#thank god my mom came home from work like 30min later
iloveyoualivegrl · 6 months
I was sitting in my old room two days ago when suddenly my dad calls me from downstairs and tells me to get there immediately and he never does that n I was the only one home so I was sure he was having another heart attack so I ran down and there he was shivering violently on the couch having heart attack symptoms. I was abt to call 112 and he yelled at me so loud I was stunned. He got so agitated whenever I suggested calling for help I was scared I was abt to kill him from making him panic :| Then I was like so why tf did you ask me downstairs then n he was like "I was making dinner and had to stop bc of the shivering, can you finish it?" So there I was stirring a pot of soup in the kitchen and wondering if my dad is dying rn... normal day at my parent's house.
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yawndaime · 2 years
i need to tell y’all about my day but in order to tell you about my day today i have to tell you about the week so far so basically i came into work on monday from my weekend off and literally 45 minutes before i got in my hospice resident passed and i came in while our head nurse was getting her ready for the funeral home barely had a second to process that before i had to run across to the memory care facility because i was 30min late for our covid booster shots and they had already switched buildings, i went to the facility got stared down by one of our alzheimer’s residents (i never know what he’s gonna do like hug me grope me dance with me it depends on the day) got my shot and walked back to the assisted living residence, funeral home came i helped pack up my resident (may she rest in peace) and not 30 minutes later my arms getting sore and i’m shaking like a leaf the boosters already fucking me and my other residents up and i still gotta help them through the night.
anyway night finishes up i go home im feeling mad sick can’t eat dinner, head spinning, nauseous, cold as fuck, besties texting me and asking how im handling the death i can barely even respond cause im trying not to die myself, finally pass out then i wake up teeth chattering literally shaking i can’t even get up to use the bathroom im so cold but eventually i pass out again i keep doing this until 1pm now it’s time to get ready for work again. i get there i feel like shit, my residents feels like shit, the med techs feel like shit, one resident throws up at dinner, another one is yelling at us constantly and ringing her pager in her sleep, all around tough day i go home at 11pm i pass out
TODAY im off because i had a root canal today scheduled for 10 am. i am jolted awake by the sound of my sister in law and brother arguing, it is 9am i was in no way going to wake up in time without their dysfunctional relationship. i wait for them to stop, i brush my teeth and go to the dentist, the man has to stop and numb me 5 separate times over the course of the procedure because im burning through the anesthesia too quickly and i keep twitching because i can feel the drilling (he might’ve numbed me more throughout but he specifically had to stop 5 times for the anesthetic to kick in) the whole thing takes 3-3 1/2 hours i get home i call my mom she thanks god im safe and then proceeds to remind me of that time a dentist put me in a straight jacket because ive always had a problem with being highly sensitive to pain i say goodnight and now im eating curry
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