#thank god my friend was beside me to help fill in the blanks hahaha
xoxoemynn · 8 years
Oh my God!! You danced with Randy??! That's like... more than a dream?? I'm so jealous rn XD Some more details please :D :D
Okay, that statement is so true because it was honestly the most magnificent blur that it genuinely does feel like a dream...so much so that I had to ask my friend who was sitting next to me to confirm my memories and also fill me in on what happened when I was dancing in a daze, so some of this is from me, and some of it is from her, haha. 
Putting behind a cut because it got a bit long and normally I don’t make a big fuss asking people to please read but PLEASE READ THIS AND SQUEE WITH ME OKAY IT WAS HONESTLY ONE OF THE MOST SURREAL AND WONDERFUL MOMENTS OF MY LIFE AND I WANT TO SHARE IT WITH ALL OF YOU.
First off, we were CLOSE to the stage. As in, imagine the front row. Good. Now imagine a random row of chairs IN FRONT of that front row. That’s where we were. When we saw the show on Friday night we were front row center, but on Sunday we were off to the left. It was incredible. I actually preferred our Sunday seats, because when you’re that close and up center, especially during Cabaret...literally, all I could think of was the line from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend when Rebecca does her pole dance and White Josh says “I think I saw inside of her.” Yeah. You see everythinggggg. I mean, it has its appeal, but then you also have the very real fear that Randy’s thrusts will put your eye out, haha. But our Sunday night seats allowed us to see everything RIGHT up close, but a little less in your face. There were definitely moments when I felt like Randy was looking RIGHT at me (especially at one point in the show where he holds his thumb and forefinger in a circle and thrusts his index finger inside of it, it took ALL my willpower to meet his gaze head on, hahaha) but I chalked it up to the Power of the Performer Connecting with the Audience. However, my friend said she definitely thought he was “flirting” with me from the stage, and the people behind us asked if we knew him because they had noticed it as well. 
So for those of you who haven’t seen the show, Randy as the Emcee comes out in a dressing gown as they transition to the second act for “audience participation time.” He always makes a few jokes about if everybody’s gotten a drink/had a tinkle, and then he finds one lady and one gentleman to dance with. He always basically has the same routine, but it’s fun to see how the people he picks react, so I always love it. So, as always, he said “hello, lovelies! It’s audience participation time. I need a partner. Hmmm....” and then walked RIGHT up to me. Except this time he walks off the stage and comes RIGHT for me. I kind of thought it might be a possibility just given how close we were to the stage, but seeing Randy Harrison, especially made up as the Emcee, just WALK RIGHT UP TO YOU and HOLD OUT HIS HAND is surreal, to say the least. And then he said “How about you? Come dance with me?” And who am I to deny him anything? Haha.
So he leads me out toward the aisle and says “what is your name, beautiful?” So I tell him Emy (well, actually I tell him my real name, but for the sake of this story, LOL), and turns to the audience and says “Emy! Welcome Emy!” and as they cheer we begin to dance. We get a few steps in and he says “you’re a very good dancer!” so naturally, being a polite lady, I thank him. He asks if I had been to the Kit Kat Klub before, and I say a few times, and he says, “ohhhh, a woman with experience! You’re a glutton for punishment.” Then he says “You’re not from Berlin, are you?” I say no, I was not. He then asks me if I had any German in me. And I knew this was coming and I could have said something far more clever but honestly at this point I was so distracted by his stage makeup (SERIOUSLY the eyelashes especially were SO jarring to me, like those plastic Halloween spiders on his face, haha, and also there was SO MUCH GLITTER) and also just the fact that I was dancing with Randy Harrison, that I was holding his one hand and his other hand was on my waist, was just...exceptionally mindblowing, haha. So I was just truthful and say “a little bit,” and he says “ooooh, would you like some more?” Much laughter and applause. I apparently gave him a look with a smirk/raised eyebrow that was like “oh, naughty, naughty.” Then he said “spin for me?” and raised his arm so I could give a little spin. Here I feel obligated to point out my outfit for the evening, since I’m told it had a dramatic effect, hahaha. I was wearing fake leather leggings and a burgundy blouse that has kind of bell sleeves that billow out a bit like wings when I raise my arms. Apparently it was quite lovely to watch when I did my spin, and complemented the Emcee’s look nicely, hahaha. Then he said “thank you, gorgeous,” and then told the audience to applaud for “the beautiful Emy!” Since this was probably the only time I’d ever have an entire opera house applauding for me, I decided to do an exaggerated curtsy as he also took his bow, and I am told once again my flowy sleeves looked really cool, hahaha. Then as he led me back to my seat by the hand he said “such talent! I don’t often get to see that at the Klub!” And then I took my seat and he WINKED at me, and as my heart slowly started to return to its normal tempo, he went off to find his next victim...I mean, dance partner. *g* Oh, and then after he danced with the man (whose name was Todd and who I didn’t think appreciated the honor as much as he should, lmao) he went back up on stage and said “And now, ladies and gentlemen, Emy, Todd, presenting the Kit Kat Klub Band!” and went back off to change for his next number. That’s a little thing, but I don’t have a super common name (hence a big reason why I don’t use it on this blog), so ngl, it gave me a bit of a thrill to hear Randy literally shout it a few times. 
Honestly, not to sound like a total fangirl, but it was one of the more surreal and incredible moments of my life. I really thought I was over my starstruck phase as far as Randy is concerned, but he’s just so charming as the Emcee that it’s so easy to get swept away. And even though I knew exactly what questions he was going to ask me, it was so hard to think of anything witty or clever on the spot because he’s just LOOKING AT YOU like you’re the most fascinating, graceful person on the planet. And honestly, no matter what way you look at it, you’re lost. If you’re just thinking about him as the Emcee, it’s this charismatic, charming man who’s also quite the graceful dancer lauding you with compliments as he sweeps you off your feet. But then if you think of it is Randy, it’s just like...omfg, at this exact moment I am DANCING with this man I’ve seen on TV countless times and he is TOUCHING me right now and EVERYBODY IS WATCHING THIS HAPPEN WHY CAN’T I HAVE AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE AND WATCH THIS HAPPEN AS WELL AND WHY IS PHOTOGRAPHY NOT ALLOWED IN THIS THEATER?!?! And also, I don’t care if all his compliments were said in character, I am taking it as the gospel truth that Randy Harrison thinks I’m beautiful and gorgeous and talented, LMAO. 
So......that’s basically it. Like I said, if you’ve seen the show, our dance wasn’t all that different from what he’s done with other women, but it’s definitely a memory I’ll cherish forever and honestly, it was worth every canceled flight and excessive hours on the train while sick and trekking through the snow as the wind turned my face bright red hahaha. 10/10, do recommend, would dance again. 
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.12
a/n: it begins >:)
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 13
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Time flew by so fast in this dimension. Now that you were well adjusted and loving the new life here, it had not dawned on you that 7 months had already passed. Things were moving smoothly and pleasantly.
“Here you go.” Akaashi handed you a snack bar. The two of you (well maybe three if Bokuto is included) were practically inseparable. The team had finally managed to pin the both of you down and confirm that you two were indeed dating. “Did you sleep well?”
Walking to school was still a thing both of you did. Except this time, fingers were intertwined and barely any distance between the both of you. The only time you two let go was when the school gates were near. Still, walking down the hallways, Akaashi made sure to always brush his fingers with yours.
“I did!” You pulled him in to kiss his cheek. The small smile he gave you still made your stomach butterflies flutter. “I did have a weird dream last night. You and Bokuto-san switched personalities. Seeing you do his ‘HEY HEY HEY’ was just so wrong on all levels.”
“Is there a quirk that can do that?”
At this point in time, you barely relied on your quirk. The feeling of accomplishing things without it’s aid was much more satisfying. Of course, Akaashi still reaped its healing benefits and took note of how his stamina had improved.
“High chances. If we can have a washing machine as a pro-hero, then there’s bound to be a quirk swapping quirk.”
“A washing machine?” He brushed his thumb on the corner of your lip to wipe off a crumb. “Even now, your world still surprises me.”
“It’s great if you hear it.” Leaning on his shoulder, you tightened your hold on his hand. “Living in it is a completely different story. It’s been, what, 7 months since I arrived here and I am more than content with not having to rely on my quirk.”
“What about your combat skills? Shouldn’t you still be sharpening them?”
“I wish I could.” That was true, though. “I’m pretty much useless at 30%. Even if I wanted to lift boulders or shit, I have to maintain at least 40%. The difference is small but the output is huge. I don’t get my quirk’s logic.”
“Well, it’s still early.” The gates were now in sight but he refused to let go of your hand. “I’m pretty sure you can work on your quirk. The others won’t arrive within 30 minutes.”
“It’s been 5 months and you’re still curious to see how I fight?” You giggled.
“Yes.” He nodded. “If my girlfriend trained to be a hero, I’d love to see how you move.”
“Well, you made that sound sexy~” You nudged his elbow. “Think we can have a little action before we head to the gym?”
“It’s 6:30am, (y/n). It’s too early for that.” He teased. Yet his steps were a little faster than before. “But, I guess I can’t oppose the idea.”
The next thing you knew, your back hit the wall as Akaashi hungrily kissed you. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingers found themselves coming through his hair. Pinning you even more, Akaashi’s hand undid your ribbon and unbuttoned the first two. Letting go of your lips, he trailed kisses from your cheek down to the crook of your neck.
As he was softly sucking on your skin, you loosened his tie and undid the two buttons as well. Tugging his hair, you were face to face with him again. Lust filled eyes staring back into yours. Leaning in, you gently kissed his lips before returning the favor. Activating your quirk, Akaashi felt his feet leave the ground. Knowing what you were about to do, he could feel you turning the both of you around.
Skillfully placing the both of you on the floor, Akaashi leaned on the wall as his hands began to roam higher and higher up your skirt. Having you straddle him this early in the morning was rather pleasant in all aspects. Tilting his head a bit, he gave you much easier access and felt you sucking on his skin a little harsher this time.
“Make sure it’s hidden under the collar.” He managed to whisper. Hickeys were a common thing to have both your bodies. He smirked at how your only response was a nod.
Caressing your cheek, he admired the way your face glowed even more. Pulling you in softly for another kiss, he felt his stomach fluttering when you smiled.
“We should probably head to the lockers now.”
“We can continue this in my room later.” He whispered before kissing you deeply.
“Counting the hours~”
Moments later, you were now pumping air into some volleyballs. Morning practice for today would only take an hour so there was plenty of time to freshen up before the homeroom. Now that the gym was packed with your boys, you rolled out the volleyball cart and positioned it beside the net.
Everyone was now used to having you as a ball girl. In fact, some of them even tried to challenge you by purposely hitting the ball too hard or too low. With your hero training, it was nothing but a walk in the park. You did notice, however, that your body began to sweat a bit more. The after effects of not using your quirk for a long time was showing.
Nothing bad happens, though. Just panting and sweating.
“Aghkaashe!” Bokuto yelled. “Can you and (y/n)-chan help with my math later?”
“I don’t mind. What about you, (y/n)?”
“Sure thing~” You approached your two favorite boys. “Bokuto-senpai, how well did you do on your previous quiz?”
The captain’s golden eyes sparkled.
“HAHAHA! Thanks to you both, I managed to get a 32/50! Whatdya think?!” He punched the air and grinned widely. When the both of you applauded he began to jump up and down while shouting his trademark.
“Calm down, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi tried to stop him from jumping up and down. His friend obeyed and gave a cheeky thumbs up.
“God, I love you both so much~” You giggled at their exchange.
“But you love Ahkaashi more, don’t you (y/n)-chan?” Bokuto added as he shouldered Akaashi. This time, his deadpan face was holding a soft smile.
“Of course!”
When Konoha’s alarm sounded, each of you began to clean up and prepare for the rest of the day. With how often you did it, it had now become second nature to you. Yukie and Kaori even admitted that you adapted much faster than they had anticipated. Once all of you were now freshened up, the gym was locked once more and each player looked forward for the after school practice.
“Exams are approaching.” Akaashi said as he let you step into the classroom first. “Have you prepared your notes?”
“I did. But, you do remember that the subjects you have here are way too easy for me, right?” Placing your bag on your desk, you took a seat and faced Akaashi. “Shall we study in your room or mine?”
“we can take turns.” Now that he was seated, he fished out one of his notebooks and placed it on his desk. Not that it was needed, it merely became one of his habits. Watching as you dragged your chair closer to him, he offered you a pen and flipped the notebook open.
“So, what do you want me to draw?” This had become one of your recent traditions. Before the start of homeroom, Akaashi noticed how you liked to doodle on his notebooks. Deciding that a special one was needed, he took the liberty of buying a blank journal for you to fill with whatever it is you saw fit.
“Hmm, I recall you saying that you designed your own hero costume.” He saw how your eyes lit up. “May i see what it looked like?”
Starting the sketch, you began to draw a figure and dressed it with your costume.
“So, my costume isn’t flashy unlike the others.” You explained. “A quirk like mine doesn’t really need a lot of support items so I went with mobility and comfort. I decided that simplicity was key. Just the normal jacket, shirt, pants, and boots. The only support item I had were my gloves.”
Sketching your gloves, Akaashi couldn’t help but adore just how focused you were. Tucking in a loose strand of hair, he felt the butterflies in his stomach churning once again as the corners of your mouth formed a smile and your cheeks turning a faint hue of pink.
“What do your gloves do?” They looked like standard fingerless gloves.
“The material was specifically designed to aid in manipulating my quirk. It concentrates the energy I release and wraps around my hand. Sorta like a human torch~” It was a bit difficult to explain how it worked knowing you didn’t listen to the man who gave you the item. As long as it aided you, it was fine.
“What were Todoroki-kun’s support items?”
“Shoto’s support items were mostly temperature regulators. Wristbands and a big one he wears like a backpack to help even him out.” You drew his support items rather well.
“Can you try to sketch Todorki-kun’s face?” Letting you draw your friends was something he wasn’t so comfortable with. Not for that reason of course. He merely assumed that it would be a sensitive topic knowing the circumstances of how you arrived in his world. When you giggled, he tilted his head.
“About time you asked~” Beginning to draw your childhood friend, you continued. “I honestly wouldn’t mind drawing my friends for you, ya know? There’s no way I can introduce you to them so sketching them would be the best alternative.”
“I’m sorry.” He held on to your free hand. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfy.”
“You never make me uncomfy. Keiji~”
It was a quick sketch of half and half but a good one. He squinted his eye when he took note of the scar. He had heard of Tokoyami and Mina, but this one merely showed a boy about his age with a nasty burn on his face.
“Shoto’s got one helluva back story.” Your thumb began to brush Akaashi’s knuckles. “That scar was given to him by his mum when he was around 5 or 6 years old. It’s sad but he grew to accept it and is now healing.”
“You were engaged before, right?”
“For a while, yeah.” You handed him back the pen and closed the sketchpad. The bell had now rung and right on time, the teacher entered the room. Just as she was relaying a message, you were rummaging in your bag for a notebook.
“Please introduce yourselves~” The teacher said.
“Bakugo Katsuki”
“Midoriya Izuku.”
- - - - -
a/n: sooo... what yall gonna do now? :’)
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bordeleaubeau · 4 years
Ooh ok can you do a ryder imagine where you are on a plane and you trip going to your seat and he catches you then later in the flight he moves to sit beside you and you guys talk and get to know each other...feel free to add in a lil mile high club action if you feel like it hahaha
you make your way down the aisle of the plane, looking at the numbers of the seats scanning to see wherever yours was. while you were busy doing that, you didn’t see the carry on bag that was sticking out into the aisle on the ground. your foot catches on the bag and your breath hitches in your throat as your arms go flailing - but you never hit the ground. and thank god for that. a hospital bill was not in your bank account at the moment. 
you feel an arm wrap around your waist pulling you flush into the person’s chest. you let out a breath, turning to look over your shoulder at the stranger who had incredible reflexes, and just like that your breath is hitching in your throat all over again.
yeah, he was gorgeous.
“thank you,” you breathe out, eyes wide as you stare up at the boy who had to be the same age as you, possibly being older. either way, it felt like he was way out of your league. 
he flashes you a pearly white smile and you nearly melt in the spot all over again. “no problem.” he finally releases his hold on you, allowing you to continue your search for seat t3. 
“making moves already, rydes?” you hear the boy behind him, who had to be his brother since the resemblance was uncanny, chirp from behind the two of you, as the boy was still following behind you.
the boy, rydes, lets out a laugh. “shut it, shay.” you can practically hear the smile on rydes’ face, but you can’t deny the fact that there’s one on your face as well.
you manage to make it to your seat unscathed and without any other mishaps, and as if it was your lucky day you had the entire row to yourself. which never happened. you take the window seat of course, setting your carry on bag next to you before you grab your laptop out. you get to work on your school work right away, wanting nothing more than to be done with it before you got home for the holiday, only stopping once to gush to your best friend about the cute boy that ‘saved’ you.
you pop your airpods in, your ears immediately filling with the sounds of noah kahan as you begin to type your essay. you had a long flight home anyway. however, fate had other plans as you were pulled away from your work as soon as you began to start your third page.
“is this seat taken?” it’s the boy from earlier. of course.
you pull your left airpod out and smile at the boy, “you have one girl fall for you and now you’re obsessed with them?” you joke, but you grab your bag and place it by your feet on the floor. “sit.”
the dirty blonde gratefully takes the seat, angling himself so he’s facing you more. “i’m ryder, by the way. i just realized i never told you my name, and like you said, you literally fell for me.” 
you giggle, saving your document before closing your laptop. “y/n. nice to meet you, ryder.” 
the way his name rolled off your tongue nearly gave him a case of the shivers and goosebumps. but he doesn’t falter, his tongue darts out to wet his lips and there’s a smirk on his face. “pretty name for a pretty girl.”
you let out a snort of a laugh, one you wouldn’t dare give to any of your guy best friends back home or even the ones you had met at college. let alone to a cute stranger who only knew your name at this point. “you are so lame.”
“got your attention, didn’t i?” ryder nudges your side gently, and you can’t help but give him a sweet smile. you knew absolutely nothing about this boy, but for some reason you couldn’t help but be drawn to him. “so, you’re going to minnesota, obviously. are you from around there?”
ryder would’ve face palmed himself if he could. ‘are you from around there?’ yeah. not his finest moment. but it wasn’t like you had cared. “yeah, edina, actually.” you brace yourself for the eye roll that’s bound to come, but instead you’re only met with a blank stare, one that says, ‘really?’ “what about you? you’ve gotta be from around there. and what are you even doing in pennsylvania?”
“i’m from duluth, actually. and my brother played for a hockey team up in scranton, so we were just meeting up with some buddies before the holidays and now we’re headed home.” he’s got a cute side smirk going on, one that would typically have your knees weak, so lucky enough for you you’re sitting.
“and what about you? do you play hockey as well?”
it was a stupid question, you admit. it was dumb to assume someone didn’t play hockey being from minnesota.
“well of course,” ryder chuckles. “i play for wisconsin. drafted this past summer to vegas.”
you let out a hum, turning to face him a little more. “attractive and athletic? i think that’s a double win.” you send him a quick wink, and for a split second you swear you see his cheeks flush pink. 
“hey uh,” he lets out a nervous chuckle, his tongue darting out to wet his lips before he tips his head towards the back of the plane. “wanna meet me in the bathroom?”
“how romantic, is this how you ask all of your latest conquests for a hook up?” you joke, laughing as you watch the color drain from his face. “yeah, you go first though.” 
it’s dono night! requests CLOSED! (except for shay lol)
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marshieee · 4 years
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💮Indigo Eyes, Sweet Smile💮
Shigino Kisumi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You met kisumi for the first time and were mesmerized by his indigo eyes not knowing the cotton candy boy had a little crush on you when he first laid his eyes on you.
Author's Note: I just noticed why there aren't any oneshot for this pretty boy so i wanted to make one even tho it's bit trashy (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
It was lunch time and you were hanging out with the iwatobi swimming club at the roof top like the usual days.
"Hey makoto i heard that your helping sasabe-san?"
Makoto looked at you smiling while haru just had that blank expression in his face while eating his grilled mackerel lunch.
"Yep i thought he could use some help while he's still finding a coach"
"Woaaah our mako-chan is very nice and hard working!!"
"That's very beautiful makoto senpai!"
"Hahaha thank you nagisa, rei"
As you were eating you can't help but noticed the absence of a cute red hair girl.
"Hey where's gou-chan?"
"Ah gou-chan said she can't join us today cause she promised her friend that she would eat lunch with her"
Nagisa replied to you while munching his bread filled with strawberry jam.
"Nagisa-kun that's not the ideal lunch you know? You need nutritious food like my well balanced lunch"
Rei said as he pushed he's red glasses while showing nagisa his lunch box, nagisa just frowned at the boy.
"Rei-chan you're no fun"
"Yeah rei let nagisa be"
Rei whipped his head to you shocked that you took nagisa's side instead of him.
"Now now you guys calm down"
You looked at makoto and an idea popped into your head you looked at haru, he noticed your stare and looked at you lifting an eye brow, you just smiled at him and said.
"Hey haru gonna pick up makoto later at the swimming club?"
"I wanna come!"
"Ehhhhhhh i wanna come tooo!!"
"You can't nagisa-kun we have to work at our homework together remember?"
"But rei-chan~"
It has been awhile since you last visited the local swimming club.
No scratch that it's been years actually, you became friends with haru,makoto, nagisa and rin because you guys were in the same swimming club when you were a kid. Luckily you guys have the same schedule so you really enjoyed playing with them not until middle school because you moved away due to your mom's new job, you were actually shocked being reunited with haru and makoto on your first year of high school after coming back and a year after nagisa joined in.
Rin is the only one missing and then there you met gou, rin's little sister same age as nagisa. Rin's changes really shocked you how he treats you guys after being reunited after many years. You were glad that all of them made up by simply breaking the rules, rin swimming in the relay with the three actually amused you for a second you thought he doesn't like his school and betrayed them to be honest. But all well ends well that's good enough for you.
"Then it's settled then I'll see you later makoto"
You stand up the four of them looked at you confused.
"Leaving already y/n-senpai?"
"Yeah i gotta finish something, haru let's meet at the park before we pick up makoto ok?"
Haru said while nodding. You looked at nagisa who is smiling brightly at you almost making you blind.
Damn that's bright.
You ruffled his hair.
"I'll get going now"
"Ok see you later y/n"
You smiled at makoto and nodded.
"Yeah see you."
You just finished your club activities pretty late so were running because God knows how haru might still be waiting for you, he's a man of his words.As you reach the park you can see haru standing there.
He turned around and saw you running towards him. As you finally reached him you were a mess, panting you had your head down and holding into your knees.
"Sorry...I'm late...club...finished...late"
You manage to say while catching your breath, you looked up and see the usual no expression of haru.
"It's ok"
As you gained your composure and finally breathing normally, you fixed yourself
"Let's go haru"
While you two were getting near the swimming club you noticed makoto was outside, you were about to call him but noticed that he's not alone he was talking to somebody.
"Hey who's that?"
You asked Haru but instead of answering your questions he walked up ahead and called out makoto.
"Ah haru"
"Haru? Haruka Nanase?!"
You looked at them clearly not noticing you, you have a fair distance between them cause you don't want to interrupt their...reunion? They looked like they know each other as the pink haired boy swung his shoulders around haru. Are they childhood friends too? Like rin and nagisa? They look pretty close by the looks of it.
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at makoto who just noticed you. You smiled at him waving your hands as you slowly walked up to him.
"Hi makoto we came here to pick you up"
"Hahaha thank you"
You tilted your head as you scan makoto from head to toe noticing that he's still in his working uniform.
"Hmmm? You're already finished working right? Or did we get it wrong that you'll finished at this time?"
"No I'm already done working"
"I see"
You didn't noticed that a certain cotton candy boy was staring no actually admiring you while you were talking to Makoto. As you turned your head you accidentally making an eye contact with the cotton candy boy.
You were mesmerized by his indigo eyes as you looked at them, it was pretty in your opinion. Little did you know a small blush made its way to the cheeks of the boy.
You were surprised when haru suddenly appeared in front of you more like hiding you from his back as he frowned at the cotton candy boy.
You said out of confusion, Makoto started to panic.
"Ahhh haru what are you doing?!"
"Ah right you two haven't met right?"
Makoto asked as he looked at you finally calming down. Suddenly the pink haired boy talked.
"I'm kisumi, Shigino Kisumi"
You peeked at behind haru as you looked at the smiling boy.
"Kiss me?"
"Hahaha no ki.su.mi not kiss me"
Slightly embarrassed as you suddenly blurted out your thoughts. You stand beside haru and introduced yourself
"I'm y/n l/n nice to meet you kisumi"
You smiled making the heart of kisumi a little jump, he thought that you're cute and pretty.
"You have a pretty smile y/n"
Shocked by his compliment you found yourself looking at his indigo eyes as they...sparkle? For some reason you swear you saw he's eyes sparkle.
"Thank you"
"Big brother!!"
The four of you looked where that voice came from and saw a cute little boy standing at the entrance.
"Ah i should get going"
"Your brother?"
He nodded at you, what a cute little brother.
"Anyways i better get going..."
Taking a few steps back he again looked at you and smiled.
"It's was nice meeting you y/n..."
Running backwards he waved before turning around.
"We should hangout sometimes you too makoto, haru! See ya!"
You waved at them as the siblings were already out of sight.
You looked at him confused by his sudden change of mood.
"Ah ahaha let's go"
Haru walked up ahead, you looked at Makoto raising an eyebrow at him
"What's up with him?"
"Ah just something"
Little did you know a certain raven boy also had a little crush on you.
"Big brother why are you red?"
"Eh am i?!"
"Are you sick?"
"No of course not"
More like love sick actually.
"Say hayato what do you think if i get myself a girlfriend?"
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1358456 · 4 years
Review Response, June 21-27, 2020
Well, I guess the DE update doesn’t exist. So I’ll see that story again in Valentine’s Day.
But a miracle has happened in this week, so... yay!
Destiny #017
1)  Hi! I know, long time no see. I’m incredibly sorry for not reviewing sooner, but I guess better late than never, huh? In any case I’m here to stay! Reading this chapter reminded me of how interesting this story really is and I can’t wait to read more. But seeing as it’s been some time I’m going to reread it in order to freshen my memory (I decided to review anyways since I can still review the quality of your fic, which is as I remember, very good). I admit when Peter first mentioned that Ruby was easy to control because of his lack of control over his emotions (and whatnot) unlike Sapphire, I was a bit confused. Wouldn’t it be the other way? I thought to myself, but then I remembered that Sapphire had done some growing up herself. She might’ve not had as much control previously but she certainly does now. As this was kinda proven later on when she was contemplating on what emotion she should be feeling at the moment. And this can be seen as indecision, but I rather thought that this was proving your previous statement correct and that this was her way of finding a little control of the situation. Speaking of what happened a bit later, I was pleasantly surprised of Blue sparing Sapphire’s sanity. I always had hope in Blue despite her obvious turning... but this really proves that Blue can (and most likely will) realize that despite Peter’s kindness she’ll have to betray him because what he’s doing simply isn’t right. I realize now that she probably also followed him because of him brainwashing her, but I can’t remember this particular detail... damn maybe I should’ve reread this before reviewing. Ah well, I’m this far into it anyways. In any case, although this chapter was short I fully enjoyed it. Especially Y’s inner monologue at the end. I do have a soft spot for light angst :’) (I’m sure you can call it that, right...?) so, thank you!
WELCOME BACK!! Yes, it’s always better late than never. After all, as I said before...
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For Ruby and Sapphire’s “control” issue, I was actually thinking about their little Hidden Power interaction. Sapphire has strong intuition and instincts, and is in full control of her senses. Or at least that was a part of it, anyways. This chapter was written years ago, so I don’t remember all the details. Hehe.
As for Blue... There’s a little character arc for her across all of my stories. If you read my stories in order of creation, you can kind of see it. First is when she’s neglected and is just rolling with it while feigning cheeriness (SE/SA/SR), but then it just piles up and she goes into depression (SA/SL/Destiny), then she kind of snaps and goes rampant (SL/Destiny), then she finds the one piece of true happiness in her life and starts to turn it around (Destiny), and eventually successfully attains happiness and stays that way (Destiny/Legacy). So you’re at the moment in Destiny where Blue has gone rampant but is trying to turn it around.
... I think I need to reread this story too. Hehe. I don’t really remember what happens in each chapter... except for a certain few, that is.
Destiny #018
1)  That’s... awful... Poor Y, who was already suffering so much, both physically and mentally. She didn’t even get to hear X say what he wanted to say to her. And if they don’t meet again she’d live the rest of her life not truly knowing where she stood with X. Always filled with guilt. Such is the sadness of the situation, but I can still hope! Hope that Y will meet X again and he’ll be able to tell her his thoughts. Though come to think of it, poor X too. He’ll have to speak with his seniors and he’s obviously really uncomfortable with that and doesn’t even have Y around to help him. Welp, to go to another depressing topic there’s also Sapphire’s situation to discuss. It is at the point not that disobeying Peter *would* be interfering with his plans, since it’s crucial that Sapphire be broken. Will Blue be able to disobey? Impossible to know, you can only hope that she does. On another topic, after rereading the fic (oh god I’d forgotten how long this was, it’s truly amazing the dedication you’ve had for this fic) I kept thinking back to Peter’s “blank eyes” you mentioned in the earlier chapters. This is a vague and rather shoddy theory, but the only thing I could think that would be the cause of the blankness is him being brainwashed as well. This is rather obvious, but this leads to who might be brainwashing him. Clearly this would be someone (or something..?) that would benefit from the restoration of the legendary’s and this would bring us to suspect #1: Zygarde. Now, I haven’t actually read the XY arc nor played the game (ik ik but I can still have a fellow feeling for X and Y) so I don’t know what this dude is capable of, but I can assume that this is within the realm of possibilities. And it would make sense with the whole blinking lights thing that Blue noticed that was going on a couple chapters ago. ‘Cause I mean, why else would this random guy help the legendaries, it’s all just a bit too sketchy. I am no detective, so I think these are fairly obvious, but they’re all I have going for me right now. This was a lovely chapter (writing of course, I can hardly apply that to the atmosphere), and I can’t wait to read the next one.
Poor Y indeed. Really. Poor Y... hehehe...
Destiny’s not THAT long, is it? ... 220 000 words... well, it’s not longer than SA which has 225 000, but... that difference is practically negligible. ... I wonder how long Legacy would end up... Anyways.
I don’t know if it’s obvious or not. I have a hard time with that. Sometimes I put in obvious hints in my stories and no one catches on. Sometimes I put vague hints in my stories and no one catches on. So I can’t tell if it’s subtle or blatant. I think for the Mega Hunter, there were a lot of subtle and blatant ones.
Now for Zygarde... well, the Neural Para... er... mind control is not really in its arsenal. Destiny’s plans were written shortly after XY games were released. Zygarde was kind of worthless there, but given what happened with Kyurem, I suspected that it would get a cooler new form. But then in SM, it turned out that its cooler new form was just a massive health buff. And it still gets annihilated by Xerneas, so... pfft. But I think I used its signature moves pretty well. Especially, say... Core Enforcer. Hahaha.
Destiny #019
1)  Ok, first of all, WHAT KINDA QUESTION IS THAT? How can I choose? Both options of your review survey thing are so sad... but after a moment’s thought, I think the second option is better. If Y were to continuously push herself then she’d just die. End of story. But with the second option, although incredibly risky and kinda pointless for X to go save her, the chances of them both staying alive are possibly higher, and Y would know Ax’s true feelings. This I think, would be what you referred to as the “happy ending”. Unless you actually said it outright that it’s the opposite and I just completely missed it. But anyways I’ve spent enough on Y’s situation lmao. I think I might switch over to Blue now, because something has been nagging me for a while. I feel like slapping this woman. I know she’s partially under the control of Peter (or assuming that my previous theory is correct, Zygarde’s), but, murder? Thankfully she admitted this chapter that she was, in fact, NOT wanting to murder anyone. But when she let anger blind her she was quite willing to do away with Green. And she has reason! Was Green did to her was beyond shitty, but killing him is just a little overtop. And she tried to justify it by saying, “Peter is the only one that has been kind to me” so it’s ok that I betray even my closest friends whom I’ve known for years even if I haven’t kept much in contact (besides Silver smh). She clearly knows what Peter is doing is wrong and while I don’t think that anyone is a saint and everyone makes mistakes, I’m still thinking “come on”. Plus, it’s not difficult to see how Peter’s kindness is really just a way to benefit him. Though I can let that one slide since it’s easy to fool yourself. Despite all that, later on in the chapter after feeling annoyance at Blur for seriously trying to blame Y for wanting to give X back *his* Mega Ring (plus why do they call it ring) just because it’d been a gift to her (and reminding myself that she also had reason to feel that way but whatever) it was very nice to see her being selfless. Which might be an awful thing to ask of her now, but it was the right thing to do. And that’s gratifying on its own, right? I feel as if these reviews have started to just be me ranting at this point. Can you still enjoy these..? But honestly there isn’t much to review at this point. I’ve touched a lot on your actual writing in past reviews, and since it’s the same fic the style hasn’t exactly change. Though I can still admire how seamlessly you seem to write, even while changing point of views. Quickly changing scenes from something a little peaceful, to a battle, which you are able to describe in detail and yet still be engaging. Ah, I got kind of sidetracked, didn’t I? In any case all I have yet to do is speculate what’s going to happen next, but alas, I have no idea. I assume there’s a somewhat happy ending, with a final battle with Peter and the legendaries, not to mention the plot twist. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
Huh? ... Oh right. The review survey. Hahaha. Second option, huh? I think I remember most people choosing that option. But... if you look at the choices, it seems pretty clear, right? And I just love to break expectations. Hehe...
Now, as for what’s happening with Blue, it’s explored a lot more in the upcoming chapters, with everything being explained in... 25? 26? And I do believe that all the issues you have will be resolved.
Hehe. Asking a girl, who after being neglected for years is finally trying to find some happiness for herself, to be selfless? How awful! Hahaha.
Of course I still enjoy these! Despite being called “reviews”, they’re more like “comments”, really. Just tell me what you liked about each chapter, what you didn’t like, what you hope to see in the future, what you don’t want to see, and/or just your thoughts/feelings while reading. So precisely what you’ve been doing already. It’s fine~! :)
I greatly look forward to seeing more!
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