#than teal mcc19
literaphobe · 2 years
i really want a dnftina team but thats not gonna happen if toosh become a package deal ☹️ sadge
i mean… it could it would just be kinda op
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starknightgirl · 11 months
MCC32 Cyan Coyotes Captains Skins!
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And we are back to posting less than 24 hours before MCC. I am hyped, I promise.
If this is the first post you’re seeing of mine, hi! I have made a lot of CaptainSparklez’ team’s skins, ever since MCC14 (links: MCC15, MCC16, MCC17, MCC18, MCC19, MCC21, MCC22, MCC23, MCC24, MCC25, MCC28, MCC30, MCC31). On occasion I’ve also made skins for other teams, such as the Red Rabbits of MCC Rising. Feel free to share this, just tag this post so that it links back to me. Thank you! Ok, more below the cut.
I’m using my reddit username as the signature, don’t worry I’m not stealing from anyone.
At first I thought I should make all of them different types of captains (ie. a pirate captain, a football captain, one based off of Captain America...). But I thought that would be too confusing. So, when in doubt, pirates. Look I know it's the obvious one, but it's obvious because it works.
These are different from previous pirate skins I've made in that they all have Captain hats. This is a very important difference. Honestly this is a fairly derivative set of skins based upon my previous work. That being said, it's putting into practice everything I've learned from previous pirate skins means these are probably the most polished pirates I've made yet.
The coyote on the back of the coat was surprisingly easy to do. I really expected it to be harder but it wasn't. Not bad for my first time making coyotes. I thought about doing a star for captains, but look, the coyote turned out very cute.
Alright, time for individual breakdowns.
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Starting with CaptainPuffy. For CaptainPuffy, I took the gloves off, shorten the hair (I always seem to do that) and recolored the hanging bead strings. Other than that, of course the epaulets had to stay. I didn't bother to recolor the sunglasses as I thought the black would fit better.
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Next up, Shadoune/Captain Peru apparently. Honestly I don't understand Shadoune's regular skin. But I tried to make this a cohesive as possible. I had to shorten the hat pretty extremely and when that wasn't enough, I moved the eyes down a pixel. I also made the bandana bigger. I also put cuffs around the hands to evoke the regular skin's hands. This one was hard.
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For CapitanGato, I wasn't sure at first if I should include the chicken jumpsuit. As you can see I decided to keep it. I just thought it added so much to the skin. With that choice, I decided to remove the hat's bandana to make it more readable. Though I kept the hat itself. I also made the hands visible. All in all, this was actually a pretty simple skin. Though it did lead to the addition of the buttons on the coat which I hadn't originally planned on having.
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Finally, we have CaptainSparklez. The glasses are one toned this time. And teal because I thought the accent color would work better this time. Also, I think this might be the first time I've removed the eyebrows? Anyways, there's not much else to say about this skin.
Here are all the skins in case you want them for yourself.
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literaphobe · 2 years
Sapnap and Punz arguing came up in banter this week 😭, apparently Karl likes to casually instigate them in real life by saying one is better than the other at something random and then just watch them go at it
obsessed w that aspect of their dynamic like YASSSS please do go on about teal mcc19 and how punz has only ever underperformed in mcc17 like THEY KEEP TRACK OF ALL THIS SHIT TOO the relationship between the mcc reddit and our ccs is a two-sided parasocial bond
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literaphobe · 2 years
watching sapnap’s sots are actually pretty interesting. what i’ve learned so far is that he’s a mob killer, he’s more likely to kill them than dodge them, opposite of george. he also doesnt really listen to his other teammates (tubbo saying “sapnap i cant go down this way its lots of parkour that i cant do i’ll waste time” -> essentially saying he and sapnap should swap, sapnap didn’t acknowledge him, tubbo then later died).
sapnap sticking to his own things (like george) would be good if he had a clear plan, but he doesnt. despite knowing dream’s vault rush strat (i’m assuming) he doesn’t implement it the way george does. sapnap kind of goes anywhere and everywhere, kind of free running but he wants the vaults for the coins for his own stats so he’ll dip in and out of tunnels quickly without fully exploring.
a lot of sapnap’s dominating teams that he went on to win on, also did not win sot (mustard mummies mcc18 - 5th, and teal turkeys mcc19 - 4th) despite being pretty cracked at almost every other game which would imply sot is one of the weaker games (if not The weakest) for teams that sapnap is on.
naur ok at this point i need to watch sapnap’s sots because clearly some things are not adding up he won mcc in mcc15 (died twice…? got out w the least amount of coins on the team), mcc18 (5th like u said), mcc19 (4th), and mcc21 (10th????)
like that is so insane. my genuine hypothesis here is that sapnap isn’t confident enough to free run but he’s also paranoid about vaults (imo its a mix of not trusting his teammates to get them and wants to buff his indiv stats bc as evidenced by his daily checking of the mcc reddit, he cares what they think which is understandable) and that’s why i said that if they redid RR AS sapnap should run blue and dream should free run. good as they both are and as fun and handy dream’s sandkeeper pov is sapnap is not that team’s most optimal free runner and bad is not the most optimal blue vault runner
also re sapnap not acknowledging his teammates during SoT i genuinely think he is too focused on trying not to fuck up and die to pay attention to them? like he’s died before on multiple occasions and if u make him lead on top of that he just can’t handle it ifl
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literaphobe · 2 years
id never really thought about purple16 before but now you mention it, its fucking ridiculous fruit is fruit, scott place 8th two events before, smallish placed 11th in mcc 15, at least grian had gotten bottom 20 the two events before but i think if the statisticly weakest player on a team is *grian*, who litteraly got top 10 in the next event you know somethings not right. and some people on the reddit have the audacity to suggest fruit gets weaker teams. if dream got a team like that people would storm the noxcrew headquarters
LIKE not to be that guy but fruit and illumina’s ‘teammate average coin score’ in the compilation post were deflated a lot bc of mcc17, where they teamed w the simmers who have very deflated scores, so its not even true that fruit and illumina get the weakest teammates out of the S tiers
and yeah PURPLE 16 IS INSANE .
i think looking at s2 the most op teams, especially based on today’s metrics are:
- mcc 14 blue bats (sapnap, punz, cpk, katherine elizabeth)
- mcc 16 purple pandas (fruit, smajor, grian, smallishbeans)
- mcc 17 orange ocelots (pete, sb737, grian, false)
- mcc 18 yellow yaks (sapnap, smajor, tubbo, sylvee)
- mcc19 teal turkeys (sapnap, tommy, philza, sneeg)
like teams w strong duos exist and all but i genuinely feel like these are quite possibly the strongest of the strong teams in s2, like 3/5 of them are sapnap teams, but he has been on outlandishly strong teams, and it quite frankly shows in the performances. like mcc18 they were 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 16th. ifl if SYLVEE is ur weakest teammate there’s something wrong there. mcc19 they were 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 14th. that kind of dominance is almost disgusting like that’s what a no weak player team looks like 😭😭
dream literally never gets a team where his entire team consists of guaranteed top 20 players for canon events, not to mention one of dream’s best games is SoT, which inflates the coins of weaker members of his team when usually he’s the factor behind them getting a few hundred more coins than other teams like so many of dream’s skills don’t reflect in the coins and that’s so insane to me
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