#thank you beloved my komaeda to my sans
feh-alt-battle · 4 months
nagito being on a poll reminds me that he was a very big part of why i submitted and asked for edelgard vs sans to be a poll awhile back so i will now lore dump how edelgard vs sans became a matchup in my mind
so i am a very big fan of nintendo and i always have nintendo on the mind, when viewing other series i kinda think about what it has in common with nintendo games or just generally how i can connect nintendo characters to it
ive always found the "sans and nagito komaeda" meme very funny. the ones where these two are best friends or lovers. its so random and just really funny and great to me i love it
so i wanted to nintendo-ify it. i wanted to go on a small adventure to discover who the nintendo equivelants of sans and komaeda are
for komaeda, there is this meme i saw of a checklist of "what makes a komaeda archetype" and someone actually filled it out for edelgard and pointed out she basically fits that archetype perfectly and is extremely comparable to nagito komaeda.
for mr. undertale, i was replaying pokemon legends: arceus and kinda realized volo is a lot like sans. he seems to know everything about this world for some reason, he seems to be aware he is in a video game and the protagonist is actually a human playing this game, beloved by tumblr, and he's a secret extremely hard superboss that shocks everyone.
and there it was. i had found nintendo's sans and komaeda archetypes
i saw a post of yours that i believed mentioned not wanting 3h discourse. and thus i wanted to share some of this random connection and thought "wouldnt it be funny to submit edelgard and sans since they are now connected via nagito komaeda in this strange pointless loop in my brain and be a complete distraction from 3h discourse" (im not a danganronpa fan but i am an undertale fan, so i figured this would be more fun to submit than edelgard vs komaeda)
and i thank you for submitting the poll. edelgard vs sans will always be a fond memory.
YUGDFGOYADFGYUIODAFGUIADFUIG THAT'S BEAUTIFUL!! I'm a danganronpa fan myself (tho it has fizzled in recent years) and I think Nagito and Edelgard would get along perfectly should they have the necessary conditions!!
I remember that as well! I despise discourse. Sometimes we all dabble into discourse whether intentionally or unintentionally, and it's not good for our mental healths. The further from discourse we are, all the better for us!!
Volo from pokemon huh? So he's a tumblr sexyman-
Tumblr media
Oh. Oh no my lesbianism!
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nezushi · 3 years
for the summer ask meme: ALL OF THEM
WHEW OK posting them under the cut
Afterglow: any big regrets? probably! but i try not to dwell on them
Aphrodite: have you ever been in love? are you currently in love? yes! right now for the first time. absolutely wild
Alcove: do you like going to the beach or do you prefer the pool? i like the beach part of beaches but i prefer pools over the ocean
BBQ: do you have big get togethers over summer? no, unless we visit family for a holiday
Bubble Tea: do you like bubble tea? what’s your go-to order? ive had it once....and didnt like it......but id be willing to try it again
Camping: have you ever been camping? do you like going? yep. its not bad, i havent gone in a while though
Collegiate: are you going to school right now? what are you studying? nope! im 2cool4skool 😎
Cottage: what’s your ideal weekend escape? hmm...dont know! never really thought about it.....
Date Night: do you like anyone right now? do they know? yes and they do
Desert: do you like desert terrain? i dont hate it but its not really in my top favorite terrains
Dream: what’s your summer goal? find a new job that i actually want to do
Drive: do you like going on late night drives? yeah. minimal cars really sells it for me
Earth: do you ever like to unplug and disconnect for a while? i think its nice but i havent done it much....
Feather: what’s your favorite animal? turtles have always been my go-to answer, but it might've changed....
Fish: do you like fish and sea life? any favorites? YES i loved learning about fucked up little guys in the ocean. oarfish are one of my favorites
Garden: do you like gardening? what’s your favorite thing to grow? i dont like gardening
Habitual: any summer hobbies? no?
Hades: do you like the hot temperatures? i absolutely despise hot weather
Heat: ideal summer weather? when it doesnt feel like summer
Hoist the Colors: do you like being on the open ocean? no. the ocean is scawwy 😳
Horizon: anyting in the upcoming future you’re looking forward to? going to germany!
Hydrated: have you drank enough water today? no. i havent had a single sip 😏
Iconic: do you have any summer traditions or something you do every summer? i dont think so?
Jam: what’s your favorite type of ice cream or sweet treat? i dont like ice cream its too sweet for me. snow cones are good though
Keeper: do you have a significant other? huwuhwuwhwuhhhh 😳😳😳
Lemon: where would you rather go - the Italian countryside or Greek sea? bruh idk?? countryside i guess?
Love Letter: quiet night in or night out? in
Menu: what’s one summer type dish you like? uhhh whats a summer type dish........watermelon sure
Nada: this is not a question, just something to remind you that you are loved! 🖤🖤
Nooner: do you like to sleep in during summer break? summer break is when i have to wake up at 5 am everyday lol. it would be nice to sleep in.......
Opportunist: what do you like to do to take advantage of the nice weather? open my window...
Pirate: do you like pirates? sure 
Pool: do you like swimming? not really
Pottery: do you like crafting? sometimes...its not something i do a lot
Pride: are you part of the lgbtq+ community? yeas..
Quiet: how you relax after a long day? lay in my bed with my cats
Rhapsody: do you like going to concerts? what’s the last concert you went to? yes! i went to see bts in la with my beloved 😳
S’mores: do you like campfires and making s’mores? i like campfires but not smores
Series: anything you’re planning on binge-watching this summer? not that i can think of
Strawberries: favorite fruit? red raspberries! especially fresh ones from my oma's garden
Swimsuit: what’s your go to style of swimsuit? shorts and a shirt....
Tea: you like gossip? or to keep to yourself? i could less about gossip. im not interested in it in the slightest
Unicorn: what’s your favorite mythical creature? phoenix ig!
Unreal: what’s something you’d never thought you would accomplish but you did? getting a job 😏
Vacation: do you have any vacation plans this summer? going to germany, again
Volunteer: do you like to volunteer or do charity work? i dont hate it but its not something i really do
Weekend: describe your ideal weekend. i dont know! spending time with people i like mayhaps....😳
Wonder: what’s something you love about summer? uhm hmmm cant think of anything.....
Younger: do you listen to your inner child? maybe sometimes? i honestly dont know
Zoo: do you collect anything? yes! little turtle figurines 🐢
ZZZ: what’s your go-to sleeping position? on my side hugging my body pillow
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yuugami-tan · 3 years
All Of Them
Afterglow: any big regrets? yeah!!!
Aphrodite: have you ever been in love? are you currently in love? heheheheehehehehehehehehheheeh. yes and yes
Alcove: do you like going to the beach or do you prefer the pool? beach!!! as long as i am in the shade lol or if it's in the evening. long shore beaches are my favorite since there is lots of space to walk :DDD when it is cool enough that i can wear a sweater i think it is the best
BBQ: do you have big get togethers over summer? huhhhhh i wouldn't really call them big. usually just my friend group at someone's house to exist in each other's presence
Bubble Tea: do you like bubble tea? what’s your go-to order? YES although i rarely have it cuz caffeine's not good for me!!! i like to have just regular black or oolong milk tea with boba. when i can i just order brown sugar milk (NOT TEA) with boba!!!
Camping: are you ever been camping? do you like going? yes! and i don't really know because it has been a very long time!!!!! unless staying in a cabin counts as camping................................i am not a fan of tents
Collegiate: are you going to school right now? what are you studying? yes!!! studying studio arts + korean!!!!!!!!
Cottage: what’s your ideal weekend escape? i dunno..................the weekend is too short for an escape
Date Night: do you like anyone right now? do they know? yes and yes 😏
Desert: do you like desert terrain? I LOVE DESERTS i think they are very pretty!!! maybe cuz i live so nearby to them lol. it is best to visit the desert in cold weather!!!
Dream: what’s your summer goal? to improve my korean by a lot!!!
Drive: do you like going on late night drives? i cannot answer that because i can't drive!!! but i don't like being outside at night so probably no!!!
Earth: do you ever like to unplug and disconnect for a while? yes. a little too much actually
Feather: what’s your favorite animal? my dogs and my birds :D
Fish: do you like fish and sea life? any favorites? YEAHHHHHHHH I LOVE SEA CREACHERS. i don't have a favorite but i like to pet rays at aquariums :DDD
Garden: do you like gardening? what’s your favorite thing to grow? i like gardening but i cannot grow anything......................except green onions which i am proud of. they used to live in a flower pot on my balcony but we have long since eaten them............................................
Habitual: any summer hobbies? i don't really know! i haven't ever had a free summer to build any hobbies cuz i always have school
Hades: do you like the hot temperatures? no.
Heat: ideal summer weather? cool nighttimes and zero humidity...................summers at the beach are very nice though because it is very cool
Hoist the Colors: do you like being on the open ocean? NO
Horizon: anyting in the upcoming future you’re looking forward to? studying abroad in gwangju :DDD
Hydrated: have you drank enough water today? i haven't had a headache yet today so i think so!!!
Iconic: do you have any summer traditions or something you do every summer? road trip with my family to somewhere after summer school is over :DDD
Jam: what’s your favorite type of ice cream or sweet treat? oh man...........the strawberry shortcake ice cream bars....................................oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghghhghhghhh
Keeper: do you have a significant other? yes their names are simon blackquill and herlock sholmes perhaps you can answer this for me 😳
Lemon: where would you rather go - the Italian countryside or Greek sea? countryside!!!
Love Letter: quiet night in or night out? depends............usually a quiet night in unless i am going to a concert. in that case YELLING SCREAMING WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Menu: what’s one summer type dish you like? i don't know what that means!!!
Nada: this is not a question, just something to remind you that you are loved! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nooner: do you like to sleep in during summer break? no..............it causes me to miss meals and become very depressy. also summer school does not allow me to do that
Opportunist: what do you like to do to take advantage of the nice weather? go on a walk!!! when the weather is nice as i'm coming home from school I'll get off the bus a mile early and walk the rest of the way!!!
Pirate: do you like pirates? YES i think they're cool
Pool: do you like swimming? yeah! but i haven't in a while cuz i don't like being in the sun now lol.
Pottery: do you like crafting? hummm...............i don't really do crafts much but i think it's fun. i like to assemble little wooden/paper figures though :DDD
Pride: are you part of the lgbtq+ community? yeah!!!
Quiet: how you relax after a long day? i usually watch videos/listen music and continue study lol. until it's late at night then i'll play my silly little mobile games
Rhapsody: do you like going to concerts? what’s the last concert you went to? YES YES I LOVE GOING TO CONCERTS. my favorite adrenaline rush. last one was bts in la with YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
S’mores: do you like campfires and making s’mores? i've never made smores but campfires are neat! i like to roast marshmallows though
Series: anything you’re planning on binge-watching this summer? bleach!!!
Strawberries: favorite fruit? bananas and strawberries
Swimsuit: what’s your go to style of swimsuit? shirt (long sleeve if possible) and shorts
Tea: you like gossip? or to keep to yourself? i don't like to gossip!!!
Unicorn: what’s your favorite mythical creature? the sexy humanoid ones
Unreal: what’s something you’d never thought you would accomplish but you did? getting this scholarship. i think i'm still in denial
Vacation: do you have any vacation plans this summer? no!!! but i will be doing very exciting schoolwork :DDD
Volunteer: do you like to volunteer or do charity work? it's nice, i used to do it a lot during high school
Weekend: describe your ideal weekend. museum trip!!!
Wonder: what’s something you love about summer? many characters' birthdays are in the summer!!!
Younger: do you listen to your inner child? yes it's a nice song. in all honesty though YES. how else am i supposed to live
Zoo: do you collect anything? keychains and pins and stickers and manga and various figures/other merchandise. i have many but not enough. OH also art books!!! i'd like to thank my dad for that cuz he dumped all of HIS art books on me (nge, aardman, calvin & hobbes, etc.)
ZZZ: what’s your go-to sleeping position? on my back with my hands on my stomach like a corpse
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lynneshobbydomain · 4 years
Tie A String Around Me (Day 2 of Komahina Week)
((Thank you sunflower_8 for betaing this chapter for me and for letting me know when I screw up a character’s name. Dear god have mercy on me. As always, thank you all for the kudos and reblogs, they truly make my day).
Prompt: Soulmate AU/ Confessions
Rating: T (Hajime has a mouth)
Summary:  Prequel to Make My Wish Come True In a world where different soulmates had different marks and tattoos and words to say to each other, Nagito considered himself lucky to have a string. He could find his soulmate at any time if he wanted, but he was more than happy to let fate decide when they meet. However, meeting someone at the other end could prove to be his bad luck.
You can read this prompt from under the cut or you can go read it on AO3
There were four tugs on Nagito’s pinky finger that had a red string tied at the end.
Nagito smiled as he walked over to the vending machine on the school campus. Sometimes there were two sharp pulls and he had learned over the years that it meant that his soulmate was nervous or upset. One sharp pull was usually his soulmate telling him to knock it off when Nagito played too much with the string. There were sometimes three slow pulls, as if to comfort. As if to say that he’s okay when Nagito would tug just to see if his soulmate was there. He didn’t have the exact method of communication down, even after all these years, but he liked to think that he understood the subtext of what the pulls could mean.
He wondered if his soul mate was nervous about something, or if he was just also trying to make sure that the red string was intact. It would be just Nagito luck if it somehow broke. He lightly tugged back on the string, telling whoever was at the other end that he felt it. He was still there. Even if he didn’t understand why the four tugs. Four wasn’t a number they usually used.
Speaking of his soul mate, Nagito sometimes felt bad for them. On one hand, they were going to be absolutely brilliant and he knew it! They probably had the most hope that he would ever lay his eyes on. They were also probably the most talented! Oh how extraordinary that would be! To have a talent that could bring so much hope and joy. He thought about the different kinds of professions that could be. Detectives, nurses, doctors, or maybe they were the artistic type like a painter or a sculptor. Whatever kind of soulmate he had, Nagito was just happy that he was going to have someone that had just as much hope as he did.
On the other, the vending machine was stuck again. Nagito didn’t mind it so much, this was a minor inconvenience to what kind of bad luck he could get. Not get any soda? That’s fine, maybe something better was around the corner. Better to have that be the case than to have someone die in a plane crash, or watch a car accident with no survivors, or be the only one to get out of a burning apartment building without a scratch. His luck was the worst when it decided to be on the downswing. Nagito glanced at the red string that was tied around his pinky finger.
He could follow it. It wasn’t frayed and damaged. It had a strong red glow and if he tugged on it just right, he could feel a tug back. He could see where it led, but he never tried. Or more like he felt like if he did try he wasn’t sure what kind of luck would meet him at the end. Meet his soulmate, only to watch them disappear in the end? Nagito was happier to leave it up to fate to decide when they meet. Besides, they could be across the country right now trying to spread as much hope and joy they possibly can. Having a soulmate would weigh them down and Nagito didn’t want them to feel obligated to put their lives on a shelf.
Besides, he found it interesting that in a world filled with different ways of finding soulmates, he had managed to get a more physical manifestation of it. Most of his friends had words written on their skin of the first or the last things that they would say to their beloveds. He had seen soulmates who had symbols that were supposed to match. There were some who thought that they were color-blind, only to light up in joy when they could finally see the world as what it was. So many different ways to spread and find hope and Nagito got the one that was the easiest….and the hardest.
No one else could see the red string. No one really believed in it anymore. It was a soulmate myth that disappeared within the sands of time. That was alright, Nagito didn’t mind the obscurity. In fact, that’s what made this even more hopeful and interesting he thought. To be able to meet his soulmate at any given time and feel them? There was not enough words to express his-
“Are you just gonna keep standing there?”
Nagito jolted and he looked over to see a boy with messy brown hair and deep brown eyes staring back at him. He looked pretty casual with his uniform, a tie tight around his neck and a determined gaze that barely softened at a smile.
“I’m sorry! I got lost in my thoughts.” Nagito held his hands out, nervous. “You may want to try a different vending machine though. This one ate my change, unfortunately. Ah what bad luck.”
“Really? It was working fine earlier.” The boy frowned. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins. “What were you trying to get?”
“You don’t have to do that for me, it’s alright.” Nagito quickly tried to shoot him down. “I don’t want you to waste your money on me or on-”
“I offered, didn’t I?” The boy gave him a sharp look and Nagito bit his tongue. He had a feeling that trying to get the boy to look the other way wasn’t going to happen here. He placed his hands down and moved to the side. “What were you getting?” He asked again, slipping the coins into the machine, the metal clanging on metal the only other noises that broke the silence between them.
“A Dr. Hopper.” The boy raised an eyebrow, and Nagito shrugged helplessly. “Haha, I needed the caffeine.”
“Huh. I don’t usually drink carbonated drinks, but...I’ll take your word for it I guess.” The boy replied. “I don’t think we’ve met before, have we?”
“I’m sure that if we had I’d remember you,” Nagito replied. “After all you’re in Hopes Peak Academy, you must have some sort of talent.”
The boy grimaced. “Yeah... talent.” Oh. Maybe he wasn’t all that thrilled of what he could do. Nagito met other students like that. Always trying to tug at fate’s design, wanting more than a set-in stone path. Nagito thought that was also very hopeful of them. To try to defy the expectations of others! Sometimes it took the roundabout way of realizing that their soulmate was indeed the right one for them, or that their talent was actually what they needed all along. “Sorry, that came out a little-”
“No no! It’s okay to be disgruntled. I don’t like my talent either sometimes. It’s not as inspiring as some of my classmate’s.” Nagito assured. “Being the Ultimate Lucky student may have its perks, but...well they’re only like that when it’s a good day.”
“Like you were enrolled from the lottery right?” The boy pressed the button for an Dr. Hopper and both of them waited on baited breath. “Huh, you’re right. It was stuck.”
“See I to-”
Two cans of Dr. Hopper immediately rolled out into the dispenser. The boy and Nagito both stared at the machine for a bit. Nagito wasn’t expecting the good luck to come at him so quickly, and the boy was probably just stunned that he got to see his luck in action. The boy shrugged and bent down. He tossed both of the cans at Nagito. Not used to having things thrown at him, Nagtio juggled to try to catch both of them, and reminded himself not to open them for a while. Just so that they wouldn’t explode over his face.
“I’m Hinata Hajime. I’m friends with Nanami Chiaki.” Hinata introduced.
“I’m Komaeda Nagito. Your friends with someone in my class then. She’s the Ultimate Gamer. She’s so inspiring! I know that when she gets out into the world, she’s going to have such a fantastic hope shine through for all of us.” Nagito beamed.
Hinata shook his head, “What’s so inspiring about someone that takes a nap wherever?” He asked. “She drools too.”
“Bullying women,” Nagito teased, but his expression turned a little dark. He wasn’t sure if the word “friend” was what Hinata actually meant now. “That’s not very cool.”
“I’m sure she pokes fun at me sometimes, but I’ll lay off.” Hinata relented as he reached into his pocket again. “Do you like it in Hope’s Peak?”
“Hmm. My classmates can be a handful.” Nagito didn’t miss the fact that the boy said “in Hope’s Peak”. He wondered if Hinata ditched a lot to practice his talent, or perhaps he was a loner type and maybe him “bullying” Nanami was actually showing affection in a stageneted way. He wasn’t sure. Nagito realized that he didn’t...exactly reach out to his classmates the same way Hinata seemed to reach out to his friend. Probably a good thing. Closeness was just another way to make things worse. “Midori-san has taken over the music room again, and is driving Akamatsu-san and Maizono-san up the wall with her music. They can’t concentrate when Mioda-san is in there.”
“I think I heard about that. She’s trying to come up with a few new songs to perform for the exams right? Or is she doing this to get them recorded and sold?” Hinata asked curiously. The vending machine rumbled and another can came out from the dispenser. He knelt down quickly and Nagito caught sight that it was orange juice.
Nagito shrugged, “I’m not sure. She keeps changing her mind as to what she wants to do.”
“That sounds like her. Sorry to cut this short, but I gotta get back.”
“No. I’m sorry for being such a bother!” Nagito grinned. “Thank you for taking your time to talk to someone as unworthy as me.”
“Really? You shouldn’t put yourself down that much.” Hinata shook his head. “Later.”
“Bye bye.” Nagito couldn’t wave since his hands were full, but he watched Hinata walk away from the vending machine. Now that he was actually staring at the boy, he noticed a glimmer of red that was attached to the boy’s pinky. A red that...seemingly trailed off behind and headed for Nagito. He blinked slowly. So this was his soulmate. Hinata didn’t turn around, but he did jerk his wrist a couple of times. Maybe to assure himself that his soulmate didn’t disappear?
Oh what luck! Unfortunately it was bad luck because Nagito’s hands were full, but hopefully he was able to give a weak tug to tell his soulmate (to tell Hinata) that he was still there. Now he really needed to find out what sort of talent Hinata Hajime had, and why he wasn’t interested in Hope’s Peak.
Luckily for Nagito, most of his classmates chose today of all days to work on their talents. Which meant that the only person that was in the classroom was Chiaki. She probably was only there because she had just recently met up with Hinata, and didn’t want to go back to her dorms since they were probably a bit of a walk. It wasn’t that Chiaki was lazy in any sort of the means, even if she had a tendency to be tired and liked to nap wherever she could. She was working hard on her talent and it was easy to have energy levels drained.
She was currently working on her talent right now, and Nagito never felt blessed than to see someone being dedicated to their talent. He could hear the 16-bit music play through the console’s speakers as he approached and sat down across from her. He stayed silent and waited for her to glance up at him, not wanting to disturb an Ultimate hard at work.
Again, luck appeared to be on his side. Usually Nanami would take a while before she would look up at someone. “Hey, hey.” She greeted, her tone holding a sweet delicacy that could harden in any given moment. “How are you, Komaeda-kun?”
“I’m doing well, Nanami-san.” Nagito grinned. “How are you?”
“I’m doing alright. I’m having some problems with this level that I’m on, but I think I may have sped through a certain side-quest and I didn’t get it all the way done properly to get the item. I might have to go back and see if that’s the case, or if I misread the map of this dungeon.” Nanami hummed in displeasure, “Is there something that you need?”
“Ah, I don’t want to disturb you if you’re having a hard time with your game, Nanami-san. I know that you’ll do splendidly though! Your talent will shine right through when you get through that level for sure.”  Nagito assured, deciding that maybe he was being a bother after all.
Nanami, though, was just as unpredictable as she was predictable. “It’s alright. I need the break. You look like you’re on cloud nine. Did something good happen with your luck?” Unpredictable and observant. Sometimes Nagito forgot that just because her eyes were glued to the screen didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of her surroundings.
“Ahaha. There’s a chance. I had a question for you, if I may ask. You’re friends with someone named Hinata Hajime aren’t you? He was at the vending machine not too long ago and I ran into him there.”
“Hajime-kun?” Oh so they were close friends if they were using first names. Nagito filed that information away. “He’s a nice guy. He can get a little temperamental, but his heart is in the right place. Why do you ask? Did something happen? Nothing bad,” Chiaki mused, “otherwise you wouldn’t look so happy as you do now.”
“Am I really that much of an open book to you Namami-san?” Nagito asked, rhetorically. “I was curious to know what class he’s in, or what talent he could possess.”
“Hmm…” Nanami reached up and tugged her hoodie over her head, looking downcast. Nagito blinked. Did his soulmate somehow manage to do the unthinkable and get expelled from Hope’s Peak? Had he hated his talent so much that he would go that far to try to destroy it? Nagito tugged subconsciously on the soulmate string, trying to make sure it was still there. It was horrible luck on his side, wasn’t it? To have a soulmate that would probably throw away any and all talent to the side because of something that happened. He wondered how Hinata must have felt knowing that he had a soulmate that was an Ultimate and a part of the school that tossed him to the side.
Maybe this struggle that he was going through would be the stepping stone for something much brighter and sunnier on the other side. “Is something wrong, Nanami-san? You’ve been quiet for a while now...did I cross a line?”
“It’s not that. I just...don’t know how to word it properly. For example, I don’t want to lose our friend rating, but I don’t want to lose Hajime-kun’s friend’s stats too. I worked hard to get to where we are now.” Nanami bit her lower lip. “I mean, it’s not a secret or anything. It’s just hard to talk about.”
“If it’s that personal, then I won’t pry.” Nagito shook his head firmly. “I didn’t mean to cause you distress.”
“You’re his soulmate though, aren’t you? That’s why you’re asking the question. You keep playing with your pinky finger so...I can only assume that you and Hajime-kun are metaphorically and literally tied together.” Nanami  pointed out, rubbing the side of her eye. She looked like she was about to pass out, but she kept herself straight. “This is probably something that’s going to come up sooner or later anyway...I think. So it should be okay to tell you.” She nodded. “Hajime-kun is part of the Reserve Course.”
Nagito blinked slowly. Talentless. His soulmate was a coat-rider of the brilliant and of the shining. Of course his bad luck would turn for the worst. Of course he wasn’t lucky enough to get a man that was talented as he was brilliant. No wonder Hinata was cold towards Hope’s Peak! “Hahaha. What awful luck.” Nagito stood up. “Thank you for telling me, Nanami-san. It appears I have some thinking to do.”
“Don’t cut the thread.”
Nagito froze just as he was about to walk away from the desk. He paused and looked over his shoulders at her. Nanami lowered her head and averted her expression, clutching at the side of her hood. “What do you mean, Nanami-san? What makes you think I’d cut the thread?”
“I don’t know, it’s just something you would do I think.” Nanami frowned. “Hajime-kun...is very attached to his soulmate. He wouldn’t ever try to hurt you. He’ll be sharp sometimes, and hard to understand, but...you should give him a chance. Talentless or not. Besides, I think that it brings a lot of hope that he’s talentless.”
“How would being talentless bring hope, Nanami-san?” Nagito tilted his head, his curiosity still evident.
“Hmm. Maybe it’s just me but, if you could have the ability to be anything that you wanted without someone telling you that’s exactly who you are...there’s a lot of potential there, I think anyway.” Nanami mused thoughtfully. “Which means that he has more of a reach when it comes to spreading hope. You shouldn’t judge people for where they are in business or in school. It’s more hopeful to look at them from a different perspective and see what they can become, I think.”
Nagito wondered if that was true. Being talented meant a lot in this world. It was a way to spread hope and brightness, yes, but no one wanted someone without talent. That was mundane. Those types of people could be found on street corners and in alleyways. Nagito couldn’t imagine, couldn’t fathom not having talent. His parents didn’t have talent and look where it got them, killed in a plane crash and burned beyond recognition.
Hinata Hajime had nothing to protect himself with, and there was no way he had that much hope. “You’re kinder than I am, Nanami-san.” Nagito said after a moment. “To see things that way.”
“I don’t think it’s that hard…” Nanami mused thoughtfully. “But just...think about it. Okay? Don’t do anything rash.”
Nagito nodded, “I’ll see you around.” He didn’t offer a wave as he walked out of his classroom, shoulders heavy with thought.
Maybe it would be best to not go seeking out his soulmate after all.
Here’s the thing about luck. It swings. It swings high and then it swings low. For every bad piece of luck there was always good luck to follow. That’s just how the world went and Nagito was used to it, however he wasn’t used to the way that it was showing up. He kept running into Hajime soon after that conversation. He didn’t try to go out of his way to have a conversation. If their eyes somehow met, he would give a nod and continue on his merry way, but he tried to keep Hinata Hajime at a good arm’s distance away from him. He ignored the tugs of his string to the point where the string was starting to lose its luster. The brilliant ruby red that used to bring Nagito so much joy was turning a dull maroon. Nagito felt a tug in his heart a few times to just...maybe tug on it. Maybe encourage it to not fray. However, he couldn’t step out of his mindset that perhaps this was for the best.
One night, while lying in bed, sleep was far away from him as it possibly could get. Nagito looked at the string on his finger and knew that it was only a matter of time before he was soulmate-less and unclaimed. He wondered how that would be for Hinata, and for himself. Soulmates that didn’t tend to their bonds or try to encourage the person on the other side would lose their marks. Some would smudge and fade. Some would just turn to a different person that was soulmate less too. He wondered what would happen if the string fell off of his pinky.
Would he be reclaimed by someone more deserving of him? Would he be alone in the world? Nagito had thought that he would die in the comfort of his soulmate’s arms considering how sick he was, and he thought that his soulmate would be there for him at the hospital visits, just like Nagito would dream and hope that his soulmate would want him to be there for them. It would be his luck though wouldn’t it, if Nagito was left alone. It was his choice, he could live with it.
He turned, about to go to sleep when he felt a couple of tugs against his pinky, almost pleading. Almost like Hinata was praying that someone on the other end would just...give in. Nagito wondered what would make him persist. What kind of hope did a dull string show? Nagito glanced at his cellphone on his bedside and noticed that there was a notification that was on the screen. Blinking, he picked up the phone.
The number that was there was unknown.
Could this be the good luck, or incoming bad?
Unknown: Sorry to bother you late at night Komaeda-kun, Chiaki-chan gave me your number and told me to talk to you. She said that you also have a string that’s been acting weird.
So Nanami didn’t say anything to Hinata about the string. Nagito thought for a moment about ignoring it, deleting it.
Komaeda: It’s just one of those types of bad luck I’m afraid.
Unknown: Have you tried to tug at them? Ask them if they’re okay? I’ve been doing that, but I’m being ignored. Or maybe they can’t respond because they’re sick. I don’t know. Anyway, I didn’t mean to suddenly bother you about this. Chiaki-chan just told me that you’d get it more.
Komaeda: I haven’t. Tried to tug at it I mean. Actually, Hinata-kun may I ask you a question?
Unknown: Sure. Shoot.
Komaeda: Do you think it’s possible to be disappointed in your soul mate?
Unknown: Well if I’m being ignored then yes, I’m severely disappointed because I don’t know what’s happening and we’re not talking or letting me know that everything’s okay. If something happened and they were sick, I’d be more disappointed in myself for not knowing who they were to begin with and being there for them when they needed me. Makes sense?
Komaeda: I think perhaps there was a misunderstanding. I meant to ask, is it possible to be disappointed in your soulmate who...isn’t who you think they are?
Nagito watched the three dots appear and disappear on his phone screen for some time. He wondered if Hinata had the same feelings and was typing out a novel, or was going to go for a whole spiel that his soul mate couldn’t possibly be as bad as he hoped.
Unknown: I think that depends on what kind of pedestal you put them on to begin with. For me, I just want someone to be my friend. I’m not relying on the string to tell me that I’m loved. I don’t want that. I want my soul mate to prove it with their actions, their words, and I’d do the same for them. Can I be disappointed in looks? Maybe? I mean I fantasized what they might’ve looked like, but again imagination and real life don’t equal.
That was…
Komaeda: For someone as talentless as you, you certainly hold a lot of hope don’t you?
Unknown: I was wondering when that was going to be brought up.
Nanami must’ve in turn told Hinata that Nagito knew about him being talentless. He didn’t mind, it was going to come up eventually, he supposed. He wondered why he was even still talking. There was no point in conversing with someone that would just ride on the glory of the others who worked hard to get where they were.
Yet he was still glued to the phone and decided to respond.
Komaeda: Don’t you feel ashamed being friends with Nanami-san?
Unknown: No, but I’m sure she feels like she could be ashamed of me sometimes. Have you seen her get angry if you manage to beat her at a game?
How many times was Nagito going to get whiplashed emotionally in this conversation? The Ultimate Gamer, beaten? That was unheard of, that wasn’t supposed to happen! He would have to check in on Nanami later and see if she was feeling alright. Maybe Hinata caught her when she was sick or out of it. Sometimes, Nagito worried that Nanami didn’t get enough sleep or enough TLC for herself.
Komaeda: Really? You beat the Ultimate Gamer?
Unknown: Chiaki-chan doesn’t care about winning or losing, she cares about having fun. She cares if other people are having fun too. I’m sure she threw some of the games to give me a fighting chance, or at the very least played casually so that I could keep up with her.
Oh that made a lot more sense. The relief that Nagito felt was instantaneous. Nanami certainly lived up to her Ultimate then. It...made him wonder though why she would be so kind to do that for someone that was talentless. He saw her gather some of their classmates together for a friendly game of smash, and she kicked all of their asses. Of course, there were times where she didn’t play at all, and stood in the background, happy to watch.
Komaeda: She’s a good friend to you it seems.
Unknown: I try to be a good friend back. That being said, you sound like your soulmate did something to make you upset.
Komaeda: Found out that they were unworthy of my time.
Unknown: …….
Unknown: Did you even give them a chance?
Komaeda: Why should I? I don’t think you understand Hinata-kun, but those who are talentless should know their place. They should be watching us and be our stepping stones for the betterment of hope! They get to see what we can do and I think that’s amazing as is, but they shouldn’t be trying to get in our way.
Unknown: I pity your soulmate, Komaeda.
Unknown: Because that’s pretty fucking shallow.
Unknown: I’m sure they would be amazed by you and your talent, as baffling as it is.
Unknown: And maybe you're pushing them away because you think that something bad can happen to them because of your talent.
Nanami must have told him that.
Unknown: Chiaki-chan told me that your luck swings back and forth right? For every bad comes a good or something? I don’t really get it, I never thought luck could be a talent, let alone a power, but I saw enough weirdness going in and out of Hope’s peak and I’m just a guest there.
A guest? Komaeda blinked.
Unknown: Did you want to know something?
Unknown: I could’ve taken a chance to be at Hope’s Peak.
Unknown: I could’ve had talent and be in the same class as you.
Unknown: Chiaki-chan met me that day at a fountain, I was heavily debating about whether or not I wanted to take a chance.
Unknown: Because to have that talent.
Unknown: Hinata Hajime would disappear.
Unknown: I wouldn’t know my friends.
Unknown: My family.
Unknown: I would be a completely different person than I am now. I couldn’t take that risk. I couldn’t throw away everything.
Unknown: Because I know for a fact I would’ve lost my soulmate too.
Nagito stared at the wall of text that had suddenly been spammed in front of him. Hope’s Peak offered...a method to get talent but in order to do that, Hinata would’ve had to lose everything? Komaeda looked at the string that was on his pinky, a dull maroon that was starting to get some color back. Maybe it was the trick of the moonlight that was currently streaming through his window.
How was he supposed to respond to that? It was absolutely insane to just toss that sort of opportunity to the side. Yet Hinata thought about all of the people he would have left behind because of the glory of talent. What did that mean?
Nagito thought for a moment.
Komaeda: How do you think I should try to reconnect to my soulmate?
Unknown: Normally I tug on my string. I usually give three tugs to show that I care. Sometimes I tug on it when I’m nervous or if I’m just trying to see if I can get some support when I’m thinking or emotional or something.
Unknown: My soul mate and I kinda had a system. Well I had a system. I don’t think my soulmate really understood it.
Unknown: I’d tug on it once for acknowledgement. Twice to say goodbye or goodnight. Three times to say I care, and four times to ask if they were alright.
Komaeda: Oh.
Unknown: Yeah. Anyway. Good luck with your soulmate. Hopefully mine will show up.
Nagito glanced at his pinky and carefully wrapped the string into his hand. He took a breath and gave a tight tug. Once. Twice.
The cellphone in his lap rang and Nagito quickly grabbed it.
“You were my soulmate this entire time asshole!” Hinata’s voice whispered-shouted, but Nagito could hear the humor laced in anger. “I thought it was you. You were that upset huh? That wasn’t what you thought?”
“I thought it was my bad luck.” Nagito hummed thoughtfully. “But...Hinata-kun certainly has a lot of hope...and for some reason decided to turn down a chance to be as amazing as everyone else. It makes me curious as to why.”
“No reasons besides the ones I gave you, but if you’re willing to try to figure it out, I suppose we could...talk it over.” Hinata said evenly. “I’m not expecting us to be close right away, Komaeda-kun.”
“Friends then for now.” Komaeda agreed. “I suppose the next step is to figure out a better code with that string. I honestly had no idea you had a technique on trying to get a hold of me.”
“Man, I think I’m the only one that actually thought about it too.” Hinata sighed. “Yeah okay; we’ll talk code when we hang out. When’s a good time for you?”
“Hmm. Whenever you want.” Nagito mused. “I don’t want to be too much of a bother.”
“You're bothering me, alright.”
Nagito hung up the phone and grinned amused when he saw a text message on his screen.
Hinata: Dick.
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
I think prompt #82 would be cool! Anyway you’d want to take it. Maybe pregame where they both are at a party? Honestly I love your writing and I think you could do something cool with it! Fluff/Angst/NSFW whatever you’d like! Preferably a happy ending of some sort of possible! Thanks for the consideration!
Wow. I am so so SO sorry this took so ridiculously long to write. I hope you enjoy it anon. I had most of it written a while ago, but doing the WIP challenge I found it and decided to finish it! Again, so sorry it took forever. It’s ingame, not pregame, so I hope that’s okay!
The Party
Words: 4613
Prompt: 82.  “You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this.”  “I’m not drunk at all. You’re just blurry.”
Summary: Shuichi goes to a party! Drunk shenanigans ensue!
“So, Saihara-kun, did you decide whether you are coming to my party tonight?” Shuichi jumped at the sudden presence of a young girl standing in front of his desk.
“A-akamastu-san,” Stuttered the startled detective, as Kaede leaned in inquisitively. “Umm, yes, I’ll be there.”
The ultimate pianist pumped a fist in the air in triumph. She turned around towards the other side of the classroom and shouted to a group of students talking and laughing amongst themselves.
“Saihara-kun said he’ll come tonight!”
“That’s what I like to hear from my sidekick!” responded Kaito, who proceeded to flash a smile and his signature thumbs up. Maki gave a curt nod of approval from next to him.
The rest of the students congregated near Kaito and Maki gave similar nods and words of praise followed by a few cheers of approval.
Shuichi blushed, “Me being there w-won’t make much of a difference on the party. I-it’s really not a big deal.” He felt himself hiding his face in the cap that rested loosely on his head.
Kaede could tell he was growing anxious from being the center of attention. She took his hand in her own and pulled him out of his chair.
She gave him a warm smile as he rose, and he slowly responded with a small, nervous grin.
“We’re all just thrilled that you’ve decided to hang out with us outside of school! There are no expectations of you at this party, we just want to hang out with you, Saihara-kun!”
Shuichi breathed a small sigh of relief as he felt his body relax just a bit. While attending Hope’s Peak High school for the past few months, he had managed to grow close with several of the students. He considered that an incredibly impressive feat, as he was terribly intimidated by his fellow Ultimates. After all, he never thought he deserved to be at the school, as his first case was a mistake that haunted Shuichi constantly. This inferiority complex accompanied with his social anxiety (especially in group settings), made hanging out with his classmates outside of school a fear-inducing scenario.
After a few words of encouragement from Kaito, the group began to go back to their previous conversation. Kaede nudged Shuichi and spoke quietly where only he could hear, “I’m so proud of you for going to this, and hopefully you’ll have a wonderful time! I know you’re nervous, but thank you for facing that fear for our sakes!”
Shuichi cringed at her sweet smile.
I wish my intentions were that pure.
Shuichi was not going to this party for Kaede. He was not going to this party for Kaito or Maki or any of his supportive friends. He was going strictly to investigate. There was a thorn at his side, an unexplainable enigma of a person that perplexed him. It was equally bothersome and intriguing, and when Shuichi caught wind that he would be attending Kaede’s party he had made up his mind to overcome his anxiety for a night and go to learn more.
This party isn’t a social event for me Kaede, I’m sorry. I just need to figure him out. I need to know his motives and what he’s thinking…Ko-
“Saihara-chan  ̴!”
Speak of the devil.
Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, also known as a consistent source of Shuichi’s distress, skipped into the classroom, a childlike smile adorning his pale face as he made his way to the detective. The green haired Rantaro Amami followed behind, sighing like an unenthusiastic babysitter.
“Oma-kun…I t-told you, that name’s too girly for me…” Shuichi sighed, knowing that insisting that Kokichi use proper honorifics for the umpteenth was useless.
“Well kun is way too harsh to describe a pretty boy like you!” Kokichi spoke in a sing-song tone, but his face held a mischievous smirk.
Shuichi blushed involuntarily and Kokichi’s eyes lit up.
“Is my beloved Saihara-chan falling for me?” After the words left his mouth he suddenly got closer and his eyes face darkened as he whispered, “What happens if the detective falls for the supreme leader of evil?”
“Nyeheehee!” His face was back to his regular devious smile, and he leaned back from the detective, hands resting behind his head, “As much fun as it is to torture you, I actually came because Rantaro told me that you were coming to the piano nerd’s party tonight!”
Rantaro shrugged as Shuichi looked at him. The green haired boy had an unnatural talent for being the first to know anything. He always had the most popular music, clothes, and anything else that was trendy months before it became mainstream.
Maybe Rantaro should have been known as the Ultimate Hipster instead of the Ultimate Adventurer… But wait, he wasn’t even here for that conversation! How did he-
Rantaro, seeing Shuichi’s confused expression, lazily nodded in the direction of a tall boy sitting in the back of the classroom, “Shinguji texted me.”
“Oh okay…” Shuichi responded, not knowing that the two were even friends. He turned back to Kokichi, “Yeah, I’m going to the party.”
Kokichi’s face lit up, “That’s great! I’m so happy I won’t even poison your drink like I was planning! I’ll still poison Miu’s though, since I heard that doing random acts of kindness helps build a stronger community! I mean freeing everyone from a long-term headache is pretty kind, don’t you think?”
“Shut up, Cock-kichi!” screamed the abrasive inventor, running over to the boy at the sound of her name.
The two started flinging vulgar insults at each other and Shuichi decided that that was a good enough distraction to sneak away from the situation. As the detective took step out the classroom door, he glanced back at the two fighting. He locked eyes with Kokichi. The boy grinned that conniving grin as he mouthed:
“See you tonight.”
Shuichi rushed out of the room, irritated with Kokichi’s deliberate flirting just to take him off guard. He had a purely professional interest in Kokichi Oma. As a detective it was his duty to find out if any of his claims about running a massive evil organization and committing crimes were true. He didn’t think so, but he needed to figure out how to tell if Kokichi was lying. He wasn’t obsessing over a classmate.
I have a moral obligation.
He told himself that as he had watched the supreme leader during class the entirety of last week. Shuichi sat behind him, so it was natural for him to look that direction. He had watched how he interacted with different people, physical reactions, and facial features, but hadn’t come to any clear conclusion on the boy having a ‘tell’. He wished he had more opportunities to stare into Kokichi’s large violet eyes, not because he thought they were mesmerizing, but to get a read on the boy of course. It also didn’t help that Shuichi had no baseline. Since Kokichi lied about everything, there were no clear truths or lies to base a pattern from. Kokichi was truly a mystery for Shuichi to solve. A mystery Shuichi needed to solve.
A mystery wrapped in white cotton and soft purple hair, smelling slightly of lavender.
And so it was in his unquestionably professional interest that he attended the party that night.
He arrived at the venue an hour after the party began, as he had read somewhere that that’s the cool thing to do. Rantaro opened the door, holding a red solo cup in hand and smiling wider than Shuichi had ever seen him before.
“Welcome to my humble abode!” he swayed, definitely tipsy.
Although Kaede was throwing the party, Rantaro had offered his off campus flat (special permission was given to him by the school to stay there instead of the dorms) as a venue for the party. It seems that one of the benefits was that the students could drink freely without worry of getting caught drinking on campus.
“Come on in, make yourself at home! Drinks are over in the kitchen!” Rantaro sauntered off, zigzagging through the many people contained in the modestly sized flat.
So. Many. People.
There were more people than just Shuichi’s classmates. It seemed as the entirety of Hope’s Peak was crammed into the two bedroom apartment. The music blared and a blur of unrecognizable faces practically swallowed the detective. He inhaled sharply.
You can do this.
He nervously stepped into the mass of people, following the flow of steps and desperately looking for any friendly faces. His panicked anxiety causing him to forget his true motive for being here almost immediately. He ended up in the kitchen, the sound of Kaito’s loud voice drew him like a magnet.
“Damn it, how’d you win again?” Kaito yelled, an exasperated Maki lightly holding him back from flipping over the beer pong table.
The fluffy haired blonde at the other end of the table smiled kindly at the shouting astronaut, “I’m sure you’ll beat me next game! I’m worthless, nothing compared to an actual ultimate such as yourself!” the boy’s eyes got wider and more wild and Shuichi took a step back instinctively, “My luck is bound to run out soon, so when it does please use me as a stepping stone to bring hope to every beer pong enthusiast in the universe!!!!!” He cackled.
“Komaeda, you need to chill with giving that hope speech to everyone we meet… you’re really hurting our friend retention rate,” a brunette male mused next to the still manically laughing blonde. He took the boy’s hand and said quieter, “Also… you’re not worthless.”
Little did the brunette know, that Kaito was too competitive to back down from a challenge, even one from a self-deprecating hope-enthusiast.
“Oh it’s on! Maki Roll, you ready to play one more round and beat this punk?” Maki sighed in anguish and glanced up, locking eyes with Shuichi.
“Saihara!” she said uncharacteristically enthusiastically, “You just got here right?”
“Hey guys, yeah I just got here,” Shuichi walked up to the pair.
“Perfect. Kaito, meet your new partner.”
“Eh? But-” Shuichi was instantly silenced by the intense glare Maki shot him. She quickly pushed the two closer and dashed off, avoiding various people and obstacles with reflexes faster than what should be capable of the ultimate child caregiver.
“Haha! I guess Maki Roll got sick of me!” Kaito chuckled, “I guess we have been playing for a while now... but this kid is just so annoyingly lucky… That’ll change soon if I keep playing!”
I need to remind myself to never take Kaito gambling.
It turns out that Kaito and Maki had been playing beer pong since the party began.
No wonder she got out of there. I guess I’m stuck now, but this is way better than standing around not knowing what to do with my body.
Nagito threw the first ball, and it plopped softly into a cup.
“Newbies take the first drink!” Kaito cheered, patting his sidekick on the back. Shuichi sighed and took a drink of the amber liquid. The cheap beer went down his throat with only a mildly repulsive aftertaste.
And, as an added bonus: For the first time since he arrived, Shuichi was able to loosen up a bit.
And he continued to loosen as the boys began their devastating losing streak to Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata.
“Prretty ssure we almosst had em that time,” Kaito slurred as he swayed at the end of the table, obviously drunk from spending two hours losing badly at beer pong and, as a consequence, drinking a lot of beer. Shuichi, having started much later, was not wasted but was still very tipsy.
“Kaito- Kaito I think we gotta be done. You’re too…you’re too drunk.” The detective stumbled over his words, struggling to sound as sober and authoritative as possible. The wasted Kaito agreed eventually, stumbling over to the couch when he saw that Maki was over there. Shuichi smiled and rolled his eyes at his friend’s predictable nature.
He watched him sit and talk with Maki and sighed in relief at being released from mom mode. He wandered around in the flat, no longer anxiety ridden. Shuichi felt confident, and also fuzzy, like everything was a little out of focus.
But mostly confident.
Shuichi suddenly noticed a black and white checkered scarf in the distance, a flash of purple entering what seemed to be Rantaro’s bedroom. Shuichi followed the boy in as much of a straight line as he could, to discover what he was doing. He peeked in to see Kokichi in the dimly lit room sprawled on the bed, scrolling through his phone, and very much alone. Kokichi quickly looked up and caught the not-so-sneaky-especially-while-drunk Shuichi staring at him in the doorway.
“I-I umm, hi Oma-kun.” Shuichi said, disappointed that he’d been discovered so easily.
“Saihara-chan, hi. Come to escape the noise, too?” His demeanor seemed different than at school as he sat up on the bed. Calm and quiet. But as his Shuichi entered the bedroom, his mask quickly reappeared, “Or did you come to be alone with me?” He crooned.
Shuichi rolled his eyes at the boy’s usual aggressive flirting to make him uncomfortable trick and plopped down on the mattress next to the supreme leader. Kokichi raised an eyebrow in interest.
“You’re a weird guy, Oma.” Shuichi stated, no malice in his voice, “I can’t figure you out.”
Kokichi laughed, “You just figured out that I’m unsolvable? Man, maybe you’re not the ultimate detective after all!”
“I wouldn’t say unsolvable. It’s certainly a pain though,” Shuichi sighed and fell backwards, letting his head hit the sheets.
“Then why do you keep trying?” Kokichi asked, head tilted like a puppy.
Shuichi stared at Kokichi for a second and laughed out loud. Kokichi looked taken off guard for once.
“You know, that’s a really great question,” Shuichi smiled up at the boy looking over him, “I keep avoiding that question myself, so I don’t think I could give you a good answer.”
Kokichi laid back on his back beside the detective, meeting his gaze.
“Ya know, most people are boring. They’re predictable and easy to figure out. I’m glad I don’t bore you, Saihara-chan.”
This time, hearing Kokichi call him Saihara-chan didn’t seem to bother Shuichi. Kokichi said it like it was an endearing nickname.
Kokichi continued, speaking quieter, “And you know… you’re not boring either. To me I mean.”
As weird as it was, it seemed that Kokichi had given the detective an honest compliment. It didn’t seem backhanded or sarcastic, unless Kokichi was a much better liar than Shuichi had previously suspected.
The detective couldn’t help but blush a little.
The two boys laid there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, but soon enough Kokichi jumped to his feet, his mischievous smile once again plastered on his face.
“We better hurry back, or we’ll look pretty suspicious! Alone in a bedroom like this! What will your dear Kaito say?”
Shuichi rolled his eyes and stood to his feet, instantly remembering that he had a lot to drink as the room shook slightly, “Yeah let’s go.”
The two boys exited the room to find the flat much emptier than a few minutes prior.
“How long were we in there?” Shuichi wondered out loud.
Shuichi and Kokichi made their way to the kitchen, and after being forced into taking shots with a drunk Kaede and Rantaro, the two told them that after learning that Rantaro’s apartment complex had a volleyball court, a large chunk of drunk students had gone to play a game.
“Well, I say game, but Akane Owari, from the other class, is ready for war,” Rantaro sighed, “She challenged Nidai to a volleyball showdown and things may have gotten a little out of hand when someone suggested it be boys vs girls. Needless to say, Chabashira is out for blood…”
Shuichi winced when he heard that. Tenko was ready for any chance to bring the population of degenerate males down a peg or two.
“Well what’s the plan now Amami-kun?” Kaede asked, a little disappointed that so many people had left her party at once.
“Well there’s still a bunch of people around,” Rantaro noted as he looked at the no longer packed apartment, “So we could always play a group game.”
“Like truth or dare or something?” Kaede asked, eyes lighting up.
“Ugh, truth or dare sucks,” Kokichi groaned, “half the game is so boringgggg. Why don’t we play dare or drink?”
“Dare or drink?” Shuichi lifted an eyebrow.
“Yeah! My organization created it to get rid of the worst part of truth or dare: the truth! Of course we used play a slightly different version… ‘Dare or Die’…but we had to switch it up because we were losing too many people!”
The three others sighed at Kokichi’s outrageous lies. At least Shuichi was pretty sure it was a lie. But the group agreed and Kaede gathered a group of people together. Shuichi happily accepted Rantaro’s offer of another shot. He let out a hiccup and a small giggle as he poured a drink for the game, which caused Kokichi to scan his narrowed eyes over the boy.
“Are you good, Saihara-chan?”
Shuichi saw what he surmised to be genuine concern on the boy’s face.
This is my chance to get back at him!
“Aww, are you worried about me…Oma-chan?” Shuichi mimicked Kokichi’s usual sing-song tone, and even copied his use of chan. He stuck his tongue out at the boy when he didn’t receive a reply, and he sauntered off towards the gathering group of teens. He smiled to himself that he had been the one to catch Kokichi off guard for once. He didn’t know that the supreme leader had stayed back to hide his red face from him and the others.
Soon, the students that hadn’t gone to play or watch the volleyball war taking place outside were gathered in a circle to play ‘Dare or Drink’.
“I am so thrilled to experience a classic game from your culture! I am ready to absorb as much information as I can about this ‘Dare or Drink’ for the people of Novoselic!” shouted a very excited Sonia Nevermind.
“Umm…Miss Sonia…it’s not actually a classic game, Oma-kun made it u-” Kazuichi Soda attempted to correct the princess but was interrupted by a still very drunk Kaito.
“Soda! I dare you to write out an embarrassingly sexy text and send it to a random contact in your phone.”
And so the group began their game of dare or drink.
Shuichi could barely remember why he had ever been nervous to hang out with his classmates outside of school.
With alcohol involved this is easy!
“Saihara,” Rantaro purred, “I dare you to kiss a guy in this room.”
Never mind. This is awful.
“H-huh? W-who?” Shuichi stuttered as he glanced around the room.
Rantaro hummed at the question, then a sly smile overtook his face, “Pick the guy you think is the cutest…”
Shuichi focused his mind a bit, and thought.
Do I find any of my classmates cute? I mean Momota is an attractive guy, but I just think that in a best friend kinda way, plus he’s really not my type. Amami is attractive, but I don’t think he’s anything compared to Oma, I mean his cute face and those eyes… Wait a second…
Do I like Oma?
He looked over at the boy, who was now giving him a sultry stare and licking his lips.
“I choose drink!” Shuichi blurted out, his face now beet red.
“Aww even drunk Saihara-chan is a prude! How predictable!” Kokichi laughed as Shuichi chugged the rest of his mixed drink.
He couldn’t help but be more than a little hurt by the words of his newly realized crush. Even if said crush didn’t realize his new status.
I mean I came to this party for him, after all. Even if he doesn’t know it. That’s pretty rude.
Because it was true. Although Shuichi’s intentions had been ‘purely professional’, he had indeed come to this party to get to know the supreme leader. And now here he was being accosted by the one and only. That pissed drunk Shuichi off.
“Oh yeah? Well let’s see how you do with the same dare,” Shuichi tried to glare as menacingly as possible at the boy sitting across from him, which only was effective at making Kokichi laugh harder, “I dare you to kiss the cutest boy in the room.”
“Is repeating dares even allowed?” muttered a monotone Maki, but Rantaro shushed her quickly.
“My house, my rules. And I say yes,” He smirked.
“Aww but I can’t kiss myself Saihara-chan! So I guess I can’t do your dare! So sad!” Kokichi gave the detective a dramatic sigh and a pout.
Shuichi didn’t back down, “You can’t count yourself, Oma-kun.”
“Psh. As long as you agree that I’m the cutest one,” Kokichi sang as he stood up and sauntered around the room, lingering on each and every guy sitting around the circle. While inspecting them he announced, “And don’t worry, I’m not gonna wimp out like Saihara-chan! I take this dare very seriously!”
Shuichi rolled his eyes as he popped open a beer that was sitting nearby.
“Eenie meenie miney-” Kokichi lilted nonchalantly as he made his way around the circle. He stopped in front of Shuichi and grinned, “Mo.”
“We gotta get rid of this emo hat!” Kokichi plopped in front of the detective and quickly removed the hat placed on his head, much to the other’s dismay, “Yep I was right! Saihara-chan really is the prettiest boy here!”
“Wh-what?!” Shuichi stammered. He saw Rantaro chuckling in the background while Maki and Kaito watched the two with abject horror.
“Wwwwhat, you didn’t know you were cute? Were you born in that hat or something? Have you never seen your eyes?” As he bombarded the detective with questions he leaned in closer to the detective’s ears and whispered, “If you really don’t want me to kiss you, just say so. I won’t.”
Shuichi thought about it for a moment and then quickly shook his head, “N-no. It’s fine. Go ahead.”
Kokichi smirked at the answer, “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
He dove onto Shuichi, effectively knocking him onto his back and slammed his lips onto the detective’s. It was a powerful kiss, and at the impact of the ground behind him and Kokichi’s lips on his own, Shuichi let out a gasp. This proved to be the perfect moment for Kokichi to quickly push his tongue into the other’s mouth. Their tongues danced around one another in a strange tangled tango; it was saliva heavy and warm, but decidedly not unpleasant in the slightest.
Shuichi wasn’t sure when he had wrapped his arms around Kokichi, but he had, pulling the smaller closer to him, needing to feel his body heat near his. The smaller had his arms around his neck, his fingers instinctually kneading and caressing the nape. This, along with the feeling of tongues twisting and swirling against one another in his mouth, caused Shuichi to let out an embarrassing moan.
With that Kokichi immediately pulled off of him, untangling his arms and quickly throwing them behind his head. He smirked, “And that, ladies and gentleman: is how it’s done.”
Rantaro, Soda, Sonia, and several others whooped and clapped for the boy. Oma proceeded to bow dramatically as a red-faced and still panting Shuichi finally managed to sit up.
Well that really didn’t go how I intended it to go… but…damn.
Shuichi stared at the supreme leader, now laughing and daring Kaede to do something embarrassing. He wasn’t listening, his eyes just focusing on Kokichi’s lips.
Those lips just…kissed me…
Shuichi quickly inhaled the rest of his beer as a distraction.
Rantaro let out a yawn and quietly said, “I think the game is over.”
It really was. The game of Dare and Drink had quickly devolved into a sort of spin the bottle type game, where all the dares now had to do with kissing someone. Shuichi was thankful that he had not been forced to kiss anyone else besides the one time with Kokichi. He didn’t want the flavor of grape chapstick to fade.
As the group dispersed, Shuichi stood and instantly regretted it. The room spun around him and he had trouble balancing. A hangover was inevitable in his near future.
“Ah, Rantaro. Can I crash here?” Shuichi asked wearily, and the green-haired boy smiled cooly in return and said of course.
At least now I don’t have to worry about getting home.
Shuichi thought that while finishing off his umpteenth beer. That’s when he noticed Kokichi alone on the couch. He wandered over, in as straight of a line as he could, and plopped down next to the boy. Kokichi glanced up and grinned, “Just couldn’t get enough of me Saihara-chan?”
“Hmm. Maybe I just felt bad for you,” Shuichi hummed, “You’re sitting all by yourself.”
Kokichi stuck out his tongue and Shuichi couldn’t help but eye it a bit hungrily, “Or maybe you were just desperate for another kiss! Well that’s just too bad, Saihara-chan. You shouldn’t have wimped out on your dare! You could have gotten a second kiss with moi!”
Shuichi frowned, “You seem awfully convinced that I would have chosen you for my dare.”
Kokichi feigned shock, placing his hand over his heart like an overdramatic actor, “Are you saying you wouldn’t pick me?! I’m hurt! Wounded even!” His expression instantly changed to boredom, “But that’s a lie, of course.”
“Which part?”
“Who knows?” Kokichi giggled, “Does it even matter?”
Shuichi decided that this was his chance to catch Oma off guard. He smirked and leaned in, whispering in Kokichi’s ear much like he had done right before he kissed him, “It does matter. And for the record, I would have chosen you, Oma-chan.”
The usually unflappable Kokichi Oma paled and then quickly turned several shades of red. Shuichi took this as his chance and placed a quick peck on Kokichi’s lips, “There. That’s for my dare.”
Kokichi, still red faced but desperately trying to reassemble his mask, chuckled, “You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this.”
Shuichi chuckled back, and dragged his finger lightly along Kokichi’s jawline, “I’m not drunk at all. You’re just blurry.”
“You really let loose tonight, Saihara-chan,” Kokichi mused as the two got closer and closer, as if being pulled together by some magnetic force.
As they neared Shuichi pulled Kokichi into another passionate kiss, not really caring if anyone else saw. Kokichi quickly broke it and looked at Shuichi, eyes wide.
“How are you planning on getting home tonight?” There was no ill-intent in the words, but rather just genuine concern, an emotion very rarely seen from Kokichi.
“Amami-kun is letting me stay the night.”
Kokichi laughed out loud at that, then muttered, “That meddling bastard.” Shuichi cocked an eyebrow and Kokichi sighed and continued, “Rantaro. There’s only two beds. One for him and one for me. Or at least that’s what he told me yesterday. How convenient that he’s suddenly ‘selflessly’ offered for you to stay!”
Shuichi shook his head, “I don’t know about that, I mean I asked… Also I can always sleep on the couch-”
Kokichi scoffed at the very idea, “No way. No way is Saihara-chan lowering himself to sleep on some dirty old couch. Eww. Nope, it’s decided!” Kokichi looped his arm through Shuichi’s own and dragged the wobbly boy to the guest bedroom, “You’re staying with me tonight!”
“I suppose I can live with that.”
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lightcreators · 4 years
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We’ll never be those kids again, echoed Tsumiki-san words into his mind. Such reassurance, coming from her, frontally exposed to him as one of her friends was welcomed into gentleness --- or at least, what could be considered as one. He didn’t expecting to receive some appropriate treatment upon his persona when some details would be unlocked into conversations, neither an interest bring to his disgusting person. We’ll never be those kids again, she had said when he would have be so happy to becoming the indirect murderer of the rest of the survivor for catching up the traitor among them. He would have be so happy to killing them all by turning the entire killing game against them --- because they would be no one to push guilt at than himself, wanting to get rid of the monstrosity of their existence, of this opposite whom he himself had touched and explicitly refused to be. How that making him that different of memories he vaguely had of a time when despair was his value? How that could justify in any way he wasn’t neither apologetic about his own actions? The perfection of his talent turning every misfortune into something greatest --- meaning than right now, having escaping death, having touching the revival of a previous self and having greatest hope into his hands, what kind of persona would be becoming coming from that? His life never have been as insignificant that his beloved Hinata-kun into his gloomy normality or calm in the pleasure of the talents that his friends possessed --- he was the one locked in a circle, determined by the chance of the events and the beauty of the result which came from them, in all beauty and in all the horror it was these fragments attached to his personality which created him each day.
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We’ll never be those kids again, she was saying. Komaeda could picturing perfectly into his mind, if she was exposed such words to Hajime and not with him, how hope terms would have come from it: ‘we might survived something you changed us forever but our past innocence are gone and the blood in our hands are still into your memories --- we must look forward and create ourselves once more ‘. Hinata-kun would say something like that: watching towards a hopeful future; him, the boy who sacrificed his own identity for the sake of talents by becoming someone such interesting.  Passionate features were ready to come out again to the mere thoughts of any kind of hope that could bring to their experience but he managed to behave temporary. He wasn’t the right person to reassuring with when tragedies happened into his life, when disappointment hitting him --- he had been since his birth a tragedy survivor, the factory itself of hope, the personification of luck. Jealousy could even come towards Naegi Makoto in which that resourceful boy who created hope --- although having known the depths of despair in a similar atmosphere of a killing game, he had managed to create a wonderful hope without falling into deeper misfortune. Couldn't he consider fortunate while his embodiment wasn’t free from this despair?
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A frightening smile managed to originate into his lips in a certain beauty. We’ll never be those kids again, it will be longest memories their peaceful time into Hope Peak Academy when nothing could imagining how different their life would be of what they had imagined. We’ll never be those kids again, as they had overcome their greatest despair they created to themselves and the world. Pause was allowed gently towards Tsumiki-san before words come out, without any restraint in the energy and the splendor of these.  ❝ Tsumiki-san --- you are a small fragment of hope in an assembly of several, a wonderful diamond that has been polished to shine on the whole world, a beauty waiting to be seen by the rest of the world and seen as the creator of the most wonderful fragments of hope that I can imagine! A fragment who have been tainted by despair, a diamond that was broken into a thousand pieces and then rebuilt on their own by being assembled again thanks to this hope that was transmitted, a diamond with so much blood that cleaning any portion took so long --- but which was able to be reborn by shining stronger, by showing how precious and important this diamond is to the world. That's why I love each of you. This is why I love this hope which can be reborn in yourself in the greatest despair and win. ❞ He had a pause before his smile turned innocently.  ❝ --- but for you others, what has been a deeper despair, the height of misfortune, a circumstance interspersed with actions is nothing but another of a bad experience, something that you will not relive, something that you guys would be protected from because you wouldn't want to fall again. ❞ The illusion of real empathy was displayed on his features as he demonstrated how much he trusted what he had said before.  ❝ But for me, what was a horrible despair of what my own identity can generate, the negation of my own values, what this despair pushed me to do without the slightest regret to destroy it at the care, this despair who pursues like a shadow where any chance can hide a greater misfortune behind --- is just a small drop of water which adds to my experience. ❞ Indifference and disinterest perceived in his expression not caring at all about the interpretation she could make of her confession.  ❝ It’s is part of my talent of being lucky --- what this gift allowed me to live so long. ❞ A cheerful smile welcomed his features before returning into apathy. ❝  We have the opportunity to move on in our existence differently from what we have been --- but we will be marked by our own actions. We are almost back to where we started but our life experiences will be remembered. In this sense, we will no longer be the kids we used to be --- for a better hope. ❞
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