#(escape=buy bus tickets n fuck off back to my apartment)
iloveyoualivegrl · 6 months
I was sitting in my old room two days ago when suddenly my dad calls me from downstairs and tells me to get there immediately and he never does that n I was the only one home so I was sure he was having another heart attack so I ran down and there he was shivering violently on the couch having heart attack symptoms. I was abt to call 112 and he yelled at me so loud I was stunned. He got so agitated whenever I suggested calling for help I was scared I was abt to kill him from making him panic :| Then I was like so why tf did you ask me downstairs then n he was like "I was making dinner and had to stop bc of the shivering, can you finish it?" So there I was stirring a pot of soup in the kitchen and wondering if my dad is dying rn... normal day at my parent's house.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
38. Chapter Thirty Two: No, It’s Ryan Reynolds!✨
Previous Part✨            Next Part ✨
Masterlist of the AU✨ 
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Word Count: 6.7K (Buckle up, its time for a ride)
This Chapter Contains: Giggle worthy chaos and tooth decaying fluff. (An Annoyed San too.) 
It’s a regular Sunday. A quiet regular Sunday. An unusually quiet, regular Sunday that you don’t experience often as a college student.
An unusually quiet regular Sunday except for Yeri and Jongho’s loud, harmonious snores that vibrated through the lazy (almost) evening silence of the apartment while you had sneaked out like a thief bound with tinkling shackles out of the front door. 
It was exactly five minutes before 5 O’clock and you knew what noise pollution would commence once the short hand stopped perfectly atop the number five. 
The neighbour above starts angrily vacuuming to release their pent up frustration of the day or maybe to act as a thoughtful warning alarm to wake the other residents who might be napping above the universal napping time limit and the snarky middle aged lady beside, who begins banging pots and rattling spoons to prepare either her dinner or for a secret time travel battle she has to attend every single night to save the history for the sake of the present. 
You have a generous set for neighbours. 
Thankfully, you aren’t currently present in your apartment to experience the brutal murder of your ears. 
Unfortunately, you’re sandwiched in between San and Wooyoung in the shared wide back seats of the bus, stuffed to the absolute brim with sweaty and jumpy people. 
The serenity of the weekend ended when you willingly decided to step onto the Bus No. 7 for the following reasons: 
Number One, You and Wooyoung don’t drive and San owns a motorcycle that cannot carry three people at once, not without getting an overloaded vehicle ticket by pulling a stunt like that,
Number two, you have nothing better to do on a Sunday evening other than watch Yeri and Jongho scream about the WIFI and college website because they couldn’t select the classes they wanted fast enough, 
Number three, you were unable to escape from Wooyoung’s persistence but you had to get out and inhale some fresh air of the outside. 
It is a secret that you had isolated yourself in the sweet ol’ bedroom (in the name of preparing for a workshop), to take a five minutes rest which gradually progressed into knotting up your bones by rolling on the bed 24/7 and temporarily disrupting the serotonin production while watching sad movies, and
Number four, San cashed out a favour from that one time he fetched a folder from your dorm and drove fifteen minutes to deliver it because your degree was on the line. Which is why, this particular evening you need to help him out with whatever he wants to do at this Garden plus Research Centre for Thesis purposes. 
“The Thesis and Freebies Date”, term coined by Jung Wooyoung, free entertainment, food finder and a plus one, on Sunday 17th of May, 5:30 AM on the dot. 
On top of all these reasons sat Seonghwa’s last text message like a cherry on top of a cupcake of complaints. 
He sent you a picture of his americano that was loaded with ten pumps of syrup, “I’m drinking coffee😇”  
What coffeeee????!!?!?!?
Everything has failed you today. The public transportation system, your emotional support boy and your unhealthy obsessive complex believing that anything above two pumps of syrup is not coffee because you cannot handle personal preferences. 
“Why on earth is this bus full like it’s the last bus available to escape a fucking zombie aopcalypse. What is this ‘Bus to Busan’?” Your voice comes out with pure seething under your breath for only your friends to hear but you catch the old lady beside San narrowing her eyes at you with suspicion. 
San, engrossed in scrolling through his twitter and sipping his (proper) americano is least interested about your discomfort. 
“Oh I don’t know! I did suggest taking the subway instead but two idiotic people whined for five minutes straight to get on this bus.” His response is monotonous, attempting to contain himself from bursting. 
The pinching statement is directed towards you and Wooyoung who grumbled about the group having to walk after getting off the subway when the bus seemed like a better option that stopped right on the street opposite of your destination. 
Wooyoung’s frame shifts slightly onto your small seat as the hefty man beside him wiggles for space. “Yeah, Jesus Christ, if only I had had an epiphany about how crowded the bus was going to be before we board it.” 
If only you had epiphanies. 
The bus was mildly crowded when all of you had entered but became packed within the next ten minutes of collecting passengers at merely three stations. 
Poor Wooyoung is scared for his life knowing he will be ironed flat by the man if the bus jumps over a speed breaker or God forbid, decides to halt abruptly. The fear is relatable because the boy standing in front will collapse right onto your already shaky lap under any abrupt movements made by the bus. 
After five minutes of distracting himself, San shoves his phone in the pocket of his jeans and leans into your space to jab a finger at two of you simultaneously. “Yeah, Jesus Christ, if only my lazy ass friends knew how to walk but they left their legs in the semester break.” He accuses.
He is absolutely right. 
Every student, excluding the few exceptionally productive ones, collectively lost the ability to walk unless the end goal was acquiring food, money, grades and work experience. 
Wooyoung throws his hands up out of exasperation, “And you’re hundred percent sure that the subway isn’t packed?” 
You nod vigorously, supporting his argument because it doesn’t lead to admitting that you’re wrong and not once you’ll acknowledge the possibility of the missed subway having much more space than this body heat microwave of a bus that you two insisted on boarding until San gave in and agreed. 
“Yeah. Also, we’re accompanying you for your work, San.” You chide in to transfer the blame like a ten year old child and nudge the grouchy boy away from the seat with your right arm. 
San’s left brow twitches. He is definetly holding back a snarky retort. 
“Yes, yes, it’s all my fault.” He drawls on his reponse and turns his head away to ignore your presence entirely.
Apparently, it was not an unusually quiet, regular Sunday for the residents of Unit 8181 also known as the occupants of the apartment of Seonghwa and Friends who have been on the edge due to a mysterious late night incident that was not revealed to you no matter how many times you pried. 
Mingi and Yeosang were sprawled together on the couch, hidden beneath a bunch of weighty duvets which did not look like it had two people sleeping underneath it until they started untangling themselves from each other. 
Wooyoung was showering, apparently for almost an hour to scrub away his drowsiness as stated by San who has been extremely cranky and constantly keeping himself occupied with his phone and swishing and fixing his posh, sky blue cardigan (until you entered the kitchen and he dragged you out with him, suddenly all smiles). 
Yunho was the only one who appeared somewhat himself, still in his pajamas, folding questionably large amount of laundry. He mentioned ‘monopoly game night’ but you didn’t buy that excuse.
They were engaged in constant back and forth, ‘Who Can Shut the Other Guys Up In The Most Creative Way’ contest. 
Yeosang won after a house slipper flew out of his room, wheezed past your legs and landed right near the shoe rack as you stood there frozen. The aim was commendable but the action was concerning. 
Other than sarcastic remarks, all of them shared swollen eyebags due to the lack of sleep. 
A sleepy Mingi glared at you with his droopy eyes for thirty seconds, mumbled out, “Oh, it’s just you.”, trudged towards his room and slammed the door behind him. 
The apartment floor was spotless, not one obvious clutter in sight. 
Seonghwa will surely name everything he owns to them in his will once he returns in the coming week and sees the glistening state of the apartment. 
It reminds you that you, too, need to take care of that one chair that holds the tower of toppling dirty clothes in your room before he sees them and gives you an earful of nagging. 
A bead of cold sweat travels down the crevice of your neck. 
“How much longer until we arrive?” You committ the mistake of directing the question to the volcanic mountain prepared to erupt any minute now. 
The bus jostles with a screech, collectively swinging everyone forward with a painful jerk.  Shared sighs and groans echo throughout the bus. 
Staying put in your seat in this bus is more challenging than a one minute plank.
“I don’t know, he probably knows.” Wooyoung responds with a shrug, holding onto his dear life. 
“Maybe you should walk through this sea of people and ask the bus driver himself.” San suggests with an imposed smile, causing your own lips to stretch into a false one. 
“What a fantastic suggestion! I would love to use you as a human shield to push through this crowd and get to the front.” You answer, crossing your arms below your chest.
He offers you his entire irked attention.
Wooyoung’s forehead dives into the palm of his hand. He’d rather hide than let the passengers of the bus know that he is associated with the two of you. 
The agitated boy rolls his eyes, lips pressing into a thin line before he launches his lecture. “Okay, you know what (y/n)---” 
“Oh for goodness sake! Young man and young woman! Resume your couple’s banter at your place, don’t fight in public places.” The old lady whose patience was being tested this entire journey voices out her protest. 
You’re stunned for a good moment before your heads snap towards the lady, wearing similar offended expressions. 
Meanwhile, Wooyoung is holding onto his bubbling laughter. His palms having slid down from his forehead to his lips to prevent himself from laughing out loud like a maniac. 
“We are not a couple!” You both answer in a hurried chorus. 
After the frantic clarification, your eyes meet and the absurdity of the old lady’s comment wipes every single trace of the previous exchange.
Both of you break together into timed, soft giggles and the chain reaction pulls in Wooyoung who laughs into his hands to control the volume. 
The lady shakes her head at your reaction. “Well, then, not a couple, don’t fight and let me ride to my book club meeting in peace.” She states her demand, expression indicating that she is cooking incorrect judgements about your group in her mind. 
San and you offer her a quick sincere apology, suppressing the amusement derived from her assumption.  
“You two in a romantic relationship? More like a disastorous pair of wannabe edgy emo and a pissed caffeinated fantasizer. Nah, totally incompatible.” Wooyoung mutters under his breath. 
“He’d get rid of me in ten minutes.” You whisper your reasoning.  
San feels the old lady’s eyes boring holes into the back of his head, his arm nudges yours gently, “Make that five. Okay now, zip up.” His eyes and voice both firmly plead. 
“Yes sir.” You reply and shrink in your seat further to make room for Wooyoung to breathe. 
They’re quite a handful duo, alright, but they’re your handful duo and they handle you as well.
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After ten minutes of bumping, shoving and tossing around the entire bus like popcorns, the three of you miraculously step out in one piece. 
You take a good five minutes to regain your normal pace of breathing again.
The relaxing wind carrying the gentle floral aroma from the garden calms your suffocated senses. 
Ah, finally, freedom from people.
The bus was overdosed with CO2. 
Your lips were zipped for most of the ride in order to avoid receiving another sneer from the old lady and making sure you don’t run out of the very last oxygen molecule present in the bus.
Wooyoung is stretching every limb of his body after being pressed in between the sandwich grill consisting of you and the giant man.
“You know what?” He pulls out a little black hair tie to control the little locks ruffling against his eyes. “Ditch me the next time I whine about not walking because that was literal hell. I am never stepping into another bus, ever again.” The determination present in his voice is almost convincing. Almost.
“You’re going to start whining when it’s time to return.” Adds San, after double checking every pocket present on his clothing.
An overwhelmingly tiring yawn falls through your lips. 
“Yeah, dude, no false promises.” You inch closer towards San to show your support.
Wooyoung’s exhausted face transforms into an unamused one, “You’re shameless.” 
Harsh but true.
“No, no, no, you last minute side switchers, get away from me. I am not claiming you.” Ignoring your presence, he simply walks towards the main entrance of the garden. 
A sickeningly sweet smile appears on your lips. “Hey, wait, I promise, I won’t take Wooyoung’s side ever again!” You say in a singsong manner, taking wide steps to catch up by San’s side. 
“Where do you think you are going?” The betrayed one gets a hold of your backpack and pulls you back with a forceful tug. 
Your shoes brush harshly against the concrete pavement. He accomplishes the task of slowing you down and makes a run for San, wheezing loudly. 
“Jung Wooyoung!” You cry out loud at his actions, your backpack flailing out of your arms. 
He treads beside his unbothered friend, front facing you from a distance. “We need to meet the professor at the research centre anyway, keep yourself busy until then!” A wink and a cackle, then he grabs San by his shoulders and disappears inside at an astonishing speed. 
Like a little kid whose ice cream has been snatched away, you stand there watching San’s waving hand and Wooyoung’s bouncy ponytail fading away.
A strong inhale and a gentle exhale, you try to calm the rapid heaving of your chest. 
“Ah, whatever! They’ll text me once they’re done.” Uttering the assuring words to yourself, you fix the carelessly hanging backpack and set course to occupy yourself in the garden until they’re done with whatever they have to do at the research centre. 
This is not the first time they have pulled this prank of abandoning you just for laughs and then frantically calling with the classic bait of “yo, come over at this food truck, we’re paying😏” 
They throw the same bait under any circumstances and it works pure magic on any living being who lives for eating. Even Seonghwa caves in, and your willpower is -2 compared to Seonghwa’s 10+ patience. 
Once you step inside the garden, you’re sure they have ditched you with good intentions as your eyes take in the lavish surroundings.
The green of nature is widespread throughout in the form of sturdy and lean trees, recently mowed grass and snipped shrubs peeking in between, all sprinkled with colourful little flowers like twinkling stars on a clear night sky. A gentle breeze whistles by within small intervals, rustling the leaves with the faintest crackling sound. 
There are feeble chirps of birds, hiding in their nests to sleep for the night. 
It is heaven on earth as the golden glow of the sun settles upon the scene. 
The lulling fragrance of roses carried along with the wind urges you to roll on the blanket of the grass and maybe even take a nap after tiring yourself but you know you’ll be thrown out because there are watchful guards scattered around. 
For once, you’re grateful that they left you behind. 
You’d rather take a walk around the garden while listening to serene songs rather than awkwardly wait behind them as they converse with the said professor they’re here to meet.  
I should explore a little before San gets into his Plant Geek Mode. 
A major path from the main entrance splits in several small, stone tracks, like a maze to explore. 
The region is vast, tranquil and maintained, no wonder a research centre lies somewhere in this arboretum.
You notice the informative display of the map, standing tall, indicating what lies in between and at the end of every track, piquing your explorer fantasy. There is a stack of small, handy maps for visitors to carry as well. 
You grab one, deciding upon the center most lane with your earphones playing the enchanting tune of Like a Flowing Wind by Day6 in a low volume.
“The North Lane leads towards the green house and the research centre.” You murmur, studying the contents of the map with much concentration. “Wooyoung and San probably went that way.” You throw a quick glance behind before resuming your stroll. 
The trail you’re currently walking on is the West Way, sheltered with tall towering trees and the Grand Elixir Fountain that lies at the end.  
You neatly fold the brochure and tuck it safely inside your pocket, saving the next spots to visit together once you regroup. 
Surprisingly, the garden doesn’t have an overflowing crowd. 
There are quite a lot of people occupying the benches and seating areas, mostly couples. You notice quite a few students, assuming they are, with their laptops and notebooks, surveying or either sitting in a formation to share their findings. 
Everyone is invested in themselves, in their own little world due to which the place feels quite private, snug and pleasant. 
The greenery, the sounds of nature, the music and soft whispers creating one whole atmosphere of contentment. 
It has been named Golden Blooms for a reason indeed. Except the Research Centre part, we’re going to ignore that for now. 
Seonghwa would absolutely love this place. There is nothing not to love about this. You can sketch a million ways of spending time here together. 
You don’t want to be a girlfriend like that but you’re to be a girlfriend like that.
A picnic after a long hectic week of continuous classes to unwind while spending quality time together, under a birch tree that casts a wide shadow beneath to watch the sunset while sharing the most mundane and silliest stories of your week and snacking on the collective bag you two usually pack before heading out for your Saturday Sunset Dates.
Maybe you’ll have to give up the spot due to its popular demand but it’ll be alright nonetheless. Instead, you’ll resort to taking every lane to check what lies at the end as Seonghwa’s personal playlist will be the perfect background music. 
The day will end with a hearty dinner and crashing in either’s bedroom, cuddling together where he always insists on being the little spoon and you always give in. 
 Oh god, I went too far. 
If just the thought has you feeling immensely giddy, how exhilarating would it feel to actually spend a day like that? 
Back to present, (Y/N), back to present. 
The uneven stone trail comes to an end as your shoes sink into the bed of the grass. Your next steps feel extremely light. 
Walking on this grass is the closet one can experience how walking on a cloud feels like. You constrain yourself from removing your socks and shoes and running around on the grass like a madman--
Holy Shit. 
The Grand Elixir Fountain is a masterpiece. 
Rather than blindingly white, it is a comforting shade of evanesce beige. The sculptures surrounding the circumference are alluring rather than intimidating of mythical water creatures from numerous mythologies.
A water nymph settles at the heart of the fountain on a wave with water sprouting from the pot she’s embracing. 
The gurgling water simmers down onto another platform shaped like a lotus, little droplets splashing on the people standing close by the edge and then gliding down from the platform into the bottom expanse to become a slow, rippling stream. 
The Fountain is a high lord, you are a mere peasant. The Fountain is the moon and you’re a small star. The Fountain is queen bee and you’re a worker bee. The Fountain is a high quality gaming PC and you’re a laptop you had to buy with an acceptable graphic card because you’re a college student who is surviving.
Maybe you’re not the best with creative descriptions but it’s okay you’re a law student any way. 
Creative writing is Yeosang’s forte and he worries about it plenty. 
“Seonghwa can’t be here but I can send him some pictures.” Pulling out your phone, you scan the area. 
An old couple are seated on a bench to the far right admiring the view, bunches of people pass by once a while either to leave or enter the area and a small group of friends are circled in a corner preoccupied within themselves.
“Okay, nothing to see here, just a college girl fangirling over a beautiful fountain.” You say it with the intent of addressing the people present but it is mostly directed towards yourself to not get embarrassed before you engage in a long photo session full of fascination over a fountain at an arboretum.
Okay, alright, let’s get this over with.  
The cause of your dubiousness is Jongho. 
He has pointed out several times that while taking photos you tend to get absorbed and switch into questionable positions just to score a worthy shot. 
You somehow manage to capture moderate looking full shots without getting any uncanny looks from the visitors around with only one close up shot left. 
The star of the fountain, the water nymph. 
It’s alright. Hopefully nobody finds you getting on one knee to capture a decent picture of the fountain uncanny. 
You’re just a harmless college girl who wants to text her boyfriend, excite him about your possible future dates and hunt for food while waiting for the two little devils to return and get working before it’s too late. 
Gentle sprinkles splash onto your face as you move a little closer with careful steps to find the best spot. The water is enticing on this boiling day.
You hold your phone up, adjusting the angle to your liking. “Okay that’s good.” 
Before you can press the capture button, a pair of hands lock around your waist, someone’s weight settling on your shoulder. 
“No, shift it a little more to the right.” A voice, obscured by the earphones, speaks extremely close to your ear, sending a quivering sensation down your spine. 
The first instinct is to freeze, your entire body numbs at the sudden action, heart beating at an alarming speed. 
It is followed by a startling scream of having a stranger’s arms wrapped around your body. The scream pierces through the placidity of the garden, birds from the trees flying away to safety out of fright.
Finally, the adrenaline rush kicks in, your physical senses registering the situation and your reflexes activate. 
The phone still connected with the earphones flies out of your hands and ears, elbows diving back to land double smacks on the intruder’s stomach to get him off your back.  
The old couple look into your direction with a panicked expression and the entire group nearby jilts up and dashes towards you to investigate the source of the scream. 
You turn around to inspect the trespasser who has landed flat on his butt, clutching onto his stomach as continuous groans and curses fall through his lips. 
“(Y/N)! What the hell!” The obscurity long gone, you recognize the familiar voice and its owner. 
Losing the energy in your legs, you fall down into a squatting position. “Seonghwa?” In a panicked state and a hesitant voice, you call his name. 
“No, it’s Ryan Reynolds.” Mockingly, he whimpers, trying to regain his knocked out senses. 
It is indeed your boyfriend who is currently supposed to be in Japan but is in pain because you landed two good elbow punches right on his stomach after his 4 hours of excitement at the airport and two hours of flight and it is definitely, hundred percent confirmed especially, after his eyes meet yours, full of pain and shooting imaginary daggers at you. 
Seonghwa expected a surprised embrace on his return. Anything but two blows right on his abdomen. 
“Park Seonghwa!” You exclaim. 
“Nope, no, I am not Park Seonghwa anymore.” He states in a faltering tone. 
“Miss, are you alright?” A boy from the far away friend circle interjects, stopping in front of you. “Is he bothering you?” His fingers wrap around your arms to pull you up. 
His other two friends help Seonghwa but with a much constrained grab on his arms.  
You look at your boyfriend being held by the two strangers and then at the boy, eyes performing a few puzzled double takes.
“Miss?” The boy reiterates his query. 
You’re dumfounded, your thoughts hazy. 
Collecting the remaining strength in your body, your hands fly in gestures of denial. “No, no, that’s my boyfriend.” 
The boys appear skeptical. They exchange disbelieving glances. 
“Are you sure? If he’s really bothering you, we can call the police right now.” One of the boys holding your boyfriend suggests with the intentions of your safety. 
The frenzied senses simmer down second by second, your hand reaches out to free him from the strangers’ hold. “No, no. Thank you so much for your help but there has been an misunderstanding, that’s all.” 
The boys release him and you replace their hold by linking his arm. 
“He is really my boyfriend. I was just surprised.” You state with complete assurance. 
“It’s also my fault for creeping up behind her. Thank you for watching out. We’re sorry for the disturbance.” Seonghwa takes the cue and bows down a little to offer a sincere apology. 
His other hand rests atop your bound one. Your gaze stays taut on him, following his actions to apologize as well. 
The boys notice your relaxed figure beside him. “Ah alright, so it was a misunderstanding.” 
You nod frantically. “Yes, yes, it was. We’re sorry.” You say politely. 
Calculating the situation, the boys exchange final greetings before trusting your relationship and leave you two with a, ‘Be careful with your surprises!’ 
The surroundings stop still until Seonghwa unlinks your arms to intertwine your fingers instead and bends down to pick up your phone. 
“Should we sit somewhere and talk?” He suggests in a composed tone. 
“Oh, right, yes.” You answer, mentally occupied collecting the dispersed bits of your comprehension grip.
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You two settle on the broad bench, previously occupied by the old couple who left after the ruckus, facing each other.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” You search for his eyes that meet yours in a span of millisecond after the raised enquiry.
Your fingers contract and expand with hesitancy near his abdomen where you, or more accurately, your reflexes stroke him a blow. Eyes fluctuate up and down, from his face to the injured area, teeth abusing the lower lip with worry. 
His hands catch and close around your awkward ones, “It hurts but I am fine. It might be bruised but it’ll be gone with time.”  
You look at him, face full of regret, “Seonghwa, I am so sorry.” 
“It’s alright, (Y/N).” He says with the most assuring look that there is in this world, “I mean it.” 
You were worried that he might be mad about the commotion but him unlinking your arms in order to hold your hand was an indication enough that he wasn’t. 
His anger is often intelligible. He needs the time to stay mad, cool down and talks only when he is ready. The time creates an emotional distance and that distance is unbearable until his heart is ready to resolve. 
He doesn’t hold petty grudges. He certainly forgives but he doesn’t forget. Instead, he draws the line in the relationship to grow apart naturally. 
You happened to experience it once when he was conversing with a senior who had given him a hard time and oh boy, the line he drew was fiery and bone chilling cold at the same time. 
“So, that was definitely not what I expected after I decided to surprise you.” He confesses, his eyes mellow, “I should’ve listened to Hongjoong when he said that the idea is too sappy.”  
While he speaks, you’re occupied with staring at him like a hawk with bulbous eyes. 
“What happened?” He prompts you to speak, a fond smile on his lips. “Cat got your tongue?” His fingers fix the disheveled hair resting on your forehead. 
His eyes hold such raw warmth while he merely tucks little strands behind your ears that you fail to realize you have tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“Hey, why are you crying?” His expression shifts into a concerned one. “What happened?” He probes further. 
Before you register your actions, your hand is flying to land a soft blow on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me you were returning today!” 
Maybe the volcanic eruption that was swirling inside San somehow descended into you. The difference is, his was motivated by rage and yours might be motivated by mortification.
He retrieves his hand to hold the area you’re attacking, gaping as he rubs the sore spot. 
“Why are you hitting me!” His expression is muddled. 
Seonghwa expected a surprised embrace on his return. Anything but you hitting him after he attempts to calm you down as his plan of surprise fails worse than the time he had failed history in sixth grade. 
Your hand reaches out to land another gentle smack. “What are you! A freaking saint! Why didn’t you tell me!” 
Even you are not aware why the outlet chosen by your feelings is hitting your loving and caring boyfriend who planned such a great surprise that you managed to ruin by knocking him straight into the abdomen with your pointy elbows. 
“Wait, what--” Your words only further deepen his confusion.  
The next smack or rather love tap, as per your definition, doesn’t get through as his hands are quick to catch yours by the wrists. 
“Why are you hitting me babe?” He tilts his head to the side. “You’re hitting me because I am nice?” He lifts his right brow. “What, a saint?” A playful smile lingers on his lips. 
The audacity of this man to act coy with you when you are full of all sorts of emotions whirling within you like a raging tornado. The audacity of this perfectly, perfect man! 
With your slightly puffy eyes and tears stained cheek, you profess. “I am embarrassed okay! I am really embarrassed, I screamed so----” 
A tch sound comes from him, followed by a, “Idiot.” 
He pulls you into him through the hold he has on your wrists, your chest colliding with his. His arms wrap around your waist in a secure manner, head resting sideways onto the comfort of your shoulder that he dearly missed. 
You melt like an ice cream on a hot day under his touch, taking no time to find content in his embrace, face nestling into his warm neck. 
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He removes one hand from your waist to offer comforting caresses on the back of your head. “I don’t know what I expected your reaction to be. Honestly, this particular one didn’t even cross my mind.” 
You lift your head from his neck but he quickly returns it down again. 
“I didn’t expect you to appear in front of me a week before your actual arrival either.” You speak in a muffled voice.
He pauses his stroking for a second, “I knew you were clueless but I didn’t know you were this clueless.” 
“Excuse me!” You shuffle in his hold but he has you latched onto him.
He nestles further into your hold, almost pulling you onto his lap out of habit. 
“Seonghwa!” Palms pressing against his chest, you try to scuffle away and receive a disgruntled noise from him. 
Having performed his action only halfway through, your right leg sits on top of his left thigh and you leave it there to dangle idly. 
“Dude, we’re in a public place.” You remind him, placing a sneaky little peck on his neck. 
It’s the courage after announcing you’re an idiot to the entire world.
He is astounded by your actions but definitely not as much as you are. 
Seonghwa expected a surprised embrace on his return. Anything but you mentioning that you’re in public and then proceeding to plant the softest kiss on his neck, not that he minds the latter. 
“Wise words coming from you in a public place.” His thumbs trace circles on your collar bones, voice adding an extra emphasis to the ‘public’. 
He squeezes you tightly and moves you in his hold like you’re his own personal teddy bear causing laughter to escape from your lips. 
“Giving you a basic hug after you come back after almost a month and a half?” You declare like you have performed some high and mighty act, “No, that is not enough to express my excitement, I had to smash out my love on you, babe.”  
His face dawns an unimpressed look. “Yup, I made a mistake coming home.” 
Your own words cause your face to scrunch up with cringe. “Yeah, that was too much, don’t talk about this in front of anyone, ever again.” 
You missed him. God, you missed him so much. 
His long hair is intact, not a single strand has been snipped. He looks as stunning as you imagined him to be. His navy blue coat may have been washed with a different detergent than the one you are familiar with but the earthy smell of his regular perfume is present. 
The only new additions on him that you can notice right away is the blinding glow on his sleep deprived face and the abstract patterned scarf wrapped neatly around his neck. 
“I missed you.” You wish to say it as softly as possible but you end up blurting out the words. 
He smiles with twinkles in his eyes. “I know, idiot. I missed you too.” 
You rest your palms on his cheeks and press them hard, lips protruding out in a pout. Pulling him in, you offer him a brief peck.
A long one is saved for later when in private. 
The heat on his cheeks is an evidence that he is taken aback by your bold actions. 
“First a kiss on the neck and now a long peck?” He smirks, eyebrows dancing up and down. “You’ve become quite gutsy within a month and a half huh?”
You fawn, “and you’re still carrying your mischievous habits with you! I was praying for you to leave them behind during your vacation. Did you achieve nothing?” 
“Come here you!” His hand clasps behind your neck but this time he connects his lips to the side of your forehead to plant the deepest kiss. 
You shriek as the prolonged peck soon transitions into pillowy lips peppering feathery kisses on every little endearing spot he discovers to shower his love. 
Unable to suppress your delight, subdued giggles bubble out of you.
The delight of having him by your side again is indescribable. The current state of happiness you’re feeling is indescribable. 
You feel his hovering lips expanding into a smile, foreheads faintly clashing together as you two laugh your heart out. 
There are tears forming in your eyes but this time due to happiness rather than humiliation.
Your eyes catch the sun dipping below the horizon, shooting colourful rays as it bids goodbye for the day. “Seonghwa, look, the sunset, it’s so beautiful.” You note while he pulls you into him sideways.
He hums, turning around to admire the view,  “Oh wow, that’s......beautiful.” 
Time slows down just for the sun to submerge into the horizon with its glory. The orange, pink, purples and blues of the sky press mute on the world for the briefest interval. 
He ruffles your hair, pulling you out of a trance, “And that’s our cue to leave.” 
It takes special effort to abandon his comforting hold and get back up on your two feet. 
The disappointment lasts a mere second as his fingers quickly interlace with yours. “Where to next?” He asks.
He takes slow steps. You stick close by, half of your body weight leaning into him but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
You consider your choices for a moment, the grin ever present on your lips, “How about we take a walk and then drive to the river side? I heard there will be star gazing event later at night.” 
He looks at you impressively with a questioning smile. “Oh really, who told you that?” A gentle gleam of fondness floats in his eyes. 
His heart is swelling with love, your presence is comfortable. 
You channel your best know-it-all face, “Oh, you know, Wooyoung, San and I were planning to--” 
The sentence stops midway as you remember, Wooyoung and San! 
Your movements halt, “Wait, Wooyoung and San!” 
He cracks up at your delayed realization. 
“They’ll be fine.” His fingers offer a gentle flick on your forehead, attempting to tap some sense into it, “Unless, you know, you want them to continuously comment during our date about how my arrival disrupted their last night’s sleep.” He reaches out for his pocket to pull out his phone but you’re quick to prevent the said action. 
“No, no, no, no.” Your reaction amuses him further. “That’s not what I meant. I am glad they ditched me, goodness, never been so glad that someone left me behind, swear to god.” The flurry of words scatter everywhere but the intended meaning has been received by him.
“And what else do you have planned for the night?” He asks, walking straight, exaggerating the breadth of his shoulders. 
“My fantastic company, Seonghwa, what else do you need?” In a wounded voice, you question. 
He shakes his head. 
“Fine, tonight’s dinner is on me, no budget. What do you want to eat?” You present your best offer in the most sugar coated tone.
His jaw drops in a dramatic fashion you’ve never witnessed in your life, “That’s it? Woman, I flew in today to surprise you today and that’s it?” 
You stand on your tiptoes to whisper a special spell in his ear. “Who said that would be it?” 
The rasp in your voice has goosebumps rising on his skin. 
“What do you mean?” He stares down, eyes wide. 
“Hey, by the way, how did you know I was near the fountain?” You quickly change the subject, your thoughts running wild and heart ready to pounce out to run a hundred mile marathon. 
“What do you mean?” He repeats, eager to receive an answer. 
His innocent smile has been replaced by a devilish smirk.
His constant questioning and hopeful gape has you regretting your previous words, causing warmth to spread on your face. 
Flustered, you recite your question for the second time, “Tell me, how did you know?” 
“It was a guess. I haven’t forgotten about your pigeon feeding adventures near the mall fountain” His answer is concise, to the point and hurried. “Now, tell me, what do you mean?” 
He finishes the topic within a few seconds, arm nudging persistently against the side of your stomach.
This man. Oh god, this man. 
“You have a great memory! You remember everything!” The fake enthusiasm and flustered laughter that is evident in your answer has him laughing. “Oh, look, we’re here!” You announce, feeling grateful once you spot the main exit getting closer with every step. 
“What did you mean?” He takes quick steps to stand in front of you, his hand leaving yours. 
“Seonghwa! Stop it, don’t get back on your teasing shenanigans so quickly, give it a day.” You say as casually as possible, stepping aside to continue on your way. “I’ve embarrassed myself and you quite enough for today.”
Seonghwa slings his arm around your shoulder from behind, “Yeah, alright, we’ll see about that later.” He mimics your casual tenure. “I guess.” He adds, hinting at your suggestive statement. 
You nod in agreement, appearing calm and cool, “Yeah, I guess, we will.” 
“You little tease.” His free hand gives your left cheek a little squeeze, leaving a light aching.
You stumble a little on your way out of the garden, “If I am a tease that makes you the devil that you truly are.” 
“I agree, I am a beast.” He really, actually, dares to say that with his whole chest, out loud.
“Yeah, sure, little baby.” Your fingers mockingly stroke his chin with a pout
He chuckles, changing his position to properly stand by your side. “Enough of that now, let’s go, I am starving.” 
“Yup, let’s go, tender beast.” You imitate his own words on him. 
“No, seriously, stop that.” He declares sternly. 
You do a motion of zipping your lips, holding your free hand up in surrender. 
Oh, how the tables have been turning constantly today. You can now understand why Seonghwa never gets off your back and it looks like you will not be getting off his tonight. 
Metaphorically and literally. 
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Meanwhile, Woosan
San, who has been talking with the professor for almost thirty minutes now: It was pleasure meeting up with you Sir
Wooyoung, releasing a sigh of relief beside his friend because he didn’t understand a single word that was exchanged, internally: Finally 
Suddenly, San: Oh btw sir I had another question 
Wooyoung, ready to create a rampage right there and then, grabbing a chair to smash it on the ground: OH MY FREAKING GOD DAMNIT CHOI SAN YOU---
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I started writing this last Saturday and it went through so many drafts and versions, getting cut down to this one. It took me a week mostly due to other commitments. I edited this once and I am sure it still has teeny tiny mistakes but please look past that for now. I will correct it whenever time grants me. 
Also, I would really love to know what you think about this chapter! Please let me know, I would really appreciate that 🥺🥺🥺💕
I know it has been a long time since the last update but I reposted the masterlist with the final update schedule and it will update and end accordingly as per that.
(Also the woosan scene is a little exaggeration, they had a rough night, as you will see in the bonus) 
🌸 Taglist: 
@enigmaticsal @stardusthyuck @missiopk @preets-kpop-world @sanisms @jiyeons-closet @hongjoongsnoona @veeeenus4 @mochibabycakes @vhschs @jaeminbluee @vantclavs @f-iyan @staywritten @yellow-wxve @uppiespuppy  @uppiespuppy @mingiflower @multiangell @quicklystickystarlight​ @kunhye​ @nekee-lilac02​ @peachyprincessminki​ @hidden-wildflowers​ @raysanshine​ @skzpleasestay​ @tearvantae​
🌸 Unable to tag: @mingiibabiee @dreamie-deonghwa @9songbird19 @retrofuture-ism @aratrikade
Please do not repost, modify or claim this work as yours. 
106 notes · View notes
becuztaelien · 5 years
4| The Beast
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/Part 4/?
4.1k words, Warning: Language, 
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When Choi took Jaemin out, Yoongi had managed to advance far enough to reach Renjun and press a gun to his neck. What he had failed to anticipate was the gang member firing his gun before life left his body. In those last few moments when his miserable was flashing before his eyes, Renjun fired the gun pointed towards Jimin in a final pathetic attempt to take Yoongi down. He underestimated Zico, the man was dead, his men were dead, the operation had gloriously failed and yet… he had managed to put Yoongi in a difficult situation.
Despite his dire miscalculation, Yoongi was lucky Jimin hadn’t died.
“The bullet barely grazed his skull, if it was an inch to the right, Mr. Park would have died.” Your eyes were fixated on the bandages that hugged your best friends injured body. “He suffered quite a few serious injuries before the bullet wound as well,” the doctor motioned to the other bandaged areas on Jimin’s body as he continued explaining. “In terms of bones; his ribs and a small part of his skull are fractured, the skull injury is a result of hard impact with concrete and his chest is bruised in a very specific manner over the area where his ribs are fractured, this is a common indication of a hard shoe.” Your eyes had been watery for a while now but you could feel the tears threatening to escape as you imagined Jimin’s head being slammed against the hard floor of his beloved academy. You imagined how scared he must have been, how he must have struggled to breathe as the gang members kicked his chest and cracked his ribs. How helpless he was… “There are minor cuts around his mouth and…” the doctor paused, looking at his shoes for a moment, “also around his rectal area.” You nodded after a while and the man continued, “we have put him under anaesthesia so he won’t feel any pain for now; the head and bone injuries will take around six weeks so we can discharge him after however, I will recommend an extra two weeks of rest before he is allowed to go back to teaching. His other injuries should heal within a week or two, we have already tested for any infections or diseases; the results are all clear.” The doctor gave a sympathetic smile and you muttered a small ‘thank you’ before looking back at your best friend again. “I will give you both some space.” He muttered and left, giving your boyfriend -who had been standing by the door- a small nod. The doctor wasn’t a local Busan heart surgeon, that was just his cover, he was one of Yoongi’s men of course; highly trained in treating any and all injuries that could be attained when you worked in the mafia. The gang leader had his own personal doctors spread throughout the country in case an emergency of the sort ever occurred.
He stood there silently as you continued staring at your unconscious best friend.
“You lied.” The words left your lips after a while, gaze still fixated on Jimin’s weak body. Yoongi took a short breath before making his way over to the opposite side of the bed; the man he told you nothing would happen to, being the only thing between both of you.
“Did you have fun?” you spoke over him. “Did you enjoy the adrenaline? Did it give you a good fucking kick Yoongi?” It was killing you to say it but it would also have killed you not to say it; you observed the man before you with glassy eyes, he was guilty.
“Y/n, I was trying to buy time.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me right now.” You couldn’t believe he had said what he did with a completely blank face, an emotionless lie. You really had allowed your love for him get in the way of recognising the bad in him and it had almost cost the life of the only family you had left. “I heard you back then… you never gave a shit about saving Jimin.”
“That’s not true.” His response was fast and his tone stern, making it all the more harder to decide what to believe. He walked around the hospital bed to stand by your side, “I did what I thought had the best chance of success in the time I had. There was nothing else I or anyone else could have done…”
“I can think of one thing.” You turned to face him after responding in an almost disrespectful manner, knowing full well the next statement to leave your lips would break both his and your own heart. “If I’d never met yo-”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” He stepped closer to you, glaring with what seemed to be a hint of desperation. In the short pause that came after, you knew you should have shut up and not let it go further but you did. Jimin’s dream was stripped from him because of… because I let it get this far… Emotions you had never felt crawled into your head and now threatened to leave from your mouth.
“I wish I never met you… Jimin would be fine if I hadn’t gotten involved with you.”
The sound of the door closing was what brought Yoongi back to reality. You were gone, you had uttered words that had left him disoriented and walked away. His empty eyes fell to the ground where he noticed the strange contrast between his black, blood stained boots and the surprisingly crisp white of the floor tile. That’s right, that was his world, his dark world, full of only war and blood; he had stepped beyond his bounds, into your pure, ‘normal’ world and pulled you out. Was this who he was? An intruder? An evil? Only alive to step on all good in the world. Did you think of him like that? Did you hate him? Did you resent him? Yoongi felt numb, your words echoed in his head until a new feeling entered his chest; a physical feeling, an ache. It was almost as though your words had manifested into an arrow and pierced through his heart, the aching grew; it spread through him like cancer and he felt his legs growing weak. Why did it hurt so much? Not long after, he found himself laying there, on the cold white tiles wondering where it had all gone wrong. Was this what Zico had intended? Was it his own fault? You were half right, he did enjoy it, he hadn’t lied to Zico’s men by saying the night excited him but it wasn’t the only thing he had felt. Sure it was exciting but he wanted it to end with his arms around your waist as you both celebrated saving Jimin on the roof of a hotel.
You stormed out of the building; tears flowing down your red cheeks, an overwhelming pounding in your chest and a burning sensation in your ears. You were angry at Yoongi, angry for telling you it would be okay. You were hurt; seeing your best friend on the brink of death had triggered an emotion you didn’t even know existed. Upon reaching the entrance, your panicked figure fell into the strong arms of none other than Jung Hoseok. You liked Hoseok, he was the only person in the entire gang who wasn’t shit scared of Yoongi, he also had an infectious smile and both of you had become good friends over the course of him looking after you countless times. Despite that, somehow he was the last person you wanted to see. He caught your shoulders, preventing you from falling but you pushed him off just as fast. You could tell from the look on his face that he knew everything that had happened, you also knew for a fact that he would try and succeed in making you return to Yoongi’s side, so you ran. There were probably around a hundred men and dozens of cars parked outside the hospital, if it hadn’t been for Hoseok’s signal not to intervene, you definitely would have been thrown into the back of an SUV but you ran right past them and out of the gate.
Busan Dance Academy, that’s where you found yourself after thirty minutes of walking. It was busy; flooded with people going in and coming out unlike the night before. Any prints, blood stains or dead bodies would have been cleaned up on Yoongi’s orders. You watched as the innocent students walked over the spot Jimin had been shot and two gang members, killed; ignorance truly was bliss. They had no idea their teacher almost died, they probably would have been told some lie about how Jimin had gotten into a car accident and wouldn’t be coming in to class for a while. This was what being involved with Yoongi meant; lies, deceit, pain… why were you tangled with it all? Because you loved him? There’s billions of people in the world, I could get over him and start a new life, I could leave him- the thoughts alone made your throat feel tight but you couldn’t stop them, I could leave and be with someone else, someone who… well god damnit at least someone who isn’t a murderer. You sighed, eyes fixated on the name of the academy and Jimin’s words from all those years ago entered your head yet again;
I want to become a pro and teach here someday.
You didn’t have any money. That’s what you realised when you stood at the information desk of Busan Station in your white t and plain black jeans. You had no way of getting back to Seoul, no wallet, no phone, nothing; you had left everything at the hospital which was a thirty minute bus ride from where you were. You had used up the spare change in your pocket to get to the station but just how the hell did you think you were getting back? You dreaded the thought of walking back to the hospital so instead found yourself sitting on a bench outside the station. Closing your eyes, you relaxed into the metal and wondered how many days you would have to beg in order to get enough money for a ticket back to Seoul. Even then, all of your belongings were with Yoongi; you had no job, no friends apart from the few within his gang and no life outside of the blood empire.
“I never took you for someone who enjoyed sleeping on such hard surfaces.” Your eyes shot open at the sight of Hoseok holding a water bottle and your purse in front of you. He had a soft smile adoring his sharp features and you sighed, knowing exactly where this was going.
“If I listen to you whatever you wanna say, can I have my purse?” Hoseok held out the water bottle -which you gratefully took- before sitting beside you and leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
“Listen y/n, if you make up your mind about something, there’s no fighting it but I have a feeling you haven’t made your mind up, that’s why I’m here. You can have your purse whenever you want and walk away from him if you wish, I’ll get you a place and support you for however long you like.” He paused and turned his head to meet your eyes. “But, before you do that, you need to hear this from someone who isn’t him. He really did do everything he could. You know he’s different, his head works differently. A lot of people think he’s a heartless maniac and yea, sure, to some extent he is but not when it comes to you and your happiness. I can tell you, without bias, wholeheartedly, with every honest bone in my body; that man would die a million deaths if it meant you could be happy and I’ll bet my damn tech skills… him not being able to get Jimin out safely, hurt him a fuck load more than it hurt you.” Hoseok stood up and placed your purse beside you. “I’m only asking you to think from his perspective before you walk away.”
The car journey back to Seoul was silent, Hoseok was with Yoongi and you had opted to go with some of the gang members in a different car instead. Hoseok’s words played through your mind over and over; it was true. For the last three years, Yoongi loved and cared for you unconditionally, he listened to and understood you like no one else. He made all your good times so much better, stayed through your worst times and held you all those nights you couldn’t sleep. He helped your confidence grow and never judged the things you were ashamed of. He had loved you like that and you hurt him because he couldn’t keep his word once. It was unfair and you decided to apologise as soon as you saw him again.
What you didn’t anticipate though; him completely disappearing before you reached Seoul.
“Yes, he stopped by to get his McLaren but didn’t leave any orders or instructions.” You turned from the reception desk of HQ and looked out the big glass doors of the building.
Yoon… where did you go?
Two weeks later…
“I said I wanted the area raided and the boy brought in. The merch was to be taken, I don’t give a shit about what you did to his men but I wanted the son, the SON, THE FUCKING HEIR, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO WITH THIS OLD, DIABETES HAVING PISS ASS BITCH?” You were two seconds from knocking on the door to Yoongi’s office two weeks after the hospital incident when you heard the commotion. Hoseok’s hand had grabbed your wrist before it reached the door knob and pulled you to the side instead. Placing a finger on his lips, he indicated for you not to interfere and quite frankly, you were too afraid to oppose him. Your boyfriend had disappeared once you got back to Seoul and you hadn’t seen him since. Your days had been spent by Jimin’s side; he was transferred into Yoongi’s private medical facility in Seoul to be put under 24 hour watch on orders from Hoseok until his safety from Zico or any other gang could be verified. Although it was a pain to have two men constantly in the room when you visited, you were grateful to Hoseok. Jimin was still weak and hadn’t regained full consciousness, he would wake up for short moments but never spoke, only staring at walls until inevitably falling back to sleep. His minor injuries had healed and the doctors assured you his remaining recovery was going smoothly, you doubted it only slightly.
“B-but sir you sai-” You heard a gunshot followed by silence and that’s when Hoseok left your side and entered.
“Yooooonieee, heyyy let’s not kill the newbies eh? We kinda need them.” A second gunshot followed by what sounded like falling sand made you jump until your eyes fell on the large crack that had formed in the wall opposite to where Hoseok had walked in; a bullet was stuck in the middle of it. “Yahhhh don’t just shoot next to my head, you’re gonna kill me one of these days.” Yoongi was evidently pissed off; you guessed some newbie fucked up and caused an operation to go south but you hadn’t seen him for way too long and decided this was not going to stop you.
“Yoongi!” you yelled, entering the room and realising how out of place you must have seemed. Your long, wavy hair fell onto the soft stripped shirt you were wearing; it loosely hung from your small frame and tucked into your short denim skirt; accentuating the curve between your waist and hips. Thin tights adorned your slender legs and since you lived in the penthouse of the building, you had picked plain black pumps to complete the simple outfit, giving you an effortless yet beautiful look. In comparison, the dozen or so tall and muscular men in the room were geared up with bullet proof vests, guns hoisted around their belts and thick boots. A single man, probably in his early thirties and similarly dressed lay dead on the ground; blood from his head stained the black marble floor of Yoongi’s office, forming a strangely nice pattern. Beside the ever increasing amount of blood, a much older gentleman was rope tied to a chair; he definitely had a bad diet because the fat from his large body poured out of the openings under either arm rest and you became more concerned for the chair than him.
Amid the chaos, your eyes met those of the person you hadn’t seen in two weeks. Your heart shuddered, he was in all black as usual but this time was different; not only was he wearing a dress shirt -sleeve’s rolled up to his elbows- but his hair had gone from the typical jet black to ripped blonde. His eyes seemed bleak, soulless… and for a moment you understood all the frightening descriptions his enemies had given. Although you hadn’t seen him in a while, news always travelled fast. There had been talk of The Beast showing up to random mafia gatherings and torturing people before inevitably taking their lives; his motive was unclear and Seoul had been living in fear. Your body froze but you had to remind yourself of the Min Yoongi you knew; clearing your throat, you held your head up high and found the confidence to speak up. “I need to speak with you, now.” It was as if an extra layer of tension was added to the already tense air and you prayed he wouldn’t push you away.
“Well boys, you heard the woman, get your asses out.” It was Hoseok who had spoken and without question, four men lifted up the old fat man, carrying him out along with the chair his body had been compressing. Two other men grabbed their dead comrade’s body, shuffling out quickly while the remainder followed; probably grateful they didn’t have to be around Yoongi any longer. If the current incident had occurred three years ago, the blood and stench of death would have made you hurl but your tolerance to torture wildly increased the longer you stood by Yoongi’s side. Hoseok muttered something about repairing the wall before the door closed and your boyfriend turned his back towards you, looking instead, out at the city through his large office windows. You took a deep breath before parting your lips but he spoke first.
“What can I do for you?” his tone was indifferent as though you were just about any other person.
“I came to apologize…” you said softly, walking closer to his large oak desk and fiddling around with the hem of your skirt. “about what I said at the hospital, I didn’t mean it, I was just angry and hurt, Yoon I’m so sorry…” He chuckled at your words before finally turning around to look at you.
“You’re sorry huh? How convenient.” You gave him a look of confusion as he leaned forward, placing his fingertips on the deep brown desk. “I’m not going to accept that half assed apology because quite frankly, it’s bullshit. If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it. So why don’t you do me a favour sweetheart? Get the fuck out of my office because if I remember correctly, you didn’t want to have anything to do with me anyway.”
“Now that’s bullshit.” You retorted; he was harsh but you knew him better than that. “You want me to get the fuck out? Fine, but then don’t ever come find me again.” If he was going to play games, you were more than happy to play them right back. Turning on your feel, you began making your way towards the office door when you felt a tight grip on your wrist. Your body was spun around harshly and slammed against the office door, wrist pinned above your head and the glaring eyes of Min Yoongi inches away from your face. “What’s the matter? Feeling forgiving all of a sudden?” you mocked him with the cockiest tone you could muster but he didn’t react.
“You hurt me, you fucking bitch.” He finally said, voice low with a hint of pain and you moved your free hand up his body, resting it on his shoulder.
“I know I did… and you’re right, I was full of shit earlier.”
“I fucking know you were.” He grabbed your hand and ripped it off his shoulder, bringing it over your head and pinning it along with the one already there. “Why don’t we go back to being honest, hm?” raising your head, you attempted to hold eye contact with his piercing eyes and emptied out the words you had been holding in for the last two weeks.
“I did wish I never met you, in that moment it’s all I wanted, I even thought about leaving and never coming back.” You paused and took a breath, simultaneously looking for a reaction but he always had a good poker face. “But you see, I remembered something troublesome, I remembered a certain asshole who treated me way too well and gave me the best three years of my life.” his gaze softened and you finally saw the eyes he used to look at you with, “you were always there for me Yoonie, I forgot  that… it was unfair of me to say the things I did and blame you when you did all you could have.” The next few seconds were quiet, but it was a peaceful silence, almost healing, as though his forgiveness travelled through the softness in his eyes.
Yoongi leaned in impossibly close, muttering a small ‘thank you’ before his lips met yours. His free hand went around your waist, pressing your body tightly against his own. Your lips instinctively parted, allowing his tongue to enter and roam your mouth; the kiss was deep, passionate and possessive, carrying an overwhelming sense of longing. When he finally pulled away for air, you eagerly leaned back in with red cheeks and glassy eyes but he pulled back, your bound arms restricting you from getting too close. Chuckling, your boyfriend looked at you up and down.
“Did she lose all her patience within a week?” he asked, clearly amused and you were quick to reply.
“She missed you, you ass! Where the heck did you disappear to for a whole two weeks?”
“You know where I went.” You were about to protest but he grinned and that’s when it hit you.
“You goddamn sadist…” He was fulfilling your wish, disappearing out of your life and showing you exactly what life without him would be like. You would only hear the things everyone else was hearing, the Beastly image portrayed of him by the outside world would soon replace the beautiful memories both of you had shared over the years.
“Guilty, as charged.” His voice changed in the second half of that statement; it was deeper, seductive and laced with hints of danger. “Why? Was this the only thing you missed about me?” Yoongi’s hand travelled from your waist to the hem of your skirt and slipped underneath until it rested on your inner thigh, slowly moving up.
“No way… why would I miss something so… vanilla?” His hand stopped immediately, the expression on his face changing radically. You returned it with an innocent smile but internally you knew exactly which button you had pushed. Somehow everything that happened over the last few weeks disappeared from your head and you were back in the wild life you shared with him before.
Your hands were released and Yoongi took a step back, a smirk growing on his face. “So she feels like playing huh?” he moved swiftly; his arms wrapped around your thighs and within moments he had thrown your body over his shoulder. “You’re lucky I haven’t got anyone to murder today.” He joked, smacking your ass on the way to his desk. “Permission to murder that pussy m’lady?” A wide grin grew on his face as he laid you down on the hard oak and met your eyes; this specific look was something you had definitely missed. Spreading your arms, you pushed various papers to the ground and let out a small giggle before fixating your eyes on your lover; lust dripping from your next words.
“Permission granted.”
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gutterdreams · 7 years
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A/N: Today was so painful. I swear I have bite marks in my soul from it. So on the way home, in an effort to distract myself, I wrote this. I’m not sure if it’s any good at all, but it kept me from falling apart on public transit. Please, enjoy. Word Count: 1.8k Disclaimer: I don’t own the GIF used or Stranger Things.
According to Billy, it was never the right time. Everyone always assumed you two would wind up together somehow, but then he moved to Indiana. He didn’t come back for a year and a half and, at that point, you were six months committed to a UCLA sophmore with a 4.0 GPA and a trust fund cushier than most feather pillows. You weren’t ready to jump into another relationship when things ended outside of your cultural anthropology exam. While Billy was eager to be almost anything to you beyond just a high school friend, he also didn’t just want to a rebound lay. For any other girl in any other room, he was content to be a nameless body, but you two had a different connection. It had been there dancing between you like light reflecting particles since junior high.
At a Bon Jovi concert that he only went to because you were going alone, it finally happened. Both outside taking a break after the lousy opening act, smoking and breathing in air that was polluted with screaming that rivaled the demons in both your heads. Billy was a man of few words, but you liked the easy silence he offered. You two stayed close to each other outside the arena doors, smoke twisting between your faces, and offering shy smiles after every inhale. “You’re shivering.” Billy pointed out the obvious and left his cigarette hanging between his teeth, quickly removing his jean jacket and offering it to you. “It’s okay.” You shrugged it away, tapping your cigarette as you did. He rolled his eyes at you though he wasn’t annoyed and stepped forward to force his practically uniform jacket over your shoulders. Billy took his smoke from his mouth, blowing his puff away from you, and then, as automatic as putting one foot in front of the other, leaned in and kissed you. It wasn’t feverish or ardent, it was just the simple kiss you give a partner you are one hundred percent yourself with. Billy felt your lashes flutter against his eyes and he moved back, unsure of himself suddenly. He spent so much time feeling as if you were his lover that he forgot in that moment. The simple act of keeping you warm had blinded him from reality. “That was really nice. Thank you.” Putting out your cigarette under the toes of your sandal, you calmed him down. He let out a small sigh of relief, deflating his tense chest, and smiled back instead of apologizing. Throughout the concert, you two quietly held hands or you stood in front of him with his hand on your side, just slightly invading your personal space. It was a glimpse of what everyone else saw for the two of you. It was just one evening of how it was supposed to be. To Billy, it was heaven. To you, it was the start. The path was clearly set out smooth and inviting for you both, but it was weeks until you saw one another again. It wasn’t until Sam Stone’s girlfriends birthday at their apartment that you saw Billy again. He was wearing a black eye like a badge of honor and was drunkenly hanging off a girl who proudly told you that she was ‘easy’ when waiting for the bathroom. It was as if the Bon Jovi concert never happened. As other great almosts started, you two just didn’t launch. Nothing bad happened, neither of you hurt the other, it just didn’t happen. You two passed by one another with longing stares, but kept moving along your separate roads. Billy seemed to be happy to bury himself in empty nights with girls that turned into jokes for him and you focused on earning your psychology degree, growing obsessed with the subject and trying to find a job in the field. Still, as if connected by the universe’s puppet wires, you two could not completely abandon each other. Billy always asked mutual friends how you were if you didn’t make it to a gathering while you lost yourself in effortless conversation with him whenever you did make it out to a party.  Billy once drunkenly admitted that it never felt right leaving at the end of the night without you. When you dared him to do something about it, he recoiled and acted as if you hadn’t responded at all. You were panting when you walked out your lecture hall. It was as if you had just completed a triathlon. Your last exam had been written and, in two months, you would have your Psych B.A. Sparkling as they widened at the empty hallway stretched out before, you burst into laughter that caused you to throw your palms over your mouth. You had done it and all you wanted to do was call Billy and tell him. You wanted him to take you for drinks or dinner. You wanted him to pick you up and laugh with you in harmonious celebration. Instead, you bought yourself an old fashioned donut and ate it on the bus back to your apartment. Your roommate was out, working her serving gig, so you just whispered your good news to her hairy monster of a cat, Goodie. The note on your bedroom door did warm your heart though and keep your buzz alive. ‘You did it! Drinks tonight @ Monty’s. Everyone is coming - J.’ Congratulations were coming at you from every angle. The first person in your cord group to finish University, everyone felt proud of you (and a few, jealous). Billy didn’t say a word though. He was hunched over a pool table, beer resting on the edge, and half-engaged in a game. He had been there when you arrived and you expected him to be one of the first people to hug you and buy you a drink. You weren’t used to him ignoring you. When you did manage to catch him looking at you, he looked angry. In need of a break from attention and student loan jokes, you went outside and smoked by the parking meter that Billy’s car was sitting in front of. From your pocket, you fed it a dollar in quarters after noticing it was nearly out of time. You had seen him react poorly to a ticket before. It was natural for you to look out for him. You felt confident that he would have done the same for you. Shivering into yourself against the building’s gray brick wall, you saw the door open and Billy fumbled out - already lighting his cigarette. He smirked at the sight of you, but kept an unusual distance. With liquid courage clouding his better judgement, he spoke right as you tossed your smoke to the ground. This time the silence felt loaded and you were desperate to escape it. “You’re a big shot now.” His words trailed after his long exhale. “Do I have to start calling you doctor?” Thankfully, his question came with a smile. “Nope, not yet.” You really hadn’t decided yet if you were going to chase after a Ph.D. “Congratulations.” Finally, he said it and the grin that spread across your face as he did could have been spotted from blocks away. It was almost better than the degree that would soon be in your hands. Before you could thank him though, Billy started talking again. “I guess I really blew it now.” The corners of your mouth fell and made room for the perplexed expression that washed over your face quickly. “What are you talking about?” You wondered if this would explain why he was avoiding you all night. Under the orange glow of the street lights, the heavy sadness Billy was carrying around in his eyes was obvious. It held your attention as he groaned and started to talk, mostly to himself. “I barely had a chance in Hell with you before.” He pointed at your shoulder with the end of his cigarette and then put it back between his lips. “Now you’ve got a degree, you’re graduating…” He put so much effort in coming across as the most confident guy in the room, but Billy was a screaming and squirming ball of insecurities. He was a puzzle made of only edge pieces and there was no amount of psychological and clinical research you could do to understand him completely. His lack of self esteem would always leave you unsettled and frustrated. “I don’t know what the two have to do with one another.” You mumbled at him, sizing him from head to toe. He was drunk and he started taking off his coat, forcing it over your bare arms. “It’s just…” He took out his smoke and tried to explain himself while drawing it through the air. “You’re a fucking goddess and whenever I’m around you, I feel like we are the same,” The connection was one Billy had never felt with another human. He came close with his grandpa, but he died before Billy’s sixteenth birthday. “Then you leave and I feel like shit because I’m never going to be good enough.” “That isn’t true.” Almost offended, you scoffed right away. “Isn’t it? You have this fancy education and I’m working for Sam’s dad, measuring lumber.” “There’s integrity in everything, Billy. I don’t care what you do. It doesn’t change that you’re the only person I want to tell to when something good happens. Or you always know what to say when I’m upset. You don’t say what I want to hear ever, but it’s always right.” Sometimes, it was down right frustrating. “I’m not made for you, [Y/N/N]. Why do you think I take out the bitches I do?” He threw his cigarette toward the road and grumbled. “They’re nothing like you. I don’t deserve you.” “Only you think that.” “Everyone thinks that.” He told himself they did and he said it in his father’s voice. “I don’t. I think you should be with me!” It came out like a passionate plea. There was just enough time for you to take a breath before Billy’s eyes were pulling on your stare. “You’re the only person standing in the way of that.” You wondered before why you two hadn’t made it from friends to anything before, but now it was crystal clear. Billy closed the space between you both, lunging forward and pressing one hand onto the side of your face while the other snaked around to the back of your head. He kissed you as if he knew it was the last thing he would ever get a say in. He kissed you like he needed to, like he should have been doing every day for years. You kissed him back and, finally, the peanut gallery in Billy’s brain piped down. This is where he wanted to be. This is where you had fantasized being. 
“Are you going to buy me a congratulations drink or what?” Your hands on his back as his one hand left your head to adjust your jacket, you asked and made Billy laugh. He pulled you close, glad to be able to touch you as he always felt inclined to, casually, but protective. 
You two were no longer just familiar and friendly ships passing one another in the night, you were on the same boat, in the same strange sea, figuring out the depths together. While everyone knew it would happen one day, nobody could believe their eyes when you two walked in together, beaming with a hand on each other’s back. It was a long time coming, but it was how it was supposed to always be.
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stonedstozier · 6 years
oh lord
a/n: all i have to say is i’m so sorry & pls don’t hate me
warnings: cheating
pairing: bichie
aged up to nineteen
"Fuck yes," Bill says as he jumps out of Richie's car and runs inside to some random house party he drug Richie to. Richie rolls his eyes playfully as he shuts off his car and follows his boyfriend inside. The thing about these two is that Richie got Bill into partying. Richie doesn't party as much anymore, it's all just Bill. Richie will occasionally take Bill to parties, but not as often as he used to. He wants Bill to be safe and Richie feels somewhat guilty for being a bad influence on Bill.
"Oh lord," Richie sighs as he sits back and watches Bill get completely wasted.
"Someone's gone off the wagon again," Stan says as he stands next to Richie.
"Just a little bit," Richie half laughs.
"What's up with him?"
"I'm not sure. He's just going through some shit I guess, but he won't talk about it. I've tried getting it out of him but he won't say shit and it's pissing me off." Richie explains as he crosses his arms and leans his back against the wall. "Also, what are you doing here?"
"I don't know," Stan says as he takes a sip of his drink. Richie just laughs as he continues to watch his boyfriend make a complete fool out of himself. A few more hours pass by before Richie eventually is able to drag a beyond wasted Bill out of the house and back into his car.
"I was having fun," Bill whines.
"I know you were," Richie says softly as they head back to their shared apartment.
"Then why did you have to make me leave?" Richie doesn't answer his question and continues to drive. It's silent most of the way back home, except for the occasional sighs, moans and groans that slip from Bill's mouth. Richie helps Bill inside once he finds a place to park. "Why?" Bill complains as Richie lays him down in their bed, giving him water to help him sober up in the slightest bit.
"Because I love you," Richie says and kisses Bill's forehead.
"Okay," Bill rolls his eyes as he lays down.
"I'm going to head down the street to get you some food, just please stay here and don't break anything while I'm gone." Richie smiles sweetly. Bill nods his head as a blank expression is painted on his face. And with that, Richie walks a couple blocks down from the apartment building to get Bill's favorite food. Bill loves any type of breakfast food for dinner so Richie gets him exactly that. As Richie walks back to their beloved home to give Bill his wonderful meal, he's not prepared to see what he's about to see. "Hey, hey I'm back with- what the fuck." Richie cuts himself off, his voice changing from chipper to monotone. He sees a naked Bill on top of a naked Beverly. Richie drops the food on the floor and walks out into the living room.
"Ah, shit." Bill says as he hops off of the girl, puts his clothes back on and chases after Richie. "R-"
"Please tell me that I didn't see what I just saw. Please tell me that I'm losing my fucking mind. Please tell me that that isn't real. Please." Richie begs as he paces back and forth. Bill looks down at the floor, not saying a word. "Un-fucking-believable," Richie laughs in shock.
"It was an accident," Bill says quietly, still avoiding eye contact with the other boy.
"How in the absolute fuck do you 'accidentally' fuck someone?!" Richie shouts, his voice echoing through the house. Bill shrugs his shoulders. "I was gone for fifteen fucking minutes, Bill. Fifteen!" Bill's body begins to jerk as tears start to flow out of his eyes. "Oh so you're going to cry now? If anyone's going to cry here it should be me, not you." Richie mocks.
"Sorry," Bill says through his cries.
"No you're not," Richie says, slightly calming down.
"Yes I am,"
"You're only sorry because you got caught," Richie's tone is harsh again. Bill looks up at Richie with bloodshot, drunken eyes. "You know, everyone always thought that I was the bad guy. That I would be the one that ends up fucking you over or doing some fucked up shit, but it looks like the tables have turned." Bill bites his tongue and tries his best to hold back more tears. The disappointed glare is interrupted by a noise coming from their bedroom. "Is she still here?" Richie asks as he speed walks down the hall, and to no surprise, Beverly is still there. "Get out,"
"You shut the fuck up, and you get the fuck out!" Richie yells as he looks from Bill to Beverly. Beverly scrambles to gather her things and heads out the door as quickly as she can.
"You didn't have to be so mean about it," Bill whispers.
"Are you even hearing yourself talk right now?!" Richie throws his hands in the air. "I do so much fucking shit for you Bill, and this is what I get in return?"
"I'm sorry," Bill says. Bill himself can't tell if he's lying or if he's actually sorry. His mind is too clouded by alcohol that he can't process all that's going on.
"Let me remind you that I gave up everything for you, literally everything. I left my family behind just to move in with you. I dropped out of school, got two jobs so that I can pay rent and help out with your college funds. I did all of this shit for you because I fucking love you so much, Bill. So why the hell would you do this to me?" Richie wants to cry but he can't. "Is this the first time?"
"No," Bill admits. Richie rubs his temples in anger and heartbreak.
"That's reassuring," Richie says sarcastically. "How long has this been going on?"
"A few months,"
"Wow," Richie whispers. The two stand there in angry silence for a bit before Bill tries to walk out the front door. "Where the hell are you going?" Richie stops him.
"So you're not going to try and fix this? I want to fix this, Bill. Don't you understand that I want to be with you?" Richie's voice cracks.
"I do," Bill says with lack of emotion.
"Then why are you trying to walk away?"
"I understand that you want this, but I don't." Richie's jaw drops slightly.
"That's funny," Richie half jokes. Bill tries to escape Richie's grasp only for Richie to hold onto him tighter.
"Let me go," Bill says harshly as his eyes shoot daggers into Richie's.
"Yes," Bill says and pushes the other so hard that he nearly falls over. Richie grabs Bill by the waist and drags him back into their room, locking the door. "Let me leave, Richie."
"No," Richie repeats himself. "Just tell me why you did this to me."
"Because I'm bored!" Bill yells. "Nothing is fun with you anymore. I'm tired of you and everything. You annoy me. I don't love you at all. It's all just bullshit." The tears finally escape Richie's eyes.
"Okay," Richie says. "If you want to go, then go." Richie's words aren't mean, there's no rude tone behind them. He loves Bill more than anything and if being with Richie doesn't make Bill happy anymore, then he's willing to let him go. If you love something set it free, right? And with that, Bill packs his things and heads off to god knows where. Richie is completely and utterly heartbroken while Bill feels nothing at all. 
For the next few years, the boys don't speak to each other, they don't even pass by each other on the streets. Richie thinks about Bill everyday. He eventually built up the courage to move out of the apartment they once shared and moved somewhere else.
Meanwhile, Bill's location is unknown. No one has the slightest clue as to where he went, not even Beverly. He just completely vanished. Richie hopes that he's okay and well, but he has a gut feeling that that's not the case. So Richie continues to live his broken life while Bill is hidden away from the rest of the world. And that's how it stays for the rest of time. Broken and unknown.
When Bill packs his stuff and leaves, he has no idea as to where he's going. All he knows is that he's going away and that he's never coming back. He takes bus after bus after bus after bus. Riding all around Maine until he ends up at the airport. Again, Bill doesn't know where he's going. He impulsively buys a one way plane ticket to London, England. Tears begin to form in Bill's eyes. He has no clue what he's doing and why he's doing it. This is the first time he's doing something major without Richie in his life and without Richie's approval. He waits until it's time to board his flight and he thinks about the many different things that took place before he ran away. Bill also thinks about how he cares for Richie, he doesn't love him anymore like he used to, but he still cares for him. He wants the best for Richie and that's why he left, he doesn't want to hurt him anymore. All the pain that has built up over the years after Georgie died has finally gotten to Bill, that's why he did what he did, why he's doing what he's doing. He knows Richie's life will be a hundred times better now that he's gone. He wants to be as far away from Richie as possible, so that he can never find Bill. So since that day, since the day Bill left, he vowed to never be with anyone ever again.
Once Bill makes it to London, he finds a job at a local restaurant and stays in many different hotels until he can afford a small studio apartment. Bill makes no friends during the time he lives there. He hardly speaks unless he's spoken to. He does get along well with his coworkers, but he never befriends them or anyone at all. A few years pass and Bill makes enough money to move into a bigger apartment and decides to buy a dog because he eventually grew a little tired of the extreme loneliness. He buys a little Puggle at the animal shelter and decides to name him Georgie, surprisingly enough. Bill adores Georgie and he makes him feel a little bit less lonely.
During these few years, Richie finds the courage to move out as well. Staying in him and Bill's apartment was toxic for him, but he stayed because it was the only thing he had left of Bill. All the bad memories eventually got to Richie's head, that's why he moved. He as well moved into a smaller apartment but left the state a few months after that. Being in Derry reminded Richie too much of Bill, and he swears at times that he will see him around on the streets. He can't take it, so he leaves. He now lives in a tiny little town called Hawkins, a town in Indiana. He likes it there. In ways, it reminds him of Derry but it's better. A week after living there, Richie makes his first friend who goes by the name Will, Will Byers. They met at a comic book store. Ever since then, the two have been inseparable. They hang out every single day and a few months later begin to date. Richie thinks about Bill every single day, he even opened up to Will about him. Will tells him that he feels for him, but Will also tells Richie that he deserves so much better than how Bill treated him. Will reminds Richie that he's one of a kind, how he's never met someone so incredible. They may be opposite in a lot of ways, but they balance each other out. The universe has funny ways of working things out like that.
Five more years pass by and Bill moves out once again. He still lives in London, just in a different town. Bill now writes letters to Richie daily. He never sends them, he just keeps them hidden in a shoe box under his bed. And every time that shoe box gets full, he will burn all of the letters. He repeats the process over and over again. He realizes that he never actually got over Richie. Richie consumes his mind like a black hole. Bill hates himself a little more as each day, week, month and year pass by. He will never fully understand why he did the things he did. He was in pain, still in pain, and he took it all out on Richie. He regrets it now more than ever. He has thought about going out and finding Richie and explaining himself but he knows that's highly unlikely. So he wallows in self pity instead. He's still very alone and he feels that it's better this way; he feels that it's a way to make up for what he did. He doesn't want to break anyone else like the way he broke Richie.
Many, many more years pass by. Will and Richie have been together for twenty seven years now. At this point, Richie has completely forgotten Bill. It's almost as if he's never existed at all. Him and Will never end up getting married, but they do stay together. Richie has no idea as to how he's forgotten all about Bill, but he has. His whole life is all about Will now and he can't imagine it any other way. He doesn't love Will as much as he loved Bill, but he still loves Will tremendously.
And that's how it all ends. That's how they live the rest of their lives until they die, until they meet each other once again.
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omgahgase · 7 years
Bonrin Week Day 4: First
Okay I know this is late, but it took longer than I thought. Since I got such nice comments on my last fanic, I wanted to write another! This one is kinda long, so bear with me. I hope you enjoy!
It’s all Shima’s Fault
Rin has never felt this sort of fear in his life. Not when Satan took over Shiro’s body and tried to kill him or that time during the Impure King incident back in Kyoto. Not even going up against zombies in the Illuminati headquarters scared him as much as this moment. But as he looked up at that the jumbotron displaying himself and Suguro surrounded by hearts with the words “Kiss Cam” right below, Rin’s pretty sure this sort of fear is one feeling he doesn’t like. If you look at things through Rin’s eyes, this whole ordeal was Shima’s fault. Two weeks earlier, Shima asked Rin if he wanted to go to a basketball game in Tokyo. Rin, being the eager little kid he is, jumped at the opportunity since he’s never been to a real game before. Shiro was always a basketball fan, he kinda pushed his love for basketball onto Rin while raising the twins. Neither of them actually played the sport though, Shiro always had missions and the boys to take care of while Rin was just bad at it. But that didn’t stop them from watching games on TV. The Saturday of the game, Rin bounded to his friends dorm, expecting him to be as excited as he was. “Shima!” yelled Rin as he burst through the room door. “C’mon, the game starts at five!” Rin had to duck down to escape the sneaker flying at his head. “Suguro, what the hell?” “Shut your trap Okumura!” Another sneaker flew from his hand. “Shima ain’t feeling well, Koneko took him to the doctors.” “What? Why? He was perfectly fine yesterday.” “The idiot drank some milk that spoiled sometime last month in the cafeteria this morning,” explained Suguro as he threw a pillow from his place on his bed. “How the hell? Not even Shima is that stupid to-” “He was too busy drooling over his new bikini mags.” Rin face palmed. “That pink haired perv!” Rin flopped down on the bed. “What about the game?” A swift kick to the side had Rin flailing off the bed onto the floor. “Here, Shima told me to give this to you.” Two tickets floated down onto Rin’s face. “He said to find someone else to go with.” “Haaah? Are you serious?” “Yes I am. Now get out of my room.” Rin sat bolt up. “But I can’t find anyone this last minute! Who’d want to go to a game that starts in an hour?” “Don’t know. Don’t care. Get out of my room.” “Maybe Shiemi would like to go.” Rin stood and started pacing the room. “But she doesn’t like big crowds.” “Okumura.” “I could ask Yukio-” “Okumura.” “-but he’s already pissed at me for not buying him his damn mineral water.” “Okumura!” “You think Izumo would like-” “For fucks sake, Okumura!” This time the sneaker didn’t miss. “I’ll go with you if it makes you shut up!” Rubbing the back of his head, Rin turned around. “What?” Suguro stood up from his bed and grabbed his jacket. “Jeez, it goes in one ear and out the other.” He made his way to the corner of the room to put his shoes on. “I said I’ll go with you. If it gets you to stop complaining and outta my room, I’ll go.” A smile appeared on Rin’s face. “Thanks Suguro.” “Y-yeah, whatever,” a faint blush tinted the taller boys cheeks. “Move it or else we’re gonna be late.” The two exited the dorms and walked the path to the campus gates. While Rin was telling Suguro about the bentos he made in case they got hungry, they ran into Kuro. “Hey Rin! Where you’re going?” The half demon ran a hand over his familiar’s fur. “We’re going to a basketball game in Tokyo.” “Oh, so you mean like a date!” A deep blush crawled its way up to Rin’s face. “What? N-no, it’s not like that! We’re just going to-” “Rin’s on a date! Rin’s on a date!” “Stop it you damned cat or else I’m not making you anymore tempura!” Suguro watched as his friend and his cat had a very heated argument turned fist fight (paw fight?) once Kuro jumped on Rin’s head and the boy started swinging. He didn’t understand what the cat was saying, but he was pissed. He kept hissing and digging his claws into the shorter boys scalp. After Suguro took out his phone and snapped a picture of Rin getting his ass beat by a cat, he pulled the two apart. “Alright, cut it out. Kuro, whatever this idiot did, I’ll make it up to you by picking up some sushi and milk before we get back. That sound good to you?” The little black familier perked up. He nodded his head and allowed Suguro to pet him before him and Rin walked off campus. Kuro said something to his owner before they were out of earshot, whatever it was made Rin flustered again. “That damn cat! One of these days I’m gonna completely cut his sake line.” “Sure, cut his alcohol supply and make him even more angry. That way, he can beat your ass while full sized.” Suguro laughed as the color drained from Rin’s face. As the two walked to the bus stop, Suguro asked, “What did he say to you to get you so riled up?” The color returned to Rin’s face as a blazing red. “Oh, it was nothing. He just insulted my cooking. He always says my yakitori is a little too burnt.” When the bus came and they boarded, he avoided eye contact the whole ride.
By the time they arrived at the stadium, the game was to start in ten minutes. They gave their tickets to the ushers outside and rushed to find seats. Fortunately, they found some a few rows above court side. During the bus ride, Rin explained who was playing, the players, and their current records. Suguro tried to seem interested, he really did, but he was never a sports kinda guy. Yeah he did play football with Juzo and Kinzo when they needed extra players, but that was about it. But while Rin was talking about the different plays, it made him smile, so Suguro pretended to listen. When the referee blew the whistle and threw the ball in the air, the game finally began. Throughout the first ten minutes nothing really happened. It was the same thing, one player has the ball. The opposing team steals it and so on. It was pretty interesting to watch a bunch of guys run after a ball. But when one team scored the first two points, that smile was back on Rin’s face. Suguro didn’t know why that smile made him feel lighter than air. It wasn’t because he liked that goofy look, or anything. Or the way his eyes would light up whenever an amazing pass was made. Or the fact that whenever Rin got too excited he would latch onto Suguro’s arm, jumping up and down. Nope, none of that. At halftime, they grew hungry so Rin pulled out some sodas and the bentos he made earlier that day. While the two ate, Rin looked at Suguro and couldn’t help but feel…something. Sometimes it’s a light flutter in his stomach, other times it feels like he’s doing twist and turns on a roller coaster. The only time Rin has these feeling is when he’s with Suguro. Rin must’ve been staring too long because Suguro poked him with his chopsticks. “Oi, Okumura, you alright? You look kinda funny. What, you gotta a fever?” The boy leaned over his seat and pressed his forehead against Rin’s. If the poking didn’t snap him out of whatever trance he was in, that definitely did. Rin was frozen in place. His heart was beating a little faster than usual and his hand that didn’t have the bento wouldn’t stop shaking. At one point he even forgot to breath. When Suguro pulled away, Rin had this feeling of losing something that’s supposed to be there. After a few seconds his heart rate returned to normal and he let out a big huff of air. But his hand wouldn’t stop shaking. He closed the bento and returned it to his bag, he tried to hide his shaking but failed miserably. “Okumura, are you cold? You’re shivering like crazy.” Suguro put his finished box back in the backpack, he then proceeded to remove his black hoodie. “Here take my jacket.” Rin nodded and slipped the hoodie on. It was a few sizes too big, so he swam in it, but other than that it gave him a sense of comfort. “Thanks Suguro.” For the second time that day, Suguro blushed because of that blue idiot. “S-shut up. I just don’t want you catching a cold out here. That’ll mean I gotta haul your sorry ass back to campus and get an earful from your brother.” The atmosphere turned awkward after a few minutes of not speaking. Rin was about to say that he was fine when the crowd erupted in cheers and excitement. The two looked above to see the jumbotron blinking red, white, and pink. When the flashing colors stopped, the screen was displaying a young couple on the east side of the stadium. The words “Kiss Cam” bouncing around the screen with hearts popping up. They smiled and turned to each other, dumbstruck looks on their faces. The guy leaned in and pecked his girlfriend on the lips, earning them hoots and hollers. “Wow, this stuff is so cheesy,” said Suguro, as his eyes followed the next victims. “It’s gross when couples do it in public, but now they have to kiss in front of hundreds of people.” “Y-yeah. It’s so dumb.” Rin started to fidget in place, looking anywhere else but at the boy next to him. “I feel sorry for the poor saps who-” “Oi, Okumura?” “Yeah, what’s up?” Rin turned to find a blushing Suguro. “You look like you wanna puke.” “Don’t look now,” He pointed to the jumbotron and Rin’s stomach dropped. “But I think those poor saps are us.” Rin hoped he was lying, he wanted it to be a joke, but nope. There they were, plain as day. A huge heart around their frame with smaller ones moving along the screen. The universe has decided to put the two in the worst situation possible. At this point, Rin started to panic. His face turned as red as Shura’s hair as Suguro looked from him to the screen displaying their blushing faces. His hands clutched his seat and his body felt heavy.
I want to die. I want to bury myself under a rock and die. I didn’t do anything to deserve this sort of punishment! Was it because I forgot Yukio’s mineral water? The crowd started to get anxious, they were chanting “kiss him!” and screaming for the two to get on with it. An elderly woman in the seat below looked at Suguro and yelled, “C’mon young man! Lay one on your boyfriend!” “W-what? He’s not my… We’re just friends!” Rin protested. “C’mon Suguro, tell her we’re-” Rin never got to finish his sentence because a pair of lips crashed against his. At this point in his life, Rin was supposed to have his first kiss by the age of ten. Sadly, him being unsociable never really helped him get any girls. But right now, he’s sorta glad that his first kiss was with his best friend, despite how awkward it is. Suguro’s lips moved Rins, they were slightly chapped and tasted like the orange soda he drank. The two didn’t pay attention to how the crowd exploded into cheers or how they cat called when Suguro placed a hand on Rin’s cheek. They were in their own little world. By the time they pulled away, both boys were breathing hard. Suguro scooted back a bit and cleared his throat. “Sorry ‘bout that.” It took a few seconds for Rin to come back down to Earth. When the world stopped spinning, he took a huge swig of his soda. He tried to stop his heart threatening to burst from his chest, but his heart didn’t want to listen to him. “No, no. It’s fine.” “Really? I acted on impulse. I didn’t the crowd to come after us.” He rubbed the back of his neck, the blush still present on his cheeks. “Really, it was… Nice.” Rin pretended like he didn’t see the spark that lit Suguro’s eyes.
The rest of the game went by in a blur. The two didn’t really pay close attention like they did in the beginning. After the whole Kiss Cam episode, they didn’t say much to each other, the tension was so thick you needed a knife to cut through. But after a few moments in the painful silence, they eased into comfortable conversation. After they exited the stadium and caught the bus, they went to buy Kuro’s sushi. They were walking back from the small store, when Rin, being one to speak before he thinks, blurted out, “You know, that was my first kiss.” Suguro looked at him in bewilderment. “Are you serious?” Rin let out a small chuckle. “Yes, I am. Why do you seemed so surprised?” “Well, to be completely honest, I thought you and Shiemi hooked up.” Now it was Rin’s turn to be shocked. “No you saw it, she shot me down. But I’m pretty sure she has a thing for mole face.” Suguro must be a horrible friend. Only bad friends would feel kinda…happy at this sort of news. He see’s the way Shiemi looks at Yukio, there’s a glint in her eye and a hop in her step whenever she’s around him. She doesn’t look at Rin the way he wants her too. “What about you? You had your first kiss yet?” Rin asked. “Oh yeah, I’ve been kissed before.” “I don’t think your mom counts.” A smile made its way to Suguro’s face. “Shut up!” He lightly shoved the boy, making him stumble. Rin laughed. Suguro felt responsible for making him laugh. He liked his laugh. “It was back in junior high, during my third year. Shima dared me to kiss a girl and I did it.” “Wow,” Rin deadpanned. “How romantic.” The two friends laughed at Rin’s remark. “Well, at least my first kiss wasn’t with a dude.” Rin smiled. That smile made Suguro feel funny. A good kinda funny. “It wasn’t just any dude, it was with you.” Holy shit. It was a good thing it was dark or else the blush on Suguro’s face would’ve made Rin laugh again. He lost count on how many times his cheeks flamed up while out with the shorter boy. It was hard to make Suguro crack a smile let alone blush. But when he’s with Rin, his face just decides to disobey what his brain tells it. The two didn’t notice that they reached Rin’s dorm, until he stopped walking. They both looked up at the building, there was a little pang that shot through Suguro as he walked the half demon to his door. He stood a step below Rin, making the boy a few inches taller. Silence hung in the air along with a gloomy feeling. “Thanks again for coming with me.” It must’ve been his imagination, but with the moonlight shining down on them, a halo appeared above Rin’s head. The son of Satan wearing a halo, the universe must think it’s funny. Suguro stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “It was nothin’. I had a good time.” “You did? Even though we were forced to kiss in front of a whole stadium of people?” “The bento boxes made up for it.” Rin snorted. “I’m happy you thought so. I’ll make another one for you if you want.” “Yeah, that sounds good. Here,” Suguro held up the plastic bag with Kuro’s food. “Tell Kuro that I couldn’t get him tempura, but I hope tuna will suffice.” Rin took the bag, making their hands brush against each other. “Don’t worry, he’ll eat about anything. Actually scratch that, he’ll eat anything except Shiemi’s grass sandwiches.” “But I ate those.” “Which tells me that your taste buds are broken. You better get ready to eat real food.” Rin’s eyes softened as Suguro laughed, his shoulders shaking with every breath he took. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” Suguro sighed. “I better be going. Shima and Koneko must be back in the dorms. They’re probably wondering where I am.” “Yeah okay. I’ll see on Monday.” Rin dug his keys out of his pocket. “Goodnight, Suguro.” “Goodnight, Okumura.” He turned and descended the steps. Suguro was on the last step when his mouth moved of his own accord. “Hey Okumura?” “Yes?” Rin looked over his shoulder. What the hell am I doing? “Would you like to, um.” Suguro scratched the back of his head, not looking up at Rin. Why am I speaking? I should shut up right about now. “I dunno now, go get some coffee tomorrow?” He glanced up to find Rin with a confused look. “ I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I get that you may need to catch up on work or Yukio might need your help on a mission. I just thought that we could- ” The sound of Rin laughing stopped Suguro from his ramblings. God damnit. You done fucked up boy. The sight of Rin clutching his stomach with tears in his eyes, only angered Suguro. He asked if the guy wanted to get coffee and what he gets in return is Rin laughing at him. The bastard. “Oi! Why’re you laughn’? Listen fuck face, you better shut up or else-” “Suguro I’d love to get coffee with you,” Rin said as he calmed down, he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. That definitely shut him up. “Oh. Um, okay. I’ll meet you at the campus gates. Nine sound good?” That damn smile was back. “Yeah, sounds good.” It seems like that goofy smile of his is contagious because it found its way to Suguro’s face. “Great, I’ll you tomorrow.” “See you then.” Suguro took a few steps towards his dorms when he heard Rin call out. “Oh one more thing!” He turned back round. “‘Fuck Face’? Really? You couldn’t come up with anything better than that?” Suguro snickered. “What? I thought it was pretty good.” Rin rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Goodnight douche bag!” “Sweet dreams bastard!” Suguro headed in the direction of his dorms, the idiots smile still fresh in his mind.
As Rin opened his bedroom door, he expected Yukio to start at yelling him for being out so late, but he only found Kuro curled up on his bed. “Hey Rin, how was your date?” After dropping his backpack by his desk, the boy sat next to his cat, he’s in too good of a mood to put up with his teasing. “It was pretty good actually. We had a good time. Here.” Rin brought out the sushi from its bag. “Suguro brought tuna rolls if that’s okay.” “Yay! I’m starving! Nice jacket by the way.” Rin looked down and realized that he was still wearing Suguro’s hoodie. He completely forgot to return it to him before they departed, his mind was too preoccupied with sight of him blushing while asking him to coffee. Out of curiosity, Rin brought the sleeve up to his nose and sniffed it. It smelled like grass mixed in with the scent of books. It also had a faint hint of sweat and body spray. Overall, it smelled like Suguro. Rin slid out of the jacket and hung it on his desk chair. While Kuro ate, Rin told him the night’s event. Even though the cat was stuffing his face, he was listening to everything Rin told him. When he explained the Kiss Cam, Kuro almost choked on a piece of tuna. “Wait, you did what?” “I kissed Suguro.” By finally saying it out loud, Rin completely lost his shit. “I kissed Suguro.” His hands flew to his head, grabbing fistful of hair. “Suguro kissed me.” He jumped to his feet. “I kissed Suguro!” The boy started pacing the room, mumbling to himself. “Well he is a nice guy,” said Kuro with rice in his mouth. “I approve.” “You approve? What are you my mother?” Rin stopped his pacing to kneel in front of his friend. “No, I’m your familiar.” Kuro cocked his head. “I don’t know how I’d be able to birth you. I’m a boy.” Rin chuckled as he scratched behind Kuro’s ear. “Yes, that’s the reason. It has nothing to deal with you being a cat.” He leaned into the boys’ touch, purring as he laid on his stomach. “So this whole date was all Shima’s fault?” Rin smiled. “Yup, it’s all Shima’s fault. Remind me to thank him later.”
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amorphousalien · 7 years
So, not that literally anyone cares, but here's the deal with that person that was harassing me all week. Waay back in the good ol days of mid 2015 (sarcasm, fuck 2015)- I was experiencing a lot of really intense, frequent Rick shifts that were making me near catatonically depressed and dissociated. After seeing the season 2 finale, they just got worse. So I opted to unfollow all the r/n/m blogs I was following, stay out of the tags, stop looking canonmates, etc pretty much everything but actually taking Rick off my kinlist because I wasn't coping with it well and I needed to take a break. I even put on several pages of my blog that I did not want /anyone/ kin from ric/kandmorty contacting me because at the time it was basically a trigger. Then I start getting messages fromsomeome kin with M/orty, asking to talk to me, compare memories, etc. I told them I didn't want to talk to anyone, that it was triggering, etc. I accidentally posted one of their asks publically instead of privately, because mobile sux, and wound up getting a slew of TERRIFYING messages from them saying shit like "How could you do this to me?? I trusted you!! You exposed us!! How could you do this why would you do this to us?? I'm going to have to delete my tumblr because of you, how could you do this, we trusted you!" I panicked, deleted the ask, apologized profusely, and was generally successfully guilt tripped into allowing this person to continue messaging me and probing me for information about my Rick kintype. For maybe 6 months, they continued talking to me. I would ignore them for as long as I could, but eventually caved and replied to them out of boredom or fear, or they'd send me a slew of guilt trippy messages apologizing for bothering me, saying they were such an awful person, they always did this, everyone hates them etc etc etc. After 6 months, I was accepted to Job Corps and told them I was leaving for school and would have no internet access until I graduated. About four months into school l, my parents bought me a phone and were paying for my service. I logged back into tumblr to find about twenty "Hey"s and "Hi"s and "Oh my god I'm so sorry I know you hate me I just don't know what to do I'm so awful I'm sorry for bothering you"s in my messages from them. I told them I was in school and wouldn't have time to message them very often. I wanted them to just leave me alone, but I didn't want to be outright mean and they weren't taking the hint that I didn't want to talk to them. Or maybe they were and that's why they'd send me that guilt trippy bullshit every few weeks. And unfortunately I was an anxious wreck having just escaped multiple physically, memtally, emotionally, and sexually abusive relationships at this point. So I was easily manipulated and desperate for friendship. Which they knew. I'd mentioned it briefly and had vented about it multiple times on my kin blog. Anywho. I came back from school after about 6 months. Tumblr had dome some weird update and I couldn't log into my account anymore (except from my ipad where I was still logged in). I remade my account and directed everyone to my new kin blog (this one). I'd kinda forgotten about them at this point, but when I remade my blog they started messaging me again. I was pretty worn down and still pretty desperate for friends. I was recovering from the depressive Rick shifts and started talking to them more and more about our canons, and eventually decided we were canonmates. By the time we'd 'known' each other for about a year, they'd mentioned to me multiple times that they were living in an abusive situation and needed to get out. Three things about that last sentence. 1. *Known: Our entire relationship was one of us (mostly them) messaging the other every few days, or even every couple of weeks, to say "Hey"-"Hi"-"How are you"-"Fine, you?"-"I'm ok" and then maybe they'd complain (extremely vaguely) about something going on at home. 2. Everything they said about their abuse was extremely vague. The most detail I could ever get was that the house they were living in was not being maintained and there was never any food. Which they blamed on their parents despite being a 20 year old adult. 3. I'd spent hours trying to give them help getting out. I looked up resource centers in their area, homeless shelters, disability, food stamps, offered to write their resume for them, etc etc etc. I was practically offering to do everything for them to get them on their feet, and they shot down my advice every single time. Around 11 months into our friendship, they told me they couldn't take being there anymore and they were going to run away. They didn't know where they were going, didn't care, kept talking about being homeless and living on the streets to get away from where they were now. So I told them to come to Colorado (where I live) so I could at least offer help in person. November of 2016, they bought a bus ticket and came to Colorado. I picked them up and took them to my apartment (a three bedroom townhouse I shared with three roommates. They were all upstairs, I lived in a sectioned off half-room behind the living room). At the time, I was working 40 hours a week at a thrift store making about 9$/h. This job was not only tearing my already chronically ill body apart, but was also causing weekly psychotic episodes and mental breakdowns. I was 3000$ in debt with my roommates. My rent was 400$/month and I was making maybe 700$/month. Even so. I was using all of my spare money feeding them, buying them a tracphone and service, toiletries, clothes, etc etc Despite how much I was spending on them, they were still asking for more food, expensive food, cigarettes, alcohol, and weed. And if I didn't say yes, they'd spiral into depressive episodes, hiding either in my room, the living room, or the bathroom, and cry. And then ask again twenty minutes later. Over. And over again. Until I said yes. They talked 24/7. Literally. 24/7. From the SECOND I came home from work til I went to bed. And frequently came into my room multiple times throughout the night to ask for cigarettes and weed. Despite the fact that I had to wake up at 6am for work. It got to the point where, despite being in constant physical pain and despite the mental break downs, I was volunteering for overtime at work every single day to afford to keep them fed and to just fucking avoid their non stop talking and guilt tripping. And this was not non stop conversing. It was non stop THEM talking. I didn't exist. I could not get a word in. They didn't expect me to reply except for an occasional "Isn't that funny/weird?" or "Do you ever do that that??". I basically clocked out mentally any time I was home. I wasn't a person to them. I was just expected to listen quietly to their thousand and one stories. I already made posts back when this started about what happened while they lived with me, so I'm not gonna go into any more detail. I don't remember most of it anyways. It was such an incredibly stressful point in my life, I developed a new alter in my system. I was rarely fronting. It was so bad, the alter that /never/ fronts, had to take over to deal with what was happening. This person has been stalking me from the second they found my blog, and five months after I kicked them out and blocked them, they're still stalking me. I had to install an ip tracker on my blog. They were checking my blog damn near 20 times a day and sending me 10 or more messages every day. I barely posted half of what I got. I was even so desperate as to text their mom to beg for help. I wanted this to end before it started. I never wanted to know them. I want nothing to do with them. I don't want to be dealing with this. I am an asocial agoraphobic shut-in. I don't want any part of this. I don't care what happens to them. I don't care what happens to Rain or Darcy or the 'KuroNekoClan'. All I was is for this to be over. I want to be left alone. I want to finish repressing everything about them. I want them to completely disappear from my memory. I have never hated nor been so terrified of someone as I am in regards to this person. I'm gonna go back to radio silence on this blog for a few more days just to be sure they're not still checking it. Everyone can still PM and I'll still reply to asks, but I'm not gonna be posting on here til I feel safe.
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