#than i am bc this is a Completely Different Thang than what i normally do. but my coworkers know this as well
dykedragons · 1 year
bro talking w other queer + autistic ppl is rlly a healing thang... like at work im usually pretty quiet and masking all the time but then i met an acquaintance who also works there (different department, i never see them) and it was like oh yeah! haha! im alive again! i remember how to speak! amazing!
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moonprincess92 · 7 years
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So in 2015 I worked at a summer camp in USA. specifically a summer camp on Catalina Island. It was great fun, but obviously hard work with all the kiddywinkles so every time we got time off naturally we all got completely shit faced. yes ofc this story involves copius amounts of alcohol, are yall even surprised hahahahahahaha 
ANYWAY, so at one point, we get what was known as Extended Time Off. what is EXTENDED TIME OFF you ask????? why it means that instead of one evening/morning off, we get a FULL FUCKIN 24 HOURS OFF!!!!! 24 HOURS TO DO WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANT!!!!! WE CAN GO HIDE IN THE WILDERNESS WITH THE BUFFALO OR HIKE THE SILVER PEAK TRAIL we still can’t go to the main land bugger BUT WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so we all decide to hit up Avalon, Catalina Island’s only proper town. 
it’s a very touristy place and we’re in a group of about twenty? anyway, we are all super close, super good friends by this point because it’s CAMP you bond very quickly and for lyfe at camp lol. there are a lot of people who meet and date while at camp, and many more who just hook up with random co-workers every time off (i may or may not have made out with no less than four(4) people during my two and a half months on the island LOL) 
we make it to Avalon without a hitch and we’re all staying within this one hotel, but grouped into varying rooms so that we all fit. honestly, our only plans for that night are to get Fucked Up. like, we’d all been drunk before together, but Avalon was the night we were all going to get DRRRUUUUUNNNNKKKKKKK (and there’s a difference, boyyyyy howdy). we did not disappoint ourselves. i was drinking good ol’ malibu and i swear to god we were all wasted by like 7 in the evening lol. the night started off in town at the bars, dancing and whatnot, but eventually, everyone sort of migrated back in groups to the hotel we were staying at. 
it kinda became a bit of a party in the hallway. like, we were all lying around on the floor, some of the girls were doing body shots, others were making out and some of the couples had disappeared, THAT kinda thing. anyway, by this point i am like........VERY drunk, like probably can’t even remember my own name drunk lol. and everyone looks over when one of the guys yells out from down the hallway: 
we yell back what the fuck you on about and said guy gestures frantically into the open door of the hotel room he’s standing in front of. several people crowd around and start hollering and laughing and whatnot. my drunk mind really has not grasped the whole ‘orgy’ concept at this point and perhaps if i’d been a bit more sober, i might have had some sense not to go over. 
anyway. i cram into the hotel room with several other people and um yEEEPPPP THAT SURE IS AN ORGY HAPPENIN RIGHT HERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME HOLY JESUS CHRIST ON A BIKE im afraid i cannot give yall any details on said Orgy bc again, Super Drunk here and all i can really remember is that there were about four(4) people definitely involved with another two kinda participating but mostly doing their Own Thang (that and YALL DONT REALLY WANT DETAILS DO YOU???? SHAME ON ALL OF YOU) 
i remember thinking ‘hahahahahahaha sHIT’ and basically everyone was piling into the room to watch and i was like wELP, apparently this is a thing happening so i just went along with it. so we all stay there, drinking and cheering on our professional co-workers as they all have sex with each other 
that’s really a sentence i never thought i’d have to write down LOL 
you’re probably wondering what it was like the next day in the morning. honestly, i think there was something Magical about that island, because no matter what happened the previous night, we would all be totally cool with each other in the morning. Like the two main couples involved carried on acting totally normal with each other afterwards like “hahahaha i went down on BOTH of you last night but hey, you ready to go teach some kids how to make friendship braclets???” it was just never an issue. 
summer camp. fuckin wILD man.
so that is the story of how i ended up  witnessing an orgy in a hotel room on Catalina Island, @crazy-fruit and @sleepykalena i hope yall are satisfied with this story, thank you and gOODNIGHT 
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