#thank you for reading 💜💜
14dayswithyou · 6 months
I wanna ask how does Ren keep us with all the study and still manage to keep tab on MC 😭 like left alone his natural intelligence. And also how does he smell like?
Have a nice day ❤️
(Unfortunately, I seem to check this tumblr every hour, your posts mean alot to me muah ❤️)
✦゜ANSWERED: Ren doesn't have much else to do with his free time, so he spends it all watching you! And I wouldn't really say he's blessed with intelligence — but rather — he's clever in a cunning way. Ren can't solve basic math equations without the use of a calculator (/silly), but he can think of 20 different ways to blackmail someone into doing his dirty work in under 14 seconds.
As for your second question, it's already described in the demo, but he smells like mint, fresh linen, and something that's "wholly" ren!
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sunflawyer · 2 months
I know we don’t interact much (mostly because I’m shy) but I just wanted to let you know that whenever I see you show up on my dash, you just radiate so much warmth and positivity through your posts that it’s actually very comforting to see how kind you always are to folks and how inspiring you are! And I’m sorry you been dealing with negativity lately, but I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night! (@candyheartedchy)
Oh my goodness Chy!! Hi Chy!!! 💓!!!
This is just so, so, comforting to me 🥹 I'm so happy that I can bring some positivity and kindness for you and everyone! 🧡 I'm still trying to achieve it, and there are lots of obstacles along the way, but I hope I can continue to spread the love around and make the community as welcoming as possible!
I can't believe this! 🥹💗 This means a lot to me thank you so, so much Chy 😭😭💛 I'm so happy you think of me that way, its like the biggest compliment ever...!! You're my biggest inspiration and your encouragement motivates me to stay and keep doing what I love. Thank you, truly! 🥹
i hope you dont mind me drawing coral and abby as a thank you for this message! 🥹💜
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krirebr · 9 months
Krismas Party ask incoming! ✨
Where are Ransom and reader from We are the vain & We are blind now?
Thank you for asking about these two! I'm so obsessed with them and just want to talk about them all the time. 😂 Also, we need a name for this AU. I've sort of been calling it my Psycho Killer AU, because all the titles come from the lyrics of that Talking Heads song, but do we like that? Does it fit?
Anyway after Don't Touch Me, I'm a Real Live Wire, they got the hell out of Boston. Then?
Qu'est-ce Que C'est
Pairing: dark!Randsom Drysdale x dark!f!Reader
Warnings: references to feeding off people, references to group sex, references to hunting people, these two psychos just being themselves, All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
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You leaned back against Ransom’s chest. He balanced himself on one hand, while the other slowly moved up and down your stomach. You hummed into his chest. This was perfect. You were lounging on a blanket on the Champs du Mars, the lit-up Eiffel Tower looming over you.
“You happy, baby?” Ransom asked, his voice still gritty from sleep. He always took forever to wake up. You hummed your answer into his chest as the lights twinkled down on you. “I can’t believe you wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. We’re surrounded by tourists.”
“We are tourists,” you said, grinning up at him. “It’s my first time in Paris, of course, I wanted to see this.”
He wrinkled his nose in distaste. “We are not tourists. We have a place here. We’re expats, if anything. It’s your first time of many, little rabbit. We’ll spend years here.” You loved it when he talked like that, building a life together, traveling the world, wherever you wanted. This was what you’d always wanted—always deserved. And now you got to have it forever.
“You know,” Ransom murmured as his hand slowly traveled further up your abdomen, “if I remember right, you did promise me something for deigning to visit this tourist trap.”
“It’s not a tourist trap,” you chided, “it’s beautiful.” It was. The lit tower filled the night sky and the Champ du Mars was still decorated with the last vestiges of Christmas. It was all terribly romantic. “But you’re right. I promised whatever you wanted for breakfast. See anything that looks good?” 
“Mmm,” Ransom hummed as he scanned the area. You looked around, too. You liked to see if you could predict what he’d choose. Test how well you knew him, his tastes. A few people were milling about alone, but Ransom always woke up hungry, so you knew he wouldn’t be very interested in sharing. It was late enough in the night that there weren’t many families around, but the few there were would be a hard pass. So that left couples, but those were plentiful, so you’d need to narrow it down to make a decent guess. Your sense of smell wasn’t nearly as developed as his, so you were at a distinct disadvantage, you knew. Still, your eyes roved over the crowd, trying to suss out what he’d want tonight.
“Ah,” he sighed, his hand stilling on your chest, nodding towards a young couple, sitting on a blanket much like your own, bundled up for a night picnic – the man pouring wine into travel cups. “That’s an excellent vintage, I can smell it from here. It’ll add a nice brightness to the blood.”
You took his word for it. If you’d learned anything about him in the last few months, it was that he had an excellent palate. You tilted your neck around so that you could look at him. “Want me to get them for you? Bring them somewhere quiet?”
He shook his head. “I’ll come with you. I want to watch you work. You’re getting good at it.”
You grinned at him, grateful for the compliment. “It’s my favorite part,” you said, as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, lightly nipping at the skin there. You’d expected his obsession with your neck to wane now that he wasn’t able to feed on you, but even after a few months of being a vampire, his fixation remained.
“So what do you think?” he asked. “Should we ask for directions? Or maybe offer up a ménage à quatre?”
You laughed as you slid out of his lap and turned around to face him on your knees. “Well, they do say that Paris is for lovers.”
He grinned at you hungrily. “Oh? Is that what they say?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed and leaned forward to kiss him. He leaned into it, quickly taking control, making it filthy, uncaring of all the people around you. You could have sworn you could feel the blood thrumming in your veins, despite knowing that was impossible. It was how you always felt when he touched you, more alive than you ever felt when you actually were. 
He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. “Alright,” he said, ”ménage à quatre it is.” 
Tag lists are open
@stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @bval-1 @km-ffluv@texmexdarling @ladyvenera @she-wolf09231982
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loveydoveylex · 7 months
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it was so nice of ubisoft to make raylex canon :)
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stormyoceans · 2 months
(i'm afraid it's me again, the au genre anon. i loved your answer abt the regency we are au so much i had to write a little something based on what you said. it's nothing worth posting on ao3 and i don't think i can write further, but i had to share it since you were so inspiring!! i hope it's not annoying of me.)
After dodging several eager Mamas throwing their eligible offspring at him, Phum found Fang hiding in the back, pretending to examine some unremarkable painting as if it contained the secrets of the universe.
“Will you tell me finally what is the matter with you?” Phum demanded, doing his best to keep his voice from floating over the happy crowd of assembly-goers. But after watching his brother mingle with the noble and common families, all with a false smile and a tightness around his eyes, Phum had neared the end of his patience. Fang might be able to fool most people with his charm and good looks, but Phum knew something had deeply upset his brother since almost the moment they’d stepped foot in the assembly hall.
“Nothing’s wrong,” said Fang through a smile arranged as perfectly as his cravat. “Aside from me feeling somewhat over-warm. I didn’t expect it to be so crowded in here. Why are you wasting your time here with me? Go, dance! Try to have fun – though I know how loathe you are to do so.”
Phum rolled his eyes. As if this blatant attempt at distraction could work on him so easily! Fang pointedly turned away, going back to the painting he’d been using as a cover for his brooding. Apparently, the assembly hall patrons had had the idea to display artwork throughout the rooms to liven the evening, which Phum thought was an immensely silly contrivance. People didn’t come to these balls and assemblies and gatherings to enjoy art. They came to hunt for spouses, to brag about their houses or carriages or fashionable coats and dresses, and to get away from their families for a night. It was all part of an elaborate game that everyone had been playing for years and where Phum had, as always, stood on the outside looking in.
It was why he felt almost sorry for the artists themselves, who'd been invited to attend tonight's assembly. Almost being key. They were a small group, floating around the assembly, looking uncomfortable and keeping to themselves. Poor fools must be intimidated by the vicious Marriage Mart. Lady Fai, Fang’s fiancee, clearly felt sorry for them. Phum had spotted her chatting with a few of the painters earlier, her bright cheer putting everyone around her at ease. He wished she’d forget about them and pay more attention to Fang, who needed her more right now.
A nudge at his elbow startled Phum, and he realized he’d been glaring at the painting before him. It was Fang, staring at him curiously.
“Rather remarkable piece of art, don’t you think?” Fang asked.
“I don’t want to talk about the damn art,” Phum said crossly. “I’m here to find out why you’ve been upset this whole evening. Did somebody say anything to you? Do I need to second you in another duel at dawn?”
Fang smiled beatifically. “Beautiful brushwork.”
Phum made a harsh noise of frustration. He glanced once again at the painting, which he didn’t think he’d seen properly the whole time he’d been looking at it. It was just a seascape, nothing special, and he refused to examine it further. “Why you waste your time in front of this particular painting, I can’t understand. Do you really expect me to believe you’re so enamored of this trite, dull piece of art that you’ll stay here the whole time? As if anybody put any sort of real thought into this aside from ‘la, I suppose I’ll draw a pretty little sea and get to go to the ball!’ Please, brother!”
Fang’s unimpressed stare changed into a look of utter horror so sharply that Phum became uneasy. When the voice cut in behind him, the shock felt like he’d plunged into the cold waters of the painting.
“I assure you, I didn’t drag your brother in front of my painting.”
Phum whirled around – and came face-to-face with the most handsome man he’d seen in his life. Feline dark eyes set in a fine-boned face glared at him, then cut away. Phum was forced to step aside as the stranger walked past him to address Fang, ignoring Phum with the grace of a knife.
“Ah, it’s Peem, yes?” Fang said hastily, summoning his smoothest smile. “You seem to have come upon me teasing my brother most frightfully. The fault is entirely mine, I’m afraid. Is this your painting? I had heard from… from others that you were most talented. You must tell me more about this particular piece.”
Oh. Oh, no. Phum inhaled sharply and audibly. The strange man – Peem – shot him a disdainful glance, then turned back to Fang with a jagged smile.
“I wouldn’t dream of wasting your time further, my lord, with my meager thoughts,” said Peem. “You must have heard of me from my friend, Tan. He mentioned to me that you both had a prior acquaintance from town. I must say, from what I heard tell, I believed you to keep more gentlemanly company than present.”
His words dripped like honeyed poison. Without another look in Phum’s direction, as if he’d already gained an estimate of Phum and found him unworthy of further consideration, Peem bowed and marched off.
Fang had gone pale and his hands were trembling slightly. But Phum couldn’t focus on anything besides his own nausea and racing heart. What had he just done?
‘I must go after him and apologize,’ said a small voice inside Phum’s head, quiet and ashamed. Then he felt a rush of anger, the anger of being humiliated, of being so thoroughly misunderstood and cast aside. Cast aside if Phum was nothing.
“Well,” said Phum coldly, hearing himself as if from a distance. “It appears my small misstep has offended that young man. He could have waited for my apology instead of trying to humiliate me in front of this crowd. Don’t be too furious with him, brother. I hope it doesn’t get back to your friend. Who is Tan, anyway? You’ve never mentioned him before.”
There was a beat of silence. And then:
“No one,” said Fang softly. “He’s no one at all.”
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im not good with coherent comments and there are SO MANY GOOD PARTS in this that im not quite sure where to start but i love love LOVE your phum's voice, you were able to capture him so well!!!!!! his thoughts about the ball!!!!!! the way he knows that something's off with fang!!!!!! how he ends up being so harsh with his words about peem's painting partly because of the frustration he feels at fang avoiding his questions!!!!!! his first instinct being to apologize to peem right away but then getting angry at being so unfairly treated!!!!!! and then there's peem with his cutting politeness and graceful disapproval!!!!!! and fang with his quiet yearning and pain and regret still trying to shield phum from reproach!!!!!!
Lady Fai, Fang’s fiancee, clearly felt sorry for them. Phum had spotted her chatting with a few of the painters earlier, her bright cheer putting everyone around her at ease. <<< I LOVE THIS DETAIL OF FAI TALKING WITH PEEM AND THE OTHERS!!!!!!!! they're gonna be friends!!!!!!!!!
“Did somebody say anything to you? Do I need to second you in another duel at dawn?” <<< PHUM HAVING TO BE FANG'S SECOND IN A DUEL LITERALLY THE MOST IN-CHARACTER THING EVER
“Is this your painting? I had heard from… from others that you were most talented.” <<< fang not wanting to give away the fact that he knows tan but also FANG NOT BEING ABLE TO EVEN SPEAK TAN'S NAME OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“No one,” said Fang softly. “He’s no one at all.” <<< WHAT IF I WALKED INTO TRAFFIC
........anyway. sorry i kinda got carried away with this ;;;;;;; i know you said you probably can't write further anon, but if you ever feel inspired to do so JUST PLEASE KNOW I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO GET MORE OF IT!!!!!!!!! AND IN THE MEAN TIME THANK YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS!!!!!!!!!!
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i still can’t believe the lovely and incredibly talented @ps2fog wrote me a milex fic for my birthday???? 😭 i’m not even a tiny bit over the fact they wrote something specially for me, or how absolutely BEAUTIFUL it is. like genuinely, it took my breath alway. it’s the the most poetic, lyrical, introspective little snapshot of alex’s thoughts as he’s sharing a cigarette with miles, and if you haven’t read it already you should absolutely check it out! i truly feel so blessed to have made such lovely friends in this little space here 🫶🫶🫶
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crystallizsch · 3 months
Hiya! I hope you don’t mind me dropping in! I was wondering what your Ramshackle duo would think of Ellis!
side note, Yuusha and Ellis both interacting at the glimmering soirée could be fun as well!
aaah hi hi!!! i don't mind at all!! sorry this took a bit, i wanted to finish my cards for your fan event before i drop their groovies afterward B]
first of all actually i really love the princess-y vibes ellis has!! (which should be obvious bc she's based on aurora and belle) and reading about her she just sounds so really sweet and her design is pretty 🥺💖💕
also!! i love her eng va being cherami leigh bc i knew about her first through lucy fairy tail and i have a soft spot for that anime due to it being one of my first ones.
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yuuna's thoughts ━━━━━━✦
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besties! full stop. yuuna loves people who share their love for sweets.
and i believe they'd get along with her due to ellis' positive personality (and the fact that she's willing to drop that optimism to fight someone who deserves it).
also fave color being pink 🤝
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yuusha's thoughts ━━━━━━✦
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ellis being a romantic at heart??? probably a theater kid??? yuusha would get along with her so well. (ellis is just like me fr)
yuusha would also relate knowing about dancing/singing (although yuusha cant sing to save her life)
and i couldn't resist drawing them dancing in the glimmering soiree event i think they'd have fun :3
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monards · 4 months
"It's so rare for R to be in her right mind for a spell. Should she really be wasting the precious little lucid time she has writing this?" "Don't worry. For a witch, this is the most important thing."
you mean to be telling me that it's an explicit point that rhinedottir is rarely in the proper state to do spells and write things like this. and of all the choices she had not to. she chooses to write it and places importance (read. it's established as the MOST IMPORTANT THING too.) in spending said-precious-time to write something with her friends commemorating andersdotter. hoyo i need youto stare me in the eyes and real the implications of rhinedottir expending what the other's are describing as her "precious little lucid time" to commemorate and make an ode to her dead friend HOYOPLEAS
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marimbles · 1 year
at the risk of sounding like really entitled….
does anyone else have a fic that is their most popular, but you don’t want it to be, because you don’t think it deserves it, and you have better stuff, and while ofc you are grateful that people like something you wrote, it’s almost annoying that for some reason That one is the most popular. lmao
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ardenrabbit · 3 months
Hi! I just revived my Tumblr account just so I could keep in touch with you because I’m obsessed with A long and slow recovery ❤️‍🩹. It’s such a beautiful story and you have no idea how many time I go back and reread my favorite chapters. The thing is, I’ve just discovered the story two weeks ago, already 23 chapters in, and I was wondering if you have a schedule? This is in no way to pressure you, take all the time you need! It’s just a genuine question from a new fan 🥹. Please take care!
Hi hi!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!!! 💖 As much as I would love to be able to get chapters out at a reliable pace, I do not have a schedule lol. Please trust that alasr is not going on hiatus, and if I haven't updated it in a few weeks it doesn't mean I've abandoned it (people have worried about this in the past, which is the only reason I'm mentioning it here 😅). I'm kind of obsessed with writing and will write on my phone with every spare functional moment I have, but it still can take a while to finish something. So my schedule is basically just "as fast as I possibly can" lol. I truly appreciate you! I've worked really hard on it so it makes me so happy that you like it so far! 💕💜💕
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dreamaze · 1 year
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BFFL 38/∞ ↪ helping(?) hands
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carlos-in-glasses · 7 months
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Sharing a fresh link to Where All This Love Comes From now it's all up on Ao3. 107k words, rated E.
Six months after Gabriel Reyes’ death, TK grows concerned about Carlos’ drinking and brings him to a meeting at the Y. Afterwards, over omelets at the diner, the husbands open up to each other. TK reflects on meeting Carlos after years of addiction and self-destruction, while Carlos has continued to seek closure by uncovering two unknowns: The identity of his father’s killer, and how his father truly felt about Carlos as his son.
Chapter 1: A Trail to Follow I Chapter 2: A Very Nice Sweater for the ‘Y’ I Chapter 3: Snowballing I Chapter 4: Original Sin I Chapter 5: Between Two Bridges I Chapter 6: One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor I Chapter 7: A Boy’s Best Friend I Chapter 8: Your Heart, As If It Was My Very Own I Chapter 9: Coffee with Gutiérrez I Chapter 10: The Day Begins Like Any Other I Chapter 11: Lonely as a Sparrow in the Rain I Chapter 12: Happy For You, Son I Chapter 13: The Risk of Love I Chapter 14: A Night Worth Celebrating
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lisa-and-shadow · 8 months
So in the off chance anyone on tumblr is still interested in Lorath Nahr Diablo 4 fanfic. I'm popping this here for searchability.
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stormyoceans · 1 month
(regency au anon again) thank you so much for the kind and lovely words about what i sent! i was blown away that you liked it! and thanks to everybody who reblogged and commented as well, it was so sweet. i think i will end up posting that au on ao3! i actually wrote some more, so maybe i will wait until i have a semblance of plot before uploading it.
i wrote some of the tanfang backstory and made myself very sad lol. here, let me share my sorrow in a tiny snippet. i don't want you to feel obligated to comment ASAP so i won't keep spamming your inbox, but whatever else i write in this au is all dedicated to your wonderful idea and i hope i can do it justice!! and that i can post it soon.
[It would be so easy to say yes. He ached to say yes. But it was as if that moment in the shop had thrown a revealing light on the past summer of Fang’s friendship with Tan. As if he could finally see what this bond was growing into -- see what his feelings for Tan really were.
You love me, Fang thought, gazing at that beloved face. And I… I am my parents’ son.]
first of all, i must apologize for the really late reply!!!! going to the fanmeet last weekend kinda threw me off my (already usually very slow ;;;;;) rhythm and im taking way too long to catch up with everything ;;;;;;;;; i know you said it was okay if i didn't answer right away but still!!!!!! I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR WE ARE REGENCY AU AND NOT A MINUTE GOES BY WHERE I DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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amethystina · 9 months
Chapter 38 could have been the beginning of the end of Who Holds the Devil
(Slight spoilers for the chapter below)
The other day, as I was editing the chapter, my wife asked me if I was having another existential crisis (I was apparently making very worrying noises) and while I said no at first, I had to change my answer a split second later.
Yes, I was having an existential crisis.
Because I had just realised that if I deviated from my original plan for chapter 38, I could cut the rest of Who Holds the Devil in half. Or even cut so much as three fourths, if I felt like it. Sure, that would require scrapping the overarching storyline I've been building, throwing out a lot of the character development I've planned, as well as rushing through a lot of the healing/trauma work required for my original storyline, but it was possible.
Basically, if Ga On had opened that door, everything would be different. Or, for that matter, if Yo Han had heard him crying (which he didn't — sorry to those of you who hoped that he did). Because even if they had argued and Yo Han was hurt, he would go to Ga On without hesitation if he heard him crying outside his door. Because he loves him too much not to.
Point being, if they had actually talked there at the end of chapter 38, everything I have built towards would have toppled like one of Yo Han's card houses. Because Ga On would have said just about anything to right the mistakes he'd just made. And while that might sound like a good thing, it's not. Because Yo Han wouldn't take that as Ga On expressing genuine feelings for him, but Ga On panicking due to his abandonment issues. He'd think Ga On was just doing whatever he could think of in order to make Yo Han stay, including lying or gaslighting himself into thinking he's in love with Yo Han.
It wouldn't actually have helped all that much, is what I'm saying, because that's not a good foundation for a relationship.
But I COULD have done it. I could have cut down the amount of time I have left to spend on this fic so drastically that, yes, it gave me an existential crisis xD
Partly because this fic has become a huge part of my life in general — to the point where I'm not quite sure who I would be without it — but also because I realised that I was tempted. A part of me wanted to do it. Because every chapter takes everything between 10 to 30 hours to finish when you count all the writing and editing — though several times I've ended up closer to 40 (which is a lot while juggling a full-time job and long Covid). I've written 38 chapters so far and it has taken over two years. And I can't say how much further I will have to go — how many more chapters or years I'm going to have to dedicate to this fic in order to actually finish it.
So, if only for one evening, the thought of cutting it short was VERY tempting.
But, clearly, I didn't in the end. Partly because I still love this fic so incredibly much and I want to write it as it's meant to be written. Also, it would have felt like such a waste to throw away all those plot threads I've been weaving because of... idk, laziness? And I would have to force Ga On and Yo Han together before either of them are ready for it, which would result in a much more fragile relationship in general.
So, long story short, that's why Ga On didn't open the door. I know it may have seemed cruel of me not to let him while you were reading it but, if I had done it, everything would have changed — and not necessarily for the better. Not to mention that you would have gotten a whole lot less fic in the end xD
So yeah. I made the choice to stick to my original plan but, hopefully, it will be worth it in the end.
Thank you for your patience :)
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crystallizsch · 6 months
Hello Ian! ♡
I got this sudden idea for Cathie that I just wanted to share, as I also feel it's something Jamil would do!
So, since Cater has his ears pierced, I was thinking...
Imagine a single pair of earrings, where Cater wears one on one of his ears, and Ruthie wears the other on one of her ears! ♡
It's a cute way to be matching with your partner, and a small way of keeping them with you wherever you go!
I think Jamil would do this too, as not only is it subtle, but it's also a way for him to show that you are his (even if others may not know it!)
Whenever he sees you, and sees the earring on your ear that matches his, a small smile comes to his face, feeling a sense of pride ♡
And whenever he misses you, he holds the earring between his fingers, subtly rubbing where it sits in his ear. Sometimes he does it without even realizing it ♡
But yeah! I just wanted to share, cause when I got this idea for Cathie, I instantly thought of Jamil and him doing this with Yuusha ♡
Thank you! ♡
(Also, I just wanted to let you know I'll be sharing this idea with Mah too, as she also has an OC that she ships with Jamil! I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you see this ask on her blog too!)
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(the earrings are a very rough concept gksdljfsldj) (also fun fact: the reason why there's a star because yuusha's last name "tala" means star in filipino)
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and i don't know if you even intended this but i made the connection of jamil rubbing the earrings when he's missing you / thinking of you like he is wishing for you to appear ;;; to something similar to how you rub the magic lamp to summon the genie --
I DO LOVE THIS A LOT FOR CATHIE!!! the idea of cater and ruthie having matching earrings is so adorable and AAH IT JUST SOUNDS SO THEM 💖💖💖
AND AND MAH'S DAMALI AND JAMIL YES YES - ough just so cute ;;;;
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