#thank you chama!!
dreamergirlatpaddock · 8 months
Some of my favorite stories, writers you are amazing switzerland blue eyes ring pop scarf secret admin miss you MI CHAMA FIND LANDO THE SLIP UP WINTER WONDERLAND chef y/n besties breakup?!! MY WIFE finally dates you are my sunshine sweatshirts team bonding loving on a sunday 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 Spilled coffees part 2 american girl & british boy it’s a match part 2 part3 New years Hurry Up Little Norris .JPG (JUST PROPOSE GODDAMNIT) you're such a dream to me 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 Can I have a kiss? Transfer proof Helpful Ex Stream interruption’s thank you, nurse can’t keep a secret i SEE YOUR FACE The First Time** The Infamous Stream It’s Your Birthday. Of Course, I’m Here YOU BELONG WITH ME LOVE GROWS GET HIM BACK I Don't like coffee reputation part 1 - part 2 - part 3 Little Pig home hero reluctant cupid bad blood storiesforpeanut ballad of lovebirds and puppy dogs just add water Don’t Wake Up Yet I Love Your Body the bosses daughter flowers BAD IDEA, RIGHT? Ella can you keep a secret? part2 ALL COVERED TALES OF CANDOR little norris orange peels Perfectly Fine
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aychama · 13 days
Hi Chama! (can we call you Chama?)
This time I don't have a question about COTL or the Royal AU comic, but about you. How was your day? Hope you'r feeling good, eating well and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated! Your art is amazing and really inspiring, so I really hope you keep on doing what you like and don't let anyone tell you that you're not capable, tell them to f*ck themselves and keep up! (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞
Aww thank you!
Im doing good 😌 Kind of got impatient with the current update for the comic because it kind of took longer than usual but all good!
Im still excited to share this whole story with you all ❤️
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leolingo · 11 months
*post mainly in portuguese. scroll down for tldr in english :)
oi!!!! trago nesse post um formulário (google forms) que faz parte de um projeto de pesquisa acadêmica de colegas meus da faculdade! se chama “QSMP como meio de observação da língua como cultura e do inglês como língua franca”, e discute exatamente o que o título diz kkkkk
são 10 perguntas discursivas sobre o uso de língua dentro do servidor, entre os jogadores e em relação ao público que assiste! no começo, tem uma introdução que explica melhor a natureza da pesquisa e a finalidade das respostas :) as únicas informações pessoais pedidas são nome e idade, tudo confidencial.
todos nós agradecemos muito a participação! o qsmp é um tema muito interessante para nós de Letras, e tem muito potencial de discussão no meio acadêmico. todas as respostas ajudam muito!
segue link:
os únicos requisitos para responder sao:
- ser maior de idade (+18)
- assistir o qsmp
qualquer duvida, pode me mandar dm ou ask!! / dm me or send an ask if you have any questions!!
tldr for non-native portuguese speakers under the cut! your help is also wanted :D
this post regards an academic research project currently on-going at my university! it’s themed around the qsmp and language use within the server — the google forms link is the primary source of data collection for future analysis :) -> all shared info is strictly confidential and purely stored for educational purposes
if you are not a native portuguese speaker, but you can still UNDERSTAND PORTUGUESE or you ARE LEARNING THE LANGUAGE, you can still fill out the questionnaire and write out your answers in your native language.
- you may use your portuguese knowledge or a translator to interpret the 10 questions on the survey!
if you are not a native portuguese speaker, can’t understand it and isn’t really learning it rn, but you STILL want to help with the research, thank you! and stay tuned! for now, there isn’t an english version of the questionnaire available — but I’ll update this post if that changes <3
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The Río Chama in Río Arriba Co, NM, near Abiquiú. Photo: Patrick Lansing (July 18, 2024)
(Scott Horton)
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Life is a long lesson in humility.
—James M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan
“Barrie should have added, “If we’re lucky.” By that I mean we’re lucky if our lives last long enough for it to be a “long lesson.” But I also mean we’re lucky to have constant reminders on how to be humble because that makes us empathetic to others and lays a foundation for being able to love and be worthy of being loved. In other words, humility breeds happiness.
“Arrogance is the enemy of humility. That need to feel like we matter beyond the confines of our little world means we can only feel important when validated by others—not by ourselves. Unfortunately, the need for that validation often leads to unhappiness. For many, the only way to feel significant is to chase after some sort of fame or popularity. This can be done through gathering “likes” on social media or by accumulating wealth to flaunt. The idea is that if others are envious, the person has proven they are more significant than those who envy them. This is the math of madness.
“For a happy few, fame is merely a by-product of pursuing personal greatness—not to flaunt but just out of curiosity about how far they can go. This is true of the athlete and the artist, the inventor and the innovator. Their joy comes from their reach exceeding their grasp. It comes from the trying more than the succeeding. This path is littered with failure and humility, which only makes them strive harder. The joy is in the striving, not in the accolades of others. Or as Janis Joplin said, “On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone.”
For me, being a speck of dust is not an existential burden but a profound relief. It is the great equalizer that reminds us we all face the same challenges of wanting to feel useful, needed, and worthy. Humility teaches us that those challenges are overcome through compassion, kindness, and love for others rather than seeking power over others.
“There is nothing that teaches humility more than aging. The increasing frailties of the body remind me daily just how insignificant so much of what I once thought was important really is. I also am acutely aware of how many opinions I had in my youth and even later that embarrass me today. That humility taught me to form my opinions carefully using facts, experts, and research rather than my biased gut or peer pressure.
“The closing door of life just inspires me to make a positive difference in others’ lives while that door is still open, even if just a crack and I can see light. Humility lights the way.”
[Kareem Abddul Jabar]
[thank you TCinLA]
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lovepeaceandtarot · 2 months
Messages channeled through music.
I'm not using my tarot, but two songs came to my mind as soon as I woke up and I believe there are messages for you through them. Usually for this type of message, I use my deck and then this time I decided to do it differently. I hope this reaches those who need to know about it. So take what resonates and leave what doesn't resonate.
The first song is called So High School by Taylor Swift from the album The Tortured Poets Deparment: The Anthology.
If you pay attention to the lyrics, it is a relationship between Travis and Taylor that refers to as if it were a relationship with a high school vibe. So the message that comes from this song is:
"You may know your next future partner or your future spouse in a period of restart or at the peak when everything is working in your favor. Your relationship will be so healthy and mature that it will lead to a high school couple vibe. Maybe your future partner or future husband will be someone who admires you a lot and is a big fan of yours just as Travis is a fan of Taylor for example. Maybe you meet at a meeting of friends or at a party or a game night where there will be someone starting the game "truth or challenge" to play in a group.
The second song is Answers by SoMo from the album that bears the same name, when looking at the lyrics of the song it is about regret and discovery of answers. But the message that comes through this song is:
“The answers you are looking for for various areas of your life are right in front of you."
Thank you for your time and I hope you like this type of post.
If you want a paid reading for a deeper reading, call me at DM!
Mensagens canalizadas através de músicas.
Eu não estou usando o meu tarot, mas chegaram duas músicas na minha mente assim que acordei e acredito que há mensagens para vocês através delas. Geralmente para esse tipo de mensagem, eu uso o meu deck e então dessa vez decidi fazer diferente. Espero que isso chegue em quem precisa saber disso. Então pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.
A primeira música se chama So High School da Taylor Swift do album The Tortured Poets Deparment: The Anthology.
Se você prestar atenção na letra se trata de um relacionamento entre Travis e Taylor que se remete a como se fosse um relacionamento com um vibe de ensino médio. Então a mensagem que vem dessa música é:
“Pode ser que vocês conheçam o seu próximo futuro parceiro ou o seu futuro esposo num período de recomeço ou no auge em que tudo está funcionando ao seu favor. O relacionamento de vocês será tão saudável e maduro que lembará uma vibe de casal de ensino médio. Talvez o seu futuro parceiro ou futuro esposo será alguem que te admire muito e seja um grande fã seu assim como Travis é fã da Taylor por exemplo. Talvez vocês se conheçam em uma reunião de amigos ou em uma festa ou uma noite de jogos onde terá alguém iniciando o jogo “verdade ou desafio” para jogar em grupo.
A segunda música é Answers do SoMo do álbum que leva o mesmo nome, ao olhar a letra da música se trata de arrependimento e descobrimento de respostas. Mas a mensagem que chega através dessa música é:
“As respostas que vocês procuram para diversas áreas da vida de vocês estão bem na frente de vocês.”
Obrigada pelo seu tempo e espero que goste desse tipo de postagem.
Se você quiser uma leitura paga para uma leitura mais profunda, me chame na DM!
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cuiizhu · 5 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Jacqueline's Secret
Mission: Don't Flatter! - Marion Blythe Card Story
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Marion: Work took a little longer than expected today. I need to finish this report soon….
Marion: Hm?
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Jacqueline: ….This is alright-nano. I’ve cleaned everything up perfectly. 
Marion: Jacqueline…? What are you doing in my room?
Jacqueline: Marion-chama!? When did you come back!? 
Marion: ? Just a while ago….
Jacqueline: Just now…did you see…?
Marion: Just now? Weren’t you cleaning up?
Jacqueline: Cleaning…?
Jacqueline: Y-yes-nano! Jacqueline was cleaning!
Marion: ……..
Jacqueline: ……..
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Marion: Something doesn’t seem right…did something happen?
Jacqueline: I-it doesn’t have anything to do with Marion-chama~~~!! 
Marion: ,,,..Eh?
Marion: Jacqueline…..?
[Jacqueline runs away]
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Marion: Jacqueline! Wait up, Jacqueline! 
Jacqueline: Don’t follow me-nano~~!
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Marion: Why won’t you tell me!? 
Jacqueline: There’s nothing to tell you-nano~~!!
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Marion: Why are you running away! Stop it, Jacqueline!!
Jacqueline: No-nano~~~~~!
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Marion: Something is DEFINITELY up!!
Gast: Ma-marion….Maybe calm down a little.
Marion: How can I! What on earth could she be hiding…..
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Marion: Even when I approach her just to talk, she runs away…. she’s definitely gotten involved in something strange again…
Gast: Surely it isn't like that?
Marion: On what basis are you saying that? 
Gast: No, it’s…just a hunch? 
Marion: …..Now that it’s come to this, I have to follow her to find out what she’s up to. 
Gast: Eh!? Do ya really have to go that far? 
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Gast: I don’t think it’s that strange for Jacqueline to have a secret or two, though…
Marion: Quit running your mouth. Or you’ll get the whip. 
Gast: Hiie!?
Marion: It’s a waste of time to just speculate like this. I’m going to check on Jacqueline. 
Gast: W-wait wait….!
Marion: What. If you have something to say, say it clearly. 
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Gast: …..I’ll help you. It looks like you’re going to need some control now. 
Marion: ….Do what you want. 
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Marion: Oi, bend over a little more. Jacqueline might see you. 
Gast: Oop, sorry. 
Male Researcher: Jacqueline! Did you find what you were looking for?
Jacqueline: Yes-nano! I think the store you told me about has it-nano! 
Female Researcher: Isn’t that great. I hope you can say it properly. I’m rooting for you, so do your best!
Jacqueline: I will do my best! Thank you everyone-nano~!
Marion: ……?
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Marion: Could it be, I’m the only one she can’t let in on this? 
Gast: Ah—....I wonder?
Marion: You, do you know something? 
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Gast: …..I promised Jacqueline I wouldn’t tell. 
Marion: Why would she only keep it from me….does she really not want me to know that badly? 
Gast: No, hmm~..... 
Marion: …………
Gast: Hm, what’s up? Are you heading back? 
Marion: If she really doesn’t want me to know, it’s better not to pry. 
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Gast: (Saying that with such a depressed face. I wanna do something, but it really isn’t my place to—) 
Jacqueline: Thank you-nano! With this, I can apologize to Marion-chama! 
Marion: …..?
Shopkeeper: Shouldn’t you have apologized right away?
Jacqueline: I couldn’t have done that-nano….Marion-chama is kind, so if I apologized he would’ve forgiven me right away. 
Jacqueline: But, I think he would’ve been sad to find out his favorite mug broke….
Jacqueline: That’s why I’ll give him a new one as a present, and apologize then! 
Shopkeeper: I see. Then apologize properly. 
Jacqueline: Yes-nano! Wait for me-nano, Marion-chama~~~~♪
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Marion: …So that time, Jacqueline was cleaning up the broken mug…? 
Marion: I should’ve noticed right away that the mug was missing, but….
Gast: She asked me for help too, but seems like she really wanted to keep it a secret from you. Sorry. 
Marion: ….No need to apologize. You were giving Jacqueline advice, right? 
Gast: Well…..now that you know the secret….what’ll you do? 
Marion: Nothing really. When she comes to apologize, I’ll just pretend I didn’t find out and accept it. 
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Marion: I’m sad Jacqueline kept it a secret, but I appreciate her sentiments. 
Gast: I see….
Marion: Let’s go. 
[Marion walks off]
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Gast: ….Marion sure is kind. 
Marion: Oi, what are you idling around for? 
Gast: Aah, sorry! Let’s quickly head back. 
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Marion: Of course. Can’t keep Jacqueline waiting.
Asch Cardsto
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ggukbooz · 10 months
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Olá amigos, tudo bem?? Abri os pedidos pagos :)
Todo mundo acaba passando por dificuldade as vezes e comigo não é muito diferente. Se puder ajudar compartilhando, eu ficaria muito feliz :) Se tiver interesse, já me chama! Caso não, engaja aí pra ajudar seu amigo artista☝️🤓
Obrigado pela atenção, se cuidem e em breve irei aparecer com mais algumas coisas pro meu portifólio
Hello friends, how are you?? I opened paid orders :)
Everyone ends up going through difficulties sometimes and it's not very different for me. If you can help by sharing, I would be very happy :) If you are interested, call me! If not, Get involved to help your artist friend ☝️🤓
Thank you for your attention, take care and soon I will appear with some more things for my portfolio
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mrskyler · 8 months
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✮⋆˙ Your own Sun˙⋆✮
「 Sunny x Affectionate! Male reader 」
English version
✮⋆˙ Anon: hellooo!! may i request headcannons for sunny with a reader whos very affectionate? thank youu!
[ Olá!! posso solicitar headcanons para Sunny com um leitor que é muito carinhoso? obrigado! ]
⌗ a/n: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST, I'M SO HAPPY! Thank you Anon for the request, I hope you like it! ‹𝟹 ( You didn't say if you wanted romantic or platonic, so I decided to do romantic. )
[ MDS, MEU PRIMEIRO PEDIDO EU TÔ TÃO FELIZ! Obrigado Anon pelo pedido, espero que goste! ‹𝟹 ( Você não disse se queria romântico ou platônico, então decidi fazer romântico.) ]
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
⌗ HC do Sunny em público:
Quando você abraça Sunny do nada, principalmente se for por trás, você sente ele ficar rígido ao seu toque. Ele simplesmente congela no lugar e não responde quando você chama seu nome e muito menos quando você balança a mão na frente dos olhos dele – tentando acorda-lo do seu transe.
Sunny fica com as bochechas e as orelhas vermelhas quando você decide mostrar para todo mundo, que você ama ele; ficando de mãos dadas, se agarrando nele como um coala ou chamando ele por apelidos carinhosos. Quando isso acontece, Sunny imediatamente se torna um tomate ambulante e logo em seguida ele pode fazer três coisas:
1° - Pegar qualquer coisa perto dele e esconder o rosto com isso.
2° - Se esconder atrás de algo como uma caixa de correio ou uma árvore.
3° - Corre.
Se você beijar Sunny na bochecha em público ou na frente dos seus amigos, se prepare para segura-lo, porque ele definitivamente vai desmaiar.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Dês da morte de Mari há 4 anos atrás, seus amigos tinham se separado e era doloroso até mesmo fazer um simples piquenique juntos. Sabendo disso, você ficou muito surpreso quando eles simplesmente apareceram na porta da sua casa um dia e te arrastaram para um piquenique.
Quando vocês chegaram na porta da igreja, você finalmente entendeu. Eles não queriam deixar Mari de fora, então decidiram fazer um bem ao lado do túmulo dela.
É um dia ensolarado e tem uma leve brisa no ar. Comendo o bolo que vocês trouxeram, você vê Hero mexendo na cesta de piquenique procurando por algo. Mas você percebe que seus olhos estão distantes.
Talvez ele esteja pensando na Mari.
Vendo isso, você tenta chamar a atenção dele. " Ei Hero! Foi você que fez esse bolo?" Ele pula um pouco quando sua linha de pensamento é cortada.
"H-Huh?" Ele olha na sua direção confuso, ele não ouviu o que você falou.
Você ri um pouco da reação dele. "Eu perguntei se foi você que fez esse bolo." Você diz apontando com o garfo para o bolo na frente de todos.
Ele responde com um sorriso: "Ah sim, fui eu que fiz (M/n). Eu usei uma receita da minha vó."
"Sério? Tá muito bom Hero! Você realmente é um ótimo cozinheiro!" Você o parabeniza pelo bolo delicioso.
Ele fica um pouco surpreso e dá um sorriso envergonhado de olhos fechados enquanto esfrega a nuca. "Obrigado (M/n), fico feliz que tenha gostado do meu bolo." Você devolve o agradecimento dele com um sorriso gentil.
Hero se vira em direção a cesta e pega o que ele estava procurando. Enquanto isso, Basil tenta acalmar Aubrey que está xingando Kel enquanto tenta impedir com que ele coma o seu 4° pedaço de bolo; e o seu namorado, Sunny, está sentado ao seu lado.
Você olha para Sunny, que está basicamente inclinado no seu braço e com a cabeça ligeiramente encostada no seu ombro. O que te deixa bastante surpreso, já que ele normalmente é muito tímido quando se trata de mostrar qualquer tipo de afeto em público – principalmente na presença dos seus amigos.
Você fecha os olhos ligeiramente, preucupado. Talvez ele esteja só desconfortável em estar do lado do túmulo da sua irmã morta e está tentando procurar algum tipo de conforto em você.
Isso faria sentido, já que hoje mais cedo quando vocês colocaram a toalha de piquenique no chão, Sunny não se sentou próximo de Mari como Hero. Quando isso aconteceu, você ficou surpreso, mas não disse nada e apenas se sentou do lado dela. Você não julga Sunny e nunca poderia, afinal, cada um passa pelo luto de uma forma diferente.
Voltando sua atenção para o seu prato, você pega o morango no topo do bolo e com um grande sorriso no rosto, coloca ele na boca. Você se remexe e solta barulhos felizes enquanto mastiga ele.
Você não percebeu, mas Sunny viu essa sua reação pelo canto do olho. Olhando para o seu próprio prato, ele vê o morango no topo do seu bolo. Com uma idéia na cabeça, as bochechas e orelhas dele ficam levemente avermelhadas. Então ele pega o morango com o garfo e coloca no seu prato.
"Sunny?" Ele pula, quase derrubando o prato no colo dele.
Levantando levemente a cabeça, Sunny vê seus olhos olhando para ele.
Ele começa a se levantar pronto para correr. "Sunny!! Se senta agora mesmo!" Grita comicamente sua versão chibi, enquanto segura uma versão chibi de Sunny pelos ombros e o força a se sentar no chão de novo. " A última vez que você correu depois de ser pego fazendo algo pra mim, você quase foi atropelado!"
Voltando as suas formas normais, Sunny não podia dizer nada em sua defesa, porque sabia muito bem que era verdade. Então ele escondeu o rosto envergonhado com as mãos, enquanto ainda tinha você segurando ele pelos ombros.
Suando frio, você dá um suspiro derrotado e vira o seu corpo na direção dele. "Você não precisa ficar com vergonha Sunny. Ninguém vai te zoar só porque você está mostrando algum tipo de afeto ." Você tenta acalmar ele e o assegurar que nada de ruim vai acontecer só porque ele deu o morango do bolo dele, para você.
Você faz carinho na cabeça dele tentando conforta-lo, mas você ainda tinha a outra mão no ombro dele caso ele surte de novo e decida correr.
Sentindo o ombro dele relaxar um pouco e vendo a cabeça dele abaixar com o seu toque, você dá um sorriso gentil. "Pronto, pronto, Sunny. Não precisa se preocupar, nada de ruim vai acontecer com você. Não quando eu estiver aqui." Você ri um pouco enquanto fingi estar acalmando uma criancinha ou um filhotinho de cachorro. Mas se fosse comparar, Sunny sempre pareceu mais um gato do que um cachorro.
Depois de alguns segundos o acalmando, ele abaixa um pouco as mãos do rosto – mostrando ligeiramente seus olhos. Mas mesmo assim, você consegue ver suas bochechas vermelhas como um tomate.
Vendo isso, você sorri. "Mas muito obrigado pelo morango, querido!" Você diz sem pensar muito. Antes que Sunny entenda o que você disse, você levanta a franja dele e dá um beijo nela, propositalmente fazendo um barulho alto de: "Muah!"
Você se afasta um pouco e dá um grande sorriso de olhos fechados, até sentir Sunny caindo encima de você.
Você não entende e pensa que ele está apenas se inclinando na sua direção como antes, então você abraça ele e sente o rosto quente dele no seu pescoço.
Enquanto isso, seus amigos estão em estado de choque com o que acabaram de testemunhar
"(M/n)...eu acho que o Sunny desmaiou-"
"O QUE?!"
⌗ HC do Sunny no privado:
Quando vocês ficam na casa um do outro, Sunny vai te seguir para todo canto como um patinho.
Quando sair do banheiro, você vai tropeçar nele – que esteve sentado do lado da porta esse tempo todo.
No momento que você se sentar na cama ou no sofá, Sunny já vai estar com a cabeça no seu colo ou abraçado em você como um coala.
Se você fizer carinho no cabelo dele, ele de alguma forma vai começar a ronronar (?) e em poucos segundos, já vai estar dormindo.
Como Sunny passou anos sem ter algum contato com outra pessoa sem ser sua mãe, ele não sabe ao certo como pedir carinho para você. Então ele simplesmente vai ficar parado na sua frente olhando para você, até você entender que ele quer um abraço ou tapinhas na cabeça.
Se você beija-lo em qualquer parte do rosto dele, ele ainda vai ter aquele rosto sem expressão, mas você consegue ver que os olhos dele suavizam um pouco e suas bochechas e orelhas ficam levemente avermelhadas.
Sunny é um ótimo ouvinte. Então quando você está falando sobre algo que gosta ou apenas desabafando sobre alguma coisa que aconteceu com você, ele vai balançar a cabeça de vez em quando para te assegurar que está ouvindo e entendendo o que você está falando.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Você desce as escadas da casa de Sunny e vai na direção da cozinha pegar algo para beber.
Abrindo a geladeira, você procura algo que gosta – mas só encontra água. Dando de ombros você pega a jarra e enche um copo.
Você coloca na boca e se vira. Apenas para dar de cara com o seu namorado.
Você cuspe a água e começa a tossir sem parar.
Sunny se assusta com sua reação, mas fica preucupado quando você começa a tossir descontroladamente.
Ele esteve te seguindo dês do momento que você levantou da cama e saiu pela porta do quarto. Mas o problema foi que você não ouviu os passos dele atrás de você quando estava descendo as escadas. Muito menos sentiu a parecença dele na cozinha – já que ele não disse uma palavra.
Você coloca a mão no joelho tentando recuperar o fôlego. Vendo isso, Sunny se aproxima preucupado, mas você estende o braço ô parando.
Você se levanta e limpa a água escorrendo no seu queixo. "Eu tô bem Sunny não se preocupa..." Diz sua figura trêmula e acabada.
Sunny está surtando por dentro.
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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felixcloud6288 · 14 days
Higurashi: Dice Killing Chapter 6
It's the final chapter of the series.
I really love the title page to this chapter. It's like a visual representation of the question "Which Rika will Rika choose to be?" Will she choose the world with Hanyu or the one with her mother?
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Rika tends to assume the worst and the start of this chapter is no exception. She thinks her parents are going to think she's crazy and is a bit surprised that's not the case. They instead conclude that they haven't considered her feelings about everything that has been happening to Hinamizawa.
The more Rika acts like Rika, the more she can feel the part of her that is Frederica fade away. And maybe she thinks that's a good thing.
And then we get the big reveal to why Hanyu hasn't been able to enter this world. In every other world, Rika was the incarnation of Oyashiro-sama. But in this world, her mother was the incarnation instead. So by the rules of this world, Hanyu cannot interact with Rika because she is not Oyashiro's incarnation.
And with that discovery, Rika has found the fragment she needs to destroy to return to her world.
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Rika and Mion's moms were apparently friends growing up. That's definitely Akane in this flashback.
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We've got signs of character development. Earlier, Rika said she wouldn't hesitate to kill her parents if necessary. That was when she was still "Frederica Bernkastel." Now that she's started to embrace being "Rika Furude", she feels the weight that comes with that action.
This series has depicted Rika's struggles to live past June 1983. For 100 years, her only concern was figuring out who was behind her murders and how she could overcome destiny. But now, she has to choose what life she wants to live.
Hanyu informs Rika that this world is good for everyone. Keiichi never shot anyone, Mion and Shion weren't mixed up during the inheritance ceremony, Satoko got along with her step-father, and even Takano is living a happy life.
I feel like the story really glossed over the Mion/Shion part though. The correct twin was taken to the inheritance ceremony in this world. This means the Mion of this world is Shion in every other world.
So I'm going back to that thing I mentioned in chapter 2 when Mion called her Rika-chama. In all the other worlds Shion uses -chama when addressing her. So since this Mion is actually Shion, I think it could either be an intentional hint to her real identity. If it was a translation error though, I'd guess it's because the translators realized that was actually Shion and used -chama because of that.
And do you know who I wish to know what they're doing in this world? How are things for Detective Delicious Ooishi? In this world, the Dam War and the series of murders never happened. The Construction Manager was never killed so Ooishi hasn't spent the last four years fighting with the Sonozakis and accusing them of murdering his friend and father figure. He's probably been spending his free time playing mahjong with his crew and will soon retire peacefully.
Getting back on track, Hanyu tells Rika that she must fight; she must choose between two unknowns and accept whatever happens. There is no going back on this decision. Rika has until sundown tomorrow to choose. If she does nothing, she is choosing to stay in this world.
And just in case she chooses to stay, Rika makes sure to say her necessary final words to Hanyu.
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That above panel looks like she's praying and thanking god.
And the next day, she decides to be Rika Furude for the day. She goes to school; she plays games with her friends; they walk home together; she meets her parents at the shrine; she watches the sunset over the village from the lookout point behind the shrine.
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As the sun sets on this world, Frederica Bernkastel reads the entirety of the poem from chapter 1. The snippet by itself told of a god who offers boons to its worshipers but they always lament that what they're given is not something else. Eventually god decides to make it rain until they decide what will make them happy.
And now the story continues. The people continued to lament about whatever god sent down from heaven and as this continued, god sent new things down to address whatever the people lamented about from the last time. The lamentations only stopped when god sent down boulders from heaven.
After, god sent down rain from the heavens and travelers thanked god for the rain as it would help them continue their travels. The enjoyed the rain and called it a blessing because it was unexpected, while the people who used to always be with god complained about god's gifts not being what they wanted. "God saw them off without a word. As it should be, Gods and dice are best when silent."
This is my favorite writing from Frederica, and it probably is because it's more of a parable than a poem. It also comes with two back-to-back double-page spreads of the final shot of the village as the sun sets behind the mountain. I could vividly imagine the sun moving down the sky as I read the poem. And at the final verse, it has fully moved behind the mountain, the world fades to black, and we say goodbye to it.
Rika wakes up and the first thing she sees is Dr Yamamoto Irie. She's been unconscious for a month since colliding with that truck. As Rika composes herself and processes that she's back in her world, she realizes this means she killed her mother. But Hanyu assures her that it was only a dream and nothing more.
So Rika was unconscious for a whole month? Good job Rika. You wasted your first summer vacation in who knows how many years cause you insisted on doing something dumb. Satoko wasn't able to attend the Famicom launch event cause she was too worried about you.
Rika ultimately chose this world but then she begins to lament that this is a world built on sin and misery. But everyone assures Rika that she made the right choice. In that other world, they may be guilt- and sin-free, but they hadn't grown as people because of their hardships and trials.
And when Rika asks if it would be better to live in that world if they had the choice, Rena dodges the question by giving Rika a quick challenge. She takes some candy and asks Rika to guess which hand it was in. Rika chooses Rena's left hand and wins a piece of candy. And when Rena asks if Rika is happy, Rika says she's happy because she won. But then Rena shows what was in her right hand.
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And Rika suddenly thinks she lost because she was made aware of a better option.
So I guess Rena's answer is there is no point in considering what-ifs and what-could-have-beens. You can't go back and change things and maybe you won't actually be happier if you could. You can only choose one thing, accept the outcome, and find whatever happiness you can out of it.
Rika has spent 100 years trying to live past June 1983. During that time, she forgot how humans only have their one life and their one chance at everything. When things didn't go Rika's way, she had the option to start over and try again. But this approach to life can never give her a happy life because she could always consider how can she make things more right and more perfect rather than accepting what is, and trying to make the most of now and the future.
Once Rika and Hanyu are alone, they have a serious discussion about what Rika has done to get to this moment. This is not a perfect world and many lives were lost to get to it. Rika knew her family would die in 1981 but she neither did anything to stop it nor care that they would die. That other world made her realize that she chose to let her parents die.
The chapter says she chose to kill her mother in every world. But I think that's a bit too harsh. Even if Rika tried to save them until she no longer could, her parents would likely have still died in the end.
What I think matters most is she understands what she has actually lost with their deaths. Before, she saw this as a perfect world where she got everything. But in truth, there are some things Rika had to give up in order to get to this point. And like her friends, Rika now has some things she regrets from her past but can use to understand why she needs to treasure each day.
Once she's out of the hospital, she intends to visit her parents' graves and mourn what can never be. Then she will begin to truly live her life as Rika Furude, a human who is neither a witch nor divine. But for now, she rests and thinks of who Rika Furude is.
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roguemaki · 1 year
Hi again! I hope you’ve been doing well these days :)
It’s been a while since i checked my tumblr so i just saw the scanlation you had posted for the staff artbook, and i just wanted to send you a huge thank you for it since it was such a pleasure to read all the comments and messages by the staff who worked on the show. I can tell that it was a great amount of hard work so thank you so very much for doing all of these translations 😭.
Also i just had the time to watch the stream for GNF’s public MajoRaji recording and while i could understand Lynn & Kana’s episode commentary from the tweets about it on Twitter, there is this one moment between the two at the end that many people are talking about that unfortunately I couldn’t understand and no one has translated yet so I was wondering if you could translate it/ maybe even just an explanation would be helpful? Sorry in advance for taking up your time with this! I’ll link the tweet here:
Was also wondering if you watched the event on YouTube and if so, what did you think of it and what moments stood out to you? :)
Hey hey! Good to see you back on tumblr and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading through the staff doujin scanlation. :D It certainly was a lot of work but it was worth it to get a glimpse into how the crew felt about the show.
For the linked clip…
Context: MajoRaji has an ongoing "Suletta Duel" corner, where Kana participates in listener-submitted challenges (usually against whoever's guesting). The one who fails/loses also has to fulfill a specific request stipulated by the listener. In this case…
相方へ、 この1年間の感謝の気持ちを、 語尾に自分のキャラ名をつけて言おう! To your partner, declare feelings of gratitude for the last year while using your character name at the end of each statement!
So in the clip… Kana, as the loser of the duel, is saying thanks to Lynn.
Lynnちゃまがミオリネさんでよかったでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, I'm glad that you were Miorine-san (Suletta). Lynnちゃまが一緒にともにこの1年を歩んできたから私は楽しく入れたでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, we had a lot of fun together over this last year (Suletta). この1年、Lynnちゃまのことが大好きになったでスレッタ。 Over this last year, Lynn-chama has become very dear to me (Suletta). これからも、プライベートでも遊んでくれると嬉しいでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, it makes me happy that we'll continue to hang out as friends from now on (Suletta). そして、最後にLynnちゃま、大好きでスレッタ! And finally, Lynn-chama… I really love you (Suletta)!
It's super cute because Kana uses chama as her honorific for Lynn (a combo of the familiar chan and deferential sama) and ends every statement by combining the verb desu ("is") with "Suletta" as desuretta. Plus the fact that they're both so flustered at the end. :P
As for what I thought about the MajoRaji public recording overall… it was super fun! The "Suletta Duel" corner was definitely my favorite bit. Seeing Kana and Lynn competing to do a better 1-minute illustration of a random GWitch character/pose… Kana's drawing in particular is something else - it made me laugh so hard.
I've already transcribed the duel part and am planning to do a subtitled video, so please look forward to it. bO.O
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scarsofsky · 7 months
Tenho total certeza que fui a pessoa que mais te amei, e o pior é que ainda sou, mas do que isso serve?! Nem mesmo uma lembrança boa servirá para sorrisos já que no final subirá o amargo sentimento de saudade ou de que pena que isso terminou assim, não merecia esse fim. Eu entendo que em algum momento você teve planos diferentes, e nesses planos você achou que outra pessoa se encaixaria melhor na sua vida, não levando em consideração toda nossa história ou sentimento e sendo elevada a voo por um vendaval momentâneo de sentimentos? Talvez, mas sabe o que é pior, eu te amo a ponto de torcer de todo o meu coração pra que você esteja certa, seja quem for entrar na sua vida ou se já entrou, espero mesmo que ele seja muito foda, que seja superior até mesmo em tudo o que eu era bom, porque eu quero que você seja feliz acima de qualquer tipo de orgulho meu, eu quero que você seja amada e protegida, assim como eu te amei e te protegi em todo o tempo que ficamos e juntos! Quanto a mim não se preocupe, eu vou ficar bem, sempre fui muito resiliente e centrado, não vou mentir e falar que pensar nisso não é uma armadilha inevitável e que eu não caio nela todo dia, mas tenho muita casca na minha personalidade pra tankar tudo isso e muito mais, assim como eu tankava todos os problemas que viam até nós e que viam até você enquanto esteve comigo, vou superar o momento, a falta, e no final sairei mais forte disso tudo, tenho a mente forte o bastante pra te resiguinificar como a maior saudade, você já está no passado, e no final eu sou grato por tudo o que vivemos. No final pra mim não é nem melhor nem pior estar solteiro, tenho mais tempo livre e esse tempo tem sido 100% investido na minha evolução e crescimento físico e espiritual, não corro o risco de me perder ai fora, já sei tudo o que tem lá, e uma chama no meu coração arde por uma família na casa do senhor, coisa que sempre foi meu objetivo, sei a pessoa incrível que sou e creio que na hora certa Deus vai me presentear com uma mulher de alto valor que se apaixone pela minha personalidade, eu sei que demora tempo pras pessoas conhecerem a personalidade uma da outra então eu não tenho a mínima pressa, até lá sigo focado no meu desenvolvimento como sempre fui inclusive, porém agora com o prime de tempo o que faz toda a diferença, cada vez mais forte, cada vez mais focado, a cada dia com mais fé!
Thank you for all
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amontilla-port · 6 months
Capa - O Anbu da Sarada (fanfic por @ceyakushi)
Mais uma capinha pro projeto Aniverse, dessa vez pra uma fanfic de Boruto, escrita pela Naruteira @ceyakushi :3
Informações do pedido de capa: - estilo de capa: Clean / Romantica / Divertida - tema: Máscaras (Month 03/2024) - protagonista: Sarada Uchiha (adulta) - Boruto - observações: a fanfic se passa no futuro do universo ninja, Sarada é Hokage e Boruto trabalha como Anbu. Roupas próximas das originais, e não modernas. Pode ter alguns objetos como o chapéu ou manto de Hokage e a máscara dos Anbus.
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Aqui foi uma dúvida mortal, eu não sabia se as observações foram pra facilitar ou pra dificultar kkkkkkk. Pois eu sabia que não iria encontrar artes oficiais da Sarada e do Boruto adultos, e usar deles jovens seria complicado... Outro problema foi que, como não acompanhei Naruto e nem acompanho Boruto, mas esse foi fácil de resolver tirando minhas dúvidas com a Ceya, que foi um amorzinho em me responder todas elas <3
Agora, vamos ao que interessa: o conceito e a aplicação! ^^
Para o fundo eu queria algo bem soft e familiar. Pesquisei imagens da vila da folha até encontrar uma que me agradasse, também optei por suavizar o verde intenso com uma sobreposição branca com pontilhados (o que se mostrou a coisa mais cute-cute do mundo).
O princípio de suavizar o verde veio por causa do vermelho, cor-tema da capa de Hokage e das roupas da Sarada. O vermelho e o verde (se ambos estivessem intensos) em oposição iria deixar um resultado muito pesado, sobrecarregando demais a imagem. Suavizar o vermelho seria neutralizar a personalidade da Sarada, suavizar o verde foi determinar a dominância dela sobre o ambiente (algo justo, já que nessa fic ela é Hokage).
Os elementos de Hokage para sobreposição, com as chamas no fundo e os escritos da capa sobre a faixa dela vieram para reforçar a questão do poder da personagem. Tudo pra empoderar a pequena Uchiha <3
A máscara de Anbu foi o charme final da capa, assim como a Kunai, para completar e preencher com significado a capa. A máscara de raposa, pois é a que aparece na história; e a Kunai reforçando a imagem da Sarada como líder.
O resultado me agradou demais, pois colocou a Sarada como uma Hokage forte, séria e poderosa, ocupando seu lugar como uma líder dominante da Vila da Folha. Acho que consegui fazer ela num misto de soft e divertida, que foi a premissa principal que usei pra nortear a montagem. (Falei um monte aqui, hein? Kkkkkkk)
Agora, quanto aos copyrights:
- A foto de fundo é uma imagem oficial da vila da folha e a textura pontilhada que usei por cima é de uso livre (do Unsplash, como de praxe);
- A máscara de Anbu e a Kunai vieram do Freepik (salvo engano) e também são de uso livre (^^);
- Enquanto a imagem da Sarada é uma fanart belíssima feita por @uzimaho13 (Thank you so much <3).
Por fim, segue o link de onde você pode encontrar a história para ler: ~ Spirit Fanfics
Próxima parada: Mais uma capa pra fanfic do Aniverse ou retrofit de uma capa pessoal.
Até mais, galera! Beijos da bruxinha :3
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blackwolfstabs · 4 months
You're welcome and thanks for answering
I love Joey so I can see why she'd be your favorite
I didn't mention her in the first ask but I also love Vanessa from In The Heights, mainly because I just love Melissa's singing
Chama from All The World Is Sleeping is also good and I'm excited to see Laura in Your Monster
my pleasure!
Vanessa is amazing, she really got me through some tough times (as stupid as it may sound) - that movie was so fun and brilliantly executed
Chama's another one i love so much (she's a in my top 5 melissa characters for sure). she really fucked with my head and emotions, and i actually find it hard to watch the whole movie in one sitting now, but damn, does she do some deep damage
agreed! i'm very intrigued about "Your Monster". i don't know how i'm gonna watch it, but hopefully i'll find a way
thank you for sharing your thoughts! if you ever wanna talk characters, feel free to hit me up <33
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szif · 8 months
tagged by @kaijyutheater - thank you ! <3
prompt: choose 6 albums, either all time favorites or current favorites
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i settled on 3 all-times and 3 new favs :)
mckinley dixon - beloved! paradise! jazz !?
genesis owusu - STRUGGLER
ana frango elétrico - me chama de gato que eu sou sua
lady gaga - chromatica
SOPHIE - TRANSNATION (fan compilation)
PSYCHO-FRAME - Rremote God Seeker
i evoke the spirit of ms. @wrecking and ms.@heart-on-left along with anyone who would like to dig a space for themselves
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A mare and her two offspring grazing in a field near Chama, NM. Photo: Klaus Priebe (Summer 2022)   ::  [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * *
  “No single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born. It would be a bit too easy if we could go about borrowing ready-made souls.”
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
[Thank you Ian Sanders]
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cuiizhu · 6 months
Helios Rising Heroes - In the Pink!
Not Mark Time, Forward March! - Leonard Wright Jr. Card Story
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Junior: ~~~♪
Junior: “Groovies” really are the best after all★ Definitely the pinnacle of rock bands……hm?
Junior: (Over there is Sage, and……)
Junior: (M-m-ma,,,Marion….!) 
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Sage: Thanks, Marion-kun. 
Marion: Yeah, I’ll be going then. 
[Marion walks off]
Sage: …..Eh, is that you over there, Junior-kun? 
Junior: !!!??
Sage: ? Did you need something from me?
Junior: N-no!? Not in particular!? 
Sage: Is that so…? Well I was talking to Marion-kun just now, and you did come up as a topic. 
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Junior: EEEEEHHH!!?? M-marion…..about me….? 
Sage: You made a playlist and sent it to me the other day, right? We were talking about that. 
Sage: That got me a little interested in music, so I asked Marion for some recommendations. He’s the only other person I know who loves music. 
Junior: So that’s how it is….. Marion’s recommendations….. I’d sure like to hear that……. 
Sage: Should I tell you the songs he just told me? 
Junior: Would you really!? 
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Junior: ….No, actually, I shouldn’t.
Sage: Are you sure?  
Junior: I want to know so badly… but, I’ll ask Marion to tell me himself….
Sage: Aah, that kind of thing. Junior, you’re a fan of Marion, right? 
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Junior: Fwah!?
Sage: Could it be that the reason you skipped grades in the Academy was because you admired Marion….? 
Junior: N, nnnnn-no, that’s wro–, there’s no—
Sage: That’s so cool, Junior-kun!
Junior: Eh…….
Sage: Everyone has people they admire, but I think actually following their footsteps is pretty difficult. You must have put in a lot of effort. I think that’s really amazing. 
Junior [blushing]: Th….that…… 
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Junior: …… I guess so…..? 
Sage: That’s right! It’s nerve-wracking to talk to someone you admire, but wanting to talk to them anyways…I totally understand that feeling. 
Junior: That’s right~ My nerves always get to me…even if we get the opportunity to talk, I don’t even get to say a third of what I want to…
Junior: I still get nervous even just talking to him…. Ahh, I wonder if he would approach me first…..
Junior: No, I shouldn’t entertain such convenient scenarios—
Sage: Pink…..
Junior: Hm? Pink?
Sage: Ah….if you don’t like this kind of thing, feel free to ignore it, but…..
Sage: Junior’s lucky color today seems to be pink. If you try wearing it, something good may happen to you. 
Junior: Lucky color? ...Is this like, fortune telling? 
Sage: Yup. This is all I can really do, but I hope it can help you even a little bit ♪
Junior: ……
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Junior: (Fortune telling huh~...... I’ve never really thought of it before, but it shouldn’t hurt…. so maybe I’ll give it a try?)
[door slamming and Junior’s footsteps]
Junior: (Mmm, but pink is… pink, pink, pink—)
Faith: Ah, Ochibi-chan. You’re back huh. 
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Junior: PINK!!!
Faith: Eeh….?
Junior: Oi, Shitty DJ! Lend me those headphones for today!
Faith: Huh? I don’t want to. Why do I have to lend them to you? 
Junior: You only wear them for fashion anyways! I’ll put them to good use! 
Faith: No, what kind of absurd argument is that…
[door slamming and more footsteps]
Dino: I’m homee~ Ah, you’re both back too. Good work on the patro–
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Junior: PINK!!!!!!
Dino: Uwaah!? What is it, what is it!? 
Junior: Dino! Lend me that belt today! 
Dino: B-belt? Again, what is….? 
Junior: Well, Dino is all pink…. Would it work to just bring you around….?
Dino: What what what!? 
Faith: Hey, Ochibi-chan. Did something happen to you a while ag—
[door slamming]
[Jacqueline runs around]
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Jacqueline: It’s bad, terrible, horrible-nano~~~~!
Dino: Jacqueline!?
Faith: Just calm down…. What in the world happened? 
Jacqueline: It’s terrible-nano….. Jacqueline, seems to have gotten lost again-nano……
Faith: Aah….what, that’s it? Someone contact Jack or Marion—
Junior: PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Faith: Eh, wh–Ochibi-chan!? 
Junior: Hey, you! Lend me your ribbon for today! 
Jacqueline: I can’t-nano. This is the precious ribbon that Marion-chama gave me-nano. 
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Junior: Gh…that’s right… I’m jealous….no, actually that…!!!!!
Jacqueline: Does Junior-chama like ribbons-nano? If so I could lend you another one ♪
Junior: Can you really!? Could I get the pink one! 
Dino: W-what happened…Junior…..
Marion: You really helped me. Thanks for looking after Jacqueline. 
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Faith: No, she kind of landed here on her own. 
Jacqueline: Marion-chama, thank you for coming to pick me up-nano~
Marion: Jack and Nova are also worried. Shall we head back? 
Junior: ………
Marion: ….Ah, oh yeah, Junior. 
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Junior: !?
Marion: Did you make a playlist for Sage? 
Marion: He was praising it so much I got a little curious. If you don’t mind, could you send it to me too? 
Junior: Eeeeeh—!!!????
Marion: As a thank you, I could also share some of my recommended songs. Though, it’s all classical music so I don’t know if it’s quite to your taste…..
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Junior: Awawa…..awawawa, awawawawa….!!!!!
Marion: …..Is that a no? 
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Faith: Aah, no, no, that’s an, “Is that really okay, Marion!? I’d love to!”, is what he said. 
Marion: Huh, couldn’t tell. 
Marion: Well, feel free to contact me again when you feel like it. I’ll get going, then. 
Jacqueline: Bye bye, Junior-chama! Jacqueline will also look for a cute pink ribbon~ 
[bloop bloop bloop] 
[door slamming]
Faith: Aha, Ochibi-chan, you’ve been recognized as a Ribbon buddy. 
Junior: Amazing…..
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Event Story || Sage Cardsto
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