#thank u to bisexualjohnnycage for pointing that out
mothercetrion · 1 year
okay now I'm thinking about Johnny being from the south
I don't believe it for a second BUT can you imagine? he grows up in a small town, nothing to do. he sees movie stars on TV and points and wants to be just like them! he wants to see the city lights and the people. he wants to walk the red carpet. he wants everyone to know his name. his mama is home from a long shift and she just smiles and shakes her head because he's so ambitious for his age
and then he grows up and learns how to mask his southern drawl and he acts in the school play and no one sees the vision that he does because no one has dreams like his, not in his eyes. no one gets it. he needs to get out and see everything! the world! he has to see it all since he's already seen every inch of his hometown
being southern is likely some sort of trivia information that some fans find out and are shocked to discover. he doesn't talk about it that much. when he actually lets his accent show, people are surprised
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