#thank u blarge for the tag its so kind <3
calicostorms · 5 months
Fanwork Sunday (late)
Tagged by @blarrghe thank uuuu <3 I love to share recs but forget to do it often. Anyways. I'd recommend @merrybandofmurderers 's dragon age fics but I think I have done that many times already? So! A different author this time :]
Author: @crowwithabrush / KallistoKrow on Ao3!
Reccomended fic: Fellow Heretics
I discovered this fic by happenstance when the writer commented on one of my fics and fell in love with their Lavellan, Revos! The author has an excitement and love for Dragon Age that shines through, particularly in their criticism of the source material's handling of the tranquil. I've loved so far how they weave the Dalish love n respect for their mages into Revos' perspective and his backstory has unfolded in so many fun, unexpected pieces. It's a real treat to read!
Artist: uhhhh.... I know less artists, unfortunately, but! Reccomending @catebeesart who has done a commission for me before and does such BEAUTIFULLY detailed traditional clothing inspired designs.
Below is their artwork of my Dalish oc Fen'an (bc omg I haven't stopped fanboying it still) and a beautiful Gale sketch from them!!
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Tagging @just-call-me-angel @merrybandofmurderers @mrs-theirin @thicchaco @horrorscoupes @bicyclepainting @cactusnymph @midnighred74 and @curiouslavellan if u would like to!!
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