enaasteria · 5 years
Emotions often caught us abruptly and that's okay! It's really okay if you feel certain feelings towards Sehun when you couldn't help to control your emotions. Please don't say it's stupid and feel sorry for venting out. As long as you didn't bash him or something, I don't think Sehun will ever be mad about it. He'll probably sympathize with you. Hehe I hope you are well, always.
You’re right and I def wouldn’t ever bash him. It’s something that I found really disappointing and all of this is doing is making me want to write something really angst tbh LMAO. Or like use my frustrations and write a sequel to Red fic. But I’ll get through it---like I said, it’s something I already knew about him. It’s just hearing it just makes my heart break. 
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yeoldotcom · 5 years
HUHU I love your fake texts soooooo much. They're so cute and perfect and made my hearts goes 💕💖💞💖💕💞💖
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moonlightjongin · 5 years
Oh! Rescind! I see you just posted the prologue here. Didn't you have posted two chapters in aff? Anyway, I'm really excited and looking forward to read more of Rescind. I'm a fan! 😳🥰
There’s a few chapters on AFF, yes ^^ but I’ll be editing them a bit for tumblr, because there are aspects I’m not that happy with rn. I’m excited for you to read more too!! Hope you’ll enjoy darling ♡♡
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quokkacore · 4 years
liberality: starshine (sehun's chapter) is now up!! sorry for announcing it half an hour later, i was busy studying :') (to those of you who were already on the taglist on my previous blog, this isnt a new chapter, just a repost)
taglist: @fabulousbyun @thalasoophilia @thegoodthebadandtheempty @always-wishing-for-rain @smolpeyy @chanyeolol @softly-savage-mint-yoongi @dyoongsoo @lucy-hime-sama @selfproducingfanfictionauthor
if you would like to be added to the taglist, send me a message or an ask!
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
Chapter 6: Baëkhyun
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Sehûn smiled triumphantly as he took aim, arm pulling back when a sudden flash of bright light engulfed the room. You covered your eyes instinctively, the blinding radiance of light visible even behind your eyelids.
And as soon as it came, the light was gone.
Lowering your arms, you hoped that it was another hidden bit of magic that your keys had. All of the blood drained from your face once you realized who it was.
Obsession Masterlist
Trigger warning: Mentions of blood
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Baekhyun’s lips formed an amused smile, even as his head tilted slightly to the side. “Baëkhyun,” he corrected, voice low and smooth as velvet. “Although your pronunciation is almost correct.”
Sehûn was gone, and you were no longer in the room filled with windows. This room was the complete opposite ⁠— no windows in sight, the walls obsidian black. The only door stood at the other side of the room, right behind Baëkhyun. You peered down at your necklace for reassurance, eyes widening when you saw what you stood on. Beneath your feet, the flooring was made of... ice?
Noticing what you were staring at, Baëkhyun followed your gaze with a proud grin. “Beautiful, isn’t it? It’s made of my light. Regular glass tiles, add a little magic light and you get a floor that brightens up the room. But,” Baëkhyun’s voice dropped. “I didn’t bring you here to discuss interior design.”
You gulped, Baëkhyun’s light blue eyes hardening. He wore a thin chain on his face, draped over his nose while the ends disappeared behind his ears. In his hand were two swords, the light from the floor morphing the dull-colored metal and highlighting the sharp blades.
“You know, it’s sort of funny how long you’ve lasted. Chanyeøl was furious when he heard that Suhø wanted to keep you as one of our own. But I have to agree with Suhø, I think he’s right. Our dear leader usually is.”
Baëkhyun switched one of the swords to his other hand, flipping it in the air and catching it easily, in no danger at all of accidentally catching it on the blade. “None of the others from your realm have lasted nearly as long, and they definitely weren’t nearly as interesting as you.” A haunting smile appeared on his face. “And oh, how I’ve missed playing games.”
Oh no. You didn’t miss how Baëkhyun’s hands tightened their grip around the sword handles.
“I’ll make a deal with you, because I like you so much. If you can beat me in a game of my choosing, I will let you walk free, even escort you to the door. But if you lose,” Baëkhyun’s smile disappeared. “Then you must give up ownership of the keys to me, and you’ll basically be at our mercy. My brothers and I, that is.”
Even as you stood practically trembling jn your boots, it was hard to keep your curiosity at bay. “Suhø mentioned that too,” you spoke up. “Giving up ownership of my keys? You mean handing them over?” You were confused ⁠— even if they had the keys, they wouldn’t be able to use them. Hadn’t they already learned?
“No,” Baëkhyun said, a look of mock pity on his face. “Your keys have magic, we have magic. You, lost Gatekeeper, have some of your own. Because the keys are tied to you, they use some of your unique magic. They’re attached to you,” he clarified.
“If you wished, you could sever the magic connection between you and your dear keys. The same would happen if we were to kill you. That’s also part of the reason why Chanyeøl is so pissed that Suhø stepped in. Arguably, we’d have the keys already if he had just let you burn, but Suhø has a thing about not wasting resources.” Baëkhyun rolled his eyes with a wry smile.
Your heart rate quickened as you realized what Baëkhyun was saying. Either way, they would gain control of your keys ⁠— whether you were dead or alive. The choice was up to you.
“So,” Baëkhyun spoke up, grabbing your attention. “What’s your choice? I promise to go easy on you.” He let out a small laugh, both of you knowing that the opposite was true.
It all boiled down to how you wanted to lose ⁠— stay alive but betray your home, or die and practically hand your enemies the key to their victory. But if you did play against Baëkhyun, and you actually won, you’d be free. There was no guarantee that he would honor his promise if you won, but still... You couldn’t possibly ignore a chance like that, no matter how slim it was.
“Okay,” you said aloud. “What’s the game?”
Baëkhyun’s grin turned mischievous, his face so much like your own Baekhyun that it hurt your heart a little to even look at him. “Swordfighting,” he announced. “First one to get close to the neck wins. And to even the playing field,” Baëkhyun removed the chain from his face, throwing it to the side. “There. No magical powers of mine for you to worry about,” he crooned in a sugar-sweet voice.
Interesting. You hadn’t even known that their magic relied on a physical object, much like your own.
He dropped one sword to the floor, kicking it over to you. With trembling hands, you picked it up, taken aback by how heavy it was. You had never trained with a sword ⁠— the weapons were considered ancient in your universe.
Baëkhyun waited until you were ready, a bloodthirsty look in his eye. Once you had the sword ready in both hands, he dashed forward, aiming for your chest.
You moved to the side, avoiding the attack and backing up before he could strike again. Baëkhyun was swift, easily holding the sword like it weighed nothing.
Clearly, he was an expert.
You noticed how he tried to keep you away from the door, shepherding you further back into the room with a quick swipe of his sword whenever it seemed like you were getting too close to his side of the room. Unluckily for you, this meant that he was pushing you closer and closer to the wall behind you.
At this point, you were evading his attacks rather than taking the offensive. Your keys swung wildly as you ducked and moved out of the way, falling back against your chest.
The keys. They couldn’t touch them, and even if they did, the keys were like poison to them.
Your mind flashed back to Kāi, how he had reacted as soon as the keys made contact with his skin.
In a lapse of focus, Baëkhyun’s sword managed to swipe against your arm, cutting through sleeve and skin as you hissed in pain.
“Pay attention. It’s no fun when my opponent is spacing out,” he taunted.
Now impaired and struggling even more with your sword, Baëkhyun was getting closer and closer to winning. He rushed forward, pushing you into a corner as the tip of his blade pressed against your stomach.
He lowered his sword as he leaned in, barely out of breath as he smirked down at you. “You made this too easy for me. I was hoping you had more fight in you.” Baëkhyun’s face hovered over yours as he raised his sword, just about to press it to your throat.
This was your only chance.
You dropped your sword onto the floor, ignoring how it clattered loudly as you reached for your keys, wielding them firmly in one hand. Wasting no time, you reached up and slashed Baëkhyun across the face, watching as foul, dark blood immediately spilled from the cut. 
Baëkhyun backed away, howling in agony and unbridled rage as he brought his hands to his face. The cut had gone straight across, marring his perfect features. Some of his blood had splattered onto your face and shirt, but you had other things to worry about.
There was no time to lose.
You sprinted past, dodging away when he reached out to grab onto you. The keys began to heat up, much like they did whenever you approached the doors in the Realm of Gateways.
Was the exit close by?
Your hand fumbled with the doorknob, sweat and nerves making it difficult to turn it easily. It was then that you realized that you were locked in, the door refusing to open up no matter how hard you jiggled the doorknob.
You were crying, on the verge of hyperventilating. It was too much, too much for any person to go through. How could this happen to you?
A shadow appeared from behind, growing larger and larger as the figure approached. You only realized until it was too late, spinning around to see Baëkhyun hit you on the side of the head with the blunt of his sword.
You fell to the floor, body lifeless as you blacked out for what felt like the millionth time.
“Fuck, not again,” you managed to think to yourself before your eyelids closed.
Baëkhyun stood over you, chest heaving up and down. He was absolutely filthy, face and shirt covered in the grotesque black blood, but he didn’t even notice.
“Did you see that, Chën?” he asked, looking up and towards a corner of the room. A tiny camera was set up there, red light blinking back at Baëkhyun.
“You’re in for a treat.”
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A/N: I had this posted already but when I went on tumblr mobile to fix the tags cause they weren’t showing up, all the text got erased??? so I apologize in advance if there’s any typos, this is almost exactly from what I copied from where I emailed my first draft to myself, and I was like frantically editing it right now so I can just post this and go grocery shopping LOL
Tag list: @thalasoophilia​, @skjdln​, @trishmarieco​, @jongin-be-my-jagi​, @violentcosmicsymphony
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
The Masquerade [Chapter 10]
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All members; EXO
Genre: Mystery, horror, choose your own adventure
Warnings: Violence, blood, language, character death
Summary: What started as a fun Halloween masquerade turns out to be much darker than you thought. With all these masks, how do you know who is friend and who is foe?
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Invitation│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11
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You have decided to—
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The scream pierces your soul, giving you the unbearable urge to tear your ears off.
Blood spills across the bricked floor, seeping into the cracks, filling every nook and cranny. You watch in absolute horror as Kyungsoo pulls the knife out, slamming it back in, another excruciating scream being ripped out.
His hand is covered in blood, his whole body shaking. He doesn’t pull the knife back out this time, sobbing and begging. “I-I can’t do it. Please don’t make me do it...please...”
He’s losing too much blood. You can see how pale his skin is, his eyes dimming as he begins to lose consciousness. 
You sink your teeth into your lip, panic beginning to erupt inside you. He will die like this. All he did was make two holes in his hand, not actually cutting it off and he will certainly die like this. 
“Hold him down.” Your voice comes out stern as you make your way over to him. Chanyeol is frozen in place, eyes wide, but the others manage to snap themselves out of their horror, moving to hold Kyungsoo down.
He doesn’t put up a fight. He’s almost out. Now’s the best time to do it.
You grab the knife, tucking it between his fingers before you hold his hand. You’re not sure if this is against the rules, but you don’t care anymore. You raise his hand up, your eyes glued onto his wrist, the spot where you think his bones meet.
You slam the knife down, and he screams. 
He begins to fight now, kicking and begging and saying that it hurts, it fucking hurts please stop—
But you do it again.
I ’ m     d o i n g     t h i s     f o r     y o u.
You slam the knife down onto his wrist (hopefully at the same spot, it’s too bloody to really tell), always praying the next one will finally dismember him. He’s gone completely still by this point. You’re scared he’s not breathing anymore.
This fucking knife isn’t enough. You have to saw through his flesh and bones—the bones are the biggest problem.
You slam the knife down again, his hand and yours slick with blood so you have to reposition the knife every so often. When you hear a crack, exhilaration and hope fills you.
Almost there, almost there. You chant in your mind, seeing the white of his bone, the bone marrow and finally, you cut off the remaining flesh and skin that still keeps his hand on.
His wound is bleeding profusely, so with newfound strength in your body fueled by adrenaline, you rip your shirt and tie the cloth tightly around his wound. Please let that be enough for now.
“We have to move.” You bark out. “Someone carry him.”
Chanyeol help Kyungsoo onto Minseok’s shoulder as you break into a run towards the door. 
Please be open please be open please—
It’s still locked.
You slam your fist onto the iron door, screaming at the ceiling with all the pent up frustration, anger and sorrow you’ve accumulated. “K! We did what you asked! Open the fucking door!”
“I said he should cut off his own hand.” K answers. “But you helped.”
You grit your teeth, knowing she wouldn’t allow it— “He did cut off his own hand. I never touched his wound. He did it himself.”
Please, oh please just open the fucking door please please please—
“Alright.” You’re surprised by her answer. You never thought she would so easily agree with you, turn a blind eye. You hear the click of the door unlocking and you yank it open, gesturing for the others to hurry after you.
Lamps in the previous dark hallway lights up as you move by them, probably motion sensitive. You’re grateful it isn’t fully pitch black.
Dread pools in your stomach when you’re close to the end. Another door. Another. Fucking. Door.
You pull on it. Locked, again.
You feel so tired. So, so tired. Kyungsoo is bleeding out and everyone else is exhausted too, and so scared. You press your forehead against the icy metal of the door. “What now?”
“This is the last door.” K’s voice sounds so much closer now, right next to your ear. You can almost feel her breathing down your neck. “You will be out of the mansion after this door, and I will no longer have control over you.”
“The catch?” Jongin whispers.
“The catch,” K repeats, “is that all of you will die unless you can guess who I am.
I am talking to you,     d e a r     r e a d e r .
Now, it’s time for the final vote. Will they die, or will they live? It all depends on you.”
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Who is K? Send your votes in!
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Chapter 9 Vote Results:
Kill Chanyeol: 1
Cut off Kyungsoo’s hand: 6
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Previous Chapter│Next Chapter
The Masquerade Mini Masterlist
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A/N: Almosttttt there :)))
Tagged: @always-wishing-for-rain @fairyyeols @yehettomyheart @foreverloey @trishmarieco @writingstuffandmore @thalasoophilia @ilovexiu @twentyfifththought @guardians-of-exo @hour127 @chensuggababy @wylke @dear-fake-diary @meryljill-111192 @pastel-kpop @baek-byunies @basic-cupcake @serenityxbecca​
Tell me if you want to be tagged!
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hyunnie-bunches · 5 years
Bloodsuckers VIII
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Genre: Supernatural AU, some solid angst, maybe a smidge of fluff?
Pairing: Vampire!Baekhyun x Vampire!Reader
Word Count: 1283
A/N: I cannot believe I’ve updated three days in a row. I blame the EXO comeback, it’s put me in my Baekhyun feels. This is the first chapter that attempts to explain some of the questions that the previous parts have raised so I would love love love any and all feedback. 
Tags: @marimsun , @thalasoophilia  (Let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates of this story!)
Baekhyun is moving before Chanyeol is even out of the door. I rush after him as he dumps our few possessions into a bag to take on the road.
“Baekhyun…Baekhyun, wait!” I grab his arm to get him to pay attention to me. “Will you stop for a second?” His eyes are distance, face closed off. I can see the thoughts churning in his head.
“Baekhyun…” I squeeze his arm tighter and his unseeing eyes snap to mine.
“Hmm?” He hums, as though he hadn’t heard a word I’d said.
“What is going on? Who is Chanyeol? Why was he here?” The questions come tumbling out.
“I…It’s a complicated story, Y/N. Now is not the time-“ He turns again, trying to shake me off.
“It’s never going to be the right time,” I say, surprising myself by the firmness of my tone. “I get it. You don’t want to talk about your past. And that’s fine. But if there is a threat right now, then it isn’t just about you anymore. It is both of our problem and I need to know what we’re up against.”
Baekhyun's eyes flick between my own as he debates with himself on whether or not to tell me. Sensing his hesitation, I try again. “Please. I’m on your side.”
I see the decision form in his mind as his gaze hardens. He moves to take a seat on the couch, and I let him. Following close behind, I sit beside him.
“I suppose-“ He starts. “I suppose I should start at the beginning - the day I turned.”
“It was my college graduation night. A bunch of my friends and I had gone out bar hopping and I may have indulged a bit too much.” His voice is neutral. Too neutral. Like he is reciting the story of someone else’s life. “I found myself walking back home alone too late at night — my friends had all taken cabs but I lived close enough that I wanted to walk — and I think I took a few wrong turns. Anyway, I ended up lost and in a dark alley. And I was attacked. I was still too out of it to realize what was happening but I remember the feeling of pinpricks at the skin of my neck and then the slash against my leg that made me fall. They didn’t want me to leave. I remember trying to get up and stumbling and then someone had snapped my neck and…”
He didn’t have to continue. I remembered the pain just as well as he did.
His eyes seem lost in the past and I reach to lay my hand over his. He looks at me and his gaze refocuses. He gulps once before continuing.
“They were running some sort of operation.” He elaborates. “Trying to turn as many people as possible. Make some sort of an army. When I woke up I was in a cell with a bunch of others. They would leave corpses every morning and night and we would have to fight each other to feed.” Baekhyun closes his eyes. Nausea roils in my stomach. To be in such an environment with the heightened emotions of a new vampire - I couldn’t even imagine it.
“Chanyeol…He was one of the other fledglings. Somehow, we formed a type of…alliance. I don’t know how it happened, I barely remember anything from that time period. But one day, we just started helping each other out. It wasn’t anything like a real human connection - but it was the closest thing to friendship we could get in a place like that.”
“We started with almost 30. Only about 10 of us survived. We all had the same sire. They were using vials of his saliva to turn people. He wanted loyalty. And this was the easiest way to ensure it.”
“His name was Kris. I remember the first time I saw him. I was still young enough that I felt the draw, the need to please him, the need to be near him.” He swallows again.
“I did some pretty horrible things under him. Turned a whole bunch of people. Or tried to, most of them died. He trained me. Trained us all. It was brutal. He had all these…ideas…about making us ‘stronger’. He would put us through the worst kinds of torture imaginable. He always said there was no place for weakness in his army. If we were going to break, he’d rather we did so in circumstances controlled by him than in some critical situation. It was so fucked up, but we all followed him anyway because we loved him - we didn’t know how not to love him.”
”He would always tell me I was his favorite. He would take me to his office and say that he was grooming me to be his second in command.” He pauses, and his voice is a lot softer when he starts again, “I think he did it with everyone. Made them feel special so they would commit to his cause. He wanted a world of supernatural domination. He wanted to end the ‘era of humanity’. That’s what he called it. Like it was some relic from the past. Like it would be erased soon enough. It was so hard to not be caught up in his words.”
He pauses and I can see his chest moving. I focus on that while he reaches for the right words to continue.
It takes him a while to start up again. “There was a raid on our bunker. I have no idea who it was or how they knew about us. There was a bomb blast and I was knocked out. When I came too, the others had left already. I was weak and drained and by the time I fed, it had been too late to track them. I wandered for months-” His voice cracks. “-looking for them. Looking for him. But I couldn’t find them. The pain of being away from him - it was unfathomable. I felt lost. I wanted to die.” He pauses again, and I notice that he’s breathing much harder now. “That was the worst I have ever felt. But the feeling faded. Kris sired new fledglings and that weakened our bond. The distance weakened our bond. Siring you weakened it even further.” He pauses to take a deep breath as if willing himself back to the present.
“I’m sorry,” I say quietly, “that you had to go through that”
He gives me a rueful smile. “I got out. You should be sorry for the unlucky bastards still serving him.” His eyes darkened again, no doubt thinking of his friend who was still under the control of this monster.
“Last I had heard,” he starts up again, “Kris was in Europe. I thought I was finally free of him for good. But it seems like he’s back.” He looks at me then and there is an intensity in his eyes that takes me by surprise. “And I will do anything to stop him from getting to us - to you.” I ignore the way his words cause a warmth to spread across my body and instead just give him a small nod.
“So we run. We make sure he doesn’t find us. And if he does, we face him. We fight.” I move the hand that is still resting atop his and intertwine our fingers and his gaze follows the action. “We deal with him together.”
He is still looking at our joined hands when he speaks again, the words sounding more like a reassurance to himself than a confirmation to me.
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For ask numbers: 1, 3, 11, 14, 21! I'm starting your cheesy love note by complimenting your user. Ok, dumb I know but your user gets me every time. Like I always hear it in Mark's voice it never fails. You've inspired me to unleash my inner hoe and I'm sure I'm not just speaking for myself! 😍😏
Okay this might be long, just a warning:
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
For EXO: Dirty Sinner, His Sunrise (this one is more recent but it’s still one of my faves cause I really enjoyed writing it despite it not being smut)
For NCT: Ruined because I really like how the plot worked out
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Because it’s iconic, it’s literally my beginning on tumblr, and the responses/reactions I got to it on ig still makes me grin: “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Deliciously.” From Forgive Me Father (NCT) 
A lot of lines and scenes from Playing With Fire (EXO), one of which is: Was it just a petty vengeance to bruise him, to taint his perfect body with the same reflections of those purple flowers that his beautiful lips always painted on your skin that you were never allowed to reciprocate and to ruin him the same way that he'd ruined you, to release all the frustration that you'd never gotten a moment to yell aloud since you'd upped and left all those months ago without even a confrontation? Or was it mere lust fogging your senses into giving him the best angry fuck of his life so that when he looked in the mirror tomorrow morning, he'd see the souveniors and remember you, in this moment, right now?
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Nctzens, maybe because I only started writing for EXO later into this year but the responses and feedback I got from czennies <<< exols. Hence why I’m focusing on exo content lately--that, and the comeback
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Building Chemistry! Xiaojun was never on my list of members to write for but I got a request and did it, and it surprisingly became one of my top posts (which I don’t get cause it honestly seems vvv average to me)
21. most memorable comment/review
Okay so this: 
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@thalasoophilia comment on Shut Me Up (EXO) wrecked me to a million pieces in the best possible way and whenever I feel demotivated or like quitting from writing on tumblr because of lack of responses that makes me think my work is shit (which has been happening a lot), I reread this and it honestly keeps me going. Hence, the screenshot that I have saved in my phone.
And on that note, to all the readers who reblog works with tags, I freaking LOVE y’all, y’all are the real mvps istg--every writer on here reads and appreciates every single one of those tags and smiles, I promise you, KEEP THE TAGS COMING Y’ALL
And as for LovelyLin, it’s such an honour to hear that esp since I know as I was an inspired hoe myself! 🤧 We never interacted as much as I wish we did but for whatever little we did, I am so thankful and grateful! You’ve honestly been someone who’s liked and silently supported me since the beginning and whenever I see your name in my notifs, it makes me smile so thank you so much! 💕
Cheers to another year of being lovely moots, endlessly loving and supporting each other, ily LovelyLin 🥂💕
Send in fanfic asks!
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clevernewdimension · 5 years
thalasoophilia reblogged your post and added:
How come I only found this story a day old?!?!?! I...
So many types and they are the bane of my existence. Especially with Dyslexia, but I try to go back and fix them every now and then. I really need to get a better proof reading program because google drive isn’t cutting it anymore sadly. Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the twist and I’m sorry for your loss of sleep! You’re too kind :) The notes don’t matter as long as there’s at least one person out there who’s enjoying it! I write for fun, so to see anyone even read it means a lot to me! Also, I’ll try to remember to tag you, but I am very forgetful so I apologize in advance if I forget.
0 notes
enaasteria · 6 years
HELLO ENA! It's me sereinish but with new account jajaja. First of all, thank you so much for updating Keepers (god knows how I wanted to have closure with this storyㅠㅠ) I was expecting more angst from it but I can't complain cause you still write those beautifully. Somehow you still left open ending, but I (an acute angst sucker) see the ending as OC died in Sehun's arms :') idk if it's the opposite but I see it that way😂💀 have a nice day, Ena!💞
AHHH!!! I loved reading your tags!!! Honestly—when I saw it in my notifications, I was crying and smiling and grinning and my heart was sobbing happy tears. I loved the tags and comments. Thank you so much for loving the stories!
OH GIRL. For Keepers—I was really battling in my head/heart for the more angst version. I had two versions for it. But since I connected Keepers to Apartment 5108, I went with the slightly happier ending so the connection stays in tact. 
My original ending went something like this:
I wanted Sehun to still be oblivious to the fact that the OC was his soulmate. OC would tell Sehun what Myungsoo told her to do. How Myungsoo told OC to run to Sehun and tell him exactly who she is to him—that they’re a match. That they’re supposed to be together.
“You should’ve gone to him. You should’ve ran to him.” Sehun grimaces and I’m unsure if it’s from seeing me like this or if it’s because his heart is breaking just as mine has long ago.
I breathe out one last smile with the memory of when I first met him—how my eyes saw the line of our red string flow from one hand to the other and how my legs drew me over to him by the will of its own. Because I did as he wanted. I went to him each and every time.
And as I look over to Sehun, I etch into memory every small detail of the man I love. My fingers trail up to the edge of his face, sensing the warmth of what could’ve been and hear my final words echo into the air between us. “But I did Sehun. I did run to you.”
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fairyshuuu · 5 years
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ocean and kyungsoo for @thalasoophilia
send me a kpop boy and i’ll make you a moodboard
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quokkacore · 4 years
greed: moonlight [sehün's chapter] is out now!!! to those of you who were already on the taglist, this is a repost since i moved to this blog, no "new" chapter for now at least :P
@fabulousbyun @thalasoophilia @thegoodthebadandtheempty @always-wishing-for-rain @smolpeyy @chanyeolol @softly-savage-mint-yoongi @dyoongsoo @lucy-hime-sama @selfproducingfanfictionauthor
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
Chapter 2: Kāi
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You had only taken one step before you blacked out, body falling to the floor. The being, this monster that you had been mistaken in calling Jongin, swept you up into his arms with a triumphant smirk on his face.
He glanced down at the keys on your necklace, iridescent even in these pitch-black surroundings, eyes full of greed.
And in a burst of smoke — both of you were gone.
Obsession Masterlist
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When you awoke, everything was still dark. You could feel fabric covering your eyes, a knot tied at the back of your head. The rest of your body was restrained to a chair, arms tied behind your back and legs held in place by ropes twining around the chair legs. Strands of hair kept brushing against your face, soft gusts of wind pushing and pulling at them. It was easy to deduce that you were outside.
Good. The more clues you could gather, the better likelihood you had of being able to find a way out of this mess.
You tried pulling against the restraints, wincing in pain when your arm pulled too far, muscles screaming out in agony. Resigning yourself to your fate, you tried to stay calm so that you could piece together where you had been taken, and how to escape.
A sudden popping by your ear had you jumping in surprise, a low snickering heard from behind.
“You’re awake,” Jongin — no, the monster said.
The blindfold was dragged off of your head, the sudden exposure to the sunlight rendering you blind for a few seconds. Once your eyes began to focus, you were distraught to find that you were surrounded by old, dying weeds. As far as you could tell, you were being held captive in an abandoned field. Even at the edge of the horizon, there were no traces of any other living being, the landscape barren and empty of life.
You tried to look over your shoulder, to look your kidnapper in the eye. Seeing what you were trying to do, the man sauntered over lazily until he was standing right in front of you. Your eyes widened upon first glance — he looked so much like Jongin, and yet nothing like him at all. He was dressed in various articles of leather clothing, his midriff exposed to the chilly air. What was more shocking were his eyes, both different from each other. One was of such a light blue that it almost appeared to be completely white, while the other was a deep turquoise.
The man raised an eyebrow, one side of his lips curling upwards. “Like what you see?”
“Where have you taken me?” you countered, refusing to give him any more control. “As a Gatekeeper of the Realm of Gateways, I demand that you let me go.”
Not-Jongin let out a bark of laughter, shaking his head. “It is because you are one of the famed Gatekeepers that my brothers and I have brought you here. For those, specifically.” He lifted a ring-adorned finger to point at your necklace, the two keys resting against your skin. “We have felt the change in the air, the shift of magic from one owner to another. Clearly, you are new to your job.” 
Scowling, you ignored his last sentence. “You have no magic. Even if I was crazy enough to hand them over to you, you wouldn’t be able to use them.”
Your captor smiled that smug grin once before he disappeared in a puff of smoke, reappearing directly in front of you not even a second later. He leaned in until you were able to feel his breaths against your face, much like when you were trapped in the darkness.
“You’re wrong there. Our magic may manifest differently, but it is still magic nonetheless.” He sighed dramatically, fake remorse in his voice as his eyes traced over your neck. “If you won’t hand them over, I suppose we’ll have to kill you for the keys.”
Suddenly, his hand shot out, fingers reaching out for your necklace. Right before he could touch the keys, his hand recoiled like it had been burnt.
Furrowing his eyebrows in frustration, he tried again, only to be met with the same results. You were just as stunned — for some reason, he couldn’t even physically touch the keys. A small bud of relief began to bloom, and you were thankful for this unexpected turn of events.
The man growled, stepping back and running his hands through his teal hair as he muttered to himself. He was back in another flash of smoke, this time appearing with his hand directly on top of the keys. But as soon as he made contact, he shrieked in pain, pulling his hand back and cradling it to his chest.
You were stunned to see his fingers blacken, the veins on his hand turning a sickly purple as they traveled up his arm before slowing at his wrist. The strange, poison-like substance continued to make its way upwards at a snail’s pace. Alternate Jongin spat out a slew of curses as he glared from his hand to where you were seated.
“What have you done to me?” he hissed, venom twisting his words.
“It doesn’t matter what you try, the keys will never be yours. Worse things will happen if you try that again.” You were bluffing — the keys were forged from the most ancient of magic, but never had you heard of events like these happening. But then again, a Gatekeeper had never been in a situation like this.
You tried to make eye-contact with him, even as he stood there clutching his hand to him, chest heaving and sweat forming on his forehead as the purple trails climbed up his body . “Jongin, please. You need to let me go. Once I leave this universe, your injuries will disappear.” You were absolutely lying out of your ass, but at this point you would say anything if it meant you would have a safe way out.
“Liar,” he roared back, breathing growing more uneven as he stared at you with wild eyes. “Don’t call me by that name. No one calls me by that name anymore,” he added, a grunt cutting off his words as he fell to the floor.
You couldn’t see how far the poison had gotten, long sleeves covering his arms, but it was clear to both of you that things wouldn’t get better for him anytime soon.
Wincing in agony, alternate Jongin struggled to push himself up, his eyes darkening as he stared at you. In a blink of an eye he was gone, reappearing in front of you. One knee was propped up on the floor, and he leaned the majority of his weight against it.
“You’re going to pay for this,” he huffed out, skin taking on an ashy pallor. “I may not have been able to take the keys, but my brothers will have better luck. You’re going to regret stepping foot into our world.”
He didn’t have to say it twice — you were absolutely kicking your past self for making such a spur of the moment decision.
“One way or another, we will get those keys. No matter what it takes.”
Before you could even fight back, he was reaching out, a hand running down over your eyes and forcing you into slumber.
Alternate Jongin let out a cry of pain as he collapsed onto the floor. It was difficult to even keep his eyes open, and he was so close to just giving in and letting the poison take over.
He mustered up enough energy to teleport one last time, disappearing from the field in a burst of gray smoke.
Now, unconscious and held captive, you were truly alone with no one around to help you.
You were on your own.
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A/N: As always, send in an ask or message if you have any questions! Y/N’s keys are more special than we expected 👀
Tag list: @thalasoophilia, @skjdln, @trishmarieco​, @jongin-be-my-jagi​
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
The Masquerade [Chapter 9]
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All members; EXO
Genre: Mystery, horror, choose your own adventure
Warnings: Violence, blood, language, character death
Summary: What started as a fun Halloween masquerade turns out to be much darker than you thought. With all these masks, how do you know who is friend and who is foe?
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Invitation│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11
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You decide to revisit the library.
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Your hands are shaking. Your breathing comes out ragged. You can only hear your pants, the sound ringing in your ears.
It takes you an eternity to lift your head from Junmyeon’s body to look at the others. Their eyes make you feel small, make you feel like a—
a     m o n s t e r.
Your first thought is to apologize. To beg for forgiveness, as if you deserve it, to deny what you did and play the victim.
The words almost slip out. The tears would’ve come so easily. You’re suddenly so glad your mask conceals your expression.
But your mouth stays shut.
You breathe in and out a few times, trying to ignore the smell of iron.
When you open your mouth, your voice is deathly calm. “Let’s check the library again. I have a feeling there’s something there.”
No one says a word, but they follow when you move. You lead them back up the stairs, to the big oak double-doors of the library.
Pushing it open, your body knows exactly where to go. You reach for the old, worn down spine of a book like you’ve done this before. You pull at it, not even reacting when the shelf moves to the side, revealing a set of staircases even as the others gasp behind you.
“I’ll go down first.” You say, not even feeling scared anymore. You step into the darkness, a hand on the wall to keep yourself from falling. Your eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, their footsteps echoing behind you. When you finally get to the bottom, lamps turn on, illuminating the room.
It looks like a dungeon of some sort. Or perhaps a wine cellar. You’re not sure. There isn’t much to see. You simply stand in a circular bricked room, lamps spaced out evenly on the wall to light up the room.
In front of you is a large, iron door. You don’t need to touch it to know it’s locked.
“W-What is this place?” Yixing asks quietly, voice trembling slightly.
“My guess is that that door is the way out.”  Minseok says.
“You’re correct!” K says, her voice ringing in the small space and making your head spin. “This door will lead to freedom.”
“But?” Chanyeol asks, sounding so, so tired. As tired as you feel.
“But,” K drawls, “everything comes with a price, like I said before.”
“What do you want?” Kyungsoo growls, hands clenched tightly into fists. “What more do you want from us?”
“Let’s see.” K hums. “The next person with the mission...will be you, Do Kyungsoo.”
His face pales. His usually strong and calm demeanor seems to vanish in an instant. It takes him a long while before he finds his voice again, whispering, “What do I have to do?”
“Kill Chanyeol.” She says much too lightly. “There’s a knife under the tile of the last stair. Or,” she continues coyly, “cut off your hand, and Chanyeol can live.”
This is absurd! You want to yell, swirling to stare at Kyungsoo and Chanyeol who have both gone as pale as a black sheet of paper. They glance at each other, gulping.
What will Kyungsoo do? You can’t imagine being in his shoes...well, you already chose to kill, didn’t you? You’re almost certain Kyungsoo would choose the same. After all, Chanyeol may be able to die quickly, while cutting off your own hand would be a world of pain—a pain that lasts forever.
You don’t have the confidence to say you would choose to dismember yourself.
“Wait.” Kyungsoo says, swallowing. “If...If I choose to kill Chanyeol, or cut off my hand...does that mean the remainder all get to get out safely? We can all be free?”
“I can guarantee all of you will safely go through the door.” K answers. 
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Sure it does.” K chirps. “Your choice?”
Kyungsoo trudges to the staircase like a man walking to his own death. You suppose that’s half true. He removes the tile, indeed finding a knife. He clutches it tightly in his hands, breath coming out short. You think he might be having a panic attack.
He glances over his shoulder, meeting Chanyeol’s eyes and it’s hard to read his expression through his mask.
There’s a moment of silence. Of silent pleas and apologies and prayers.
And then...
s c r e a m.
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Kill Chanyeol or cut off Kyungsoo’s hand? Send your votes in!
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Previous Chapter│Next Chapter
The Masquerade Mini Masterlist
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A/N: Almost there :)
Tagged: @always-wishing-for-rain​ @fairyyeols​ @yehettomyheart @foreverloey​ @trishmarieco​ @writingstuffandmore​ @thalasoophilia​ @ilovexiu​​ @twentyfifththought​​ @guardians-of-exo​​ @hour127​​ @chensuggababy​​ @wylke​​ @dear-fake-diary​​ @meryljill-111192​​ @pastel-kpop​​ @baek-byunies​​ @basic-cupcake​​ @serenityxbecca​​
Tell me if you want to be tagged!
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puppyeoll · 6 years
I just finished reading Eyes On You and wow instant hearteyes. I don't know why but I get X-Men esp Legion feels from this series ajskfhekfh. This is so good I read it overnight from iftar to suhoor and I didn't regret it. BUT the cliffhanger bomb you left on epilogue :) made me scream :) though it's making everything more interesting, I need them to get their happy ending😭 we need some closure😭 I hope you're going to write its sequel🤧🙏💞
pt2: And is Chanyeol really started acting up towards oc cause he needs her attention? Not because he has some connection with her??? Or something??? Cause I'm expecting the oc to actually have -secret bond- with Chanyeol 🙊 (there my hopeless romantic side) I hope it'll be answered in next installment (or you can spill it here, I don't mind👀)
Wowww I’m so overwhelmed by your message, in the best way I promise!! haha. I don’t know a lot about the X-men but i can see how you get those vibes since the boys all have their powers in this story! 
fun little fact: the sequel I plan to write was actually going to be its own story but since I delayed it so much, once I started writing Eyes on You, I realized it’d make a great continuation to what I was already writing!! I’m happy to hear the cliff hanger was as painful as I hoped it be! *cue evil laughter* 
Of course I will give you closure! I hate cliff hangers as well, and I already know how it’s going to end! ( I just need to write it).
As for Chanyeol’s behavior towards the main character, it’s a bit up in the air right now? This was all based on a dream I had so I can’t say for sure why he was acting like that and I have yet to figure out the real cause for it lol. I’m sure it’ll come to me once I start writing again :) I tried to avoid romance in the main story but maybe it’ll come up in the sequel, I’m not opposed to some sweetness since it’s a pretty dark story. 
Thank you for your lovely message sweet pea!! I haven’t read the story myself in a while and was kinda planning on going back and editing it tbh, it was the first major story I ever wrote so I think there might be plot holes here and there and typos I’ve missed a million times. But I’m glad to hear you were still able to enjoy it
And since it’s been just about 2 years since Ex’act, I think I should get around to finally posting the sequel. 
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