#we also find a ton of drug paraphernalia
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Trash buildup over a month in the bandalong.
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PLEASE dispose of your shit properly. ESPECIALLY if it's styrofoam. Styrofoam breaks up into tiny beads and is impossible for us to clean. We have to throw out woody debris because it gets covered in the stuff, which gets rid of important habitat for guys like
This painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) and lil toad were using the bandalong as habitat (lots of tasty fish and bugs congregate on it)
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Also if you pee in a bottle...pls...dispose of it properly...you'd be surprised how many bottles we find with suspiciously yellow liquid.
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ollieinoue · 1 year
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The Inoue household is located in a small 2 bedroom apartment, located on the 4th floor of an apartment block in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. The family has never had a ton of money, but they managed to get by on his parents multiple full time jobs, as they never wanted Ollie to work telling him to focus on his school and get into college instead. Use that big brain of his that neither of them had (their words). Most of the furniture and décor in the apartment is second hand in some way, shape, or form. Whether it was gotten in thrift shops & flea markets, rented until they paid it off in full, or literally fished out of dumpsters. His parents aesthetic is pretty eclectic anyway, and the place is filled with books, records, photos, art, magazines, random weird knick-nacks and just about anything that could make a person’s apartment to feel like a home. 
Despite the size, broken appliances, shoddy plumbing with hot water that only works when it feels like working, no built in cooling, terrible landlord, living on the top floor of a building with no elevator, etc … Ollie’s never felt out of place in his childhood home, and that’s probably the most important thing for a person growing up, he understands that not everyone has been so lucky. 
Filled with books, old records, some plants, a tv, and second hand furniture. 
Honestly the tv is probably the least used thing in the apartment. 
The first time he ever made out with someone was on that couch :’) during his twelveth birthday party. Oh the memories.
The fridge is usually full of like frozen meals, and left overs, and easy to make food like that. 
Lots of good snacks. They’re a household of stoners. 
Lots of long lasting food, like rice, and soups, and canned vegetables and things like that.
Nothing fancy like dishwashers, and trash compactors. 
“We have no clean bowls, but we do have a wok. Boy, I love being Asian” - actual conan gray quote that is v fitting for Ollie’s life lmao
It’s basically just like the hallway between his parents bedroom and the bathroom. 
Ollie did most of his studying in his room, but that’s where the computer was so he did all the computer stuff there.
Also where his dad keeps all of his guitars, except he has his favorite acoustic one in his bedroom. 
You’ll see a lot of band paraphernalia on the walls from his dad’s band, and you’ll also find most of the Inoue family photos, and stuff like that. It’s where they keep all that stuff (or hung up on the fridge).
Where Ollie spent most of his time specifically in his teenage years when he was at home. A lot of reading. A lot of drug use. A lot of other activities...
His room is really small, so it’s really just room for a bed, his dresser, and his bookshelves. Because there were more than one bookshelves. 
Otherwise everything had to be fairly small and kept to his walls. 
It’s pretty chaotic, and cluttered. He’s a lot neater in the dorm tbh. 
There is also his parents room which he hung out watching TV with them early mornings, when it was just one of those days nothing was happening. 
Also a bathroom which is small and not interesting.
The ‘dining room’ which is a table that is used for everything except eating. It’s where all the crap they’re carrying goes. They eat literally anywhere else except for on holidays of it they have GUESTS like important ones.
Any and All of Ollie’s friends are welcome to go to the Inoue apartment whether Ollie is there or not. They can just crash there his parents really don’t care. Especially if they are currently in some kind of bad way and need a place to be. They’re very nice people.
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yikeslads · 4 years
A Relaxing Evening - Yandere Sero Hanta x Reader
Trigger Warnings! - 18+ only. Non Con (sex and non con drug use). If this bothers you p l e a s e do not read this fic! You are responsible for your own consumption and this is your official warning. Also they smoke a lot of weed in this but I don’t think that really needs a warning but idk
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Long time no see (please don’t kill me, I’ve been hella busy). I’ve started my last year at university so I am super thrilled about that, just turned 21, and I have spent my entire summer working full time. But enough about me, I’m sure everyone is dealing with a ton with the pandemic plus whatever they have. Anyways, I will be doing my best to update more! I have a WIP that should be released soon (i only have like 400 words left) so that should be fun. 
Big big big big thanks to @yanderart ! If you don’t know recognize the name, she is a phenomenal artist (both in visual and literary works, an icon) who shares the yandere/dark love. Thank you SO much for your super helpful edits/comments/encouragement with this <3 
Also thanks to @opheliadawnwalker3 for the advice to start small when getting back into the writing game! I took that to heart and tried to keep it shorter this time and helped me get this out so thank you!
And thanks to @rat-suki @weebsinstash @drxwsyni because I have definitely binged all of y’alls content and used the immaculate yandere vibes you write as inspo so thank you <3 
Now let’s get started!
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It was eerily silent in the hallway as your feet made their way to their destination through the mostly abandoned college dormitory. Your mind was so preoccupied with the many thoughts that demanded your attention that you weren’t paying attention to where you were going. Not that it mattered. You had made this walk so many times, you could find your way even if you were blindfolded and hammered, that you were allowed to fully slip into your thoughts without having to worry. Before long you were standing in front of a very familiar door, the only one in the hallway with light peaking through the crack at the bottom. Music could clearly be heard through it, Jimi Hendrix’s singing the only sound of human life that you had encountered during your entire walk over here.
It took you a moment to snap out of your thoughts and come back to reality and notice that you were already standing at your destination. Clearing your throat awkwardly at the realization, you raised your arm and knocked solidly on the door to be heard above the music and waited as patiently as you could for an answer.
From behind the door you could hear someone swear, causing a small smirk to rise on your face, along with the sound of some rustling. A few moments later the door cracked open a bit as the familiar raven haired male peaked into the hallway, a bright smile pulling at his lips as he  regarded you.
“Well this is a pleasant surprise!” Sero chirped, opening the door all the way, seeing that it was only you standing in the hallway. “What can I do for ya, sunshine?”
His cheery, warm response to your presence unknowingly brought a small smile to your face, a needed break from your tense, concentrated expression you had been wearing when Sero first opened the door.
“Sorry to bother you, Sero,” you began, stuffing your hands into the pockets of the jacket you were wearing to stop you from wringing them anxiously. “I’ve just been really stressed with final exams and choosing which agency I want to officially sign for and… it’s just been a lot.” As you explained, Sero’s face softened slightly as he listened intently to your words, not liking the fact that you were so stressed.
“Anyway,” you continued with a chuckle, bringing yourself back onto the subject, “I was wondering if you had any of your stash left that I could buy from you? I know I bought from you a little while ago, but I’ve been more stressed out than I can handle,” you admitted, hoping that Sero might still have some weed hidden away in his room somewhere that you could use.
It was a little into sophomore year of college that you found out that your classmate, Sero, was a bit of a stoner. And as someone going through the hero course, you are understandably dealing with a lot of stress. So what’s wrong with smoking a little Mary J every once in a while to relax, right? Or at least that’s what you told yourself when you first asked Sero if you could buy weed from him. Ever since then he had been your personal plug, but over time, you two became close friends. “I think you might be in luck, sunshine, I think I have some on reserves. Come on in,” he welcomed, and you crossed the threshold without a second thought. As you stepped inside and took off your shoes, a large but gentle arm carefully looped around your shoulders, gently pulling you into the tall man’s side as you led you to the couch and sat you down on the soft fabric in front of his laptop that was open and had various work assignments in different windows.
“Tell ole Sero what’s troubling you,” Sero propositioned as he moved to his desk, opening a drawer and grabbing his needed paraphernalia as he waited for you to begin speaking. He settled down next to you on the couch, pulling the small table holding the laptop in front of you a little closer as he set down his bong, and pulled out his grinder and began the process of loading you a bowl.
You were about to begin venting, but you paused as you took in the sight of Sero wordlessly working for your benefit, and you pulled your wallet out of your jacket pocket after a few seconds. “Sorry, before I forget, how much do I owe you?” You asked, opening your wallet and beginning to pull out a few bills. You didn’t get far though, as a warm hand covered yours, drawing your eyes to meet his black ones. He gave you a boyish smile and shook his head at you, giving a small laugh. “No way, sunshine. You need a little break, this one is on me,” he offered with a grin. You were hesitant for a few moments, not seemingly convinced that you should let him give you part of his stash for free. The potential feeling of guilt ebbed away as Sero’s warm smile never faltered, kindness seemingly exuding from his every pore. What was the harm, right? Nodding, you gingerly took the loaded bong from his large, calloused hands into your own smaller ones.
“Alright,” you agreed thoughtfully as you mirrored his smile, “but I want you to smoke with me. It’s no fun getting high alone,” you countered to which you could almost see Sero’s eyes sparkle in response at your words.
“I would be happy to,” he assured, never one to miss out on the chance to smoke, especially with you, but you added one more condition.  
“And,” you drawled, his eyes never leaving your face as he waited patiently for you to continue. “Whatever food we order when we are stoned off our asses is on me.”
A soft chuckle resonated from Sero’s chest as he nodded along to your stipulation, finding no qualm with having the promise of food.
“Deal,” he agreed, and with that you went to take your first bong hit of the evening.
Your sides ached as you tried to force yourself to stop laughing, but your efforts seemed trivial as Sero laughed just as hard, if not harder, alongside you as you finished Sero’s favorite flick, Scott Pilgrim vs the World. It felt so good to let go and really laugh, it had started to feel like it had been too long. Time seemed a distant concept to you at the moment, as nothing from the outside world weighed on you as you merrily enjoyed your high with Sero.
Your eyes were pink from smoking, little tears forming at the base of your lower eyelashes as you gasped for breath as your laughing fit began to subside. You don’t even remember what you had been laughing about exactly, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to care. Your attention was brought back to Sero as he began to rise from his spot beside you on the couch, your eyes following his lazy movements as the movie credits began to roll.
“I’m getting a bit of cottonmouth,so why don’t I get us some drinks while you choose something else for us to watch?” Sero offered to which you agreed, lazily beginning to scroll through the other titles that were currently available on Netflix as Sero made his way over to the little kitchen he had equipped.
“Thirsty for anything in particular?” You heard his voice call out to you, but you didn’t take your eyes off the laptop screen, still searching for another flick to watch.
“Just water would be fantastic,” was your response as you searched through the comedy section, knowing that Sero preferred comedies.
A few moments later, Sero had returned to your side, a glass of water in one hand for you and a soda can for him in his other hand. Thanking him as you gently took it from his hands, you took the glass and raised it to your lips. Taking large sips, reveling in the cool feeling of the water flowing over your tongue and to the back of your throat, you failed to notice a pair of eyes watch your every movement adoringly.
“Wanna take another hit?” Sero asked as you finished taking a drink, setting down the mostly empty glass back down on the table.
You hummed in thought at his question, before nodding, a small giggle escaping your lips, “What’s one more hit, right?”
Sero, the practiced stoner he is, had another bowl set up for you ready to go in what seemed like seconds, graciously handing you the now loaded bowl. Gently taking it from his hands and placing it in the bong, you fired up the lighter and took a huge hit.
A h u g e hit. It was a little larger than you had meant, but being high had made your judgement a little empaired. You coughed a bit as you expelled the wave of smoke from your lungs, waving your hands as Sero laughed.
Your cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment at Sero laughing as you tried to regain your composure. “S-Stop laughing!” You cried, setting the bong back down, but Sero just shook his head.
“I can’t help it, sunshine. Seeing you not being able to take that hit is hilarious,” he continued to laugh, as your cheeks burned warmer at his words.
“Its not my fault that I don’t have your iron lungs,” you mocked, picking up your glass once more and finishing the contents in an attempt stop your coughing fit. “Not all of us are stoners.”
A small gasp tore from Sero’s throat, as he held a hand to his chest, pretending to be surprised by your words. “Me? A stoner? How could you even say such a thing?” He asked, shooting you a kicked puppy look which just made you giggle in return, your head feeling a little fuzzy from the extra hit.  
“Oh don’t be a baby,” patting the spot next to you, you flashed Sero a loopy smile, “come on, lets watch another movie,” you countered to which Sero agreed to, settling back down in his spot beside you. You reached forward, setting your now empty glass next to the laptop and hit play on the movie, before moving back into the cushions. Your body began to feel heavier as  you gingerly leaned into Sero’s side, who in return wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gently tugged you a little closer to his chest as the intro finished and the movie began.  
You weren’t long into the movie before you were struggling to keep your eyes opened. You shifted slightly, trying to force yourself to wake up, but the more that the time wore on, the harder it became to stay awake.
It wasn’t more than twenty minutes into the film before you were out cold, your deep and even breathing soft in Sero’s ear as your tired figure slept against his shoulder.
“Sunshine,” Sero whispered, tentatively placing a hand on your knee and gently shaking you. He watched your face carefully for any sign of rousing, but your breathing continued at its deep, even, undisturbed pace. An eager smile danced across Sero’s visage at your lack of response, his heart pounding in his chest in excitement. Wrapping his strong arms around your pliable person, Sero gently maneuvered your sleepy shape to be laying on your back, tummy up, the skirt you had worn riding up on your thighs as your leg lay limply, slightly apart.
Sero took a moment just watching you, drinking in all of your beauty. You looked so sweet and vulnerable asleep on Sero’s couch defenseless. He gazed at your unconscious body oh so lovingly as you lay completely helpless to the danger that lurks around you. It makes Sero’s heart squeeze in his chest in realization that you need him. You needed him to protect you and Sero would happily be your knight in shining armour.
“Her knight in shining honor”, Sero thought to himself merrily, infatuated with protecting his little ray of sunshine. His fingers began to skim the skin of your thighs, slowly pushing your skirt up higher and higher. Shouldn’t your knight get a little reward for his services? Sero certainly thought so, afterall it was only fair that he get to enjoy his sunshine in return for all he does for you.
Sero’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of your black laced panties, skirt bunched up past your hips, leaving your panty clad intimate parts exposed for his greedy eyes. There were no such things as imperfection to Sero when it came to you. All of your little bumps, blemishes, and things you didn’t like about yourself were all things that Sero adored about you. It's what made you you, and he simply ached to worship you.
Hungry hands hooked fingers into your panties, swiftly pulling the soft material down your supple skin in earnest. A groan tore from Sero’s throat at the sight of sticky, clear strings sticking from the fabric to your little treasure.
Fuck was he glad he slipped you an aprodiasic alongside the sleeping pills. Seeing your hole already wet and begging for his attention had his pants quickly tenting uncomfortably. He could not wait to get started.
Moving quickly and silently, he settled himself on his stomach between your thighs, carefully placing your thighs over his shoulders. His starved stare meets your slick slit and he couldn’t stop himself from licking a stripe up your lips, moaning at the delicious taste of your essence. His eyes flickered back to your face where he found you still sound asleep, unaware of reality.
“Perfect”, he thought to himself at your unconscious state, “just like last time.”
Confident in his security, Sero began to feast on your unprotected pussy, his tongue swiping through your folds as he drank every ounce of you in. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head at your taste as if he was tasting the most divine thing ever created. He couldn’t seem to get enough as his hands encased your thighs, hungrily pulling your closer to his famished mouth. Your breath quickened in pace at Sero’s ministrations but the sleeping pills kept you nestled peacefully in between complete unconsciousness and your dreams, deep asleep. It seemed almost as if Sero had been eating you out for hours when he had finally come up for air, sucking in deep gulps of air into his lungs greedily.  He knelt in front of your vulnerable body, lips and chin shiny with your slick as he slipped a finger into your heat, quickly followed by another as he gently began to scissor your walls apart. Your warmth gushed around his fingers as he worked you open for him, using his free hand to slip down to his belt and make quick work of that before tugging his boxers and pants down. His cock now free of confinement slapped against his abs before he gently removed his fingers from your heat. Your juices completely soaked his hand as he brought it to his cock, using your wetness to get him slick for you. He watched your sleepy face as he stroked himself, his bottom lip caught between his lip as he intently drank in your features. With both of your bodies prepped, patience grew thin, so he tilted his hips down, nudging your dripping entrance with his plush tip, your legs lazily spread and looped loosely around his hips.
Slipping himself between your folds, Sero took a deep breath before pressing himself into your warm, wet, tight cavern. He didn’t stop slowly driving his cock into your twitching heat until he became fully sheathed inside your awaiting pussy. He groaned softly at the feeling of his cock being encased by your velvet walls, his eyes never leaving your face as he adjusted to the delicious feeling you were giving him. After a few moments of adjustment, Sero pulled his hips back, feeling his manhood drag against your plush walls, a soft moan escaping your sleeping shape as you stirred slightly in your hazy state. Once you settled and he was positive you were going to stay asleep, he drove his hips forward into your cunt his eyes moving away from your face and down to where his cock was buried deep inside of you. The erotic sight of you being fucked by his cock kicked him into gear as he soon found a steady rhythm as he pounded into you.
With every thrust of his hip, your cream coated his silken rod, making Sero almost feral with the sight. It took every ounce of self control he had to not fuck you the way you deserved, the way you needed him, but he couldn’t risk having you wake up during your little relaxation session. It took every ounce of self control that he possessed to keep himself from fucking you silly, but with plans for the pair of you in the future, he was willing to wait to rock your world for when you were awake and in more of a … receptive position to receive the full force of his love for you.  
It wasn’t long before Sero found himself reaching his end, much to his displeasure, but he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was able to get to do this again. He always made excuses to get the two of you alone, for “purely innocent reasons” according to your knowledge. He couldn’t help it! He loved you too much, and he needed to get his fix.
“F-Fuck,” he moaned as he fucked himself into your pussy, panting softly as he drew close to his completion. “You feel so good, sunshine. You were made for my fucking cock, shit,” he swore, his thrusts becoming increasinly sloppy. He pulled himself out before he came, hips hovering over yours as his hand frantically worked his length trying to finish himself off.
“Fuck yes!” Sero growled as he came, hot white, sticky ropes of cum decorating your glistening pussy as he furiously worked his hand over his cock. “God, love you so much,” he groaned as he finished,  hovering over you as he caught his breath. His eyes watched as his cum dripped down your pussy, becoming entangled with your own juices. Without skipping a beat, Sero reached over and grabbed his phone, taking a quick snapshot of your fucked out pussy covered in his essence and saved it in a secret gallery of pictures he kept of you. He needed to add to the collection, something to help tide him over until the next time. Setting his phone back down, he leaned over you and gently kissed you, like a lover would, savoring your lips while you were still asleep. Breaking the kiss, he gazed lovingly down at you, gently playing with a strand of your hair. He wished this moment would never end, but he knew that he had to get going, sighing softly to himself.
It was time to start up the cleaning process.
A phone ringing caused you to stir from your deep slumber, a deep yawn escaping your lips as you stretched your stiff body from sleeping on the couch. You rubbed your eyes slightly as you woke up, before you took in the room before you. You saw Sero back turned to you as he spoke in hushed tones over the phone, hearing Bakugo’s voice grunting something to him over the phone about working out later that day. You glanced around the room as you yawned again, slightly confused as to how you got here before remembering coming over to Sero’s place the previous night after being really stressed and wanting to take a break. It wasn’t long until Sero finished his phone call, turning back to your and finding you awake, looking back at him.
“Sorry,” Sero began, rubbing the back of his neck, “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he apologized sheepishly with a small smile, taking in your figure.
“It’s no worries,” you hum out sleepily finding yourself naturally returning his smile. “Did I pass out last night?” You asked, not fully remembering what had happened after that last bong hit.
“Yeah! You fell asleep about maybe half way through the first movie? I don’t remember exactly when, I was paying too much attention to the movie,” he lied smoothly, your face showing telltale signs of embarrassment at having fallen asleep during the movie. Especially in Sero’s room after having come to his room for a favor. How could you ask to hang out with someone then fall asleep on them!”
“Oh… Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you like that,” you laughed a little uneasy, but Sero was quick to reassure you. “Don’t worry about it! You said yourself that you were stressed out of your mind, and it seemed that you needed to give yourself some rest. No need to apologize,” Sero soothed you easily, a smile returning to your face as you nodded. He almost felt bad lying to your face, but this was just more proof that you needed him! He had placed all your clothes back on properly, cleaned up the mess last night and you were none the wiser! Your lack of realization of what had happened, though it pleased Sero to know he got away with his little love session, cemented your need for him in Sero’s mind.  
“Well will you let me buy you coffee as a thanks for letting me crash? We can study together at that cafe near the gym if you want? ” You offered, wanting to express your gratitude to your friend, who graciously accepted your idea, pleased to spend more time with you.
“Now that sounds like a good idea,” he chirped, quick to pack up his things in his backpack and get ready to go.
The sun was rising slowly from the horizon, fluffy white clouds moving lazily across the sky, as the two of you walked to the cafe together. The birds sang so sweetly as the pair of you made your way, but their songs meant nothing to Sero, too entranced with your own sweet voice as you chattered happily with him about whatever came to mind.
Opening the door for you once the pair of you arrived, you flashed him a sweet smile in response before stepping inside the warm coffee shop. The smile you gave, to him, was brighter than the sun, warmer than the core of the Earth, and he realized he needed it. Just like you need his protection, he needs you, his sunshine, to bring warmth into his life and make him whole. With your back to him, browsing the menu of its many drink options, you failed to notice the pair of eyes drinking in every inch of your form with intense infatuation. You had no idea the danger that lurked behind those kind eyes, and unfortunately for you, you didn’t notice that Sero’s friendliness was more until too late.  
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kayla1993-world · 3 years
Christian Harries says he is the first to admit he should never have left his van running with keys in it earlier this month. But the Calgary K-9 school principal says he thought those repeated police warnings applied to vehicles idling outside a convenience store or a shopping mall — not in his driveway in southwest Calgary while loading up his van for a family ski trip.
"This was so brazen, this was so brave," said Harries. He says he will accept some blame for this crime of opportunity, and is thankful to the police for quickly finding the family van, but he is nonetheless upset with what was left inside his 2006 Honda Odyssey by the thieves and not removed by police.
The material included what appeared to be various stolen items, drug paraphernalia, a knife, some of the thieves' personal possessions and garbage.
"It's a van that was lived in by several people doing all kinds of criminal things inside, and storing all that criminal doings within the van, and I'm just blown away that this was left for us to deal with."
Harries says he expected that police would have removed all the items from the van and processed them as evidence. CBC News reached out to Calgary Police Service to comment. In a statement, they say, in part: "While we understand that it can be upsetting to have unwanted and concerning items left behind in a recovered vehicle, it is not standard procedure for police to clean out recovered stolen vehicles before the vehicle can be retrieved by the rightful owner."
So Harries is now sharing his story in the hopes others will know what can happen when you leave your idling vehicle unattended for a moment.
Harries says the theft happened around 7:15 a.m. on Dec. 5 while he was running in and out of his house, loading ski poles, snowboards and other winter gear for a Sunday on the hill in Nakiska with his family of five.
At one point, he was in the house grabbing food when his daughter went outside to hop in the warming vehicle. He says she quickly returned pale-faced saying the van was gone.
"I just said, 'What the F?'" Two days later, police spotted the Odyssey parked outside a southeast Calgary restaurant in the early morning hours. They say it was occupied and a person was arrested and is now facing charges.
Harries says police left a few messages on his cellphone that same morning letting him know they had found his van and where it could be picked up.
Immediately he felt relief and gratitude because he did not have auto theft insurance and the van was the family's main vehicle. But he says those warm, fuzzy feelings cooled after his wife and father went to get the van while he was at work.
When they opened the door, they were overpowered by a stench, which Harries describes as a mixture of methamphetamines, urine and gasoline. He says there were two jugs of gasoline left in the van.
And Harries says not only were their boots, skis and gear gone--worth more than $5,000, he says--they were forced to deal with backpacks full of other people's belongings and drug paraphernalia.
"On the driver's seat were crack pipes, a big knife, some food, and inside the car was drug paraphernalia, straws... criminal items for breaking into cars and just tons of bags containing all kinds of things," said Harries.
Harries says one of the lot attendants removed a knife and a crack pipe from the driver's seat before his wife got in. Harries says he then called the police to let them know about the rest of the potentially dangerous and possibly evidentiary items left behind by the suspects.
He says he ended up putting on a mask and gloves to haul everything out of the van and pile it onto his driveway, including a new baseball glove, watch, clothing and unopened cosmetics and perfume.
He says there were also some vehicle registrations, more glass pipes and a notebook containing lists of addresses — with some asterisked saying "tend to be shoveled" or "have walks around the front."
A patrol car came by later that night to pick up the items. The next day, Harries took the van in for detailing and they found another crack pipe, tire iron and ski goggles.
Calgary police tell CBC News they were able to confirm the knife was a pocket knife and it wasn't known if it belonged to the car owner. As for why the rest of the items weren't initially removed, they say the victim's police report indicated the vehicle was full of belongings such as skis, and officers did not know which items found in the vehicle belonged to the owner. They also said none of the items were illegal.
CPS also said that the diary of addresses did not contain any other additional information that would prove those homes were intended targets for crimes.
"Officers could have put a hold on the vehicle for further examination, which would have taken approximately one week or longer, but officers felt the priority was to get the vehicle returned to the rightful owner as quickly as possible," the statement said.
Harries has since filed a complaint about the handling of his case to the professional standards section hoping for more accountability and sensitivity by police for what the family has gone through.
He believes the responding officers should have better inspected the van prior to releasing it to the family, whether it would have taken more time or not, to ensure the van was safe to use and any evidence was collected.
He also believes they should have given him better guidance when he raised concerns about the van's contents. But bottom line, he says, is drivers beware.
"This is a crazy story, and it is a case of, folks, not only do not leave your car running to warm it up, but you have got to have your eyes on a running car at all times."
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tamboradventure · 4 years
In Defense of Las Vegas and Other Maligned Destinations
Posted: 04/14/20 | April 14th, 2020
If you’re like me, you probably have preconceived notions of certain destinations. Whether from books, movies, magazines, or blogs, whenever we think of these places, certain scenes, sounds, smells, and images appear in our heads — even if you’ve never been to them.
It’s a natural human trait.
We use existing information to form an opinion and fill in our blind spots.
If you asked me what Beijing is like, I’d say it was polluted, crowded, and chaotic. I imagine not being able to see the building in front of me, streets packed with people, chaotic markets (give me all that food, though!), insane traffic, and lots of people riding bicycles.
But I’ve never been to Beijing, so I really have no idea. That’s just the image I have in my head from reading and hearing about the city over the years.
Last month, I asked on Twitter what popular places people wouldn’t visit and why. Vegas came up a lot. So did Disney parks, Paris, Mexico, and India.
In the same way I have a preconceived image of Beijing, people had preconceived images of these places.
But what surprised me the most was not the destinations but how their reasons were based on sensational headlines and cultural stereotypes.
Those stereotypes defined these destinations so much that people didn’t even want to see if they were right or wrong (they are mostly wrong).
People didn’t want to go to Vegas because they thought it was all casinos and the Strip, Mexico or India because of safety concerns, or Paris because of the crowds and “rude French people.”
Let’s take Vegas for example. Why don’t people want to visit? Here’s some responses:
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It’s true that the Vegas Strip is a shitshow of people gambling, getting drunk, and being obnoxious and/or just generally weird. Everything is fake, expensive, and designed to get you to spend money at the casino and in overpriced restaurants.
But gambling is not the only thing to do there, even on the Strip. There’s more to this city of over two million people. For example, here is a sample of what you can do that doesn’t involve casinos, drinking, or spending a lot of money:
The Mob Museum – This is an awesome showcase of Sin City’s turbulent past and its connection to the mafia.
The Neon Museum – This eclectic outdoor graveyard for hundreds of the city’s famous neon signs from the old casinos is really an awesome experience. Ideally, go around sunset.
Fremont Street – This is Old Las Vegas. Yes, it does have historic casinos, but also buskers, street artists, open-air concerts, and tons of interesting people-watching! A four-block canopy covers much of the street, on which there are regular light shows as well. You can also take a zip line over the street itself.
Red Rock Canyon – Take a break from the city for some scenic hiking and biking trails just 30 minutes from town.
Hoover Dam and Lake Mead – Under an hour east of Vegas is Hoover Dam, this a massive feat of engineering spanning over 1,200 feet and standing 700 feet tall. Lake Mead, a by-product of the dam, is great for swimming, kayaking, and other water activities. You can also take a guided tour of the dam itself (for $30 USD).
The National Atomic Testing Museum – An affiliate of the Smithsonian Museum, this exhibition north of town documents the history of nuclear testing in Nevada (over 900 nuclear bombs were detonated in the state). There’s also a separate exhibit for Area 51 too (the truth is out there!).
The Arts District – This area is full of galleries, thrift and vintage stores, theatres, and music venues and is the cultural heart of the city.
The Haunted Museum – This paranormal museum is full of allegedly cursed objects, such as haunted dolls and paraphernalia owned by serial killers. There are 30 rooms full of all kinds of oddities, and the house itself is said to be haunted too.
You can go an entire trip without ever stepping foot on The Strip or in a casino.
Yet, for so many, it is as if “Vegas = gambling = The Strip” and nothing else exists. The image of Las Vegas portrayed in the media is one of Bacchanalian debauchery. That’s all we see.
I used to think the same way.
Before I first visited Las Vegas, I just thought it was all party, party, party. But the more I left the Strip, the more I saw a vibrant city with a lot to more offer than just gambling and drinks. I realized that the stereotypes of Vegas were wrong.
Similarly, while there are serious issues in Mexico, you’re unlikely to get kidnapped or robbed on your trip to Cancún — most of the danger in Mexico revolves around drugs. And, as I’ve said before, Paris isn’t a touristy destination with rude people. The French aren’t more or less rude than anyone else in the world. But if you only deal with the ones in the tourist industry handling large numbers of tourists, your image is going to be of “rude French people.” Because they are probably sick of people asking the same questions over and over again. But you can encounter that throughout the world in touristy areas. It’s not limited to Paris.
Everyone has their own list of destinations they aren’t interested in going to. I don’t have a strong desire to see Saudi Arabia, and I’ve developed some asthma issues that have pushed China and India down my “to see” list due to their pollution (but they are still on my list).
But, before you write off a destination, consider the reason why.
If your inclination is to write it off because you think it is a certain based our cultural stereotype of a place, reconsider.
Research a destination before you pigeonhole it based on what the media says about it (or part of it).
Destinations are always more than their cultural images of them. That’s the point of travel. To peel back the layers and really discover what makes a place tick. Look beyond mainstream perception.
Because it’s sometimes the places we expect the least from that end up often become the most memorable.
P.S. – We’ve launched a new Patreon where you can stories and tips I don’t share on this blog, a private Facebook group, phone calls with me and the team, live Q&As, postcards from the road, signed copies of my books, and much more! Click here to learn more and sign up today!
Book Your Trip to Las Vegas: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
The post In Defense of Las Vegas and Other Maligned Destinations appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Black Canary: New Wings #4
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Black Canary on the future site of the EMP. Sorry, EMP Museum. Sorry MoPOP.
The covers of this series scream, "Seattle is a major character in this comic book!" But the story whispers, "Do you know where I take place? Shh, shh. Don't worry about it, baby. We took care of that on the cover." You know how when a movie takes place 20 or 30 years ago, the writer and director have to make sure to pepper it with tons of nostalgic references from that time? What if they did the same thing with movies that take place in the present? Father: "Holy baloney! A dinosaur made from fire that spits tornadoes is ravaging the Museum of Pop Culture! We have to skip seeing The Rise of Skywalker and get out of town!" Daughter: "Just let me finish my Fruity Pebbles that turn the milk blue!" Father:: "Hurry up! And don't forget to grab your Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures!" Daughter:: "Okay Boomer." Hmm. I just realized that maybe current movies already do that just to seem current and I just don't notice because why would I notice people mentioning mundane things I hear about every day? I suppose if I watched a movie that was current in 2000, I'd probably roll my eyes at all the stuff they packed in their to remind me of what the year 2000 was like, like meeting people at the gate in airports and being able to keep your shoes on at airports and being able to arrive at an airport five minutes before your plane departed and leaving my machete in my carry on bag at the airport. For some reason, the airport experience was super different in 2000. This issue begins with an advertisement for Hercules Luggage.
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That elephant is coming its brains out.
The issue begins like this because the suitcases play an important role in the way the drug smugglers offload the cocaine from the ships. I suppose the reader doesn't need to have this much information about the suitcases being used though so I have a different theory. You know how David Finch's contract says that he will only draw a comic book if the writer puts at least one scene with a woman in a towel fresh out of the shower? I bet Trevor Von Eeden had the same kind of stipulation in his contract but with elephant orgasms. While the suitcases filled with cocaine float three feet under the surface of the ocean (as you would expect being that they were Hercules Luggage!), Black Canary and Gan Nguyen are being threatened by racists. I bet some readers in 1992 wished they could log onto a popular social media platform, find a bunch of other lonely and pathetic assholes, and complain that this comic book is a social justice piece of shit. But instead, they actually had to pull out their letter writing paraphernalia, sit down at their writing desk, and place a pen in their mouth while looking up at the ceiling to decide how to compose their letter. Do they begin stating that they're totally against racism but maybe comic books aren't a good place to shove this stuff down their throat? Maybe they could point out how they're so not racist that they think portraying a bunch of white guys as racist is the real racism? Or maybe they could point out how, not being racist, they already know not to be racist but they think this comic book's nagging about racism might be the real cause of racism? Whatever their letters wound up being about, I bet editor Mike Gold told them to fuck right off, just like he did with all the racist letters sent in reaction to Teen Titans Spotlight on Starfire! Black Canary and her new sidekick escape the racists and run off into the wilds surrounding Seattle. Meanwhile, the racist assassin's son decides to fuck off and run away from his racist home because he knows racism is bad. I don't know how he figured it out though. I bet he read a comic book about Green Arrow battling werewolves or something.
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Black Canary discovers the sheriff is in on the racism by finding his racist stationary he keeps right out in the open.
Not having found the cocaine, Black Canary heads back to the wharf in the morning to stake it out. She discovers the racist assassin going out in a fishing boat with the Senator's son and some semi-automatic rifles. Some people might call them assault rifles but if there's one thing I've learned from Twitter, it's that calling them assault rifles really pisses off the idiots who have no other argument against gun control than to scream, "The AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite!" Oh, also, the racists are using M-16s so none of that matters. It's probably okay to call those assault rifles since the "M" stands for "My assault rifle." To catch the racists, Black Canary tarts herself off and follows them in a speed boat.
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Instead of finishing the quote with "What the fuck," she flips the bird. That must be why this comic book isn't approved by the Comic Code Authority!
I wonder how many super cool valedictorians in the 80s gave speeches that ended with them putting on sunglasses and saying the Risky Business quote? I bet it was like 90% of them. While Gan and Chad, the racist assassin's son, get help from the Quinault Indians whose backyard the cocaine-filled suitcases are floating, Black Canary rams her speed boat into the drug smuggler's boat. She pretends to be unconscious while they pull her aboard to save her life.
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"Aww, she can't feel nothin'!" is the title of my sex tape. Aww, I Can't Feel Nothin'!" is the title of my memoir.
If there's one thing I've learned about empathy, it's that you can't feel any for any creature that isn't comparable to a creature you love. I don't love any dogs so I go around killing dogs all the time. But I have cats so I love cats and would die for them. I also don't have children so fuck children. Not like that! You must not know any children to have acquired empathy for them if you thought I meant that kind of fucking! Speaking of the cats I love, look who came to visit as soon as I typed that!
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It's Gravy!
Maybe Gravy just visited because she heard there was a canary somewhere. Speaking of Canaries with nice asses, Black Canary captures the drug lords and saves the day. Everybody exclaims, "Yay Black Canary! You knew what was going on all along! Next time we'll believe you instead of thinking, 'This woman is hysterical!' At least, that's what it feels like in the moment. But, you know how it is! Tomorrow is another patriarchal, misogynist day and it won't be our faults when we think you're crying wolf again simply because we've learned to take women's words less seriously than men's for no real reason and, I mean, your tits are right there under that shirt and jacket, you lascivious vixen you!" Oh yeah, also Chad kills his dad to save Black Canary's life. And his dad was finally proud of him! Is that toxic masculinity? Black Canary: New Wings #4 Rating: A. A well written book that mostly looks good too. Sometimes people look weird and I wonder if somebody was slacking on the pencils or inks because they were doing a load of cocaine at the time. And other times, Black Canary's ass was totally hanging out there which didn't make me think about the male gaze at all. It just made me think, "Look at that fine ass!" But then, 90% of my thoughts any given day are simply "Look at that fine ass!" Except when I'm near a schoolyard, you perv. Then most of my thoughts are, "Please don't make fun of my clothes, you delinquents!" The only complaint I have about this comic book is that it didn't have enough Seattle in it.
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the-ipaytotalltd · 5 years
Who benefits from high risk merchant account?
What is a high risk merchant account?A high risk merchant account is a merchant  account for organizations that fall under the category of high risk businesses. For most
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high-risk businesses
, getting approved for a high risk merchant account with regular processors can be quite difficult and disappointing. Credit score to industry type can sort you as high risk. The experts at iPayToTal can help you set up a low to high risk merchant account for your B2B,
, and retail business. iPayToTal gives your business access to their assorted portfolio of banking connections to guarantee we get your account placed. Difficult to place is now a thing of the past. Begin accepting payments today – for basically any business type or risk profile at reduced rates and fees. iPayToTal, an expert in providing High Risk Merchant Account Solutions.
As experts in challenging and difficult-to-place merchants applying for payment processing, we’re here to get your business pre-qualified and approved with a high risk merchant account and the best UK, US and International banking solutions provided explicitly to your business needs.
High-Risk Business Categories
The first and most important thing to understand about high-risk businesses is that your processor will decide if you can be categorized as one of their high-risk categories when you apply for a merchant account. It is possible that you’re high-risk, or you’re not – there is no middle ground. Past that, it gets more complicated as each processor has their very own guidelines for deciding if you’re in the high-risk category. While some business types, for example, pornography or drug paraphernalia will quite often be put in the high-risk category, others could conceivably be, depending upon your processor. Some merchant services providers have exceptionally strict rules for deciding high-risk status, while others utilize increasingly loosened up criteria. In case you’re looking at a specific provider, Choose iPayToTal as we make credit card processing easy for all types of high risk businesses.
How a merchant services provider perceives a high-risk business can also differ generally. Most of the providers, especially those that attempt to offer merchant services at the lowest possible costs, essentially don’t acknowledge any high-risk businesses at all. This decreases their exposure to fraud and minimizes expenses for their current customers. Other providers will permit certain high-risk companies, however will charge you essentially higher rates and fees for your merchant account because of the elevated risk they’re accepting by giving you a merchant account. There’s also a third category of providers who have some expertise in setting high-risk businesses. While their rates and fees aren’t a good deal for non-high-risk merchants, they can often provide a merchant account to high-risk businesses that have been turned down by other providers.
Characteristics of High Risk businesses
While the correct criteria for deciding high-risk status vary from one provider then onto the next, the accompanying factors are normally used to decide if a business qualifies as high-risk:
High chargeback or fraud rate: If your line of business has a history of a high rate of either chargebacks or outright fraud, you’ll likely to be considered high-risk, as well. This decision is usually based on the behavior pattern of your clients, not you personally.
Offshore businesses running in the United States: If your business is headquartered abroad, yet you essentially sell to US clients, you may be flagged as high-risk. While the potential for fraud is a deciding factor here, lax banking regulations in your home country can also be a deciding variable.
Products or services of questionable legitimateness: This factor is the one the vast majority connect with high-risk businesses. Distributing pornography or selling drug paraphernalia are the most evident models, however, there are numerous others also.
Dubious sales and marketing practices: Is your business the sort that is frequently thought of as a scam? Assuming this is the case, the standard of guilt by affiliation is alive and well, and most providers will mark you as a high-risk business.
Bad personal credit: While most criteria for deciding high-risk status center around your business, this one focuses on you, the entrepreneur. If for reasons unknown, you have a low personal credit rating, you’re bound to be put in the high-risk category by a few processors.
High average ticket sales: If your business routinely acknowledges unusually high-cost buys by means of credit card, you could be viewed as high-risk. This factor fundamentally affects organizations, for example, furniture stores and companies who process a ton of B2B transactions.
What If My Business Has Different Characteristics?
If the nature of your business falls under the high-risk categories, there is no compelling reason to stress. E-Commerce risk factors are diverse with each bank and there are custom solutions for most of the merchants. The above attributes are only rules to pursue while deciding your risk factor.
Other Things To Consider
Click here to learn moreThe following is a list of business types that are regularly viewed as high-risk. While this list doesn’t cover each and every conceivable high-risk business, it includes the categories that are frequently viewed as high-risk. Keep in mind that each provider has their own criteria, so while you may be viewed as a high-risk business by one provider, you may be approved for a regular, non-high-risk account by a different provider. iPayTotal has the knowledge, experience, and skill in high risk merchant account payment processing to offer solutions for these classes and more:Adult
Auto Parts & Accessories
Airlines or airplane charters
Attorney referral services
Bankruptcy attorneys
Casinos, gambling or gaming
Check cashing services
Collection agencies
Credit protection, counseling, or debt repair services
Diet & Weight Loss Programs
Tour operators
Travel clubs, services, or agencies
Vacation planners
Vacation rentals
VoIP services Nutraceuticals/Herbal Supplements
Off-shore corporation establishment services
Online Gaming & Casinos
Precious Metals, Coins
Pawn shops
Prepaid calling cards
Prepaid debit cards
Real estate
Debt consolidation services
Drug paraphernalia
e-cigarettes, or vape shops
Exporting services (non-US based)
Extended warranty companies
Fantasy sports websites
Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealers
Finance brokers, financial consulting, or loan modification services
Furniture sellers
Financial planning, strategy or advising
High average ticket sales
Horoscopes, astrology or psychic services, fortune tellers
International merchants (non-US based) operating in the United States
International shipping, cargo, or import/export
Investment firms, strategy, or books
Lingerie sales
Lotteries or sweepstakes
Magazine sales and subscriptions
Mail or telephone order sales
Membership organizations (contracts over 12 months)
Merchants on the Terminated Merchant File (TMF) or MATCH List
Merchants with poor credit
Modeling or talent agencies
Multi-currency sales
Multi-level marketing (MLM) sales tactics
Music, movie, or software downloads or uploads (i.e., copyrighted digital products)
Non-US citizens doing business in the United States Replica handbags, watches, wallets, sunglasses, etc.
Self-defense, pepper spray, mace, etc.
Social networking sites
Sports forecasting or odds-making/betting
Telemarketing services
Telephone companies
Chargebacks in High Risk Merchant Accounts
Some of the common reasons behind chargebacks If you have been doing business for some time and have changed your past credit card processing service, at that point your business could be viewed as a high-risk business if you had such a large number of chargebacks with your past credit card processing service and put on a  “match” list for excessive chargebacks.
Here are some reasons why you may have encountered various chargebacks:
Customer didn’t identify the descriptor on their credit card statement.
Customer encountered purchaser’s regret since it’s a big ticket purchase ($1,000 to $10,000).
Customers were not able to remember that they made a purchase.
Customers claim your products fall short of concerning publicized advantages.
What you can do about it
There are four things you can do to change your status as a high-risk merchant.
Dispute chargebacks
Generally, a chargeback is a client demanding that your business has unjustifiably charged them. React to these cases with some verification that the transaction was a valid one. For example, if a client demands that they didn’t start the transaction in any case, at that point you must show evidence that it was them. If the transaction was on the web, you can indicate records of the order or logs of the client’s IP address showing that they visited your site. If the transaction was in a physical store or office, show their signature on the credit card receipt. If you have a business where chargebacks are normal, state you make customized products and there is quite a while slip by between when a client puts in a request and when they get their stock, at that point, you should keep careful records of the transactions with the goal that you can question any cases. This is a typical issue for businesses that make suits, build furniture, or give travel services.
Find out why you’re receiving a higher than average chargeback
Sometimes the problem might be anything but difficult to address. It might be something as basic as the descriptor on your credit card does not match up with your business name. Accordingly, the clients don’t identify that they made a purchase from your business.
Get reclassified as a low-risk business
Sometimes banks will even acknowledge your business however request for a lot higher processing rate, demanding that they are taking on a risk. So as to be reclassified as a  low risk,   build up a positive history after over time, which is typically a six-month duration where you have a low rate of refunds and chargebacks,   normally below1% of your aggregate transactions.  
Find a trusted business partner
Some merchant account providers will work with high-risk merchant accounts while charging sensible rates. You may need to utilize these services in the event that you are classified as a high-risk merchant for no blame of your own. For example, you may simply be a start-up with no past credit history or a manufacturer of items that just suit the explicit needs of clients in another country.
Fees and Rates for high risk merchant account solutions
Merchant accounts for high-risk businesses unavoidably cost more than those for non-high-risk ones. Indeed, they, as a rule, cost significantly more. You’ll pay more in both account expenses and processing charges, and you’ll likely be stuck in longer contracts too.
While most non-high-risk businesses have some capacity to bargain the length of their agreement terms, the industry average is around three years for the underlying term, with an automatic renewal clause that broadens it for one-year time spans after that. These extensive contracts have been exceptionally disliked with merchants, and the trend inside the business is pushing more toward month-to-month agreements so you can drop your account whenever without acquiring a penalty. Sadly, high-risk merchants don’t have much (assuming any) negotiating power, so you can hope to be stuck with a contract running anywhere in the range of three to five years, again with an automatic renewal clause that broadens it beyond that initial time frame. Your agreement will also include an early termination fee that applies if you close your account before the end of your contract term. If that is not sufficiently awful, you may even have a liquidated damages provision in your agreement that raises the cost of breaking it much further.
While the processing business is commonly pushing more toward lower month to month and yearly account expenses, you won’t be so fortunate as a high-risk merchant. You can anticipate that at least some of your recurring fees, especially your essential month to month account charge, will be higher than what it would be for a  low risk business. This is all a reflection of the fact that your processor is taking on additional risk by supporting your merchant account.
Higher processing costs are additionally an unfortunate reality for high-risk merchants. While we normally prescribe an interchange-plus pricing plan for most organizations, you’re unmistakably more probably just to be offered a more expensive tiered pricing plan. Regardless of whether you are offered an interchange-plus plan, hope to pay both a higher rate markup and a higher per-transaction charge. While the genuine rates will differ broadly starting with one processor to the next, as an extremely broad guideline, you can hope to pay near twice as much as what a comparable non-high-risk business with a similar processing volume would pay. In case you’re offered rates that are much higher than this, you ought to presumably look somewhere else.
Finally, we always recommend that you audit your proposed contract altogether before joining with any processor. While this counsel is basic for any business, it’s significantly more important for high-risk merchants. The fine print in your agreement may contain the most critical signs that you’re going to work with a predatory “high-risk specialist” provider who will charge you considerably higher fees and rates than you’d regularly need to pay as a high-risk merchant.
We Specialize In:
High-Risk Merchant Accounts – High-Risk Credit Card Processing – High-Risk ACH Processing – High Volume Merchant Account
What To Look for in Your Merchant Account Provider
In any vendor/client relationship, vetting research is time well spent. By looking into each potential partner’s qualifications and experience, you can ensure your financial investment will not be misspent. Merchant services are an area of your business that should not be overlooked in this regard. In this post, we review questions to ask before hiring a merchant services provider. In addition, we cover certain qualifications that will help your business be more successful.
In any merchant/customer relationship, screening research is time well spent. By investigating every potential accomplice’s capabilities and experience, you can guarantee your financial investment won’t be wasted. Merchant services are a zone of your business that ought not to be ignored in such a manner. In this post, we survey things to ask before procuring a merchant services provider. Furthermore, we cover certain capabilities that will enable your business to be more successful.
Vetting a High Risk Merchant Account Provider: Characteristics to Prioritize
Reputation and Reliability. Your high risk merchant services could involve a large number of dollars, so your seller must have a reputation for security. The merchant provider’s capacity to deal with your credit card transactions by means of a safe payment framework is characteristic for the accomplishment of your business.  Reputation counts.    Make certain to request and catch up on references. Talk with past and current customers of every high risk merchant account provider you’re thinking about.
Experience. It benefits you to know how much experience the service provider has in the business.  Years of experience, for the most part, demonstrate top quality service and all around earned client trust.
Service Fees. It was once comprehended that merchant account providers would charge higher rate expenses for high-risk businesses.   The thinking was that they needed to compensate for potential misfortunes later on. Luckily, nowadays it is commonly accepted that merchant account service providers should work in light of a legitimate concern for the customer. While choosing a high risk merchant services provider, competitive service fees, and don’t hesitate to ask each provider why they are charging higher fees for certain services.
Security. Security is a genuine thought. You have a need to ensure that your online accounts and sales systems are secure, and you ought to have an arrangement in the event that something turns out badly. Make sure to discover what sort of security your merchant services provider uses.   Is information encoded? How does the merchant services provider handle stolen credit cards? These and different request can enable you to see how genuinely every potential accomplice takes security.
The Benefits of Working with Experts. iPayTotal is a pioneer in giving financial and business services to high-risk businesses,   with a special focus on the cannabis industry.   Our fundamental beliefs incorporate transparency, credibility, and legitimacy  —all sponsored up by our world-class support.
iPayTotal works with the best experienced and well-educated team, who have many years of experience in providing the best High Risk Merchant Account Solutions in the industry. Their main aim is to secure you from fraud services. We are dedicated to value your customers more than they demand. You can enjoy and benefits from our services. For more details regarding the company, you can follow our website portal at your convenience. Our highly skilled professionals will assist you throughout your process.
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forbiddenwords · 7 years
Stranded (Chapter 3)
Written By: TheHeathenSlave Rating: Mature for Plane crash, injury, survival, desert island, stranded, drug usage, drinking, alcohol, awkward flirting, voyeurism, watersports, fetish, sexual tension, extreme illness, graphic, puss, wound cleaning, surgery, vomiting, oral sex, fluff, angst, romance, drug usage, assault, near death, happy ending. Fandom:  Real Person Fiction (Hours Era But Modern Day)
She never thought that a trans Atlantic flight could end in perfect paradise with David Bowie. Well…almost perfect paradise.
Previous Chapters.
When they got back to the camp, Leila sat down near the fire. The sun had passed high noon in the sky and had started to descend. She was very much hoping that it wouldn’t get freezing there at night but there wasn’t much way to tell until they spent the night there. David moved the cans of soup from the stone where he’d had them set to heat up. They were quickly placed into the sand to cool a bit. The rock was pushed off the coals at that point and he stoked the fire up more, glancing over at her. In the morning she planned to explore as much as she could. Find food sources, fresh water, and see if by any miracle there was going to be some other human on there. Friendly of course. The problem was if they were all the way out here then they probably weren’t the kind to want guests around.
“Thanks for everything.” She said, touching the sides of the can gently to see if it had cooled enough that she could pick it up and sip at the broth inside.
“No, thank you.” David said.
“What exactly have I done that I need to be thanked for?” She asked with a bit of a chuckle. All she’d really done was pull the metal out of him (which he could have done himself) and passed out a lot. Especially after making him shift her bone back into place. He’d made a fire, helped with the tent, and some how never once muttered any sort of complaint about how his side hurt. Which she was sure it did he just wasn’t saying it.
“I think you’ve done more for me than you have realized.” He said, “A lot of it has to do with anxiety…long story.” She gave him a look and decided not to ask. It probably wasn’t her business. However, maybe he was bringing it up because he wanted her to know and wanted to talk about it. If he had anxiety he could have ended up with a worse person than a psychiatrist.
“I can probably understand, now. I’m a psychiatrist.”
“You said you were an FBI agent.” He said, “And a doctor…now a psychiatrist?”
“You are aware that I can be all three of those things at once right?” She asked with a smirk. The can had cooled enough so she picked it up. After rotating it a bit to find an edge that wasn’t sharp she took a sip of the liquid inside. She honestly hadn’t tasted anything this good in a very long time. Desperation could make a gourmet meal out of just about anything.
“Yes,” He said and picked up his can as well, “Usually people go with one specialty and, there they stay.”
“Except you who has had how many stage personas by now?”
“You get my point.”
“Sorry…” She laughed, “I’m not upset. I know that people usually don’t take this into consideration.”
“So you aren’t a clinical doctor then, are you? Or even a psychiatrist. You must be forensic, which means the most you do on a daily basis is autopsies.” He pointed out.
“Correct. You’re very knowledgeable about this.”
“I read a lot.”
“It shows.” She said and drank more of the soup. “So maybe all I do is cut up dead bodies, it doesn’t mean I lack the medical skill of a practicing doctor. Autopsies get you very intimate with human anatomy just on a dead person. I still had to get the same life saving training and do the same rotations as any other doctor you’ll meet.”
“Considering my options were being stuck here with someone who didn’t go to medical school, I won’t complain too much.” He said, “Just…try not to think of me as a cadaver before I am one.”
“Yeah, same.” She smirked. He smiled back at her and then got more relaxed in the sand to consume his soup. Rest would do both of them good. Recharge them. Tomorrow they could sort out the items they had found more. Some of it would need to be buried before bed, to ensue that if there were animals around they couldn’t get to the food. It was easy to do that in sand since a hole could be dug deeply and with relatively little effort. All they needed to do was jam it into a suitcase and shove it down in there until tomorrow.
When she had finished her soup, she got up and moved to the rest of the stuff. It was all still in the raft. She grabbed the side of it and pulled, dragging it up towards the tent. David joined her a moment later to help, and it was a great help. She cautioned him to be careful of the wound on his side, though. If she had to literally stitch it shut that would risk far more infection than the superglue method he’d used before. She did pretty badly want a chance to clean it out properly but opening again also definitely meant infection. A bad one. He’d probably get an infection now, but it would be mild. Should be. It wasn’t something she wanted to mention to him. Hopefully she’d go through all of the pills and find some antibiotics. She’d already found narcotics. It was more likely that someone was traveling with penicillin than narcotics so she felt her odds were good.
“What are we doing now?” He asked.
“We need to separate the food. Anything that has a scent or could possibly draw animals this way.” She said. “The rest of the things we can move into the tent and keep there. The last thing we want is to attract wild bears here or something.”
“Bears? On a tropical island?”
“Okay whatever then, giant birds.”
“You really don’t know much about island wildlife, do you? This isn’t Australia.” He laughed and started to go through the supplies they had. She glared at him and then smiled as she looked away. Tropical islands and the animals that lived on them was definitely not one of her ares of expertise but she didn’t think her logic was flawed despite her being correct (or incorrect) about what type of animal might come snooping around their camp.
“I know enough. At least enough to stay safe in the areas where I usually camp. When I go to a tropical island it’s usually a vacation not…this.” She said. She found a small suitcase to empty out so they could pack up some of the food. They had found some beef jerky, which would be pretty essential when it came to protein in the next few days unless they could find a way to replace it. She wouldn’t know until tomorrow. They also put the potato chips in there, someone had packed a whole bunch of weird Asian flavors only really found in Japan. They were sealed in their bags but Leila was still worried the scent could attract animals even if it was very mild.
The other things were less fragrant. Some cans of food were left over from the emergency rations off of the plane. There were still a few bottles of left and some bottles of alcohol. Really good stuff that was being transported back. Including an incredibly expensive bottle of sake. There were chocolates, cookies, and a few candy bars. That was about it. A place like this would definitely had some kind of fruit, even if it was just coconuts. The bigger problem would be figuring out how to get up the palm trees to collect them. Also opening them. A big rock may do the trick. This could work reasonably well until they were found. If they were found. No, that wasn’t the way to think. Not only was she with David Bowie, but being an heiress there would be a whole fleet after her. Rika wasn’t the type of friend to give up a search until there was a body found (alive or dead) and she had plenty of money at her disposal. It really was a matter of when they’d be rescued. Not if.
Once things were taken care of to her liking, they added a bit more fuel to the fire. That would also help keep animals away. It was only a few feet from the outside of the tent. They didn’t exactly have blankets but they did have a ton of clothes. The few blankets they did have were still soaking wet, despite them being hung over an impromptu line to dry in the sun. Who knew that airplane blankets could hold that much liquid? Maybe they needed to move them more towards the heat of the fire. They still had a bit of time until the sun was completely set, they could dry in that period. Leila folded up some of the warmer clothes she could find, and piled them into a bed shape. She did this for David as well. A large down coat was all they really would have in way of a blanket and a lot of other clothes had to be set out to dry as well.
When it came to finding other medications they came out fairly well. Another bottle of narcotics, half a bottle of amoxicillin, a bottle of nyquil, some claritin, a few different bottles of ibuprofen, and then a very tightly sealed baggy of pot. Whoever had packed that had risked some serious problems boarding a plane with it. However, she knew from the dank smell the moment she’d opened it that it couldn’t be anything other than marijuana. It had been a long time since she’d smoked any pot but it may be a better idea for a painkiller than continuing to down narcotics. At least there was a pipe also packed in that bag. Along with drug paraphernalia magazines, bumper stickers, and a bunch of hippie style clothing. Like this guy had walked right out of 1977. She’d even found an Aladdin Sane shirt but had decided not to mention it to David in the chance that it would put him in a sour mood.
“So,” She said once he was laying on his ‘bed’ in the tent. “I’m going to need to check your side and make sure it’s clean, at least as clean as it can be given the situation.”
“And if it’s not?”
“Well, there are a few options, including opening the wound again. We have fishing wire and hooks that could be used to stitch–”
“Don’t finish that sentence please.” He said, wincing heavily at the thought.
“I know that it’s not great, David, but, like it or not you’re already risking infection. I want you to take the antibiotics I found.” She said, grabbing the bottle for him. He took it and looked at her.
“You’re sure this is…okay?”
“I know what the medication is and what it does. It’s only half a course but it’s better than nothing. Unless you have a severe allergy to amoxicillin I wouldn’t worry.” She said. He nodded and opened the bottle then dumped one pill out into his palm. “Drink a lot of water with it.”
“You need water too.” He said and took the pill anyway.
“True but we may find other sources of it on this island. If not, we can rinse out those soup cans and boil it. If we can find a fresh source. If not…I’ll have to see if I can remember the weird process of making ocean water drinkable. I think you can filter it through sand or something then boil it after that.” She sighed and grabbed the emergency flashlight from the first aid kit. Getting closer to him she turned it on. The little window in the tent let in light but not nearly enough to inspect a wound. “Now, hold still.”
“This is going to hurt, isn’t it?”
“It’s not going to feel nice.” She said, “You want some codeine to help with it?”
“Yeah that would be…a…good idea.” He said laying more on his side. She got out two pills of the T3 and handed them over then one of the packets of cookies they found.
“You’ll want to eat with that.” She said.
“Two? Leila, I don’t really–”
“You are trying so hard to pretend you aren’t in pain, and if you want to keep doing that, fine, but I know you are from how you tense, gasp, sigh, and move around. If you want to be able to sleep, two is what you need. One will help but it’s really just going to relax you and you need rest if you are going to fight this.” She explained. He nodded and took the pills, opening the packet of cookies to eat them, propping himself up so he could do that while she looked at his wound.
She moved the shirt back and shone the light on him. As suspected, there were already signs of infection. Swelling, bruising, and a bit of puss there. The good news was that the seal was holding up, the superglue that was in the kit had come in handy for that, but it had also managed to seal in any sort of dirt, debris, or rust that would have been left in there that couldn’t be cleaned out before he could seal it. Had she not passed out like she had, she’d have done it for him but she hadn’t gotten that opportunity. She resisted the urge to touch the area. It was tempting, because she wanted to feel if the redness was actually swelling or if it was trapped fluid. If it got any worse she was going to have to start draining the area and that was going to not only be painful, but incredibly gross.
“The good news is, the seal is holding up.” She said, “There is some signs of infection but the antibiotics should help keep it at bay for a bit. I want you to take six within the next 48 hours then 2 every 24 hours after that until you run out.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to space them out and conserve?”
“Not really.” She said, “The faster we get the into your system the faster they will work. Normally you’d be on 4 a day, not three, but I also have to consider how many we have. Antibiotics do keep working even after you finished the course, for about two weeks. So even when you are done they should keep flowing through your system. Your stomach isn’t going to be very happy with this you know.”
“Oh I’m well aware.” He said. He got comfortable again and closed his eyes. She grabbed the large down coat and draped it over him.
“Just try to get some rest, I’ll be outside if you need me, I’m going to try to dry those blankets better and maybe dry out a book or magazine to read.” She said. “I’ll be back in here around the time the sun has completely set as we really don’t have that much light to work with and I want to keep the flashlight for emergencies. That or having to go use the bathroom in the middle of the night.”
“You’re quite the angel you know, even if you are a bit anal retentive.”
“Thanks, I think.” She said and stroked some of his hair back softly. “Call if you need anything, okay?”
“Of course.” He said and closed his eyes. She moved out of the tent and zipped it up. From the outside she opened the other two windows so that a nice breeze could pass through the tent and make sure the temperature stayed tolerable. It already wasn’t too bad in there but she needed him to stay comfortable so she wouldn’t move around a lot and risk tearing open his side. Once that was done, she got to work attempting to dry the blankets. She dreaded the first night there but at least she wasn’t going to spend it alone.
Next Chapters.
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teamwoah · 6 years
A Revamp to Lesbianism
In Personality Journal, I study of a minister who discovered a grown-up romance story in his church parking ton along with alcohol containers and other celebration paraphernalia. A few decision phrases on a page got his attention. He was connected, One degree of porn generated yet another including visiting prostitutes and, eventually, the destruction of his ministry. His wife's testimony of restoration was a lot more impressive than the amount of courage he shown in coming forth with his habit problem. God is restoring his ministry and marriage. Before you imagine some guy will a 3-day development of mustache sitting at his pc in his lesbian sex sexy lesbian tube club , I've talked to teenager and school women - special Religious women - who tearfully called for prayer since they, also, began considering on line porn and couldn't stop. I'll always remember the series Dawson McAllister did on his radio show. It absolutely was about porn. One of is own callers was the sweetest sounding Christian school girl. She said all her friends were driving around a website. She seemed it down and found herself finding drew deeper and deeper in to porn. The cry in her voice is what I remember most. Different women called thinking if, because they discovered themselves aroused while seeing other girls employed in sex, strong down, were they themselves actually lesbians? Abruptly, they certainly were experiencing their sexual identification! One person told me that her Christian spouse enjoyed on her behalf to watch adult with him as a prelude to sex. She hated and felt changed but was'being submissive." In most case, these people believed like Christian hypocrites. They couldn't realize why they weren't overcoming and why the enemy was having his way with them. Their Religious wheels were spinning in the same rut and they certainly were exceedingly frustrated. It was adjusting their countenance and demeanor. What offered a momentary excitement was today obtaining their joy. Could you think me outrageous if I were to say, "Hey, guys, this week-end, prowl town during the night, seeking in all of your neighbor's room windows. If you are lucky, perhaps you'll find quite a person or woman in her underwear...or less!" I am not sure how this really is ANY diverse from what we are doing whenever we see a Victoria's Secret ad on our TV screen. Some body explain to me the big difference in viewing nude or naked women in a PG-13 or R-rated film and peeping in a lady's screen? These individuals are somebody's young ones, children and mothers. Some are drug addicts who'll do any such thing for the money to allow them to obtain next fix. Them all involve deliverance from sexual addictions, spirits of lust, bi- and homosexuality. Along with that, the photographers, make-up musicians, directors, suppliers, publishers...there's a whole set of hard-hearted, selfish and Godless persons who are exploiting others in an attempt to have rich. Port Hayford, from Church on the Way, told of a time when he was discussing a hotel room with another minister at a conference. While one other man set examining his Bible - something Hayford admits he would have been better down performing - he started tossing through the TV channels. Using one stop, he said, he found something caused him to stop for a second. Another second, he understood what he was considering: pornography. The next second, he targeted in and watched. Instantly, he came to his feelings, closed it down and panted, "Did you observe that?"
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