maryflorlovyblog · 2 days
Restart... It's the breath of the soul is to change the path without changing the essence is not to give up is knowing the importance of stopping breathing, observe and continue is to become more firm and determined and it is always maintaining persistence and having a focus that is: Restart... Peaceful days!
(Renan Dorea -THINKER)
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falangesdovento · 6 months
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1644- Según la Cábala, cuando el Alma toca fondo, puede impulsarse a sí misma para alcanzar un nivel superior. Las caídas en nuestra vida son producidas por nuestro Yo Superior. No son un producto del ego. En realidad, al ego le aterroriza la idea de una caída, porque es en esta etapa que encontramos a Dios, nos volvemos más espirituales, más amables, más solidarios. Una caída puede estar representada por muchas cosas: una ruptura amorosa, un accidente, un trauma de algún tipo. Lo que necesitamos saber, no creer, sino saber, es que en el mismo momento de la caída estamos generando la energía necesaria para llegar a un nivel superior”.
(Yehuda Berg)
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dani-kokama · 26 days
Não me ofenda buscando em mim a escassez de alma perdida em um mundo de mero desvaneos.
Eu não me encaixo nesse corpos robustos volumosos e cheio de curvas que o mundo da ilusão oferece, não busque em mim meros prazeres da carne.
Eu sou o que ninguém mais ver,..
Ser de verdade em um mundo de utopia é uma das batalhas que escolho lutar todos os dias. Inclusive de mim mesma.
Ser de verdade é um valor muito alto que preço nenhum pagaria.
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aruanda · 8 months
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naap · 6 months
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Oxóssi, que o Senhor me proteja de toda a maldade do mundo.
Oxóssi, que o Senhor me proteja de toda a inveja do mundo.
Oxóssi, que o Senhor prospere os meus caminhos me trazendo felicidade e calmaria.
Oxóssi, que o Senhor olhe para mim e me mostre que caminho trilhar.
Que a sua flecha e o seu arco me deem proteção
e prosperem a meu favor.
Oxóssi, que não haja amargura em mim.
Que haja amor, tranquilidade.
Oxóssi, que você seja minha fortaleza e por isso lhe peço: proteja-me.
Okê Arô, Okê Arô, Okê Arô!
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deseosombrio · 13 days
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rafissdagama · 2 years
"Não existe bode ou sacrifício de boi que seja mais forte do que uma vela acesa de quem tem fé."
- Exu Caveira.
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maryflorlovyblog · 2 days
"There is no wrong path. Learning and experience are in every path."
-Zíbia Gasparetto
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falangesdovento · 1 year
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1613- Cuanto más alto esta algo, más bajo cae. Del mismo modo, las revelaciones más sublimes se encuentran en los lugares más vulgares. Por consiguiente, si te encuentras en un lugar aparentemente vacío de cualquier contenido espiritual, no desesperes. Cuanto más bajo estés, más alto puedes llegar.
(Rebe de Lubavitch)
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encontroancestral · 1 year
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The event of the Candomblé cult, in our days, is the result of the resistance and ancestral memory of black peoples enslaved in lands located on the other side of the Atlantic shore, and trafficked both to Brazil and to other European domains on these other shores. Atlantic. Before leaving for the Americas, they were forced to leave behind everything that linked them there to serve as slaves in the plantation system adopted by the European colonizer in Brazil, partly under Portuguese rule in the Americas. The contact with the various autochthonous peoples and the oppressive relations with the European colocolonizers, ended up leading to not only religious, but cultural syncretism; that is, its constitution is linked to such experiences and to the popular knowledge that emerged from it. Because of this, it is considered an Afro-Brazilian religion, whose trace of union brings the memory of the inhumane crossings made in the holds of slave ships, also known by the nickname of tumbeiro, because many did not survive all this tragic and traumatic experience, responsible for the deaths of approximately 10 to 11 million black lives by colonial necropolitics. Some say that the expression “yaô boat”, used mainly in religious initiation in the Ketu tradition terreiros, comes from there, from the memory of the Atlantic crossings of our ancestors; that is, the men and women who made such crossings, on the same ship, could never have sexual relations. In our days, this impediment applies to the adepts of the same Candomblé.
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aruanda · 1 month
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eulembrodelemuria · 13 days
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Guardo as entradas, as passagens, para quando você as entender e as enxergar, estejam sempre livres e prontas para sua chegada.
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maryflorlovyblog · 2 days
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"⁠There's no point putting a record with bad songs on multiple devices. The transformation is from the inside out. The mind works like a recorder of all our actions, both good and bad. These will be reflected in the various moments of life, regardless of the clothes we will wear throughout the eternities."
[Admilson Nascimento Santana, The Poet of life]
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