#than he would be about the fact i ship fucking SHERLOUIS
hergan416 · 1 year
I would ship you with Louis. You would help him live his best life and he would be super supportive and also cut a bitch if they crossed you. Mutually beneficial.
I have so many THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about this lmao. Watch me proceed to take this WAY TOO SERIOUSLY
On the one had: Louis is prime man material, how could I not be happy? But on the other... I would put so much pressure on myself to reach the perfection I see in him so as not to let him down?
This man knows how to keep a house. He knows how to cook, and clean, and organize and do all the traditional housewifey things. He has no need for a housewife. But he's also fucking M. Like. What would me, and my absolutely human levels of cleanliness (when is the last time I've cleaned the bathrooms?) and culinary expertise (lackluster at best) and my fucking retail job offer someone like Louis James Moriarty?
He'd have to like... actually like me. And this is someone who doesn't let other people in. I can't imagine him actually liking me. I can't imagine a scenario where his initial reaction to me wasn't just like his canon reaction to Sherlock, or Moran, unless I wasn't being myself. And even if he did somehow like me for me... I'm not the kind of person that would easily believe it.
And so I'd keep striving to be some perfect being that doesn't exist and that I've made up in my mind and his presence would just fuel this self-destructive tendency.
That doesn't even mention the fact that he sees his purpose in life as being to serve William. Like even post time skip, when he's sitting with William and Albert reading his own diary in The Remains [spoilers, obviously but also just generally darker stuff below the cut]
Louis is literally just begging William to fucking rely on him. Like, Louis. Baby. 😭
How can I get in the way of that??? If I met him pre-timeskip my first reaction would be to repeatedly tell him that he is worth so much more than his brothers let him do. Than what they make him do.
Louis is not in a place to hear that then. I had this whole conversation with him to my steering wheel as I was reading the manga about this and he just... couldn't see my point of view. He's far far far too enmeshed in William to see anything about that situation as a problem.
And yet, I'd do the exact same thing to myself for him.
The person who crosses me the most is me? Would he cut me out of my head? Because that's the only way I see this ending. It's the only way I would want it to end.
That steering wheel conversation ended with him stabbing me. That is the basis of the "hurt Louis" fic. I tried getting to creative about it, and couldn't come up with the context to make it happen... but that's the hurt Louis fic that I used to think about a lot.
So I ship it. But not like that. I ship it in the most fucked up and horrendous sense, where neither of us come out unscathed.
And this hasn't even touched on the amount of time I spend thinking pornographic thoughts about Louis and his brothers.
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