literally worship a man with a bow
Kate: You worship a fucking bug
Nat: See, we’re all fucked up
Toy: I think it’s okay to show we’re mad, the situation isn’t great so we can’t be great
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kitmoas · 9 months
I was gonna ask what would happen if someone kidnapped toy or something was to happen but then I completely knew what happen to all of you but me the you can still answer pretty please
And I love all of you! 🥰🧡
yelena: I would save them
Malik: Nah I would
Yelena: OH PLEASE a lower level agent like you could never
Malik: The fuck you just call me
Yelena: Baby. Agent.
Malik: I could easily take you and your whole lil agency on
Yelena: You would not be able to touch even the youngest of widows
Toy: ....
Kate: No one would touch them.
Peter: Young Avengers would take care of that
Toy: ...
Nat: That's not our job anymore Kate
Kate: I know.
Wanda: It's funny that you think any of you would be needed to keep them safe.
Toy: ....
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kitmoas · 9 months
oo I forgot to go on anon for the ask- I meant to put 🦜
Tumblr media
Toy: Okay, seriously? This name again? Who is Kit? It's been how long since our last one and no one can tell us who Kit is?
Kate: I like skittles, the sour ones
Peter: OH yea or the lime skittle is the best skittle
Yelena: A classic Twix bar
Cassie: Twix is the best but I like the variations of Twix more
Toy: Kit Kats! Is that who the parrot is talking about? I love kit kats, and all the variations of it
Wanda: Dark Chocolate Truffles
Nat: Okay high maintenance
Wanda: Seriously? It's just my answer
Val: I like Truffles, they are quite good on Earth
Nat: You and the actual royalty have the same favorite candy
Wanda: Can you just stop?
Agatha: Yes Natalia dear, truffles are good. Embrace them
Nat: The creepy evil witch part 2
Bucky: I like chocolate, next question
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kitmoas · 9 months
it’s time to move on Kate toy wasn’t ever good for you
*Both Toy and Kate just gulp, looking around awkwardly*
Peter: You know what is really fun to talk about, the new hunger games movie! Has anyone seen it?
Yelena: The one with the winter man?
Wanda: Toy isn’t bad. Okay? Let’s be real at the end of the day none of this falls on toy or Kate. It falls on me and Nat.
Nat: what the fuck?
Wanda: shut up
Nat: how the fuck does this fall on us? It’s their failure of an engagement that fucked everything up, not us.
Yelena: enough Nat. Seriously.
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