#thank you again to @ohmymammon for proofreading and the cute mammon screenshot hehe !
ohmyasmodeus · 4 years
𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 (𝐈) ☾ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴
i feel like we can all agree that we arent over the paws event ! i couldn’t stop myself from writing something self indulgent and more like the fantasy fiction i primarily write ♡ these are a little longer than what i usually do so be warned!
lucifer + mammon (i)  ☾  leviathan + satan + asmodeus (ii)  ☾  beelzebub + belphegor (iii)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
♡ 𝙡𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙧
Wrought iron. The dark woods that surrounded your reclusive village were like wrought iron palisades of tangled branches. You’d grown up with the stories. The heavy mist that obscured the distant trees quietly suffocated those in its reach, the thorny brambles flayed flesh from unlucky limbs, and there was no way out of the labyrinth of the hinterland. Or so they say. You were more than sure that these rumours were nothing but hamfisted attempts by your elders to make you and the rest of the villagers stay. As if you would let them. You were sick of it. One day, you were going to find a way out of this backwater village. You were going to explore the world beyond flimsy folk tales and primitive traditions.
However, there was one thing that kept you wondering— howling outside your window. You would hear them at night, eerie howls that almost crossed into humanlike screams of agony. They would come in the middle of the night, freezing your breath in your chest and you would stare out the window with your wide eyes, gazing at the moon through the mist that obscured the distant treeline. It was the worst in the winter, when the howling chilled the blood in your veins and the winter air stripped you from any warmth.
By the next winter, you had long since gotten sick of your suffocating village. You had long forgotten about the howling as well, and only remembered as you were in the middle of booking it through the woods on impulse. All you knew is that you had to leave, to finally cut yourself free from the ties that bind. The mists parted for you, the brambles crunched harmlessly underfoot while your breath escaped in light clouds of steam, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the howling. You had always assumed a wild animal made them, just to put your worries at rest. But alone in the cold… you wondered.
Alone in the cold, you were so easy to corner. Lucifer had sensed the intrusion from the moment you stepped into his enclave. Through your terrified tears, you could barely see the dark skies past the massive shoulders, the raven-black fur that ruffled with the winter winds. You were nothing like the humans he’d encountered in the past. Humans that intended to hunt his kind came with knives and war cries, but you held yourself innocent with nothing but a half-filled knapsack on your back. Curiously, Lucifer smelled you, nudging your tears away with his wet nose.
“You must be lost,” he says in his silken voice, quiet to keep you calm. He rises to sit before you in his full height, and gently nudges you with his nose once more when you shiver and wipe your eyes. “I won’t hurt you. Tell me, what’s your name?”
And you tell him. Then you tell him through your now frustrated tears all about your village, about everything you have been trying to run away from, and his thick fur keeps you warm as you walk together through the night. He warns you that the way is long and the night grows dangerous, but nothing hampers your determination to leave the life that you once knew. Lucifer finds himself obliged to follow as an escort.
✧   A proud wolf, Lucifer is an natural leader. He dedicates himself to fiercely defending his territory and his pack, which over time seems to grow to include you as an exception. You see it in his eyes, the way his hackles raise and his eyes narrow by the firelight when he senses trouble in the vicinity, the way he curls around you when you settle down like a shield against the harsh winter. He talks to you by the fire, curious about your experiences and destination. Though, make no mistake— he nips at you when you try to stroke his soft fur or ears. He refuses to be treated like a pet. (Although it’s fairly easy to try to ease him into it. Toss him a slab of cured meat from your knapsack and he might just let you scratch behind an ear.)
✧   Do not forget that his treatment of you is a privilege. An exception. The stark contrast of crimson that drenches into the pale snow reminds you of it when you forget. Lucifer spares but a moment before viciously sinking his teeth into any other humans not as a killing blow, but a warning. There is no hesitation before he tears people apart, spilling bile and gore in front of you, the wild look in his eyes making you stumble backwards. You steal the shotguns from the bloody corpses with shaking hands. You hear his chilling howl in person for the first time after a fresh kill, the harsh sound a warning for other predators. This is his territory.
✧   He is there for you when the nights grow long, and your heart grows so heavy that all you can do is bury your face into his fur and feel his steady breathing. He hunts for you, bringing you fresh fish as the lakes slowly start to thaw out. One time, he drags you an entire elk carcass that has you balking at the sheer size, and sits by it proudly with a wagging tail as if awaiting your praise. He lets you reward him with a kiss on his snout, but just this once.
✧   Lucifer doesn’t care to subscribe to the moon’s cycle, defying it by haughtily wearing his wolf pelt across his shoulders like a mantle in his human form. In his human form, you see the scars that still dig into his flesh, revealed by gaps in his collar and clothes. His large hands are calloused, tipped with obsidian nails that almost resemble claws. But they never touch you. Lucifer never touches you with anything but the firm affectionate touches of a lover. His teeth remain deadly sharp, but they only nip playfully to rile you up.
✧   “Stay. You don’t have to keep running,” he mumbles as he drapes the pelt across your shoulders and kisses your neck. You sink into his warmth. “Not with me.”
♡ 𝙢𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣
A simple life had always been enough for you. There was a great pride to be taken in the life you had built for yourself, a great escape surrounded by lavender and wheat fields and mountainsides smattered with wildflowers. Your farm stood proud, tilled fields thriving in the welcoming sun. There was nothing you would want to change, not the wonderful solitude, nor the hard work you set aside for yourself. Not even the wildlife bothered you. You welcomed the creatures you often found wandering through your fields, completely naïve to human contact. And the nature that surrounded you welcomed you in the same way.
Though the fresh blood you soon found spilled only a little beyond the livestock pens made you think otherwise.
A predator, surely. The sheep had been startled but only a few had gone missing, a sign of a desperate animal. You shook the instinctual fear away and decided to trek across the property to try and reinforce some of the fences you had built to keep most of the wildlife out. But once you found the large hole that had been torn through a wire fence that separated your farm from the rest of the wilderness, you weren’t sure how effective your reinforcing would be.
No matter how strong your fences were or how high you built up the fences that kept the sheep in, every now and then, you would notice a lamb or two gone. It was far from a devastating amount, but those were your livestock… Yet, life persisted. The predator never seemed to cause too much of a ruckus or tried to break into your home, so you were confident in your ability to continue farming. The charming landscape and the work you had put into your farm were things that you simply couldn’t give up on.
A lazy hand wipes the sweat from your brow as you set your tools down for the day. Darkness fell across the fields and bathed you in its cooling winds, the receding dusk tinting the velvet skies a charming pink. All is well once more. You stand and stretch, before leaning back on the wooden fence behind you to watch the bright stars wink into appearance. Everything seems so different from the city life that you had known before… and you’re happy. Well, up until you decide to turn to see how your sheep are doing.
You don’t even register the danger you’re in before you start yelling.
“What the fuck are you doing? Put it down!” Silvery fur stands on end when you yell from across the fence, the large wolf looking at you like a deer caught in headlights as it tries to drag away a helpless struggling lamb. You jump the fence and land loudly. “I said put it down!”
The wolf stares at you for a tense second before reluctantly opening its jaw. The lamb kicks it in the snout as it desperately wiggles away, and the wolf whimpers softly before putting a paw over its snout as if to soothe it, and it strikes you as so odd— its eyes are too smart, too aware to be just any animal. Its ears pin themselves back in shame, just like its gait as it gets up to try and weasel away from its crimes. And you’re pretty sure you just heard it mutter an ‘Oh, shit’.
✧   Mammon is more than aware of the power he has. It would be easy to kill all your livestock in one night and kill you along with them, but that’s not something that interests him very much. He honestly just wanted to see how much he could steal without you coming after him, and whether he could steal from right under your nose. He still is a greedy wolf, after all, but he leaves all the territorial business to Lucifer, much preferring to mess around with unlucky humans.
✧   And yet, for all the power he brags to you about having, he’s about as dangerous as a teacup puppy. He isn’t a fan of hurting humans, and the only thing you really have to do to get him to stop stealing your sheep is to feed him slabs of meat every time he comes by. Pavlov him enough and he’ll come running when you yell his name out the front door expecting dinner and a nice side of milk to accompany it. He likes the company too, and the way you two can watch the moon while having dinner in your fields together.
✧   “Aww, aren’t you the hungriest puppy!” You coo over him as you toss him slabs of raw meat, thankfully from cattle that you decided to cull this time, and he catches them expertly midair. “Good boy!”
“I ain’t a damn dog! I’ll eat you next!” Mammon protests. He could easily stop indulging you, but he’s immediately leaping the moment he sees you throw another hunk of meat. Your praise makes his ears perk up in the sweetest way and his tail wag so hard you’re almost afraid it might fall off. For all his whining about being one of the most terrifying werewolves, he instantly melts the moment you dig your fingers into his thick silver fur and give him a scritch. He rolls over without hesitation just so you can give him a good belly rub, letting you see how adorable he is when he kicks his leg in enjoyment.
✧   Mammon definitely has a habit of covering you with his scent. He nuzzles his face into you at any opportunity, often leaving your clothes dusted with his pale fur, just because you bring out his need to mark his territory. He won’t have anyone else putting their dirty paws on you!
✧   For as much as he acts like he’s already domesticated around you, he loves dragging you along to see the wilder side of things— running through the fields with you desperately clinging to his back at midnight, finding himself caught up in the adrenaline as he playfully bites at you and pins you down when you two play fight. He’s still a wild wolf at heart, and loves it when you two howl at the moon together. The woods is where he first pulls you into a heated kiss once the sun peaks over the mountains and turns him human.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
context for mammon’s love of sheep ♡
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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