#thank u peri for giving me motivation
noctilia · 4 months
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My poor lobotomized little christ-figure baby 🥺
This one was a spontaneous piece with very little planning so it took a little bit to ‘sculp’ out as you can see from the vid. Anyway ask and you shall receive @cpericardium but only sometimes, my brain works in mysterious ways.
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sunriseindigo · 4 years
003 - Yoruko or Mikako?
hello i finally the energy to continue with this!!! thank u peri for allowing me to gush about these ladies ur awesome!!!!
yoruko kabuya
How I feel about this character:
woman,,,,, pretty....
in all seriousness tho she’s a really great character and i love her dearly!!! i want her to give me a hug and a compliment,,,,
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
hello setsuka chiebukuro, the ult billiards player!! how are we doing today? :) besides her i also ship her with hibiki and i’ve been thinking about kokoro too for some reason?? i just think they would have a good dynamic together man,,,
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
first and foremost sora!!!! i feel really uncomfy with soruko however that doesn’t mean i don’t like them platonically!! they’re just vibing and and having a great time!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
she!!! is!!! not!!! bland!!! characters don’t have to go through severe trauma or a massive character arc in a story in order to be likable!!! characters don’t have to change their entire personality in order for u to like them!! plz start evaluating and analyzing characters and have critical thinking skills instead of saying “lol no depth therefore bad” (this doesn’t mean u have to like her!! this just means to stop saying she bad because she didn’t go through trauma, jfc)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
linuj plz stop telling us that yoruko’s sexuality is “up in the air” and just admit that she isn’t straight challenge
Favorite friendship for this character:
again already answered this but like,,, her and emma,,, trans lesbian solidarity,,,
My crossover ship:
i declare ms kabuya and ms akamatsu wives
mikako kurokawa
How I feel about this character:
ashkslaqilbwjdebjda plzzzz ur gonna make me write a 4000 word essay on why i luv her so much,,,,,, she’s genuinely helped me through depressive episodes and panic attacks and she’s so cute and gorgeous and beautiful and like goddd I LOVE HER SO MUCH WAAAA--
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
me =D
as for canon characters ummm reikako is ultimate pogchamp!! i love them so much i’ll probably draw this once i’m done but i have no motivation for art rn so yeaaah
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
tbh her and haruhiko could’ve had cool interactions with each other!! mikako and tsurugi + kinji is great too! just those three staring at their classmates almost setting the room on fire and sighing
My unpopular opinion about this character:
guys. plz stop reducing her character down to this “quiet goth emo uwu”. some of u need to start analyzing characters more deeply instead of slapping stereotypes onto them and then either ignoring them or praising them as if they can do no wrong. i beg u to start picking up on this
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
would’ve been really nice if she. yknow. lived
Favorite friendship for this character:
!!!! her and yamato!!! i’m purposefully ignoring canon because yes and the two of them have been best friends since hanzo adopted mikako and they helped & supported each other when it came to coming out as trans
My crossover ship:
again, me and her!!!! :flushed:
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