#thank god we havent found any needles
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Trash buildup over a month in the bandalong.
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PLEASE dispose of your shit properly. ESPECIALLY if it's styrofoam. Styrofoam breaks up into tiny beads and is impossible for us to clean. We have to throw out woody debris because it gets covered in the stuff, which gets rid of important habitat for guys like
This painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) and lil toad were using the bandalong as habitat (lots of tasty fish and bugs congregate on it)
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Also if you pee in a bottle...pls...dispose of it properly...you'd be surprised how many bottles we find with suspiciously yellow liquid.
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skiniibuniii · 1 year
probably never got fasting insomnia cuz i kept "recovering" before i reached the point im at rn. heres some shit abt me, my history of eds, and why i think and have been told i have EDNOS. added a read more thing so you dont have to read it if you dont want to.
wow someone likes me lmao jk but,,
when i was 9-10 i had to take one of those tests in school for BMI and i was the heaviest person there. all the kids compared bmis and i just stayed quiet when i was asked. so the very next day i did a week long fast without knowing what the fuck i was doing. i barely drank anything, fainted once and couldnt stand up without my legs giving out. yeahh my mom almost took me to the hospital, and i wanted that til my mom said id be poked with needles so i "recovered". off and on over those next few years, i tried to watch what i ate but didnt count cals (tbh cuz i didnt know how).
I started smoking weed around 11-12 and i started binging B A D. my stomach hurt constantly but i never stopped eating. to the point that my mom finally told me that i was eating too much cuz we didnt have the money for me to keep that up any longer than a few months. and my mom saying "youre eating too much", even though she was worried about me and i knew she was just worried, it totally triggered me again. still didnt know jack shit about eds. i tried to restrict and got into a fast-binge cycle for a couple months. "recovered" again.
tried to die right after i turned 13, got sent to a hospital for 2 months and thats when i learned about eds. started going to this LGBTQ club, met my bf and discovered my gender identity (didnt know abt trans people before that either, thought i was just really crazy), and started to learn about how to be safer. aand this is when it stopped being 100% about how i look, but now it was a 50/50 on looks and weight. got back in that fast-binge bull. got my first Tumblr page somewhere around this time too and was in LOVE loved my blog so much. got into ed tumblr for inspo but obvy that didnt last long. stayed on my main for a long while til (i think) i was abt to turn 16. "recovered".
about to be 14 years old, got back into my shit cuz i got pregnant and didnt know it and freaked out about how ugly i was, dropped to 130 cuz the morning sickness made it so easy to purge (i was and have not since been able to purge via vomit) and i barely ate anyway with cal counting, nausea, fasting, and chainsmoking. i did some drugs aside from smoking around this time and drank a fair amount too. found out i was pregnant, "recovered" AGAIN, stopped doing all that bad stuff and was tormented by my body for another 4-5 months. got up to 225lbs, apparently i gained 85lbs from month 5 to birth. popped out a baby, kid was healthy thank god, tried to breastfeed, yo-yoed between 200-225 for about 2 months, breastfeeding wasnt working and made me want to die with the gender dysphoria, switched to bottles, 2 months after that now we're back. didnt do crazy restriction but exercised like a madman. hated myself really bad. fast-binge you know the deal. bf force-fed me regularly. i fucking gave up. reached 175 before i bounced right back to 200.
now we're 16 its the first of june, gonna be 17 in 14 days. i havent been able to look in a mirror for any reason besides to do my makeup in several years. still 200lbs. havent worn anything that could remotely show how fat i am in years. out of nowhere i decided, "imma get back on my fucking shit. I REFUSE TO HATE MY BODY ANYMORE. I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME AN ADULT AND FUCKING HATE MYSELF LIKE THIS"
"hey, youre 17 now! happy birthday. i know your phone just broke, i bought you a computer! it was a great deal and they said it worked for games too! you said youve been wanting to play that java server, right?"
i remembered, tumblr is a thing! i loved my blog, maybe if i get back into that id be happier.
"ghost blog", gone. i cried quite a bit lmao, but lets start a new one!
and here we are. and i am not doing any fake recovery shit this time.
from what i know, EDNOS includes the off-and-on stuff and i was told by a couple people on my og blog that i dont have ana i have EDNOS.
boom thats my ed life story. and if thats kinda bad yall should hear my whole fucking life story. ive been thinking abt writing a book about it cuz it is actually fucking crazy.
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sadprose-auroras · 6 years
‘About Time’ - Roger TaylorxFem!Reader (Part 1)
A/N: Hello my darlings! I can’t decide if I hate this or not, and I’m not sure if I’ll continue writing this, depends on the response. Please let me know if you want me to continue it (it would probably require way more parts, like a full on series). Hope you enjoy! - Also, this can apply to Ben Hardy’s portrayal of Roger. Whatever you prefer!
(This was totally inspired by a couple time travel fics I read a few weeks ago, I can’t remember the authors or the names but all credits to them for the time travel idea…. LOVE. IT. I just HAD to write my own, crappier version)
Find my other works here!
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 You sunk to the floor, your knees giving out beneath you. You felt ridiculous, curling up in a ball, in your wardrobe, but you had reached your breaking point; everything had suddenly hit you. As you hugged your knees, sobbing, your jeans became tear-soaked. Your mind wandered, as your cheeks flamed in embarrassment and shame about your current state, despite nobody being around. How did you get here? A few months ago, your life was great. You had a great job, a great circle of friends and boyfriend, and you were pursuing your passion; studying fashion design. Then, everything began to crumble around you. All your friends turned on you, you got fired, and your studies began to slip as a result, causing you to fail an exam.  
 If all that wasn’t bad enough, you found out your boyfriend of two years had been cheating on you for a year and 11 months. Go figure. It was as if the universe was playing some long, cruel joke on you, just to see how long before you gave up on trying to pursue any kind of happiness. Just as you came to the conclusion that you really had nothing to fight for, leaning your head back on the wall behind you and closing your eyes, the strangest feeling overcame you. Your head began to spin, and pins and needles covered your entire body. You tried to open your eyes, to move your body, but you were frozen. Your heart rate increased rapidly, and you began to think that this was really it. Whatever was happening, you were going to die. Strangely enough, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.  
 By some miracle, everything stopped. The pins and needles ceased, and, save a throbbing headache, you felt much better. You experimentally wiggled your toes, and you had feeling back again. Hesitantly, you opened your eyes, looking around you. It was dark, but you could make out the shapes of the clothes hanging around you. Oddly, you didn’t recognise any of them. The chair that was next to you when you closed your eyes was gone, replaced by a shoe rack.  
You stood up, closed your eyes again and rubbed your temples, trying to rid of the probable hallucinations. You racked your brain, thinking back to when you studied psychosis in high school. You couldn’t remember a thing. Was temporary paralysis a symptom? 
 You decided you needed to call a doctor. You pulled your iPhone out of your pocket, still in the dark, and opened up safari. You had no wifi, and no reception. Frowning, you opened the wardrobe door, the knob feeling unfamiliar, to be greeted by a figure doing the same. The door swung open suddenly, bouncing on its hinges.
 You both screamed loudly, and, without looking at the figure in front of you, you tried to push past to get away, however, a hand gripped you and pulled you back. 
 Your eyes became fixed on the man in front of you. You frowned, unable to tear your eyes off him. The hallucinations were getting worse; you were conjuring up images of people in your home. Hang on. You knew his face all too well; you had spent hours watching him drum and sing at concerts on YouTube. It couldn’t be, could it?
 “Who are you, and what the hell are you doing in my wardrobe!?” he asked, releasing his grip on you. You winced, rubbing where his fingernails had dug into you. This was all too much.
 “I should be asking you the same thing, why are you in my house? What’s going on?” you looked around the room, expecting to see your familiar bedroom; your posters plastered around the walls, your colourful duvet, and your plush white carpet. Instead, the walls were empty, the duvet was blue, and the carpet was grey.
 “I need to sit down,” you said, overwhelmed, perching on the edge of the unfamiliar bed. You glanced up at the man in front of you, his expression still shocked and wide-eyed, as he looked you up and down, his brows furrowing. 
 “God, you seem so real,” you laughed. “But there’s no way.”“What the fuck do you mean?” he replied. “I know I’m real, but I can’t say the same about you. I’ve never known anyone who can just appear out of thin air,” he shook his head in disbelief. 
 You frowned, rubbing your hands through your hair. “What do you mean, I appeared out of thin air?” your stomach began to sink. For reasons you couldn’t explain, something else was going on. Something much weirder than you initially thought.
 “Well, I don’t see how you could have got into my wardrobe without me seeing. I’ve been in my room for 20 minutes.” You glanced at his legs, frowning. What kind of person wears flared jeans anymore? 
 “I, um,” you began, a laugh escaping your lips despite yourself. This was all too ridiculous. You were actively avoiding eye contact with him. You figured if you acknowledged that it was him, at that age, in front of you, this would all go away. It was impossible. Suddenly, it all came together, as shocking as it was. It wasn’t him that was in the wrong place, it was you. This wasn’t your house. You had no wifi or reception. And, Roger Taylor, looking as he did circa 1972, was right in front of you. Had you time travelled? Your head span at the possibility. What else could explain these strange occurrences? 
 “What year is it?” you asked, this time properly meeting his eyes this time. Photos didn’t do the real thing justice; his baby blue eyes were maintaining steady eye contact with you, his lips were slightly parted, and his hair looked so soft and angelic. He was insanely beautiful. You internally cursed yourself. Now was definitely not the time.  
“1972…” he said, becoming even more confused. Your theory was confirmed. You’d watched all of the Back to the Future movies countless times, but you’d never imagined anything like that could ever really happen. Especially to you; plain, boring, old you. 
 “I know you’re probably not inclined to believe the crazy girl from your wardrobe, but I think,” you bit your lip, concerned at how he would take the news. “I think I’m from the future.” 
 “So, you’re telling me you didn’t do anything for this to actually happen?” Roger asked. After trying to explain to him a million times, that yes, you were in fact just as confused as him, and no, you didn’t climb through his window, you tried to remain patient. He had every right to be confused as hell, you would definitely react the same if you were in his shoes. Despite this though, he was oddly trusting, allowing you to remain in his house and actually giving you the time of day to explain your side of the story. He even offered you a glass of water and something to eat, which you accepted gratefully. You were starving. 
 “Yes, I was literally just in my wardrobe, then the next thing I knew we were screaming in each other’s faces.” 
 “How do I know you’re telling the truth? You don’t seem very sane so far. I’m going to need some proof. You could just be a crazy girl who will do anything to sleep with me,” he smirked. You rolled your eyes. So the stories were true, he really was cocky.
 “Don’t flatter yourself, Taylor,” you retorted. “And no,” you said quickly, as he opened his mouth to speak, “I don’t know your surname because I’m a crazy stalker.” Your mind wandered to your extensive Queen record and CD collection. Okay, so maybe you were a little, but he didn’t need to know that. 
 “I know because Queen makes it big. I mean, massive.” You bit your lip nervously. If Back to the Future taught you anything, nobody should know too much about their own future. For the first time in your life, you had to think about what you said before you said it.
“How can I convince you?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” he sighed. “What year do you claim to come from, anyway?”
“2019,” you bit your lip. 
His eyes widened in disbelief. “Shit,” he mumbled. “Am I….?”
 “Still alive? Yeah.” Suddenly, you had an idea. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, thankful it was still charged. You turned it on, the time and date you had left still displayed on the screen (18th January 2019, 11:00), in front of a picture of Queen from 1975. You turned the screen towards him. 
 “Holy shit, is that me?” he gasped, leaning forward. “2019.” He looked up at you, and you shrugged and nodded. You were thankful he didn’t know the implications of having a picture of somebody as your lockscreen. 
 “There’s something else,” you unlocked your phone, opening music and searching for ‘Doing Alright.’ You pressed play, the song pouring out of the speakers.
Yesterday, my life was in ruin
Now today, I know what I’m doing… 
“Oh my god, that’s our song! We haven’t even released it yet.” He chuckled. You couldn’t help but grin at his excitement, encapsulated by his gorgeous smile. 
 “Wanna hear more?” you smirked. It’s funny, you had never felt so comfortable around somebody so quickly. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something about him relaxed you. 
 “Have you noticed I haven’t asked about that thing you’re holding, ‘cause I’m too scared to?”
 You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand. You’d spent the last half an hour playing Roger a few more Queen songs. A small nagging voice in the back of your mind was telling you to stop, to not reveal anything about his future, no matter how small. But Roger’s pleading to hear more won.
 “It’s actually a phone,” you said, to answer his question. “Well, that’s its main purpose anyway. You can use it to take and store pictures, play music, and use the internet. Which, well, you’ll find out about in approximately 18 years.”
 “I’m intrigued, what’s the internet?” he asked. You thought of all the unspeakable things you had come across on social media, and shook your head.“You don’t want to know.” He raised an eyebrow at you, and you tried to suppress a blush.  
You cleared your throat, averting your eyes from him as you straightened up in your seat. “What’s the time?” you asked. He glanced down at his watch. “3am,” he laughed in disbelief. “We should probably get some sleep. I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
 You shook your head rapidly, taken aback by his utter kindness. “Oh my god no, please, I will. It’s your house,” you said, getting up from the chair you were sitting on. He did the same. You both stood awkwardly, basically staring at each other. You couldn’t help but think of the times you watched a Queen documentary on TV, with the Roger of your time’s commentary. It was hard to believe the man in front of you was the same person.  
 He cleared his throat, tearing his eyes off you, and going into his bedroom, mumbling something about getting something for you to sleep in.  
 As you awaited his return, you couldn’t help but wonder why you were so focused on how flustered you were around Roger, and not worried about the fact that you were literally stuck in the wrong year, and had no idea how to get back. The funny thing was, you had no desire to. You hadn’t felt so at home in a long time, than when you were laughing and talking with Roger. He made you feel so safe, so quickly. And that feeling would only grow stronger when you both gave up on convincing the other to sleep on the couch, and ended up sharing his bed. 
When I was writing this, I couldn’t stop imagining rom-com moments. Like, the outfit section? A cute montage with a cute song. Damn I wish I could express the images in my head more clearly, in words. My writing sucks. 
“Y/N, wake up. Y/N!!” A familiar, yet foreign, voice startled you. As you came to your senses, you realised your usual soft, silky sheets were replaced with cotton ones, and an unusual smell wafted around you. You slowly opened your eyes, to be greeted by Roger leaning over you, a slightly annoyed look on his face. Fuck. It was real. He must’ve read your disappointment on your face, and he smiled sympathetically and nodded.
“Yep, you’re still here,” he mumbled. You couldn’t help but sigh; you’d hoped it was a really long, unusual dream.
“I have to go to rehearsal for a gig tonight. Do you wanna come?” Of course you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to meet the rest of the band, and literally see the magic happen, you couldn’t help but feel like you were invading. But then again, who could say they had the chance to sit in on an early Queen rehearsal, especially knowing how successful and impactful they were going to become?
“I don’t – I don’t want to intrude,” you mumbled, sitting up in the bed and clutching the duvet around you, suddenly feeling exposed in Roger’s white shirt.
“Well it’s your choice, I understand that you probably don’t want to sit around with us when you could be finding a way back home or finding your parents or something,” he said.
Although you would never admit it, you wanted nothing more than to go with him. Not only was it literally history in the making, but the absence of your birth parents in your life, leading to a childhood of foster families who couldn’t care less about you, gave you a sense of independence at a young age. You knew how to be alone, seeking solace in music. Music created by the greats like Queen made you feel less alone, as silly as it sounded. It was your escape from the struggles in your real life.
“Wait, no. I want to come. If you don’t mind. But I need something 70s appropriate to wear,” you chuckled, glancing over at your high-waisted skinny jeans and cropped knit jumper folded neatly on a chair.
“I think that can be arranged.” Roger grinned at you, and you were struck with yet another wave of disbelief. Roger Taylor was going to lend you come of his iconic clothes.
After spending a couple of hours going through Roger’s clothes, which was your absolute dream, you finally settled on a pair of pants that were a little too short, and a shirt that was slightly too tight across the chest. You tried to spice up the outfit with a few of Roger’s necklaces, much to his dismay.
“Do I look okay?” you asked when you stepped out, twirling around with your arms out.
Roger, standing with a pile of clothes in his arms that you had rejected, furrowed his brows and looked you up and down. You couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at the sight; he was taking his job as your stylist very seriously.
“You’ll almost fit in,” he said, “although, the shirt is too tight,” he finished bluntly, gesturing to your chest. You folded your arms instinctively.
“Don’t worry, I won’t look at your boobs.” You frowned at this. Was that meant to make you feel better? Why did you feel slightly disappointed?
“Um, thanks?” you scoffed. “What should I do with my hair?” you tugged on each of your French braids. Roger walked towards you without warning, and pulled out your hair ties, running his fingers through your hair.
“Just leave it loose.” He said hoarsely, his face dangerously close to yours. Your heart was beating rapidly, and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was biting his lip in concentration, his eyes squinting as he adjusted your hair. It took everything in you to not lean into his touch; his fingers were so delicate. As he pushed a strand of hair out of your face, his eyes met yours.
“Perfect,” he almost whispered, his breath sending shivers down your spine. You knew you should pull away. You knew this would get way too complicated. Your rationality was telling you to snap out of it. But as his hands smoothly came to rest around your neck, bringing you closer, something else entirely was driving your actions.  Just as you began to lean in, he pulled away, clearing his throat loudly.
“Let me get you a coat,” he said, quickly rushing away from you. You bit your lip, cheeks flaming. You were humiliated. What were you thinking, trying to kiss him? He obviously wasn’t attracted to you; the weird, pathetic crazy time-traveller. You didn’t even belong here anyway, how could you possibly think he would want you? Your eyes began to well up, you just had to get out of there.
As you quickly began to gather your clothes and phone, furiously wiping the tears from your eyes, Roger returned with a fur coat in his arms.
“Here, this should fit – wait, what’s wrong?” he asked, realising your state.
“I’m just gonna go. I’m so sorry to have invaded your life like this, you shouldn’t have to deal with my weird ass problems. Thank you for everything. It was nice meeting you, I guess. I’ll never forget you,” you rambled, becoming increasingly embarrassed, trying to walk past him. He gently placed his hands on your upper arms, turning you to face him.
“Hey, hey, I don’t have to help you, okay? I want to. If you’ll let me.” he said, a surprisingly vulnerable look on his face.
“But, I’m burdening you too much! You can’t have me holding you back from living your normal life. You don’t want me clinging to your side like some kind of….” You paused, struggling to find the right words in your frazzled state. “Some kind of leech. I mean, I’m just annoying. For God’s sake, we have nothing in common! I’m technically young enough to be your daughter!”
Roger laughed softly. “Okay, first of all, you’re not a leech. And yes, it’s weird that you’re from the future, and I’ll probably never wrap my head around it, but so what? We shouldn’t get along, but we do.” You hoped he couldn’t notice your blush at this.
“And, lastly,” he said, a cheeky smirk on his face, “the thought of you being my daughter is gross, but me being your daddy on the other hand…”
“Oh my god, Roger! No!” you couldn’t help but laugh, as you rapidly shook your head. You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not; you secretly hoped he wasn’t.
“So, do you still wanna come to rehearsal?” he asked, all joking aside.
You sighed, hoping you weren’t being a burden. “Okay, give me that then,” you grabbed the coat off him, pulling it on.
“Do I look normal?” you asked.
“No,” he smirked, and you raised your eyebrows at him. “In a good way, though. Come on,” he said, grabbing your hand. You tried to ignore the jolts of electricity you felt from this sweet gesture. You never thought simply holding hands with someone would give you so many butterflies.
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thatmademadej · 7 years
I was tagged by @poiregourmande (thanks babe)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - orange juice 
2. phone call - my mother on friday afternoon
3. text message - my friend in Dundee about B99
4. song you listened to - The Wire, HAIM
5. time you cried - on Sunday, watching Jane the Virgin
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - oh god yes
8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - yeah
10. been depressed - yah
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - maybe I have who’s asking
fave colours
12. red
13. blue
14.  green
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yeah uni is wild whats new
16. fallen out of love - havent been in it to fall out
17. laughed until you cried - yeah life is good lads
18. found out someone was talking about you - haha YEAH
19. met someone who changed you - not one specific person
20. found out who your friends are - i have, but in the good way
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - yeah i have
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - most of them idk
23. do you have any pets - yeah
24. do you want to change your name - i guess not, but also like do you know of any famous caitlins? whats the deal with that?
25. what did you do for your last birthday - i threw a flat party and we got drunk
26. what time did you wake up today - 8.00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - asleeeeep
28. what is something you can’t wait for - summer im so over being cold
30. what are you listening to right now - a delict lecture lol
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - uhhHHhhHHHhhHH no?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - people interrupting me
33. most visited website - tumblr
34. hair colour - blonde
35. long or short hair - mm midlength?
36. do you have a crush on someone - nah im over being attracted to the human form 
37. what do you like about yourself - my sense of perspective
38. want any piercings? - im allergic and also a coward
39. blood type - no idea
40. nicknames - flav
41. relationship status - terminally single
42. zodiac - scorpio
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - b99, doctor who, Jane the Virgin, 
45. tattoos - im afraid of commitment and also needles
46. right or left handed - righty
47. ever had surgery - nah
48. piercings - ears
49. sport - horses, snowboarding, rugby
50. vacation - we’ll probably visit my granny in london at some point this year
51. trainers - ???????
more general
52. eating - pasta bake
53. drinking - cofffeeeeeee
54. i’m about to watch - the new B99 episode!!
55. waiting for - the SUN
56. want - to pass my classes this semes
57. get married - what about it?
58. career - who fucking knows lol not me
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - uhhhh hugs i think
60. lips or eyes - eyes? im not fussed?
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - yeah
67. drank hard liquor - heck yeah
68. lost glasses - didnt have em to lose
69. turned someone down - oh boy
70. sex on first date - nah 
71. broken someones heart - not as far as I know
72. had your heart broken - nah i am invulnerable
73. been arrested - nope
74. cried when someone died - yeah
75. fallen for a friend - not FALLEN fallen but ive had crushes
do you believe in
76. yourself - depends 
77. miracles - not really
78. love at first sight - nahhhhh
79. santa claus - no
80. kiss on a first date - sure
81. angels - nope
82. best friend’s name - Nicola
83. eye colour - green
84. fave movie - Grand Budapest Hotel
85. fave actor - Michael B Jordan (the B stands for Bone)
I’m gonna tag @boogaraniac, @demonsandthebois @thepossessionofshanemadej @unsolveit idk more people sorry
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@alexanderthenotsogreat tagged me in this ayyyyyyyyyy thanks babe LAST…
[1] drink: Fanta Orange
[2] phone call: i called my mom to ask her where she kept the puppy needles at the clinic for my T shot
[3] text message: me and my friend being Petty
[4] song you listened to: Movin' Out (Panic! at the Disco cover from last nights concert whaddup)
[5] time you cried: LAST NIGHT AT THE PANIC! CONCERT DURING GIRLS/GIRLS/BOYS BOY HOWDY HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: honey i've never even been on a DATE 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: NEVER KISSES ANYONE RIP
[9] lost someone special: yea
[10] been depressed: boy howdy
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i've only ever been buzzed tbh LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS:
[12] gray
[13] maroon
[15] made new friends: ye
[16] fallen out of love: nah
[17] laughed until you cried: lmao yEAH
[18] found out someone was talking about you: lol yeah bc they're fckn COWARDS 
[19] met someone who changed you: i mean we all change each other constantly bUT yeah i met this one guy who changed my life 
[20] found out who your true friends are: MMMMMHMM
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: AGAIN. NO. THANK U FOR REMINDING ME GENERAL…
[22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: ~5 i think ?
[23] do you have any pets: lol i live on a farm my boys 
[24] do you want to change your name: YEAH MY DUDES im changing it to Alexander Quinn 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: i sat in my basement and played Dragon Age with my friends 🙃
[26] what time did you wake up: 7:30ish
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: falling asleep lol 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: starting college in the fall !!!
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: a few hours ago 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: would my gender count? i sorta wanna b a cis boy tbh
[31] what are you listening to right now: my friends trying to play hide and seek in the dark in my friends basement rip
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yepp
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: my inability to go into a boys restroom alone bc im scared Where’s [34]?
[35] elementary: ive been going to the same school since kindergarten rip 
[36] high school: graduating in the top 10 of my class
[37] college: going to Columbia College Chicago in the fall!!!!! super excited god bless
[38] hair colour: brown with mint tips ayy
[39] long or short hair: shortshortshort
[40] do you have a crush on someone: not really but i fall into small infatuations w cute ppl who smile at me tbh
[41] what do you like about yourself?: idk my voice finally dropped/is dropping 
[42] piercings: ears but imma get a lip ring soooooon
[43] blood type: R O Y A L
[44] nickname: Xanny Phantom, Sheep Boi, XanderGander, etc. 
[45] relationship status: single but not the fun kind :(((
[46] zodiac sign: im an Aquarius binch
[47] pronouns: he/him 
[48] fav tv show: idfk 
[49] tattoos: until i have money saved up, but i have my first one all planned out B]
[50] right or left handed: right, but i used to be ambidextrous rip FIRST…
[51] surgery: N/A
[52] piercing: ears
[53] best friend: a girl named Heidi who i dont really chill w anymore bc shes sporty and im not 
[54] sport: Tee Ball 
[55] vacation: Disney World when i was 8--also my only vacation ever 
[56] pair of trainers: light up sketchers whaddup binches RIGHT NOW…
[57] eating: nada
[58] drinking: mtn. dew like a good gamer boy
[59] i’m about to: scroll thru my gay ass tumblr dash for those Gay Feelings
[60] listening to: See [31]
[61] waiting for: the Sweet Release of sleep
[62] want: a cute boy to smooch and get jiggy with
[63] get married: nahhhh unless they the real deal, u kno?
[64] career: HOPEFULLY an illustrator for graphic novels and/or author of said novels WHICH IS BETTER…
[65] hugs or kisses: i am unable and unqualified to answer this 
[66] lips or eyes: mmmmmmmmmmmmm depends 
[67] shorter or taller: mmmmmmmm taller? depends tbh
[68] older or younger: older 
[69] [nice] romantic or spontaneous: either or both depending 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: armsss
[71] sensitive or loud: loud 
[72] hook up or relationship: both or just hook up :]
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: both?? HAVE YOU EVER…
[74] kissed a stranger? I WISH
[75] drank hard liquor? yah
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? YAH
[78] sex on first date? nah but ,';]
[79] broken someone’s heart? idk hopefully not 
[80] had your own heart broken? nah
[81] been arrested? nop but my dad used to be a DNR officer and hes terrifying
[82] cried when someone died? yeap
[83] fallen for a friend: nah DO YOU BELIEVE IN…
[84] yourself? to a point 
[85] miracles? to a point 
[86] love at first sight? nah. only attraction. 
[87] santa claus? negative 
[88] kiss on the first date? pls
[89] angels? to a point OTHER…
[90] current best friend’s name: Binch (@solarscam)
[91] eye colour: brown :[
[92] favourite movie: uhhhhhh half the gay movies on Netflix rn. ((currently obsessed with Closet Monster tbh))
1 note · View note
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
"how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and live in the UK and I'm currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won't pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What's the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won't help until I figure it out myself.""
How much is automobile commercial insurance?
Vehicle insurance
""How do I get the best deal on a rental car, and what about insurance?""
I am going to Orlando for 4 days/3nights, and want to rent a car while I am there, but I want to get the best price I can. What is the best way to do that...tips/suggestions? I'm also a bit confused about the whole insurance issue, since this is my first time renting a car. I really don't want to have to pay double just to get insurance if I don't actually need it. Please explain. Thanks!""
Help with finding a good honest health insurance provider?
I am a college student looking for affordable insurance with decent coverage. (it's like a needle in a haystack, I know) I don't have any major health problems, so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm already looking into state regulated programs, but I was wondering what privately owned companies might have to offer. What companies have you had a good personal experience with? Or what companies have given you the run-around? What companies should I avoid? P.s. I live in central minnesota if that makes a difference.""
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
I have cancelled my old insurance with a company and i need a renewal notice to get cheap insurance.?
i have called the old company is asking me why i need the renewal notice from them. they told me they have put it in the post but i did not receive anything. the only mail i received, was the sorry to see u go mail the next day after i cancelled the policy. With the notice i can show i have a 6yrs no claims discount. How do i get the old insures to send me the notice with the no claims or do i just tell my new insurers to contact the old ones. Please this is urgent. Serious answers only""
How much life insurance is enough?
We are looking to get life insurance for my husband and myself. Permanent over term. Im a stay at home mom of 3 kids and we are planning to have another baby. We are currently living in Europe because my husbands job is here. We are renting but want to buy a home. We plan to move back to the US at some point, when my husband can find a secure job there and when we can save the money to be secure in an unstable economy. Basically, if my husband dies (God forbid!!) the children and I would move back to the US and need to buy a house, vehicle and either ship our belongings from Europe or furnish a new house. Plus, I havent worked in about 5 years since I have been raising my babies and I dont have a college education. I do plan to send all the kids to a public university when that day comes. I am capable of working but dont know what kind of paying job I could get with only a hs education. So how much do you think my husbands policy should be? And for myself? Whats the average cost monthly for a married couple having permanent life insurance?""
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Young Drivers Car Insurance?
My son is 17 in January and already owns a car, im looking for car insurance for him as a learner then obviously as a passed driver. Most comparisson sites wont search as he is not 17 at the moment. He insists that he does not want one with a box fitted to the car. Any ideas of companies that will give a reasonable quote would be appreciated.""
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
Best car insurance company to use?
I am 22 and just traded my 2003 VW beetle for a 2010 honda civic LX (which is being financed). I use 21st Century and they're going to raise my rate by a couple hundred dollars per year. I pay every 6 months. I feel like this is too much. Even though I'm not yet 25, it seems a little excessive. Are there any suggested insurance companies with a more competitive rate? BTW I'm in California if that makes a difference...""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
About how much will my car insurance increase...?
I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!""
College Question about health insurance?
So i am attending a SUNY school and im going for marketing i know longer want to go for marketing but cant switch out of classes, if i decide to stop going to two of my classes out of five will i loose my health insurance because i will know longer be a full time student, or would i still have health insurance because i paid for my courses, please let me know? Thanks""
If I own property and pay insurance from 2 different insurance companies.?
If something were to happen to my property can I collect money from both insurances?
Insurance price on 2001 Eclipse?
Im a 17 year old driver, so instantly high lol, but its an automatic 2 door eclipse but only 4 cylinder and automatic transmission. What would you think the insurance be and how would that compare to lets say... a honda civic""
What car can i get that will be the cheapest insurance a month?
Hello I'm 18 I'm a male and I live in Cleveland Ohio I was wondering what is the best car I can get with the lowest insurance a month? And what is the best car insurance for first time drivers?
What site can i visit that will help me find the right health insurance plan for me and my son?
So im trying to find an insurance plan with affordable monthly rates that will cover vision, doctors visits, dental, and maternity without having separate plans. Is that possible? I have looked into a few plans and i haven't been able to find one that includes all of the above. There was one for doctors visits and maternity and one for vision and one for dental..? Help Please!!! : )""
""I need health insurance but can't afford it, please help.?""
I am a 22 year old female, I work full time at a minimum wage job that does not offer benefits. I am a diagnosed bipolar and need medication for it that I can't afford without insurance. I also need health insurance because I need to pay for therapy, medicine for over active bladder, acid reflux, insomnia, and muscle injury. I have a lot going on and need to know if there is any way I can get cheaper insurance. Please help me.""
Those self-employed: can you share a good health insurance that's affordable?
I have found only quotes over $300 a month. Those that were under $100 had a.. drum roll....deductible of over 10,000 dollars! I need health insurance, but can't afford it. Ironically, my dogs have it and I cannot afford it for me.""
Can I Sue A Insurance Company ???
I Was A Passager In A Car Accident. My Bestfriend Was Driving. He Lost Control Of The Car...When A Car Jumped In Front Of Him On The Highway..I Broke My Left Arm..He Has liability car insurance....Should I Sue His Insurance Company??? How Much Would I Get?
2 Door Cars vs 4 Door Cars cost of Insurance?
I am interested in going from my 4 Door Acura TSX to a 350z or G35 Coupe, 2 door cars. I was wondering what the difference in prices would be for me, I am 19, no accidents, no tickets, clean record. As of now my parents have me on their insurance which I am sure makes it much cheaper, so what would the average cost of switching be if I was on my parents insurance or I was to take up my own. Please let me know, Thanks! :)""
Insuring A Range Rover For An 18 Year Old?
Ive been driving for a year now, and i have 1 year no claims bonus. (aged 18 and male). I am going to university for three years, and for the first of those three years, im NOT on the insurance. How much do you think a Rangerover sport (second hand costing about 9,000) would be costing me in UK insurance third-party? my current car was fitted with this mileage thing, which also lessens the amount i pay (NOT A BALCK BOX).. but roughly do you know? thanks.""
""A car is registered on my name, im only 18 years old male and i want to get a cheaper car insurance.""
a car is registered on my name, im only 18 years old male and i want to get a cheaper car insurance.is it possible if i could get my friend to insure my car on his name as the main driver because he has like more than 5 years no claims discount bonus which makes the car insurance go down and im just going to be the second driver? but the car is registered on my name. is it still possible if i could do that and get below a 1000 pounds insurance for a year?? thanks for the answers in advance. IM FROM UK ENGLAND by the way""
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?
How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant?
My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I received a speeding ticket today i was doing 56 on a 30 : /...balls. Now I obviously know that car insurance rates are different for everyone so i called my insurance company today and they said that my insurance would roughly go up by 2 points and that each point is roughly 100$ dollars each... I forgot to ask if that meant i would be paying 200$ plus each month or for the entire year, i tried calling again but they closed for the weekend. Anyone know or have an idea? I pay 125$ a month now, could I really end up paying 325 a month?!""
""Do Asians pay higher Car Insurance rates, especially women and is that legal?
Do insurance companies use profiling in their rate policies. Are they like the IRS who used typical words for known tax cheats like Patriot or Tea Party .Or do ...show more
Cheap and best insurance for me.?
I have a 99 dodge intrepid 4-D sedan and I am looking for an auto insurance for it. I have a clean driving history with no tickets since I got my drivers license (1.5 years ago). Please help me find an auto insurance in a way that I dont spend too much and yet covered. Thanks in advance.
What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!?
I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)""
What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?
what is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas? we are thinking of buying a house but all the morgage calculators have a space to add home owners insurance in to the monthly payment. I need to get a rough estimate of the price range of a house we could afford i know we cant afford much so it would not be for a house more than $100,000 for sureso not a big fancy just a basic 3 or 4 bedroom house. please give me an estimate i know it depends on the house locatoin and all that but I am completely clueless as to if it adds $10 or $100 or $300""
Average car insurance for new driver?
I'm 16 and I can get my liscence sooon... but I need to pay for car insurance... how much on average will I be paying for a 1996 camry?
Car insurance cancellation?
I took out an insurance two days ago with a company called (i-kube car insurance). I've been told that I won't be able to drive between the hours of 11pm -5am and if i drive, i will have to pay 45 fine ( a GPS will be installed in my car). I've realised that the insurance is not cheap even though i used my pass plus to get discount. Tesco and Elephant car insurance are even cheaper. They took out my deposit immediately eventhough my insurance will not start till 2nd wk in February. Is it too late to cancel? I haven't received any paper document yet and their website lacks information about cancellation. What shall I do? Should i go with a different company? Would they tell me to pay cancellation fee? They've planned to fix the GPS to my car tomorrow but i haven't agreed to the time yet.""
Health Insurance Company in Ohio?
Affordable Health Insurance Company in Ohio
""I just purchased Geico car insurance, did i do the right choice?
i did research for car insurance companies. so far my Geico's quote beat the rest of them. i received a 6 months premium of $520.10. i just hope i did the right choice. please serious answers!
Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance?
We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great.""
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
How do I get health insurance if im 17 and not living in the same state as my parents?
Im a 17 year old male and im moving from Georgia to California. I need health insurance and im trying to figure out if I can stay on my parents health insurance until im 21 or do I have to get something else? please help
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
Insurance rates of a new leased car vs. a used car?
I am looking for a car to drive, and it's my first car. I am wondering what the difference in insurance costs would be between: a) A brand new leased car b) A fairly old used car I know it depends on the type of car, but lets go with a honda accord, because that's what I would buy/lease. Also, I am 16. Is it possible for my dad to own the lease but designate me as the driver of the car?""
Car insurance...under 25?
who provides the cheapest car insurance for a lad age 21 in the UK
Am I covered by my dad's liability insurance?
I just got my license, but my dad says I can't drive his car because I don't have insurance. The car itself has liability insurance under his name, but he says I would need liability insurance before I can drive any car, even if it's just once in awhile. That doesn't really make sense to me, to have car insurance even though I don't have my own car... Is he right? If I were to get in an accident in his car would it not be covered by his liability insurance? Thanks in advance.""
What is title insurance?
I will like to know more about the title insurance and how is it that important when we buy a propety. Can you please help me with the information. Thanks
Will changing my Irish driving licence over to the UK greatly decrease my car insurance quotes?
I graduated from university last June and have since began working in England. I'm looking to get a car now but I'm finding that insurance quotes are quite high. I'm 26, male and have had my licence for 5 years, yet I'm being quoted in the range of 1,300-1,800 (for a Ford Mondeo 1.8 or a Peugeot 206 1.1). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.""
How much will car insurance cost for a 17 year old in the UK?
I'm 16 years old, and 17 in a few months. I have a car already, in the garage. It's a Peugot 106, and my mum bought it for 350. I live in Newcastle, and I would like to know a rough price on the insurance? Realistically, around the region of 1000-3000 ect...""
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
Liberty Mutual Insurance?
im 16 years old just got my provision license in california and my mom has liberty mutual car insurance and i was wondering if i drove her car and crashed would they cover damages?
""Sorry, we cant provide you with a quote for car insurance based on the details which you have provided. AVIVA INSURANCE DECLINING HELP!?""
hi on aviva insurance, whenever i do a quote on whatever address or car the message comes up at the end and declines me we cant provide you with a quote for car insurance based on the details which you have provided no claims , clean record so why dont it let me""
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
How much does Acrft Maint insurance cost for mechanics and owners on cessnas from 172's and up?
Insurance For light aircraft like private aircraft from small cessna 172's to a gulfstream 1 or 2.
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
""When you get car insurance, is it the car itself that's insured, the person, or...?
does each person in the household have to get insurance for each car they use?
How much is errors and omissions insurance in california?
How much is errors and omissions insurance in california?
What is the best kind of life insurance?
should one buy to take care of their final expenses . What is term life ins? I am in my 60's and don;t want to burden my children to have to pay for my funeral someday.
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Car insurance accepting no claims when not been on a policy for 2 years?
I need car insurance with a company who will accept my 9 years no claims from 2 years ago, does anybody know any companies who accept this??? thanks""
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
How do you apply for health insurance?
How does health insurance work?
Car accident advice California?
Today i was in a car accident and it was not me fault i was sandwiched in between two cars i contacted insurance company of mines and said wait for there insurance to contact you any advice on what steps i should take now
What would be a good life insurance policy?
What is the difference between 10 and 20yr terms etc. What is the benefit of the whole life insurance? And why do those one's cost much, much more? What should the average 35yr old female enroll in. I'm looking at probably 500,000. That's way more then ten times the amount I earn in a year. Do they grow with interest? So many question's I know. But if anyone has the time to give me the basics I will appreciate it. Thank you.""
Insurance quote!!!!!!!!?
abut how much will it cost to insure a 2002 suburban for a 16 yearold male in dallas texas with a 3.5 gpa
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
Individual Health Insurance / COBRA?
Why is COBRA considered better than individual health insurance plans? When I did some research,for almost the same kind of coverage but cheaper premiums, I could find individual health insurance plans.But I keep hearing that given an option, going for COBRA is the wiser decision. I don't understand what the catch could be in these individual plans. Any insight?""
Can switching to geico really save you 15% or more on care insurance?
Can you suspend car insurance without any penalties?
Well I am going to a technical college for two years, and I need a car for it... after wards I am going to a university, and I don't plan to bring my car because parking is expensive, and I just don't need one there. Is it possible to suspend your car insurance for two years and then restart it once you start driving the car again?""
How much would it cost to insure a 1973 C3 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette?
I am doing a class project and just need to know an average cost of insurance for a Stingray Corvette.
Old insurance vs new insurance?
if you start a new insurance policy at a different company on the same day you are suppose to start the old company do you still have to pay them or just let go
How can i get a german Health Insurance from outside of germany?
I need to have Health insurance accepted in before i go there. i will be staying there. I cannot find any way to sign up for health insurance from outiside of germany.
Help me with me car insurance?
i am 34 years old have a new license with pass plus and recentley bought a car. what is the cheapest car insurance for me(third party) thanks
17 year old male car insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 year old male looking for car insurance - I know that the insurance is going to be expensive, but the cheapest I can find is just over 6000! It's for a 1 litre citroen C1, I don't live in a rough area or anything. What am I doing wrong? My friends are driving cars, and they're paying around 2000. I tried everything; pass plus, third party only, low annual mileage, high voluntary excess - what am I meant to do? I've tried all the price comparison websites.. Thanks for your help!""
""Used Car, How Much Insurance?""
How much would I have to pay for insurance on a 1998 Nissan Sentra for $1,495? How much are taxes in Canada? 13%?""
What is car insurance premium tax?
My car insurance renewal notice is comprised of the insurance itself (540.00), car hire (28.25), credit charge (48.30), and Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), giving a total of 650.65. Is the insurance premium tax some type of scam to get me to pay extra or is it a government tax, like VAT (I thought VAT would be included in the 540.00)?""
Need help getting affordable auto Insurance?
I'm 20 years old in Brooklyn NY I am a college student I live alone I don't speak to my father and my Mother is not here, I really need a car for work (i started my own business) and for my life in general The cheapest insurance quote I received was for $10350 a year, for the state minimal coverage I am looking something in the range of what normal people pay 1k-3k at best Please if anyone knows any schemes, tricks, deals, anything let me know And please non of thatpublic transit or that you shouldn't try to trick the system non of that.""
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
Car insurance for 16 year old?
I am 16. Live in Miami, Florida. Drive a Toyota Corolla 1992. I want the insurance that I'll only be paying to cover the repairs of the other car if i get into an accident and not mine. About how much do you think the insurance will cost me? Oh and I plan to pay for the full year in one full payment and not monthly.""
Does anyone know an affordable doctor in phx/ glendale area?
I have no insurance, does any one no where there is a good doctor who's cash prices are affordable?""
Looking for affordable health insurance in California?
Is there any way that an individual might be able to join an existing health insurande group? I am single, and my job does not offer insurance. I am 28 and healthy, but the costs of individual plans are out of my budget. I was just wondering if there was a better way to insure myself on the up and up.""
My license suspended cause of insurance payment were can i get a very cheap car insurance?
please help
""Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
What's the insurance costs on a 1989-95 nissan 240sx?
I'm sixteen & mostly going to end up getting this car & was wondering how much it would cost out of curiosity
How much insurance is on a 2002 mustang gt on a 55 year old male?
How much insurance is on a 2002 mustang gt on a 55 year old male?
I was in a car accident yesterday a very minor one, the damage to my mother in laws BMW was just a cracked head light, and damage to theres was hardly apparent although the man said there was a tiny bump in door and a scratch. what happened was i was leaving a duel carriageway and on the side lane one lane was closed and a cone was in the road i swerved to miss going into work access (plenty of room as cones missing ETC cos of bad weather) then i pulled straight back out into correct lane having dragged the cone and seeming to leave it in work access... although all this happened in matter of seconds when i pulled back out i have hit the car that was originally behind me in the side door he obviously didn't break in time to stop when i swerved... i have a feeling because it was me that hit him that i am at fault? problem is i don't want to really go through insurance as it means both me and my mother in law will lose our no claims and because it was me driving not my mother in law excess is 600 as i am only a named driver.... I would rather just pay for damages if i am at fault than give my mother in law all the hassle...how much do you think it will cost? only thing is when i said this to the man he said he needs to notify insurance anyway and mine which i have been told will lose our no claims anyway... any ideas info please as im quite confused?""
Is there car insurance for people who don't own cars in Ontario?
My parents are taking me off their insurance as an occasional driver. I don't own a car and don't plan on getting one. I was wondering if I need insurance in order to drive someone else's car? I haven't had any luck finding info relevant to Ontario. Thanks!
How much would insurance be on a corvette?
I'm looking at corvettes in the 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 miles on it. I will be 18 when I buy it and I'm hoping I keep my perfect driving record. If it's affordable ...show more""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
How much money does drivers ed save on car insurance?
Is the amount saved by drivers ed a lot, meaning does drivers ed pay for itself by helping lower your insurance cost?""
BMW Z4 windshield insurance question... help please!?
Hi, I have a 2004 BMW Z4, and the rain sensor, for automatic wipers, has broken. Apparently, you need to replace the whole windshield to fix this (if you know different, let me know!), so my question is... is it possible for me to claim for this under my insurance? My windshield excess is 70, but I assume that is for when the windshield is cracked or damaged etc. So, seeing as mine is not damaged, only the sensor, is there any way I can claim? Also, if anyone knows how much a new windshield for a Z4 is, that would be great too.. I can't find any figures but I assume it's pricey :-( Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated (I'm in the UK, by the way).. Cheers!""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?
Should be getting a car soon, think it's going to be a 96 Cutlass Supreme, the 2 door. Mileage is probably really high, it's an old car, my grades aren't so hot e.t.c. Never got a ticket, crash anything like that. First car, anything else im missing lemme know.""
Can i drive my moms car without my own insurance?
My mom has car insurance and everything, but i'm just wondering if i could like drive her car to the gym or something without adding me to her policy? I heard its as long as the car is insured right? I live in california and i do have a valid drivers license and i do live in the household.""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
Im 16 and need car title and insurance advise?
I was wondering if it would be better to put my car in my name or my parents name. I have a 1998 toyota corolla and I was also wondering about a rough estimate for a new 16 yr old drivers insurance rates
Car insurance company question?
State farm gave me a car insurance quote 6 months ago. I agreed to it and they set up an account. They told me that we would have automatic payments made to them every month and that my coverage would stay the same. My husband and I never checked to make sure they were still automatically withdrawing the payments until today, 6 months later. I tried to call my insurance agent and she quit! I have not been covered since after the first month, and no one ever called to let me know I was no longer insured. HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND SOME OTHER DRIVER WOULD'VE BEEN SCREWED. Who do I talk to about this? BTW I switched insurance companies since then and am now covered. I just was wondering who I can complain to about this.""
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
What questions do the ask you when you call for a motorcycle insurance quote?
What questions do the ask you when you call for a motorcycle insurance quote?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
Will a claim for a broken passenger side window increase my car insurance premium?
A rock thrown from a lawn mower shattered the side window in my car yesterday. Will my car insurance premium rates go up if I file a claim?
How much will car insurance be for a teen driver?
I know that there could be no true answer here but I want to know a range. Factors: 4.1 GPA student 16 year old male. California residence 2007 Honda Civic Took drivers ED Asian (if that matters, haha) My parents have a HIGH credit score. I'm going to be added in to my parents insurance plan. My dad is paying around 50 dollars for full coverage on the 2007 Honda civic right now (passing it on to me)""
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
how do you get cheap car insurance for young drivers
0 notes
whattoputonyourface · 7 years
Hey! After a long period of depression, I've started exercising again. I'm getting pretty strong, getting rid of a bit of fat and overall feeling a lot better. My issue is that I'm starting to have a lot of very visible stretch marks. I have fairly pale, not particularly dry or oily skin. I don't really do much for my skin at all, so I'm looking to start a basic routine. Thanks!
Congrats on getting back out into the world! That’s great! 
To treat and prevent stretch marks, it helps to know a little about them.  Basically, stretch marks are tiny tears in places where your skin was not elastic enough to to stretch around some area of new mass. They’re essentially just a bunch of little scars. Think about what happens when you’re kneading bread dough, and you stretch it apart when it’s only halfway kneaded - that’s pretty much what happens to your skin when it stretches. The two proteins that make skin more stretchy are called elastin and collagen. These are two proteins your skin gradually loses as you get older. 
So, some bad news. Old stretch marks (which usually look white, sometimes dark purple or brown) are very hard to fade unless you have enough money to get them lasered off in some cronenbergian sci fi body horror type of deal. That skin’s been stretched. You can’t unstretch it or make it stretchier after the fact. But! Like I said, stretch marks are scars. And we have ways to fade scars in the skincare world! We treat them with exfoliation. A strong alpha hydroxy acid like gycolic acid, or a TCA peel might work to help resurface the skin, which will fade the look of the stretch marks over time. TCA peels also help stimulate collagen. Remember, you can use much stronger chemical exfoliants on your body than on your face, so don’t try to multitask with these. With new stretch marks - the ones that are brighter colors, red or purple usually, you may be able to stop them in their tracks or even reverse some of the damage. You want to make sure youre moisturized, because moisturized skin is always stretchier than non moisturized skin, but unfortunately because the tearing taking place in the formation of stretch marks is happening so deep below the skin's surface, this isn't going to prevent much. Your main goal here is to stimulate collagen production, and slow the loss of elastin from your skin. Unfortunately skincare science doesn't seem to have yet found a surefire way to stimulate elastin production, so we just have to try to preserve what God's given us. There’s arguments thatdermarollers could help - by pricking tiny surface wounds into an affected area, the skin works extra hard to heal and resurface, using these lovely stretchy proteins. It’s something to think about! But personally, I havent seen enough of the science to back it up as a definite game changer. The same goes for red light therapy, which you should look into if you’re curious and have a lot of money to spend. The research isn't quite there yet but things look promising!
“Pricking needles into yourself? Red lights? Why can’t you just tell me what lotion to use and move on?” you’re probably saying. Yeah. I get it. Unfortunately, the collagen and elastin needed to keep your skin stretch has to be a structural part of your skin itself, so unfortunately, glopping on a bunch of cream with collagen in it is probably going to feel nice, but it isn’t going to actually change the structural makeup of your skin. (What I’m saying is - don’t waste your money on that stuff.) 
Good news though! There is one cream out there that actually is pretty promising at fading new stretch marks, stimulating collagen production, and preventing elastin loss! Guess what it is?  Good old RETINOL!
Yep. That stuff is a miracle! What DOESNT it fix?  Retinol is good for acne, for aging, for pretty much everything. And it’s good for stretch marks too! Its exfoliating qualities that will fade the look of any older stretch marks and scarring as well, but it works best on fresh scars.
Other ingredients that help encourage collagen production are some of our old favorites as well: hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, and various peptides like Syn-ake. But at the end of the day, nothing quite multitasks like retinol.
Here's a little bit of a downer, though: even though retinol is the only thing proven to reduce stretch marks, it doesn't get rid of them. Most studies say they reduce their appearance about 20%. They also fade with time, usually. But they're never going to be gone. I've found the best skincare regimen I can have about my stretch marks is just not to care about them too much. Almost everyone has them. They're reminders of how you've grown as a person. Wear em with pride, I say :)
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